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CARLSBAD CURRENT. VOL. Vil. CARLSBAD, EDDY POST OFFICE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 181)1). NO, 81. riiht nidi lutibtn. Ghoyenno, Wyo., June 7.--A second Unite with tho djrnamlteri ot the Union I'aelflo express train has heen fought In tlio mountain! forty mllci north ot Caliper, Wyo., by tho sheriff's pono which Iim heen In pursuit since Sunday morning, nnd ai n result one man, nnd probably more, lie dead. Tho flrat battle was (ought Sunday on Teapot creek, thirty tnllei north ot Casper. No one was wounded during thli engagement, but severnl hones wero killed. Tho second battle was (ought yesterday evening nt a point ten miles further north, and In a wild or country. Tho robbers, being closely pressed, mndo n determined stand bo hind somo rocks In a deep ravlno, and when tho posso put In an appearance, opened flro at close range. Sheriff Joo Hnzen nt Dnuglcs foil at tho first fire, being shot through the stomach. Tho ofllcor was removed to a safe placo, nnd afterwards brought to Casper by two cowboys, arriving at tho latter placo yesterday noon. den. Managor Dickinson ot tho Union Pa cific, who as boen at Casper since Monday, directing tho work ot hunting down the robbers, tendored tho uso of his prlvato train and Union was take.i to his homo at Dougnss yesterday evening. A message from there states that tho officer dl ml shortly after reaching his home. The posso resumed the fight, and was successful In a short tlmo In driving tho robbers from their stronghold and nwny from tholr horses, whloh wero secured. Tho robbers retreated to a natural fort among tho rocks somo two miles away, whero they entrenohed themselves nnd prepared for a bitter fight, The posse quietly divided up nnd surrounded tho place. Whon tho courier left the eceno tho officers wero lying on their arms, with tho robbers completely hemmod In. An urgent request was sent In for reinforcements and a supply of food and ammunition. In response, United States Marshal Hassen ot Wyoming, -who had Just reached Casper front tho western part of the state, whero ho had heen hunting for tho other three rob hers, started out with another posso, with arms, food, ammunition and horses plenty. The capturo ot tho thrco robbers who aro hemmed In In tho mountains north ot Casper Is now thought to bo certain, but whether thoy will evor reach tho railway Ir another quostlon, as there Is Intonse ozoltemcut In Casper, and talk ot lynohlng tho robbers If raught Is plentiful. Movail n Town. T5I Itcno, Oklahoma, June 7. Moun tain View, Ok., the now terminal town on tho Chlckoshn extension ot tho Hock Island railroad, hroku another record In town entorprlse. Thero has existed a rival town a mile and n half west, and It was deemed advisable that both towns ho one. After n week's dlplonutoy tho protocol was signed and the towns are now one. Tho consideration was raised by the nterprlslng citizens of Mountain View and amounted In total to 1134,380. Now "Onkdale." tho rival, Is on wheels nnd strung out on the road to Moun tain View. This Is probably tho first oasa ot Inlying a whole town outright that tho nnals ot tho west reeord. Omaha, Neb., June 7. A speolal to the llee from Cheyenne, Wyo., sayst A courier reached Casper last night from tho seeno of tho tight nnd report ed that the outlaws oseaped through the lines of tho posse In tho Intense darkness. They stole tho horses of n freighting outfit and are now flying for the "Hole In the Wall." Sixty-five men under United StatM Marshal Has sen took up the trail and are In pur suit. The three outlaws nr nob Tay lor of the little In the Wall band, a Mexican and a Cer gambler named Ca vanaugh. Dexar county grand Jury has In dieted the ofriiers of the Ran Antonio lee company on the charge of main taining a trust. 