Newspaper Page Text
8: 1 "'" ,,,,,,, CARLSBAD CURRENT. VOL. VII. CARLSBAD, EDDY P. 0M NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1801). NO. 83. ICS.. Wo control botwoon 300 and 400 resident lots in Eftdy and wo hereby givo notioe that on July 1st next wo will inoroaso tho price on Rnmo from 50 to 100 nor cont. Tho time to buy is NOW. WloLEWATHEN & TRACY, Real Estate Agents. STm 2? MATKBSON, Ooro-'ssion W And Gcnornl Forwarding 6, Hay, Grain, Seed, Feed, Blacksmith Coal You. -cclll iliirt tlio xxx n. xx you are ' looltiUR fox nt THE CENTRAL SALOON, jbooaiino tixoyr don.1 lax xlx'fift olnas aooclia n,xxcl ovorytoody Imiowb Komp 6 Woorner, Proprietors. U. S. MEAT MARKET, 'Fresh Moats, Sausage, Ganio, Etc., . .Always on Hand. . jpi'oo XSojLltrovy lax ntx-y X'aart of Oity. LOWKNIMIUUK ft STONK, 1'rojHi. W. A. KERR General Merchandise. .Fancy Groceries a Specialty. Green Tree Salop, J.1JHJM . 1 liquors, ? I cm aks, cAsn (iooos. UARPlULD & CANTUULL, Proprietors! HOTEL SGHLITZ, EDDY, N. M. ,(II!D. II. Hll'tilllNS Manager. G- F. A. Robsrfcpon. BLACKSMITH All kinds of new vurka.wil'f ., tfrinlnjf liiinlimtfiitl of al f HCl 4 klndu repaired, uh bi t elle. I i t Wagcm maker. WHISK HIIOBINU Ul'llUX i ,V ' Titui) at jjuuii 1 1 om Jfetul mul Livwy Oorrn i... c II. f.... f infoirtipctlon. Acoonunoda i nonR.Op.( urrcnf T tinnnnd saliHfnoion, tfiinran 0 THS CUKKSHT. WM. II. M V ULAN K Oiilclal Paper of Eddy County. . .Published evwr Hnturdny at Cnrlubnd, N. M.. and ntwtd islnd clns limit mutter. ' - - . HAlUBDit Jons 3t, 1890. HUnSOIlllTlON HATES. WJJirtLY nr null I'r nntim By ntl trilxmltn :!!t Next week the Ouiiiiknt will lie in atifcd from Its now qimrtort, In tho beautiful two story rook ntitl brick building on the corner of Ounon and Fox streets, wliloh corner, ns Is troll known, 18 tho btiilnoee cantor of Ourls lad. Tho room In wlilolittlio typo will bo set nnd the paper printed Ih entered from tho south and east. It Iiiin it lino ueiiiont nnd ooncrel Hour nnd In pro bably tho best quartom for u printing ofllee In tho wholo of Now Mexico, bo lug constructed especially far tho uso for whluh It is lntndcd. Kuoh com ptrtltorhuH n window whloh Inatiteu Ullnntv of Unlit, wblla Iho Kontli ntiil cost front innltos tho olllco comfort -aVjo ut till time, l'utroiis of tho Ctm hilNT who hnvo Ntood by It through thick nnd thin, who always brought their business to Its door, will kindly ncuept Uio thanka of tho mnnugetuont for fuvnr nnd will no doubt fool In. toroatod to know that nil their good will li nppreoltktod and thnt good uso has been mado of all tho profits arising from the business. Hood work and prompt attontlnn to business nnd fair uotiltng nro promised In tint f ttlttru. Tlfl) change of express companies for tho 1 V. A V. H. works untold Injury to busing. Previous to tho ohdnge aSH while tho town was being served by tho Pacific Kxpress n package from IJallns or Fort Worth would roach huro In Just twenty- four hours, Under tho now arrangement with the town sorv 0(1 by tho Walls Fariro Kxprois tho tlruo conBtttnod In obtaining a imckngo from Dllitn or Fort Worth Is pructl forty cltfht hours nnd tnlKht us well cotno by frolght, Though express matter reauhos Carlsbad In thirty. ulx hours from Dallas or Fort Worth, It arrives after closo of business for tho day and Is woaroely over obtained until next fiiornlng. Texas lias a law on