Newspaper Page Text
CARLSBAD CURRENT. VOL. VIL t2Z CARLSBAD, NEW MI2X1CO, SATUU0AY, 8KPTKMHKK 1G, 1HSH). NO. 40. CARLSBAD SALOW UQUORS, $ ' CIGARS, GAS II UOODS. ) DARPIULD ct CANTIini.L, Proprietor, Lumber Yard. A. N. WIATT, I'fon'h Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mo.uldingH, Piolcolsi Sash, Eio. 8 OH AND ARSK OCT. IP TUC flBCAT T- n n it. un i h a ri Jj 'Sunset Limited OWE OP TUB FINEST TRAINS IN THE I WORLD WILL RUN 8BMI-WEEKLY yj BACH WAY TO g LOS ANGELES . J 0 SAN FRANCISCO, 3 ALSO TO ft g St. Louis Chicago g VIA g TEXAS & PACIFIC R'Y. w thnmth Z)lLi o4 fc Worth. It Wt X THE FASTEST TIME EYER MADE. 3 A paiBoo on Whoolo. 5 B nttrttt tteknt agent (or turthir S purttoaur. w B. P. TURNER, a P. A T. A., DAL. LAB. Bl Paso & i El Paso fl Northeastern Railway. Leaves AlamoRortlo :j;20 i. m. Arrives El I'aso 7;IB p. in. I,eiwa id l'nso 101 ft ni. Arrives Aluniogordo 2:4o p. in. Inking connection nt 111 lwo for tit east, went untl nil point In Mexloo. Connecting at Alnmogortlo with tlio stage line for the White Oake Country. VhlteOike, JJoulto, Negnk, Grey, auU Sal.alo f aal fouls. Aisn coonMtifig wiUi TuUtraso aUge in whlili IMVN AlainoMrtlo ir arrival of train. Men af. Ltavfi 1 " - . www -I...... . .A.M.. ... 4 IHiiriWU Hfc IWiMI U. HIM . La Luie at IS ni . tutiklmr uohumUou wltlt the eolith li'und traiti. A. S. UliKHl, (lee sunt A Tit I'm) Agt II Am-.xintK. A. (I. I'. A. 60 YEAnS' EXPERIENCE II-., It mm Kntonewodlnn iiki i m.t atti'r Stiwi VVeui'.m. u fn tl in. t rtf ir t nflam ml 1 1 mi.II 1'Hl.uU UXvn ikrwlf ll lurid) nattM. WiLUuWt fM scientific Jf -ih MilNfifln.seiBr. OMKNI 'lUci u Wit 1 1 Onlr nn nnrttiqnnke. During III foottiro tour In P. Marlon CrnwforO, tlio norellnt, Imil Ills llwt oxiktImu'O with nn Amnrlonn ciirtlnnmko. It vrns In Bm 1'rnncliico, nml tlio shock wns ono of tlio greater known on tlio slope for ywirH. Mr. Ornwrord vtnn InnoliliiR nt tho lintel with hli lecture ninnnKar whan niul ilunly tho linllilliiK bogaa to tromhlo with tho fllckonliiff motion which la po ciillur to cnrthqunUoi. Thou tho in bins shook nml iIIhIiiw foil clattorluc to the tloor. In nn Instnut thoro wns'n pnntc. Mon nml wonipii ruiliod from tho room. Homo rflllKlottftty tnelluml-guest h(au to pray, nnrt nevernl women fnlutwl. Tho innunKor rose nml ntoBRored to wnwl the door, lmt Mr. Crawford cntiKht him nud pulled lilin back Into his chnlr. "What Is It?" nnspd tho ninnnKor. "NothltiK'," nnswrl the novelist, ronchlug for nnother slloe of lironili "Hut tho building Is collnpslng." , "Nonsenso. It's ovor'iiovrt" "Hut whnt Is It)" "It'k only nn onrthqimko. Wo get tlioin In Italy rhjht nlong. It doesn't nniount to nuylhlug. What kind of dossori nro you going to haveyi'ldl ndelphla l'ont "iiroitpert" Hub: Whnt wo In Now England cnll drop ped oggs nil tho rest of the couutvy cnll poached oggs, but 1 nm going to r.tlck to tho ntinie In splto of every thing iiud cnll tho method I nm going to glvo you now "dropped eggs." I'ut ono qutirt of boiling water, otto tonspoonful of salt nud ouo teaspoon ful of vlno..