Newspaper Page Text
CARLSBAD CURRENT. ,VOL. VI X. CARLSBAD, KDDY P. ()., NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, .JTLY 1, 18B0. - .... .n. j. ........ . i Green Tree Saloqi Wjjjj BAUPIUI.D & CANTRUI.I, H WINKS, ' '? LIQUOKS, f Proprietors. CIGARS, CASK GOODS. I). J. Tboiua. I.. M. OyHlcr. Gliomas & Collier, Contractors . and Builders. A 'Ian mid ptlmato furnished Jid nil work dono promptly. IU)DV, NEW MUX. l94k,. 1 -nww ON AND ATTUU OCT. IS THE QREAT T. & P. "Sunset Limited" onii or Tim .FINEST TRAINS IN THE WORLD 5 .All1 nUN 811MI VBBKLY BACH WAV TO LOS ANGELES fiS SAN FRANCISCO, ALSO 70 St. Louis Chicago VIA T&XAS& PACIFIC?'. Skrouib DaiLi u4 Tx. W.iib. TUB FASTEST TIME EVER MADE. ? A Pfilnon nn UHnnla. i? 8e neorcit tlVet etoni tor futtrtr Pticnilr. ' ' E. P. TURN El?, O.' P., A J. A., DALLAH El Paso k No El Paso -4 Hortheastorn Hallway. Leaves Ahunogardn 3:20 p. in. Arrtvcti Kl Pimo 7:15 p. in. i iiMtvm HI Paso I ():!!() a in. Arrlven Alamogordo liHu p. in. Milking connection at Kl Paw for tl o cast, west mid all polnta In Mux loo. r Connecting at Alumogordo with the Bingo lino fur thu t White Oaks Country. White Oaks, Ion I to, Noguls, (Jruy, Vinci SIado coal Holds. i , Almi connecting with 'J'ulnrnao gUaga 1 1 lit- which Iwtviw Alttmognrdn lifter arrival or train ouuh day. I.UMvyti Tulnruu ut 10:30 u. in., J.'i. Ut at 12 in . wxk,ay. eofenoutliiii with the south bound frnrri.r & Tkffc l'lawAgt u. P. A. dun Supt A, i Nlil:i. A. DO YEARS' EXPEniENOB In, .nil' liontili OCBIONS. oKvnmuTB Ac. rono MnAInf a tketfli anil ililertutMn mux ' UOflrLIUfl uur t.tlliltll ir.9 iiri'ir. "ii Is prutuM? rlw)tbj. )'uHtuukli. .11. fi.r IFMlrlll. Mleilll. I'.twiti t.kwj thruu.ti lluuu lu. racvli. ipittfi uafUf, wimeui eirv, in in tridlr i-onndxitfiL lludti wil rrw. Old 'MS TUG ROUdll RIDERS. Tliclr Pli-At Annual Reunion Closed ,. Monday Night In a Hlnr.c of Qlory The Sports. Thu lint nmmnl leunlon of tho fnmou rclmetit of Itciuti Hitler whloh ooourfnd In I.rr VcKiin Mt Htitnrilny ncil .Miiuilnx, wn vit) lifRcly ntlciiUeil mid n very to JonUlw llmu tiio Imd. The ijiuMsli by Uov. Tli6oiri)fu llooaerell, who oiiiiih nil tho nny from Nw York to tnkn unrt, ym ant ihott by rnlti, but the inrti MotiUity nero hl(jhl eutertnlnln, n brief rfnumo of wliioli nrn follow : 11 1! o'clock thli nfleruoou (he fnud tfinil nnd luutnnmwtt Krauudn wero orowded by thouimuli of ipuctatore to wIIiimi the eport. The .Snutn l'o cpvnlry bnail nod the IMrtt Itetflmeutnl bnnil of Albuquerrina wort jlii tho ntnnl. The llrtt OTcnt wn tbo Hough Blder foot rnoo. The dim ton worn Private II. H. Lonrllz. kl, K tronp. Hnnia fr Sargt. Hd tttfrvl, H troopi Q. Uomey, II troripi Ii.l. Whlt ed, O troop, nod W. A. Ponder, A troop. At tho word "fjo" they went down the lino liko n "Mnaner" nml pninod under tho wlre.jWIiJlted of Hsn Mnrulul bfluK in the lend