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THIUTY-KTIWT YRAB CARI AH AO, NEW MEXICO. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, l1M. IS L'MRK It At CARLSBAD TO HAVE ANOTHER COTTON GIN During Hi" early part or Uat week Mr. L. H. Brady, General Man ager or the El l'aso Hoflnlng Com pany, of El Peao spent several daya In Carlsbad looking ovar tha cotton Ituatlon with reference to another canon. He waa ao well pleaaed with the outlook that he purchaaed a place of property near the bualnosa aceitón or the city, on which he plana to' erect a cotton gin before tho win ning aeaaon lu 1923 begins. It la aleo the plana or hla company to rect glna at one or two other poluta In the Poco Valley, near Carlahait. Mr. Brady aeee wonderful possl billllet for cotton In thla aectlon of the country. Having bcea connected Vith the oil mill Industry lor more than 36 yeara, he aurely ahould Viik now what he la about hHEI'PAHR-TOWNEH M ltKR WUJ. Ill Ml III MOON A recent' letter from the New Mex ico State Bureau or Public Health, Santa Fe, to the Eddy County De partment or Public Health atatea that a Hheppard-Towner Nurse will aaaumo her duties In thla atate ear ly In January and thnt It' la their preaent plan to have thla Inatructor atart In Eddy County. Thla nurae will devota her time almost exclua Ively to firing midwifery and home nuralng Inatructlona. Several per aona In the Queen irTici Hope ec tlona have already expressed their desire to take euch a course. It la auggested that anyone wishing to take advantage of thla unusual op portunity communicate at once with their local Health Department ao that rlasaea may be arranged ac cordingly. It la probable that' thla nurae will be In our county for nihniil three months and our people ahould he very much gratified to know that our couiuy will be the first In the atate to recede the beneflfa or her aervlcea. ODD FREAK OF NATURE mass meeting ton KiMii (xw.vty hospital The mass meeting called for yes TO THE VOTE ItN Or PHKCINCT NO. 1 w I wlah to. In thla manner Inform , you that R will be Impossible lor tne to aee all or you personally ano j solicit your vote and aupport at the polls January 8th In my race lor i Justice or the Peac ror I'reclnct No. i 1. The amall aalary rb be derived, from the office does not warrant an I expensive raaapalgn. However, I want to assure you that very ract will in a large meaanre aaaure the. citizens or thla precinct absolute Jus-1 tice ror at leaat two yeara without I regard to the legal aspect's or a case, and It la ralr play and Justice which counts In the long run. 1 also feel that tr elected I would have the in-1 tereata ot the new sherlH at heart and would materially assist and work with him In carrying nut the dutlea or hla office, yet guaran teeing every one brought into Jus tice court tor trial a ralr and Im-1 partial hearing. I earnestly solicit your vote and aupport and aaaure you It will be duly appreciated. Yours truly, A. S. McCORD ( Mtl.HHAD HONORED This city haa been honored by tho election ot J. W. Armstrong, a prominent lawyer ot tho communi ty, aa Aaalarant Attorney Ueneral ot tha atate, and ho will leave Sat urday for Santa Pe to aaaumo his dutlea at the opening of the year. Judge Armstrong Hiat came to Carlabad rrom Mlaaourl about eigh teen yeara ago and for a time wus principal or our High School, later taking up the practice or law, he having graduated from the Missouri University a abort time prevloua to hla coining here. He has ever been among our most energetic and fore moat professional men, a member or the Chamber or Commerce, and a tormer mayor of the city. .hoi Armstrong Is a. leading member of the different fraternlliea, of the city, and haa been an official member or the Methodist church tor many years. Carlabad without regard to po litical affiliations, la congratulat ing Judge Armalrong on hla prefer ment, af the