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fo (Earlabaít (Ettrrimí TWKNTY-NINTH YEAR. niK OtREHRAD CC II RE N T. FRIDAY, tVHK 17, IMl. TO PI T HIDES ON ERKE LIST Telegrams It i ed in arlshsd Hint I'. Ilr. i. ninl (jtllrk Action I l-Ki-il I.. R. E. Taylor, member of the Southern Tailfr Association, wns In town thin week, and while here,' re ceived a telegram from J. A. Ar nold, at Washington, O. C, whleh brings up a very Important matter lor (be people of this country to conalder. Tbe effort to put Bides on the free Hat means that thousands o( dollars will he lost to the cattlemen and dealers In this country, as bldea will practically be worthleaa. We all know that the money de rived (rom the sale of bidea in thla ountry has oof ten afforded many a now in. ni quito a little bunch of spending money, especially when they were worth something, and to put thaw 011 tbe free Hat will make tt useless to even try to aave a bMe at all. The telegram received by sir. Tay lor follows: "Washington, D. C, June If. Hides hava been placed ou free list. Wirt Immediately all congresamru In your state and section asking them to go at once to ways and means committee and protest oroutly against" this action, demand a reconsideration. take up pufHoualiy with President jHardlug aud ask him to intervene In behalf of the cattle industry of the nation. J. A. ARNOLD." Mr. Taylor submitted the tele gram to all the business men and bauke of tbe city aa well as to the commercial club and chamber of commerce, and to numbers of Indi viduals, aud all bave agreed to take tbe matter up both by wire and letter aand try to see what can be done about It. f Mr. Taylor is devoting considera ble time, without any renumeratlon, to thla matter, and be asks the hearty co-operation of all our peo ple In order that something may be done In regard to this matter. EASTERN IIMVIKRN MAY JOIN EACRA MAY NT ART PRIM, NEXT T ATS! COREA FPI,I, VICTORY AMERICAN I.EdlON . i M V MK i: s ; r I M . niri.l, BAI f m nr ..-.' a- aiiwiu ar a.i... Mill. 11 . .... laa aa. ... 1 ar . . aaaa ... . r ' r WESTERN IHNKm IN PRO- IDINO EOANH TO MVE BTOI'K (JIIIIWKIlf. IN "OAR"' TAX CASK. Ml I I li IN Al n M i III! V I Since the. burning of the derrick j oourt l Hrery Contention Indianapolis, Ind., June 8 The May 18th at the Laura well Mr. Tin-1 A,i ininM Ht-i--. íi...m death of Col. P. W Galbralth. Ir.. Koslerri nally. president of the Sunshine Oil Collected 'of Cincinnati, national commander Waahlnetnn. June 11. Onanclers would Join western hanks Company, has been Indefatigable In In nrovldnm loans to estilo raisers his coasele efforts to have it re OI'AOAI-OtJIMO MOP NT A INS History April 17. TRftO na rla . of the American levlnn in n motor a.,ti,.Pa i.. . .. . The state won a complete victory car accident here eafly today threw Mexico, while on an expedition mala- under the plan being worked out by Placed and the machinery put In or- i n the gasoline tax case In the V. 8 ,n, mourning the legion posts Ty In search for suitable ranch k the ttessury to furnish needed cred it relief without govermeutal parti cipation. Details or the plan, which Is ex pec ted to he In the nature or a bank ing pool to raise the money through private channels, are to he consider ad at a conference of bankers in the livestock growing sections called for Wednesday In Chicago, by Secretary Mellon. Invitations to the meeting were Issued by Mr. Sellon after a confer ence here with J. P. Morgan, the governors of the federal reserva banks of New York and Kansas City, Eugene Myer. Jr.. managing director of the war finalice corpor ation and several senators. Meanwhile an Investigation of the feasibility of the proposals Is being conducted In the weat by Governor Harding of the redera! reserve der to resume drilling. The copious supreme court. Attorney General i throughout the nation. Ron, lighting Indians, and huntinr downfall or rain and bad condition Harry S. Iiowmti. stated tortav The Henry J Hyatt or Indianapolis, na-I game for meat ware o,,,-.. .,..... Of the road have Impeded progres court held the law separable and, tlonal director or the legion' Amer- canyon near a magnificent waterfall to a great extent but progresa has according to a private message re- tcanlsm commission, and Milton J about two hundred feet blgh A been made by working night and calved by him, upheld every conten- Foreman of Chicago, national com- man called "Hitting Dull" because of day under Mr. Tlnnally's personal tion made by the state. muteenian of the legion, from IHl- his claims asa fighter wandered un supervision. The Enterprise Is The lower court held the law In- nols. were Injured, not seriously. 