Newspaper Page Text
1 r arldge Chips and Chatter- Castuaok, N. M., Not. 8. 1801. I' litora of tbe Old Adi Eaolk. Mesara: Opportunities are so rare (or ue to ae or hoar anything of our quiot camp, in public print, that t rail oumülve of your offer at the earli- est powiblu raomunt. Taking it for granted that tha ronjonty of your rand era are acquainted witb the location and history of our oamp, we will only apeak of it i-t it is to-day. An J oa we nr only a coal mining cuinp it can hardly be expeoted that we can rito up the Lif toff af political celfbrities or peraons of nolo as baiog located smjiigat us, bat of a hard working, qtii.-t not of minera ruado up of M ticuna nad Italians witb a eprinkliug of Engliah upookintrpeopla, a majority of which hnil from bonnif Scotland. Quite a number of our pee plo of late have bwn moving sway to Oallup, following the fortunes of a for mer Superintendent, a Mr. Jnmca. Our ttution Aent, Jfr. Palmer, and lain as aistant Foly are kept almoat too buay to add to tha sccinl oonditioua of our aooiety. Foley. howoTor, manages to , break out of labor's chains occasionally, and shows up iu all his brilliancy. Sr. Keut pool, the reprewntatiTe or Unole Sam in tus Higuul S'irviji at tUii paint manages to turn tha tido of rain and wind storms along the valley of the Kio Grande in a manner Unit asaiirua us af fine weather at all time. And only once since I enmo here has be tailed, and on that sight h'3 must havo dropped asleep and left hia key open, as it r.eemod as if nature had combined to punish him for any delays ho hud ouuaed in the past. Our camp physician, Tt. Wright, is another bnsy man and an be whirls by our doom mounted on hia cream colored atead we ara reminded that another acci. dent has .xxvirdi in the mines, or some Mexican rh.ld bun n turu of the colic. Our worthy l.mdtord, Mr. McKinley, whilst a miner hirusel! his labors have is no way dutrneted frjm his hospitality and all who stop wiih Li", spuak highly of their eutortuinment. We havo a branch itoreof Oross Black well A Co.prifcidod over by a gonial Hoot Donald Htnurt and a carhier, Junius Hmiley. who hajls flora thi sunay South, having fiict sen the lifht in Old Vlr. ginia; hs n n genial society man. Wm Dinsraore, the young billing clerk, is kept busy looking after th shipping interacts of the firm, but finds time to dar (be iigroejthlo to some of the fair damsels of the camp. Mr. Hawthorne, the .Superintendent of I ho mines, is wholly ngrossed in the interests of the company and iinds no time to appear in aocinty. His chief clerk, Mr. John T. lUxvo, is our uost noted society man, in fact, is the leader iu most of our social g.ithyriug". Wm. Pratt., the store keeper at tho minos and tlso iu company with Mr. IV.mer, ar tho owners of tho butcher ahoD. He is a irny vouni- Canadian nnd whilst poyinj n Ktrict attention to busi- Dos nous abundance of time to pay at teution to tho fair aei, and with the ci oeption ot su occasional accident, suuh us runaways and so forth, everything seems to go on swimmingly wilh him. '1'Loy have a young clerk in the shops E. Brusklt. He seouis, however, to take more to the banks oí the muddy Rio Oraude or soma o tho inhabitants living thereon, as I c, har.llv heii.v, iht. i.i. fraqaent trips to tho vulley aro all jor biuiness. There ara numerous other of our in habitants worthy of mention here, fear ing, however, that J might draw this article out too long for convenience, Í will speak of other than private citizens. Wo haTa two public, Englioh and Spanish, 6c'uoo1h, and one privato school wuere omy npsniau is taugnt. lUe ooaapsny ereolea a largo nod imposing ecnooi, wmi a li.ill ovarhta l for public nao. Wa have a Knights of "vthias Lodgo in a flourishing condi- i Preliminary moetibgs have bean hala ' or tho organization of a Young Mun'a hriatiaa Associsl ion, but owing to some 