Newspaper Page Text
CARLSBAD CURRENT, 10 I Jfo f X VOL. VII. CAKLSli.W), NKW MKXIOO, KAiTHlUY a iewnajiajiejLMJ' '' " "l" iTKy 'MW "Jiffltf .11 LY II Pooling il i i'i land 'i ' I lu rtonkr. I Qreen Tree Saloon, IPS lit 0MU,""U LIQUORS, f I CIGARS, ) CASI! (100DS. CANTIUII.Lt PrnprtaterB. Tn- I ' tti,' Am- I ... . .. j i.i. ih.- I . II". II,,"., ,ll j lie tnln 4 huI . . 1 1-. . M it HH'hlji, Mil II nl '-ijr D. J. Tliomo. U M. Oelller. Thomas & Collier, Coifatois anil Builders pinna nuit eatliunto urn I plied nntl nil work ttono promptly. )I)V, NKW MUX. Ut 8 ON AMD AVTKU OCT. 10 THE GREAT T. A P. 1 "SyflHI Limited," 3 ONK Ol' Tim FINEST TRAINS IN THE WORLD WILL RUN SEMI-WEEKLY BACH WAY TO LOS ANGELES 0 SAN FRANCISCO, g ALSO TO St. Louis Chicago VIA TEXAS'S PACIFIC RY. Tti rough Delta a rut VU Worth. THE PASTESTTuMB EVER HADE. A Pnlnaa on Whoolo. 8m nearest llskel aiient particular. for furlhar B. P. TURfs Ell, Q. P. A T. A., DALLAH. 111 1(1 El Paso & Northeastern Railway. Loaves Alumngordo :!:!20 p. tit. ArrlveH Kl 1'iiho 7:1ft p. in. Leave Kl I'ngo (U::i() it in. Arrived Alutnmjordo 2:15 n tti. v Muklug connection at Hi hm fof tho cast, west and ullioltiU In Mux loo. ConnQtlu(c ut Alamognrthnvith tho stage lino for tho White Oaks Country. While Oaks. Honlto. Nngnla. (ny, and suiiido eoul Holds. All" ?'.'iitiveti(i 'Villi Tuarw8Jktfti lino which ItmVM AlnliiOffurilii rifUr arrival or train ouch day. Lwvea 'Xulurueii at 10:110 u. in.. I liiz nt 12 111., inn k 1 111,' wmii(itlii with tin south bound train, . . tlh Supt & Tat ft l'asa Agl ll. l.KXAXDKll. A l l A. BO YEAflS' EXPERIENCE 4 OCtlONB CofVHIOHTB C. tntiui ind n pkatm and CMenpiMtn piar galeklr a fof. nt urn ether an ii nmbalilr naluilahle ffiBSraSu YSSSTj sfJaWeats, "I'llant taken Ibuah ilufi n Vo. raealte tuttc. without eharae. lu the hfific Hmcrican. A handaoiaelr M! J4 wssilr. fcSKS'.l!'; MUnN A Sugar I'natory I.. IL Prlnro, rrnllant of the bureau t of liniMlritllMi, im U'rn in eonlerwiM Willi thuofllr n( tha Amerlonfl IhHH 9 Kr inmninm)' In N'v Vurk rlitla lo ln nilvntiUm (1 1 Xt'W Mmlrn fur mrnr urt rnltur Tb rtwptiy bun ( )t im. Oil full inmiri (mm Hi liiveetlnntlnn nxnl MnttU H'tlnrii'li, bo wn lit hnnm Ke wine lime nun nntl U tmw m ibr I'ttelllc ftlnpa. 'lie rfrnfU (r tho wtnliiub niniittii n Inritn itlimt in 1 ho Ivrritorv 11 vry pnwmrtmliiK. Iinwevt-r. Now Mm I mi 11. Ctittlo to Cuba. IV. ,1. O'X, n( llio rntllo flriii of l'x A Khj'mt, inln the ell)-. Mr. Cox il lll Im rftiitltilif rctl, mum itinnlha to mailH nun of Hit) liHKCal tlenlf ill llreilork Hint Mm erar liwii Im In tltt country. fi mill Iih iwrlunr (intraotoij for thirty mio tlnia hhiiiI liRil 011 Ilia mnrtini i( northern Ulil liiinlittn, tnottly tho Torrnini wtnlr. Homo ten llHHmnuil IiokiI wtrc to he ahliptHl imrtli over Hits Mexlemi (!nlMl nmt tlie rout ovit lliu Slutrn Mmlro lino. 