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he (ftarlabaí. (Eurrott NIMH V K Ml. iWtlsmi. !NF.W MKX1CO. FIUDAV.iMVKS4.1MI M mi K .TO. VjARLSBAD'S " babe .RUTH " FOILS ARTESIA. II XMlil ll OF OOMMKRCF. M'M'HKON Thi r'hamlMT of Commerce dtnmr yesterday at the Crawford Hotel Cafe wan attended by the Urgent crowd of business men yet present at these meetings and much Inter est la being taken In fmprnving the city aa well aa trying to better road conditions throughout tbo rountv. The first speaker waa Mr Arnrfd. of South Dakota, who aald ho waa agrceablv surprised at tha fsvnrable rondltlona found here generally He alao aald Honlh Daknia waa In splendid rondltlon with fln crop, and fat rattle. He further stated that he ha Just bought aa fin a bnnrh of rattle In Fddv r. inty a he had ever ahlppel out of the south. Oeo. V. Price, of the traffic com mitter made a lenirthv report on the efforts hla committee ha made In trying to gat lower freight ratea on hay out of the Pecos valley. A trln waa recently made to Amarillo to conault with rallrnsd ofTlrlnia and It waa found that thin aectlon of the DESTRUCTIVE HAIL ASSESSMENT WORK Lost Sunday wa the day of one of the beat ball gamea witnessed thtt aeaaon al Flreman'a Park. The came waa well attended and held the apecUtoni under the apell, by flrat rlaaa playing. Tha ame waa atarted by Wood going to tba mound for Carlabad being relieved In the fourth Inning by John Wake, well known twlrler of tha Houthweet. Martin twirled for Arteala. and pitched a good game holding up enle fourteen innings. Carlsbad's new third baaenian proved to the "Baba Ruth" of tha Weat. making two home runa, one at the early part of the fame, and tying the acore in the ninth With hla aecond home run, and brought In the Inning run by being walled, and eteallng aecond and third and acorlng on Patton'a hit We will leave It to trie baae ball aa, aa il ' l e fti A gana v tow, .v "''"JT" any and the railroad official, do not .mall grain, fielding and hitting on both, aldea i m dlHpoM(1 to Krant , ,0Wl.r , ..,. waai un.- w f. Mellvaln of the road com- I mlltee aald a trip had been mad,' to the Point of the Mountains In enm Ipany with the atate engineer's or flca, that another trip will be made next week thiougli Hie Qu, en - n n IN LOWEE' VALLEY LAST TUESDAY. ON MINING CLAIMS. Hon. B A. Nymeyer, T Carlabad, Now Mexico. My dear Mr. Nymeyer: In further reaponae to your letter of May "th regarding the ...ess- A terrific hailstorm vlalted the lower valley in the vicinity of Lov ing Tueaday the cropa of cotton, corn and amall grain being complete ly deatrnyed on an area embracing 1700 aerea. about one thouaand raent work on mining ctalma. I take aerea being planted to cotton and ; pleaaure In advlalng you that yea the crop being among the beat In ; terdny arternoon 8. J. Rea. No. 31 the entire project wee reported favorably to the Senate The Blorm occurred abont dark and passed For your Information I end the full extent of the damage I am enclosing copy of the provlaioni none waa not known until the ef thla revolution The next day when It waa found that now goea to the House aueasure cropa on the farina of M.V. Daugher ty. W. B. Rose. Ren and Roy iok aon. Tom RaMForke. Hnsaon Proa . the Wealeya and othera were a total loaa. The storm area was a narrow "trip along the river and the atorm aeeined to atrlk them from the northeaat Some hall tell In Loving 1 but no great damage waa done In that euhurb. Most of the farmera win replant but will confine them With kind regards and best wishes aui. Very