Newspaper Page Text
Bth fen,,,. M"" -de,,, CARLSBAD CURRENT. VOL. VII. OAKTjSBAD, JflDDY POST OFFICE, NEW MEXICO, SATUHJUY,, 1800. NO. 80. IN MEMORY OF THE DEPARTED Soldiers Thousands of People Gathered and Placed Lovely Ploral Tributes on Their Graves. D.oomllon Dnjr, Decoration day wan observed In Jhundreds of cities, towns and villages of the, various sections of tho coun try. As la customary, Uio day was n tollJny, and thousands refrained from labor. Parades wero held In several cities and tons ot floral tribute bo decked tbo graves of thoso who foil tho civil and Spanish wars. At Fort Worth. Tho Confederate and Union votorona decorated tho sol dlers' graves hero. Judgo 0. 0. Cum mines, nn ex-Confcdcrato, delivered an oration. At Dallas. Decoration day was duly observed. Soldiers' craven were flowcr-strown. At Paris, Tho day was observed by veterans ot tho blue nnd gray. Con federate and United states (lags were crossed and Uio veterans clasped hands. At Houston. The day was fittingly obsorved here. At IxjiiIsvIIIo. Soldiers graves In tho cemeteries horoand atNowAlbany, Ind woro decorated. At Philadelphia, Tho tiny was elab orately observed horo. Fralornal specohos woro niado tending to unlto tho two sections. At (Jormnntowii, ...v .uiuvuuraio soniiers nro burled In tho Nntlonnl cemetery, arand Army mon decorated their craves. All over tho stato memorial exorcises woro neiu. nsningtou. Tho nntlonal capital tiovotcd Itself to tho obsorv. anco of Decoration day yesterday, Tho ueparimcnts closed nnd public nnd private uusincss was susponecd nnd tlio stroets wcro flllod with marching veterans, national gunrdsmon, military nnd olvlc organizations, nil moving to- ward tho Arlington cemetery, tho sol dlors' homo, congressional and othor cemotorles whoro appropriate services wero hold. Tho Grand Army of tho Republic In Cleorgln and South Cnrolltm decorated tho 10,300 graves at Marietta, (In.; the 13,710 at Audorsonvlllo. S. C; tho 0380 nt Hoaufort, B. 0., und tho 3100 at Floronoo, S. (,. At Chattanooga. Tho graves of tho 13,000 Union soldlors horo woro beauti fully decorntcd. At Now ork. There woro several processions In honor of tho day but tho inoro important woro tho military Inrado In Now York city propor, re viewed by MaJ. Con. Milos, and the military parado at Urooklyn, reviewed "by (lov, Iloosovolt. Tho Now York parade, consisting at every nntlonal guard regiment ot tho city, three com panies of tho regular engineers, eight batteries of tho regular artillery and sixty-two O. A. 11. posts. More sorlous exercises at Mnnhnttau woro hold In tho afternoon nt Itlvc'&ldo park under tho shadow of Grant's tomb. Thoro the O. A. 11. rltunl was performed and speeches wero made by Uov. Uoosevelt and others. At Ilwton. (Ion. Joseph Wheeler Addressed tho Orand Army men at tho Doston theater. He was lustily sheer ed by the Immense audience. His 8itiri Hunt. Marlon. Hid., May 31.-The striking ttt a match by a spectator near an oil well three miles east ot Marlon last evening roused the oil surrounding the well te Ignite and the name Instantly spread fer several squares. 8lx men who were oi the tank Into vhloh the oil wan pouring, were terrt ily burned. They are: Thomas Me Oouuld of Illultton, owner ot the well; L. 8. Gordon ot Montpeller, foreman of the Indiana Pipe Line company; Hamuel I'elaey ot Lima', an oil produc er) Mask Watts ot Lima, O.. a produe sr) Albert O. ford of ICokomo, travel ing for the Daniel Stewart Dnig com pany, and Fred Lose ot Philadelphia, n silk morehant. The injured were brought to the hos pital In Marion, where they are being treated. One hundred barrels ot oil were In the tank at the time. Queen regent ot Spain Lis signed the deerea appointing Marshal Campos president of the Spanish senate. Till.