Newspaper Page Text
KtlOoanly Dm llo 1 4fo f I CARLSBAD CURRENT. VOL. VIT. CAKLSHAD, NKW MICX1CO, SATURDAY, SKI ! KM I IK it .). MM. 4 CARLSBAD SALOON ifflF 1 4w winus, KiguoKs, ; f CIOAKS, S CASH (lOOI)S. IIARI'IM.I) & CANTRIII.l.t Proprietor. Lumber Yard. A. N. L'rtATT, I'mp'r. lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, l3iokots, Sash, Etc. OH AMD A mm OOT. THE QREAT T. A P. "Kunset Limited' viBom one or TUII I FINEST TRAINS IN THE WORLD WILL RUN SHMI-WBIWLY g EACH WAY TO I LOS ANGELES M 0 SAN FRANCISCO, jjj ALSO TO 9 J St. Louis Chicago 5 VIA s I TEXAS & PACIFIC R'Y. Tbrouth DtlU o4 VC Worth, TlIBFASTESTliE EYER HADE. A Polnco on Whoola. B arercil ttokil CB particulars. (or (eithar E. P. TURNER, O. P. A Y. A., OALLAO. m Paso & 1111M El Paso & northeastern Railway. htmvee AltiinoKonln II:) p. m. Arrlvie Kl l'eo7:10 p. in. lii'iivi N HI l'mm 10010 ni. Arrive Atainofcinlo 2: IB p. in. Muktng coitiu-t'ilnn lit Kl 1'nso for tlif east, Ht and nil .oiutn In Mcxleo, f'mii.irUnK il AIm,'oTdo with tho Binge line fur i ' White Onks Country. White Oil: , i.or.t-, S't:t!n. ilruy, OliU'S.ilmlo win' li -. AUo connrHinir with Tutor." ! if lliuwhhli I . . - AiuuioifortlK utter nrnVnlnr ti.'t 'J tiluri'Huul I" in making rn bound Irulli II Al K X A K I I II ' ir!i uny ' . hi.. I.u llll t'tlilll Willi llif LiuVWI l,M ..t te Mllltll A S (im pt & i t , I'.i A li V A. Hi BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traok MnKi DCBiaNS Copvaioht Ac. Anrons itntlua a tltttb and dsmlvuw mir alsklr UMttm uur .p"0" fits whiKnf all MwilJon Ur..biblf Mimti JUiSWSHfl Int liou iirltHlr bonddcMI Mtttftl, imt UWCf llr.IWIlll . ru&nu Ulvt tbruuib lluuu iv. ihi IpukH MMi wunuat cur w i aDdbcmkoalVUnM .(etirlnaiwiM iluuii t Vv. rx lalba 5 iT.u t nMi&. it &A4 br wl (dMien. iuri fltMbr Wl ?? ftrnaanrrit. Tlioy lind boon mnrrlwl novon renrn. Tim doctor liml biuiii on II oil fa nnil jiro- nounet'il liliu u vory nlok nmn. Ah IiIh wlfo entered tlio room after tlio iloe torr1ast visit lie colled tier to IiIh IiwI- Bide, nnd In a tromuloim voice ho ro- nmrlteil: "Darllup, I mil Roltift." LonuliiK over him. nho ntrolccil IiIh bend (,'uutlj and roiiiliilnowntly replied: "ubeor up, ClaiHtiiwI Tlint reiimik AHHiiroH mo that you will llvo. Don't you romeinber bow often you mid that during our courting day nnd how periliteutly you didn't go" Uoston Oourlor. AN OLD GORMANDIZER. One Sinn IVIio l.lvnl 'I'luit llo MlRlit .SI m pi)- Kill nnil DrlnU. In ii Utile yullowod IStiallHli r.lnc, dattd April, 1801, I enme acnwH tbo following ainimlnc wntp: If tlio iJtiHo of Q doflti not ox- tend IiIh llfo to it Htlll loiigor Nrlml, It will not bo for want of culinary com- fortH and tliono other Hticculeut arU by which loiiRuvlty In lxwt pnnuotod. IIIu gmctt'A HiiNtuiiance 1b thus dally ndmlulHteretl: 'At 7 In tlio mnniliiK ho ropnlmi In n warm milk bath, perfumed with al mond powder, wboro bo taken IiIh cofftro nnd a buttered mulllu, and aft erward l et Iron to bed. Ilo rlKen alioiit and hronl:fantH on cafu an Inlt, with now laid esK Just luirliolleil; at II no Ih prcfiotitud with two whrin Jeltlcti and ruiHUPN; at I ho takow a veal