sincerely yours. A, JAMES. U. S g, country now has as low a rat., aa selves to the planting of corn and OF HAY TRADE t'OXDITIONS THIS WEEK. The only atrength shown thla week ta In markets where the receipts Have bajen amall. The demand coo tlnuea veiy dull and although offer Inga are every light, markets are NEW LAWN IV EFFECT Santa Fe, N". M . June 1 4 One hundred twenty-eight new laws, all try to Jnapect roada In fliat section those passed by the Fifth New Mex and until the átate engineer gives leo legislature not carrying the em out a report on the two tnns no orgoncy clause went Into effect Sun- barely sustained and generally comments will In, nul- ny th- road day at noon. These Include a drag ahow a much weaker tone than a HE NATL JOINT lllXil.l Tln M Mill It ; That the provisions of sec tion 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, which requires on each mining claim located and until a patent has been leaned therefor, not leas than IlilO worth of labor to be performed, or Improvements aggregating such amount to be made each year, be, and the aame is here by auapeudeil as to all mining claims In the t'nited Statei excluding Alas ka, during the calendar year of lit! and up to and Including the 30th day of Juue, 192 , Provided, That every claimant or any eucb mining aw " M mm acBaaaal jmHH. m Hi FOURTH OF aiULYT TO BE CELEBRATED. IN CARLSBAD. Itnmn lasnwM V. VuHemmw. The citizens of Carlabad will have a. rare opportunity to heur n singer of note Moiata y night nt 7 : HO o'clock In the Armory In (he person of Aaron James V. "Aurlemnia. former member of th" Metropolitan I'rand Opera company and an associate of Under the auspices of Troop B. New Mexico Cavalry Carlsbad will have a Fourth of July celebration. TlMN will be auveral interesting reatures In connection wltn the affair such aa a Troop Parade which will be held at 1:00 P. M.; a Polfc game at I'M P M.; mounted Tun of Wai, potato race, wrest linn match three-legged race, shoe nace rniirna- iment race, shelter tent pitching con lleal, troop drill, and other dlver i alona. I A camp supper Is to be served by the Hoy Scouts for which a char of 6(1 cenia will be made The en tire nffalr wIM be rloaed with a grand ball nt the Armory, the Roe wall orchestra fnrnlihlng the muelo for the dancers A charge of 21 cnta will be collected for admission to the Field day events, and 12 00 wilt be charged Tor he darce. The exerciaea will be held at the Troop drill grounds. Our pefta ahould turn nut and help the hoye by their presence and enjoy a Fourth of July at home 'WHITE EI.EPIMVT PMtTV" claim in order to obtain the benefits , Caruso In concerts week ago. Where stocka have accu mulated, there la a continued freeware to sen, aa not much Im ovement In the demand can be on eloated at this time of the year. Drought condRlons during the let- i about the road from Lakewood to ter pert of May and which were not Arteala. The Major wished to know broken until the pafct week haa re- If hla remarka would he publlahtfd duoad the early ptoefect of a bump- and waa told (hey would so he i 2i crop to one of average alie. The to be aa mild as possible on the wndltion declined iron 91.1 on May , road question. However, lie did say 1 m mo on June 1. or from a proa- I that It was untrue that the Corlaba I committee. tic "blue sky" antl-wlldcat-promo-' 01 mia reaoiution anail nie or cause two yearVatime They Will lie) heve Major llujac next waa called on b Hon act, the act nuthorlzlnu a 1200,- i t0 b ln tlle ff'p, where the lo- The satlstactlon o! aervloj I U inl