Newspaper Page Text
NI; Connly Dix tlo 1 dit II CARLSBAD CURRENT. VOL. VII. CAULS BAD, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, SEPTISMBKH 2, 1809. NO. 4B. tiAI o CARLSBAD SALOON Live Territorial News, UARFIOLl) & CANTUHI.I., Proprietors. Ml WINBS, LIQUORS, CIGARS, ,casb qoods. Lumber Yard. A. :'. I'UATT, Protr. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings Pickets, Snsht Etc. Nt W. ON AMD ATTKIl OOT. IB THE QREAT T. & P. "Syfiis Lining ON J! OF TUB J FINEST T IAINS IN THE 5 VJRLD WILL RUN SEMI-WEEKLY S EACH WAV TO g LOS ANGELES jj 0 SAN FRANCISCO, jj It AUO TO St. Louis r Chicago J VIA TEXAS "ACIFICITY, Tli ro tub SalLe end t Worth. til ITIID DIOTDPT TIUD DUDI) Minn W luornaiciui mud cjidii maup, A Pnlnoo on Whoola. 3 See nearest tlo' at .i.nt lor further M peitleuUre. w E. P. TURittn, Q. P. & T. A., D vLLAS. 9-944444 rM4itSettSL El & (111, El Paso a Hortbeastyjp Railway, hfuvfH Aluniogoiilo 3:20 p. in. Arnvi-n Hi 1'uhii ";lt p. 111. J.i.vos I.i 1'tiNii lUtltOit 111. ArrlvcH Aluiiingoiilu MB p. tn. Making entirec'liui itt HI Pawl for tin- im'I, wist ami ithj'olntH In Mtxlon. 1 ('miiiuctliiK at AIh)iiikim1ci with thu Btagl- Hill' f'T tuu White OoU Country. WMti' (Mk, Ilootlo, Nosjtil, (Iruy, Bud saliiilo ijuuI IIi-iiU. Also onnmattHg with Tulftrrsjw tt lliiu which tiVM ArouiiMortlo after arrlvul of traju woh tjuf. Loovbi 'jmarosw hi ioio tri.. U, Uit at ill m innttlnu otimu'etloii with Uio Mtith jjoii nil trttfu. A- S. Qtiltlfl, (Ion Supi AIM hMH Afjf. 31 A lux A HUM. A. U. A. 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks ctiaNa CopvRioHra Ac. , . . wdln aktleh and delinn Bar -.A?i? Vlaln ??r opinion frwt.lliMiW jnUV . ei MiBd.utUJ. Handbook oil )"lOU M.a rat, JsswftJi'H.ft. I WtHirt Jlrrwricm. HIIUH V flu aaia VsdOf MAINTENANCE OF ROAD8, Conatant Cut la Ifeecaaarr to lr vant Disintegration, Without proper enro tho most oxpon ilro road may go to rnln in two or throo years and tho initial oxponsn of constructing it bo noarly lost It In of thn greatest importnnco, thorcforo, that all Rood roods ihonld havo daily caro. Thoy not only wear out, but wash out and freoxo out Water U tho greatest road destroyer. It Is necessary to tho propor main tonnuco of a rond that it should "crown" or bo higher in tho iniddlo than at tho aldox. If it li lint .11 tho center, It aoon bocoium ooncavo and itH mlddlo bocouiei a pool or n uiudholo if on n levol or n water oonriw If on on in cllno. A hollow, rut or puddle should novor bo allowed to roiualn, hut nhould bo avenly (1111 and tampwl with tho aamo tuntxrinl of which tho nurfnco was orl(t inully cohitructed. A rako should bo mcd froely, iwpcciully In rotnoving tonwi, lump or ridgoa. Ruta may bo avoided by minx wldo tlrm on all wiKDtili which onrry honvy loada. If this In Hot alwnya poMihle, tho liornes should bo hitched so that they will walk .directly In front of tho wheels. Thin can be accomplished by mnklug thadoublo or whinio truo of such length tliat tho cuds may bo In lino with tho wheels. A horsu will not wulk In n rut unions compollcd to do so, and conse quently if all horsns woro hitched In tills way rnts would ovcntually disap pear from stouo ronds. If stones aro cracked on a road with a hummer, a smooth snrfiica is out of tho question. U10 stono clips for repair fiiK rtoun ronds, and remember that nil foreign mnterial and rubbish will ruin tho biwt road and that dust and mud will double tho cost of maintenance. Ordluurily tho chief work dono by country pooplo on highways Is ropalr Iiik tho diiuiaKo resnltiiiK from uu lect Why this neKllftcucoT Tho ndao "A stitch In time saves nine" can never bo npplloil mora appropriately