cut let a hi Malutonon; at .') Jelllcn and ittKM ropctiti at R it cup of cluHWlnto mid riiKiiuon; at 7:0 lie taken u hearty dinner from high mmihouwI dlnlitm, and uiakori unliable UlmtloiiH of claret and itiRdelni; at 10. ten. (hITih) and muf fltm; at 12 nup olT a nmit Hiulet, with a plentiful mmithm or lime puiiru; ni 1 In the morning ho retire to bd In high HplrltH and leeM till .1, when bin man ouok, to tlio luoment. wnlU ntwn htm III pron with a hoi and Mvory vejtl eutUt. which, with a iwlatlofi of will and wntor, protmro him for forihtir rupotw. that continue ur- ally uulnttrmpted mi the morning HtunmouM to hi lacteal Imth. 'In tblM niutlno of living coinforU are tbo four ami 'JO hours Inrarlnbly divided: ho that If but rneo doim not liitow, with Sir Toby Helen, 'tbnt our life In ouiupoMMl of four element,' ! known nt lenrt, with 8lr Ague Cheok, tbnt It coiuletH In ontlnj? and drink- In ff.' " lutiarllntien nf llrnllli, l'hora In. It Ik true, a great nil In- ocpiallty In tlio luherllnuct of healih a In tlio helrahlp or womltn or uraius. Homo are born with a fortune of vigor and nouudtiMft no Inrgo that not a life llmu of uiger wiuauderlug will leavti them ixior. and otlium outer tlio world piuiHirn uf iknnI ao dlra tluU no charity from inwllelno can over mi iiioui to ouiufort. but moHt of dm liuve Jimt I' .t mwltocro logitcy uf vliHllly wblcli dra tin undbtlnBuUbuble uultK In tlw iimum. It lie In tho ImiiiU uf mcU to Improve or waato that property, ns Im oIioomm, for there aim wir nwlf wen plU-lcnUy u woll ne flmincially; thorn who, UecAUM of nuwetral wlftil I was, lutve only alspntw or heallli and turn It luto fortune, and tuetv are upondthrlrta of bealUi who conn te lit Norrowful i-nao aa MpeudlliHfta of Hold. The IhmI' la the realm wuwa a wlae hmS frupil ruler brhict iMitpl iimm hi aurul)' aa a fuollah o InaiirMi dlatraaa, awl wladom Iwro. Ha abw wtam, lie In learning ami oUylnt; nainivl lw.-KorUi AHMtftaw He-vlirw. llrnulr In Witmnii. I onao knew a mu who w ecu Hklarotl a grwt eownolmeur In faoil nine gooil looks, a ml tw aimoywl mo by t-eftialiig to mh auy tHMiity In one or two fttrU I couelderwl very protty. At laat. In mild exMBHrMtbn, I turned to him and nnkel him what bo tltought eonutltutwl iMMtity In a wo nmn. Ho niuwered. "A protty Imnd, a aweet voloo Mud eplrtt In thu oyo.M I'hlladelphhi luiiulrar. the el. mfiit MtoiiMigh itmonr Mm imrto U Unit it tmm lmpil)leui rto . It I mm thnt the m-Kt u-tm nt nmrt will linre Live Teiritofial News, "iiiij Wealth' UeKlnnlnir. Wealth boglua in a tight roof that keojm the rain and wlml onti In n good pump tlmt yJildH you plwity of awtot waters lu two UIU ef elethea, no aa to ehaiigo your drew when you are outi In (fry atltkn to hurni In a boo4 iloublo wiek latiiu and In tfir tutnltt-Huiiriwi cam.ui) on Kirrcuun. An Arizona Officer Tell How the Out law Killed Two Atcrehantn. Hatitu New MexlMB. VMtaiday bhertrf J. U. Mumli, of l'rea eott, ArU i eamu to this eity to unto n look at Tom KeUhuin, the wetimled robber at the penltentlnry, for whom ho hid been hunting for tlio pint two mnutln. At ramp Verde mne months ago Kctehttm killed two merchant