'I'huy worn to lie Inkeii norlli lo (eotl Iwforo iiiHtketlnK. OwIhk lo Hie Ki'vcre ipinrnnlliio 1 cat He- lloim whlrli linve htwu oalnhllahett hy Colo. rnilo nml other Mniin, Imwotor, It Una pipitallilo to chip tlu emtio to HieHklntoit nt iroeiitniitl Ihoy mini luio a now outlet. iVerorillnifly Mr. Cox will toon tnko four our of rattle to Culm, by way of Now ()r Icuti', tho onltlo bvluii brotiRht Ihronyh tho rniU'ilHtntcKinhoiiil. Aiiflfort will bo iimilo loopoit tip n ri'H'Unr imirkut nml It (lie ntltiiilpt U (iiccoa8(nl ulilpiaotitK 10 Cuba nml Porto Itloo iwlll I'ajo llornlil. no, lionvy. HI Killed by Lightning, l.nnt Moiulny iltirluif a tlitnuler itorin near NokiiI IlKhtnliiK kllltMl O. C. MorKnn an 1'inployo of the rnllroml ijrmie In Inillnn omiyon. no wn. uttriwt at mikivi won- utMilay. Morcmi caiau from tho Iiullnn Torrllor)- to thin ooiintry mul tin pooplo IIvIiik in Nohin L'oaiity, Toxai. Wlilto Onkit IttiKlc. The Supremo Court. The MipreniB ootirt honl a hrlnl mmiioii Wodtioailny tmiruliiK to tako up iIihIIkIoiiii of tlio Utiltml btntw luprume court. The 1110.1t liaportniit of HitMo wm In Hit) onto of tho United Stiiliw vn. tlio Itlo (Irniulu Dnm .t Irilitntlou romp my, wlnoli wiih rvinntiil. cd to tho third dlntrk't court to liujulro iu to what I'Xtontn ihitn nt Kluphitiil llutto would luterfvre with the nnvlKablllty of tho Itlo (Irnudo at Itn lower oxtieinity. Of tho other cimon, No. 7:sy, tho territory of New Moxleo vh. the L'nltod .Statei Truit ootapnny of Now York, otnl., wns retnnnd. cd to Hie lower ootirt for further prorcwl- Inn. ThoouiM Involved tnxoti on IhihIh and rnllroml rlKhtt of wny. to tho inhiiiiK cane of lleury l.oeuunrt vi, Jmiies A. Jolinioii, ct nl.. ot llornnllllo county, tho ootirt dlnnlMod tho npponl of the plaintlir from tho deoUiou of tho ter ritorial supremo ootirt. Tho oaio Involves Hid poM6liitl of the WmdiliiKtoli miiio nt lllnnd whli'h ha bMii In lltlKntluu 11 num. tArot yenr In tho eitwiif WIIImiii Nhpkiiii v. nolo- rltaa Mnrtlu do Cortlovn. ut ul., the iu. premo ootirt alllrnu tho JtidKiiieut of the lower court. The tleelilou U a very ttnvor taut one. It decide Hut thmiRli the luth- erof mi IIUKitlnmle child aeltlw with the mother, the child l a rlht to wrt of the tmeltiUe the iiikii tuny leave nt hit .larttlb , A, Ibo tWrltorial Mipreme eeutt ..uuruwi to meet August 98. JudgM McFle, Parker and CniiHeker were lu ntteiidnue e JtMlo Mrl'le prwIdtMl.-N'ew Mexloan. l.lvo Stock Association, SavH the SiirltiKer mockmmi: The live atuck men ot Hit terrltorj eomprUitiK ited ttvertwto Trmatr'i plwe, Mills pni. tura n the iinrth to immiIIi lletlrnueti feneti irnve orKmilMd the La Clnui Live Stock nMlallMti. The iiwmllon la urMaitlMKt for the purtMNW of protef Hon from wolvtw, other mild niumitla nml thieve. They hnveutiiiiloytHlJIuiiwn end ThiiuiM nt a bounty of e IB for wolves, 8) for onyotes sail 91 for wild eats. Theae men have al ready onptureil about fourteen wolves mid tho mine amount ot both eoyotes mid etti and.they Inteud to rid that country ot thorn It It 11 pow Ible to do so, Thoio who luve not entered their names as memoers of the suoelntion should do so nt ouse nml (litis kelp In runnltiK every nnlnml or blllitiK them out of the eoutitry. The assesialioit luteuds to make I heir territory a warm and unprofitable IMd for Musk tlilvvw. I'nrksr Wells BtidJ. I). MeClrmlinre some ot the me"! Interestwl in thewiterprtae. m ) 'tuti'.'