Newspaper Page Text
mmm n m i vol, vii. GARLSIU1), NKW MUX I CO, HATflMUY, .JTLY 2!), 1W!. Ii n in i i mini I'liiiiMpYY I in i r 'n im mil i m, 88. iniiiwmmiKiiimi m i i im i i iwn nwwmnimi ii CARLSBAD SALOON !l ' ' 1,1 in ii nil 4 WVUO'Jr, Mom iuui wnn iniiiii i-i ifjn luiuin. WAV i J ctiims, 7 CASH aoons. J. J. T llOmftV.' L ii. Collier. Thomas (foGtfilicr, Contractors and lildeis, Plana anrtWtlmnlwluftlUUed nnil all work none promptly. HI)I)Y. NrW MUX. WILWAY I J OH AMD AVTJIU 00T. If 2 I THE QREAT T. A P. "Sunset Limited," I Vnwusxrit IJn tarn J ONU OV TUB i finest trains in the World VVILfc ri'UN SUMI-WeEKLY BACH WAY Tq j LOS ANdfitBS saw Francisco, ALSO TO St. Louis ChfdnfiO VIA TEXAS PAGWtCRY. Through Dalits n4 M Worlh THE FASTEST TIME EYER MADE. A Pnlnoo on Wheal. 8m atarrit tteke nt lor farUitr paruoams. e. p. TunwErt, a. p. a t. a., El Paso- & Irilioastoni El Paso & Hortheastorii Railway. Loaves Aluinognfilo 3:30 p. ill. Arrives Kl 1'uso 7:10 p. in. , Loaves til 1'asn tU:0ii.tu. i Arrives Ahtinogordo tAh p. tn. Miiklntc coniiuuiliiit at Kl l'po for tliu east, vriwtt and oil points In Muxloo, Connecting nt A'lalnngordo wltf! tt-e singo line Mr ltlin x White Oake Country. White Ouki, IJonllo, Noguls, tlrny, ami Saluilo ooal fields. A) ooiin tin which ' urrlMil of twin . i . J. I aIJ ' MM' AliiHtuonlul tUUT Hltii t a wild T'nniftogo 1 1 UIVIT Leaver .' in MV couth Mi. J, 18 01 IB Mil the . . ...luj. - I.. M murium at lurny a, in iii . making uotiliebtioii boiiiul trttm. A. S. (Iithld, lll-ii'fiiint & Tlst & l'uis Agt It Al ttc (ki-mi. A. (I r. A. t. n - - DO YEARS' EXPEHIENOE L.-sssflsflP' TniK. Mum COiaHTr6l" fPCWl n wituvise yumjmw' - Scientific Hmericatt. SiUllea ot tit lnllfl loarukl. T.rwi.ll rjiVi four mMtbi, L 614t)riJliirYlK 'JSk Ilord To Toirn 3fAI:luff,' Tlio tfi-cnt town bulldli'f'jj record la Oklnbooia lion lioeii won by Mounlola iVlow, WiuililtO count)'. On Monilny, Mor fid tlio town Htto wm n prnlrtc. Tho Biuno ilaj'.lt wah ntifvpyod, nnil K larKoiKiitlonof It (tolJ and hoIUoiI upon. Wuihlta rtrcr wos brfdjrod. And n vitMt Amount of orcMiinuliUct ftvlfhi iron movi-d mid located. Tho (own vfnn or Rnultod nml ofllcorcd, find all linos of liuslucAR nud pi-ofi'Moloim ntiiitttl la lliidrt of orpiuilr-pd Aoulot). Tlio town In, ono dny liwuua n city of'nwirly WK) pi'oplo. Homo of tho lots a old na hlRb ii fOOO within 8 inltmtM from the Jino tbo miiTuyor dravu tho (itnkos. Mountain Vluw In tlio wontorii tor iuIuuh ot tho ltacli IhI.iiuI oxtcntloif rirOM tho ConmtK'ho mid A pooho coun try nud Ii In tho Wartiltu vnlloy. nt tho fool of tho mlnornl Ium1nir Wnsbltn QiouninliiH. Hint AdvrrlUlna, ,. Tjiu Ntnto Umnl of Uonlth of ftflchl gnu rldrcrtUcs tho ntntolr. iirtvontiiftCHi fUi ii duiniuo r nnd'la-nlt'n fttfort by tho U BUnnoi of mi lllutttrati'd pniuphlut call oil "Mleulriiu A Kutuutur nml llwilth Itonott Kioto," Blvlng ptctum and do KTlplloiiH of tho vnrloiiH rt$tltiK pllioOti pjlil ninltprlii thin qbouiul within tbo tii.l)j, aim fuct tHiit'-iFlH l8floa,br Iho btiitu Is apt to ninUp It of rrviilMr In fluptico than if (i rnllWAy uorainny hnd fathered H.-l'ilnton' Ink. I I'nhllo I'urli lu Kmr .lorm-r, Thu nytt'in of public parliH projcetcil lu IJmix rutinty In now well ndvnncud lu tho built up xocltnii of tho country and, Miiou completed, will vomparo fa vorably Willi any park Hyntont 4 it tho oniintry. Thoro will bo liutwcdn 3.