-ir Iti n frying p.m. l'laco In the pnu ns many mulllu rlugs as there nro eggs to bo dropped and spt the pan whoro tho water will Just bub ble nt ouo bUIo, iirwtk otioh ugg cnio fully and drop It Into n rlug. If nn egg seems not exactly fresh, or If tlio yolk break?, do not uso It. Cook until tho whites of the eggs nro tlnnly' sot, then gently pour off the water, reinovo the rlugs nud lift the eggs with n enko turner; plnue them on ulleee of butter ed twist nnd sorre nt otico. I'uttlng them In multlu tinge mnkos It much otulir to do them nud bring them out whole. It tuny tnke a little pmctloo to serve n dish xrfeetly, but wliun ouce you get tlio knack you will won der that you over had any trouble or thought It onto lutrtl to do. Woman's Home Companion. Inatlm't mill Drittli. During my 14 years of hermit llfo 1 littvo run across many lucltleuts that prove tlit slld uulinnls compruhend tlii' tuonulug of death. 1'wo years ngo 1 foutid the nest of u "wild" domestic ent Iti nn old stouo wall. There were three live kittens nud ono dead ouo. I left the (lend kitten ns nn experiment. Whenever 1 had found n nest before this, a visit n few hours later would llnd tho uest deserted, tho kittens re moved to some secret srjt. When I ngsui visited tu uest tu iuestiun It wns deserted sure for thi dead kitten. If tlmt ct hud no ooHeeption of death idle would iMtre pleeMl tho dead kJtton beyoml my reaeh, nud tor the some reason that caused her to remove the lire kittens. Forest and Stream, The Highest Wlttdmlll. The highest windmill In Uuglflild Is the -High Mill" nt tlreat Yarmeuth. It Is iMlteved alaa to be the blgltest In the worhl. Hunt Hi 1813, nt a total east or 10,0003 tu height In brick Is 100 feet. Mitd the wooden cage on Um summit further iuiTta-t this snot her ten feet. In a high wind the mill works at IV) uotsttwwvr and Is capable of grinding hum cotub of wheat an b-ear ot cnisU lug ten eoap f oats no hour. III. side of It. "Where." asked thi fvinale suffrage orator, "wonkl a man be today were It not for woman r Hint pansetl n mmnent ami looked aroned the boll. "1 npt," site aahl, where wi.nld man tte tatlay wen It IMit for '.iiimliT" Hh'iI in. in the gardi-n f Mdott ph- tig Ijli iWi.. fH ," muiwriixt H nin from " . Ol- tv --('iiii-Mi.i Nw Live TemtoHal Sfews. A. SATURDAY NK1HTS UOLU-UP. On theS. P. nt Cochise, Arizona Tho Outlaws Sccuro'n Largo Hooty. M Hum UmM. Ono nt (he olenroit nnd tnimt dnrlng train robberies Hurt: wn eer ssheinot nud esrtieil out ni tfte history of the Miulhwast occurred ott. the 8fliitlierti Paeillo nt the stntlnu of Cqahlie, Arisnnn, halt an hour hoforo midnight Saturday ,nlht The hold-up wrr skillfully plnnnod nnd the manner In whleli it wn carried out Indl onted the work or familiar hands at the business. From n miiuorvnllvcioureo an ostlmrdo Is given Hint the otittnws srurod nt leant n,O0O tvhlle thnto In n -HWltlon to know awrt that in the utdRhbuthaod of f 10.OX, was lukjii by tho robbers. Tho trainmen tny tho robbers wore honvl ry loaded with booty ns they rodo nwny, but oould not tell how tmtau was teenred. Tho trnln wn pnuonucr No. 10, wlusli left Kl I'sso amiirilny nfiornooii in elmtgo oi uomiuetor rsrkcr nnu Kugtneer Itloli. Co!il li n lonely llttl.'iUtiou ten miles west of Wlloox nnd two hundred ami thirty-three miles diitsut I nun Kl I'am nud has a telegraph njarnUir. The west bound train la due at Coehlie ntlldOp. m. and hnlf su hour betors Its arrival there Saturday Light, font heavily nrmmt men who had be n seen oamping In the vicinity for a few days previous, pars ing thoinselvos off as Imy-cuttors, wnlkod Into (lift little station and plaeed the agent undor cover ntlholrrlru nruii. Tho other two