'álEutilty in the selection of officers but (ittla has as yet been accompliuLed, An Tj-jjthr drawback seems to bo over tha placa where tha meetings are to ba hold. Hoate of our citizens aro objoctiug to tha place where the preliminary meetings liavo been hold so (ar, and unless a peace can be patched up bet neon tho fnctioua I fear naught will come of it. As to the rasouroos und expenditures of our mine I oao only givu yon such information as I can gatker from day to day aa I see it, - aa the product and expenditures are wholly governed by the head officials at Tepeka, Kansas. The productions of the two mines at this writing is about twa hundred tons par day, all of which ia shipped from bare to El l'nso or use of tho Mexican Central Ity. This gues employment to about one hundred and I der's Btor" will soon be going full lifty men. Tho water lisod foJ atoam , blast again. At present, S. R. Cor purpos, ut tho miuo andalso for domes- htt, Esq., is iillinfr, the dual part of t o use of the cninp, is hauled hero from , . . . , . , ,., . ,,,. t, , , . . , . iKklerpr and clerk, while the a wall nt ban Antonio, br cur loads, the , usual supply being about eiht ear leads ll ' - ll"ParDJ,"t 1 held down by por day. Tho water pumped from the mines is too strongly impregnated witb alkali for either steam or .'.omestic pur poses. Tho ruiiny nuimals, howavor, which roam over tha mountains driuk it and aem to thrive on it. Wo have two trains por day each way, (except Sunday when there is but one) running up here from 8an Antonio. Our mail, however, is brought to us, a yet, the old prim itivo wsy, by couch. Wo are living in hopes that, ere long, we shall bo (onnecte.l with your thriving town by rail, and that better facilities will be afforded as for mail and travel. Wiahing you snecesa iu your nnder taking, and at any time ahoald you de sire any news that I can contribute lroin our proay camp, I will cherfa!!y d. so. "tiABK." :T. BTANTON NOTES- ZZZZT Fort SUr.ton 8 situated on the fast bank of the Kio Bonito, 121 miles from Carthage, N. M., 35 miles from White Oaks, 18 miles from Nogal, 9 miles from Lincoln and f5 miles from Koswell. Tbe Post wast established in 1857, the site being selected by General Alexander McD. McCook, the pres eut popular department cowman der. For muny years the Mescalero Indian Reservation embraced the whole surround iui country, and Fort Stanton wus the residence ef the Indiun agent as weil as the Mil itary headquarters. The present post trader's store was originally an Indian traJ;ng store, but those who served here in the sixties would hardly recognize tho old fort of those days, so material have been the changes of the last decade. A complete system of waterworks was put in in 1 585 under the direc tion af Lieutenant, (now Capt.) 6. L. Scott, Quartermaster, and the sew erage system was added in 1887. The water supply is obtained from a well about 30 yards rom the river bank, but to avoid tho ovorfiow which occurs almost every year, a new well in Wing dug about 100 jards from tho river bank. An ice machine was put in the past sum mer, thus ensuring a lasting supply of pure iee at a nominal cost to the government. The Post is th? head quarters of the 10th U.S. Infantry, the officers of the garrison beinf as follows: Col. E. H. Peirson, Col. 10th In tantry, commanding. Staff First Lieut. I. NT. Littoll, 10th Infantry, regimental adjutant. First Lieut. E. 11. Mummer, 10th Infantry, regimental quartermaster. I'ost Chaplain, Rev. Chas. E. Pearson, chaplain, now absent on leave. First Lieut. N. S. Jarris, A. S post surgeon. Tha field officers are as follows: Cant. 1. Ü. Wheelim, 2d U. S. Cavalry, ceiwn undine troop O, 2d Cavalry.' First Lieut., F. D. Rucker. Secotid Lieut., 1). L. Bruinard. Capt. S. H. Lincoln, command ing Company E, 10 U. S. Infantry. First Lieut. Bogardua Eldridge, lOih