Newspaper Page Text
til' j Con til j Hex IIP I die 10 1car;lsbad ICURRENT . CAULSMD, EDDY P. 0M NEW MJ2XJCO, SATURDAY. JUNE 17, 1800. we ffltmnMUK,. 2 J kJ 1 f m 1 rTBvfajixiodflr to Thorou?h Test jOHN FRANKLIN , AIIflSNlr AT tiff.; Fhrslcltns and surgeon. 1 Hotel Wlndsof n Hi WIIIOIIT. M. II. v rnriwm m 8 minx, fc'lj imwtrrt lrnnilljr tlty rt uttM, lfflfliaur I til 4 fi, m, Modern Stonm IfBalnar.r'.tn-thltl Metrllla, in Annual Ileporf, Beta Forlli tho I'olhfa Wherein Chanajca Art Naaded. The war wlitoh haa lilt 4 rntlnl tm ilio first In which modern tteaih rci ids hnve linil n thorough trial. Ba njn ugincorin-uniri -mciviiic, injnq nnunl report, and then he- proceeds not i t lie Important leiwons, so far a they respect the machinery of the f" lo l. nsirrnAHD Dantlot. vessels, which havebcen taught by that experience, ni follows! ..WTn Vital ntcMilty ot smnrry or ntceti (y of nlv in nery of vumiU in rWervt Omicff Itooma 0 A 10 -janaiu lilk. 8;n. m. tollm.t 1:50 to p- in. and T to & T. BITTING, Department Jitore-'' nt,, feDDY, NEW MEXICO, Dtt Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Shoos, lints, t - Notions, Stationery, . llardware, Quoensware. House Furnishings, (Jlocks, , Cutlery, Guns, Ammunition Snorting Goods. Saddlery, haudlery llardware, Harness t "'", k ' Wagon Timber, Buggies, Wagon Covers, Tarpaulins, Tonts, Etc. Largest Stock ami Prices in i 01 HaT Hit ma- freauent in.iJi unuir worxintr communis. I. Tilt grant Important of having nil our naval station in poatiKmnef Htrattgievau uv iu-o;riiy mini oin lor rcaini nmi ttiiii aucqunio uiiiipk or non-i'tllnliIr lora. Tlint treaii writer for lit l.'ol rr la hl moat n imDartatit-na ecml. ana ihnt n dii timnn aiitii m (in importnnt mijunet of a fleet. I. Tlint evary flel ntrda n rttxilr alilp. tfiMiilie lm wr. a Tliat if u.ore than two main rnclnea art lo ) lit cl. there should lie three en BliiNi ct'l?i mre Mrttra, and not two mh In cnirt"c ot Moll ehaft. 7. That tlict-p nhould be frefiUant tr n i under romd urait to ucen the b ower in sood coniliiloo. and to matte the men thor- oushlv fumliler with wornintt umler maxi mum rund l ona. t. That ihg location ot the foreni draft blewari la n matter of atriou Imnortanot. t. Tnat ill neraennol ut me arrvica tliouM be adefittate to the matertRl. II. w inuit make iirovmion ror iraininc (he enllited men of the engineer (ltirt- mutt have AT Til It . o k: innl. 'fLThat our fighting, piilpi thtf hluheit itoaalhlo anted- with iiqrdonnblc lirlUB tho rejioV-t du'clla upon the tremendous amount of work ut'coniplUhqil by J he bureau In preparing the tluet for wnr, Intoning thv iilnoiiitr cf lieu boiler In the old monitor, the' fitting out of ihlpa' In orillntirv for nnd tlic rnulntncnt of the atixlllnry nnry, ncnrly 110 ve- ntUU'd to the ri-Rtilnr force. Strcta (t- laid upon thv Importnnce of having Urn trout nceeuible ttntlon In tho navy, that at Key Went, amply atoclted. with store nnd tool for cmergiitcy ivonc, ami uith thla end the clilet en- pni'i-r 'iiumlta estlmalcn for a com' plelo equipment of tliae Intlon. .' The record nindc by the rennlr tIJil t..., .. . - . . -.if : uiciui, ii ik miiii, hiii convince tn moat akrptlcal that this floating ahlp o( ii n it I in ii lil e value off Santiago. ana timre in not n more Important fea ture to-dny than the maintenance of uch a elilp well atoclted with every large licet; Therefore, an appropria tion Ik united for (lie nrocurvment of etiother audi nhtp, and alo for the equipment of another distilling ahlp such iik the IrU. Urrnt aires is Inld linon the Imnor- iance