OCR Interpretation

Carlsbad current. (Carlsbad, N.M.) 1899-1907, October 07, 1899, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93061429/1899-10-07/ed-1/seq-5/

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.1 fn MitetiH,
It li wtl mated that we nee annual
ly In 'the OnlUt! mates orir Bn ooo.ooo,
'DOa raatehee. These tniiittfn.ntii in.
wore first need la this coun
try lees tint! savin ty years aa. and at '
that tin a Jox containing twanty-?vo
was hM far ?C cents. Imaainr match-1
W nt 1 eetit atrteeel To-day we buy '
1000 for S witt, and a Mew York man !
hna Htm waehliio which may puf
(bom on Uta market at half that price '
A rnrtlrf.t e.nge la Voire mide ta
the iriinntrc of the haKRftf. Snail
ami rumen i am na !: 'laltltaore an1
Ohm raltrtiait. Tha plsttonaa ana! Uta
IuhxIh r.ro beta removed to InaraaM
the ritni":t o( i ifiy aid sate wflgM.
i He fav.ciio rl' i' ; place of tramps It
ubo eliminated when tha Jrtatfor ns
ate removed. Ociitt-al Manner Urnlcr-e-noil
baa also ! ned an order to re
move th numb. :t frorn locomotive
tenders; ao thai, m rascti of emergen-
A Whistler or sltmor reeeea a Imp- f- 'h0
trHnMrt. I tercbaat eable.
THIS very word " operation " attikes terror to a woman's
Nearly always thee opennttona became necessary
through nogleot.
If tha tHatiaM are vary painful, or too frequent Mid eaceesire,
gat tha tight novice at twee ana
etop taking chance. It Will coat
you nothing for advise if yon write
to Mrs. l'lnkham at Lynn, Mass..
for it, and if you let tha tronbia
run nloiiff it will a u rely coat you a
treat daal of pain and may moan
an operation.
MiM Sahaii J. Graham, Sherldanville, Pa., writes: "Dun.
Mas. Pinkiiah: 1 had tutu red forsov-
I yeara with female trouble and
torod until I waa discouraged. I felt
tched and tired of llvinp; I had iia-
ease of kldneya. hW.di'r trouble,
dropay and bloating, hud womb
trotibla and a larre tumor had
formed; in fact all my organs
were otit of fix.
" Sc air r a v.oman'a latter priii fl
ing your rcmcdlco, I wrote to
her htid she begged of me to try
it, telling me all that it hod don
for her. 1 boueht six bottka of
Lyditi E. Pi.ikliam a Vegetable
Compound and now cannot ex
pre:. my grrfUndo to yon. Tha
tumor bej.v.n to como away in
pieces arid ! yvt better all tha
tti.ie. I Ixlico now that I am
entirely cuicd.
11 My doctors conld not b?Ha9
it at first, us they rll 1- .d told me
that my cure wus u hopi-leaa one,
and nohtinvs'i power could do m
any good. They wore astounded.
If I am cay anythinjr that can
help other women, I shall Ua
It is not iwft i to wait until tho
last moment. Head off-trouble
Don't ba satisfied without Mrs
by prompt attention to it.
Pinkhnm's ndvlec.
If thero is ono thing on which tho
fcouctmifo prides hertelf, It is that of
bavltiR hor InutulorluB done nloaly, so
that the rearing npparel mny bo the
ndmlrnttou at all. Tho washing la n
nmnll matter, nny one almost can do
that, but to haro tho Unous prusent
that flexlblo rtnd glossy appaaranee
' nftsr bslut; Ironed requires u not qual
ity of starch.
Aslc your grocer for n ooiipon hook
wtlleh will enable you to got the first
two paokage of this now staroli "Ileii
Qrota" trademark brand, also two of
the children's Blnkespeare pleturea
painted In twelvo boautlful colors as
natural as life, or the Twentieth On
tury Qlrl Calendar all absolutely free.