looted tho safe taking overythlug ot vsltio. As tho trnln slowed up on Its approach ti tho million the men iiosrded It n iliort (llifnnco from tho iljpot, two of tln'in climbing on the front 'iid ottha nmil cur nud crawling over the tcmhir and covering the engineer nnd tlroniau with their gnus. Theothor two uncoupled tho train be tween tho oxprvss car and lint conch. Moniongcr Dnro was In charge ot tho ex press car nnd u tho Iruln.cnino to n stop ho throw open tho door ojt his car In tho cuftotunry nninnrr. Ilo was mot with pro em ptory orders nt the muzzle ot guns to lenvo his car, which he id. Then the conductor and his two brake men onme running forward, laiiturnt In hnnd,but went orderixt bark to tho ooaoh. They went baek, coiulilfrmg nrgument uioless under the alrcutustanoes. Part otllio tralu, uoiuUtlngnf tliootiRlno and mall nud express car, wai then run to n point ono mile beyond Uochlte, the on glueuien net.-.i? undor Imtructions from the lKudlls who held wesiiens uoar their beniU. Here the outl.iwi had their saddle iitiliiialsoenvonieiitly plseed. Dyiminlto wnnuxNl In gaining access to the nare, the engineer stating that three charges were tioconMry before It was urok on open. The express ear was not mush dinnngeil but sulTetoU some from ,o shosk of thHcxploiion. After the robbery tho men lull In nn oau erly dlroetlon and w, ru observed to be veil mounted. Alter tboir dsparture the ehgl n r bseKOil the usrw mio Uoelilsu again where the tntiu wni reeouple. At the station the Imiidlu overlooked an liiiMirlnut point. They negleetwt u out tho telegraph wires and while they wore prosecuting their wont a mile distant the operator at tho little station kept tho wires hot sending out the nlurm In uolh direc tions to the near-by i wu, with tho result that several poem were qulskly organised and were soon In pursuit uf 1MB robbers. Three posies armed at Uueklse as fait ui horM miiild trel, a ! arNvlng Irom llenKin first. Ii tuuk a well defined troll from the saene of the hold-up. It was sue- nsfuUy tolln,.! tor a distance ( eight tidies, wlutn a t-tuulur shower aioee xud ltbcesinaj)bsi.ureil by tho rain and was Anally entirely lost track uf by Uie drMtehod travelers halt mill lhm Yf ii eox. The trail apponrwl tu inmiiuin an enrterly dlraetten but Uie mim wm not Wo lo follow It and role Into Wlleox ttr ed nud worn ant. NflpertateMHt Martin when soon re garding Um hold up njr.'i ii ihe opinion that the ouUwt otp a ri amuii nt ike old sn Minim gang, wkb o rniil v. r iue cei fully la Arisoan a few yaars ug. Ex.preu Meetenget Usrtiasbiiea in hold up before stut bis ftiwuls fieel stttss tha oduiwhi thst bMt he km tin kllgbast waniioi at the HniietMilaK robbwry be woukt have i4e H iiard fr Use oaUews. It will be reweMberiMi tut be boil re Msrksbie ooelnejs and nerve to the Muwii'i I'-tas nsTair a year age, inu h Liihoi -tut of tho robbers. Atmti ti n il ag ii ui'" iN of is -i alb'TM t loin. ..,!' : t'ji. u' r f.i fi l . ' ' U. I ,. oxpresi oeigtoy line Imnhi n heavy hmer. It ft kntwnft eertsm nuarters that a largo nmoautel miiH-y waswuit out from thu elty 9alunlngnlght niidonoetiiimtn of the nuiauii. (ii-iKnt 11 nn iiirii nn 9iw,vw. irol'H or CAI'Tt'ltR. With three poiMMseoittlug tho onutitry tho railway piplo are very snngmne In the belle' tlWt the gang will bo mptum!. Thuy are only to Mini a refuge, die u to the north of two