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Tint CAIUJmAt) CUBRIBWT, FHIDAT, Jim Tf , 1MI. - KIPLING'S - BEST CANDIES ICE CREAM MADE OF PURE PASTURIZED 1IILK SODA FOUNTAIN AND CIGAR STAND open for business "PAY US A CALL" ft A. Gragg A I.KTTKR FÍOTM THK KANSAS TTY WAT I -KM lilts SKK'IATIO. LOCAL NEWS. 11. K Taylor shipped tin. Angora back to W J. Monro, at San Saba. Texas, loading bin on tin trmn here Monday. He waa a very firm poci men, and MM Mr. Moor" ISQ, be Ides tha express. Ilir.ney Hopkins la In from ht WI11 Mini nh ranch, limine bMII helping 1- (I liyim with the brand ing of calves anil othor work out there FTaTLD DAT RTKAonun The local cavalry troop will ob serve field day on the fourth of July with race, tug-o-war on horae, polo match and Kuck races. At night then- will be a big bull at the Armory Aa thin la all the entertainment ao far announced for tha fourth In t'arlsbad, the hoya ought to get a good crowd out both In the after- I noun and at the dance In the even- in g. Seven candliliitcH wero dilated In to the local W O. W. lodge last night, anil togwtbtr with a fine amok r and other "iitertalnment, tho lodge spent a very pleaaiint evening. J. W. Irby, an old Carlsbad boy, now with the Trl State (Irorery Co., of Bl PaJO, wiih calling on the local trail.- hart this week. Allen Stewart, Roj Waller. Wal- ;ter Craft anil I.en Minlgett left the i flrat of the week In u car expecting ! to wind up In the nil Melds nt Mexla, Texas. Tiny encountered some wi neavy mails in the early part of their trip, but suppose they got through all right. Miss Mary Whlltlnr of Manhattan. Kansas came In on l.he passenger Monday, mid Ik (he limine gneat of Mra W. J. i, nub at her home on HalnKiienu street. District Attorney Dlllord H Wvatl, Mra Wyatt and Judge C H. Ilrlce will leave In 'lie innriilnu lor pulula In Texan for a visit with friends and relatives. I lot. will Ni'WH. Thi m il OhMBbw "f commerce luncheon In to he lielil on June 2:trd at me Crawford Hotel. Oenta omit and find what's going on It may be something on know nothing nboul anil In dial case you learn Homethlng. Mm. Bart Itnwllna li expected In from California cither today or to morrow afternoon. M Rawllna Iiuh been Hpeiidlng the Hummer at Long lleacli and word from bar brlnga the newH that her heuljh han NH much Improved by the trip to the couat. MrH. J. C. Ussery and Willis llarueH left UiIh morning In the llnrnea Ford for points In Oklahoma anil Kan nan, where Mr. Harnea will vlalt with IiIh hopie folks and Mra. Ilsscry will apeud some lime with relatives and frlenda. For Flrat Claaa Ilattory and Electric. Work call at the OHNEMUS SHOPS. "Can Fix It. I. ant- Pros.. Carlsbad. N. Mea. Oenllemen: Replying to your letter of May .mili In reference to the organisation and the plana of ma l-etlna which yon have outlined Hi to advlae thnt we do not be lieve Hint your Idean will wo'k out In actual practice. For a gf-nt ma in i. the ctnlom In pilling h'i han been to guarantee the weight and grade to the purchaser at de't' natlon. Thla I the universal pic lice In terminal tnarketa and on this iircount the trade will not huv has unless tiny tlrat have the privilege of looking at It. Thin implica not only to the terminal markits but to all consuming poluta In the aoulli and cant. Hay If far dirfereent from grMn In ao far aa marketing I concerned In that It la not subjected to mechan ical tests Htich an covert grain In apectton. In other word hny can be perfectly Hound and of good color when loaded In n car and mav be sufficiently well cured that any or dinary prudent man would believe that It would ride to any destina tion without damaging. However, ahottld the hay baled from the wind row contnln nny exeess molntiire chances an that It will heat and die color and In a great many Instances become mouldy In tranalt. Thlnga Juat like tbln. which are not Infre quent In certain Hcaaona of the hea vy movement of hay, have made huyera Insist upon deatlnatlon tcrmi on hay and of courae tho aellcr haa to enter to the wlahea of the buyer. Aa far as the practical marketing of hay la concerned there would bt no objection In getting an InHpector from this Association or from the National Hay Association ns we don't believe that you could And suf ficient buyers who would make their purchases on loading terms to war rant the expenHes that you would be put to In this connection. To give you some Idea of the enor mity of the system of marketing ha. wll state there are fifty wholesale dealers here who are apendlni; hun dreds of thouaands of dollars annu ally In circularizing the whole Un ited Statea for ordera for hay. Alt these deajers are selling hay on des tination tonne or when they buy hny In the country or when they buy on the terminal markets they are compelled to ship It to thp destina tion under gunrnnteo that the hay Is as represented both ns to i;rade and as to weight. We wish as much as you do that some scheme could be devised where by hay could be marketed on de mnnd drafts and official loading terms, hut the government han even discovered that the grading of hay la a very hazardous proposition and they do not propone to grade hay any other way than In tome way Our Counting: House í EVERY buslnesH has a counting houae. It Is an essential pnrt of every commercial or- I Kanlzutluti. Our counting house call It the bookkeeping ili paitnit tii ir you will Is the place where, In tbtMM uninteresting looking ledgers, we keep the records of the service we perform for you. The cost of everything wo buy material, labor, what not in order to supply that serviré, la kept there. The readings of your mety are- checked and almi kept on tile there. Men and women chosen