(XX) mid -I.ckhj m-iTK, riiiitalnltiK within a ctuiipiinitlvi'ly Hiimll comrutHH uiouo tnln, foreiit, plain ami water featurvx that aro uulipio mid can hardly In found lu any municipal park liyntutn In tho world. Tlio Otia fltmcf ill .llutlioil, t'oMlly i'uiiIk, llluiulimlod clrcularr. and all tbo thutnuunl outNldo innthoiln of nihtrllKltiK tin koioo i;nod lu npeclnl cnicH, but lu tlilti pniKT'Hlvii oho, whuu tho uowpiipt' Ih iikiiI lu ovory lioinn. tho oiu HuruoMuful uii'thoil for li'Kltl tnnto ciintom' a by tho wIko uto of tho uon'i)iapir columnx. -l'lillmlclphlu TIlllfH. Triumiiluntlnff Urnpavliif. (IntpvvliioH can Im Kafvly '-uDsplnnt-od In early (JotoliiT. Out ilio cuium down to within' Htr iliehort of tho ground, (lot what rootn you can, and, If nny aro bndxod lu illKglnsr, cut tho brulHod part off, lunvluy a smooth nur-fueo. Wnlr lulrr.i Tho Huporlntiiu'dcut of waterworks lu .nlohiuoud, Vii., Um luauxurated u quitpiu which ovoroomuH many of tho objpootiw when cIiaiiko Ik made from qat to motor rate. I to bcIh tho motor olio tiioutli boforo tbo cluiuco In rate In to bo mndu nud ikuiontrntoi to Uio conxtimer thu amount of wnato, mid given him uu (iportuulty to stop It boforo ho bduluu to clmryo for tho wa ter by inmmurmucnt. Orcat bavlug In wotor Ih frequently made, nujl'tbo con turner Iiiib timely notice, .o that any complututri of orercharco aro fore stalled, I'rmliiliiiit Advrrll.lnir, Af iit..ilt drop oC water . Willi lnUltllt tlliy.iUbWf Jltut dwn 0ia ruKKd meunajH Awl 0ttt th atMt dAwii X when throat to tlire-nJ U ndOod LariE.r still thu fabric jcrown, XnA ihu n.oat iMtratitcnt jtnlttr Wra tho )9iiirMit, wurmwt ho Xt tti diir, by ooskJ cnawlnr, .Tutu Hie inrrer of tli bene, i Aii-1 riipmtnl mnlUt irtpplnif nrluun lb tiituo from th (10111 A Ilia molt untlrlrur prlutor, .With iiirmnant "lUk. ellck, ollck," itarglii. I.iret VvrU.1 rmiM Uy dlvblon &tr In. .tltk; A lett.r to UtUr oJJJ Male. MWpl.l. tha Ioiir.iI pau, And mluyt.. ell rouiitwl Tll tli turn of IsiiBt.t Bl Ai oft kuI H4l bit of wdem Mko tlio tier of WnowUdao, " AnJ in on llr inan iilltl JPilli 1 urmlo. ot th tato( A rimlit JoJnliif rlvul.L. Bwulli th river o'r 1(1 tnok, Anl eotlnutd Htttty .avtnir icir.iato Ih HMllk of fjankii Bo th oqiutant aJvwIlnr, Ujr a law nl amtntH JJullJ. hi tjmliv JtrpfUM tntn vWumM Mill Irumlhw, , BEST COWS. p 2 low VIWo ef uttr Are Mo V LMr 7ralltW. O O e o o 'hitra In not wi much wild lily ; ilWlt ifgnitH lilmi of vtilnn from imllnrpt in tke ptlem charged fur pure brtil RtBck. wptrclnlly nnintiK dairy nnl timle, mjn tlm llmton Cultivator. It I found that avail on I lib teenul of pro nnetinu of milk and butter the pure urfd etnek Ii worth nbotlt nil that I elmrvl for it by brcnUnt Ibdeil mit of tliMii thrir ImrdM to npply milk for miKliborlhir cltlwi, nud tlnty ulaliu that limy aro nbla (o make n profit from tlllmourc. nslile from the extrn vnluo of the (tuck which thu pura bn-d mil ninU will fumiili. The prlcm of finch atook aro now innch lower than thoy were oven u few year njio, tho ni rallml fancy price only koIiik fr mil urn In of Hiino specially valuable btmnllnu Htrnln. When prlcM t;t down tn thai the year ly product of tho beat ilock, cxcIiinIvo of ltd InoruuHo, will lonVo a pfoflt to it keeper, it (ii pretty mfo to ay (tint rock bottom priced haven! lont Iwen reached. The bmilneM of keeping nr1 brpedluii the beet utock in, for men ndnpUd to It. the unfeet of any that It Ih powible fur them to engaKu in. Thin iiupllun wlint in the fact that not ovory ono la ailuptml tn (bin IuijI iitHM. Tho ntiH'k that for geuemtionii hn received oxtrn euro and fewlliiK. and that has bouu nitwit carefully broil, can not bo treated an moot farmum treat ficrnb stock without epcedy detcrlrrn tlon. Kvcn in brooding them Is an art which many do not undorHliitid. All tho flueit poliita of tho puro brod inilmal havo been bred Into It by JndlolotiH mat ing, to that the peculiarities denlrcd will result. Most tmcccsufnl brccdura keep Hcwrnl mil lea In each herd, nml it Is often n matt Important ipifstion which ono of Uicho shall x uhciI to a mato with n fomalo of tbo snino herd. It Ih not merely In color and Mzo, but In form, and especially In adaptability to Hccurlni: tlio bint form for I bo dairy, that tuetio rmnlts in tha olTtiprinit arc made powlblo at his will to tho skillful breeder. Tho man who breedi to a bnll that han all tlio marks of beefmakin nbont him fai fely becanso ha Is of it i;ood milkliiK family is pretty suro to find his hrCedluK ond lu disHpiiointment. The skillful hrcodcr la on tho watch for sliftis of tli wo puro bred stock that havo bred bai k to soma undesirable ancestry and woul.i thorn out of his herd as soon as jKxslbli. If ho Ixj tricky, he may soli such nu animal nt inctrii low prlco to some moti who Is willing tn buy It bo ciiuso Hit pcdlcroo ik d good one. Such an animal n iy get boiuu wood dairy stock. Dut it caiiuot bo diipcndod on Ilka an animal t' at not only has tbo pddlgfcc, but sbov i nL'o tho signs that indlcato superio' dry quality. Tho in ding of cows whllo tlioy aro with calf undoubtedly, other things ho Iiik equal, nffcctH the character of tho fetus, an ! If thin food bo succiilcu) and calculnti 1 to produeo u large flow of milk It Ii probablo that tho calf will be predisposed to tho beet dairy form, which i.1 wedge shaped and rather an nular than rotund. All tho best dairy b,reods havn been produced in moim. mild cllt.iatee and wbero they can havo lunch su.'culent food. Tha mild, moist cllmato of Holland and tho islands of Jersey nud Qnerntcy in larsa deuroo imulo it pOMlblo for skillful breeders there to produeo tho excellent broods that those localities furnish. Our Amer ican wlntorrt aro too severe to fiiva tbo best results In brocdln for mllkluK ex cellence. Out this Is partly offset by tbo nreat reliance of the best breeders on such suconlont food as ensilti!, which donbtlets dope much to keep up tlio reputation of their herds for excel lence In milking qnallties. Yet, dwplto thu oxtraordluary skill that is required to produeo tho very hlrjliwt results, nny nrmer who gives bis stock fair caro and- feedlnif and talW pains to breed to good registered aulmaU l mnoh mora sura to make money thai he who continues In the old fmli.lotied vray. The low batter yield fn tuany farmers' bonis, often not more (ban 160 pounds of buttrr per year, fwve no room for profit, no matter what economies may bo practiced. It Is not by greater economy, but by greatly Inereaeiiig tho milk pnd butter product, that dairying Is to be vdo profitable. Thfl best herds yield a profit already, end they do