1 the canyon and discovered the fall pleased to Inform the stockholders separable. This meant gasoline sold when an automobile in which the la mind; returning to camp with a of the Sunshine Company, that not- in broken packages could not be three were riding went over a steep wild etory of a waterfall of such withstanding the stringency in the tazad, because gasoline sold In the embankment. I vast proportions, no on believed it money market the Laura Is again original packages the packages In The men were returning to the Implicitly hut halt enough faith In preparing to resume operation and whleh It was shipped Into the state city from the Country Club In Mr. the possibility to go see for them It Is expected that drilling will be could not be taxed under the in- Itvan's car. The car felled to make selves. On arriving they found a resumed by Monday at the least. The terstatu commerce regulations. 'a slight turn in tbe road and ran I beautirul mountain stream rushing cost of rebuilding the derrick and Mr. JJowmau sld from 06 to 100 over the curbing, across tbe aide-: over a faU higher thaan the cele repiaclng the machinery destroyed par cant of the gasoline sold in tbe walk and turned over several times brated Niagara The party consist by the fire hss boon up in the thous- state was sold In hrok. n containers landing at the foot of a 20-root em- of Peto Corn. Walter Thavar .....i ... . . i. .k i. nU.ti ..,,..,, . - .k.. . , . ' i nayer. "-. oKaywu iuc cum nn-i i-i- reputations ta li K i ii -1 1 1 All three men were Jonn -uward. Charlie si,i.n,i.,. the best in the I'ecos Held and almost and Was taxable under the derision totally destroyed could have been At the result of the decision replaced In so nhort a time is a re- state now has two laws taxing tbe markable example of energy and gasoline sold between the date when pereaverance of the manager aud bis .the first law went Into effect and the iiiiowu ci' r 01 me c.u 11 11 wmu -Jutl . nomas, ii, jt a, ,i.v aMrf tha down. Mr. Ualbraith suffered a frac- lastly Prod Aherdon "SitMnv nii" lured skull In the roll and died on tbe way to the hospital Coronor Paul P. Robinson who vlg and Also . a - a wtn V--1, .... . it waa aaaartad. could not only be i wfco m iuler,,td in the I'.-cos field. made avananie moie iun i. man under legislation to permit the war graced with beauty waa named. nenrrliitiiiu. They wound their way up the dt eniciani torse ui uriysrs. osr. imuai-iaate When the second passed hy the ma.i n immedlafelv iMtrlala 1 11 ri. liticntm. ,,iii,rulK 'I'hniA . . a & ., MRvnn m. 1. 1 1 ... .1 aner inn acciaKni, saiu au eaauiuia- nuuau uvu sp.iiKiea with a levy taxes, totaling possibly 6 cents on of the rk,,,) Machine showed I u"y mountain stream trickling lir llilu,i,l I ..ri. ihnHkl ..... I Sama T . m .17 . . n hmkeu couuecuou or the steering . "10 ocks. IjAS VEO AS COWBOY RKl NIO.V The Las Vegas Cowboys' Reunion management highly Jubilant while the bronk bunting bucka roos who make the big Vegaa show wvery year are plumb downcast aud discouraged. They have Just learn ed that Idaho mil's string of buck tag horses will be on the Joh again t the 1921 reunion July 4-t-n. Ida ho Bill's outlaw cay uses have per formed at Laa Vegaa for five conse cutiva years and have delivered very time, as many a cowboy will testify. This year the bronks win tared near Laa Vegaa and are In great ahape. meaning they win be snore resentful than ever in having a mueher get "above them." Idaho Rill, himself, with his pie turcsque long hair has been much In tha public eye the past year. The Tamona scout and plainsman appear ed Leslie's Weakly and Sunset ma gazine all lit up with Illustrations nd Just recently broke In die head lines of doseus of newspapers with his roped Mexican bear wblch he toted around the country in a tllver. One of Idaho Rill's bucking horses. Dynamite, was the Inspiration for a bit of verse which appeared in many metropolitan newspapers and mnK nslnes. The Itrst two stanzas are as follows: The outlaw stands with hllndrolded evi i. His feet set wide upart; His coal black hide gleams in the sun There's klllln' In his heart. A puncher squats' upon his heels, ( His saddlv at his side, He's slxin' up OI' Dynamite Which he la booked to ride. finance corporation to handle .150.