This is one of tho grandest offers
trrcr mado to'lntroduse "ltetl Cross"
laundry staroh, J.' C. Hublnger's latest
Invention, '
Push and
. a
Do methodical in everything you tin
dartakc. '
Mtv Tmt Rtlnir.iAlian'i rootriflT
It In the only euro for tjwollen,
thuartlna-. Buralntr. RwaatiaR Vnt,
Coma nud llunlong. Ask for Allea"B
KUfit-Oate. a powder to tie ahakau Into
the nhees. At all nruggleta and 8 Boa
Htoroa, 3Sc. Skiwpio tout PR KB. Ad-
dross Alien S. Olmsteil, Leuor, N. r,
prosreaalveneaa preaaU
PITS rr:n4B,ntlit.rf.. 7ISU nr ttoiimtlM
Jmfi, . ..... of )r. Klillf Ort lrv4MtMfc
W.JV M. Kut.(7L3,AMuiauruu4iitot,l
Mc U f.ivcn .i Vw!r nl Wftah-
iii'Uin Kxci lkd ly None,
0 an? tktn tl
The TrMtlntt Rfcwlrea Illsx at th
While Haaaa ami Thra H Re
views Um lsrada Arraagsd
ta nh Hear
'WaahlngUm, Oat. 4. The hoes mm
ia of Admiral (feorge Dewey-far
beneefnrtlt tbe national capital ta tu be i aao,000 and
his home w a tuadn' taeoeeaatoa for
the greateat triboto rror paid by Wash
ington to any tadlndtta). After the
eofl ir rrf1 by
adpural rvttrtwi.
Klnlioratn i-w'w l M T'la'' lnt
aftvruia in p.-r u' u; tb- mvnrd to
A.1it'1. .t rvri-y, v.iiv ' to .'! t 1-y ci"
T.nrf tJantttM IImwo in mi ' kan m
Vawn llmtrofT't tjr Kr.
TMartaas. Tat.. O.'t. -' D tie-,
a nourishing town of the Kvi--r- r:y,
Flttsburgaad Onlf rdlronj, ;! milrs
north of Teaarkana, Im bvn wltd off
tbesMt by fee, Fi.'ty-or I 'twines
boasa, taolndlng banks and hotrls wera
de .ryad. The flrar-arted In a swall
notonraat anl re ,'-.a antll It wrpt five
blocks. It bttt4 irmytblntt In lt.
nath. The less i i tlmated between
tx The Insnranoe
busy er
Vfn fropUi atw either teo
tor. idlu U ae happy.
It lr only a very iMaetMMdtnt woasan
i c -. i .flora to he J'isi la her ttl
i. i hr own sx.
II-vr y mi nitUM the wottmn wttb
thr , mlK jettloont Is atvujrs TM
r.i'fh ..fratd of Rp.illint her towrl
ll . iilwa;. follotr that he-iii-
i wiiMitn wer.is Viftt (tlai.iontln lm .i
1m - H" rf f "bh ml 1i " ""H
v 1 1 1 1 " " i 'rr ronntry. . '
cut tl". I'.! of Hln1'i-".r . IS
la'leel rcrpn'-l as a natural " .
an1 It Is mr'ir, If kept ! '
r the native ekntiRMtier la t'.f t.-w m
It Is now told to a ceitnlo ft nt. ...it
how small Hi it n .tv I." i at'.iftird
from the f.'rt tlint lh" ti !tl . ...;y
i','iii'ptl'.'i f ' i '! I'l 'cMn 1. at
ho'Mic'j tundrnt'.v.'l::ht- tint l s'T
i''.ry ;0'.i p'.ifii- "ti in " ' ':tTO
nly 1!3 r"'..i ! "f ap "'T' M "'a.
' ir In otlirr w: r1.' rir.i;. r " if-aa
i Hi,1 ir ..ut It (jti.'t apt in icitl.o iii; , i nt' rtunre Is Hit riTeran" eor.itjBJp-
. ! ill f i lr ff ..p nt ' (It,,, , "oii,
will not exceed g:0 ia
The f Jloving ts k .1st of the heeftlt
losArn! '
prulltnlnary welomnin NrwYork. i i Bo f J(hiwon. v ' ol- h f.x d hmi
self nastirpasoedln iMkin.l. It remained OtUanns' bank; V.'ilusui Alki.. dSfSVk
for the highest and tpatrflt In the .H- and groeerlr: Willlrtu l"K.vi, tryrc-xla
eial world to bold out the hand nf grewt-1 and trrooertt-e: W V. MlCean, dry xuls
iuK to the famous adtafral. and to join I and imxwrte; Kirk nn.. dr, . "dMid
with the people who are to he hi ftrt-1 gerlaet Lambr-r it in.,... t.rrM
r si Ml a i i Mas ITiMiMa n:..! a...