same time regretting the ueceaslly of hla leaving eh I a city that has been hla home tor ao many yeara, and where bis boys have buen brought up aud received moat or ttreir achoollng. Mrs. Armstrong and John will not move until the close of school, as rifen MAHOJVH KNTKHTAIN Eddy Lodge No. 11. A. F & A. of thiM cUy, wuh hott lb tb i mm,, vi una t;iu, WM dori m I Mi- terday afternoon to elect a board or member, and their fen . Wed- neaday evening to witness the Instal I directora ror Eddy County Hospital I waa wen attended and unusually In- tereatlug. Hev. A. C. Douglas waa chosen chairman and Mrs. E. S. Klrkpalrlck secretary. The minutes or the last mass meollo were read and approved and alao a lengthy re port or the flounces of the Institu tion, and the number of patients, etc. A nominating committee con sisting or Mrs. E. T Williams, Mrs A. J. Crawrord. K. E. Hubert and 15. N. Wataon, waa selected by the chair. The rotlowlng were nominated aa members or the board and aftet wards elected: From Arteaia, Mrs. Manda; Hope, Mrs Cnl Ileckett; Loving. Mrs W E If ose; Carlsbad latlon of the recently elected officers lor the ensuing year. The officers 1 lected and appointed are us fol lows: Worshipful Master, E. A. Hob erts; SenrW Warden, II A Jragg; Junior Warden. J. H. Yates; Chap Iain. U. M. Thome; Senior Deacon, H. H. Dllley; Junior Deacon, A E. I.uak; Murshal. C D. Ulckman; Sen TRACY OUTLINES S OF CONDITION CARLSBAD PROJECT I his two-legged coll Is lying in Flfty-fivo members of tho Cham- lor Steward. F. H. Farrell; Junior her of Commerce aat down to tha Steward, It. A. Toffelmlre; Tyler, last luncheon or tha year at the W. O. Brown. Palace, yeaterday at neon. Two long Tho ceremonies of Installation tablet had BSBB spread and were were In charge or It. M. Thorn, filled with dellcioua well cooked and paat Grand MastVr of Eddy Lodge, served eals. At each place war iulul...l K . I ' I, mm 1 1 1 1 I, . . . i M . , - - ' ..." .. w . mi. HnRiiiMi, an lime n . . . - i , . i, m n nuuii'iuiB Mrs A. J. Crawford; (Mis. Mrs. W. I shal. from the (llohe piaster and Mining C, líales; Malaga. J L, Wllllama; A delightful program was given at Company wllli the oompllmenta of t nnsbud, Messers Swlgnrt LowrrlUM close of Installation or offlcera, Ihe company. The prize, an order for "ÍTk 'enr.e ' ""'"'"ral which consisted or a welcoming ad- two dollars worth or goods rrom of the board are Mosdumes Williams. , dress, bv Joset.h Worthelm. warahln- Joyre-Pruit Co. waa awarded TT i ful maater of the lodge. Thla wus Braden. followed by a number or musical se- After the luncheon had been dla- lectlona by the Masonic Male Quar- posed of, Mr. Tracv waa called on to tette. These were J. S. Oliver, Bill tell .something of the conditions on Hudclns John Wells, and Bob Mull- the project. He said thai It wua a roe, and tholr mualc was greatly ap- big subject and lllualruted hla po- preclated as was evidenced by the aitlon by a atory of olden tlmea, hearty applause they received and to which he reard somewhere. It waa which they responded to the effect that Moses when lead- A readln by Mrs John T. Barb-ling the children of larael. waa very His people were J. W. I.ewla, J. D Hndglns s Klrkpalrlck, H. F. Chrlatlan. and Mr R. M. Thorne. A full report of tho I year a work will be given in next week's paper. MARRIED A marriage or Interest to Cnrls 1 bnd was solemnlxed at the Metliod- ' 1st parsonage last Friday evening at 1 1 'mi ,, , i,,, i i,.... i ft i, , . . . . 1 -.. Zl '.L . itjogiaa or, was greatly appreciate d. as was .much distressed. F.U....UI0 ..1K usa oiomn worqs mat i the encore to which ah" responded. private ward at I buspltul. united íh. Tlv. ,.? i r 11 7 a, V.'" ",r,,r" lo wnlrh responded, ragged and complained a great deal I' Ore. II. V. (olehurne. and Miss kiii a M Stiiídefiírl ti"'' I fr'' Is certainly ferttinate to .bout the hard times and h, vt- lm.m. Z ,, ,.. ... ,na. Ul" 8 M- hla 'd'-ford. The have an elocutionist or so much dentlv atonned savtna tnelr never. Inttrj, Is working I o keep life In the! wedding was private, only the noces- j ,,'ent dently stopped saying tnelr prayers. 