. It 1 .mi )attmit- ' t . ti Hti1.11 w in v ln' i.i' nil', ! ii no 1. Hit- l I. K tit It t'NViiS M.. ' It f ! M4 , ' 1 .V . fit f. t.r nr.k t- .1 j i.i.' il ; ns." Il tlx' pliu nittexil Hi" iilTlni iiiir tU I ! s Sin ll HflMi tti S1 lm fnlfl) KM OiMftll, iml I ! ll'lilrt t.l lritl.'l hi It.' ii inititiittn f.i nil i i"ir lhta in (mm the lml vt our uptl tctt. Mt lb Inmiit vxlu-iti ft nit tullllf tli i IrutM Mbd, as iImij lus.on-a In uamnrra It lil nil eoitBrto hUietntiiM wlutiii.r fltal ritrail wtW s4 oBwsrranUO, the A Wat Is an pMitle btfltt lo ptlstt op triatr eara. It hn lisn welt kuowti Hint Hi uvrn mem aifitdlty opposeil and dittiatn(xl Uie pteaonee at Mnutlla of the wlrt a nml fnmlllBs of utloBra asrvlef tiwrei bat It U only mm dauliiK on the ml oil HiNl Mm rd rt-aaoa for this wbs Heitaa our hold hns never h6n etitlrfly swurt, evm upon the ally lis sIf, niid that will -uut tha wwrrftl imvy rMInt; iu lh Imf bor, Oriirral OUa Mint oar 'iiiy of ooee. olluo wotihl have bat alltflit or orlly. The r. bslltuB t re lwt thntt vur, mid tlio lodleatlons now or tl.m ID0,(HW men of Hie turner Mllmnle mid 11 )rtu or twit of aallve oninpalKHlHK wilt be rtiillfl to eroah U. The pfa et-liaor ahlp hna biHjii exerslietl with a vlsw ole ly to ml-lrittllHK lit Atfieilesti itvople, and that ths ibsIIiikIs of the eriHiorshlii are belan, dimouuoetl a wnrs tdso Wry lur'n. lodaed, It la itlapasted that lb Spmilidi Knernl' typewriter Iim Mrnyetl over to the t'hllllpliiM and bn ben taa fti into Wlla' employ. Tbars Is a pcHltlov ly pninfiil rrseniblanoe betwfeii our "vie torles over Hm l'lillllppluoa and ths Woy- ler vloliutm over tho Cuban itiiur;i-iits. 't'liH worst feature of the whole esse Ii iheevlduut purpoae of Hie iidiuiiiHlrntlon to vUlt vsueiiiico upon nuy olllser wbo daiaa to iiliiktt n aUeatioii not lu nceotd with Ha ao ai.llsd poliay. It hna nMumtil Hint :ir.,()(H) mul cnu reduce tlio reUU, to aubjeatloo. mid woe be to the man who dare imitation tlie'eotteolucas of Unit n- aiimpllon, Urnernl Lawtou, tnkltiK a common aeino view of, the situation, hn Intimated Hint more troopawillbe rwUir. d to niTiuo permmitnt rcaitlla, mid the proapcot U that (itmoral Lawton will bn idetrnaked fur dnrliur to exprrat auah opinion. Menntlmo AIor, Ulla unJ their backers continue to tront tho Amerl imn public r.a though, lu the laiiKun(e of Mr, I.luooln, they could "fool all Hie peo ple all the tliiio."