low elWaena in bidding him Welcoinr
The otUaena had maie every preparn
tlon to make tha nconnkm worthy of
their hero. The decorations were eHH
orate. Pennnylvstifa arenae wa ..i.
mvm of oidorotl bunting along t'u' -i-tire
line of march ftota tbe station to
the Whit Honse, and not content with
this, few private eftiRens failed to make
aoino display of color uu iWr restdimnf .
Uniine deigiM in firy InmpM d'lttcl
the horir.jii, irrrut m :Hf.ili;;h!! threw
broad Ih'tilu ' of br.'('.r l:,;ht urrim tli
bill" dky of a Pa-.ir i li'i.ib r ev.nltiK,aud
tho Ht.itu'v o.xp.t.il hio;m1 ri'Ti .!i I in it
yr.m uly t.fuu'.y m tl powi rful rnyu ot
and grucerlest Mrs. Emma Wehvme,
tnllliiwryi W. E. It ok., r '1: Fin
ney Dry U-fd ooi-iimiij-. V. i. ut-.-u
itin' , general nn" MB' lit' (, otv iV ' ' .,
hantwarwt M linrt. ('. 1).
Duron, furniture; T. A V'i. lUo.t u".
r.rritiei Com wclal ImUd: Silv.-r
Minm 1mm1 I) ::. h"" I- H-.r;-.V
Morris, nalooi: U. rlnon f Mi iUal :;
Berry Afkeii. sah. n: I),- (j'iion i: v.
rewrpapir; tw.. narm-r idiop bi d l)U
ki:i!) i'.r.i. fiiUiK li'.ttvi.. ftult stands,
t-. , wM. nl m' Tiij rol.
It your Dream rma? Then ycur
bt;t friends tuin their beaJt r.,ii'.:.
. bj brsaih mesne, s bed liver.
1 Avci's Plits arc livjr pills. Tncy cuio
c.ir..ii:;ja(icn, P:.!'jSi(issiiy..fj-p..isl
All OMrti
.nr a.'i.,i . i
l Irli ti& , v
II rf,f I'liUI
- Hrri iilci t 1 'jnft w-4
Lg-v:ujagai: . i :..V. x UmXJHemtuu.ti.
,. I'imihi . ir.'.i. i . il.l n...tT
DHorrr ccnMON.
Our drht to the Oad ts tinspff.St'lle.
r.ir goo-l or III, Hi" world Is largely,
rn!Bii hy t'. tfead - nT. D. Pay Mllla.
II mf.nr pt:o rrally l-now aa to
th laivri ,;ty of thr soul? fowi'ar
H'.c V3 sir i,iiBd to aerept It bfceusa
Ool wo-d says so. V.'. J. Oolvlilo.
li - t :rt ! ohogrihr a fcw.ttt' of
f i ii. s a titer 1n wiiloli the ' Unaa
ar' .:iv,wri, but with vhl-h tb laleN
le-t litis n.rUtlag to do. -Ufct. 8. W,
1. .irt.
Iifwnr Cel'ltthm.
Amerii n.i ere qulek to erprerlata
irrrli. :'..c r)".vy rt 'hrnMotn prorei
that, nr.'! it ! sKJln forcibly demon
rttaKMl in thr pmlse and eonrnlfucd
H-hith Ik npfiircV.'. IJoitnttcr'e rltnliuih
Ulttrr. ire o the most mr""rloH
1 remedlos rver citnpotmdpil for In 'lgea
irion, ro !tpiitr,n. dyntx-inila, blUous-
ni "S. Ilvei or kidney omease or any,
trouble uilslna from a weak stuuuuib,
An omlttod letter
Hands; crows, cows.
makes friauds,
Tbe Hcit ri-.s-.l it m tm Clillls
aad Vtv. Mil bottk' "l Cnova's TAurrLnta
UHIM, 'i'OHIU. It Ik nlmply lrm r.l.it qu.iUlMi
iaatlcliiSSotm. iCururu uopa. t'rlco MM
A polite
person tiwer . -nta
M Mr.. V ii
3 xtimm:
1 w.