55 m;,TrrJwa?,;r,:,7;; z::r"Twr, 5 L? - i7z :vt;;z; wr i born .,r,her RoUe Da.ry LWl&Wí Ta fií . a rJ Iluso where they w 11 remain until g In her own charming way and montha Moaea npaln became deoresa- 1 1 1 i I IS -JUK- llooi-l If 1 ih ! " f"r th" '''i" to lire was lor manner and ed and asked the Lord to put tho WHERE IS JACK HOOPBB1 I My to resume her duties in the voice that one could hardly realize people back where they were betore. The rollowlng letter was received , 7 . "' that II was .MIsh Doroiny anci not h,. eould get no help rrom any one. thla sewss popular loaeners, the n rvoin society woman rhe rrp ms hoUM needed repairing, tho roor week, aud ia given entire In hopes ., ' ... , , "y ' resented. II"r change or voice nnl was ubout to fell In and no one thut aome one may know the where- ' P,IB"K ttll1 MU par-1 expression was one or fhe great would lilt' a hand to help him. So aT)outa or Jack Hooper, and send hla c"'""wd1, charms or bar difficult number and the Lord beard his prayer h second addresa to the law Arm mentioned,' h nappy mun Is u brakeinan on who heard her were lond In their time and the people were reatorotf or to thla paper, and we will at once ' PUHS,,,'l'r ""''' running norm, praises or hcj- vetsalllltv and charm 1 to their first condition. So It Is with - " "e'"-" mm "i! snow ror nit encore sue cave one or r.n us; u Utile Irouhle once In u whllo muí as u ill II Ol eycelleiiL hllll V nnr rhieat'a little noellis It h ! .. .......I il.l.,.. . .......... , . ..... iiuiih commuulcutu with .the lawyers hav Ing the matter In charge. Mr Agriculture la do- Hooper, will be well remembered . , . , 'u , , I chnrmlnt- effect. ' It takes a 1-t or pressed varywlwre. We have cll- bere he having been a peddler of J u" , rld'' '"v" i'1" "' Mvln' to make a house a home The uiate. Hull, water and people, una vegetables aud rrulla and hla out- "' n"a""u" Apartments ann difference In the two numbers both we must depend moro on action than At effnalatlng or a burro team, hd K 1 """"'diately on their cvcn no perrectly, delighted nil who uu aplrit. VVa must woik and plan, wagon, being a femlllar sight on mí" r heard her Let M see w hat cotton will do for the streets ot this city, tor a number . , : Y ' , ", ' """ " , rl x aiinter mnoe a one sp.-een. ie people; we have inned uliout t'HRIHTM AH TREE AND TIRKEr DINNER AT MARVIN IJVINUKTON'8 I The Saturday Bridge Club enter-1 talued their buabauds at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. 'Marvin Livingston,, In La Huerta, last Friday evening, j Tha houae was decorated in Christ maa colofs and a dellghtrul time waa enjoyed, a Christmas tree adding lta pleaaurea to othera ot the m ca món. The tree bore girta ror eacn person, bearing a clever satire or each one'a characteriatlca or Idlo ayucracies Dancing waa Indulged lu, and various amusementa to whlcb a fine turkey dinner proved a fit ting finale. Those preaent were Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge O'Conner, Mr. aud Mrs. Aud Luak, Mr. aud Mra. Sam in!.. Mr. an1 Mra. Joe Livingston, Major ana Mra. Bujac, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Montgomery, Mr. and Mra. Oetzman, Mr. and Mrs Waller. Mr. aud Mrs. Rotan, Mra. D. Jarkaon, Mrs. Mary Lee Moore, MrB. Corn ot Roawell, W. O. McAdoó. E. A. Roberts, Stanley Dreaher, of Olobe, Arizona, J. A. Hardy, C. C. Silt, s John I TLx be ÓTtl. senior Via..' of year., he leaving with hi. fern- .nd" mM,i"? "" "V"H fu" ,n"""' ,f 500 '" Ihla sean. this la tha Í d do. o wl.h tÓ lei" du lng!''y y" HO. Presumably oi l",l""" ""' P"PHty. .he !o,, e 'and to .he town bv the product of Iti.uuo acres of land. Thl. the