Prealdent Hubert to speak on road onn addition to the atete capítol, an cat'" "otce or certllleate is raoord-jpurpoac ll going to inur the liaron niattera Inaamuch as the Raiorf anti-gambling law. one of the moat I' 011 or befor e lt day ofielng and to assist hits In the Sal seems to have drawu some sarcastic severe la the country, an act Cloa-i Auu"'' a notice (lf hla desire Yatlorj Arm drive g New Mexico remarks in file Artesla Advocate )ne .n , Ai.,'Tirt. to holil said mining claim under the and in Carlabad in particular. Declive 108 million tons to lnl mil Hon. On May 1 the amount of hay ajn farms waa l'J miirton tona, or 7 million tons more than the average end thla quantity added to the ex pected crop makes en Indicated to tal aupply about the same aa laat year. Hay Trade Juurnal. Ing the second offenae a penal one a law reimburalhg Santa K Hidal go, Orant and Luna counties for In terest paid on railroad bonds, an act placing the ttaveting auditor direct ly under the governor Instead of un der the xtate auditor, an art making Mrs. R. M. Thome entertain about ihlrly or Carlsbad's society folks last week one evenlnc. hnnor ini: MIhm Alli.ttr, i ' . 1 1 . i .. i extending over T....ek k ., ' "" -penning the summer In Carlsbad The 'Wliite Elephant" part of the even ings entertainment consisted in each one bringing n parrel done up In such a manner that IT cjntenta could not be r.-cognlied and trad ing for an article elmllarly disguis ed. A lot of fun fi suited wlien tha provisions of this resolution. And j During tlie war liaron Auriemma herenfi"' the labor required under aerved with distinction on theVreneh Revised Statute, of the fnlted conduotln, a DhQTn. o( l".00 Á-er ."Zl Z X"ínn K Statea shall be perfotmed during lean sl !ier for the ei,tertauimiit ii,.i,i...i i... .. .i ', ! !r. I.I ,,r Hie 1 1 1 1 1 H. . .. . - " anil lliuse lio wished played eto- euch fiscal year, beginning the 1st of the -oidiar- íMiaiiiKur nf í ' ri i ni a rAÁ r n Pail nnlv for ecenlc route, to attract tourist, " Juvenile court Judges day of July and ending on the .loth No admlaelotl III be charged but toy of June.' to the city ea charged by in. AdVO- end lncreuaiug flielr salary, and nu- cate. He said we are also looking ' after the Interests of commercial CABIatBAD WOOOtntf, VtWI AKTEsL MHM.E. A private letter to friend In this I .. i I... Vf . . pi... In,,, Ir inn iuuk'i i'- iv aquandered on the road from I.ake-oeeu '" lea.nm ne, - leaiu. aiuui wrova wauip .o. .... ,,,.x Uudaj aa well as tounsl travel and reiterat ed that he hoped such amount of money would a roller! me v. Ill be taken. The drive for Carl.oud's quota started and will end next Tuesday in which I ur(l jtline it n hp-.i to lea note than .ttUb.OO for the Salvation Army. Hum: Auriemma will dog at the i BJVWI while otber games wpre ijj pro- irri'SN 1 . . ' T i . I l l 1 1 i i I nt I Aa - a today (, (.ak. C0,,(j ,,,,, ,.Venin-, nleaa. M ALAO A NBWH, Eddy Urove Camp No 6, W. o. W..on.Wford Theatre tonight and Hetur- well at the cuurchea Prof nh(1 Mr, HMIMll npnT t3 .1 . . . I . ... - ... m i i .ni . .... . .i niiuuay in inn niime or ; n ii...., wood to Arteala which is now one of I " "'ui muntiiaio. ... mi reoeivea one ot tne moat royat , . - the be, roads In toe county As b tn"'r ""x' Pee of reeldenee they weieomei aun arara entertained bet- Baron Jume v. Auriemma. who is j M' ....... ..,, ..,,.,... ,.,. .P, to the proposition made him by the expecting to leae for that place ext ter ,huu .,, uy ilmllur ,, , the eltj Ifl MOBeettOO with the ,,. ',, t, ' . , ,H