-'. D.ttlh. I Washington, May 31. The two fol-l 'owing dispatches wero received nt tho war depnrtmont yesterda and give the details ot CapU Tlllcy's death on Uio Island ot Negros: "Hollo, May 81. Adjutant acnerol, Washington: ' Cnpt, Oeorge It. Tllloy, United States volunteer signal corpi, was killed at Escalento, cast coast of tho Island ot Negros, by Insurgent Baturday, May 27, 11 o'olook a. m. Do- tails not known; burled at Hollo, May 30. VAN VALZAH. "Manila, May 30. Adjutant aoncrnl, Washington: Cable company's ves sel, whello plnolng cable between Ho llo and Cebu, ran to Bscalcnto, oast ooost of Nogros, to removo old cnblo connections. Cnpt. Tllloy. signal corps, accompanied and with tho cap tnln of tho vessel nnd threo mon visit ed the town, making the natlveo frlondly demonstrations. Whllo there thoy wore ambushed. Tho cnplnln's vossol nnd ono man oscaped to tho ves sel In a launoh, Tllley nnd two mon nk ing to the wnter nnd not readied. Tho vossol thon roported nt Illllo. (Inn. Smith wan Informed, who Immediately took soventy-flvo mon nnd procooded to Rscnlonto. Ho ronorl Hint Mm 1 I . m . iiwy or unpt. Tllloy was found float ing In tho river; marks of vlolonco on tho head; tho body nont to Hollo; Bmllh remains nt Ksonlonto for tho present. "OTIS." from nnl. Washington, May 80. President MoKlnly has Issued tho amendment to the civil service rules which he lias had under consideration for about a year. It releases from tho operations ot tho civil service rules about 4000 orrtccs. Among such places are tho following: Pension oxamtnlng surgeons, Indians employed in the Indian aervlao not connected with tho Indian school sor vlco and many places In tho engineer's department nt largo, tbo subsistence department nt large, tho ordnance tie- I partmcnt at large, tho war department. ' With refcrenco to theso place In tho outsldo war dopartmonts's sorvlce, it ; Is provided that they shall bo subject to regulations to bo prescribed by the scoretary of war and approved by the president, thus placing theso branchoa I of tho sorvlco on substantially tho i sarno basis ns tho navxy yard sorvlce. The members ot tho civil scrvleo 1 commission, owing to tho fact that 1 hey hnvo not had time to study its ' provisions In detail, aro not yot able ' to glvo out a stntcmont. A compro I henslvo statement, however, will be prepared pointing out Its correctness. According to figures printed In Do comber the largost classes Included In order nnd theroby excluded from the classified sorvlco number thus: Deptiy , ty collectors, Internal revenue ncrvloe, ! 472: storekeepers nnd gnugers, tem porarily employed, uOO; military pork commissioners nnd omployos, 53; ' postofllce flnnnco clerks and coahlors, 38; private secretaries nt certain post- ' offices, 22; doputy marshals, 204; prl- vnto secrtnrlos to United Htatos district attornoys, r7; spcclnl agent general land onico, 30; superlntondcnta of warohousos, Irrigation and logging, 20; flnanolnl olorks, Indian ngonolos, 1 CO; Alaska schools sorvlco, 32; pinslon examining surgeons, 075; chief nnd nnnclal clerks, ponslon ngonoles, 3G; peolnl agonts nnd experts, 25. Conil. Manila, May 3. An order hai been Issued ro-cstnbltshlng tho Philippine courts, which have been closed since the American occupation. It revives nil tho Spanish systems not conflict ing with the sovereignty ot tho United Stntoa. Tho chief Justice In Caytuma Ar- rnlano, Tho associate ot the civil branch nro Manuel Arlln, Col. Crow- dor nnd Cregorla Arnlltn. Tho Jus tices ot tho criminal branch nro Hay mundo Molllta, amhroslo HynzarM, Julio Loronlo, MaJ. Young and Cnpt. Illrkhtmor. The attorney general is Florontlo Torres. This corresponds with the Amorlonn suprome court. The oath proscribed boglns: "I rocognlzo and accopt tho suprome authority ot the United Blatcs of Amorten." etc. Tho Filipino mombors nro all promi nent lawyers. Arralano Is tho lender of his profession In tho Islands. In the early Binges ot tho Filipino movement ho was Agulnaldo's principal ndvlser. ArnntlUt was a member ot Agulnnldo's first cabinet. Melllza was president of tho Insuigtnt government nt Hollo; Torres Is tho .ador of tho local com mittee working with the ciinmlttee to ronclllnto tho Insurgents. Spanish will bo tho official language ot the courts. Thoro has been agitation among tho local Ilrltish and American business mon and American lawyers who camo to tho Philippines to mako fortunes to have tho Kngllsh code nnd in Mrilmi, Cltjvof Moxlco, May 3I.