to anything thuu to the mnlntenauco or repuir of all kinds of roads. HAULING CROPS. Vlml It Co.lii tn Trnimpnrt rroilueo Ovrr Com 11 1 ry lloml.. An Inquiry of this kind was mndo in November, I SOS, by thu United Statin department of agriculture through Its ofllco of rond Inquiry. Ton thousand circulars wcro sent out to fnrmors in all parts of tho United States inking for Information In three various par ticulars. Hepllrs woro received from over 1,300 couutlM distributed through out tho United Rtatu. and tho results wuro cnrefnlly compiled. The weight of loads hauled varied between an aver age of l!,408 pounds in tho pralrio states and un nverngo of I.U07 pounds In tho cotton states, the average weight of farm loads for thu whole country bo tag 'J.003 jiounds, or practically a ton. Tho average haul was found to bo IS 1-10 miles, varying between 9 0-10 milts in tho eastern states and 28 a-10 miles In tho l'ncilic and mountain states. Tho average cost of murkotlng a ton of crops In the Units States was found to bo $. 02. It was nslilgh as $8. 1'Jln the Pacific ooatt uud moun tain stater, due to long hauls, and as low as 1.B7 In the uortlmrn and east ern states, which are mure densely set tled and where railroads nre numerous and hauls are shorter. The average cost of hauling a ton a distance of oue milt was tn cents, it being 'It cents in thn prairie and Pucllle ixwst and mountain itntsi and rising ni high as 83 cents lu IImj atni state )terr- Ths qtutltf et mf7 M rtttt Mrtatl It drattb a the gntU rota irssu hMYeu Upon ttM plats (tenwitli; It la twtM WmJ II blMalh lilw that irtvM ami tilm Ifcat Uks. Tts Htlstilttat In Uw u.htUtt: It te"a Tb tbrvnvd ni(r)i Uilw Itwii liU trawn. Ula awiittr abuwt the (orv at itnsral puHtr. Tlit atlrlUulo to awe and majMly, nharvln doth alt tlx drad and tmr of kluga. But IHiroy l alov llita KJt(rl awaf II la nlhrwiKl In th bwirt of kliiga. It ta an attribute to (lad blutHlf, And Mrthl iHtwrr dM than abawr llktat (Vid's Wbwt ware w" JttaUt. ' -HtukMpaara. Two Went Vp ft) (U Temple ta ! rr, Two went ts prar I Oh, rather ear One went to bras, the other to pray One aUgde tin fteM and treads on blgju Where toe elber darea not lead hla eye. Oat nearer to God's altar trodi The other ta the alUr'a Ood. r-UJehard Craahn TOM KtrrCMUM OWNS Ul. Mo Is tho Original Ulack Jack-Tlte Prisoner Likely to l)lcllo and McOlnnls (liven n Hearing. New Moxtonn. United SIMM .Marshal V. M. Korsker nml SherllT Cieero Ntmvnrt, uf Kl(ly coun ty, arrived Inst oreiiing, brliiulng with thoin V. II. Medlniilt, chnrged with ttnln robbery In Union ciuiuty, nml aln with tlio murder of .sheriff Knrr of Colorado. They 11 1 no brought Willi them Tom of tlio men who recently attempted to hold up a train 011 thu Colorado & .South ern nml wns ahot by tho romltiotnr oi tho train. Tom Ketehum Is badly woumled in tho right firm by eleven bitoksliot from tho ) gun of tho I'omluplor null It Is feared thnt blood-poisoning has set In and thnt ho will dlo tho samo ns his brother, Hnni Kctohum, did at tho tiunilenllniy from n wound In tlio shoulder, n short tlmo ago, MherlfT Ktowart, aftur nisistlng In delivering tho two men nt tho penitentiary, loft Inst night lor Kddy county. Tom Ketehum was' taken in chnrgo by United Slates Marshal Koraker nt Trini dad, whero tho outlaw was In tho hospltnl. Ketehum refuted tn hnve his arm ainpataU ednnd attempted suloldo. Ho first asked for a revolver with whloh to shoot himself, nml when thnt was refused, took tho bnml ogoa from his nrni) when nlono wrnpd them around hi ncek and put his foot into tho loop, trying to stratiglo himself. Ho was uiinonsclous when found nml It was two