of wafer tube btillors. nnd'lt la mid thai It Mould hard to 11 nd any design for the machinery of now vessel which do not include water tube boilers, owing to Uie demand for Imall weight and high speed. It is inld that the bureau had prepared piniiH mr such Doners for the battle- - i - - I A tililin v etrni) ,l'l"1 contracted for, but was pre v-'a 'tlv, iVVi? vented from Initnllliig them because Frst-clasa blncksnillhln, Carriage paint lug ami wood work of all klodi. f rSaTni H"'"T maobinss and invp SrarOall kinds of repairs. JJ STABLE Arthur R. O'Qulim, Dealer lu of the departments dtrlslon that the ships should be- Identically of the Aln Uamn class. The Individual nlanK. however, which were finally acci(ed, will result In tho use of tho water-tube boilers for these shlpt. GUNS TO GUARD MONTREAL. Imperial Coinmlaaloii l'lntia Nerr Ar- tlllsrr Dafanaea for h Ilo ntlnlun Cltr. Iffhe imperial comntUsloii apnolnitd to inquire into nud lo report, on a genernl sclicmo for the perfecting of the defenses of Canada, and which snt lu Quebec at the time tit the open ing ot tho Quebec otuiferrncc, lias, been quietly nt work for some days lpdfng into the tlefcrtles of Montrtnt. (l is Mated that the plan favored by Agent tor Setilltz an. AnheujeplluteU lliit eommlaalonira for the defense of sLw!''1 !'J& -iJLJJji pnlrenl embrnee extremely long. i rnii;t; unitcriui uu mv iiiuuii ihiu, iiiiu sxtensive wo r lis to proteot the city from attach. They alio suggest pow erful work nt St. Lambert nud Caugh unwaga, the south shore terminals qjf the railway bridges, which Would f dim nrX inleriur dvfense tit n long lino ot jetaolicd fori a and work entering the itrotegienl milnt of the frontier, thej llolillltu river, Lake St. Francis ami .ake Memphreinageg. GLORY. ice and Whojesale Beer. . - angell & mobiles dttV Llver NobbytIwon Snort Notice 2Hc3Lca.y WAVED OLD 1 1 INI if BO YEAHiT' EXPERleMOB LMaBBBBBBBBBBBBBwZTZZBaTZL n.HANI dovniQHT o. I ModlnS a skatch and dtMrliovta bt amrluit our optclon fa blh.r aa knnm u promur MtUbl. combubim. bwouteiuMoSAaatuL nusbaoioarataMs tylSSluiU, wltboat cbust, la Ua prKdM iMKttl, Twrnf , IS a StRMiliC lUnniual Incident. Iinrlmr the HeU tmental apitrfa-'Of llrltlsli Trbopa The regdmental sports of the Iloyal tanadlan battalion ot imperial troop at Hollfux, N. ., were marked by an mutual Invldont. At the conoluilon f the sport 100 meiw-the plok of the rarrlson, formed a pyramid by mount. Injf npoibohe onotlieiVy shoulders, and '.lemon at tbeapex.aflneapealmenof J ho Urltjsh soldier, atood waving In )ne hmitf the union Jqok and In tho alher the atura and stripes. This In ale was cheered by the large num. er of spectators prwonl, It was the 3rt time ill tliwhlilery Ot Halifax that men of iintlfh refilmet bad dis played the Jldgof Hiiather nation. Slftflllr Fonrth o July I I . GalebraSon ! flina ' I Hsllttnl A Century1 of Fur Day at the CMS III t; Prograni: Spooking by Judgo JN. rrutt Frcemitn and Cowboy Tournament, ling Hiding, tc., $100 in prizes. 1 . Hose liall, Uorlsbad vs.almland. Hose Race, Carlsbd vs.'lloHwoll. Horso Koeo, $75 in prizes. Pony Itaeo, 50j,in prizes. Foot Races. Bicycle Races, 125 in prizes. Trick Riding. Sports for small boys. Rig Barbecue at noon. Grand display of fireworks and im mense pavilion dailco at night. Citizens of Roswell, Midland, Odessa, Pecos and many other towns aro to bo in Carlsbad to colebrato tho change of name and give tho town a hearty send off in its Christening Celebration on the Fourth of July. All who conlo will find i hearty welcome. The Races