and wounded n third nmn white seeking to rah n itoro. Accord ing to the sheriff, KeUtlmm wa one of savaral men fitttng upon tlio porch of the Mere whou dMknes cnine. Oi.o nt the proprietors went Iniiito to cloo up for thu night. Ketohuia asked what he went In , o( UmMt Colo. im , ,l(ll)ti I(OW0. fur. The other inerehniit explrtlned and a wlni to Aiavmi.ioi. Mn.i..r iri. rnngetllfrnin 51.40 mid SI. Oil for Iniiibs to Lee Will Not be Tried This Term of Court at Silver City. 0. St. and .1. It. (lllillnnd have tc ceiriil notlw friwi .liulge Parker tliatlkMr cmo, chnrghig tltom with the killing of Deputy Stionrr Kenrii) at the Wtlilr wtll fight, entinat b teaeked at this trrin of oonrtatSIIVtr Wtr. This notion Is takuu on nooount of tlio great number of ease which Imve been standing on tlw docket and which Intro been oarrletl UXm from one term of court to another. ' , n grett de i ( erlminal matters to attend i In from this camp. ll ll uti) w. .oiler (he people of the ninth euilvnaleil i he n unl) wnt and fall? M prlii aw Niiwlirilnn. "tlitTsiwil-WI!UKLY NI1AVS and THU CUttKBNT lasi U uubllehed turadara and rrtdar. Eacn WOf eoflalata or euni imaea. TtltH - prriai nepartawnu inr the larniara, the inn nnj nnu Bin, nmiiiea Sales of Sheen. 0. R. Ilortl-, of Mprmgur, bought 10, MO head of htitiK e vex nui wollioro Of those ho mitt 0,KiO heait toseett .t Purvis, ireo asked whether anylhliig was wanted. Ketehutii directed him to ntso outer. Aa the iiierelmnt oboyed Kctchum followed. The man started to run through the stoio hut wn pursued, and as ho entered a roar room where there was a lighted camllo standing liy the ante Kotchum plnodl a re volver al the hoad of tho fugitive, who Icll dead wllh his nock broken by a bullet. The imrtner ran for tlio front door nud tell outside dead from a bullet fired by Keteh utii. A man started to pick up the body when Ketchum dcelnred he would kill nil oftliem whllohe was at It, firing a third shot, which wounded'nne lu the leg. For some reason, however, tlio robber then ran away. Itewards for his arrest nnd conviction amount to 512,800. Tho Aiiiona sheriff, .Munds, tins been seerchlng for Kutohum ever slnco, nud hnd n posso with him in tho Dsttl mounUlns In Socorro ooiinty, when Im found a paper at a sheep ranch which told of tho arrest of tho tnnn wnuted In Arlrnnn, llo promptly rnmo to this city to Ascertain whether tho prlioncr was the ono tor whom ho had been looking ami found this t. ho tho cmo. Should the alinrge ngnlnst Ketchum of robbing a trnln bo waived by tho territory nnd tho com plaint ngnlnst him by tho government of interfering with innlls bo withdrawn, tho outlaw could bo taken to Arizona and con victed for murder. As Ketchum wns np prtdioudcd boforo n rownrd was offered tor his last criminnl net, it Is likely that tho olllcors can seourotio toward untMilt bo tho nmounts orfercit in Arizona. Convic tion for earlier crimos In Now .Mexico might not result from trinls, ns witnenos could not now be found, perhaps, unloss It should be In tho eaio ot the murder ot tho postmnslar nt Liberty. Ketehum'a condition yesterday following the amputation ot his arm