school V rm I for the northern part of the county. .,., , ' , retiring worshipful master and at l an uvera, oi 1-1 of u balo to an the school term. since which time no trace ot either J A VI. It Y ihe close, presented him with a Jew uce. This I a bad yaar and tn A I'HRIMTMAH PARTY Nancy Ervln and Edwin Little were clever hostess and host to a party of their llttl, friends ul their home Wednesday night. The usual good time wus enjoyed, the children playing games until a lute hour, when fhey enjoyed the chicken aund wlchea, cocoa and cooklta providea us refreshments. The children pres ent were Anna Bush, Frances Beach, Scotty Wheeler, Mildred Hutchinson, Marjorie Snow, Agnes Thorne, Lu cille Morris. Mary Belle Leek, Edith letter follows: arlsbud. N. w Mexico. January 1st. KLINt.ER KI.INOER Altorneya at Law -Holmea RuildliiK. Limn, Ohio December, 21, l'.!22. Mrs. Aabury Moore, Carlabad, New Mexico. Madam: This office Is conducting a search tor one James Muyb. rry Hooper who Is the heir to a considerable estate under the will of Ms sister. Lucy M. l!)2:i. Titour ORBD No. 1. 1. All members of Troop "11" Itllh, Cavalry, N. M. N. C. are el In neenrdnnce with his ratik lovommanl statlat'lca su the future Afl. r the exercises had been fin- production of cotton is alarming. Wo Ishcd sandwiches, coffee, and an ice miisl pav mote attention lo the pro wua served. durtlon of the staple If we wish to , succeed in growing It al u profit. I Laws are i : in- in proteci ana Keep hereli) ordered to r.-port lo Armor) jcii;e RICHARDS CANDIDATE pure animals, but not M With OOttOB. Herrín;, Madeline Ilrown. Wardle ! Hooper. Iveck. Dorothy Flowers, Ruth Craft. Wc h"ve ,"','n lvlsed that there Bill Holt, Joe Toffelmlre, 1 ell,ert iH a J"" Hooper who makes Ties Hubbard. JamesCroH. Hoy Gibson. 'Ha bis head.iiarlers when not on K i. h Davis. Hubert Bell. Ilrantlev " P'ospeemig nun aim Hamblen, William Mcintosh, Oeorge Williams and Charle Butcher. The which you tor drill on t lie follow ing dates: Wednesday, Jan. ;ird. Wednesday, Jun. 10th, WednHduy, Jun. 17th. Wednesday, Jan. 2 4th. Assembly at 8:1)0 p. m. Mounted tirilla r. port to stable, on the following dates: Sunday, Jun. 7t1i. Sunday Junuury 21st. Assembly at 1:10 p in. I'lilfortn Service hut uud rord. M i a .. . I-OK lll';-El.i; "1'ION ""I-"' i.n.'M. iiuu. n.u .a i.-ieii eOBUnnnll) Should cany DDI vuri. ty JttttgO Frank H. Hichuids. who ,l( tliurt gel u rtputiitlon Bad a rep- lias lu id the Offlea of Justice of the iitalion m.ik. s u murket. We muft Peuce In Precinct Numbuf One. for see that1 tho little fellow gets a many years; bus announced his lu- square deal, gels all out of It. We tentlon of being a candidal for r - must dlverslly. lu the Pecos Valley election to that office subject to the vv.- have less than one dulty cow and will of the votera ua expressed at (,ne hog per fuitu. Funning Is not the coming election to be held Mun pr.murlly u money making propoal- .l.i v. Jiitiuury Nth, 111, Hut the tlon, but u homo building propnai- Judg.; does not deem the office iui Hon. A fanner should produce all F.iaT I. .1. .tl.i o ,,,,,,, ,,,.,t ,,, llatiuel shirt, w oolen breeches, gVrv port ml or remunerative enough lo ),e can lu onl. r lo make his fum- whlcb vou could give u. concerning '"' '' Klns, service shoes. wniHt belt, Justify making u light for re . lee- y eOBtfortabla uud look attar lta I, i, us. waa Anrnru Iflit In Chrttlmaa this lUUn areens and a roval lime waa reno rt-i T'"' James M. Hooper, whom wi und spurs ut mounted formation. I tlon, therefore lie will make no mida, i . have loiller. eggs, N. C. U. School every Monday ! rumpaigu which will Involve an B milk and I BtOBBJJf crop or two If seek Is a native of Pennsylvania he M,B" "i ami lusting mr one pense. i ei mere un- u imin possinie vx advertise ciimaiv, etc.. .... n ... l j ucea in a native or l'onnsv ivaniu. ne - . - - aaa o uu woo sua prnutg.q to m. ,.ii ,..rn tn ñMa ........ "our. Non-coiiiinlsaloncl offleera ' concerning tile Incumbent of t lint, but do not iidvitlm! thut tii Is a about nlxtv-two vears of ace slender iwit aro Invited. of i his precinct should take Into . on- encourage dairying, and kindred In build, lesa than average height, HANK AT HOPE TO HE RK-OIUiAN'iy.Ert AKTKIt I lll l.NO CLOSED il MONTHS After being closed for the Inst three mouths by the absconding or the cashier, the First National buntt or Hope will be reorganized by the citizens or tho community. Tho plan Ih to open the bank with about 50,000 oaah which II 1. believed will assure the success or the concern and the entire stock will be sub aerlbed by January lit. Drouth con- auions are ami bad In mat vicini ty, bin the outlook for the comfnv; year la good and It 1. believed that the new bank will do a good bu.t ntfa if properly managed. TO SAY l Altl U I'l I, MelllhiTU nf tha Ft it i C t, ma ,.f the Christian Sunday achool, to Iho l'".nilnM. t Homuu no.e uud high number of ubout thirty, t al Iba '" ?'' 1D, .. fftr nv mrormaiion HOIHW RACING ON home or Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Duugh-' Thnnklng ou.ror any Information e.tV, on West Fox street. 'I uesday ' cuu K"u "I 1 r' """". nignt, honoring fVo or their numl oer, who leu jesterduy lo make a new home in Arizona. A hearty welcome wns given nil who were present, as Is ulwuys the cuse with, these kindly people, ana yn games or various kinds, old und new, the hours missed ranirilv. AC lH'Oll J. Il.M.I. alderutiou before making up their dm-uie-., and slop putlini; collón on lat. Lt'. 111th ObY.i Comdg. iuIuiIh uh to how they will cast thai! lio ame land pur after year, witb- ballot. Among other things to con- nut UaaBg lerUIISBP, Some lanil In alder a justice ut the peace should the valley has been put lu COtfOB mow year's DAYIdavota bia entire nine to attending Bvary year tor seven .:;. and thla Il has been Home years since Calls- lo bis olflce, and Judge Hichards year the. made three bales off of n to jXJijEH .-.iiie nuve witness. o üoou mis ceiiaiiuv iie.-u on j..u u mi iwiiiij a. 1 1 m ' muni no. iimi our- Ailmliilslralor tie bonis BOB wltli horse raring, but they hud an op- j limes In tho past, making It vTy selves- wo cannot live on 2-5 bula the Will annexed ot the Estate of l"" iu,lilv Ol seeing a good one ' convenient lor litóse hBVlBI business to an acre. Thin Is a yenr of high Lucy Hooper Par B. I Cbrlattaaa day When Ihe yoling bruno I to' transact or cuses to U lu the priced collón; vve must let ready 1 owii.-d by Curl Livingston run mi j of tha pence BOUfV Tin n to for low prie s, our tutor fdapaadt iiiimii i n i i ' 1 1 li 'from the IP Id. aJtbOttlh no one ex-imnko a good Justice of tba peace on whether we can meet condiciona. BaUHtjaffBaP a rmmnu pactad him to even be in tha ma-1 the Ineumbanl should have a fair CendltlorlM now spell prosperity, but Mrs. W. :. Heed wus I. osles- to . , ., ... nnlsb. ! knowleilce of law so that cases set- We must hack llieiu with brain work me oíos., or tne evenings fun mui a w-rj iicaui n nny pi.inneu ami car- a race has been arranged between Had iii thai court win not he-up- and co-operation. Jollity dellcloiiH cuke and cocou was rled out puny ut her homo lust Sat- ,, L.,ul Livingston horse, "Wax- pealed to tha district court for fur-' Mr. Cafle, o( Roawell, spoke of uiuuy nignt. noiioiiuu nei scnooi .hachle" which .'iisllv won Christ- tin r trlul. Judge Richards lias r. n- the pleasure It ave him lo he In Served, and after a sonit service i with Mrs. (ilbbs nt I'ho piano, the I Meets reluctantly said good-night to (heir hostess, and good-bye to thl honored gneals, Mr. and Mrs. Olbbs. Peiilnin has It been our lot to at tend a gutlierlng so pleusant and informal us the oue Tuesday night. IrloiiTl, Ml.ió Barbara Jones, who ...... U11V nj tne ireatoii