-Dccoralion dny was fittingly celebrated hero with somo oxcoptlonally Intorostlng fea tures. Tho local O. A. It. post, com posed of Union voternns, wont to tho Amerlcnn comotory and decorntcd tho graves of tho soldlors who took part In tho war of now moro thnn half n cen tury ago nnd nlso Inld llownra on tho graves of (ho veterans of tho civil war In tho United Stntos who rest here, both northerners nnd southerners. An oloquent nddrns was pronounced by Amonsnntior Clayton. Long- I.lit. A nnltlmoro, Md., May 30. The new Industries nnnounced during last week, reported to tho Manufacturers' Record, as projeoted In tho south Included a CO barrol flour mill, 2000-splndlo cotton mill, 100 coko ovens nnd $80,00(1 cotton mill, In Alabama; 76-bnrrel flour mill, $000,000 lumber compnuy and $600,000 mining enmpnny, In Arkansas; a flbor factory In Florida; $76,000 drug com pany, 100-barrel flour mill, $100,000 cot Ion mill, $10,000 cuttle export company, 10.000 cotton ol mill nud $100,000 lum ber company, In Ceorgln: RO-hnrrtd After tho coremonv nf il, An.-n- ' flouri mm ooa nl", lnmhn con- the nmbnstador went with B.ini.Miin.. imny' fi-nrrcl flour mill. $IO.ono Ico u.e nmimsenuor went with a delegation IU11 cold storage plant, nnd $150,000 L S n !! t0 mA I ilon to gn plant In Kentucky; 1 L " ' " th y?l,nf S X nn .tymnets. $W,000 rice mill nnd $10.- ...u.o ui wlu niiiiiitl IWIJMOI Willi IIICII dofondlng Hint historic rnstlo In tho war of Amorlonn Invasion. Simulta neously a detachment of cadets of thn military aohool went to tho Amorlonn comotory and decorated tho grave of tho Amorloan soldiers. This most in teresting coremoninl was sanctioned by President Dlax as commnndor-ln-chief of tho Moxlaan army. I'.nr Cnn' The Hague. May 31. The Prussels conforonco section of the International penco congress after adopting th sec ond rending ot nrtlrlos 28 to 21, whloh deal with prisoners of war. dleeiisrt questions relating to rings of trtice, Capitulation and armistices. Hot Vadorlond has printed the text ot the Hussion prnrosats regard ing mediation end arbitration. Part 1 deals with tbo desirability of seeking a solution ot International disputes by the mediation of friendly 000 sugar refining company In Itulst i ana: $100,00 alr-shlp company, $100. i 000 remedy company, $10,000 coal com ' pany. $110,000 brewery nnd Ico fnrtory, wnler-power electrical dovulop- ments In tho Potomac river, nud I $10,000 hollow-wnrn plnnt. Mnrylnnd; $10,000 knitting mill, $10,000 packing company and 80-ton cotton oil mill. In 1 MhwIsHlppI; 10,000 splndln cotton mill. UOOO-splndlp nddltlnn to mill, 10.000 J splndln nddltlnn to mill. 10,000-splndlo, , 6000-1 wjiii mill. $10.00 table factory. ' 3000-splndlo cotton mill, X)O0-Npludl nddltlnn to mill nnd $M,000 cotton I mill. In North Carolina; 101-000 spln i die and 2000-loom cotton mill, a SO,- 000-splndle mill and a $10,000 spindle mill, ae-barrel flour mill. 30-ton cotton seed nil mill and $K.000 Improvements to cotton mill In South Carolina; $10, 000 olMtrlc company, $1000 lime com pany. $7(00 flouring mills, $M,000 heating company, f 50,000 llluine company, 30-barrel flour mill, $IA0, 0- $SM.- powew. and sets forth that sueh good m PMl !ron mwy and ... .Dr n.Bv u piwerw, ftour mill In T ...... mr .iriwiru . ounmsinr ' nflfl irrigation eomMiiy, $10,800 mill iiicuuijr wiiumii nil u in uu way UI eerapulsory farce. Part 2 deals with International arid- lug company. WW gin and oil mill, Immense icebergs are reported, drift ing In the north Atlantic ocean. tratlon, which it declares "the most oflleaelous and equitable mean? of get ting nt questions regarding the Inter national application at treaties. At Il.rnnH, Havana. May 31. Deeeratlnn day wan olwervwl here In a notable man ner. At 0 o'clock yesterday morning Mrs. H. (1. Itathbone nnd n committee of women who had been selected for the purpose wero taken Into Hear Ad miral Cromwell's launch nnd escorted by a detachment of marines to the wreck of the Iwttlenlilp Maine, where they strung the skeleton ot the unfor tunate craft with rapes at laurel and wreathes of flower. (Ircves In Colon eemitery were decern ltd. The Interstate comHKvce eomintMloD convene at Chicago 3 in IX $I0,0M Hour mill. $100,000 drug com pany. In Texas; $M.M0 crate factory, IW-tmrrel flour mill, $M.0M kulltlnic mill. 100-lwrrol flour mill. $ltS.