Advocate of furnishing a bum, so ' ' fo"v- "' the memor) ... any member of thli Salvation Army m now m, will ,., s , , a5raTwe aeAaoaS . ... ...... .,..!,. L.lT. , lews that Hobby, the young son Of orrtpr ,,...i Woudman who -i... .. i",a U.rhnrfl.i ehi.ivl. ,n il... ' . ',on" " ' "n,e. Hand nie aaji" ...,RUi - . .,, ir.. l I.l .. .. . ' . . " IbHI tlie re w,e between 1!nn and eyes full of scenery, he said lie uppiui. ' ' ''"'' '" "I the meeting m-ld in Arlesla ami ai n, iovl Hi.irlct .iF T, . ' ..i.i aetlwav. thai pouuda. He ha.s acquired the nxk ,,...r mm a ha .her,. if. maa a-i... .....ires ia-n Ktaaa nt I . lMr 'oit. water cotnlnr haa been In the atate penitentiary :" ".. .VI, .V" uame of 'áunny Jim" becauae of his ;V- , "ir k..: ... -v.-,.. ...,o ,ro"' ""' "",H w,'hI "' '"'X l; river aince his conviction of Oral l gie- , ll" Uaositlon and has evidaiitlv '""1" "" """" . I ""' SVz . " " "roke in ,le, th HAILEY Ml M HAM.. The New Mexico Supreme Court yesterday denied the motion lor a uew trial in- the Sylveator E Bailey aaaVaa - nsan nn.ial.iil Í mill ( 1 ra II t cou ty aúd resentenced Uailey ,c, ) mountains and get be hanged Friday. July 1. nan -y , r' , n ,hu, , pounds H .,., u.tru a tin nt lam,.. M llellnrc. II.. I 111 . I III. ' which ! may be accounted a public benerac , Win,,,- v.. i. Hi. ... aeiiver ine inirro id n r m hm. - ,, loan i.ani hi ine uiierunou .... .1.1.1 mi - ai..... ,....K. ,,, ....aj hear won all neuris l. iv. r as in- in.. " , . ,, t... , ,,,, ,,, ...,.,,i linn. . i .11 ii. it. hiu . ...,fia. v-u ..... , , ni- mu.' r... luii. .... . j " ....... a garage proprietor. of between h. re by . . I I. . : I Tll.l I. I ... . I If I' II tl It'll (till I-- l.ttliniMIU. a If Oasa- .,s.a-.-.a ! l A til I'na ... i m llUU .'I I n. r u . i t ll"" ia n . I fr...l III l,,,i aie unwell r.i . .i waa aa ,. . , , Well Ji" m.n oH hu avnl.lerl l.v If..- HIU ailBV-l.uUB u. ..p.... y . to have the governor commute the death aentence to life impriaoiinieut. llrun iru and miLV h avoitit'tl tV iCo lug via Van Horn. " vttcu"1 MiltOll It. Smith Was the next I.V.rUI..,! .innlni In lh. elovei.ll. C O swlckard of the Cuarantv ! apeaker and his subject was Cívica l niok Bates and family, who are ,,,. wh..n ,,, knocked Hi three Abatract ('.. ' and W. B. Moore of I "hie h he handled In a very thorough sp.mdl.ig several daya out at the ', H(.or,,4 wU(,h puf n, . , ..... Kdrfv Countv Abstract Co . left maimer, ne ss a i n maro o.. ' I tie 1. .,,1 ... t! 7 to 7 ti. In til men! and t.ue out about ion feet nf thn ennal .1 II. V Irh was In from Ins ranch .... ti ... ,,' M... .,... as The game :Uke a nigi. place lu the ranas alore- , j , , ,.,,,, Hos- mar s. hixil hulldini; Is entitled to expect to i Curlsbad In the early days when ( return to Uosw.dl the early part1 our etreets were only sand hills of next w.ek. Hick had a good time I and a fielght wiigon belnc bogged 'shaking hands with his friends In trip with i lei abatract and title men of the entire atete wns held yesterday at Albu querque, at which Frank F. Hohertv. executive secretary of the American Aoeoclatlon of Title Men. of LdM the first of the week In the Swlck- rd car for Albuquargoe, on an 1m . a u ... i ..... . 'O. .. were r",. '. J """,. k..' -rr..r I down during rainy weather t.-i,,.- Carlsbad, and aaya he will always . .. ..... ,,..nV i.n m.rte the common sight. H. told of how the'httV(. ;1 warm place in his h-art for aaa aa . .. t rr,.n nf .. i C I . i . . . ti . I .. ..till A meeting of thii i lrr" "' . . ...,. i airee I iiae leiu-.. p. .-i aim -..i.