--iloiidlluhi. I" li f ii'Wti .tti ft i'tina III 11 itl i t a n . . . - fiatw 1 !.. it ttant t t t lisMi i t Hits la a-SMth ny Bp. A-aw; "t. ni nm j wltB sftrt fa t ,nj i i . ti r v Jiiu'efl waj in r i, 1 1. i ' I'Sjutusj tnetl I..M11 ntid Ih'oi. tnutiey In tlutn ' I i 'ii k .it i' r ! t t I 1KB If in lnv Memorial Chapel. Aiifielodo Tulllo 'la hard at work on the beautiful memorial ehapel wlileli Doit IMIpu Chnvea, one of Now Mexico's mllllonairea, la hnvluK erested near Hie Onthollo ohuroh lu Melon. Ihe oliaprl will be of alteruale courtt-s of Vermont marble mid Arizona ltd aatidttone, real lug on a grnnlto foundation, Tho structure will be 111 by -5 lout dlmeu aioii. Uulow the marble floor, which oau be taken up, will be six vault, do alined for tho Uat reatlutf places ot the momberaof Mr. Chaves' family. The remains of the late Mts. Chaves wilt be deposited In one of tho vaults, AmuiiK tho luterlor decorations will do six pieces of flue itatuary, and Hunt piece will adorn the exterior front. The wholo coat of tho nhapel will be 910,000. Albuituerquo Jouioal-IJomo-orat. Cattle Raisin Outlook. Spraklnu of the outlook for oatttt rala luift n ptomtiient oattletnmi aald lo a Uul pta "lletald" reporter: "The eattlo rait Intf ludustiy I ttoloK to be tho principal Industry iu thla eouutty for the next Ave years, you mark the ptedlotiun. Tin rsnaen 1 ear live vesis Is from the fact that it will take that length of time, If all (be energies of the people are turutd to rnlsiim outile, to Kt sountry stoeked up HKaiu. Cottle ralslutf Is not hko Iiok raialoK. It takes a long time to biintr up a Mil to an age where tt Is nselul foe tirodesiteu, mid the eoeutry's sloek of oattle I now sadly depleted. When eattle kept dropping people grew dlseourpgMl with the rslsleg of esttle aud the sow tturu Hdd (or beef, lbs atteutlon ot the people was turnd lo other ebauuele and the supply of sow aud heifers weut away baluw the normal souditlon. so Hint now Ibeeouuliy, I nieaii the eutlre country 1 iuau the entire country not simply Texas has not a suUeleut number of eowa to prodneo a supply of eattle to meet the demaud. That is the simple stutauient of the situation. Il Is not due to any other reason Hist Ihe piloe of cat tle Is up but on aesouut of the limited sup ply, the demand seems greater. 'I'lif dsiflsud I going to be still fleeter in the ur futare than It It how, eampswed wtih Hm safply. and the prise hi eallle will go up Instead UffB Won', dilcs. rhimti Al'liMrt . Vfwol. t atly Wi,i0lmi.iV, v. . n i ni tinytm tin NT. MiMren .! Ihim re fnwfl BsWnri and nthi'i f.atiiti tittle .inn in tod I'm lb.' IU art. A. TniMlt' r', it rt'esvu'l'ur l'rv:. tAttnmtnf lloatnti, viita Ihf enreraili.l bbltlt'r. TbojtriN' whs not jflwn for pal -lifslmn. Thirllit Is ii.tit iifilw largt i In New Mrxien, Invnm awl Usear 'IMy, nf llaimi, Mid tbelr last ysjar's i llp ot vnulin llnatnn In. week aim ittla yrar's rllp nt Kiilnn 'I linr dity. Pur Ibis )er'rii n asltl Utey re emvctl llwnl r imumt. A Target forTlielr Shaft. Tht New Stedoo pn tr are Iml-1 (jllitf Ib aotubJaralila airess n at t III l!Ao dally pspera, nnd are awtdlnit n UBiwbarnf dnrie eqiiern in tlte ltal'n "je alt Ib ftla'WW lo the r lilm of Ihe afnre aald nBfiers I (m t ibo III" Orntide wn a imvltfahle stream - claim