this while involving large ly increaiod expenses for separators, which tbo two or three cow farmers cannot afford, even though these cows bo of tbo best. Wo think that tbo out come will be that cream be para, (of J w.mI in many neighborhoods biimnde Wtralv.ftji pumlicr ofj?urnjrTs unit ing to liny oriii and -kr oping It at such icntral iolut as will bo moat naslly ao ceiwlblif to all In this way tho farmer whose cows aro toorwlll ilnd hi week ly retnrns fall off, While ihosbwho take pains to secure hnd breed tlio brst eows wlllimiire enough to b enoourageil to extend their dairy lutlM. . There ban be no doubt that the but ter market Is much lower in priee than (( would be If all tlm cela giving wlall yields, my from 180 (o 20(T iwufiila tier year, af Imtter were weeded out. Till will oost more than many farmers whote caws are Inwtly nor will think they in afford. Dut all them cdfal are kept at an drititiAl loss ami would surely being onminb. If Httentd and Hild for mt, to purcliHSe one or two on'vs that will imy their way If the torero thus reiltieetl to a single cow, (he farm er would have more time let t ti give to othsr branches of fanning, while front this cow Im may bo able to bnlhl up a herd of tntjierior HnlniHls, every one of which will give him a prollt Ono TV'lileli llrrriillr AptiPiireit Out rhnli Any .1ien 1'iirTii enlr Yrnr. Thsro is now vl.flblo on tho snrfaeo of the sun a spot wnloh, ncconllng ta Mr. Ordway, proprietor of the tslaseope on the Ibwton Coiiimnn, is by far tho mort rHiiisrksble Men for over 90 years. Its Appenrsm-u has Ix-on u Krmit stir jirlt tn obsrrvcis. ns. according to tho antranoinlcsl aluinnnn, this is the eleventh or off year for sun stmts, mid, besides tbii, It appearrd wltli a sudden usM which Is unusual. When Mr. Ord way look Ills last lcok at the sun tlio other night, nu Indications of It, not sveii tho slightest faenhoe, were visible Hut the next morning It was there will) tho utmost dlstliictnesH. The large black spot In the center Is nbont on, 000 mlloM In dlaineter, and this isstirruuinl nd by n lienninbrs about 60,000 iiiIIm across. At sums distune from the outer rd,e of the penumbra are other upohi, which have bmkeu oil from the lunro one, forming a ring part way around the center. These number 10 In all, most of them lielug lucludmt in the nr : on tho tipper left hand side of the cen tral spot, and other. In A nroiip n the lower right hand side. There were only three or fuur at llrst, and the rest have broken oil since. They are from 0,000 to 11,000 miles lu diameter that Is, tho largcf niies are eojwldernbly larger (hau the cur tli. Wafri niiu side of this outer circle to the other tho distance Is from U7S.OO0 to 000.000 miles. The central black spot, wlilulf. H tliu mutt Interesting part of the phunomennu, Is slightly balloon shaped, mid on the right hand side its cd;o Is very ragged, days (he UoKton Transcript. There have beiu only a fnw small rpots beroro during tho present year, mid for 1 1 weeks there, wore nono at all. Tho last largo ono beloru this was that which appeared Kept. 11 ot last year and had snch an cifect upon tits earth electrically tliotjelugritpbliig win don'A bclveoh Kt. Louis, Chicago mid New York With no Iwtterlort attached to tho wires. This hub lasted I I days, and wlieu It diiappeared it had brokiui up into