8iilrlUil. Chicago, III., June 7. Mrs. llelle Marshal Itoloson, wife ot It. W. Rolo eon, fur twenty-five years a prominent nnd wealthy member ot the hoard of trade, committed suloldo by shooting herself In the right temple. Mrs. Itolo son had for somo time been a sufferer from nervous prostration. Fears ot not regaining her health had made her despondent. It Is thought, and this ag gravated by the heat ol the last few days unbalanced her mind and caused her to end her life. She was na the ot Louisville. Ky Moiltrn Woodman, Kansas City, Mo., Juno 7. -The con ventlon of Modern Woodmen of America began yesterday. Ten thou sand Woodmen were present. Tho opening session yesterday was entirely routine nnd consisted ot welcoming addresses by Oov. Stanley ot Kansas, Mayor Jones, John Sullivan, on behalf ot tho local Woodmen; Attorney Jos. A. Heed, and responso by Head Coun sel Win, Northoutt ot Illinois, and tho appointment ot eommlttccs. At tho nftornoon session tho ques tion of expansion caused a long Jebato, but It was finally voted to extend tho order to tho following states: Cali fornia, oxcopt In the city ot San Fran cisco, Colorado, Connecticut, Dela ware, Indian Territory, Maryland, ox copt tho city ot Italtlmore; Massachu setts, except the city ot Dostou; Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Now York, except tho cities ot Huffalo and Greater Now York; Oklahoma, Rhodo Island nnd Vermont. A proposition to oxtend tho order to tho Dominion ot Canada was voted down. Ilk VIMImlt.d. Louisville, Ky., June 7. Tho Oerraan bank of this city was victimized out ot $6000 Monday afternoon by two well dressed young men, who worked a neat gamo. Just beforo tho hour for closing tho banks the assistant cashier ot tho German Insurance hank was rung up by tolcphono and asked If ho could nccommodato tho Citizens' Na tional hank with $5000 In currency. On being answered In tho afllrmatlve tho Inquiring party Bald ho would send two men around to get tho monoy. Shortly afterward two mon appear ed at tho bank with a check for $5000 bonrlng tho supposed algnaturo of tho cashier of tho Citizens' Nntlonal bank, Tho assistant cashier, suspecting noth ing wrong cotinted out tho money to tho young men, who wero profuso In their thanks ns they accepted IL When tho check reached ttuvclearlng-hmiae yesterday It was discovered to ho a forgery. The pollco are working dili gently on the caxo. Caaiatl Comment. Washington, Juno 7. A deed record ed hore, by which IHshop Jolin F. Hurst ot tho Methodist Episcopal church, trnnstercd through nn Inter mediary to his wife, Klla Hoot Hurst, their flno homo on Massachusetts av enue, In tho fashlonnblo part ot tho city, caused n great deal of comment hero, It being reported that tho trans fer was preliminary to a legnl separa tion. Illshop Hurst was out ot tho city, nnd his attorney said he had nothing to say about the matter. Mrs. Hurst has been In Europe for two years. I)nnk7 Kieapail. South MoAlostor, I. T., Juno 7. Six mllcn south of town englno No. 6 ot the north-bound Katy flyer struck a donkey. The donkey was thrown up on the pilot and carried several miles. Whon tho train stopped the animal was found to ho alive. He was taken out of tho place In which he was wedged by tho engineer nnd walked off as If nothing had hap pened, limping Just a little hit, and with every evidence that ho would live. Drtyfui lo rutnrn. Fort ds France Island ot Martinique, June C The admiral comandlng the French BQiiadrou In theio waters ro cotved an order to send tho cruiser Sfax to take Dreyfus from Dovll'sls land, oft the coast oi French Oulana, and convey him to France. The Sfax, whloh Is commanded by Capt. Cofnnlo resdo Nordcok, left for Davit's Island at 10 o'clock Sunday evening. Thero Is no truth In the report that Dreyfus has embarked on board the steamer VIHe do Hangler. The Sfax, whloh loft hero at 10 o'clock Sunday night to tako Dreyfus on Umrd, snllod quite unexpectedly. It was not until 4 o'clock In the after noon thnt her commandor was notified to Ball and tho cruiser left na soon as she could get up steam nnd take on board tho necessary provisions. Tho authorities ot Cayenne foresaw four days ago that the Sfax would leave Fort do France on her present mission and at 2 o'clook yesterday attornoon tho dispatch boat Oocland, stationed in the waters ot French Oulana, left Cayenne, tho capital, for Devil's Island having on board tho