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Eh? (Üarlsírah (Eurrotí rus OABunuB n hrent. fropay. jinb i; tnat. ARTESIA ROAD TO BE GRAVELED One of the maul Important subjects brought up fd discussion yesterday Boon at the Chaidber of Commerce lunch at the Crawford hotel, waa that of the proposrd graveling of the road between Lakewood and Ar tesla at a coat of something like $80.000 to -be paid from money raised by Eddy comity supplemented by atate and Federhl road uiony. Fx -County Conuniailoner U. A. 8wlgart brought It to the attention of the Chamber of Commerce that plana for the surmcine of thf. man with gravel bad already . 'tio tent to the board of county cOnini limon era of Eddy coünty by rJnglneer Davliion. aud the county cummin alonera had approved the plan and returned the aaiue to Santa Fe. It waa lha opinion ot Mr. Uwigarl Chat the majority ot the cltlienj of the county were opposed to this money being spent on the road o. -tween Lake wood and itexia lor the reason that the road Ik now one of the best In the county and that there are other roads needing this money much worse than that atrip ot highway. Me said that It some thing waa not done at once to halt or change the present plans the pro ject will be completed without giv ing the cltliwns of tb,e county chanee to express their wlshoe. Mr. Mcllvaln explained that the ounty commissioners had It put up to them to approve this work being done on the road betwoon Lakewood and Arteala or having the money apent In Other parts of the state, leaving Eddy county out of the road building program, but Mr. Swigart wax of the opinion that this county has a right tu say where they want the money upeut, the commlssionera have repealt.'iil) been promised thuy could any what road they wanted tiled and lie believed the state en gineer's office could not afford to go back ot that promise. It was mov ed by Robt. Q. i Km that a commit tee be appointed to Investigate thla matter and report what can be done to get Eddy county's share of the money spent where a majority of the cltiiens want It spent and wbere it will do the moat good. Thla motion carried and President Hubert an nounced he would appoint the com mittee at the next meeting or the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce to be held tonight. Each county of the stato Is sup posed to get their pro rata of road money according to the valu ation or property In the county and it is thought the state officials will be willing to do the square thing by Kddy county If It is prop erly called to tlinlr attention. Major Bujac told the Chamber of Commerce that El I'aso was now considering building a road to the Pecos valley and had the money and enthusiasm to put It over, but that Koswell was trying to get the road built to that point. He pointed out that Carlsbad naa a much shorter route which wilt be practically free (rom snow the year round aud af fording tourists scenery unsurpassed by any other route. Ttp club seem ed to think that something should be done about getting thlH road to EI l'a'io built and action probably will be taken shortly looking to that end. The first speaker was H. II. Dille chairman of the membership Jtpui mlttee, who said, lié was Beared and ba been scared ever since he found out be whs to make a talk. He said there are now 170 registered as members or the Chamber of Com merce and suggested that each one aecure a new member for the club, which would bring the total up to bout 400. He also auggeated senaV Ing out questionnaires for informa tion as to what each one thinks could be done toward beautifying and making Carlsbad more attrac tive, then have .the answers printed tn the local paper C. F. Montgomery, manager for Joyce-1' i n it company made a short WANT THREE THOt SAND ftMM Messrs T. J. Donahue, of Omaha, Nebraska and J. I. Drlsklll. of Moor croft, Wyoming, have been In our vicinity for the past week looking at ateers on the different ranchen around Carlsbad. They are In at he market for about five thousand twos and threes, and have looked at eev eral bunches, though we know of no deals that have been made yet, or that they have made any offers on any of the bunches that tbey have looked at. . The Forehands had them out. look ing at tbelr