-i'-i a-uii tne itosweu .winiury inaiita why It is necessary lo replace dent j,, ,1P (. of st-ward. an.l say- ! trees with mountain cottnnwoods aoikja tries to see to il that ;hose boys , flie beauty of the city ma be pre- Bet W(,n f,,j if there Is anything 'aerved. The law on having u mix nick really does know how to do Ans-ele. was nresent unci the .inert-i can in me imey .... .an .. well 11 is lo tee,, paw.,., ...... i . IélI aftllll 111- M.I 111 II Wltn JlinL . " 5L . .... I!'., aócl, o , r ah-I necessary In Imve a clean all-v as II attenUOP Is called to a apeclal '' -tractors nenrtv even other state Is to have a clean front yard He program to be given at the Metho in the Cnlon having such uu organi sation. Th" beneflta to the nhstrae tora as well as to the general public from auch an orgenteed body, la aeld to be conalderaMe. 'Die gentlemen Iiave been heard from at their des x tlnatlon and report the roads good with the exception of several placea being rough end that they had the minimum car trouble They expect to arrive In Carlabad Suuday or Mnn- ,day. games of the season wtXh th. W. O. W. team. w. nt Into extra iBRlMI b.-'ore ll was Mid. W A Walkin. who till, that decided who ahould ue the victor. jiiiiuh. u u ,. '""J0,. av lust i, t grounds of the school by planting Klad,v ,,,, wiies, seuin- inn grass. luasnm , , . pt-a. . Jlower bHl aud In many way., ud- h.,, ,.,,., .', ,r .... un n to the atlractiveiiis, ol the, ,, , r ... .' ........ ... ... Jii.i.rn, a. ... i .i, WTiann property, ami ail is done without ... , n ,.,.., ,,, u. .., had alfalfa down w,.n It Ural iuniug Carlsbad scored five runs aa it seemed to take the Koawell pitcher a abort time to get starte.t right. Then after a. few innings the local butters opened up tlie tire works ucaiu and got two more ..-ore- f;n. sw. ll came lni k a l tied the score 7 to 7 In the eighth 'lulling und Beeves, who pitched for Icarlsbad W. O. VT t arn, held them j scoreless the remainder or the . i lest by excellent pltehlxi and Credit is due Reeve Inr pitching a good game and m It mm h w ill (' irla- the solicitation of ahould rocalvg and W worthy or the highest couimeiiUatlon. I antea. I of the bar unattractive yard or a short time ago Carlsbad now haa school groundi iltal have b eg made attiactive and will prove a wortby ti mute lo '.Uo industry aud good luate of tlie oribiualoi lor mans years: In Che uauio ol the citlx.iusor Uai'laued, lli.uik you. Mr Vatkiu.i. any mi.. mum laaaa ii i,.a .uir .i,.... alao endorsed the Idea of fixing up it Sunday Bchool at the close of the Ugh' places he showed siren-Mi the city park for a playground ror ! the lesson next Sunday. The day I in one inning with tne buses inn What word will we use to describe the nagging wife since horses are going out of aCyle? children of the city. As a meluhei of the city council Mr. Smith spoke authoritatively on the condition or the streets and Bald the present force was Inadequttte'to keep them In Brat class condition and there was no more money to be spent that way. A good grader la needed, he aald. and no money Tli eight with which to buy It. Taxes have been ralaed on city property whlcTI may cause grumbling but 1f the streets are put In condition It will take more money, Mr. 9ralth thought the paving ahould Is to be celebrated as "Old Folks I ami one out ne ucihmii'ii up ami Day" and a number of tnlks will he i pulled out of fhls hole by striking L'lv . n ii limit Sunday school lines, by out two of the best batters on tie- mined lust Tuesdai Fred n Miliar i, ehlpplm hia wool tdra to Roawell, hm between ten and twelve thousand poilBda The Ijivt two dais the ' and Peeoa train hn gotten through to l'.M'.e. un recular tin.