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TUR CARIABA I) CTTBRBWT.KtmiAT, JVWR IT, INI. Have you tried the new 10c package? Dealers now carry both; 10 for 10c, 20 for 20c. It's toasted. LUCI STRIKE IIGARETTI TAX COMPLAINTS ADJUSTED The Rnsrd of County Commlsslon srs, sitting a nnard of Rqusltxa tton laal week, levied a apéela) tat of two milla on the hundred dollar valuation under an act "Authorising and dlreetlns hoarda of county com mlaalonera to levy taxes for the years 1921-22-23, for conatruction and Improvement of public highways and to remit dollar for dollar for al lotment to the state of Federal Fund under Federal Road Act, and for other purpoaea." They alao adopted a road budget totaling y 8.900. 00 for the- period ending- November 30, 1921. Numeroua applications being re ceived for reduction of assessments tie Board proceeded to Investigate the petitlnna, with the following ra ault: The Board after hearing evidence - relative to comptalnta for reduction and corrections of ata amenta and valuations, instructs the aaaeaaor to correct renditions to conform to the following orders, and to reduce or raise aald renditions when necessa ry as ahown by the following orders: W. J. A. Meyer, requests 81 acres Of watered land be classed as gras lng land, which la allowed. Mary E. Htrunk requests 1200.00 reduction on bouae and lota 2, 4 and 6 block 3 Arteala. $150.00 re duction allowed. Homer King aaked 25 per cent reduction on house and lot In Carls bad. $200.00 reduction Is allowed. Peoples Mercantile Company ask ed reduction of $300.00 on Iota 2. 4, In block 10, Carlsbad, reduc tion not allowed Also asked reduc tion on building and lot 5 Block 28. reduction of $500.00 allowed on thla property. M. R. Sin i Hi asked reduction on lots 1. 3, 6, 7 In Block 9 Carlsbad, no reduction allowed; alao aaked re duction of $260.00 Oil improvements on lot 9. Block 9, Carlsbad, reduc tion of $250.00 allowed. W. H. Mullan asked $300 00 re duction on improvements and lot 10 and Ntwothl.rt of 12 In Block 8, Carlsbad. reduction of $300.00 la allowed on the Improvement, alao aaked $160 00 reduction on K two thirds of lota 1.3,5 and 7, bloook 5. Carlsbad, thla request Is not allowed. W. B. Wllaon ia granted a re-classification of 20 aerea of his land, aald land being sub-Irrigated and the aaaeaaor la Instructed to assess said 20 acres at $20.00 per acre. T. O. W)iuau lequeats redJCllon oa 10 aeres u sun-irriguled land m mi- 'o. . i,. . . uauge It, anil ti- uutuoii v.. i avBTUe MlMll lU oee ussensur is ku etr tailed m - ' in avies at Sau.uO ! . aacre. John Nymiyer requests reduction on 14 aerea sub-Irrigated laud lb sec. 31, Twp. II, Range 23, also 3 aerea in Sec. 20, Twp. II, Range 23; tbe aaaeaaor la Instructed to reduce the assessment ou tbe 21 aerea to $20.oo per acre. A. W. In liman requests reduction 40 acres of suu-li rivaled land In Sec. 6, Twp. 24, Dunne 28, the av eeasor la Instructed to assess 20 10 aerea of this land at $20.00 per acre. J. R. Ogden requests reduction on 40 icres of sub-irrigated laand in Sec 17, Twp. 24. Range 28, the as sessor is Instructed to allow a reduc tion on 8 acres to $20.00 per acre. H. B. Jenklnp la allowed a reduc tion to $20.00 per acre on 27 aeree of aub-lrrlgated land In See. 16, Twp. 23. Range 28. E. Hendricks requests reduction on lots 7 and 9, block 37. Carls bad, which reduction Is denied: al so request reduction on Improve ments on lots 18 and 20 In block R, I Carlsbad: the assessor Is Instructed 'to reduce this assessment In the Nancy Shropshire requests IB I acres In See. 30, Twp 38. R. 39 be reduced to $30.00 per acre, which request la allowed. Joseph 8. Stevens requests reduc tion on following property: Lots 18, 20, 32, and 24 Block 6. lots t, II, 13. 15. 17, Block 40. Carlsbad, this request H denied. W. H. Merchant reqitests reduction of 3600.00 on W 1-3 or lots 2, 4, I, and 8. Block 6, also reduction or $100.00 on lot 11, Block 8, and re duction of each on lot 1. 