was sntlnfaetory to the surgeons. Medlniils, thu other rob ber at the prison, Is nnn-commuuloatlve. Concerning Tax Penalties, District Attorney It. K. Oortner, of San ta Ke, has written as follows to 0. It. Me Henry, treasurer and collector of San Juan county. "Auiwerlnn your favor of tho nth, 1 beg to "into that it hns been construed all over the territory that penalties nu delinquent taxes aro to bo ndded according to tho Duneau law of 1SQ9. That, taken In con nection with the Duncan law, would add on July 1, 1SW, 1 per cent to nil delinquent taxoa and on August I, 15ft), s" per cent more. "1 have no doubt you have grent irtflloul ty ill making up a good delinquent tax list for publication under tho Duncan law. We nro having the sntao dlllioulty In this county. Do the best you can to get a list of dellnquanelos nud a good description el tbo property and whaiievtir the description or IM is good, that will assist yuu lu list iiiglhensek Iiixomoii tho same property. U may be tlmt where descriptions are no good we will haro to msko new assess ments." Jnrllla Mining Camp. Wlnneld I'endergraM ernne up from Ja- rllla laat rrtdar and furntshial the News wllh some o( ibe IntaiMttiig oven ts In pro- grass there 'Tlw pter Held is nptmrsmtly all right, nml a numberol Hwpl art) preimrtug to work lb Tint Bald Is about two miles suHnre.antl tho MRHlnea show it In be vrt rtah "The Loeky mm Is bow waking ruga tar atilnmeNla to tbo Kl faso tmmtr. Water bu twast atraek lu one of toe shalu ol lb Nannie Uairi, and If any qusnUty oan be found It wilt prove to be a remark able factor im Ism development of the plaeer region aud will insure eouoewtcal wliilne In all iIm properties whoa depth is gnlned sulNcuwit to strike the water. A new llud was mM recently In the north end of the mountains by Krssl Itlvers ad:tita jMrtuer Assays from the lead show 178 ouusos m stiver ami 11 Mr ett ssiiwr an the sur- foed. Tom rasulergrass has taken up tint elsim adjelaltig tho one oh wblsh the smke was made. I am Inhumed thai air drills will shortly bo addesl to the equip ment of the Nannie Ibilril mine. "Now people are eoramg Into the tamp every day and everything points to fulute prosperity on a largo stale, tho report n In elttulatloti linre that tlw lumber com pshj will shostlr begin te bulk! Itauses for rent mere.- AHsniagonw xnws flSC and sit. SO fer owes and wethers. Advices received from Lincoln rntinty confirm the fact that has thus far only been surmised that W. Il.'lluiitaln, super intendent or United States forest reserves In Now Moxtco nnd Arlsoim who recently spout two weeks lu thoCnpltnu mnuntaliis and around White Oaks. Lincoln and Nogal, has picked out 27 township which bo will recommend to bo set asldo as for est reserve. New Mexican. lllj; Ranch and Herd Sale. It Is common retort that tho Kl ("anltari Land nnd Oattle Company In Lincoln county has sold its ranch and cattle to the Loving syndicate, Lnit spring W.OOO bond of cattlo wero sold'from tho ranch, which erasfounded by II. K. Tlmrher, who died In Idaho n month ago, New Mexican. For Opening the Reservation. Tho editor of this paper hns received from tho