lit pieces. J( was not, however, tioarly as largo as this one, covering nu area of only about 1711,000 square nillw over all. Selkirk nml t'ronor, A rather curious fact is pointed out by the writer of an article In the July Century on "The Making of 'Itcbinsou Crusoe.'" There aro two monuments to Alexander Selkirk, It seems, mid not a single one to Daniel Defoe. Yet if Selkirk's Adventures us u castaway had not been taken as (no thcinO of tliu novelist's immortal story (lie only Hngllsh book that rivals "1'ilgtim'H I'rogreiH" in popularity the present generation would probably never havo known ot tho Scotch sullor'8 oxlstonce. One of tho two monttmouta roferred to Is it statue nt Selkirk's birthplace, Lhrgo, tho other is a tablet on the "Lookout," 2,000 ftot nbovo tbo tea, on Jtuin Fernandez Island. tlgMkil Ilia result nf our .hosting tha night before and funHd to our snrprlee Hint the starlit of bullet had killed teorr at small birds and had also killed j Rd wounded nearly a hundred monhsvs IT II (7l find trrrwit riQVjiiln ill eiij crw II. U. Ititppenthal of ICmmns, serving lu the I'hllippiiits, writes home thus: "It's nit bnali that it white man onnnol itand the climate here. I wear no oast or shirt, but go about In the liottsMsiiu nndc to the waist mid enjoy the best of health. I nut getting to love this coun try mor every day. nud It Is net un likely thst I Will settlo here whin Un cle Ham has taken full charge nf the it lauds, as 1 bupu will -bjL done. This country Is certainly mi etirTllly pantdtMt and If properly worked wonkl ently sup port five or six tlimn tliu prenuut hiiii-lotlon." Ariluir R. O'Quimi, iHHi.rln- LUZON NATIVES DIVIDED. Ll.nlenniil Vuu aym ii Klllpltta II. ptilillo In nn I lu Ms I Ul 1 1 1 Lieutenant John C l'ox of the First regiment, Kouth Dakota volunteers, who hns recently rsturned to his homo in Sioux Falls from the Philippine Is lands, In mi interview rIv&so now phase of the situation by expressing the opin ion that, because of tho differences ox litlng among the Filipinos now under urms against the authority of the Unit ed Ktatee, the surrender of Agninaldo, Luna or nny other of the insurgent gsu erals would not be considered binding oil any other bunds ot insurgents, but that each mutt be whipped into subjtw tlou before there will be peaeo In the lilondi, says the St. Louis Globe-Demo-crut. In this oonueetleu he tfllrli "It Is iilswrd to Ulk About tkeee po- Icq and. Wholesale Beer. Ant-ill lor Hrhllu ami' AnlMKier-IIUMtt Mr. wincniiinn I AI.L WilllK OUAItAUTttUP. Al TOR Bryant 8r ? Estes ; Painters and j Paper Hangers I Decorators S and Slfyn ) ? Writers.... j 7 Sallsfuclloii (luuruntHHl. S Wo nllotv nono S r" to iiiulerblil us ? or do bnllur mirk... 7 liilnud l.'llr' SoirrR4--, Tho Connecticut Civil Knglneors ami CurvoyOrs' nesoclittlon In perfecting plans to establish n system of sewer n(0 which Mill connect tho Inland cltlea of tho slnto with tho wain s of Long Island sound, Tho questlou has re ceived much consideration nml study, and If carried Into effect will do much toward protecting tho streams from pollution. . 