-, but - r. . Hn nre not running aa lagjlllai a. they aJinuld, as our El Phs rrandgy pn pere came in via CnrMeid I ues- the older members of the achool. 1 Roawell team. But without U' : pnumlH ana buiii mi., ami hei mothl day morning. a tel.-. ani received bf Jucrae and i c 0 siin-ii and nn laaniranoa man Mia. i u. urauthaai the tor,, part .were Malaga visitors today looking of the w k aiiiinuticeil tlie I... Hi to af(,,r liiiKlness. Major and M,s DM0 Sinith. or a Maban Wyinnn was In town tho girl baby, ll. tsth ii slant, ni tie n other day and rays he wishes there iiom, in Dayton, ohm. The weight iWRH n taxation for hcihh.i teaehera Ol the little one Is giwu aa elglltl .. ', T .,, Iwima Some old songs will also he sung the entire exercises lastlug only about half an hour. The State National Bank, which haa been cloaed for some time haa opened for business again beginning Jast Monday, with L. A Swlgart as president, J. W. Sherman, vice-nrer. (ll.tlt.L. I), e un, ....,, I sievi.i il . ha heavy stick work of the , ure hind to be dolug w,ni The Cur i,,. ,,,r.,,,.ri mwn i,i..l ,, ,u-. on- game could not have been won and; rent joins hosts of otlwr friends tu worse for (he girls to go bom'J Hum Ferrel probably lead in this r- spert thla city m wWhlng fh" liaby long n H f, them to go to Miver City, la aa he got a three base lilt the nrst luu and prospeiity, with the beauty Summer .chuol. time up and also being the first hat- and giace of her mother aud th, ter Lai the game, then getting three many excellent qualities of her rath other title out of Ave tlmaa at bat. r, which la about the lanit any Flrat Baaenian Wynn playeo" a fast persou can wish for a child. .-.mi ind hit well also as did others opening of thla Inatl. ..ion haa given an optimistic feeling to our people generally. ldent. and W. A. Craig, cashier. The I on the team The sensational plays The waahout at Orla which occur- of the game were made by the ceo- red last Friday night has been so ter fielders on both teams. Oodhy i 'r remedied that a trnftl was gotten calehini; a hard one after a long run through Tueaduy night of this week and the Roawell Helder doing like- The passengers and mall were Trana wis. on two occaalona. The Carls- around the washout where a bad W. O. W. team waa especially trl WB "' waiting for the return atrong In the Held at third base. 'r'P to Carlsbad Harrison playing a feat game and the I Koawell aggregation were very tory work. The officer., aud degree be commenced on the business streets and the residente aectlon ' curbed end graveled. He also ad- vocated making a health reaort at I the spring. i Rev. Oeo. H. C.Ivan spoke on the I - i n C . IbIhi il nt nf 'school and churches the past tvo;!' - " """. .: 7 . IT. a irrer,. i . hiiv of I In an orderly manner. Ing. Thla la the only fraternal or ! the i lllxenship of the city Which weak. Third Baseman Jone, missing lean) were ably assisted In their every chance coming his way. The work by the W. O. W. orchestra who name was witnessed by a large were alao ln uniform and furnished Crandma Queen of Queen. V M. is visit l ii.: at her nun's J. C Quivn; J. C. and wife going up to Queen for her. Mr. O. O. Cleveland anil daughter, Mian Margaret, wish to thank their neighbors and friends for the sym pathy extended in them at the nm or their aon und brother, Robert C'a death and burial which occurred at Han Franilsco, California. Itobert was in