ways; Wilcox where tha While inouiititliii can olfer them a sefo re treat. To tluisouth thuy ean Older Meairo by a ride nt ojly sixty miles. Miorlff HeoU White with several men Is In pursuit cum should the robbers bead for border It is sitra ho will easily out them off in that tllreetUm. Unconstitutional. Lnt wctjf tho Territorial Snprems Court decided, the commoreo oommUMou law anconitltatloual In tho hnbsmt cor pun proieNlu brought by 1). (1. WlUon agent of the Continental oil company for Niw lltxloo, A few weiks ngo Mr. Wil son was arrested for refusing to take out n llsetite to ds balne-M lu the terrltorv at retpilrod by nw. Tlii ooart only pan sued upon one portion ot tho law In re gard to original paakage-i, and in Kau sai and Iowa whUky , oats tlio United Htstes court, hld that one can not interfere with the lilpmnt ot (foods to soother HtnU so long as tho goods re main lu the ortglnnl packngei. Under the atlpolntlnn lgnnd by tho attorneys tho proieoatlon virtually con ceded tha Continental oil cotnpntij; was not n producer of oil in New Mexico but shipped In Iti supply and dlapod of It in Its original packaged, Thli how ever does not effect that portion of tlio law relating to corporation-, not dUpotlcg of their good In original packages, thoagh tha goods mny bn brought from auotbor state, and It reinnlna tho law un til drcldeJ unconstitutional by tha tJup retno Court. Oscnpcd Convict Caught. 11. O. llurinm, supdrlntendont nt tho poiiltoutlary, received it latter this morning from Dometrio I'oron, altsrlff of Lincoln county, Hating that bo had captured ITnn clModoAgttorro, one ot the two convlets ol the "trinly gang" who oseaped while workuiR on the cotiitruntloii of the l'nlaeo avenue sewer a few weeks ago. Nherill Pertn Is holding do Aguerro subject to Superliitotideiit llursum's orders. New Moxleun. Dreyfus Sentiment In New Mexico. (lenernl Manager J. A. Kddy, ot the UI Paw A Nortliosatarii Ity., had ogreeit to furnish n spitmiltd mluersl oxhtblt ot ana of the richest mineral belts In the world for Iho Paris uxpoilllun. On aocoitlit of theonnvietlnn of Dreylus the nonerul mali nger has written K. J. V. SklrT, of Chicago, wlin is eolleetlug the mineral evhlblts, do ollnlng, vnneelltiig his agreement nud any ing: "Wearewinilod with dlsguit mill abhnrrenee for a people whose eonwliiieu makes no response to Jualiao that wo de ollne to eonirlDutu In any manner toward ntiv mensuio tending lit the loast to awo cbtiinn or Intercourse wllh ibeni," g Oat what H wiut nnd only what suits 3 you whon you you PMnting K TheCurront trXili tnusnt the Alftmogcmln and Hi era railway. Having an nltHnde of tlOO feet atHv m level It eauiineads a inagiilnewi view of the surrounding comi. try. On the north, the White Mmuilaln onreriHl wlUt snow the nrsmter iwrt nt tho year, tearing his hory head iJHO feet high; on tl i Um White Hands nt (lie 'ftltamso Valley, which oonmHulas the mntt wonderful formation In New Max loo and presenting an apfsjarsnee not iinlika wliito billows rolling in tram the tent ami on the souiHonrt east Hon miles fnrasla of priiee and Hm swaying on the hills nnd In the valley bow, and taken togathftr torm a aeenery unanrpsired for its magnl fleanne. rt.lM.VTJJ The elimalo of Ihefiaersmmitos Is simply superb. It la not exeellwl by 'that ot any other region. Tlie atmosphere is coat nod Invignndlng and absolutely