(M4 power house, $10,000 remedy company and $MM soap factory In Virginias JMC.0 oil Mill eainMr. M-tou re frigrtlHg plant and $IH.0S leatkar manufacturing company in West Virginia. Hr.yrJ. Unit. Paris, May 30.-The court of cassa tion met yesterday to hear the debates In tho application for a revision of tho Dreyfus ease. The doors ot tho pal ace ot Justice were opened at 11 n'etoek. Persons connected with the ue. newspaper men and others, be gan to arrive half an hour previously. There was much animation In the lob bies of the pahwe. but the crowds In the vicinity were not large. Itxtenslve precautions were taken tti preserve order Inside ami outside the building. I.ow.r C.nrt Snilaln.d. Little Itock, Ark., May 29. Ily n unantmons vote the Arkansas supremo court has handed down an opinion In the anti-trust law case, sustaining the doclslon ot tho lower court that tho itato has no Jurisdiction over combina tions mado outsldo of Arknnsas, and In oftect practically nullifies tho Hector law. Whlto upholding tho constitu tionality of the onactment, and declar ing that combinations to fix prices aro amonnblo to tho taw, it Is held to bo Incompetent to reach combinations tor regulating tho prices outsldo tho state. Attorney Ccnornl Davis Is disgusted. Aftor the decision ho throw up his hands. To n mcmbor of tho bench ho said prlvatoly that ho would novor bring another suit under tho anti-trust law. Tho remainder of tbo $5000 ap proprlatcd to proseouto tho trusts will be converted back into tho treasury ana uio anti-trust law will become a dead letter. Tho opinion concluded ns follows: "Our conclusion Is that tho statute docs not apply to pools or combina tions outsldo ot this state and not In tonded to affect, and which do not at feet persons, proporty or prices of In suranco In this stnte. In other words we aro ot tho opinion that ho legisla ture, by this tatute, did not Intend to prohibit or punish nets done or agree ments mado In foreign countries by corporations doing business horo wjion siioli acts or agreements hnvo reforenco language adopted, but MnJ. Clen. Otl. only to pcrgonSi pronerly or nroca n tich foreign countries. Wo thoreforo concluded that It would bo unwise, even If practicable, to upset long usage. Ho thought It best to glvo the nntlves courts In the Inngungo to whloh they have been accustomed. Tho Spanish salaries provod a stumb ling block to obtaining good mon. tho highest bolng only $1800, the Spnnlsh Judgea receiving foos, which nro abol ished. All tho Judges aro representa tive mon. Two correspondents of a Now Yok nowspnpor hnvo been dis barred for fabricating nn lnlorvioxV with Ocn. Lawton, dated Manila, May 2S, and for ovadlng tlio consorshlp. Tho stcamor III Cnno has arlvod horo from tho Island' of auam, bringing tho Flllplnon who wcro exiled thoro by tho Spaniards for participating In tho old rebellion. Mml. I'ulillc Washington, .May 30. The wnr de partment made public two more of tho reports of operations around Mnnlln onrly In February. They are from Col. Hnny Kerlln. flnst Montana, and MnJ. Hallory, Inspector general of tho United States volunteers. Col. iter lln'a reglmont was thn one whleh waa Included with Pennsylvania with Its capture ot tho Chinese ctmotry as de tailed In n report from tho commander of that regiment, mado public some dny ago. Tho story does not differ materially from that of tho Pnnnsyl vnnln oommnndor. Col. Korlin stutei that tho Montana regiment took part In thn chnrgo on tho comotory, whose poMeeslou was strongly contested by a largo force of natives. The rogl mmit subsequently helped to capture nnd occupy Cnlooonii, losing one man