for tholr ability to do thluga carefully and accurately, keep those recordu and are reaponalble for the accuracy of the accounts rendered to you. Ilelng only human, they may aometlmes make mistakes If they do, wo are extremely eorry and endeavor to rectify them without material Inconvenience to you. Bear with us, then, believe In our good1 In tent, and remember that your light and power company It here to render you a verV real aer vlca and with your help and good will our busl neaa relations will be 100 per cent right and aatlsfaetory. The Public Utilities Co. A pipe tongue won t burn your if von dmnlrp P A Y Frlmtl Altar I In tmppv rf landaom pounj Baar poumf tin n u in f so r with iptnff moislmntr Cepvrttht 102 1 br R. J. Nrvnolda 1 abacc Co. W lotion S-J.m, a & Get that pipe-party-bee buzzing in your smoke section! Know for a fact what a joy'us jimmy pipe can and will do for your peace and content! Juat check up the men in all walks of life you meet daily who certainly get top sport out of their pipes all aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince Albert! And, you can wager your week's wad that Prince Albert's quality and flavor and coolness and its freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclu sive patented process) will ring up records in your little old smokemeter the likes of which you never before could believe possible! You don't get tired of a pipe when it's packed with Prince Albert! Paste that in your hat! And, just between ourselves! Ever dip into the sport of rolling 'em? Get some Prince Albert and the makin's papers quick and cash in on a ciga rette that will prove a revelation! Fringe Albert the national joy smoke CHRISTIAN & GO. INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE AND SURETY Ave per cent of air bleached hay on outside of bale nllowed hut muat be sound and well baled. 8TANPAKD ALFALFA -May be of green color, of coarse or medium texture, and may contain five per cent foreign matter; or It may be of i?reen color, of coarse or medium texture, twenty per cent bleached and two per cent fnrelKn matter; or It may be of greenish cast, of fine stem and clinging foliage, and may contain live per cent foreign matter. All to be -omul, aweet and well bal ed. No. 2 ALFALFA-Shall be any aound, sweet and well baled alfalfa, not good enouKh for standard, and may contain ten per cent foreign matter. No. S ALFALFA May contain twenty-five (S6) per cent stack spot ted hay, but muat be dry and not contain more than eight (8) per cent of foreign matter; or It may be of a green color and may contain fifty (50) per cent of foreign mat ter; or it may be set alfalfa and mar contain five (6) per cent foreign matter. All to be reasonably well baled. No. GRADE ALFALFA- Shall in clude all alfalfa not good enough for No. I. SAMPLE ALFALFA- Any alfalfa hay that contain thistle Weed, amnd burrs, or any other weed of like na ture. , BDDT GROVfl CAM1 NO. 6, W. O. W. Meeta regularly every lat aad Ird Thursday ta i each month at I IP. II. Vtalawra welcome. 'L. & MTER8, Clerk. J. I. PENNT, Contal Commander. they will show tht rade of the en tire contents of the car. In other words we believe that when Federal Inspection finally comes that it will have to be an Inspection bale by hale and that the Inspection that governs In the transaction will be tho final Inspection at destination U Bleat, of course, the trade Is mude with government inspection ut ori gin without recourse. In connection with the enormous Iosbch that huve been taken on hay In the paat year, will state that the growers and dealers in your country have not bad a monopoly on these losses. There have been several bin failures In the hay business and the'alfulfa meal business In various parta of the country and there have been some enormous losses among hay dealers at this point, la fact there la at present going on a period of the greatest depression that the writer haa ever known In this line of buaiueaa. Wo firmly believe that there will In a short time be a gen eral rrelght adjustment on this com modity and on alfalfa meal, and thla organliatlon haa spent and la spend ing several thousand dollars in aan effort to bring about these reduc tions at the earliest possible date. The reductlona that have already Bean accorded your territory are ao amall la amount aa to' bo of no benefit. Thert should be a general fbjrty-flve per cant reduction and be lieve that It It going to bo brought about before the Brat of the year. We only regret that there It not tome auggesUon we could offer yon In regard to a more successful mar keting of your bay, but wa don't believe that the time baa come when a grade cau be established on bay that will be accepted by the trade aa Bnal when made at point of ori gin. Vary truly yours. KANSAS CITY HAY DEAL ERS' ASSOCIATION. Spring & Summer Clothing MOST MEN REALIZE, without being- told, the definite advan tage of having 'clothes nuiile-to-order. Tills spriug we llave 80O superior paíteme to allow yon and every one la IT IMS WOOL. Tho price arc reasonable for these high cluas I. ni. .ir. i garments. Altering, Repairing, Cleaning and Press ing at Reasonable Charges. Jacob J. Smith THE TAILOR ALFALFA HAT UKADKH CHOICE ALFALFA Shall be reaaonably fine leafy alfalfa of bright groan color, properly curad, aound. sweet, and well baled. No. 1 ALFALFA Shall be reaa onably coarte alfalfa, Of a bright groan color, or reaaonably tine leafy alfalfa of a good color and may con tain two per cent of foreign gr Gates Half Soles only require 12 hours to put on a Tire and they last from 3 to 6 thousand miles hard service. POSITIVELY saves ONE-HALF the cost on tires. Chris Walter a \n\n or mnd inthm TV.t .fa..