OitsTur'y subject and Now Mexico should enaut u monsuro providing thnt all express matter bhll bo sent and re ceived by tho hliorteit mid ijitlokofit powtbltj routes. One of the curloiltlns of tho nge Is a llupblleitu uuwspupei shouting that tho "Ilepublleun parly has done inoro to smash tho trtiiUi than tho Dem ocratic party over will do" it wns only it vary short tlmo ttgo that a Republican attorney general threw up tho apotiKo to tho trtiits mid au uounced that the fodornl govorninpnt could do nothing with them tinder n Itepublloun anti-trust law. Since this announcement tho only stuto loglHluttires which havo attempted to gnipplv with tho trtuiu huve been those composed of Democrats and It was tho Democratic governor of Toxns who oalted a conference of tho govoruors of tho nation for tho pur poso of oonslilurlnu tho trust question, while Marl: Ilunuu, the sponsor and general manager of the Itopubllcan prty, assoila that tho trusts nru a good thing. New Jeruoy is the present roosting place of tho trusts mid tho Ilepublleun party is their Incubator, t l not neoessury to be very smart In order to uiursUnil that this Is the iruth.-Kl I'usti (Irophic. To say the present sihuoii is dry but mildly oi'prtNMwa the condition of af fairs in this country at proseut. Com menting on the situation th Optic of Jhs Vegas has the following: The old wit "old timers" compare the Qoiiuuiiwi iiroiuii in attw aiexieo una tJUiHiner thus far, with the protrnutwl dry years oT IMS and imo, whr it very little rain fell until tha latter pert of AuKMst thf lltat imiiiwl ami ma until the latter tart of July the lost nameil year. Stock on tiw riiHgea will suffer severely unleea tint droutli la broken soon. The rrs of the eoiiulry have as a rule groesly murepreaeiitd the shoot ing here the other day. Tlieir re porlara slipped u eog in aome way. The Rl l'aao IIhmUI was liirthsrolf thuti uuy of them. There whs ho shooting uii Uie town or rioting of any ((nil. One of Mm iartiee aurn-MlHred ira pwtol to an orHeer, who vavti it bank to him when he started home. The shooting from what we can learn vh wiioii uaexiMttUid by tul the parties. Mr. Kelley h Bioif well us fast ut he eoukl wish, while Mr. Held at Midland has htwl a luid tiiue of it all the way through.-tMetma ltu- VWH ThQ Atlanta Constitution toys tlu.t there nro a mimlur of ji.treellng feat tired connected with the prize light In Now York, not tho le tnt of those being tho attitude maintained by the saintly folks of tho east who havo in the pakt tound much In these brutal exhibitions to doory when they took pmco in other sections of the oountry, "We oun recall "adds tho (loargla impor, "tho horror wltli whloh the press and peo plo of Now York beheld tho ipe'elueln of tho Sullivan-KllrHlii mill lit Missis sippi, thoStilllvnu Corbtt mill In New Orleans, nnd the Corbett-Mltohell llaaco at Jacksonville, with Its side is sue of tho way arnss war; that such things should be allow "i In nny south, orn city air state n us taken as n relied ion on llieonttra soutli another eviden ce of tho bnrbdrlty1tprtnlnlng to this section, then Inter whon Nevada per mitted FitMlinumiH mid Corbet In light there, the people of New York thought the state shouit1. ImmedtHlely bo redd nut of the tininh. It was a rot ton bruugh, morally as well as polltt cully, they entd, and they protestett loudly uttholininorall'y manifostad by tho