with tho little veturnn from Hntitti Ye, II. H. ljowllikl, ft ood (rooud, nnd thn field in ii broiMt behind but rntmltiK very oIojo. It vim n pretty men mid ehowrd the onovne bloke to mve epeed nnd on durnuoo n well an t. No timo wna taken. The eecoud event wiih the 400 yard ditih between Huim Tom, Pitchfork l'nnny uud Nett. The rnoo vit pulled off nt 2i.11! nud ivtH n benuty from etnrt to OnlMi. Win. Iluntor'e Nett won by n length with 1'itohfork Fniitiio noouiul nnd ltonn Tom behind. At tho outoomo a lioreemnn WAtchlPK tho moo In hi engeruen to kcc, gut on thu trnek and before he could ru nic dy tho uror byKvttn)g out of Iho way, wn ruu Into by Honu Tom, who wrn rid den by Hoy (llbboin. The nollUlun threw Toin'e ilder to tho u'oand nnd eeverely but not dnngorouily outline two Knthiw In hi head, It wne nu unlucky nlfnir but eoemloKly unavoidable. Noxt enmo the hub nnd huh moo bo- tween the Romero hoio tonm nud Iloro (Jo, No, 1, It wnn n L'OO-jrnrd dneh, coin- 1 pnuy No, 1 brluK the winner. Timo 'HI ccoudi, Hat. ' Then cmo the 400-ynrd free-for-all bl oyelo ruoe, In whoh Arthur Hfiieonl nnd Uutnlo Mntcu4 entered, Mnroui won by hnrd pcdniliiK. Ju.l botorothe deer ljlitj n lection of tho blnitoheii oolhipicd with IU lund Of hmnnnltr, ccunliitf n ilninpodt In that di rection. It proved to bo nothing lertom however irnl the oiolteinent toon eubild-ed. The bnll gnme between Biinlii Fu mid Lai Vcgne wnm'Hlled nt littd with Huntn Fe nt the bat. It wai well played throagli. out, Iimtv bnttlnu nud gos.i tlildliiir 'ehiiriialiiilxintf Iho unpluil lioy'j play. .Snntu Fe won by n eeoru of IS to fi. A Scientific HtnericaHe handiolril Oilr.tM'wMklr. Lr.t r. Uiiiui of fr teteeTia laurti. , Temi.lT inri fciur KKMiIbi, Ik tMabf all iewid.ii f!n SBiBreadnai Nnuf Vnrlr (lov. Itnutdvolt whh protentntl with n ini'tlul, and in ropoiii wild: '1 want I to iuy 1 ouniioi, nxproM In wortli hnw aeitjiiy l am umiuiihi ny wimt ymi navu Ujpue. 1 priw thin gift more tlwn any thliig olto thut could huvo btton given to mo, coining nn It (low nl hi thu way it doit, arid .from tfimo from wjinin it oniiiv. For it oointw on tho tiu&lrvrrary of it duy fntoful in tint an naif of Hit wtmt. Twfiity-tliroo your Otfti'diilcr rodo to hi iloHth with hit gallant iiihii at th Jlonobtiu, ndilhin hU Bluiro In tho n'liininjr of tho Wo.1.' In tho upbuilding or tho woat, whloh you Imvu Mil of you uphiillt bringing up your m'tlmi levol In MitrlotUiu, Ifvel In highlit! or iurHuit, with nil tlmt (hum u In thin nation. 