- (ThO.OOO In cattle loans, but would enable the more effective co-operation of the federal reserve hoard. As far as the matter has been con sidered, officials declared It Is pro posed to supply the money ror new loans rather than to attempt to thaw out froxoa cattle credits, as it is believed conditions win be righted In tha next lew months If the atockmen can he carried over the readjustment period. Efforts to meet the cattle credit problem through private channels is said to be in line with President Harding's policy of government aid to businers rather than federal par ticipation In tbe actual conduct or industrial activities. I'ecos Times. COMINO ANOTHER COMET. Astronomers now believe that likely, however, that the state Would attempt to rolled more than the 2 canta already collected by the deal ers under the firm law. In dollars and centa the decision tt worth nearly 1200,000 to the state tiit sum collected by the deul- Wlnuecke's comet will be several era under the ttrst law. The money million miles from our earth on , goeg, to the highway department ex June 27, the day of tbe nearest ap-'cept loO.UOO to he used tor bulldlOK piouch. lleta ei ii twelve and twenty ' tbe fish hatchery, million miles are tbe estimate made. I Mr. Uowman and A 11. Iteuehan. It ta probable that it will be to- as special asaialatit to thu attorney tally Invisible to the naked eye, and : general, represented the state in th. high-powered case and Mr. Uowman made tbe at- will reuulie a fairly telescope to detect it. Ituuient before the I We snail, however, pass through court In Washington. Its tail, aa we probably did through the tail oi HaMey's comet Ui 1910 No injurious effects were fheu expe now, though we may look for a mé rlenceU, and uone are anlicipateii teoric displa. a broken connectlou of the steering . "rer smooth oeki. Hete and wb. el I there was a placid pool, elear as tbe Commander Ualbraith was tb:"lr lu" "till sprin morning; up second chief officer of the veterans' w"l" was the lofty rliu of the can organlration, having been elected to ,on wu" "''d u patch of blue Hjr the office at file Cleveland conven- " rest tnerroü. Had tion last fall to succeed Prauk !' OHer, of Philadelphia, first presi dent. Ualbraith served In France dur ing the war, and has been a constant champion or the cause of the ex-service meu since his return from the ranks. Subsequently he was transferred uueiia, growing rrjui nuiTlgepaf rocks, reared then- heads to welcome the coming of the DMrnlng sun; sumac trees held burdens of entan gled wild grapevines laden with many a purple grape. Aud In front, as the canyou bent to the right, a high bluff oí fantastic for mation burst into view. The little TIIK T Itl'TH AHOLT THE IIIAMO.Nl -MAHK.KT. to the 157th Infantry ami embark -d , 1 ,ln'ni " the inouulaiiiH. like suprema for overseas In June till, By lead-' "lr thread lu thu sun, apod to ins his regiment throuah the lines lu 'l'up to a pool .l.mclna of the Germans under Ore he won IUO'g the ferns and to thu regfon o the title of "The" Fighting Colonel I. ot the Fighting First.' The report has been circulated I that diamonds rfttve declined In nrlce I The tail oof a comet Is composed , to a creat extent alnnt with other1 of gases in highly attenuated form, filings, but we are informed by the Kit M UHERL OALP U AH M TCHKHKD. John riowmanphoned in to fiber Chicago. June 15. A banker's and eveu should they prove to be Hellers Jewelry Co., or this city, that iff Button Wednesday morning that i! Ctta'Pnr" of the imiuu, to air?!. 1 ,1 II .11111 . 