authorities In allowing tho light to tako place there." When however, these two eminent glnriintors selected Now York, or itft most popular suburb as tho scene far tllelr encounter, there Is not n whimper of protest. Thoy bring n lot of dollars to Now York, rind In those who contribute to that end all sins are forgiven. There Is no thought now or tho vast Immorality willed was so much In evidence when the offenders wore louthorn or western stale). It Is quite apparout that one oan buy iu sew York an) thing he wants If ho lias the mon ey, ah the Constitution say, "the honm lu tho eolWrn oyo Is as big ns a house." "ir - I loss llanuu is trying to enact the rolo of tho boy who has to be bo beg ged to play, lie says lie dnosn't wish to remain at tho hoad of tho republi can national uninuttro during noxt year's campaign uccase his houlth, for which tic has been nrdored to Kurope, Isn't what It wan, and houutiuo there Is so much work attached to tho posi tion It allows hltn no opportunity to indulge iu rocrcatlon and diversions. He gavo tho whole sunp away by ad ding that Uio position might bo forced upon him, in which cose ho would take It, but Jib wanted It known that hq. would do so against his wishes, llanmi would hnvo u series of Ills If ho thought nny other man would bo put nt tho head of tho republican com nilttiH), Owing to his nuuioroiis trust connections he Is making a grand stand play, Intended to convince Jnyr that he doesn't wish to manage the campaign. -Itecord. New Mexico is attracting world wide attention on ncaount of Its oil mute. Kxpurtaltt tho treatment of tuberculosis, tho dread dliensc that kills so many thousands of bright men mid women cvory your, have at lust oondesended to Invcstlgnto the oft repeated statements made by the press of New Mexico as to tho offoct of the dry air and bright sunihlne upon the health of those who comu here in time, and are recommendlni It ns the best climate Iu the world for tho successful troatment of patients nillloted with consumption. Fort Stanton will soon become a government sanitarium, Unices Is to havo one and othersaro talked of. With the ostibllshmont of better railroad connections New Mex ico bids fnlr to beoomo the health seek' ors paradise. Tho Los Angeles Times doesn't "ex change" to any extent with the .Now Mexico dalllos and for that r on son Its vlelous assaulte on prlvnto Individuals and the character of tho Territory of New Mexico are not observed here as much aa by people on the outside. It is a grant pity that something oaunot be done with the Times and Its manage ment to Induce them to become decent and respectable. ' Commenelnir with Allan Kelly, the alleged elty editor, aud going through the list of editors and brigadier general, u moral reform should be eifwled. The Times is it nauseating and nasty dose, unpalatable to the people of tlie southwsi(and to the HMiple of the aUy In vf Iilch tt is printed. Optle. The tipeeUd hts bapfWHwl 'J'u nl foiii (armour the i'mos vslls hsv bwi, boegUt, IwiMd, Mr (a piuJust Utcroul pernMMi hr Httlna for f.ittsalng t tit fur mnrk.t. Hl,ivp dvdtrii art lo Imij laarkrt tr fur itlfsifn. Thu fM'JIti llidu'iiry Iih lviu luorvunlug ou Hi l'.cio fur Tml t:t. HOll lll'V lb ilm rtrit woil iiue IU bsllUIng of a diri i'i iNtiwnr to K'liirn Ctj market, ihr pUie.see frofti Tia rllr(y eowi lllura fur tk frK of Umi l'(eM Varui. If or) Irrlgstotl