1, 6, and 7. Block 33, alt in Carlsbad, this request Is denied. Mrs. M. F. Chaytor request reduc tions or 50 to 76 per cnt on follow ing property located In Carlsbad; Improvements ant? K 1-3 of lot 13 and lot 14 lllock 8, house and lot 10 Block 28 Htevena Addition. The as sessor Is Instructed to reduce the as sessment on Victor Hotel, in the sum of $200.00. llr. W. F. Glasler requests reduc tion on improvements and lots 11 and 18, Block 37; also Improve ment and lot 8, Block 27, all In Carlsbad. These requests for reduc tions are denied. Julian .Smith request reductions on following improvements and lota in Carlsbad; lot 16, Block 6, lot 4, ! Block 23, lot 6. Block 23 The as sessor Is Instructed to reduce the assessment on the Improvements on lot IS Block 6, In tbe sum or $500.. Matilda Ocrlacu request reduc tion on lots 8 and 10 Block 40. Carlsbad. Thla request Is denied. T. 0, Home requests reduction of sum o' $1000.00. Tr. R. J. Rnstman requests redne tlon on the following lot and Im provements: l,pf R THnrk i. li Tt'rvV . lots t unit 4. Bloc 40. Ca'is'' This petition ror reduction Is not al lowed. Rwlgart pnd Priter request re duction on SU N"' U Sec 29. Twn. It, R. 27. this reduction Is not al lowed ' E. Pnrdy requests reduction on house and lot 9 Block 34. Carlsbad: , no reduction I allowed, i Ollbert and Collins rennests reduc tion on office building located In Ar , teals which reoncst is not allowed. Probst and Weems request reduc tion on house and lots In Artesla: I which request is denied. L. P. Evans requests reduction on lot 1. 8, 5. 7. 9 in ninrk 5. Original i Arteala; this request Is denied. Mrs. M. A. Dillon request reduc tion of $600.00 on Improvement on following property: Lots 11 and 7 Block 14, 1.a Huerta, lot 6 Rlock fifi, l.owe Addition, Carlsbad, lot 7. ! Block 46 Steven Addition Carlshud This request Is denied. Hicks and Hamilton request re duction of $190.00 on lot 1 and :i Plonk 8, Artesla: this request Is de nied. Mrs. Ollson requests thnt she he allowed an exemption or $200.00, which Is denied because petitioner Is not a resident or New Mexico Dick nates requests exemption of $200.00 which Is denied because re quest 1 not accompanied by certifi cate from assessor In Chaves county. VALLEY BOTTLING WORKS HOT WEATHER SPECIALS Orange Julep Cream Cocoa Cola Root Beer Cherry Blossoms Lemon Strawberry Ginger Ale . Clean Bottles and pure flavors. YoursMx) serve E. H. HEMEN WAY Suppose Your House Burned Tonight The Sret thine "u would do, would be RUSH to the nearest phone and give the alarm to the Are department. The time for alarm ia B8GFORB this actually happens. Why not RUSH to the Insurance office of W. F. McHvaln and get this Protection against loss of your household goodti, personal effects or your business stock? WB OFFBIl PKOTBOTION AT A MODBRATB OOHT, and TODAY is the opportune time to sectfUw Adequate Ins J W.F. M ILVAIN I Fire and Automobile Insurance Surety Bonds tur am iters ow ra smm blu American ships, flying the Scars and Stripe will carry you and your goods anywhere Two and three licnerstioru ago, the Star and Stripe were all over the world. Then they almost vanished from the seven seat. But today they are back again. Big splendid reamen, Ameri can owned sod opersred. carrying passcngeri and goods, sre crowd ing their way into si I foreign harbori with the Stars snd Stripes proudly fluttering from their tnsrts. American exporters, importen, travelers sll csn help by ship ping ."-I ssiling urwjrt the Stan snd Stripes. Operators of Passenger Service Admiral Urtt, 17 Val Srart, Nr Yfc. N V Matv Nartsallon Company, It BO Ify Mret, lalomori Mil Munaon Steam MCi Line, RJ lleavar Mr. ri ., rori, N V New Yrk snd Porto Rico f 8. C., II Hroadway. ham Y i! N Y Pans Mall S S. Co., 41 HrvarJwav. IMa York. N Y. U. S. Mall 8. S .... 4 B. Mew York, N Y, Ward Lin. (N .vt. anl futía Mail S. S. (.o) I wa ol Wall Street, Nr York! N Y Free use of Shipping Board films Uat of V"iv"S ll-.'t.l .nntiiwi ntcture hlim. khji reeh, Irce tei reuuesi of any mayor, paito, pmimanr-'r, in organe xalsm A grrsl exlix atiou.1 DaStlaTS oí hipa and the Narllr for infwm alrontoll I an. I 'i eci M InliMina ion H.Keaei. Rem ill, III "F" Straat. N W , ..,',- P C Mi ii i HON ft A LB IT 4oMrMa rtfMraa .M Staat alaaaMe. b -il. ail mm4 aaal asrsae. Alaa waad laasawa. afjsi baila tal uaeea-SrHn t4 FaMaar ialanmataaa otMauiad by ratjaaai. Forsailingso)flSSaTsjfr and freight ships f ail parts of the world and all otherinformation, write any of the above lines or U S SHIPPINC BQRD WA1HINC TON. DC CORD TIRES Now Selling at the Lowest Price Level in Tire History 30x3i 32x4 34x4á $24.50 . 