1 ....... J ta, I Bata a iL . ata,aae.n . t.a a. a IllH gllUI'lllU HUIll.. i.f i,"ul "'" i poisonous, inn) are so raie nui inia is oniy true in tne case or cheap ,ad found where someone had unmeaiaie renei, uy loans, lo live- in tllects will De experieiiceu uy me aiamoniis and does not apply to stock men, was recommended today inhabitants ot this earth. ineiuns stones which are perfect by Chicago. New York and other of comets sometimes stretch for sev- this statement we quot lauioowH apun from tbo beaten spiay in the bottom or the canyon rar below, Until that day uever did a white man's voire echo from the bluffs o! the canyon; und never un , UI then did thu walerrall play ita .1,1,11.1,, tr -...1 ' n,, iiiieinilUK tune aaya ii.. eagie ot the oraas abova. to the panther in the thicket In the not apply to butchered a calf out lu bis pasture, l 'T aúd ,, ,,' , , T, Í5' 1,1 ,M ct. To prove having the head and hide wiere the n ?C? " J vltuxaSl". , ' Uw Ha from Kl- calf was killed. her 2 0 1920 Lnl"8luu' a monthly ma- , dherlff Ration and deputy, and I ' ' bankers, meeting here at the request eral thouaud miles across the sky. ger's Diamond Dust, of Secretaary of the Treasury Mel- Our atmosphere tonus a siruug gaxlne publlshi .utaalL.a attnelk itf MlVlilItl IF Art- i faxte.ll 1 obiaI avaaaa IOn. pruiotll.o " J"wo... IWIIlu.ll luí .1 ....a- ll,a IM... Under the plan out! ned. bankers "'g as a protection against meieecs. "For the past few mouths diamond, man r,fh j ü(. .'l',' I .. . . ... .. . ,.,a i.i ..,k.nai.u fan ni iiiu salea ha itinv.,,...! ii i. i..... 1,11111 aim main inTeeugauena. or me unuea riiaies win particípale wnu;n wumu muni"" " 7 , .1 n aa 1 . . . - . . . . a. Zl .a. 1- 1 Tliulr rrl. ObV OUR. lis tha reaani, II. ......... n'u.:'1; s-TTSZ, .V o,h he strata or th-ly dealer, found themselves with I írum. th pUca tb" the clf lu"u"ü üay received .,. írom serve system, and Eugene Meyer, ir cus. s them to become .0 hot , heavy stock, on hand. A. a reaul, i LTZ. ' .VTZ ültion T-Z?! managing director or the war finance that they fuse, and dissolve into va- ' '" "" . I , "7 , . ' '",: ' " " ' " . ,all ' "J LZ;: " should tend toward por, so that they rarely reach the "'"' luí. "uw". u" ,r 7. "7i-.. " .- IT. . . 11 ..1 w.. ,. e ... .. wTTr "Z stock surface of the earth in solid form. '"i"ie yuri-imses. vvnai was tne""' "" ""' " ul" ,, "i" , H ' ' "" iTTBUll. fly. Hie I flu llllllli! 'nillcate 1 11,1 uuuuriiUR. naen wolf " """" , - at once closed down aome of their spectacu ai but doubtless harmleas(A...,h ,.,,.. . ' -111 h ... it ia thniiaht T..n. ' 'S.uth African mines and decreased i. .Z'i" . ri. .7 lDe Production of rough, keening When there la a comer corporation bringing financial relief to raisers. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Mey er represented Secretary Mellon. The session today followed a con- ............ . Uf n. .1.1.1....... I..1U UaA ! 1 ... ...... .11 111 1 I , , TTttuT- in nniuiiKiun uniacru ai, uui olIltMWIBtr All will oe wril. nrlnia ........ M.ii.... u ... u, ....... . n ... ........... ...... i.. . .... i .. 1 ' ' "ini j nrnuii, nniriiii, iiumri , i..i,iii . hi .- lanruim ii.iuirn, muí n HirilllK 1 1 .... 1 1 .... . .I..1 I.. . 1 1 . . a I ' ' -- , ..... a.. ......... UIHinMIS I'HOrKMT VAI.IIATIO.NM . i . 1 1 1 1 ' i i .i ; a They tracked a couple of norsa I tienta Fe. June V. The tax com- e granted. the valuations then They expect to investigate further elfhtl tlian the Helling prices today and are hoping to be able to locate asked further reilucliou. Mo the guilty party, or parties. actlou was taken toduy. of Kansas and deuso body, like our earth, could In in any market, as there is in dlu- unolnra I'ltinur Kenyon. of Iowa. all probability pass through them , u""u"- "-" may oe main- Through the recommendations without appreciable injury, even If 1 11'! at any level the syndicate ... ... .. . . m . . ,, ... . . IHBV ilAiira Ana I. la 1. . . w urn w 11 later lie nres. nl. tor mi i nn mi i-oiiihioii iouk mare ir " ""i iiunuin conlerence of Chi-, ' probablo that the earth in the cago bankers, who will In turn con- ' ourse of Its history has passed fer with New York financiers, live- through several comets without In- stock men would be -enabled to nro- Jury. Occasionally one may be cure 36 months' credit on made at current rates plus 1 per Is thought that a colisión with cent and not to exceed H per cent. n.iuire to destroy such a iiniimnnlv by cutting price. "nut at that, the Retailer could he In a tar worse position Sunnnse loans dense enough to cause harm, hut il Ml Jeweler, handled eatables in an, lorm, or dry goods whose NICNATORIAI, LI.KtTION The writ or election for the elec tion of United Status Huuutor waa i .sued Intlin bi Hum i no V.