Buperlntendent of tho penitentiary and tho commander ot tho marine artil lery. Thcso officials aro delegated by the French govornraont to officially notify Droyfus of the revision of his trial. Dreyfus received Saturday a cablegram announcing tho decision of tho court of cassaslon. Dreyfus still romatns under charges aftor being officially notified of tho court's de cision In his case, hut ho will bo able to reiuma wearing the military uni form of hi rank In order to so appear before ths council of wnr. The dispatch boat Oooland took n captain ot tho Cayenne gcndnrmcrld with n squad ot gendarmes to act as a guard to Droyfus, who from this day ceases to bo under tho surveillance ot tho agents ot tho prison administra tion. Tolcgrnms to him or from him however, aro subject to supervision of tho prison authorities. A dispatch from Caycnno, cnpltal of French Oulana, says that Droyfus was Monday transferred to tho military authorities. Woman rcuud. Birmingham, Ala., June I. Mrs. R. II. Hubbard was shot and Instantly killed by two negroes at Eallne sta tion on the Memphis railway In Ulbb county yostorday. Mr. Hubbard la a farmer and had In his employ Alox 11111 and Dud liar grave. Tho negroes were discharged for Indolence nnd somo dispute arose over the amount due them. They wont to tho home and called for Mr. Hub- hard, who was 111 In bed. Ono report says Hubbard cams to i tho door and was flred upon, ono bul-; let striking his wife, and another is , that Mrs. Hubbard went to tho door i and wss shot down. Mr. Hubbard, ' hearing the shots, came to tho door ! qnd was seriously wounded. Two Slnln. i Fnyottevlllp, Ark., Juno 0. A cour-1 Icr has reached hero from Strlokler, nn Interior village ten miles south. Ho states that In a dllllculty thero yester day two mon wero kllcd Instantly nnd ono other fatally stabbed. Jim Her rlok shot John Illnklo with a shotgun. Hlnkle returned the fire, nnd both men fcl dead upon tho floor. A younger brother of Herrlek then assaulted a brother ot Illnklo with a club, and was In turn stabbed so seriously that he did not ltvo but n short time. Tho mon wero all associated In the live stock buitlfrss, nnd tho trouble resulted from tho settlement of somo Joint transac tions. The surviving Hlnkle Is under arrest. The two murdered men hir. fuinlllos. Two Attempt.. Atlanta, (la., Juno C A speolal from Columbus, On., says: An unknown colored mnn made an attempt Sunday to assault Mtb. David Ward, who Uvea three mllos west of Olrard. Mrs. Ward defended herself with a pistol nnd sont two bullets aftor tho frightened wretch. Whllo n posso was scouring the woods yesterday to find tho party, leaving Mrs. Ward alono, her husband Joining In tho chase, the sama roan, with romnrkablo nerve, entered the Ward homo again and mnde tho sec ond attempt at assault. This tlmo he toro tho clothes from Mrs. Ward, bit she managed to secure her pistol and shot tho man four Unit. Mrs. Ward says sho saw tho man fall sovcral times whllo runnlug from tho house. N.nt In .In It. New York, Juno C Mr. nnd Mrs, I Harrow, nccusod of kidnaping little 1 Marlon Clarke, waived examination bo ' toro Justice ot tho I'oaco Herbert at tlarn!rvlllp, Hockland county, yester day, and were committed to tho county Jail to nwalt tho action ot tho grand Jury, which meets In October. All et- rtorU ot the New York authorities to obtain possession of tho prisoners havo failed thus far, and unless Oov. Roose velt should InUrvcno tho Now York authorities cannot get the prlsonors un til after they havo been tried In Rock land county. lUfunit ltrltl. Washington, Juno 0. Tho secretary of tho troasury has received from tho governor ot Toxas $16,136 as n refund of tho overpayment to the state of an appropriation made In tho deficiency account of an npprnpratlon made In 1608. amounting to $101,113. J The original appropriation of $7,780, 1 000 was mnde In 18S6 to pay tho credit nrs ot tho lato republic of Toxas, and ' was In consideration of oortaln terrl ! tnry ceded to tho United StatM and tho 1 relinquishment of all claims made ! upon the United Stntcs for liability ot the debts ot Texas. Hat right. Natalia