cattle Monday and they went out to the Plains country Mon day afternoon. In company with J. F. Joyce, where they bought about eight hundred head, moatly twos and threes up. at ISO, $30 and n These cittle were bought from Amos lteeves, Henry Kecord, the Huston boys and Wll Fenton. HOY HTOt'Trt OET AWAY OX THEUt MO CAJaWMO TRIP MM II. in I'MHIl; I'l.ANT ON COLORADO ItlVEIl, SCHKMF NATIONAL OO.HM A N DEIt DIES. Santa Fe, N. M.. June I, 121. Chaa. W. Rarey, Adjutant Am erican Legion, I am sorry to have to announce to you the untimely death ot the Na tional Commander Oalbralth which occurred yesterday. Please- give widest publicity. HERMAN O. BACA. talk on the evil of patronising the mall order house. He said f 100.00 a day la now being sent out of town for goods which may be bought In Carlsbad for the same price when quality Is taken Into consideration, that the mall order customer gets skinned as a rule and generally are dissatisfied with their purchases. 4 He closed by stating that what helps the merchanta of Carlsbad benefits everyone living in the city and that a continuation of the praotice of buying out of town will kill any community. Mr. Shortuan of the State Nation al Hank, spoke at length and made many suggestiona for the Improve ment of the city and rural commun ity. First he believes a real, live secretary for the Chamber of Com merce should be employed to devote all bla time to the work. Then ev ery family In the city should strive to get one family to come to Carls had to live. He said It would work for he had seen It tried at other places. He then said the streets of the city should be paved regardless of the cost or difficulties to be over rome. He likes the farmer who rats alfalfa and hoga and thinks grapes should be raised on -a large scale on the project, atatlng that If a large quantity were grown a market could easily be found, and closed by admonishing the Chamber or Commerce to make a loud noise If they hoped for the outside world to recognise their efforts towards building a city. The next speaker was Dr. flearup who said Carlsbad must furnish amusement for the people it they hoped to attract new comers and when that was done tourists would be glad to come here. He also gave an Illustration ot the shortage of houses In Carlsbad uy stating that last winter he had one hundred ap plications to rent two houses. Key. Mr. Sellarda gave the club his views about making the park in the west part or town a beauty spot and playground. He suggested that a walk be put around the park so the children of the city might use it for skating and that two ten nis courts be built of concreto as well aa building other playgrounds, lie auggested that each cltiren be aHked for $10.00 to fiuy for- this vork. W. F. Mcllvaln told of the trip to Hitting Bull Falls and uald that place was so out of the ordinary was what made it so attractive. The committee will ask the board of directors for $100 for building a road to thla place. The road will not be the best but It will be made so any car may make the trip. He said there was swimming holes and shade trees and suggested that Car lsbad go there to spend the Fourth of July Instead of trying to pull olt a celebration In Carlsbad. The Scouts of both troops left Monday morning in cats nd trucks bound ror Black river, and they In tend pitching their camp near the old Blue Springs ranch. They were well equipped with a fine camping outfit and a fine supply of "chuck," and we see no reason why they should not enjoy the ek They were In eharge of Scoutmas ters Rawlins anil White, and took along a fine camp cook rroin Roe well, and it goes without saying that they will enjoy themaelvea. The roads were very muddy on the trip out and the boys stuck both the big trucka several times, but with the assistance or Dick Thome, Oene Little, Wilson Prowell and a few others, they managed to get the ou'flt to the location selected, and reports from there are to the effect that they are having a tine time. A few of the Scouts from Pesos came up and went out with the boys and seemed to be feeling right at home when they left there Monday morning. About thirty Scouts came down from Clovls on the train Monday and were taken out in cars to the Camp on Black river, so that they