1 cannot y how g:ail .1 Imvtt lieu to oomi' hurt. 1 liuvw wu In Now Mexico lii-roro, but I nnVor fwlt liko it Htrnngur iuj oho luoiiiHiit among you. 1 claim tho khiiio right that onoli of you sriiti cIhIiii or nlory, kntl tHkit prklo in tin immo nutl fmi of'Vt'ttvr ilvxlvu. I am hii AuivrlMii hi you mi Auiorl ouuh ami you ami 1 ullkn' Imv tlm right to litliii hi oHr own t-very air? and rod of WMHtry ffttiu iluiuv u Uti, from J'lorld't to ('ulirorola "The lifiivi'iiH havo hceii more tlmn propltloiu so far nnd wc miiet lint coin plain or Hi In sliowur. All I hall any Is If Now MoxltK) tvnntu Ui buoni it stiito you onii count mo In, and I will go to Wellington to apuak lor you, or do niiythlng you with " HIh romnrliH wore out nuort by the rain, whluh brgnn tn tall In tnrronU. Cut. Itousovclt m drewMfd in hit Hough Ititlor gull and wort hla hat In hli UHitfll uuliUo stylo- ono hUIo pin nwl on tho crown and with a tHilkadut hundkcrahlof around hln neok. The gift of tho people of Now Mux loo to (lov. Itoonovclt In of Holld gold. Thu modal In pendant trout u liar by gold uhaliiH V shaped, with tho ends attached to tho bar and joined - to thu medal at tho contor. On tho'har Is tho wording, 'Colonel Thoodmo Itoooovult.' Dotwcuu tho bar and tho modal thv ooutof arms of Now Moxlco Is engrav ed On the mciliil proper aro crowed Hiibres mid above them Ii tho uiono gnttn, "II. It. H." Ilolow tho M)faf la thcjworillng: "Presented by thu cltl zuiih of Now Mexico, Lub Vegas, N. M., .) uno 2-1, If US." On the rlfmilur cdu of tho medal proper are the wordx ".San Juan," ' I.uh Ouiialmna," ''SaiitliiKO." In the center, just below Hid oroMuil nabres, In hi bril liant diamond, The Puttiro of Wool. The Improvement In tlieprloeof wool U the rooult of epeoolntlve buying, whloh wne Htlmulitted by tho rlio In prioM nt the Iioiid.ii nootloDH nud olnobr the re- cut movement for export nud thu nodvl- ty nnd etrongth of tho market for uer wood lu the terrlloiie. Kanturu boyern hnvo paid more for new wool thnn they oin obtnlu for old wool. In fnot prieea c)al vrvli'ii t to 4ft nnd tSotnlii clean Inmlrd end lull beeu pnld for new wooli when hollar old wools wcroielling nt 4'J to 4S oon tn. Tble fuel olenily iudiontoa that enatern buyer Imve fntth lu tho ultimate (better meat of vnluealn the future, Condition nre moro. fitTurnbln lo-day for nu ndvntioe In wool price thnn for mint timo pnt nud noum of thu ohlet member of the trado ore of the opinion that there i going to be n boom in wool thU fnll lueh n ha not been noon for eouio timo piift. PR0.SPntt.0U5 A1ININU CAMP." Jurilla the Sc'cno of (treat Activity ImprovcmcntA Completed nml Under Way. AUmoRonla Neir. Or. (i. 0. Itrynn (pent lnt Kilday nnd Hnturdny lu Jnrilif. on butluei connected with tho county phylclnn' oOla nnd in tnroed Hatnrdn) night very over tho growth nud priwperlty of thnt mining anmp. Ho took enreful notion of what ho nw, and kindly relntod It nil to n New rtiro(intHllve, the paper I nblo to glvo n hott ftcdouut of what I going on nt Jnrllln. The railroad eompanyhn nlroot pim pleteJ n lnrgewnrchone nnd depot build ing, nnd i pecta to ooeupy It by tho mid die of neat week, llo noon n the'tiUHllIni; 1 Qnlihed n atatlon wilt bu c-ttnblUheil