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lidf County Unit w oc he CEarlsbaft (Enrmtt SEVENTEENTH YEAR CARLSBAD NEW MEXICO. FRIDAY NOV.. 20. I OOH NUMBER I I' 1 CHANGE AT NATIONAL Meaart. Houaer and Armstrong SaJI Their Stock and Withdraw. A SUBSTANTIAL INSTITUTION A Brief Resume of its Past Showi it to be a Credit to the Town The New Men Well Known, Reliable Business Men Hearing there had been a change in the ownership of the National Hank of Carlsbad, the officials were interviewed by this paper yesterday. II. A. Houser, president, and R. B. Armstrong, cashier, have sold their entire stock in the bank to C. II. McLenathen, C. M. Rich ards and Elliott Hendricks. Mr. Armstrong has resigned to seek less confining work and Mr. Houser to return to Illinois, their resignations to take effect January 1st, liXri. at which time Mr. McLenathen will be presi dent and Mr. Richards cashier of the bank. The new men are both old friends of the Cl'RRENT and it is fortunate if there is to be a change that the officers are to be local men, fully acquainted with the peoph here and with the ways of this country, so there will be no change in the policy of the bank such as there would undoubtedly be if strangers came in. Mr. Mc Ienathen has done as much as any man in Carlsbad, in the twenty years he has lived here, to help build up the country, has made a business success, and is eipjiped in" every way for the H)sition of president of the bank. Mr. Morgan Livings ton is to remain as vice-president. Mr. Livingston is the largest individual owner of cat tle in this section and, it is un derstood is the largest owner of stock in the bank, and all know he is to stay. Mr. Richard" came here from l Muía, III., nve years ago, wrier ne was cashier of the First National Bank of that place for many years. He went into the lumber business here and organized the Richards Lumber Co. "Bob," as he is known here, is a good mixer, has had five years among the people here and with his long experience in the banking business will be the very man to make the bank grow, as its cashier. Elliott Hendricks. Dr. F. F. Doepp and J. O. Cameron are the remaining directors who help in the management of the banks' business. Mr. Armstrong will remain here, but Mr. Houser will return to Illinois after seven years in the bank. He came here to take advantage of the climate and pronounces it the t'nest in the world. When he went into the S. T Bitting Bank as its cashier, it was only start ing. He re-organized it as the National Bank of Carlsbad, in It ).'. and has seen the bank grow to four times its size then. Mr. Armstrong, as cashier, and Mr. Houser as president took hold when Mr. Bitting retired and the bank had grown till to day it makes the strongest state ment it has ever made, and is proud of the fact that it went' thru the recent panic, without1 ever having had to sue a man on ! charge oil a loss. It also took1 care of all of its customers with out borrowing any money or sel ling any of its loans, due to its policy of big reserve even at a sacrifice of big profits, which is the best safeguard to depositors. The new managers have the best wishes of all for future success, Recipe for Pumpkin Pie. First get your pumpkin. Then kill it and skin it. Cut pumpkin into small hunks with an axe. Boil the hunks. Boil them some more. Continue to boil hunks until they become a mucky gob. Unless you produce a mucky gob the pie will be lumpy. And fresh picked eggs to common cows milk. Beat the eggs. They may be hard to beat, but beat them. Use a carpet lieater if necessary. Now pinch the wilt and add the pinch. Add a dash of cinnamon, add a few nutmegs (whole) these will give the pie that rich nutty flavor so much desired. Add three-1 fouiths cup of molasses. Do1 not add mustard -this is not a' mutard plaster, it is a pie. Now add this mixture to the mucky I gob. Sur until thoroughly dis solved. I-et stand while you give your pie pans a coat of crust Then pour the mixture into the pie pans until they slop over. Place in a hot oven. When you can't stick a fork into the pies they are done. Re move the pies from the oven and place on the back piazza to oil. If the dog likes them they're all right.