might enjoy the week with uur boys who are camped at that place. It was rather amusing to watch those kids around and looking up at our big Cottonwood trees and to see them standing on the banks of the Rio Pecos admiring the large heads of water coming down the river, it goes without saying that thev will thut our Scouts selected oowu on Black river. HdlHon Project Will Send Cnrrent To Eight Southwest States, Including New Mexico. OENP.tlW, RAIN i Wis Tlllt M OHOI T PEOOM VALLKY Phoenlx. Aril., June 2 CarlHbad and vicinity has been i blessed with a generous supply of rainfall during the past week, and the country Is getting In mighty fine State shape. Although the local weather i Water Commissioner Norvlel shortly bureau reports only an Inch and 45 CITY FINANCES IN GOOD CONDITION week i much ail the At a regular meeting of the Alder men of the City tí Carlsbad hM laat Monday evening In the city of fices. It was announced that therltr arter noon today accepted ror filing 1 lu" or ra in rail ror the past the application of the Southern Cal- lr- Cirlsbad. fh fall waa Ifomla Edison Company to develop heavier all around, and nynrn electric energy rraom the Col- creeas, rivers and canyons-- were orado river. The promoters of the running into th- I'ecos Th. ripe tyix all Its old hills paid up to troject say It Involves an -ultimate the Pocos at this point never got date and has a balance in the gen agpendltuie of about $800,000,000 I beyond teu feet at the highest, and eral riiml of something like r nnn "i iwire as mucn as me sum spent "", en 'n not ohiii j i ne city dads are to the I'anama canal. ageu in me icast i. re nood wni. i The government report on the rálnfall for the past month was BIT I inches, and for this year fi: lit. Kor a while It was thought that The application asked permission I to Impound the Colorado river at (nan canyon and Diamond creek. Th. company seeks to acquire water i rights ni Arlxona for the develop- I ln" locos would get miijn higher ment of two and a half million ,na" " WW, but tho wator was han Borse power of hydro-electric energy ' Ooth ot lake, above In for distribution ln Arlsona, New " w ,hal t,l "d waters vere Henlco, Utah, Nevada, California. WB" lkeu care ot and no damage Texas and Wyoming. ' reuRd. Th. application was given to Tfle le,wre bridge tx low town Commissioner Norvtel today by Ed- i WH """h1 oul. id we have gad win O Edgerton. formerly president 1,0 Ke ' uln "luce Mon etae California state railroad com dy A m0Tk ' u"a cr,'w have mission, acting aa special coounsel beeo bu,y tlle VHrlnn ton fr the Kdlson company, which has pl"c!' the brld',i a,,(' r"Dlr Just completed the legal require- uck- bul havu b"1 w"t'ug at a Blents qualifying it to operaate lni"rtat dvaulage, on account ot tills state H0 much Hood water. Mr. Edgerton taated that the ultl- . ?fcP,iSÍJL thi"" OOtTV NEWS FROM IH.ITS SIMtlNOS CAMP Well. If you have never seen real camp you had better come down. Friday on usttor's day and watch the workings of the happiest bunch i of Real Scouts you hne ever seen. The camp is beautifully I nested in the big lane near the Blue Springs I ranch house and tiie drill ground Is Just What Is needed for the work the boys have to ,lo. vine large Cavalry tents are used to house the .lads and If you ddVTt think they are gratful to Capt. West for this favor ou mention his name to them. I Thirty great Scouts from Clovls under direction of Hcout Master Pos ten and Mr. Atwood arrived at Onmp Tuesday morning and like true Scouts, fell right Into camp m il , are truly one of the company. Don't mention the ruct that the trucks were stuck coming out. The hours but Scouts don't mtW. little lad- were without food for severs)! things like that and not r. word of complaint wax heard fro -arf. Camp Captain Howth Is g, uing the boys in fine shape and It Is the intention to have the best drill Fri day ever witnessed In those parts. Several officers have been appointed among rioin among the boys and the work of regular drill will he .kept up after the lads come back to .town aud a Competive drill with I the C.i v airy drill company is being figured on. Virgil McCollom. Frank Smith. BUI Hurdy, PreatOa Oliver, I of Carlsbad und Chun. Taylor and i Louis Laluudo of