nnd n telegraph olllco put lu. In ndditluu to the alntlon, the compnuy bai put in n wator plnot for tli" anmp whinh In of grunt convenience to Iho (Mldeiil. A tnnk holding 0,000 gflllou of water Ikm been built on ii hill nenr by nud plpn laid to nil pnrMnf tho aetilemeiit. Wnlei I hnulud in tank ciiih from Alnmogoidn, pumped Into the tnnk nud then ilUtrlbsi ud to;cuuumer through thu pipe. Tiic rniltond track ha liven run to both tlir Nannie Hnlrd nud the I.uuky mliut) trnm way for londlng enr wltn ore ccinlrnoi ed nnd thing lire in good elmpe to hnudle the output of the mine coonomlMlly. Mining operation nre being pohed by theJnrllla Mining Company, A com prettied nil plant hn been lintullfd nt thu Luoky mine for tho optrntlonof the IioIm nnd drill nnd from now on hiavy ahlp inmli of oro to thn imrStor will bo umde. Tho company employs nbuut 00 men In thn two mine nnd other clnlm near. Not far from the Nanulo Ualrd A clnlm hn been opened (rum whloli largo ehlpmeut of free milting oro nro being tnnilo. Tho IJoMoto tarquoWn intne am run ning again, a force of 110 men being em ployed. Tho compnuy operating thec propertUa I alio opining lovcrnl new clnlino tihlok promle to bo largo prodo. oer of tho bluu gems. Tho Jarllln Mining oompnny Inia op- oned a depoilt of gnrnol from wnich oomo Anluablo nicne havo been taken nud tho ttt. liOnl Copper compnuy it develop ing a number of coppor claim. The anmp I growing la population i Remember the ureat Celebration! The 4th of July is going to be a big clay in -Carlsbad, "if you come you will nave a good time l.i i vn nl iiiimlh lb ueuerNl icndelt ay of I'.itlln prlo nt thn mnrket eeiilcn litvo been fAVurnbte to lloelii r but the upply of g. am ori tlu whbh will ihioii be going In innr hnvu nu tufluenee that wlp ooen.lin aoinewliHl. lower ipiolnllon, a tho grHM iiimi t not ii4 firm n Hint made with gtniu. The H.lft (KiiitfHBt, liowevo' for anpplylug the troop In Oubn ought to help to keep up prl.. Thl conlrnet will rniilr lira "HMplbwbijtli of refrige rated meat pud entile dm foot to be flnnghlereil ni nqel ed, The latlor nlaet mtit dreM not ! . .nu li) puund. The market lor gittHl Imrdf. U oontln unlly growing betlei, mid It Ii conlluun ly bteomlug mure illlHeiilt lollnd hore thai will meet IhedUerlmlimUug rqulreinenl that urn met in every pmrket.illurelv l enema that horiti rhfilng, conducted 'by liitelllg.uco, lu-ver Iim offered moro pro mlir of gain; The former mint pro duo Ihi bulk of thu harira Hint upply nil thn mnrket, and moot of tho fnrmor am in indifferent to llie inelhod nud rc (utreniiiU of the mnrknU n thry nr. to day nf If Ihnre wen-no more promise of prolltable return llmu thero wn yenta ago tyIiii hiiMi-H were hnrilly alable nt thu ooct uf , lotiboitig tliftn. Jomniil. A, IV. 