Infaii'ry. uapt. l. l. JurKman (east on leave of absence) commanding Ump.1ny U, lUtli lutantry. b lrst Lieut., Henry Kirby, 10th Infant ry; Socond Lieut.,. AAV. Brewster, Kith Infantry; First Lieut. William Paulding, 10th Infantry. The non-cominiisiond staff con sists of Sergeant Major J imas R v nayne, Drum Mij'ir J. II. Crimp, Commissarv Servant. Adulnli Sam. ' i . , n i c I k'r- KS'"neiitl Quartermaster Ser I Knt William Walther, Post Quar- termister Sergeant William Ar nold, B.nd Loader, Frederick Crmtsbeurg, Hospital Steward, Frederick Schumacher. The tetal strength of the parri son may be estimated at about 210 j men, distributed about as follows Ualui IQth U, S. Infantry, 21 men Troep G, 2d U. 8. Cavalry, men. Company E, 10th U; 8. Infantry, 64 men, Company fi, 10th U. S. Infantry, 6 wen. Ihe various divisions of the Quartermaster's department are under the control if the following civilian employees: Blacksmith and farrier, J. N Bailey; engineer and machinesr. Chas. J. Steen; wheelwright and carpenter, James A. Murray. A description of Fort Stanton would be incomplete without men tiening the Post Trader's establish ment of Messrs. DoLaney A Vail, I have been informed that these gentlemen will soon arrange their mutual differences, and the "Tra- John II. Cannirg. The efiieo of ihe U. S. Signal Service and U. S. Weither Ilarjau are at present lo cated io the Post Trader's building, and that efficient public servant, Sergeant Vt 0. Bailey, is always to be found at his post. The sale ot Captain Kirkman'a house hold goods took place Saturday, and was attended by quito i number of buy ers from Lincoln, White Oaks, Nogaj and Pecaoho. Onr old friend, J. P. 0. Lnngxtoa and Unelo John Brothers were among the White Oaks delegatos. Paymaster A. 8. 'fowar arrived here late ou SaturJav evening mid distnb ited about $(,000 in erisp bank notes among the boys on Sabdav rooming. The Ma- Jor left again fot the railroad Monday morning. He hopes ere long to take the cars to White Oaks, and Una avoid tbe long drive froaa hero to Carthago. Have patience. Major, and you will soon tide to White Oaks on a Pullmau. Frank BonDett end George Moore of Nogal, W. R. Ellis and Wm. Needbam of Lincoln, apent a fow days at the Post thia week. Soipio Salazar, County Treasurer, and Buck Guyae ol Pecacho, attended the Kirkman sale, and bought quite a quan tity of furniture, fcto. J.C". D.Lang, S. T. Gray and Jaa.J. Dolan visited the Hondo Ranch on Monday lost. They report a big crop of alfalfa, and the importad stack of Mcaars. Do Lonoy and Vail are doing well. Lient. Alb. Brewster loft hero on the 11th for Fort Grant, Arixona, to bo ox. amined for promotion to first lieutenan cy, lit. Brewster is one of tke moat popular officers at this noat, nnd we all will be glad to hear ot hia promotion. Lieat. F. D. Rucker. ad Oav., has bcon granted a leave of absence for six months Bnd will leave here m a few days tor St. Louis, Washington and other foints cast. Post Quartermaster Bergoant Wm. Arnold has been ordered to appear aa a witness before the TJ. 8. Court at St. Louis, after which the Sorgeant will take a six mouths' furlough First Lieut. S. I. Beybarn has been ordored before an examining board at Fort Wayne, Michigan, for promotion to a captaincy. Lieut. Seybtirn has been, antil reoeutly, Regimental Adjutant of the 10th Iu fan try at thia post. Major J. 8. C. Lee, Chief Quarter master Department of Arizona, accompa nied by Lieut. Charlea L. Collins, Inspec tor of Small Arma practice, arrived here Wednesday on a tour of inspection . Ma jor Lee was well pleased with the gen eral condition of the poat, and in compa ny with Lieut. E. 8. Plummer, inspected the various burraeks of the Quarter master's Department on Tbnraday. Lieut. Collins visited the rifle ranges, in company witn liieur. u. is. xwnaru. Beth gentlemen left on Fridey morning