Clovls are auion 1 the new officers appointed in Mili tary circles, with Pal Hlggins as ' Color Sat Kent The boys enjoyed a Hplendid talk rrotn Mr. Posten or Clovis Wednes day evening and the presence of thl i gentleman lu Camp Is having on ex cellent influence. Mr. Posten Is a 'man devoting his life to work among boys and men and If you do not have an opportunity to hear him speak you are going to miss I a treat. I Jim Harrison and Hoard Reynolds, two flue scouts from Pecos are add j Ing much to the Camp. Sorry the I bridges played us bad and more of the Pecoa boys could not como, i -at no the boys can't eat. Our old reliable eook, Dutch, aurely has bis hands full preparing enough for seventy tummies, but however, they all get filled. Quite a number of the boys are taking special scout work and ma ny merit badges will be lasued to the fellows taking special work. A special squad of life aavera has been formed and no boys are allowed lu the river without some member of the crew along. We are expecting the people ot Carlsbad out In great numbers Fri day and the boys hope they will not rorget to bring cakea, pies and sweets for Its hard to make enough tor the crew out here. Arrangements are being made for a bar! game wfth Loving BBB Fri day afternoon. Carlsbad and Clo vls Scouts will be arrayed against the Loving forcea. ine r.uiHon application would cost tween six hundred and twenty 0e million and elgHt hundred mll IMn. most of which would be Invest ed In Arlsoua. The coat will depend on the area covered by transmission lines and fluctuation In the cost of labor ond material. Reasonable provision is made for physical and engineering obstacles, he said. He said the work would cost ap president of the Kdlson company. WHK. YOW lio Ilion A CAR DON'T KKKP IT TOO ,ONti John latum wits arrested by City Marshall Tom Wood Monday, anda complaint filed against him. charg glu him with unlawfully using a ear belonging to Horn Holt. Tatum wax brought before Judge he congratu lated upon their Hiigarfnus nuiun. ment of the affair of the cltr which Is generally "broke". Re cently the county turned over to the city treasurer $r;,inn 00 which had been collected froni taxable property in Carlsbad. Besjdes tho general routine of busln.'SH transacted a contract was made with the Carlsbad Light aY Power Company to furnish .lctrlo energy to operate th- Irrigation Plant of the city for &c p.M kilowatt hour. City Attorney Ouy A. Reed told the aldermen that the $40.000 00 bond Issue for th municipal build ing had been rejected by a bond company on the ground that the statute of limitad. hi , in New je ico limited the City of Carlsbad to a $27,000.00 bond Issue ror that pur pose. It seems that right now there Ih not mukh prospects for floating the municipal bonds, but It Is' hoped they will be sold later on as the Present Are hall Is a disgrace to th city as well as being dangerous. There Homu hopes of getting the paving movemeni in fun swing again and a com ruct may now be entered into with a paving company without further .'pense ir tbelr bid comes within the original estimate Ol the eniiiiieer emnliivx.l l... ..... City alder y day ni) V I tí ir nn . 1$ ami , tractor. Thli led to a i- r, lmm tT fi.í -a Swe-lwater around .... .h v . 7T .7. graveling the - .'uyuiriu aieUH Ol . kuh io aieria aud on n. i "-.'.ei than it naa be.n u r, it is thought, bowever, that trains will be running south In .a day or two- -possibly by Monday morning. The connection and seme- (rata the uorth Have been Mrs nud .,,,,1 'on accouut of the many washouts i on thu Simla Fe In different loca ; Hons uorth ot US. It has mad., it very difficult to lnvu a tram eieu from that direction. The express aim man noin nave been badly ball sum me wora wouia eos ap-i t.d uu u . .. " " p-i"es wiinin the original estl proximately twice the sum required I JJ "?.'. .?,, " ,p ,ak" útyit oí th nglneer employed last for building the Panama canal and 1 !i. ,"." """" lr''" t" " I to get this work started. The Would rauk as one or the greatest ñer ou the tÍ.', I Attorney s -emed to think the , engineering feats ou this continent. tm M ,. , .. """"" m'""t B " "P" any John B. Miller of Los Angeles Is i ' L.ZLV . 