Will he the Best ever Held in the Valley. ' 1 1 1 1 i , Come Everybody! tebad 899, It's WkA liar OrowlaH qrittidspn in re i ! llarvnroi the Cars, i When a woman feels oli mi.i kti. vessels. uBiiinnninnin' no: 82. Mrs. Jane and Mrs. Smith rati on an Illinois wntrui suburban train, homo ward bound from a morning of shop ping. Mrs. .tones In 35 nnd n mother; Mrs. Smith 05 and n grandmother, idya vnicngo itiici- uccan. "My dear Mrs. Smith," gi.1,1 Mrs. Jones, "how well you nro looklmr. I dcohre, you uro tho yoUngeat-loolilug woman xur your nge I ithow, it scUnis that you have taken off sevurnl years ovary iima i meat you. unto you 01 covered the magic fountain T" "My tlsar," rpjijlotl Mrs. Smith, "you mean well and I'm obliged to you, but i icsi an oiu, oiu woman to day." "Why tin you emphaslw lo-day?" "eii. us this nnyi I xinrh-il id come down town this morning feeling as gny ns a gin of 30. At lie station I met my gmnilaon. He's rtlTTy .tini lio'n as blg rif some mcu. I suppose the signi or mm kiiouiu bare anbered me and made mu renllru whnt a In ml murk I am, but It-dldn't. And I kept ou tcc ing young ami frisky until tho con tiuetor onino nlopg," "What on earth, did tho conduqlor navo to uo witli it T" "Why. that boy pulled out hln com mutnnon tioKet, banded It to the con ductor, and nnld, Hit a matter of coursot rivo.' noodness knows I folt old onough when my eldest ion paid my rare ror tnu nrst time, nut whan womnn geta ao ng1 that hur grltlltjno pays hor faro sho's ancient. sUr enough." BANKS HAVE USB FOR MONEY. War In Whlvli II Im IMhnnoUl lustltcw lion Mnnnu to I'nr Ulvldsnda to Sbarahoidavs, Many peopto wonder how banks uso nil tho money deposited In them nnd now they manage to pity Interest there on nnd .vet coma nut fit the end of tho year with n big pro lit on tho liuslncni, unya the New York Toll-gram. What they tlo In trndo with the money. To tho depositor they pity between ono ana two put cent., but tho monoy thoy iriitl brings them in three, flro, six, seven, nnd even olght percent. Vor Instance, they ttlvc loans on Ml sorti of KtcuritleS, such ns'rollwny du- lien turns, government istock, publla company shares, doclc warrants, bills of lading, ote. nicy ono icnu monoy on mo so- curlty ot houses and land, but not to n great extent, as repayments nro slow. When fl COIinlo of substantial bualnnaa men or fnrmcril br pfofesNlounl men back a bill the bank often lends without any security nt nil i but now and ngnlu tbc.v have heavy and ruinous losses on these loans. All banks, however, bavo targe sums of money constantly lying Idle, for they must keep Hiifllolont cash at tho various branches to pay checks, and oven to be mora or loss prepared for pnnlos, Still, the dlfferunca between the ono or two per cent, thoy pay una tho thrca or olght thoy receive on millions of dol- lnrs leaves them nn Imrasnso pro 11 ton too year's business. Pecos Valley y oi Wet Railway Co. , : KbrUiiUouiHl. South Hound, LV. ifaoam Pee Ar. loTajrim io'h iiiJS iwo p. m. it ono Mstaa Cnrlilmd MftMIlfsll l'SrtalM lluvlim Amarllio Lv. 10 alis ipiuan its itoiwell (filing Trflln No. tlN(V reoe, ToXfll, daily at WM, III., ItrriYDR IHIlljr ni in,. 110 liMa. in., AnmrllloOilOn. m.. conn- riiu A. T. it . r. and w. & I), a Itrs, i Train No. X leavai Amnrlllo dull v nt liu a. in., arrives llonwoll JiM p. m Kifdy UiU'pr m,'-i!i '.W.P- eonnectlng Willi. Toxas A raoinc liy. HtiiRM fir Mucoid. White Oaks and Nppai i. M.. leiivo Itoawall dally exait''nundair tv7 ni id Tor lowrntM. nr llnfimnn iifMnlonnnllDii reaqrdfna; tills valley, prion nMsnnj) ik NlanpLH, VSIlCltll MSIIi DON I). DONAIUJi:. aan. Krt. A I'ass. Agt. Ilnnr, Ni;w Muxiw. i !nKrr itf OW AMD AVTSn OCT. IS THE GREAT T. A p. "SUfiSU Limited" unk or Tim I ! FINEST TRAINS IN THE 5 WORLD b WILL, RON 8BMI-WIIEKI.Y I EAOH WAY VO I JLOS ANGELES ! 