for Los Angeles, Department Headqnar. tors. Ponding the arrival of Col. E. H . Tier- son, tha Post is commanded by Col. J.N Whoelan, 2d Cavalry. Lieut. Wm. Paulding left for Carthage Friday morning to meet his family who are en route from New York via Galves ton, Texas. Col. E.H. Pioraon and family arrived on Thursday evening and he assumed com mand of the Regiment Friday morning. Mrs. Adolph Seniler, wife ot our effi cient Commissary Sorgeant, has been quite ill the past week. We are happy to reporta marked improvement in the lady's oenditiou at lime of writing, Married, at Linooln, N. M., Nov. 6th by ' tho Hod. Michael Cronin, Probata .Tndge of Lincoln coiiDty, First Uergeant William Shoover, Company B, 10th U. 8. Infantry, lo Mise Justino Gon drean, of Detroit, Michigan. Mrs. fcihoovor left for Detroit on the stage Wednesday morning, where the Ser geant will jeia her at an early date. The correspondeat of "Ta a Ewlb," wishes the young couple mauy years of mar t 1 bliss and hopes all their troublea may ba "little ones." W. W. Puul, a prominent ranch man ef tha Fenaaeo ceuntry, arrived bore Fri day evening with a largo load of oota t bo delivered on contract of 8, R. Corbet t. James and .Toe. Halabnry, from Hondo Ranch, spent the day at tho Post. They brought two large loads of bf-lod alfalfa for Receiver Dolan, NOV. 13, '91 VlBITAfl. ;r IN00LN LACONICS- Likcoln, N. M Nov. 14. 1891. Dbab Editor: I hear with ploasura that you will eoon commanoe your new paper, "Tne Old Abb Eaolb" and hope that "Tut Olv Abe Eaoi.b" will be an snecessriil as its namesake',, the "Old Abe Mine," and turn out treasures in literature nnd good news to its readers, as tho "Old Abe Mine" is turning out treasures in gold. Do you wish me to wri e to you some thing about Lincoln? I would nt first mention for the benefit of such of your readers, who have not yet visited our burg, that Linooln is the county seat of Linooln oounty and is situated in the beautiful "Bonito Valley," in a south easterly direction and about 40 miles from White Oaks. Tho valley is called Bftor the Bonito river, (Pretty river,) which comes from the Sierra Blanca and in its course pusses by. Fort Stanton, where it flows by beautiful meadows, forming the mili tary reservation. The actunl beanty of the valley begins about four miles below tho Post, where the Capitán mtmntnins rise on both bides of the rivor nnd in the west loom up the White mountains with their suow-covered poaks, Here, the sparkling waters of tho Bo nito traverto the moet beautiful scenery, fields and meadows interchanging wih grand foret . and : mountain scenery, Forming eddies and whirlpools below overhanging rocks und trees, the Bonito waters plunge on. in their impetuous course, often dividing themselves into serpentine lines and acequias, traversing tbe vulley and bringing blessings to Its inhabitants. Lincoln is situated nine miles from Fort Stanton, in nn opening of the val ley and surrounded and protected by the heights of the Capitán mountains from all cold winds ooming from the north and west. The altitude ot Lincoln has been es timated as being 5700 feet above the level of the sea, and being so well pro tected, it has a beautiful mild climatand in fact compares favorably, as far as soenery and climate are concerned, with many of tbe most celebrated health, re sorts iu this country and in, Europe. Lincoln baa a court house, two ho tels, aeveral stores and some quaint old Mexican buildings, rulios of tho time when the inhabitants of this peaceful village were often molested by ' Indians, There are tha ruins of a tower, which was built some thirty years ago by Eu rigues Truxillu. It was formerly three tones high, and often the oitizéns of the place, which was then called "Rio Bo nito," had to seek refage within its walls, to protect tbemselvoe against the depredations of the wild