Ireo frem 1m puriliM. As uAtfdetiM of Iho oxneilenee of tho all mnlunt tins region of New Meslso, tt Is only nceessflry to state that the Untied State government, after onieftil Inveitl gatlou el all ton pntwtry In lu vast do. milii beat adapted for n marine sniiltarltim seteeied fort Htauiou. Write to R. I. Turner, general itassan ger agent T. Ill P. Hy. Co., Dallas, Taxes, for full liifnrmatinn tagartling rates, lolia dulos, chnir ears, sleepers, ste. l'repnrntlnu. It witn evident the moment she en tered the parlor that he wna nngry. "Whnt do you menu by aulngine for breach of promisor' he demanded. "I never prapood to you lit my life." "Why, of eotirso you didn't," ehe nn awored In n conciliatory ton. "And I wouldn't hnve accepted you If you had. Hut you know I nin going on the stage, nud I ihiiMt make eome pioimrntlou.'' Chicago Post. A Stnn Willi n fimt. "ndgur, tell mo tho truth! la thoro nuy black spot In your llfo before you knew mo?" "Letltln, I will rovonl nil. Whon I wnu 10 yearn old I used to plcco atillts." Detroit l'rco Preen. It's onsy ounugh to becomo n great lltmuclcr It you hnvu money for ex perlmouts. Atohlsou Ololi. Son ? Painters and Paper Hangers I ? Decorators s and Sign ? ) Writers.... 3 mJhxjrrKr-ji ;-3.:-:r '.-.'33 f ) SntlifnaUon OiiaronUatl. Wb iiUow ueiiu S r tu iitmifhl in I or tia tift tor work. . . I Pecos Valisy & Noitheastsrn May Co, hortlt Hixinti. T,wo CoMHty THaewrersi Result. Territorial TreajNirtr j. H. Vinson to Slav iC'-elvi'tl wlin It from .1. F Maibcvm lea i- dlfi-i"' aiiil tr'-aHUfw-.if iMit muni) f th u ..ii' ii. it OtX.'SS ,. r l. f-".rtil tt.n ' . :i.iHatn ' . i ew !.' ' " I . i.-. i " "II. f till p. CO. frMswl I marl Ilo Oaoth Ar itf hsaitd. 13 pm ;fc fc in Lv. S: i'rM.1 S". I Imvi I'ci ... .I'll v,t iluil .i' '. Ita n mrlv nl.OUv . 'I. . I. ..m'i I U III '.Ml V'll'i't ,IJ Ui rlflll.l C'lltli, ' 1 ' ; -.. I oo ' w i' i ! e (..uJt'r It Arthur R. O'Qulnn, l)MirlD Ice and Wholesale Beer. Luj WORK OUAItANTtHtf). AT THU ft O. K. Blacksmith CAJtLtlAftKSimp, Plrsboloss blaeksntlthlitg, Uarringo imliiU lug ami wood work of nil kinds. S-yfeQwln maahlii. and TPnT-r, & all kinds of tspntta. i-' IlB iftltly, 2J. M. F3D STA11LH S. T, BITTING, r Department Store w EDDY, NEW MEXICO. Dry Goods, Clothing, outs Furnishings, Shoos, Huts, Kofcions, Stationery, llurdwnro, Quppnswnro, Houso Furnishings, Olooks, Cutlery, Guns, Ammunition Sporting GooiIr. Siuldlary, Sudd lory llardwttro, f. -fa ' IlnriiosH, Wagon Timber, BuggioH, . Wiigon Covers, Turn mil ins, Touts. Etc. inrnot OinniV mnl T nnrnot l UlUUH (UWJJUNIIIH PriCBS ii tlie City. F AJXj... V. ,1 I Stevens Rifles are Ruarnntccd to In SiLFE, SOLID, 133'rom tlto S6.ooPavorItoM i to our moat cxpcnslvo Ideal." '(Us "innxi" Is a line rllle. OJtfJ Ol'OUll HjADDIIS.rrlie oaly I0. Meguaranteclt la every respeet. fiodi laa cbcip alMiet It 1st ttie price Ma rotaLrlv In .3!t. ,Sfl and .33 cl- Ikra rim-flrr. .HS-30 TIIVI!., J 310, HM-ta nnJ. W-JOrflti'r-flrr. IN UfWlAZ. MI'HS, S 13.00. it sTEftxi mm IB TOOL CO., 'M'. o, Bog CHICOPfJH HALLO, MAll. wt.i.W.IiM'MWMO 4 A PREG PATTBIoN ' tmt own .rlHii. ui Iti rrr Mib. ! . M.flW. Ill SO weuu, a w. MS CALLS I MAGAZINE iifiiaini' iiiwiiweieiswwBiiii A UWES' MAOAZINB. 1,11 k I thtn; MM St i"'i ' !. m i tlr . n ' i iiuiik. i ' I ' H..UI.' Mr . .... t r. . 1 1 ii, un i Mf CALL . ft r n rii,RT:isr i M 1 i' ' Bt,W