gotten tip aotely lo l&ifBdt Ihe roiiatretHlon nf tho Elephant Rntle dam, but wltlah elelm if eatabllphatl, would defeat the very nhjeet Ihe dalllet Bad their matilpHlslor desire In aeetimvll'li the bnllillHK "f an Inter iiatlonal tlsmt a al'ort dlaUnea above tti I'nstt In n4t r to pot off nil lite unvrtn mailt at sBttr lillnot tlaore. a lot a'dal land bought for n a-mg. Thl l the shttli mailer In n uut sin II. I he promnlera nf Hie inlernatlnunldsm (oar thai the bnlld lug of Hie Kleplinut llutto dam will dealdo the )uveriiinnt not lo nmku nil npprtiprl aiiun ror tnu international miair. rue 5 LIVERY I STABLE. ? ( Feed Yard and ( L Corrals. ( S l;l tie KIk. liny nntl (Irnln. S bulldliitr of the nl lent ii dnm should not and wuuld not liii-rfern with the inter national dam In d i aueh manner aa elalm ed by the promot-- of the othei dam lu taking up all the "ilrr before it reaehn) this section, 'I h u'a pleuty of water for both dams, nit fai a this question is eon- nerned, and no ob 'aele should bo thrown in the ray of Hie Ktephaut Unite people. The llt'co.d has t cn this view of the matter all along, so has the editor of the Heconl wheu h't was putillsliln n dally In this city. It Is almply edsurd In take any other vie of It. -Koourd, I'uhlli witcrshlp. Tho lotidenoy ol I'Ubllo opinion is iin tloiiblMliy In tho i iriHiilou ot approving. BovRrntiient eotttrni and ullliuato ownor tdilp of railways ai I telegraph linos. Many psrsons who, a fow yoar ago, wore rigidly opposod to anything or Ilia sort, now ro cuguiM) that It ina oomo ovmitunlly. The tutorstatu eouitnen o coiiiinlssion and the niimurotis Inws rogulnllni; rallroall jumi niiiimsut hnvil pro) .ired tho pttbllu iitimt for n step farthtir ii the same dlrsjstlou.' There may bo a el augo befuru long in llio trend of public lontimont on this subject, but there Is no doubt that at the presosit tlmo (he ntitnbor of people who believe In what la called government ownership of public utillilos is Krowlug rapidly, Hintigh they are surtlelently In Hie minority In most eommtiiilllesi. Kansas City blar. The Hpringer t3toskman says' that oaltle are doing exceedingly well now as there is some grass for them on the mugs. The lower places yet afford better (raxing than the higher for the reason that oar rains est far have been hard aud not allowing Hie water to pene trate but aettle In the lower plaees. The lakes are mostly tlllr. with water, aud ruekuitn are tuooh elated on that sea re. Admiral Dewey will not engnw in ma gailue wnrfaro orneeept nglft that carries iHereswary miKgestlen. Jlobeon declined 840,000 to Itaduro mid now (len. Wood turns iwivn a oW.OOOa year job ami retain his t,fiO0 in the army with the remark that "money it nut the only thing In this world." In these days when millionaires eon hire ot lkvge president lo prntHato tlteklmtof iliH-irtnes that promote their hiufitiOM tni tliodi, and when eveu tnltili. ters ot the smul oIibn restnril an ofter of a higher salary as witilvalaHt ta a