Apaches. Now, only peaceful Indians, from the Mescalero agency, (shout 40 miles dis tant to the sohthweet,) are seen here at intervals, trading thoir ingeniously manufactured wares, deerskins, herbs( roots, ko., for tho luxurios ot civili zation. We also havo a Knights of Pythias Lodge which holds its meetings twice a month on Saturday nights, when tho members, who all dispersed over our neighborhood, have a friendly gathering at th?ir castle hall and many are the banquets and dunces held within their hospitable walls or In the large hall ef the Lincoln court house. Lincoln is a sooiuble place and one of the great resonroes of the neighborhood. Visitors are constantly here, from near and far, as it is a health resort especially beneficial for those whose lungs are affeoted, as the rarefied air of our alti tude in connection with the beautiful climate has proven to be a great cure for lung diseases, and many who have oome he re from the big cities in the east have been healed nnd benefitted by sojourn ing in our even climate, where the win ters are not novere, and the nights in summer cool enough to make a good bed covering very occeptuble. Lincoln 'is also a good country for fruit-growing. The finest grapes, pears, apricots, peaches and apples and all kinds of small fruit are grows here in splendid variety and ot large size and exquisite taste. Fields and trees can be watered by acequias and never-failing springs. "El Capitán," Onr "News Nuggets" from Nogal failed to materialize this trip. Maay old soldiers, who contracted chrome diarrhoea while in tke sor vice, have sicca been permanently éured of it by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diatrhcea Remedy. Fw sale bv Dr M. (1. Padi.h. Notice For Publication. Trut & Schell hell ) In the Juftlocs conrt Pro. ciaot No. 8. lilnoula countr i. K. HBltoMtBll. ) nw txicn. Th Mid dehndrnt J. 11. 8Mtnn!l. in hortuy notilied that, a nuil in axumpMt bj attachment fau bran eomisenowl against him in id county by (tBici plaintiff, that a writ bat ben larued anniunt him nnd bin property attached- -damaircn and coala elaimod f 12. fo, that uní you culor Íour aptioaritnoe in aaiil auit on the 5th dar oí Ircomber, 18V1. nt 10 u'olock a. m. on imid day. jailRftmeut by default will be rendered acainat you aua yonr iirujinrt; said tom.tmiy Ibe same. in J, r.u. Lniotou, I'onntablc Chamberlain's E79 fiad fikln Ointment, A certain euro for Chronic Sore Eyes, Totter, Sal. Bheum, Scald Head, Old Chronlo Sores, Fovor Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling; and soothing;. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other troatment had failod. it la put up ia 25 and 60 ceat boxes. $800 EEWAED FOR ORE fill EVES ! The common experience of this camp fiho-.vs that much ia lost by the mine operators by the stealing of gold in specimens, if not in a malgam and bullion. Therefore the "Old Abe" Co. offers a stand ing reward of Three Hundred Dol lars for tho arrest and-conviction, or for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person cruilty of stealing any of the prop erty of t ho Old Abe Co., even the small jst specimen of oro. 1 he rulo of this oompany is to null all spe cimens. Therefore nono of the ore from this inioe can be hnncBtly held ad specimens. And aa tho re ceiver, with-guilty knowledge, is as guilty in law as the thief, this of fer applies to the holders of Old Abe specimens. Old Abe Co. J. Y. Hewitt. Win. Watsox. II. B. B'krqusson. For Urna baelc them is nothing better than to saturate a flannel cloth with ChftMborlain's Psin Bain and bind it on the affected parts. Try it and you will be' sur prised at tho prompt relief it af fords. Tho samo treatment will cure rheumatism, For salo by . , Du. M. Q. Padi.v. Thia Han Stout off far hia FrlntlaK AND HE G0TSK1NNED1 )o o( )-( I o II 1 V ro- 0 r- a- I lamtvo af Beealea f rrete Towrt, Uriel M Llaaola, Uatela TnmtT, ow Masle. oa tko i4. 