-cbem Tha writ wus expected, as he un- uouueed some tinn- ago ins intention of calling tile election September 20. i iiii.iii ui and .i. i, , , state Ratification or the plan is expect 1 ed by both Chicago and New York bankera. The J. I'. Morgan house, I It waa said, had announced by teje i itraph it stood ready to participate to the extent or f25.Oio,000 tr the plaan met with approval or the unit ed banking executives. ' Judge O. P. Whlttlngton left Thursday morning for Hot .Springs. Arkanaaa. In reaponsc to telegram, of business or Importance demand tag hla attention at that place. Mrs. Whlttlngton and the boy. are locat ed out on the W. H. Merchant ranch south of town, and are enjoying their atay out there. walls rising above the outlylni; plain 160 teet. Comets are distinguished from nil other heavenly bodies by their A polo club has been organised ' "tails." The peculiarity of the tail among the members or the Cavalry ; ' that it always turns away from troop and aome of the boys of the the whenever It gets near town, and they are practicing dally enough to be Influenced by t. The over at the polo grounds. Bryan eause of this was not understated un Hunyan Is Instructing them and they! recently; but is now believed are Intendjug to have a first class tht the light-energy r the sun ex leum erta a definite physical pressure up- small bode muv have occurred about 1 " , "ungeu with the season. 5,000 years ago ir Canyon DlnMo, ' Indeed, you would have have Arlxona. where we find a huge crater I eaU8, '" worry. Ah It Is. how three diiartera of a mile In dalmetnr. I yo" W,M onlv be temponiarily bul scattered for miles round with me- "1'- as ""r diamond stock will nut teoric Iron. Jt is fiOO reet deep, the ''precíate either in price or quality. "" u anil win be resumed,- In deed, already the public has again started buying diamonds- and you can turn your stock Into money without a losa. Boma classes or goods decreased lu li ice unci mis is why; mi small goods, fell, because. the last lew years of abnormal de- 1 maud, diamond cutter, absolutely refused to work on such small stones. As a result thev were mum- on the highly attenuated matter la,od ,n' ?d you know wnt this mien tne demand fdH- off The Civic Committee of Hie t'liam-I her or Commerce headed hy M. K Smith as chairman, and- rnllowed by John W. Wells and S I. I'erry. hav. asked the board or directors or organization lor money with which lo conduct their fly rampaUn pl.inn- en some time ago umi loeir requeet ciiairmeii imte been await i'ig the was granted. The city dads nlso writ to can their central committee! gave the committee $::.'i ror this to issue their culls for the party con work VWsttOM and now probably will Beglnoiag next Monday mornUm, shortly announce the dates when the June L'uth. ibis committee will pay oeutial coiiunilteeh will get together. 10 c. nts per quart lor all dead ttie.i The date corresponds to the date delivered a) tin fire Hall each day of tbe election on Mlc constitutional rroiu ! until II o'clock each mom- amendments proposed hy the firth in:: Someone will be at the hall to legislature. meusure and issue orders for t It Hie- which order may be taken to I he Corner Drug Store and present ee, or ed to Mr Smith who will pay out tu ring the money. Messrs Donahue mid Driaklll. cat- A large supply of traps has been tie buyers from Nebraska and made up b, local dealers so all may Wyoming, who have been In the be aupplied who wish to begin catch-1 Carlsbad countiy for a couple of Ing flies. This is an opportunity weeks, and who bought about eight which should be taken advantage of hundred head of steers oout on the by all of the residents of Carlsbad to lttHl WH'"' tt"ro Duying i HAVE ROCtaiT m ii i FIVE TiiouHA ni OATTLH. a- ..... .. . means ,JS. JXZiL MmauT fT thlet tí tt " began working on them malTe our beaüütuí city more 2 opposfle di.