Arransml. Washington, June 7. The final de tails have been arranged for the lay ing of the cable between the United States and Oermnny, the last step be ing a satisfactory arrangement con cerning government messages and rates of cable tolls. Ths authorities here have been Informed that the ac tual work ot laying the cable will be gin during the present summer months so that the first message may pass over the line during the earning fall. den. domes has Issued his farewell address to the Cubans. He advises pease and harmony. New Orleans has voted In favor of ft sewer tax. Mot at Chicago, Chicago, III., Juno 7. One death duo to heat was reported yesterday, a labor er named Holan, and thero wero many prostrations. The mercury touohed 91, nnd tho exeesslvo humidity made the heat almost unendurable. A se vere thunderstorm nasefl over tlm niiv shortly after noon, blowing down many trees ana in me uusiness section of the city tors away a number ot signs and awnings. Casper, Wyo., Juno 0. Sheriff Oscar Helstland ot Natron county arrived hero last evening and reported a fight about 4 o'clook between his posse and the train robbers who dynamited the Union Pacific car near Wilcox, Wyo.. Friday morning about thirty miles from Cnspej. Shots were exchanged at a dlotnnco of a halt mile, Sheriff Helstland's horse being killed nt the first Are. The posso under command ot Shorlff Hazen ot Converse county continued tho persult ot the flying out laws, and Helstland walked several miles before securing a horse to ride to Casper. Ho says there Is no doubt that the robbers are a part ot the noto rious llole-ln-tbeWall gang, and that they are en route to their rendezvous. Lewis Q. Hastings, formerly treasu rer of the Hoek Island railway at Pert Worth, shot himself fatally at Tope ka, Kan. Droadfoot & Latimer's store at For ney, Tex., was burglarized and about 76 worth ot pistols and knives taken. Aniboihtd. Chattanooga, Tenn., June Sher man II. Reese, assistant superlntondont ot the Dooktown sulphur and copper works, was shot from ambush and killed by unknown parties yesterday, Dear Isabella. Folk county, this state. Reese was going1 to his home from the copper mines, and was passing through it piece ot dense woods. Tho affair has created a great sensation. Blood hounds have been sent from this city and were put on the trail. )itniiimilWa tlw. Chicago, III.. June 6. Oov. Tanner nt the stockyards Monday witnessed tho slaughtering of twenty-seven cows In a test conducted by tho stato board of health and tho stato board ot live stock ! commissioners. Twenty-five were found to bo In an advanced stage of con sumption and the other two had well i dovoloped cares. Tho herd camo from a dairy farm In Sangnmnn county that supplies tho governor's family with milk, and he expressed himself forcibly on the subject. fll-.n Hit Limit. Vienna, Co.. June 0. John Hanno way, who attempted to outrage the little daughter ot N. L. Christmas, plMileed guilty In the special sessions of the eounty court here. He was given tho limit of the law, and sen tsnssd Us twenty years by Judge Little John. Two hours later ho was on his way to Macon, where he will he kept until assigned to a convict earn p. Warren, Hartlett, colored, oharrfed with criminal assault on a white girl in Navarro county, has been plated In Jail at Hltlsboro. A revival Is In progress at the La mar Street Methodist chureh, Paris. rrtitntad to I'rtildtot, Washington, June C Diplomatic rt latlons with Spain, broken off April 21, 1R98, wore formally resumed at 11 o'clock Saturday when President Mo Klnloy greeted Duo d'Arcos, tho newly accredited minister to the United States, In tho blue parlor of tho white houxo. Tho coromony was exceedingly aim' pie. Promptly nt 11 o'clook, tho hour sot, tho two carriages containing tho Duo d'Arcos, Secretary Hay and tho secretaries of tho new Spanish minis tor, Scnor Hlano nnd Pastor, reached tho whlto home. On reaching tho hluo parlor they wero presented by Secretary Hny lo Col. ningham, who remained with them while tho secretary of stato re tired for a moment. Ho Immediately reappeared with President