'Piiiinaut who returned ywtunluy fmni "Nm Vo. k nml ChlriiRo, led lor Too IihIuj. HcatrtlM Hint iiMitmy I still easy In Sw Vurl; lint Hint II I ililtlrult to gut i'HpllnlUtii iiilerrami m Hiiy hut Ifirgt) pro perllri. fur Hie y will nut ooiwlilur Hiihu north mil)-from Imly to illty HioiiMiud dollar. Mr. IVniimit ihhou n niinita-r of mining lnli (no pnrti'uti nt which will bo Khan the puliln- very imvui. While unit ho bought a uahhIiiip imiit mid I wo whim (r the llrngaw-l'otter mine t Hnvovcr. Oro In largo ipmutlthw la being taken out of tho mliio mid put on tnc dump to nwnlt tho coming of Mm lallroml, which I now within n iiiilu of tho nunc. Mr. Tiwinn,.' anlil Hut Iho i-unt I heeiliniuu In huotv moro nbnut Now Mexu ii mut Hint rapllnl it mo no longer ufrnlil of mnkiug Inve.n menu In hcturrllorj .- Now Mt'xlinin, Camp fleeting. The Lincoln DaptUt Anocliillon will inret at KreHiial, Thursday night, August IU, IbiO. As u number of peo plo will bo going from thu Pccoh Val ley wo hnvu prepared nu itinerary no that those wishing to go In company may do so. ITINHItAH V. 1. Aug. ll--I.euvo Uarliihad (Hddy); cump thatiiight ut .Seven Itlruru. 2. Aug. 7 Camp nt thu upper HUtiool house, Hope, :i. Aug. y-Ciimp at I.owor Poiiuhuo. I, - Aug. tl-Cuinp In Cox canon. Th' n will ho profiling every night on th. journey, ttev. Dr. Ilalrtlmi, of Omul, i, Nt h., superintendent nf mis sions, nd Rev. J. V. Crooku, nf Dun vur, g itrrul missionary, tiro oxpctwl to b with is mid flU those uppolut moiits. ft. Thursilav, Aug. 10-On to I'rM nnl, thu place of mtutiug. At night Dr. Kii'Oraoii, of Curlshad, will prottuh thu IntriHhictory scrmuti before thu iiwoii itlou, Tin aasoututlon will bo lu suaalun Pridn; , Silurday and Sunday, Tlie oumi auetlng Hurvluus will uominoneo on y day. Aug. 1 1, and continue uov oral iluys. It is Imped tbut thoc com ing fr' in Roswvli and other points hi the ui'por Pocw Valley will join tho oarav.n at Mope thu evening uf Aug. 7. Persons wishing to go hy rill can do so by wuy of-HI Paso, I-'resunl Is on the 14. P. & N. 15. Ry.,nlxteen miles from Alamogordo, It Is six mile from Cloiuluolt on the auininft or the SucrnuKiittn moimtaliiH ANaniah OiiUKK, Moderator. TIIU SUMUWUI1KLY NUWS nnd THU CUKRUNT TtiHiui-yeii y Now .((inlvwlon or fall I New ui the i i HHtKT for It month lor lb inw ejuiimiiKpncf iii. 7.1 rii Till Rive you tlirj-t- uaiHTr woc-k "r IM pMrn year lorn rllllcilliMla v low nrli.. Ilmul In i. NS'lillo apenolstors nud denier oro bsek lag their (Hlth Hp with jmraie. wana faeluiei are iMlher alow to fall lu llae. yel thwre Im In km a batter luulry from the mnnafaeturer of Into And heavy pur chasing ou their part it nut Improbable. Fine wool Are itwr) th wotld over aud ill very'likoly that the gratet Im provement In prieea that take plo will be on thU oKm of alook. Wool Mnrkel nnd Sheep . Tku court hnvij daablttl that tho obi Kftiita Pa graut U Ilia! TiU that the elty and towinlup srtf Incnlwl