1 tUH ,ra, k l" M"-" bids from paving wax washed out lor l.Juo f I lliv . i .iin. M ere detouied in" city nnd some ,r ti. cnnnell i i., i i .. to El Heave Wm ,...,iP. ...... .. .7. -- ' me euro and - in... muí giuier were liu III iust like thaw ii . , jv-unsnail on account of ".". " pans ot ih material by Ho country around Caiixbad are to tho , lion was taken ...... ,. olieel tliitf II... ml,., ni. . , . ZZ " eiierai, ine sunject or rraiich Ises of hnin ann nnr na t r uinun u. . iita .... w .... VBS) urt that he i.orrowe.1 the car from Tue "in c.uaht oHe . rVLy - wuo,i i i f IT anions t..t Mm rami no U ohUm ho thai th VHlirtttv of It Until ii I ta.' it ex I .. .....i ft f I v I -i tar n, ... 1-1 i . . . ' the cat and was to use II ten or IV-1 1 7. .7 7. Z. ...... ".Z ..." ... ". luest n ,.,e,l aud ln est for having the rever, no ac or the other. asr. wraiiKer. That nimseir and an-1 ur hay down ' ' .' '"i t . ''ii'in nia tti will witii , , , ,i . , . . .. teen minutes. That on the rounds ! resulted ,,.r th , ..... ti .-i,. " .. . .V. -'I'""- ' that . m. . . . ' - '!' I - , UU '"""'"dK it 1 1 1 1 II II 'I th." . llflw" young ladle, and ask a will save then, irrigation. . , , -Iv o.dhian. P v wh X ed then. If he, did., want them to making the cotton .row xo much hould I n th. n ea rut ire .k tl.eiu home, and receiv ing an , faster thau an Irrigation would As to th. , raaohla i., m xtl , til affirmative answer proceeded to do .huave done. records nvn, , " ' SO, After riding around for while The ralñ guage at the Reclama- tn be Completed and , , JX It seems that they all decided to turn oiric.. i mn . . an.inged tuke a llitle Joy ride and while in o i dm a oim the hit-hway south of town, the car Bogged down with them, and made it necessary for Mr. ' Tututn to go to the nearest farm house apd borrow a shovel and dig' until about four o'clock In the mom- I lug, when lie secured the services of kooiI strong mule Irani and a log chain and pulled Che car out, bring- , ing it to town. He took it lo the Ohnrinox shops ami hud It washed, but It seemed that the washing was charged to Mr Granger, and thut ubout tlve gal- . Ions or gas had been consumed in the rouuds. After listening to the vounc mini's tale or woe. Judge Richards luforiii ed him that upon his own statement , he would be warranted ln holdlni: him over to await the action or the grand Jury ln October, but that If I he would pay the costs lu the case $ld. 15. und pay Mr. (irsnter for washing the car and for the gua he had used, that he would let him oil. , The Court quoted the law relative to this particular offense, and Hg gested to Ii I in that he be more care ful in future along "these Unes. The law is very specific regarding tills offense, and it might be well for us to reprint It ror the benefit oi those who are not rauiiliar with It. and it follows: "Any person who shall . ipiiuiiuu uuring the reconl storms, i The totul rainfall lor the mouth rr Muy amounted to 2 71 Inches, bring- HPHIIVG CHOP BJBPORT OsT ug me total pr.cipnutiou loi the vu up to 6.04 menus. DOW V THK PBCOB IN BOAT. MASONH. ATTENTION! A special communication of Eddy Lodge No. 21, A. F. V A. M , has been called for Friday evening, June 10, at eight o'clock for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason De gree. The feature ot the meeting will be the exemplification of the degree by Past Masters of Eddy Lodge. Refreshments wilt be served and a social hour will follow the close of the meeting. All visiting brethren ara cordially Invited to be present. the permission of tho owner there of, take any automobile, bicycle, uioioicycle, or auy other vehicle, for the purpose of temporarily using or operating the same, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upou convic tion thereof, shell be puutshed by a fine of not more than one thous and dollars, or by Imprisonment for BO I more than six mouths, lu the county Jail, nor tnore than tbreo years lu the penitentiary, or by both sucli tine and imprisonment." Notwithstanding the fact tdal we are hating about the hardest times over, and that people In general are ilvdfl moru ur less to being a bit gloomy ovef tho situation, there ar. still a few persons In the world who are adteotuious jud curious. One oi these said adventurous persons was the r. llow wbq came