klllod and twenty-threo wonudod. lloMBli Itlilort' II. union. Ios Vegas. N. M.. May 30. Tho pro gramme for the three days' reunion of thorough rlders.whlch will oecuro Juno 24-28. tins been prepared. It will be gin with nddroMes by (lov. Itooeevolt nnd Col. llrodlc, to bo followed by a regimental revlow. On thwMlh (Sun day) religious services will bo con ducted by Chnplaln Drown. During the entire three days a cowboy tourna ment, consisting of steer-tying and broncho-breaking nnd races of vari ous kinds, wll be held. Fireworks ret resenHng the rough riders charging on Ian JiMN bill will be given. Deputy Internal Itevenuo Collector Andrew McnamiiWell. In rompny, with Sheriff H. C. William nud Constable John lllnlr of Young county end Dep uty Marshall Hector and Deputy Col lector barne, selMd a tarty-gallon Il licit still on Ons I creek, Young wiinLy, and destroyed It. The Mhooner Amelia stink on San Luis bar, off (lalveston. hold that tho answor set up a valid de fense nnd tho demurrer theroto was overruled. Kntortalnlng, no doubt of tho correctness ot tho Judgment ot tho circuit court, tho sarno is affirmed." DIXIE DOINOB. ItodiiiUil. Washington, May 30. The United States emlMUMy at Tlrusaels has re ported to tho state department that the llelglan government has by deeree Is sued on the 38th Instant rescinded the Interdiction upon the Importation of American cattle. Tho state department Is very proud of Its achievement In securing the opening ef the llelglan markets to American cattle, tkey having been closed since ISO I. Edward Dlck.n cattlo dealer was shot and killed by Itubo Thomas at Hazon, Ark. An old feud caused It, Mrs. Balllo Patterson and her son wero run over and killed by a train near Spnrtnnsburg, B, C, while walk ing on the track. Aloxandcr Droomo and his son sur prised Agnow McGulloch near Col urn ma, H. C, In the not of stealing a horso and shot and killed him. Capt. Julian Myers, who served in tho Confederate navy during tho civil war, died nt Orango, N. J. Ho com manded tho monitor HunUvllle during the light with Fnrrngut In Mobile bay, C. H. J. Taylor, ono of tho most prominent colored mon In Georgia, died at Atlnntn. Ho was mlnlstor to Liberia during the first Clevclnnd administra tion and wns rocordor of deeds for tho District of Columbia during Mr. Cleve land's sorond term. Judgo II. M. Bomervlllc, for years an ussoclato Justlco ot tho supreme court of Alabama, and founder ot tho law department of the University of Ala bama, addressed tho graduating class ot that depaitmcnt nt Tuscaloosa. Tho Jndgo Is now one ot the board of ap praisers ot customs of Now York city. Ilr-.n 1'I.imiI. St. Louis, Mo.. May 29,-Col. W. J. Dryan expressed himself ns much plcasod with tho result ot Thursday's banquet. He said: "It was a great success. Tho gath ering was imenso, enthusiastic nnd ucmocratto. I was glad to be there." In a slgntd statement furnished to tho Post-Dispatch Col. Pry an said: "To the editor of tho Post-Dispatch: The sentiment ot the meeting was In lino with the sentiment ot the party generally. The Chicago platform will bo reaffirmed entlro and new planks added to cover new questions. The trust Issue will be ono of the most Im portant ot the issues." Work .t A Celon. Central City, Neb., May 29,-Prob- ably tho most destixctlvo oyolone that over visited Nebraska passod through tho northern part of Hamilton county Saturday night at 7 o'clook, destroying from $75,000 to $100,000 worth ot prop erty, Including flttcon dwellings, ono church, ono ncboolhouse, two Iron bridges, across tho Dlue river, barns, corn cribs, outbuildings, orchards, fences and stock. The funnel-shaped cloud first struck tho farm of Poter Jacoby on section I, township 11, completely destroying tho houso, barn and other buildings. The cloud then rose nnd did not again strlko tho ground for two miles, It then ocsconded nnd caught the dwell ing, barn, outbuildings and windmill at W. P. Lnutzen, tovellng thorn flat to tho ground. It next struck tho resi dence ot Jostnh Fox, completely de stroying all