olllro of Indian affairs, depart ment of tho Interior, somo Interesting sta tlstlcs concerning tho Navajo Indl tus and the Navajo reservation. It is tho belief of tbo Index, ns hns herctoforo been stated, that tho Irrigable portion nt tho Nnvajo reserve lying ehlclly nlong tho S o Juan river In this county, could bo an ' should bo opened to sqttlenicnt. .It will obtbly not bo boforo tlw idvont ot a rath id into these valtoys that i) subject wll bo ser iously considered, but then It will onto to tho front to stay. Competent m tiorltlos state ttint thoro nro many thou mils nf ncroR of tho roservo that could be "ovcrcd by diteho south of tho San Juan .it fact the government Itself has Initial.; work on one canal to cover land for Uie use uf You.. Got what, you vlnt and only pey fer vitet tulls you vlian you Halt you Printing Trui i3ttrrtnt are i indie nnd world ol awneral new matter. Illuatraled artlclen, i tc. nBrr The aVinl-Woefclr Mntra and the Cvrhknt for 11 month, fer the. low dunning price m n. 16 cash This alvee you lhn Mpers i. wroK or fSS pagers a year orn riuicvwHfij' ion prior, iiann iitwcripiKm at once. in your the Indians. Although the department is silent on the subject, nil nuthorltUM ngree thnt the Nnvnjo nntlnn Is luorensliig in numbers nud lu wealth from year to year San Junu Index. Shooting at Gardiner. It very iww in r while we hoar of n scrap q( soma kind nt (lardluer, theeoal eamp ol the C. K- .t 1. Oe.. near fltatnti, but most always fall to gloaii pnrtieulnr. Tuesday uf last week one of the negro laborers shot anotlmr lu Hm abodmen nud he la exMatd to die any day. The trouble was over the preautMcd love the unfortunate bad for tho ether man's wlto. A law day. pmlow t that two Frenchmen eowmotussl immplng at each other with wtnelHsstor and rosult- at In the liveryman being sttot lu the back but not itaugotuusly. There oa still an other shooting a few nluliU uroviou but we have failed t learn the h . ileulars. Htm time nguoneol theiil dit watebmen was disahatged and n Oanaitlan by the name of Jackson given tho p .iltMHi. Oa evetiiNg while Jackson was entiug aMpper his predwsoanor walked HPj the dining room and poundeit him over the head with n six shootvr. Ii Is said ihs' tliero isbnrd- lv a night naH that then ' net mere er lass promtsotous shooting. Hiwlnylty the touRH:aoignuornoou oi me snip, niwswu er mMt up oi lit Alabanu element of ne gros ewWnywl by the t ipatiy. Heme time Mat a man Ramed (la ih lubbi the manauer at ike emny .iore aud In waa plaeetl In the county Jap It is under stood the rouipany is u.lir: every m -.line . Hi.-.. n. to I eepduwu Him l.w ..s.iiew- but 1 Bryant & Son ) Painters and j Paper Hangers j S Decorators and Sign ) ) Writers.... J SutUfnctlnn Ouitrnntewl. ) S Wti allow nonu S to iindorbld tis I J or do bolter work... Ctoudcroft. Oloudcroft Is lu tho nowly nrgairiaed county of Otero, N. M., one hundred ih4sm north of 111 I'aso, Texas, on tho summit o theSnernmeuto mountains. It Is at tbo terminus ot the Alnmogordo and Sarra uiento rnllwny. Having nu altitude 'if U.COD feet above sea level It cntiiinatulu a magninceut view of thu surrounding coun