down the 1'ecos ni u boat this week. His name was E. E Vaughn, and he bad been ., mechanic lu the Texas oil fields. He arrived at Santa Rosa u rtw duys ago, and us things didn't suit liiiu lie decided tu come south, and choose as a means or transpor tation the muddy water. Pecos. He procured lumber and built lilm stlf a boat, aud with on puddle plunged Into the river aud started south. Everything went well with hlui until the river got out of banks up above Itoswell, aud he hud to lay up several hours when he proceuueu on aown mi ne got a without ''tile ways above Lake McMillan t'Altl.SUAD PIUMKCT. The spring crop report showing the acreage planted tu ihe lev eral cropH has Just been completed by tlm Reclamation force and Is tit follows: AlluRa (jam Beaux m Cane & Kaffir Corn .. G2 Corn 2 1 Hit Cotton 9 ;i7S Orchard . . ;jg Juts .. g.jt Sweet Potatoes a Truck jit Wheat 5H9 acre TOTAL The total .21! 10 acreage irrigated duriug Houston, Texas, May 27. Curate, a natural poison growing in quanti ties and a hitherto unknown tropi cal weed, la believed to have caused thu death of thousands ot cattle In the Uult coast country, according to city bacteriologist Lots. Examina tions of the stomachs ot tho dead cattle revealed the poison. , A little piece ot news which win interest many of our readers Is the fact that the state highway commis sion has approved the completion of the unfinished road on the Cap Rock Lovlngton road, which will close up the gap on that highway and make It tine for the traveling public. A woman might be willing to try to live on love, tout a man does not love her who would let her try It according to the R lamatiou Survlco reports, amounted to -2.173 f the lllo w or 212 acres in excess of the spring report for the current year. it is expected, however, that late plan tings ol i Drops win place the total cropped ureu slightly in excess of 22.000 acres. The acreage in cotton has de ereaaed from in,ir,l acres In 1920 to MTl acres in ln21, while alfalfa has Increased from .250 aerea in 1920 to S,;iW uc.res tu 1921. The rarlous corn crops also show an lucreuse of 26 47 acres over the Acreage r.tported in 1920. when he got lost ln the salt cedars and had to camp out one night Couilug on down to McMillan he took a look at tho water running I " through the spillway, aud compared ' KILLS SELF AS FLOOD It with the Niagara river, and do- HUM Mil CROP, elded that It would be unsafe to proceed rurther In the bout, so he East Las Vegas, N. M. June 4. abandoned the boat and went on t Coming from bis house this morn south on the train. Ing to find that a nearby river waa His next stop was to be Pecos, ! Bo'n through bis ran h. spelling Texas, where he expects to put ln!ru,u ,u ",H 1 roD Pr'Pctx, J C. Kg- qulte a while looking for pearls In I the mussel shells which he has been Informed are plentiful In the .shal low waters of the Pecos rivet near that place. He left Santa Rosa ou the morn ing or the 7th and arrived at McMil lan on the morulng of the nth. which waa doing pretty well, consid ering the layover, for the water to get tow enough for him to stay In the river channel. It is about 160 miles from Kan ta Rosa to Carlsbad. gar, ageu t,u, well-to d i ranchman near Watrous. N. M . returned to his house and immediately a revolv er shot was beard. Mr. Egger was found dead lu his room. He had recently suffnreil other fi nancial reverses through hail aud rain. L. C. Leftwlch reports several feet of water In Spencer Oam, which will make it possible tor him to raise another cotton crop out there. This (s the first water that has been The Red Cross adheres to the es- caught there this season. tímate that there wfll be at least S00 lives lost In the Peublo flood. Sheriff Button and daughter. Mise and the real estate board estimates Dorothy, rturned Wednesday from that the property losa will run be- an overland trip to danta Ana, Tex- tween' $16,000.000 and $20.000,000 The debris and mud la st vast that It will take several days to make any Impression on it. as where they went after Mrs. Bat- ton, who had been down there sev eral' weeks visiting her parents at that place. i \n\n VWENTT-NI.VTH USAR. mate ,. veloument conlemnl-ied Iw "'" "u 0,a l':,le " "lit is ... r... .Z,-," "" '"" .. tile b