- Foolish Almanak. Corner Stone Laying. The following is the program for the laying of the corner stone of the new high school building Sunday, Nov. 22: ORDKROF I'Koi'KSSIoN Tyler, with drawn sword Stewards, with roils Master Masons of all lodges not members of grand lodge Music Knight Templars Grand Tyler Grand Stewards Principal Architect Grand Sec'y. and Grand Treas, Grand Senior Steward Bible Square and Compasses Grand Junior Steward Grand Chaplain Past Masters Grand Orator Mayor and Aldermen ) Board of Education Press ' J. Grand Warden 1 S. (5 rand Warden Deputy Grand Master Gr. S. Deacon. Grand Master andj Gr. J. Deacon 1 Grand Sword Bearer Grand Marshal Pupils of F.ddy Co. Schools I'km;uam Prayer by Grand Chaplain Music Depositing articles in corner stone laying of corner stone Music Address by C. H. McLenathen America. All Masons are requested to be at the Masonic Hall promptly at 2 p. m. Corner stone laying THE OFFICIAL VOTE OF EDDY COUNTY ELECTION HELD TUESDAY NOV. 3, 1908 OFFICES AND n CANDIDATES 7 i. : 1 ; 2 ' ? . 2 3 ; u u a i r 1 S ' ii r, z ü H i ' M 1 " I - S. j L. ' -) X Z i ; . Z L) r , 1 1 S -X. 55 3 , H K Fur IM.-KHtr 1 I O. A Larraxolo :tl L'.'S M !:! 7.". J'. 71 ! In ." !.H ilM W. H Andrew SJ Hi ! :ii II 1.1 l.j :i k us", Fur Council, 12th District Wm. I. Mrlie 2 2T 1' IOH 77 . 7.V .',7 I2MM KJii 1 (."reed V. Coiieland . ... Js HI M IK .ri 12 I 2 21s, i For KepreHentative, lUth Hist. I I I I ' CIibh. K. Brice :if 2tW 9:i W 7A S'." 75 Mi IHlun 7::i ' E Cook I, V 9 3H 15, f. IV I 1 241 I Fur Sheriff- ! I I ! M. C. Stewart . . X.s "ni rU 110 7S, :4 71 M I t 11 111 III!) For I'rohate Clerk I I I i A. It. O yulnn . 21iJ W ll' 7, 3 SI ,V.t milrtllltt Kor Treaaurer I I I W. II. Merchant Xrti 2W 5' I0K ml U 7s .V.t 1:11112111.' For Aaaeaaor ! ! 1 I i i I 1 ! 1 Jnn. W. Price . .'IMÍ 'Urt '.a; lti si Si fin i:i II il 11 10 For Probate Judge I ' I I ! I li. W. Ijirremore .'C.: 287 W 1(1 7"1 31 7U1 61 13 11111111 For Supt. Schoola - i Í ' I 1 i A. A. Kaiser :4W 2V:i !IS los m' . 7" .iS 13 11 13 1 1 1:1 For Surveyor - ' ' I Joe M. Cunningham 3:il 2s:i '.hi 1117 7rt 3:1 71; r.s l:l 1077 IU77 Fir Com. Iíhi. No. i. 1 ! I .1 II. CrahHin Ml 1"'.' Irt s- 1;; :i o :,T jv.V.i 1:11' J. W. Turknelt l." S2 !xt ;'. 1, I I I For Com. Iit. No. 3 ' 1 I 1 1 ! C. W. Keeman 34" VH'.' mi li7, 7Ü. 31, 7'" "t' 1 1 liMl liw.i For CarUbad HriRe Mond .'o.1. IM it II, 4 22; m i ihi II I I Aainnt CarUliad Kride HoiuIh ."i7 71 4á i V.i II 771 :t; 14 I I'.'' hor Artenia Kridee Honda l;i: 2i"i 3.ri 17 22' 22' 7 '.' Uoi fi74i 2.14 i AKainnt Artexia Itriile Hondn ni s ;1 so 3.'i. 4 Tí, :!;: 14, :t4o, For Hlaek Itiv. Uridre Homls l!Hl 2ii I1 IH li - 7 t!1 mil 4ü .V, AvainHt Hlaek Kiver Bridge 1 1 II 1 Honda M 4H 42 K4i 17 ml 78 3". 4- 413, ! On account of a bobble in the above table last week the table now correct jf it's 1 in Drugs you may There are Three Essential Things That are desirable when taking a prescription to the Drug Store (1) PURITY OF DRUGS (2) PROMPTNESS OF SERVICE (3) SKILL IN COMPOUNDING For these three things we are conspicuous, for we take a pride in filling all prescriptions accurately - fob lowing the doctor's directions to the letter. The Eddy Drug Company Agents for South Bend Watches BOOKS : DRUGS : JEWELRY at new high .'J p. m. schistl Imililing at Smith-Wet Mr. Henry Smith and Miss West were married laM night, at the home of the brides mother, Mrs. West. Judge N. Cunningham performing the ceremony. Henry is now in the employ of Joyce-Pruit Co., ami is it very steady and industrious young man, while the bride, who has grown from childhood here in Carlsbad is a very charming and popular young lady. The pres ents were numerous and costly especially that of the Carlsbad Fire Department. A which Henry is a member. The Cur rent joins a host of friends in wishing this young ciuple a long' happy and prosperous married life. 1 Ha rrM f HaMt A cartala aeeouvtaal la ao 4avt4 to ala proration tbal bD ha baa Ml M ttaa t do ha raata up bia ayaa correction of the fiirures in th is printed again this week and is be sure we have it Onad Wark In lllinom. I'rrHl.l.