McKlnley. to whom he prevented tho Due d'Arcos and Senors Hlano nnd Pastor. Tho president was cordial, hut dignified In his grcotlng. Tho Duo d'Arcos then lead his address In Spanish as follows: "Mr, President: I havo tho honor to placo In your excellency's hand tho roynt letter by which hor majesty, tho queen regent of Spain. In the name of her august son. King Don Alfonso . XIII. necrcdlts mo near this govern I ment In tho capacity of onvoy extraor dlnary nnd milliliter Plenipotentiary. "I have come to ronow tho relation ! ot friendship whloh havo axlstbd from oia between Spain nnd tho Unit ed States, and which woro Interrupted by tho war of last year. Tho treaty of poaco which Spain has signed put an end to thnt war and now looklnrr only , to tlio future, Spain desires that hor rotations with this republic may be as friendly as Uicy wero In times past, nnd from tho days In which this coun try was struggling to gain Its Indo pendenco. It Is my task to contrlbuto to the renownl of these relations, to strengthen them nnd to draw them I closer; In tho dlschargo of It I hopo to I jo aided by the klndntss nnd co-opera , Son of your oxctlency and of you I government." ' Tho president responded ns follows "Mr. Minister: I recelvo with tlio nreatcst gratification the letter by which her majesty, tho aueen resent of Spain, In the nnmo of her ntictist tnn, King Alfonso XHI. has accredited you near tho government na envoy ex trJordliuiry nnd mlulster plenipoten tiary. You will find. Mr. Minister, n cordlr.1 wclcomo In this country, not only from those whose 'friendship you asqulred during your former resldenco but from nil our people, who rejolco as I do at the renewal of tho ancient bonds of nmlly which, with a brief In. I torruptlon, hnvo united our nntlons for niur man ioo years. That thoso friendly relations mny bo confirmed and strengthened, to tho advance of both partes In my earnest wish, and I can assure you that every mombor of this government will heartily co-op-erato with you to that desired end." At the conclusion of tho address the prosldont stepped forward and shook hands cordially with the now minister they engnged In conversation In low tone for a minute or two. Tho yresldont gracefully Inquired after the health of the queen regent and tho king. Ho courteously referred to tlm due's former residence of this country his many friends here, and ro uented the assurances of the oonclud liiK words of his formal greeting, that every one hero would unite In making the minister's stay In this country pleasant mid satlsfaotory. The part then retired and were driven to the Arlington hotel. Vie rra-liUnit, Wichita. Kan.. Juno l.-At the Trans .Mlaslsslppl congress, state vice presi dents and executive committeemen wsrs anniwned as follows: Arkansss. I. A. Williams. Fort Smith : United Commercial Travelers. Henry Wallen stein. WIehlta; Indian Tsrrltory, It. M. Wolvertan, Duncan: Kansas. Charles A. Follows. Topska: Iuls lanH. W. J. Sanders, Nsw Orleans; Mlswvl. tt. D. Hlgelow. KansaB City; Oklahoiun, II. H. Hoadblll, Ponea City; Texas, 0. T. Jester. Coralcana. The Amerlenn mediation scheme was t0pted by the sub-eommltteo at the Hague conference. Twa right. Manila, June 6. Oen. Hall's column. In movement upon tho Morong pent Insula, completed n circuit ot twenty miles over rough and mounUnlous country, having two engagements with ths Iniurgonts, ono ot them aovero, and keoplng up nn almost constant flro ngalnit scattered bands ot rebels for nearly twenty-four hours from 4 o'clock Saturday morning, when tho column left tho pumplng-statlon. Tho Filipinos wero driven in overy direction and tho country through which Oon. Hall pasted was protty thoroughly clotured. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning ths column reached a point a fow miles from Taytny, whero in. Hall was met by (Jen. Lawton, wh had already en tercd tho town and found It desorted, Oon. Hall's objcctlvo point was An tlpoln, ten tulles off, nnd thero was de sultory firing and nil along the lino ot march, Tlio gunboats could bo heard shelling tho hills In advance ot the column. Tho column, nftor driving tho rebels from tho foothills near Maria Chtno about noon Saturday with a loss of but two or thrco slightly woundod proceed ed with nil posslblo hasto forward, to Loguna do Day, tho fourth cavalry la tho lead, tho Oregon company next. At D o'olook theso three regiments fought their second bnttlo ot tho day and It resulted llko tho first, in ths complete rout of a largo Filipino forco located in tho mountains and having cvory advantage of position. In this right tho American loss was four killed, thrco .ot tho fourth caval ry, and ono Orcgonlav and about fit teen wounded. Tho Filipino toss could not bo nsccr talncd, but tho terrific flro which ths Araorlcnns poured Into them for halt an hour must havo Inflicted sovcro punishment. Antlpola was easily taken. Secretary Alger has received a cable gram from den. Otis, in responso to his Inquiries, announcing that a ma Jorlty ot the Oregon regiments ot vol unteors at Manila had decided to return by steamer direct to Portland, Ore. Tho Washington decided to come first to San Franelseo. DIXIE DOIN09. Tho Ely dry goods store, ht Paducah, Ky., burned. Lou $16,000. A coal bargo, heavily laden, sank off Cape Henry, Vn. The crow escaped. Dy an explosion In a mlno at Pratt City, Ala., John Parker, a convict, was blown to pieces. Hon, O. L, Ross, president of tho Knoxvllle, Tenn., chamber of com merce, dropped dead. Tho remnlns of Dr. O. A. Thompson, who died at Shrevcport, La., wero shipped to Crawfordsvllle, Ind. John Tree of Atlanta, Oa whllo on a visit to his son at Mobile, Ala, re ceived word that his wlfo was dead. Ho poisoned himself nnd died. While Intoxicated, Joo Pate, a miner nt Newcastle, Jefferson county, Ala bama, shot Into a crowd, killing Henry aoldsweatherby, n respootcd citizen. I'ato resisted arrest, and was wounded and taken to Jail. Hort. Walter and Will Yarborough. brothers, and Charles Campbell and his brothcr-ln-law, Josso Surglner, had a street fight at Athens, Ala. Surglnor nnd Ilert Ynrborough were fatally wounded, Will Yarborough dangerously shot nnd Campbell badly beaten up, It Is said that a well-known sheep man ot Ban Angelo wilt ship from that point this season not less than 300,000 head of muttons. Others will also make large shipments In the ag gregate from that city lUIng fa I, I. Havana, June 6. The payment ot In wrgent soldlors was continued at Ml lem. One hundred nnd seventy-six men received the $76 allowed each sol dier turning In his arms, and forty four applicants were rejected for va rious causes. Some 300 Cubans- who soma tlmo ago turned in their arms to Col. Aeo com plain that ho will not return them, and consequently they aro unable to get their money. The matter will be In vestlgated. Ths Cubans at Oalnes xx bolof paid. To tie lUtrlad, Paris, Juno 5. Tho court of cassa tion Saturday rendered a verdict in favor ot a revision ot tho Dreyfus oasa and ordering a new court-martial to sit at Hennos, sixty mites from Nantes, for tho trial ot tho prisoner. Previous to the announcement of the verdlet the crowds outside assembled nt the palaco ot Justlco and its neigh borhood, awatlng tho deelslon. Per fect calm prevailed. Tho deeUlon says the prisoner Is to be retried on the fol lowing questions: "Is Dreyfus guilty of having In 1881 practiced machinations or of having had eommunleatlon with a foreign power of Ha agents, with the view of facilitating aets ot hostilities .n the eai of var with Franse, or having ftirnlshrd the means thorefor by fur nishing doeumeuts retraced on tho bor dereau?" Tho audience reeelved tho decision with orl ot "Vivo it justice!" "Vivo la lolel" Attack on Loubit. Paris, June 6. -President LoUbet, ac companled by ths premier, M. Duptiy and the chief ot tho military house hold, den. Mollalllereud, drovo to tho Autell races yesterday afternoon, closely followed by Mmo. Loubet in a second lundau, At the raees a demon stration was made. Count Christiana rushed toward ths president, brandish lag a stick and directed a blow against him. striking his hat, The crowd rushed upon. Christiana, vho only escaped severe handling by being taken upder police srotsotlon.