buildings. Wm. Steele's largo two-story houst was tho next object of the storm's wrath, all buildings and trees being loveled to the ground. C. II. East man's house was the next in tho path of tho storm, which destroyed his barn and other buildings. A number ot head ot stock woro also klllod. B. Biac, living Just across the road from Bast- man, lost all blM buildings. T. L. Clothier's place nnmo noxt and here two flno dwellings nnd outbuild ings woro destroyed. Mr. Clotblor lost two horses and two cows. Cedar trees slxtcon Inches through were broken oft or uprootod as easily as cornstalks. Tho family had taken refugo In a cel lar. Whllo In tho collar an old-fashioned hay kulto stuck In the wall by tho sldo ot Mr. Clothier's head. a knlfo wna blovn from Kastman's place, a mllo nwny. Tho Danish Lutheran church and parsonage wero scattered In all direc tions. Rov. Btrandskow and family and tho family of Nols Andorson, ten persons In all, took refugo in a cellar Under the parson gc. A forgo, steel rang! dropped to tho cellar, but for tunately no one was Injured. in tho cemetery adjoining the church every monument was turned over, broken or destroyed. A llttlo north ot the church the storm crested niuo river, taking tho iron bridge, carrying it a hundred feet or more and twisting it out of alt sem bianco to a brldgo. Tho track of tho storm wan sixteen miles In longth and about 100 yards In width. During tho blow a llttlo rain fell, nocoinpanlod by Imruonso lMilstones, some astlurgo as a tin cup. In nearly overy case tho families sought shelter in collars. While thoro wcro many narrow escapos, strange to ray no ono was seriously Injured. T.rMlory Hlnrni. Ardmore, I. T., May 29. Sunday afternoon n llttlo after 4 o'clock a tor nado and stvera hall storm passed through the Indian Territory two mllej north ot Caddo and thirty-four miles north of Denlson, on the Missouri, Kansas and Toxas railway. Ono train scorn od to be In tho tall end ot It, The coaches on the flyer show what terrific force tho iall storm had. Ono hundred and sixteen lights on tbo west side of the train were broken. The lights on the baggage car woro exposed to tho storm and the headlight broken. The residents ot Clermont county are working up a plant to buylO0a,M ot land at Point Pleasant, O.. and con vert It Into n national park In honor ot den. U. 8. O rant. Point Plewwut Is the birthplace at the general. Private Melville llateman. hospital corps, at Fort Adams, It. I., has been ordered to Fort Sam Houston, Tex., for duty. To llolil an t ni lit r. Washington, May SO. Tho treasury department has notified tho Interna tional Navigation company that tt In tends to bold an Inquiry as soon as praetleablo Into the standing ef the Atlantic liner Paris, and the company has replied offering the government ov ery oMlstunes in Its power. The minimum penalty whlsb can bo Imposed by the Inspector general far responsibility tor accident ti the revo cation of the license ot the guilty persons. Hp.rtn.ibars Cl.brnllou. Charleston. S. C , May 29. The revo lutionary bntUeflold at Bpartansburg was the scene of a big celebration Sat urday. Amos J. Cummlngs ot New York made the leading address, which was Initial In scope. He was followed by Congressmen Btanyarns, Wilson, Latimer and Flnley, who made short addressee. The Itev. J. D. Palley gavo a description of the battle. This Is the first celebration of the battlefield proper si ace 1846. though eongreas appropriated money and a monumnet was unvstled In the neigh boring town ot Bpartansburg In 1881 to den. Daniel Morgan and the vlcton ot GowpNie. Mrs. Martha Ann Plait!, one ot Col lin eounty oldest settlers, Is dead, aged 80 years. Doctor HnlrM... Kansas City, Mo., May 39. Dr Richmond Cornwall, a prominent local physlslan with a varied career, com mitted suicide in the home ot his brother-in-law. Dr. J. O. Whlttler. yes terday, shooting himself through th head and dying Instantly. Ho Ictt s note saying that despsndeney over fl nanelal affairs prompted the set Dr. Cornwall was S3 years old and leaves a wife aad child