46.30 - 54.90 (And Other Sizes In Proportion) Tire repair men. who judge values best, class these tires as having the sturdiest carcass made. Forty-seven high grade car manufacturers use them as standard equipment They are the quality choice of cord users. This new low price is mude possible by strictest economies and specialized production. Plant No. 2 wan erected for the sole purpose of making 30x3 Mi-inch Notvkid fabric tires. 'éVith a daily capacity of 16,000 tires and 20.000 tubes, this plant permits refined production on a quantity basis ( All materials used are the best obtainable. The quality Is uniform. It is the best fabric tire ever offered to the car owner at any price. mm STCCKWELL AUTO SERVICE STATION Twp. 17. K. 27. that this lanil hi' classified as grazing laird; which petition is denied. H. C. Kerr requests reduction on Improvements and lots 3. 11, II and 15 lllock 8, Artesla, which re quest is denied. yV. H. Strunk requests reduction of $1000. 00 on laud in Sections II and 35 in Twp. II, It. II, tin' u .. sor Is instructed tu reduce the as sessment in the sum oí 1110.00. Tin First National of Arte sla requests reduction rf $3700.00 1 Bloek on real estate, which request Is ul- 1 1 1 w i 1 1 l.ukewood National Hunk or Lake wood requests reduction or 111 I on real estate. whlcTi request Is al lowed. The assessor is Instructed to re duce the assessment of John Jhuu s on the improvements on tot II lili- k I, CarlHhud, in the sum or $500.00. Win. I.eck requests reduction on Improvement! and lots ll and ! In llloi'k I, Carlsbad, the assessor is in-stiuct-d to reduce the assessment on the improvement, in the miui ol 1110.00. Mr. A. A. Ilearup requests rwdUC tion of 25 per rent on lots n and l In lllock 4. Carlsbad, this request ) t Hied. I. S. Crawtonl requests that lots II and II lllock 27. be valmtl IhS same us lots 12 aud 14 In same Illnek which bslODI to E. T. Carter. The previous assessment on these J. E. llague and H. C. Ilowman re quest a reduction on land in Sec. 29, Twp. 1. R. 26. which Is rejected for the reason that then' Is no rendi tion made by these parties. J. W. Hounds requests reduction or $150.00 on lots 19, 21 and 21. lllock 11, Otaton and Stevman Ad dition, this request Is denied K E. Atkifl ror real estate of J. L. Hunt, requests i ilm l inn on lot 7, Mock II, lots t and 7. block 14. lots II and 14. lllock 1 1 all of 7 In i in. .ii West liavtou. this request Is rejected. Soffa W. Harris requests reduction on lots 1 :t, fi, lllnrk 15, Cliuiytiui and StiiMnun aildrtton Artesla, till request is rejected. Liiiie McKJunsy requests reduction on lot IK. lllock 6. Clayton and Steii miii Addition. Artesla. ulso lots I, 5. 7. In lllock 47. I maro VI mints Co Addition, Artesla, tins request Is denied. A. K. Ellelt requests reduction on Ktti line. lilts MtlTOIHSTM A'l'IKSiTHIM Tk n tan of Win K AT MAP with you or ki'ep it III our nSISgS) It taken 4. ti. H. lllock 1. Original Arte sia.thls request is denied W. A. Jenkins request reduction on laud in Sec . Two. . Bf, which R. M. Thorne Furniture Co. Is granted a reduction in valuation on' stock or merchandise of $4250.00. Shelby Urocery OO. Is granted a reduction In valuation on stock ot merchandise or $4 340.00. Hubert-1 learhorne Hardware Co-. I is granted a reduction in valuation I on stock or merchandise at Carlsbad oi t I 1,900.011. Hoberts-llearliorne Hardware Co. is granted a reduction in valuation on stock of merchandise at Loving, of $4,400.00. M H Smith 1 grunted a reduc tion on stock of merchandise of 11,040.00, which Is a 15 per cent re duction huvint previously been tak en on rendition, for loss by Mrc. Win. Leek I granted a reduction in a illation on stock of mercban dise of $1. .ll 0.011. Whereupon the Hoard adjourned. Phone 49 for anything In thn request k denied. R. M. Munilhankr Hon on improvements on lots 111, 12. 