hours'holoro ho regalnfol conscious ness. At first ho was sullen and surly but Inter beenmo tnlkntlvo nml told M inhnl Fnrnkor thnt he hnd committed n number of robberies, but was not with his brother when tho recent trnln robbery near l'ol som was committed. In fnet ho did not know thnt his brother was dead until Manual Koraker told him. "If I had known that tho trnln hnd been held up nenr Fnlsnm only n short tuno before, 1 would not Imvo mndo tho attempt a se cond tlmo," snld Ketehum to Korakor. Mnrshnl Fornker Is convinced thnt Ket ehum Is tho orlginnl lllack Jack. Ketehum at first gnvo his name as Thomas Stevens but admitted Inter being Tom Ketehum. Ho snld when nrrestcd thnt tho affair at Folsom wns hU first attempt at train rob bing and that he was formerly a peacenblo cowboy nnd was alono In the hold up. Hut ho ndmlttcd Inter having had accomplices in tho last bold up nt Folsom. McClintils wns n non-communicative prisoner. lloth prisoners woro given a hearing this forenoon nt tho penitentiary by U. S. Com missioner J. I. Victory. Tho prisoners waived exnmlnntlon on tho luminal chnrgo nt Interfering with tho United Mtntes malt and were asked to fur nish 01,000 bond for their nppcaranco at court. More serious charges will bo made later. Itlsrelnted Hint thu brothor of tho Ket chum's at Kan Atigelo, Tex., snmo months ago supplied Tom and Sam Ketehum with money to stnrt In tho cattle business In Idnho. Thu two outlaws afterwards sepa rated and Independently sourht their old stamping ground In northeastern Now Mexico, and without tho kuowledgu of ouch other resolved to rob tho Colorado .Southern trnln. upon different occasions and both met with disaster. A Murderer Captured, Six years ago .lulinn Flro, a goat hunter, oallcd nt the home of John (Jrahnm, who lives in Now Meileo a short dlitaiieo (mm tho Southern l'aHflo rnilway brldgo, and told tils young son that if ho would aoeoiic pnny him to where his herd of gnats wero ho would give him a ynting gnt. This the boy did. Not returning 11 senruh was in stituted and he wus found some little ill' laiioo from home, bnvlng been murdered by Flro, who had beaten his head Into an unrecognizable tunas. Flro disnppesred nnd all trace of him was lost until n few days ago when tho sheriffs ofllco wns noti fied that ha had been seen In Sliver City.' Deputy Sheriff Williams took Immedlnto stops to apprehend him but he had left .silver City beforo ho could be plnced under arrest. Mr. Williams sent Inquiries to surrounding towns lu New Mexico nnd Arizona and on Tuesday received a tele gram from Clifton, Arizona, stntuig that Flro hnd been arrested. Ho procured the necessary papers and loft on Wednesday for that place. Ilonn Ann County Itopub-lloiin, Pound Dead Near Catakilf. Tho body of 11. (laroia, of Las Vcgns, was found nt the onarconl ovens two miles west of Cnttkill.oruthtd under n stsck of railroad ties. Thn body was found by A. Sharp. Onrels hnd pushed away the sup port ot tho stack of ties, 1 and thoy foil on lilin, crushing his head. . total utrnnper prerlim tn her going ' there. ; When His mrii med thro her aim made diligent enqairts rrgnrejlng Hprailllng'it financial standing, general (- pwirntie and other ogKMlinn, demit ing her total Igooritnee of the ninn, It la htdlevnl they became mulunlly aeqnntnled Ihioogh lk HifitllttM t Mwa pnper adrorliMhii. Tad dnnd mnn wns 4B jrpnra of age, has been in tin rrglon for tho pnit Afteeti years nnd had neoumu Inted a fortune lu cattle Invratmsnta. Tim MoKlnatry woiusn, It Is snld, was formerly an aotrrns. Hhs Is of wiiiioiiib Hereon, fair of frnturea aud lu the uelglr borlinnd of SO years of age. Arthur R. O'QuInn, Tlenler