try. On the north, the White Mountain covered with snow the greater part ot the year, rearing his hoary head I.iWO feet high; mi tho west the White Hands of the rulnroso Valley, which onnstltultM the most wonderful formation lu Now Mexico nnd presenting an npponrnnro not unlike white billowa rolling lu from the son; aud on tho south nnd oast r landless forests of spruco nud pine swaying on the hills and In the valleys below, nnd tnkcu together form n scenery unsurpassed for lis tnngnl-floeuoo, OI.ISIATIt Thoellmnto of thobnerntmmtos Is simply superb. It Is not excelled by I thnt of nny other region. Tho atmosphero is cool aud Invigorating and absolutely Iree from Impurities. As evidence ot the excellence of tlio cli mate of this region of Nuw Mexico, it Is only necessary to statu that thu United (Status government, after onieful Investi gation ol all tho country lu Its vast do. main best adapted for a mnrino sanitarium sttloled Part .Stanton. Write to K. 1. Turner, general pnsseu gcr agent T. fit I'. Ity. ('., Dallas, Toxas, for full informntlnn regarding ratos, sche dules, chair ears, sleepers, etc. Pecos Valley Uoitbstein Railway Co. Ooxxtx-etl UXtyxg. Arthur R. O'Qtilnn, lsilerln- ice and Wholesale Beer. Xmmut tor akllt anil' fsreWfBg oomjwnTea. A AsAasjwr-Hasalt LL WOHK QUA KANT UJJU. AT THR O. K. Blacksmith C A I U 1 1 a ov: SljQJ l'list-eiass blncksmithiug, Oarrktife iIuU lug ami wimhI work of nil kinili. !M!a,C"wlU maehlnex HHH l?ijin PB5rO all ktudi. of tetiatra. A' iflCMI) TAUIsB Hdd, B.T. BITTING s SoHtb Huund Ar. wiea v m me Ar. JiSBLv l se nils a in Lv. S lu No. I Leave looMTwa.l daiir at iwawm ip. in., eon lies II fa wiiu TtMlsiyo. at.. Dopartment Store EDDY, NEW MEXICO. Dry (loods, Ulothingi Clouts KiirniahingH, Shuos, lints, Notions, Stationery, Mnrd'waro, Qtioonswai'o, House lTunrishinKH, Clocks, Cutlery, Guns, Ainniunitioii Sporting Goods. Saddlery, Saddlery Hardware, Harness, Wagon Timber, Buggies, "Wagon Covers, Tarpaulins, Tents, Etq. Largest stock al Lowest' Prices in tiio City, El ...AXXj.,. Steven5 Rifles I ;mrc Rtinmntccd to Io SilFJEI, SOLID. IGGURJSLTE, Sfj.oo PnvorltcM i ... .. ,l.,iil.l..l 11 in uiu iiiuaLCiiiunaivu'-iucui. Tke "IDIUf NoTT Is a line illle. OHB OP OUIt LUAURHS. price only !f to. i . ...... . . . , .. . T lay catsp sbout It but t tie price. .4 W4 ralailvlu.S3, .39 atiil.33ra- ,;:. tua-ate. .93-30 htkvii.m, .as-10, !, " .aa utiJ. 4I-I0eenlir.llre. .41XPKriAI.K17.ltH, 913.00. .... 4 h S. . V'.im Ml H0 TOOL CO., !. P 0, Box UtllHM'l I. l Al.l.S, MASS. tb,iYViViVMVM,iSV.V.ViMViV&K A l;RUU PATTERN 1 . (your ova N-kstlas) Ui 9tfj 10 1 5 j tcrlUr. Oaljr 9) emu a year. jfc 6 MS CALL'S I MLflfiAZlNE A LAMES' MAGAZINE atfiwa. m. ar. DON l PONAIIUli. nun. rn. ft Paaa. A at I'.lil.Y. Nl MkXH-o ftIti feMlUal UAoiti yltun Ul 'l . PH...... BIHM . ..MMt. ft. - iU hr44, u. u.4 f. If I Wl- H jir iimi iui s.mImiihm HtTlUh. H.IUht. Rlhl.. Iln.!u. ' ! 4.I.. KiilnntifAl .Mil AlMululMv MS CALL fATTERHS ST srneal I ft (N-Sa-AIIwancs Patttrns.i 9f ('..t M Iki II III mk-MM bialMI .k Nx iim tu ii. MufrwiffMr w MM ikk. t yj null I'uai g TUB McCAIJ. CO., 3j I3B.I4B Wn( Ulk at.. -