aarfir lh talley u ortrxl vriih nlfnlfa tlti woald t etU to oou.oaio Ilia pioJiiDi Kw Muxloaii A Milters Alob, Hpmlal to Nr MaxlMll. CerrJlo, N. M.. Juno SW-At a:D0 Inst nlRht the Itobwt McKlniey 'ifwrdlng liotmo st Jlitirhl wns turrmiuileil by men with wlneliMier, thrtw nt whom cntereil tho hoiue anil proceeilptl to n room occupied liy Jobti ami Ilonry llolitonhum. Jnlin llolilouliurst was shot In tho right nhoul- iter with a Ji-alber revnlrur. the bull running bnskanti eotalng outv below tho thouliler bliwiu, liittlotlng n (langcrous wounil, from whloh ho irmy dig. The llol- ilenliurnt brothers were working mi entry Inenc o( theciml imImch niter two other miner Imd given It up, saying thoy onutd make uiriioy at the prise mtil, nnd hod iiceti w nr. .nl tn liMive town. Atlenit seven men iinilirnti re known and warrants nte nut for tliulr arrest. .Sheriff Kimelt was tninmoneil to ilsilrlil this imirniiig ami ift liy the llrst trntu. Ills ti'BrHm ittiiwl tli ii tin on i miners (miiiiiimI tbe crlma mot weru tanikeil when ilu'j went in Hie hotel. A Conspiracy. A atiiiiiiiKiit was iitnilu In our pieseaeu uue iiay this weak that shnulil It prove true, is one nl Hit vilest plots over eon eeetett In the brain ut n htiniHii flsuit. Tha relator stated that lie had been iirguil to itMnMliiHte n ptomltient attniay nt this elty. Tlietnotlvo ntwini to h.ive inwti Mm. ply n ciuti o( rsiidiiimn iimlljgnlty. 'I'hu pitrty who If.H nllsgsil sinaht to hnve IIiIh hlsrli ileml ooiiiinlltml ImliU n fmleml niTI. no Themtio Ishslng worked up mul nr resti will mhiii fulliiw. L In oouueotlon with this nlloueil plot wo danlre to slate Inntkhoulil this t-.tmtiit lm verlfled the guilty jmrtlrs will he uiaile an oxnuiplo at Iu the euurts. Almangonln N'eus. About (Irant C. (illlett. A Ohlhunhnn gviitlrmnn, writing to a frlmil lu III Vnut niiyi: Qmiit O. Ulllelt kto it out dure a fw days bsfor ImtIhk thin oity thnt tie un going to til itiiiiM, tn Iih nbnt about lght dnysi Mht ho hml n conoh nail loino tappIlM nitltlnc fur him imnr hnrn Inn on iinolhvr rimd. He wrw not n golag to tli doput mul n look lute Ilm Httiper did not discover him; buthcan foaud with his fmnlly lu Iho hmsiiuJ oIum iiosoli, At tlm hotnl thuy sny, 'Oh, jm, tin will bf Intro iu ulght or tun ilnyii ho has only gono to hU rntnt-a iuu hns retained hti rooms nt tho hotl." Hut cngitglug things Is una of Mr. (Ill li.ttV fnds, Tim dnr ho luft Knussn for Mrxluo ho hlrnl u pnlnlor to put it lit w coat of pnnt on his honsn. It Is kiiunn thnt Nines tho Amt-rlmui Uvteotlra wns lmri, tlireo vtot! ngo, (Illicit has Ufrn mry nitvoDj nnd tho proimoo of two Irnngcrn darinn-tho prmt ..four ilnrs isj mm in iinvn unrr-'ii iiih uigiu lurunr soath. The hotel elvrk bought tlukote for hoiiii or- nnd tho struot tnlk Is thnt Uisynomlo g dlstauan tickets. It is not belmviH hero thntdllUlt will return." Arthur R. O'QuInn, lifiHler In- Ice and e Wholesale Beer. lire' wot ww acbliu ami iwtnu pneitMnliw. ANGELL & MgBILES Oity Livery Stables. Nobby Wius Short Notioe on ZJcacSLy. 1,1. WOltK (lUAHANTKUtl. at Tim O. K. Blacksmith cai1i1a(ji5s1j0p. I'lrst-olnw hlnBkstulthliiK, I'ltrrlaao pnlul lug mul wihm! work of nil llti(s, I',3s5QBW',,K mnoliliiwi mid l?iuil J5?SSSrC Ml kinds of repairs. -L1 1,HH JfJIHD STAIILK Kddy, N.M. Eddy Lodge No. 31, K ofP. Mwii every Thursday I'vcniiiMBt Tino'eioea. All v I. flora are waleoM John nouns, C. C SET k. ii. tt k rTBtsSSZ !ionl'i MASONir. Kldy Il1li 31, . A. f. .v A. Jl.