14 ami If, lllock 11. h'orest HI Ad dlllon. Artesla. petitioner is allow ed $500.011 reduction ou improve ments t'oad Bros., through their attorns) in fact. It s Waller. rSQUOStl reduc tion on valuation or land known as off Dirt nurl QrSaSS without witter or requests r. dn, "! ;') " mi- ii tu. ni'mH uar oi.itio sell It. '!." rents ier ran. ftOBERTH.DHARnORNaa1 HDW. fO- four lots being the same ihv ,.oad ruU(,h vUM r,.qu- , i .Min nn on improvements and 1ota I, 11. snd 13 In lllock 24. Carlsbad, this request I denied. A. J. Cox request reduction on personal property in tbe sum of $170.00, which request Is denied: also requests reduction in tbe sum of $200.00 on 20 acrss In See. 9. Twp. 24, R. 28, which request Is de nied. The sasesaor la Instructed to In crease tbe assessment of tbe Rosa Mercantile Co., at Lining, In tbe sum of $1000 00, this Increase cor ara stock of baling wire, which was not rendered. The request of Mrs. John W. Moon tor an exemption of $200.00 la refused for the reason that the petitioner does not reside In the State of New Mexico. T. E. Young requeata reduction In valuation of labd on Sec. 11, Twp 17, R. 21 not have action was taken. K T. Carter and S. !. BtenntS Jr., request i eduction on lots 5. 7, 9, and 11 In lllock 6, Csrlsbad, wbicb re quest is denied. E. T. Carter requests reduction on lots 10, 12, 14, lllock 27, Curlsbud. also reduction ou II lots In town of Loung. both requests ure rejected. . Major E. P. Hujac requests reduc tion on $500.00 on lots 12 and 14, Block 2 Carlsbad, also lequcsts re duction ol $50 UU on "lot I, lllock 14 Carlsbad, also request reduction ol I $1 100.01 on lots 2 and I, lllock 9. tLulluerta, these three requests are I rejected A. W. Bogensrhutx request a re duction on Block 3, Forest Hill Ad dition, Arteala, the assessor's rec ord do not show renditions by this petitioner, hence no action was tak sn. The aaaeaaor Is Instructed to re duce the valuation on all beea In the county, from $8.00 to $6.00 per col ony. i The asseaaor ia instructed to re duce the valuation on all lands wa tered by pumping planta, from $50. 00 to $40.00 per acre. Leon Blum Jr. requests reduction on Improvements and lot 14, Block $, Carlabad, thla request Is rejected. Lora Milla requests reduction ou bouse and lots 9 and 10 in Block 12, West Dayton, this request Is rejected. nn d Cr. H. Scrlpps roque t reduction in assessment on S 1 2 Ser 2U. Twn 18, R 26, which request Ib reject, d Sam Moskln requests reduction of $900.00 in assessment of stork of merchandise, which request is rSjfCl cd. it. M. THORNE UNDERTAKER LICENSED KMBALMEK Telephone 70 petitioner states he doea k aiaugnwr aua ian request . ra anfriin ..... i,.. dm i ion on laud watered by pump- which to water more than 40 acres. M"" D,nt' reduction of $iu 00per Tbeassscsor Is instructed to correct sllowsd. the rendition ss follows: 40 seres St J H- HummerflenT requests s re $55 00 and 10 acres at $3.00 duction on lots 4 snd t Block 19, La Henry L. Hiss requests reduction ! Hue. ta, this request is rejected, of $1700.00 on Improvements and I T. C Key requests a reduction on lots 81 and 11, Block 0, Clayton and 'three lots In Hope, a reduction of Stegmen Addition, Artesla, which $810.00 Is allowed Chas. Burton requests s reduction reqasst Is denied Mrs. Florence V. Moors requests reclassification of SeetToas 7 snd 10, on lots lu rejected. Block 8, wulcb request is THE STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX SMASHES RECORDS CAIUIYINQ V. H. M li A SI l Hi I. V K in l.K.HT H1X has eatabllaheil four suned records between Han Francisco anil loa Angele traveling- faster Uuui any aotoiuobtle r train ever made the Uiim before and proving 1.14. II I MIX stamina, litare Is what the in. H i BIX did: 11 Mude the round trip from Los Angcdes 8(4.8 miles In hours 23 minutes elapsed time A NEW REOORD. Bsat "The Lark" fastest express train between San Francisco and Los Angeles by 3 hours 47 minutes, aud 30 seconds A NEW RECORD. This ear was duly deputised upon orders from Wash ington, to carry U. 8. mall. Tbsse remarkable records PROVE bow the STUDE BAKER LIGHT SIX can make long continued runs without mechanical trouble the car established its reootds on two trips and was ready to start oa ths second Immediately after completing ths first. FOK 8 ALB AT THE OHNEMUS SHOPS "OAH nx IT" Been Here Always and are Hsre to Stay