4mj af ' ovaiaaer. A. D. 1MI, It Belae Jtecalk Term Thereof. Prent Hon. M. Crmiin. Ptobnte Jnrim; T). W. Huberts, Sheriff ;GeorgeS, l'robate tlerk. Minutes ot lout eeenion read and approved. In thematter n( the ertnte of W. li. Jobuann. tieceMfed. y Now comen tiertrudea (iurola de Cervantes, widow of imid ireated. and lile ittition waiv ing the riirht of apooiut roent, aa aduiinintratrii of said OMtale, and requorta tba aiioiutnient of lieorge I nrry aa such, beleiving that eucb au pointmeut wiU be to the interortt of tbe ereditore thereof, and to nil parties concerned. Theconrt taldnir tha matter under considera tion dca hereby aopoint aaid Georse Curry ad niiniatrator of iiaid eniateon the lihnir of a good and anflicient bond in the sum of iiWJti.OO. Demetrio Teres, W. T Blanch ard ond D. J. M. A. Jewetl are boroby appointed appraisera of above estate. llond of Georire Carry, adminiatrator of the estate of W. 11. Jolmaou, deceabad, approved. In the matter of the estate of I W. 11. Jotmaon, deceased. ( Ordered by the eourt, that Marino Martin, Wm. Hosenthal and tiertrudea (inrulo de Cor T ant en. be cited to appear before this eourt at ita next regular term, viz: January 4th, A. I). 1891, to anwor any and all questions put by the court touching tbe goods und chattels of said decoaed. , Conrt adjourned until 2 o'clock p. m. Pursuant to adjournment court convened at I o'clock p. m. There being no Immediate bnsinesa before the conrt it adjourned until i o'clock a. m., Novem ber 3d, IW1. ' Pursnant to adionrnment conrt. convened at 0 o'clock a, m., Nov. ltd, A. D. lsl. Present Hon. M. Cronin. Probata Jndira D. W. KoberU,SherilI;eorge3ena, ProbateClerk. In the matter of the estate of Charles Kits, deceased. j Clerk ishernhv orHnrnil t.i ihhoa cltntinna tn Emil Fritz. Charles Fritz, Charles Woidmnn and Henry Fritz, relntlve tó a retMirt in thenartitinn of the Fritz estate, and have them appear before this court with said report, at its next rogular session, viz: January 4th, X. D. 1H91. Court adjourned unt il 2 o'clock p. m. Pnrsnant to adionrnment court cnnveniwl nt. t o'clock p. m. In the matter of the estate of ) Jas. A. AUon, deceased. ) Clerk is hereby ordei ed to insnn citntlon to administrator of above estate, to be and appear before this Conrt with a rnnort. nn fmr.ii. nt. if j, next regular session, viz : January 4th, A. D. lSyi. Court took a recess until 7 o'clock p. m. In the matter of the estate of Í Jerome 11. Falconer, deceased, i Now comea Ge. B. Barber. Esa., cnnnu! for administrator of above estato, and Hies report showing there is a residue nfto" all bills, (less lien lor taxes thereon) against said estate hare been paid, of Í1.B49.S1 fur riistrihut, fill Jl'TlMT! L'mt tho heirs of said deceased also files petition osKing tne conrt to issue citations to all tbe heirs of said deceased, and have them appear before this conrt at its next regular sesr-ion, and show cause, if any, why tho administrator afore said should not be allowed to make bis final settlement. Court adiournad nntil fi nVWk a m Snv Ith A. D. 1MH. Pursuant to adionrnment. court. Annvn(ul at. Q o'clock a. m., Nov. 4th, A. 1). ISM, . . : . Tresent Hon. M. Cronin, Probate Jndge; D. W. Koberts, Sheriff ; George Sena, Probate Clerk. Bond of administrator, (W. C. McDonald) of t lie eitate or Al'inzo UarneU, deceased, approved. In the matter of gnurdi.tnsbip of i Kutll nnd Ada Martin. miiM.rn. ( Clerk is hereby ordered to issue citation to Mis. Mary,). Reynolds, gnardinn of said minor children to he and appear before this court at its next session, viz : Jiinunrv It.h. A. D. 1S91, und make a report of ull her doings as such gunruian since ante o appoiutmant. In the matter of the estate of ) Clara McVeigh, dwfi.ired. Í Now comes administrator of said estate and flies Ms