-lle o. eta Id i-onulnr coniiuunloiiUoii at Tial jiii iwturony or oneit viiitina uretnrea in vitwi loniteiiu. n. i. in ItullHtTS, w. JI A. N. 11UTT, 8ey. f n fi h' liddy i. v. u, r. lxMi(ie No rt nweta ovwry rrldayt'eretilna In Maannte lialL Vlalllu brother In auoit miiuuiK curuinny ueiooine. 0. W. Moliaaa, S. (i c. II. Whihiit, Becy. Kddy Uamn Woodmen of tho World . ''I' III f Haiti tbe aeeqtHl nnd fourth Tueetlay iiignm f eaen month. John L. Rrlu c. c. 1 1 kmt iioaaaTsoK, uu. Notlco of Sheriff's 5alc Under ntt llx ccutlon Venditioni llxponns. In the tllalriet court wliuiii and for I be county oi winy, txrrnory oi New M.xli 'ittomaa llobaon i by next fritmd, In gaeumiialt by Ko. v. attacbrneut. uenry aweet et al XuMoe le Hereby alrau that. nuweaa, ill auu ay n u tn Mmi SUIT. voauiuam oipaiuu iauei rraui I'ourt lu till) above atrlod oauae on tiui ueypiMy a. ii. isev, wuicri cn Hands ihi tne nth day of Hay, A am hut i to my laodtiuita ludamaaf waj, nmd In .aid cuuv a favor oi aald plaliitlfT tb defendant tnerain, IJeary a waaiu.t tty and IJmiHi UviiiletM Nwael. io viln b. r, X I). tSR. lor tbeeumof i iy. A I. IH. I f w iiipdrrud plaintiff and oa the and woe1 dav o i 141. ft) uaiiuuo. tiou voei., aiiiouaunx in a. iuoa ann local iniereai inaiwon iruui inat uaii' iiiki ilia i ai ins aaiue iiiiiu a luuauim .uataiiilnaoiTialu attachment umcmHtTni wan rvnuereu hi lavor oi Mia iiiaiuun, am VWWH, . Hill IU. HWU'I v ,HV writ tu Mil all of Ibelttlasvet. of t aal iii-my Hwewt and iieorteiia awett in a lucuriaiu real i-.iaiw aituaieti in of ac-e. U, and the n eoun aa IUa W',4 III H' an Ut Iwii. mm, r. mm v, iiviuff iu an M aviv. ana, belru ibo aame land war at achMi by tbs taou tbeHfl uf Kddy enmity under tbe ortalnal writ of Attachment laauoa inilar n aaJu eaaae. Nuw tUNwKNT iu aeooriuaoe ret uon aael i with toe dl- itluna of eaid vesisutloal oxpu e I will oder lur eat at MMIo aaetlmi all the iutureeuul ttu- said Ileary awe4 and oi the lutuiwal Heuriotla iweet, eltbor or bdih of t Ibau. whTeh tker eow bave In and to tbe aaidllj arraa ol lalid abuv daMribad. or mi tbtrctj' may be uameaary tor tbe aatl tiou otiab) lub:aieut. nn-ounilaa l II daiuaae. fctt 5 . U and tiSI MIUlen tbcrvttu to fb day u Mile aud tbe coal. fXi'CUllua Ibe Mltl writ to 1m tad, at Ike Kill front duor i.l l Uv court Iiuum' all town ni Kddy. in Ktiay county, t i. on Monday, ii in. f aald oar. Thu tcruu of aald 4le are eaab v. ltu. ybandiutliu day ul May, A. Mew July, u ie M. C. UTKWAHT. aiicrlH Kddy I ounty, I'lrM iiiibli. ui Ion June lu-ia. S. T. BITTING, Department Store EDDY, NEW MEXICO. Dry Goods, Clothing, GonOS FiiwuiliiiigSi Shoos, Mitts, Notions Stationery, lliinlwaro, .Quoonswuruf . , XLousu l',ui'iushji)g.s, UJouks, Ohtlory, Guns, Aniiiiunition Sporfcinff Goods. Siuldirjry, Saddlory Jlardwir , ilarnoss, "Wagon Tiuibor, Wagon Covers, Tarpaulins, Touts, JSfco. r l n i . . .t t Prices in tin Cily. Lumber Yard. A. N. I'll ATT, I'mp'r, Liunbor, Lath, Shi agios, Doors, Mouldings, Piolcpfcg, S.tih, JfAv. Pecos MeyUoifasiefii Railway Co. Ooialzf tux O-'liaxo. T tta fP " u na. u . Ainarii Willi a. I 4- a. p. . :. eouneeliftK wi IfHsoa. Iwxa. itally at TiSBB. at.. Hoswell lofiMu m . eonnn lliiB and r. w. A Ii t: Ky. a. I'b Ii- IL KIOJJUU. (MMrai Haav IMIK 'lRHMiir I'oov. A at. NW MkXIC;