0 SAN PRANCISCQ, r ALSO TO I St Louis Chlcqjzo I VIA f TEXAS & PACIFIC FY, Tnrouab Dailaa aoS rtVfi1i. ' ! TUB FASTEST TiHE EVER MADE, 3 A Pnluoo on Whoola. ii Sas aeareit ttskat moot paruwuUra for fnrtbsr A T. A e. p. turn en, O. P. DAI.UA3. m "B9fl-afHtFs;;(;A'- THE CUBAN GOLD MYTH. Th ta Muthlntr nn ilia lalnnd Wlitah Mar II Otunlrtad br tha Kami tit. It wo listen to tho volca of the charm er or go to tho books on Cuba for Our nforfnatlon wo shall rind that the niln ttttl resources ot this Island Include (told, silver, mercury, lead, iiiitlinony, copper, chrome, iron, manganese, pi lull, bitumen and even coolt bnt when wo eomu to look for practical mutnllla re mits commcnltlroto with these varied nilnurnl resources we shall be disap pointed, say tba Engineering Mugu- tine, Tho gold fiction is tho most Uma hon jred, for tho original Spanish settlor jxpected to firm rich gold mluos In 2uba. Aceordlng to their historian much gold was taken from this Island at the beginning of the conquest, but t seems probable that most of this was taken from the chief or oaolquea ot tho Indians nnd very IHMe from the ground, ltl Vlngoro Universal, Madrid, 17BT, toys i "Soma ot this mejaf (gold) Is still found at Ilolguln." Whenever the, uistenee of gold In Cuba Is discussed this "mine" at llolguln la Invariably arought forward. It la true that somu work has been done at this point and i little gold haa been extracted, but there has never been any systematic ex ploration, nnd there is nothing there which moy be dignified with tho name of ft mine. hasp-BhcMrinir br Maoblnarr. The sbeep-shtrlng experiment that Is bsing tried In Byenmore, III., is prov ing sueecssful, snys the St. Louli niobe-Deuioorat. A galollno engine o tour horse-power runs ten cllpimrs which slioar on an average 1,000 sneer tt day. Ona of tho advantages of tin experiment Is that about half n nount ' Inore wool Is realised from eaeh sheep Tho test will bo given to U.DOO sheep l'hs sheep are ahearetl, the wool tit and packed In large tAoks holding sev eral hundretl pounds eaah nnd ready for shlmnent at onou. The sueee met with In this experiment will retolu tionlce tho sheep-shwtrlng business. ft El Paso & Northeastern Railway. Leaves Alnmogordn 3:20 p, in. Arrives Kt laso 7:115 p. in. huavos i:i 1'nso 10:110 a in; Arrives Alauiogordo 2:1Q p. m. Muklntr eiinticcllon at HI l'uao for tho east, wost and nil points In Mexico, Connecting ut Alnmosordo with tho stage lino for tho Whlto Oaks Country. White Onka. llonlto. Nouuls. Qrof. and Salado coal Holds. Also cotinDctlniMvltli Tularoso (take lint- wliloli loavM Alomogordo after arrival of train each day. Loaves lulafosn at 10:30 a. in., La Luz at 12 in . makinir connection with tho soul i bound train. A. 3. Ohhio, .. . (Ipn Snpt & Tkt fc l'uss Agt II. Ai.fcfcANDHll. A. 0.1. A. MWNUHMttMmHtmi A FREE PATTERN ial la ararr sab-1 o mi S yovt owa Ml. MSCALL'S MAGAZINE MAOAZIND. I Vf millj Mani tltlta ; Ui.M X l f IM.lllll .MMMMI , lNC B.. kukal4 kmlt Skix. l Swk- H i.liut t4 11 itiwt, Bn A LAMES' I , HlrM. KelUbte, RlunU. Up-to- Kruiumlrkl ! 1 K.TmI.I. I ;g -iivi-riiiiHlf i-ar f-itrnia. MS CALL nak. I Patterns' SsBsstssaaaBaBajaajaBWM aafTsTaV my m lNo.Sat.AU4waaca Psttirtn.) iMi'fUMilfV I 4UMI Vtta f F RUN KM THB McCALt CO., US MS Villi Mlh II.. Ni Ysrk.