service or his country, sta tioned at iioiuduiii Eapeelnlty do they thank Mr 0n Ueed tor th dispatching of telegrams for tin m Howard 1'iater or Cnrlshad waa on our atri-ets Thursday atteruoon. Ilnds expression In the Chamber or Commerce dinners as well aa other gatherings. He aald the slogan or his native state, Kentucky, waa a good one. It Is: "United we stand; divided wo fall." Dr. Olaaler gave the club hla rneas about a free camping ground and he la In a position to .Judge ns he stayed at many laat cummer all over the country. The camp houae hac been eliminated bv tne committee and will not be built. The doctor put aa the moat essential thing tor a camping ground na sewerage and aeld without It It was a menace to any community. X'fter listening to a runny story by Dr. Boatman the meeting came to a close with announcing the next din ner two weeks hence at the Palaee Cafe. Flower Mission Day was ntttngly observed at the Methodist church last Sunday night by a union meet ing under the auspices of Carimbad After the hall game all visiting , ganlxntlon that we know of In this U' Iiiii.n arum 1 1 , re i .1. ..,1 will, n,.lr. BCCtion Of the SOlltllWeSt Which lull .... r.., ik. tw vj n.H....a on Ihe inlllatorv work wifh the aa- ! W. C. T. H. A gp I end Id and varied dinner prepared especially for t hem. I Blstnnco of an orchestra and Is thojprogru.n had been prepares! bv the All visitors were bountifully served only W. O. W. lodge ln the state program committee of that omanl wltb food that was In every way up which can boast ot a almllar nttrac ! " M to the mark and was one of the tlon, therefore the members of the ht doliera wea received at the pleasant features of their entertain- W. O. W. are prnud of their WdMaV "f ,gl."!Bt r,.nt lira and degree team. Two candi- lof he local work. A atx piece or At eight o'clock everybody rupnlr- datea traveled through the foresta to chectrn. wae the outstanding feature ...T rv w 7.11 ... Mj. eana.Uta llirtit In Woodcraft and ev- of the evenlng'a entertainment, their r" mm " " . n- - atlaillnn. nf uei..l m.ialr hell.iverw work and Initiation of candldatea. erv member present enjoyen tne ev The work waa icnpreBBlvely exempli- ulng to the fullest extent fled by the offlcera and degree team of the local camp, of whom we justly fel proud. The degree team waa beautiful and much appreciated by Tho Refreshments were aerved at the , - lent- audience aaaemMe.l Th, ... ... i,-.,... -hi. ...u . nereonnel of the orchestra 1., aa fol i.h r,r ihe lowe: Meserc. Chllcoet, cornet; Her- tee proua. I ne aenree lenui w , e.i. v, ,r,r ... ---.--a. a Vl,.lln I n beadea by Sovereign Attn M. Lusk a. bounteous dinner at clx . clock then ' . ctar,.,, fito,,d., v.oBn J. B. captain whoae military tralnlne l lie large nuinner o, ears .r,.u "' f--d"M , .rlekl... aoaclcllv nt. him for the leadership i Carlabad In the early hours of the lo Jg nt such a team. All the members joyea by ail mor were in uniform and presented a beautiful picture aa they went thru the different exerciaea in the ialtia- Prlekvtt. cal Mrs morning but the pleasant time en- L- i " enpwriniiu. ,, me Ih.n make. ..n lower aaiasn.u anana, ai.u ia. for the toca of at. ep neceecarily eeue- working early and late looking after d by auh a trip. I"e wora. I -V i. \n\n not be a1 -unía, .-aenrasaa. wnere iary usi- oí mis cuy, visiieu me io'i,e m at- ,iay ,Ucht as pjf , i.aiiij, "" ' coillU piii-slbly ao so wai- pros, in ul morn s W next Muuday. ilion arres i,r nraae ri ji . Kruwiu V - "a i I .... H...a unliinSI,! i,,nte t.r,iiiili,inl Hi.