-ectlon rroiu the sun. Uomets have been called the i "tramps or the solar system." They I travel more rapidly as they approach our sun, and some have attained the Inconceivable velocity or a milium j miles an hour. Sometimes a comet may be torn apart by the terrific again, but at decreased wages, and pieaaant place In which to live by T.hU they closed deals with as Die labor lo the biggest item on making It a flyle.s one. No limit is , qultB '"'""" or our local cattle a melle, the new production 'prices pUcea ou tn amouut r men f"M, nd "'together, they have forced the former speculation prices brougut ( and the more killed the b0UK,,t, ,ihout .au "''1 year below even heir former level l hal. ,, .. , -, , ''a. twos and threes, paying 120, inning the big demand, this The followlú reciñe has been ',U n" MU for ,,ieui country ha. been Hooded with badlv I ,P,L" ...h' "t..?: J.n..?Z. ,u uuu cut. Imperfect and off color stones. rorce or the aun. A good example of I A " 1 owing to tbe unu ual domnnd this 1. Blela's comet, which until they have sold. When the demand 1845 had been returning every alz ceased and diamonds were plentiful and a hair years. Ulela'i comet haa " P'oapectlve buyer would not con never been aeen since 1862; and aider anything but tbe best. Aa a doubtless waa rent Asunder and ! result, tha dealer, and Importers scattered through space Comets are among the moat Inter esting problems presented by astro nomical research 'or the reason that they make us realise the relative significance or man compared with the universe. Take, ror Instance, the great comet uf 1811) It wa cal culated at the, time that the period of lta revolution through space was about 3,000 years. Happfly, modern astronomical research haa robbed tha comet of lta terror-invoking poweri and made It merely a harm teas celestial phenomenon. Leslie's. Farmers are buay thla week load ing hay at all (he shipping points in the valley, and are taking ad vantage of the clear weather to cut and bale as much as possible The hay la bringing from It to fit a ton. with this claaa or goods are lu a bad way, and are forced to cut their prices and take a big loas to get rid of their Imperfect stock. "Now concerning the clean goods, the price, of this class of diamonds I have hot dropped. However, some importers and wholesalers, aa well a. retailers, found themselves load ed on diamonds. They had to un load. If they wanted to continue business. If a man today gala a bargain la a good diamond, it Is be cause someone had to sell I It la not because of an Increased produc tion or a general decrease lu price!" tried and louud to be a good one for . . . drawlug files into a trap: palBfl the same price for them. Two teaspoonfuls or brown sugar; Among those whom they have clos- three teaspoonruls or best cider vine- ad dettl, wUn ard (, M Williams, gar with em, ugh water added to Ued UoW(), lhe Forehand pooI make a teacup full. MiCk Campbell Walter I'endleton, Clalh Kyln, Will Evans and Woody TO THE MEMIIKHH OF THE Tutlis. II Willi it OI-' COMMERCE: Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hock left Thursday for Palomea Bprlnga, where they both expect to be bene fitted by the watera of those famous pringa. Thla la Mr. Bock's first va cation In two year, and be aaya ha feels that be haa earned It. Kalph Thayer, 1'uuW Ward and Did you know that there are sure Xoul Middletou were among the "top aome good ideas put out at the of tut) mountaii," t,oy. La town this luncheon. of the Chumber of we,,k and tnBy M reporl (ue eoun. Commerce? Ita easily worth the t as being In fine shape up theru. four bit piece that It costa and be-1 sides that you get a good feed. There will be one or these lunch- win uoraon, travtnng ror the As eóos on Thursday noon June JSrd , aoclatod Film Co,, or Denver, waa in at the Crawrord Hotel. It behooves Carlsbad this week Mr. Oordon la you to be present. a coualu or Mrs. V. L. Mlnter, and while here thla week visited tn the Mlnter home on north Halagüeño street. At the last meeting or the Direc tora or the Chamber or Commerce Mr. Hubert, the president, waa au- thorlaed to appoint a member or the With the appointment of Mr. F. O. Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce to 'Tracy as Vice President and Mr. W. act aa a member of ' the Board of F. Mcllvain as Director, Carlsbad Directors of the State Chamber of will be repreeented In the State O o m meres and today Mr. Hubert Chamber of Commerce by two of appointed Mr. W. F. Mcllvain as Near Mexico's strongest and beat such director. i booatsrs. . d B.APJH \n\n for whom the Falla that 11.1t iit-a . , " H"ll"l ' l"l SI O! Aaa.Mli,,,! I.iuf-irl Al!,.n...v Hal V. I I I I. - I , a, .. ...w. FLY CAMPARÍN.