Sear'a di red his decisions nccnrillnr? to law Carlabad. and Introduced his Daft. waa in i'lio city ut that time, from borse, the latter heliu; considered of which he bus a good kBOWlBdm, ners of tha same city who weio Pin ol the fastest ruco horses In and that combined with Ihe good '"'as visitors hi Carlsbad CHRINTMAH DANCE AT ARMORY A delightful dance dealgned to honor the return of John H., tho only son of Mr. and Mra. J. F . Joyce, waa given in the Armory Tuesday night beginning at eight o'clock. In the receiving line at the door were Mr. aud Mr. J. F. Joyce. Ml.aea Wilkinson and Olivia Ray, Mack Wilkinson, the three last named being houae guests at the Joyce home, rrom Roawell, John jujtt kuu u is aiaier, aaary f ran cés. Mualc waa furnished by the Old ham Moore Orchcafra, or Dexter, and waa all that could be dealred. The floor waa In fin. condition for dancing and with the beautirul and elaborate decorations, every detail for a Bueceeeful danco waa looVed after. About 160 couplea took part In the Grand March, which opened the ball An otltatundlng feature J) of the entire affair waa ttie partic ipation of Orandpa and Orandma Anderson, old friends of the Joyce family, who took part In the dance with aa much pleaanre aa any of the young people. Sandwiches, coffee. y fruit cake and candy were served throughout tha evening to the guests, arho numbered three hundred. her home at tllobo, Arizona. The rooms wero nicely tiecoruieii wim ,, . , kl, . , .,. ..,.rOH11 ,.H lu.h inent In such matters has re- J. J. Kell. v. of Silver I'llV. well Christmaa colora and a tOSihaoflM river east of town on the rodeo I duaad toa minimum the cuses up- known In Curlsbnd, said his locality lunchoon served consisting of aund grounds ami admission Is free lo nil ' pealed to tho district court which waa long on heulth und short on w lenes, Olivee, cage unu coiiee. w... everybody Invited. The rae alono has saved tho taxnnvcru nf farm proilin Is. Also lonu' on mines. Mrtdgo was tne diversion ot tne ev wlM ,u r,,r u p,, r $luu uu to cuing, at which gamo Mrs. (iludyi (aj winner. the couuty much unnecessary court The Mlmbers Valley ha. been famed expense. mreo nunurea years. It Is strictly Judge Hlchnrds has been fair ami tt mining counlry, with some Mye lin partial In his conduct of the of- slock, which Is In a dangerous con- C.VRLSRAIt IIRIST1AN CIH IU II A. December 31. t la the lust' Lowenbruck made high score and Lord's Day In 1D22, and we some- Miss Oertrude Loweubruck m ui' IIAITIST III hi ll limes watch the old year pass out' low. Euch received a suitable pn.e Solllel h illL' unusual will lti.iin.tti flee mill nrnetttiO ttiiinlt,,r imu In f,.r. tlltlotl. and the lllduslrv mocil lie and tho now your como In, we In- and a gueat prize waa also given lo ,lt ,Vi nlll, Nroa, We urge ev- túnate In huvlng such u cupable man pressed. The) huv. almost every tend to have entertainment at thai Mlaa Jouoa, the gifest of honor. ,,ri bn tuber to come. This will be a1 who Is In u position to dev.ffe bis kind ot mlnerala, with tl xc -prion church rrom alx thirty o'clock to. This waa the Urat party given ....u,, n,0- Wouldn't you like toientlro lime to the office and mnny "r and Ihe rhino Copper Corn twelve thirty Sunday night. Ragú,. I alnce the marriage of the llltle boat- ,.,, tMu cbuich grow? Surely you ie'l It would not be the part or wis P'".v II now t unning on short time, lar aervlcea Sunday morning. I e., and her arrangemenla have been do not want it to en down c áaai to i-imnim r,- nn .ri,t .,,i but will Incr. i a alter the hollduvs. The program will be composed of admired and commented upon by all-Sunday night. The pastor will inexperienced Justice who would lie As n health resort especially for tha the Christian Endeavor Society, preaching, prayer, readings and re treahmeuts and social hour. You are cordially Invited to spend the happy hour, with ua. D. McCARROLL. Pastor. FIRMT METHODIST CHI'RCII A. C. Donarlas, Pastor 9:45 a. m . 