4' Lumber Yard. A. N. 1MIATT, I'rop'r. Lunibor, Luth, Sliinglos, UOOI'S. MotildiiiLR, Siis i, IGto. 5TABLG. ( Feed Yard and ( i Corralo. I Pint; Rljj.t. liny mid Ontln. tile thirsting foi frewlnm. They duu't know tije inwilliig of the word. They Itavonot the faintest wiitepllau of what h tre Dbvernmsut is, uiid erery one who has been there know ihat tyere efery white mail wlllHjfawn from the Iwih1 tomorrow no endi thing as u re publle wnnkl U piMHllils. AsAlitHttw Camp fleeting. Tho Lincoln llnptlst AHsnclutluu will incut at I'rMiial, Thursday night, August 10, 16(rti. Ah n number of poo plu will be going from the 1'eooe Vul lev wo havo prepared nu Itinerary so that those wishing to go In oompany may tlo so. ITI.VIIIIAIIY. I. Aug. d -Lottv Ourlslxul (Uddy); camp that night ill Seven Itivure. ii. Aug. 7 Cmnp at thu uppor sciiflol homo, Hope. il, Aug. 8-Cumpat Lower I'ennsoo. I. Atlg. fl-Uamp In Cox ennnn. Thetfj will be prauehlug overy night on this journey. Itev. Dr. Ilulrtloii, nf Omaha, Nub., superintendent of m le sions, and Itev, J. W. CrookH, of Don ver, genernl mleelnimry, nru oxpoetwl to be with in and rill time appoint ments, 0, ThtiriHlny, Aug. F-On to Frw iml, the pluuo of meeting. At night Dr. KninrHoii, of Corlibutl, will preaoli the Introductory sermon boforo the iiseoolullun. The itesooltttlon will lie lit suesluii Friday, Kattirtluy utul Bllnlluy. Tho wimp meeting servlues will oeiumencu on MUndtly. Aug. II, ami wintlniiesov ehtl tluys. It Is hoped that tlioso ootu fttmi Itoewi'll and other points lu l the tipper l'oeos Valley will join tlio ourovoii at Hope thu evening of Aug. 7. l'ersoni wishing to go by roll oon do hi by way of Kl Fiiihi. I'rosuul an tliu J. 1'. & N I!. Ityslxteuii in froin Aluiuogerdo. . It I six m frail) C iuoorofl on the itiiuni t op Sueruiuuiito mount alng. Ananias (Iiihkk, Moderator. ft O. K. J A irnlniii r CAjlllIA(..K.tSU0Pf Klrst eliisstitsi-ksiiilthtue;. 'nrrliiiiK pnlut lug hikI HimmI work . .. I klmU. h(KfeaHCJi.wli.K mHeliiiic. i uil ?im i-STU nil ma. i.r isp ur. i-1 U12U Fuku TA1ILB IMily. N. M. S. T. BITTING, Department Store ED&Y, NSW MEXICO. Dry (Joods, (Jlolhiiijf, CIcjiIh Kuniinhinjfh, SlllJOd, 1 hits, m Noi;ions, Sfiifionory, 3S 1 Inrciwiiro, QiiCMfRwiio,M House FiiniishinjfH, Olnoks, (JirtliMy, (Suns, vimuuiilion Spoi'lin Ootids. Sntldlcry, Hiuldlory lliinhshiro, Jlarnuss, A.t . . AVngon Timber, HniLCKios, ' Wilson ('ovcr.s, Tnrpiiiilins, Largsst Stock iiSk Fricis in tlio City. I A VRBl I'AITERN 5 fnnr una u-li-rllnnl to rvrrr .utx 5 "elisor. Only HI vents a yt, r I MACAZINE A LA01GS' MAQAZINH. j 6 A run In ili mln.Ml pint Ul.M 3; j2 l4..k.i. am w.ulim twmir l4n , J. . . V .Sf Kl Mlt i IMIIMI, VIC - .ta. i iir, . . i. imIjimi ,r g Wruinumml UdluiKiu. HtvlUh, RrlUbte, nltanln, Up-h itiin, niimiitcat anil Abh.lutcly t I'rrlrct Vlllinir l'r Palltfril.. mm I jc (N-SMBi.AUmaiK4 Patter nl.j l igl' ul lijlf, MM hi.'.., . A.k Im lv KH .aulrtvuiwil S if TUB McCALL'CO., I30 MS Will Mlh (I.. Nc TOfk W.,AWWW.,.,VA,V.l.,',',Vrt Pecos Vafley& Northeastern Railway Co, OoxitxEtl jjJLro.o. hvTa'm'1 .'laTsgn (nrlalmil Moulh llounil AT. 10: bl i ill l: MoJIIIIaH tip nagerffiaii JifVi raruue Aiiajt!ei .fMlasVv wiynjfnwsw me nutr iiwa. m niiHrtlloffPWit, B. V. ami F. 18:10 a in l.v. 2;ss i. dally at Tmln No. t tisvN. in., sr Vi!f,AT:- Train Ko. I. leaves Ahwrlllu ilslly at i. a. tu., arrives (ipewell till p. hi., fSJily c'll ii. JnAt """-M w,lu .,la lor tliieolii. Wlilln uaks anil Nuual MiT lUlly ereit flunilay Ii li Kim (iirai DOiLMILH. h. m. CP81. A St. UUIiV. N' UXlH. ar.