illvltie call loanow ttrldaf lota, (lie Willie nf stirti aeaw4 4t set by SVtml to beyond prlao. I)i .anno Dsmttrrat. Lincoln' U'nr. At a tlmo when Mr. LlnoalN mm tin dor nrH irsvlnt stroaa itttrlns; (fat civil war Mr. (liar' It. VosinMn, Ujoit eon rm'samnn from Kontncky, eallexl fmt him ntnl fima rtwciitwa tlio exioHaloii in titt Now vrk Trilrtinot "1 iu pre lihni was alow at hia doak. Iinril nt w.r . and tit emgroBainnn ptiiMptly oiTerwt la rtrtlro and call It Mi l I. " .Nit.' Fiibl Lincoln, 'silt io-n. I'll Ih Ibii 'h'iiljr.' I- Moiitiv Ida llttlo son psirlly opr-v tti i!n lin n'. Tnpa.' aald ho, 'nMiui iit tMiyw Hit' i imipniiy will anon aaaainltlf.' "Tin i-ouitriftNtiinn roao. 'Ptoasw Ih Hutti.!: wi-'ll iri't to It directly,' nkl l.ln, ..In "IL' iiiniluurd ma work. Ilia ftutt wax M'i untvo: It aliowatl ttilXlBlj ti nil utihi'iclmly Indoacribttble. DIsiaters luiil i i tiu In the field, and It was list all harmony nmotiff Ida supporters. Very Moon hla iiarbvr ntitw In, nml aanln Hie oiuivi riiinii afTcrrtl to ivtlro. " ii.' n itl Liueotn: 'Just i-xoon me oiii- in. i ifiit.' Ho got up, throw oft hU i foot. Hfiitfii iiiiimpir in one ohnlr iiimI I'li-i ii lit il ilia lutiK loss nrroaa another. Tlio bnri-rr In Hunt I hi face nml coin. iitruiKl itmppltit: a rnxor. Wlien thai win hit the pn aldftit tuinetl Ii Ih hwitl nntl Kriiily nakiil. 'Now, wtott exn I .In?- "l lio iHinirtaiiiiinti tohl Itla inlaatoii. It ' iniMiilfii'il kindly, decided cor-ii'i-ti.v nu t lu wi-tit hla wny. Vo nottl tut (i.itip:iv this wilb tho court otl ttiit'itti of ftitNitira nntl kings, nor uak If WiiHlilnatnn or AtlaiiiH. or ovou .lef fcratm. wcitltl linvo ao rocolrwl a vis itor uii liitKiumss; but It was what Abra ham Lincoln tlhl." sSD. : ! Arthur R. O'Qtilnri, i . in ice and Wholesale I Beer. i i M.-hlif ntnl AnhruMtr-'ttaet) -inn1' Hiuanii'i. i. iHK II I VI mi Mum (Inn Unit In Htii)-. TP - atory lu-low Is from HI Hlnrlo, nu Arvfiitliif uewatnvr published In Hpnnixh. The antt-dolo la tohl of a pris on In n provincial town lu ArtrmitliKi: "An employ c, wlioao duty It wna to InaiKft tin-in. arrived late nt nlglit nt otic of t bfiii nml naked n majucil 'tmiu'lm' who oiK'iiml tho door wlieto llio fli lof of police was. " The cliluf, air,' ho ntisworod, 'llvott nt his farm, threw or four lonsiiea off. Ilo acliloin coinoa.' " 'And tho second of pollcnf " "i'ho svcouil has not voino for homo tliuo, sir. Tho noor ninti has IiIh wlft III.' " 'And llio oltlcef of the gttitrd?' " 'Ilo hns boon luvltod to a diiueo.' "'And tho KciidaniiunV "'Tho ffoiidernioH, air, lluleh their dttty ut (I p. in. and don't rotuni till noxt day.' " 'Hut thla Ih u Rcnutlnll Thoro Is no body liuro to oxplnlti things. And yon? Who mo you'f " 'I mil tho prlsonor, sir.' " Tho whole thing rendu Hko nu luei dent from it comic opom. Hut It In a perfectly lltoial trnualiitloii from tho papur uioutlouod. Camp Meeting. The Llnoolii llnpllit Association will tiuiot ut I'nuuul, Tlmradiiy iiIrIi! Atignit 10, 18011. As u