report of saJe of the personal property of said eetute, examined by the court and ap- proveu, y In the mntter of guardianship of ) Nellie and Barbura McVcii-l,. minors, t Ordered that the guardian of above minors, make report to tliis court of all his doines iu the premises, since date of appointment as such, by neit regular session of this court, viz : 1 tin. 4111, a. u. ism. In the mntter of the estato of ) ('. M. Coirffins. decensnl. I The administrntrix of above estate being be yond the jurisdiction of this conrt with no rosi dent agent to serve process upon, owing to which tlnal RfitlltimAiit rmuiKt hnml. ordored that clerk notify K. YV. Parker, one of the creditors of said estnte, to institute proceed ings for his account against the bondsmen of saia administratrix. In thomntter of the estate of I ' Ricardo Iiivera, deceased. ( Ordered that the adminiatrator of above estate nmko Ins report of all hm dolnes as snch since date of nppoiutmeut, by next regular session or mis court, viz : jan. 4tn, A. U. Ia91. Clerk is hemhv OrdArnd t.O rilA FrnnW dnra to be and appear before this court at its next regular session, viz; Jan. 4th, A. D. 1891, and pro sont the will, left by his deceased wife, for pro- uuliuk uy sum court. Court adjourned until 2 o'clock p. m. Pnrsnnut to adionrnment court cnnvAnA nt. 9. o ciocK p. m. Appraisers report in the estate of W. Tl. John. son, uecensed, approved. In tho mntter of thoestate of I K. Parsons, deceased. I Ordered that tlie ndminist nntor nf sniil nktntn he cited to lw nnd appear before this court at us next regular cession, viz ; Jan. 4tii A. 11. 1891, There being no fnrther business before the court it aujouruou sine die. Approved : Attest! M. Cbonim. ÜKOnnR SKUA. Pmkula .TiMoa L9i2.ij. j rroouto i lera. Ustlscfsr rnbllrntlon. Pool Mayer 1 In the Jmtiet's court Pri va. . rinoi no. n, Luncoin oounty . n. oais.msttu. i new atexico. The said de'endant, J. It. Baltonstall, in hereby notified that a suit in asarup-it by attachment has been commenced against bim in said county by said pjaintiif, that a writ lias bean issued against him and his property attached damages and oosts claimed, $15.73, that unless you enter yonr npnrance in said suit on the 27th day of November, MUI, at 10 o'olock a. m. of raid day, Judgment by default will be rendered against yon and your property sold to satisfy the same. 1 W J. P. C. LisosTog, (Joastable, (4-347 ) NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Línd Ornea at Rosweli, N. M Oot., 15, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the follow iog-nnmod sottlor has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and thnt said proof will be made before George Sena, Probate Clerk ut Lincoln, i. M., on Monday, Nov. 80 1891, viz; Satnrninit Torres do Pitdia, Homestead No. 113 (It. S.) for tbe Lots 2, 3 nnd 4, t eo. 19, T. 9 S. R. 14 E. and 8. E. )i N. E. Ü, aeo. 24. T 9S.R. 13 E He names tbe following witnesses to prove his oontinaons residence apon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Luis Archuleta, of Linooln, N. M Juan And ros Silvn, of " ' " Jose Herrera, of Nogal " Eulogio Herrera, of " " WlNPIEI.D S. ClHlEAN, Register. rXnMOJJSfTT( TaaiffAiST. . sawf oeoaat. . x awTCS an.' au.AA. m sawf oeoaat. n. x awwa. ron At by New Home Sewing Machine Co., 25 Market Street Sun Frai o's:o, Cal ffiTHinn i.i v i 'Jt v i ii mi- I f 1 1 '1 9 I 1 IU r"'..S E Mrs? LD ill II per year in advance. Official Paper Advertisers Will find it ihe best Advertising Aediam in the feoanty.Mf -IN Job Printing. -rE are prepared to do all kinds of Commercial WorK sucu as LETTER nEADS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS. CARDS, INVITATIONS, ETC. Our work is equal to that of the east and our prices reasonable. Full Lik of Legal Blakks Always oh Hakd. . . ROSS & of the County OUR- RAIBLE, PUBLISHERS "OLD ABE EAGLE."