In- Ice and Whfolesale Beer. AMHt far Sshlltt and1 Anlimncr-liuicn iirminii ilig eetMpnnle. (lullty of a Poul Alurdcr. A telegram dated Jerome, Aria., Auguat 24, gives tha following luforma tlom l'hu man wno held up the express tram mi the Uuloindu i Houllioiu on tha 17th and wns onptured nt Trinidad, Colo., hat been Ideiitlfltd by the ollleers ot this (YnvapHi) oouuty as the Camp Verde murderer aud .1 requisition was made to diiy for his return to Arlxona. The neeoaed proves to be 'Hlsok Jack" Mud is now in the hsnde of the UntUd States oiiloere at Santa l'f, N. M. When eaptured, "lllaok Juok" had the hand mail nuiae. 4S Oolt revolver, saddle and blanket dnerlbed minutely by tbi'se at ike at of the ofliwe. llie or AeUU etnte (Ut the ldentlneatiou la nrm 1 esUMttbsd. The marder for which 'lllask Jaaa'1 (s wnned hare U one of Hie HiMt alro oiotM erlwai known In the hlitory of the tarrlutry. July :. It. .M. Hffgvrs ntd Glluwti WlnHetd vera shot and Intlaatlr killed lu mh HtMsnpt to fuW tkalr etuie Hi Omhip V.Kla. rlluee then f herlft Muiihs ami a hi wllh bloodhounds hnve lieeu on Ik Iratt wktah led luU Mew Mexlao and (Juioradu. Died of Snakebite The Infant shlld of Mt. and Mm. Vtud- trutu. rwslilliiM t (InsoiH), tsocorro coun ty, was bittaxi oh the ohaek by what ta tlmught lu liava bawi a snake. At flrtt lh iiarents thought it wus only u bug tot and thought nothing tnsre q( lu Ttw child's fata beaaiiiB w iwslliii that it was uore etiguizibla, aud the little one UMti with gresj agony tue nay nuiowing. Another Alurdcr. Engle N. M., Aug. '-'4. Fair view, fifty mllss by stage aorots the plains from this plots, nuJ prominent as a oattle aud mineral crntsr, was thrown Into a Hotter of oxoitemaot last evening, Word tins ost rtaohed hero of a desper ate battle. W. J. Hpradllng, a wealthy cattleman was killed aud Nelllo MoITJuetry a young woman from Marion, Iud was probably fatallr wounded. The MoKlns try woman was mounted on a horse en ronte to tho general "roondap," when she was ncooated by Hpradllng, who was alto riding horse bnek, The sloekman, 1 You.. I S Oat what $53 want and only m pay for M what suits He you vihn you jjjjsj W you Printing dono by jj$ Tho Current on uenrlng the woman, draw rein, paatod some threatenlug remark, nnd at the same time pulled a revolver from a sonb bard aud fired at the nuauspeotlng ami defeutaless horsewoman, The ball took effeot, striking the fleshy part of her nrck, The unfortunate woman reeled, uttered n ohonklng groan, aud fell la a totteriog condition to Ilia uround. The shot at, tracted the attention of a party of cattle men who were at the ''roundup" a hand red yurds from the scons. A nombor of Ihein dlseerned tho retreating tlgoro of a man uu horse baok Ikelng from the scene of the shooting, and galloping at a break neok speed toward the spot the men rnaeu ed the wounded womau aud learned thnt Hpradllng had oommllleJ the deed. A posse ItamedlatiHy started In pur suit of the fugitive. Among the bunoh was "l'luk" Murray, foreman ot the Dig Cross oattle outfit, alto a deputy sheriff who li a noted plnltitman. The ihhh huuters gained lu wonderful strides, tal ly reaehiug to within tlfljr yards uf the wonld-be mHrderer, who was spurlng his horse at a frautio gale. He suddenly halted, wheeled about and fired aeveral shots at the poetf. A runulng flght then enaued. Hprafllug was sseu to topple from ids horse. The poase oIosmI la, only to Dud the atoekmau dead, till bullets had paiiettaud his body and head killlnu him eluwU lustaiitly. Ills iKtra wc alo waniidad. Au Inquttet wit' be held at Fatrvlew tnnow. Or UIIoh' who atiended the wAtswii, eays that h will probably