nniuhor of mt pie will he going from the I'ectm Vui ley wo have prepared tin Itlnerury thnl tliote wishing to go lu compiiii) nitty do so. ITIXIflt.VliV. I. Aiir It l.wivo OnrlaUid (Kddy ; oiitup thntntght ut auvuu itlroie. i. Aug. 7t'uuii at tin uptci sotionl liottse, Hope. il. Aug. 8-Cnurp ut Lower l'euiihcu. I. Aug. O-Caiiip lu Cox I'uuoii. There will ho preuuhlitg every night on this Journey. Ituv. Dr. Iltilrden, of Oiiiuhu, Null., stiporlnteutlent of mla alotis, iind Kov, .1. W. t'roohs, of Den vor, gotioml tnlsiloiiury, tire expected to ho with us ti ml 111! those tipiHiltit inutile. 0. Thitrtdiiy, Aug. 10 Oti to I-'ri-h mil, tlio pltnio of meotlng, At night l)r. Kuiorttou, of CarlslHitl, will preaen tlib Introductory luriuuu before the nteoolatlon. The (ilswiutloti will he in session I'rtday, Satttrdtiy und Smiiliiy, Tho oiitup tuoetlug kervluoe will ootutnouuo on Monday. Ann. II, and ornithine sur orol days. It is hoped that those com lug from Itoswell und other points In tho upper l'eoos Valley will join the curttvati ut Hope the evening of Aug. 7. Persons wishing to go hy roll oan ilo so by way of Kl l'uso. I'rosniil ii on the K. 1. & N. i;. lty.,slxtei tullwt iroiu Aiuiuogoruo. u is six iniioa from tlotiderolt on the siimtult of the sauniiiienlti mouutalua- ANasiah (Iiihun; Moderator. Lumber Yard. A. a. I'ltAri', Prsjp'r. Ijumbor, Ll i d1ijuIu8, Doors, Moultljiitrs, IMffcofs, Snshi Etc. O. K. ACKSMITW C- ;.':!u; noi, 'I. ;. i' trti - . i- nt "ii i. .11 i . , S ' -I - -il.-- .! i-'. I I'i:hd tr.Mti.B Ivhly. X, 'I. '"! ( i ' ' 1 S J I 1 B . t 1 awn mum an vrf'.O." . ' .y (J 'iiiU, '!( dinu;, i u'N K'li'iii'WiiiiM-, f'llOCS, Huts, ' linns, liiHoncrjr llnnlutft'. vJUil'llHWill'i1, iloiic I'unt'h hirtAi-, ClVus, ' Cut lory, i J IM1H, Ammunition S; oilii'.( (!ti iIb. Hadfili'ry, Multlli iy i lijrdwiiiv, NViion TimluM', N aj?)ii OnviM'H, THrptidliiiM, TentH, Kit. LnFIM Ml 81111 1 Prices in tlm City. S A PRIiE PATTHRN jw (ear owe alcllial to ar.ry tab- I acrtunr. unij w cenia a yur. MCALL'S MAGAZIHEW S A LADIES' MAGAZINE, i" ! A c.m, baut Ifut toloiid pl,l. , Ui-l 3- m I...WW . yir..msi'f mMimiif . lam, z I- ulk . lioy.rh.,J I. ., I,, i, S,,, a; gKI. Ii.dlt... ..(Ii l.l.-r.i ...u, 3; - 1-fclf "1U HI' 1 2; 1 fllrll.ll. H.-lllhlc. HlmntK S: C ilatr, Kf.iiininicni ami At-.liiiv ; i IVrlact-Kltlmu paprr fatn-riia, : MS CALL naqrao. Patterns 3: i: BoBaaCkZlS& C No-5mAttownc Pattrrnt.t s 0 jrtd ta 4, h miic b k tut I It i-llt K lit n ItlaMlij tf) C vhS Ufii, ut In it . ' .ti :5 THE AtcCALL CO., lltl 14B West 14.1. St , . -rt 7W.V.WAMWW,',',' eT Pecos Valley & Northeastern Railway Co, Oonti'al Tlmo, v. I:f a m ti : I Malaaa Cartatasd i Arttarfhjs nlti No. i teavaa I at., arrive M.iib.iiyjtt -im , i . k a. t . nntl t . w . u. u. ny. TralaNo. IImvsh AmmHIIo iinlly niiM a. for low rata, far utsrtntlii reHsrdlUK le raurea ol this valley, prleu of lands", ll. II. NIUIIQL8, (i.-iierwl Mansiier I ItSBST, New MftXKSS. 1IOS ll. lKJNAlil E. tint I rt & laea. Ahi