-nl Milli-r it Urn t ; il I VB (III i (2iMh ItOH.U HHNIH-lultilll MIMf v. I teeuiu Hint oei twenty Hv,. nilleit nf rnl. li I lieeu kimiIivI inn) in iiiurli ilrnitui'il nil tier (lie mi-pli-en nf thill r(illll.iltlnli II hh I.I till l her We hv hiim'Imii'II of mini where the ui ule wm enmiilel ml III tillo ni 1 1 1 un, I ilmlnllle limit hele I lie Hillel' line w It ll i II une i f'Mit ill I'le Hlrt.le Mill lhlilllill whirl, fur lll.ltiv lento ,eiiii. wilei hull i.'.'i III lllllil 111 Ole sit'ii4 'I'I'I Hillt.lhien III l he fn'i m hen It r.iln.'l llul Miw ioi tlnliM ni the rii.iil ure teiw llrin ii. I :i4 (' X li I IK Ull.v Me ll.ll M ii.i male. I tlllll the IrtfliMut .'.iiiiiiiim.iii.. li i t Ih-cii iiiuklin; i'.iiiirn.u Hh the rami er fur .r:n;il!iiK their r.m.U al $s n tulle nii.l thai ih enoli vl-in it i nut wnrkliiK l h i .y liilh Ibe lini.nyer in1. HoaJ Mintananca 8chm. ('nil II H KllKUieiT He il lie I' ll irlnn of U i M I I . ill let. lina 1 1 1 1 1 ' -1 I . I tin allti'li III lime vHe ii mi the nm U mi iler hU il i i.T lot .n Iiki. t"r are e n pln.teil In th nuiiiih h Me . 1 1 1 ' v II l In pairnl the rmnla al reü'l -ir liileriaU ami i ( t r ull iliinuueil il.ire mi l i'ihh for the .lit. 'lie ami 1 u;eii stailniio ara elnlilllieil almiK the hlth 'TU .V where aupoile are l ire. It a eie, t fl dial till iiiethml nf tnaliiteiiaiH'a will irn far teaa eipetialTe and keep tba roaila In tietter enmlltlon than lb old way of learluc them until they ra yulra al.u wt ratlr rabiilldlns School Days Are here and are we with a full line nf School Rooks and Supplies Such na BiHiks, Slates, Tab lets. S onges. Telicils. etc. THE STAR PHARMACY I II K IJI A I I I V S I'IIIIK )K IIOMKK F. I-AKK. I'HIDII'UN NI Sl RlirilN. OlDr in H ill é Hrlr liuiMi. Ki-aHlrnr na Halacurmi Si., Jn.l Ismr Nurlh nf Si hMil houu CAI KHIIAO m:v mkxu-o lll'JAC. BUJAO K. 111: u 1 BRICE, Attornry and Counsellor al Law. Will prm tn-i' In nil the roiulM of Ne. Mexico and Texan. O fflc In lh C jnmll HultJIna i , A N VMM F.U CIVIL tNi,1M..t and t X ill N I HI KVtMlK n.l lion,,n iihiiiIi in Trim mint Srm Mr tiro HSA S. I'l.fM Christian Scif.ncf. THAI TITIONtR Koswell. - - N. Mex. Phone 210. Bes., oOU W-7th-St. )H. II. SIIIVK ItM UMI "M HUN AH Y Si t.MN. IVniuaticntU .n mi! m i tM. I 'i 4l Mil ilH4-nf-illtl 4 M 1 1" a,ul k ' rWiitnlttt ItfMitli-m f Hi- ImiKt . ritaf ! v v til mI ) i mu ur tiKHiry riiuii' bt. I Mlii I'Iimmv l II. W. SKI I I US rmsil'IAN AMI SI'ltliKiiN i Kl.i..'IM 'I " llltl. r l l.n. )K A li H A I I K Y . iiSTKnrATIIir I'insiriAN ANII SI KI.KnS M'.ll!l-?l.l hi 1, 1 1 1 lloll, I Hrlwl.M.I. N II ( J KANTH AM A I Y I . TTnllNKVs AT LAW ( A H I fM 4 l NlW 1ll,'ll Min e I aiivmi t. hjiHl f I uiirl lluiise. SKlTIIITY Aiisihai I i n in nllii'e. Hi to F..d Alfalfa Hay. In r I i in iieeiit niiilne wata hen feiiliiu If a II. i to iIk. the bar twill. I U- le, In h Hlillle.l f . k tilaet'd In a Hut I. Il'ii ' h Kpnrea U'tween ' ii. 1 1 . 1 1 M not rl'eeit ' i Ihi ll.i ami l ie trmiKh hlimlhl leuil at leini ei.ri ' ' .:i, the rui . iii .- i,, ,1 r linn 1 ha ninnw aiein leti I. the j. may l fetl ta al'.i k i afile - J J Nermin Watfaful. flraaper ia very careful mam Nn I ahniihl lleier allow my ilaiiKhter In marry a JmininllKt lie alwaya wn-i, one alilH i.f the paer And atlll le-is ahoiilil ubi. eil a met. II inen I ten (o to the eml of Ilia line uilad tha Cata. Tom Here! Tuii'va alarted your ante to ll.irmiigha "lir Sir" lliHi't ymi know that aort of abbreviation la very loveuiy? I Hrk -Mo. air "lir." la all right In lilla raae Me uwea is inoa -Kanaa Clly Injepeuitf ut