resteer. It la tSHeugbt tkal jaaliMHy has le.1 p to the affair. Xeilu MKinttry Mtn to Pairvlew foar im.oil.. ago Ui keep Wo far Spiadlltig: t atuakman paesad iter off as his eotuin, but ti ta said by tbtwe lu poaitiou to knr tt(ti M won. an wa a Bryant & Son ) I Painters and I Paper Hangers ? Decorators S and Sign s ) Writers.... ) Satisfaction Ouuriinteod. S Wo allow tiono I to iintlcrl'Id us I 7 or do hotter work... ? Cloudcroft. I'lnudornft Is In I ho uowlr ' orcnnlzed onmitv nf Otnrn. X. M.. one hundred miles north of Kl Paso, Texn-. on tho summit of tho Snaraniento mount" 'in. 11 is at mo terminus ot tho Alom .gordo and Sacra mento rnilway. Itav ig an altitude of 9,000 foot nbovo sea loiel It cominnnds a inngnlflcont vluw of th surrouniiing coun try. On tho north, Wluto Mountain covered with snow th .;rcatcr part ot the year, roaring his hoary head 1,300 feet high; on tho woit tho Whllo Sands ot tho Tutaroso Valley, which constitutes the most wonderful forma 'on in .-now .moxito and presenting au nppi'arauco not unliko whim blllownrolllmi In from the sea; and on tho south and east bmiidless forests of tnrtica nnd ulna swayl ig on tho fiilli mid In tho vnlloys below, and taken togothcr form a scenery uiiiurpiieu tor 11s magni fleence, n.iMATi: Tho olimnto of tho Sasramentos Is slraplv superb. It Is uot excelled by llhat ot any other region. Tho atmosphere is cool and Invigorating and nbsoiuiciy ireo irom im purities. Aa nvlilnneu uf thooxccllcnco Of tllO ell mate of this region ot Now Moxieo, it Is iiuly necessary to stnte tnnt 1110 tiniioti Stntes government, alter careful investiga tion ot all thu country In Its vast domain best adapted for a marlno sanitarium, so Infllml Knrt Stanton. Write o!K. P. Tumor, general paaswi gor agent T. A P. Ity. Co., Dallas, Texas, for full information regarding ratos, aeiio dulei, chair oars, sleepers, etc Pecos Vailey & Northeastern Railway Co. Oox3.txal Tlmo, HaHt. Hllli Hound. l.V. 3t ft m LM AT. IVilVllltl 1 if mIMS f IJ. Ar. Oarlatwd A LTftxas.t dally at , ivaaweii Wn'lfr.'" ar. KbUT. Nsw MtlKu A Ub WOHK OUAHANllHtL.. at ma O. K, Blacksmith Cakiiiaokshqv. Z3SSMSMBHtKm Flrst-ptaas blanksmlthliig, Cnrrlngo paint ing hiiiI wihiiI work ot nil kinds. pwSx.Qiwliig insohltifa and TTtmt.1 l?g3rD nil kinds of repairs. -E llHU STA1ILH Kddy. X. M. S. T. BITTING, Dopartmont Store . EDDY, NEW MEXICO. Dry Goods, Clothing, CSuuts Furnishings, Shoos, Mats, Notions, Stationary, Hardwflro, QitooiiBwaro, House Furnishings, Clocks, Cutlery, Gnus, Ammunition Sporting Goods. Saddleryj Saddlery Hardware,., ' Harness, Wagon Timbei'i Huggies, Wagon Covers, Tarpaulins, Tents, Etc. Largest Slock ill Lowest Prices ii tile City, s0ui.f icniv.i fin.inniim : pa 11 t sa iiiiuwf i.iw XOQ -O dmmm. "00 1001 0NT SWO? SH3A31S T 'tffr"'t OO'CtO'fi'.IZIH'IVIJI.IKKI m BJB-JUJJt-t. puu CBHC,M oi-ec 'hv:ia:ix ot-cn"'o-"'n i;j es(g'raaBC"Ce'AMepiS44 Uvtf M S3jd 9t)j )nq ? inojn lit jip Cn qioK i"dV3jXJ9A3 0 i3)DBjtnB3,n . . M sou i n-oii ..lyaai.. ra 'lOTPI OAsuodxo jf out jiio oi (, JOAUJm 009$ M 011 iuoojeX CXNTV 'anos 43is Ot O) P33JUBJ0I13 OJt ali A FREU PATTERN (year owe wlKtUwi) to tvtrj eat- I riir. viuj cu ma a rt. Vsf i WWAiMfUU i sim MAGAZINE I A LAWGS MAQAZ1NE. $ A eta, WautUnl ,ImI eUu. Uml a lA.lthi.. , ihmnkMc i. aU . llM.y SS Jg ml,inMlMku,tito,lH Sal. i- m. iv4jt. .... 4 v la. in' r $ Bljrllfti. It.lUbte. Wr!. VH ! S il. RMmmilcal aad AbwlJltfr ; -S NifiKi Fining- f'aiwr I'ailMoa. j CALL aa MLrr j.rt. PATrERNS SfftaJ I V.a-Kism- A Maws si r at On I ( a r n si 1 U m i4 it if tub -nam hmkit eewejpy a)wJ eaa ewfaif fTI em . W mm) i" m THIS MoCALL. CO.. Ill Ml Wtlt I4lh Si , SjaM 4i