ou goveruiuoiit I Hint . ThU leaved the pmpcrly ownoi In Uaiita I'e w libout oh foot of xmuml nml th arty lias fill tltla tw ih .treuu, ualihar Iim it u rtMht to aollMt tnxas Ivviad on Ism In. Tfce p'oirt win be nekwl Ui et-t tha ptatOHl laV M4dw. The 4irvyi gatiarsl wllimurn l WAshiiiyion for nmrray uf thatmrnlp, ami ib lun.i t.rllce will b aatjatl rf isata suwli tMiuine ill la t laud i u4sU"Uy th riler. ittauiK Tribaua very fnit. The ptwent nnmber or eeliool ekildriu there i HO and tke id will petitlau Uie bontd of eHty wiiMmbteloii hr to t them off a soKmiI dUlrlat nud nt " -...v -, ngH lai n IwlfMK Jre- Sluot, At the prixeut rnle of ItiertHiko Iho Mhoul ehlUren will number marly S00 by th tlmvhool opu In Septem ber, Mr. II. W. Chureh, wlfu of tho poputsr uprlnleiident of th Jarllla inlue who Arrived freMi l.'wlou About a jioiiIIi ngo. ha HBotedtd'ln mnklng n vnlunbl ool leethiQ of the' lulnernl of tho JarlllA muuiilaltii uud Alio of I mil tut rdlnl, Mr. OtiuitHi l nu iilhulMtlo geelogUt and ha turned tatr kuawledgei to gmd in her Hew home. Mr. diwmyer kn Men wppoluled 4Jmtaul Bflvl for tha taming MUipauy ami kas haj at Ilia eempfttiy' itore nd tk mtiiiUar depattwrnt. ITI 11V. H iHe ranmu ui oujni immm. TtaaVw p-ciai uconrtiueiii. ir mo Mrmera, M UA and lh boy. and elrl., betiiTee a 1 A PRBfi PATTERN ;,. yfar wa idf cllon i Id try qb- S g tcrilxr. Ooly U cioU a year. Arthur R. O'Qtilnn, lenler in Ice and Wholesale Seer. Agattt lor Hchllti nnd .ntMMafIlUeh llrawtna ennipnnln. angell & mobiles City "Livery ' Stables. Nobby llifs on Short Notice A hi, WOltK 0 AHANTIiUti. AT tin: O. K. Blacksmith CAltlllAGIwSlfOy. Klrsl-i'luss blMPkNiiillliliitf, Uarrlngu paint ing ami wimhI work nf nil kinds. gTiftSD n kmda of repnlM.-U-1 xm JfBHl STAR LB Hddy, N. M. S. T. BITTING, Department Store- -sk eddy; NEW MEXICO. Dry (lootls, Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Shoos, . . HutJs, Notions, Stittionory, IlnrdwarOj QuoGiiswuro, jlouso Furnishings Clocks, wk Cullory, (Inns, .Aijununition Sporting (ioods. nuddloiy Saddlury Mardwnro, Hnrness, Wngon Tiinbur, Btiffjflips,' ngon Covors, 'JSto. Larpst Stock ii Lowast Prices in 1 City, ivASCAUr'Si A LAW US' MAQAZIND. . A ran; t-r.uMlul rohi.l Hia. Uinl 3; ; nk . l-i,.i, ti i, ... ".i si 'MI.MIt Hi l U ), - . ! link. I . furl, tu K II.IP. l.roll.lUU ;C I'irflrcl t iluiiir MS CALL n jr rm rr. fiimpt.-. t'i. In and A - 'muly s I'ap.r l'd i hi, ;i Lumber Yard. A. N, PRATT," Prop'r. ' r Luinbor, hark Sltlnglos, J3qo1's, Alouldinga, Piokofs, Srs i, IjltD. Pecos Valley & HortheaBhun Railway Co, Central Tisaao. Puiau tittp. m. Psrial Bull Ravin. S:SB Alflaflilo No.Sm.Allwnc fhittirni.i ; only M ik4 l mi. ,tk -m..,. kulti TUB AlcCAU. CO., 131 140 Will 1 41k St.. ktt im fVAVWAWAW.M.'-'MW ''. ' MHi U. IKUCAUttU. QfJH. A lM. Kt. ISUItV XKW Mt)XtC9 tl. IL NIUIIOLH. oentMul Mauaiiei