8undny school for all afcea. R. N. Wataon, supei intend, nt. 10:50 a. m., morning worship t with sermon on "A Backward Ulance .and a Forward Look!" I 6:30 p. m., aealor Epworth League. An lntereatlng program will be rendered and alt the young peo ple are urged to be preaent. I 7:30 p. m., the paator will give the fourth and laat of the series of I addraaaaa on "Methodism." I The public la Invited to anr an all aervlcea. You will feel ai home ' with ua, who were present, tho guests being aMsw ,, Tin, Three fold Secret of ; unable to devote the time necesalrv treatment nf tuberculosis, the dim- Misses Taylor, Mcllvaln, Powell, u (jreut Life." Wo wutit nnr vnnni In nronerlv conilnet the affair, nf can t be heat He spoke or tho Swlgart, Lowenbruck, Fraucea Moore, people to be present. Theme tor the i Justice or the ponco or precinct mini- "eat Natlonul Sunifarlum nt Fort WM ' iii n .. l i i . . . . . i i i i . ... I. ii. a lit. il eAjxa maryuoi ueeu, waraiv imies, nu.-ne morning hour will also be of Inter- ber one. Bujuc and Ova Butcher; Mcsdames OHti t( you Kruuk Kli.del. Harry McKIm, Will Following tho evening nreiiehlna Ed Carter, Aud Lusk, Dan Lowen- service we aro going to glvo all ' Die Federal lain. I Dunk of Wichita, ' thaBa men who are nil shot bruck. Robert Toffelmlre, Babe whom we have received Into tin, nod . nn get who title through with- to plecee and gnsaod. They hnve fine tlilrds of which are occupied today. We are the offlclixl meters for w" ur celling the nation Inter- Cumpbell. Leonard Jones, Hugh church since I have been hero the Hall. Sam Ballon and Orant Mann, right hand of Christian BBBfSB f' l Favors of horns were given und u lowalilp. good time enjoyed by all. Remember tho "Watch Tarty" at tho church after tho prenchlng serv- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Olbbs, who loa, We want every body lo come, haw been, resident, of Carlsbad Along with the refreshments there Dir only a few monfhs, hut In thnt will ho plenty doing to keep yon time have endeared themselves to uwnke. all with whom they came In contact Sunday school at fl:45. left yeaterday for Tucson, Arizona,! lit A HARRISON, Pasto. win io Mr Otbba will take up v oca- tlorial atudlea. ho being an ex-serv-. Buck Dunn, of Roawell, In In town out i .lelnv. SECI RITV Pnyairinn. to care tor tne men. rew ABSTRACT tX., over Peoples Oro- nom nr0 "n"ve nr B'nl,, eery. It but como from nil over the nation. The different organiza! Inns such a. ir nny person In Cnrlsbad felled the Y. M. C. A., the KBMthta or f?ot to receive n (Cristinas treat, It' was umhua. Sojourner. Club, but It la a nitl Ihn of the.nnntlst nennle WOTE. who raised oer IRO OO for the pur- At tho close or his remarks the po o of helping the nnfortunnte In meeting adpourned. our mldat. Ten fntnllles were visit ed, nnd Christmaa cheer In tho wny House gueats at the J. F. Joyce ot grlcerles nnd provisions were ills- home Oils week are Mlssra Wllkln- trlbuted by these charitable people, aon and nay. whoao nomea nre in -aeaa euivB .... ' r mt-m - mu n 'iii. V)I mmn' n, in 1 1 1 I w 11 j iinnii' u i j iuae aweeeiww a- " ' - p tea man. The baat wishes or all bp- sniierlntenrllnc the heatlr... innirit. Trnlv a blessed wav or celehrntln Roawell and who cr.nfe down lor the company them for a happy home In us of the new City Hall, the Slaotrs the birthday or the One "Who went dance given by Mre. Joyce, honoring their new location. Hospital, and other work. about doing, good." the return of her aon, John R. f \n\n r tamil i... h....n i,..i Tha www awaano naoonai (.until attana. ..- . nini gtm ,i r. .i. i. i... it. in., ,...r ... i i i .. . tlflv v,ara nun llnnlier l a man 111 wi hi i :.i uilu UU II II - UU let. WOl.ll lie ueuei.n uiv nuuu piai'' Mil llunies. vv e milium Iluyard with ils 1.5itn bada, Iwn-