II' It r.lr
Oilea-To. (!
i t'u Hr1 'n
or.l. rii f. .
I'll SOW"
' pir lci.i : c
i to ! ij : .ti
1 t'.nt im,
for I'll'irtaU 0(t.
-It '. rciii rttl h.-rw
'v m -nt iian pluivil
. Pin l ni' it and tlmi'il
i 1 . it Urge panUniK
' Hi ..ti nf otto ot tho
n ..nic.i, v.'hn did nut
I, mid It wa ni.ilt-r-
Or ii mi 1 wfi.rud n liirtT'i
n rari fiili t. . Mi Kov.-rnni'iit
" the fU. iii.ii' lit . ' in if: I mi'St with
. i. . h i u, i a, iiy in Tliu Trnim
tm i' (X11''iM ii .ihrr puoking couips
ni . arn loath i iin.iart, any detoil,
ntutiiK that so .nr ns they and their
r iinpHiiins aro r . .'t-ued th- mat'ur is
ii : ply a ruu r. It i- said the omitrnot
w.ii lot tlirouKb u Iiudon ornaeh of tho
I'iUH) f, ''..' i r. (1, mid It ctlls for the
itrg)t siiiptii' ' nf "enned meats ever
t '.jxjrted fr..' i hi c nutry.
Wer nn . iimiin IlJers.
Anttln, Oct. 1 Tlw Indictment of a
number of w iltbleat and most
iinlnnit In !":.. tin in Texas by the
gni'id Jury r ' D.i'laa county on the
chargd of )hIi rtnninbers of the sooalled
' lnmlK r in.itt only a forerunner of a
cncrti '1 i';"("t tint Is to he mode In a
tiunil"'.- o." i.'.. er ' intli of the atato :o
brink i.. 1. n "iii'1 .t'ilnst. Sum In. r ileal
. im fin' i ti ih t.J'.tfgu'l c.Jib:iuto
oi.;tr 1 I i.uvi -l lumbr. It is re-
Two liettlai of I'!r.' I'nre f- roi:nnmp
tlon .'Uro l i m i.. 1. 1.'. lu.n, if. iii ,
Klottol, ...u 'Oiuj, hiii., l'
, -
(I .. ,
I ''m
L HI t-
irti .vu; .
' .1 '.V.J 111
habits aro bar l to
:i, lBUi.
ci t ru: a in n
Tl lsitln I'- n.' '
W t" I' to."' 'I .
I im. c i.uin.' 11 . i.
I luU
li Ut Mil
lull tnli.rt
iIliuiw a n:- a'a char-
No soap ran
t.t.tt Main
restored ami ilmnji'. our-d
r'txuu:'' l.i i. ai.' i . N"
oure or itnni' ; lu k.
drUHgl ' -, ''.'i i ",!!. J.
lJevatiit'i', ! H
by tudny
I'kiO. HUl'l
,.X. All
many (vmce'itrai. l ll.'Hts Tho naum
di'Vlro va i i:d fTt ' - dy 'n tlio on
of otbor p-iM r bniltlitu'H which Htoi.T
within th -r.inir.i of Wdon of tho di
titviiiii1ul Mrtv vliich Ntn ni to rovlaw
the ffnt tlir .nr '' fopl" wliloli pa-ed
nlowly alotijc It it '-itU tho prow of tlm
wbit )lyjiiiln bioli iroj'(ttd in IkjM
H'll'tf from tltn iit.ind ut hvadof Psnntyl
vanlu iv"iu', w'liiiri'.ui Ktoort Downy,
tho cientral fi,(iir of the iliimon.itration.
On tho faoadi of th" n:-wly cmtdeted
noromment po-toffl w building ilaim'd 1 '.is.o t i ty or
forth two liiHtript-ina m-t in olootrio -vi' l i.i" 11 -k mwse
I'turupy g"nr.d will
. 'ltl'in of then' ensos.
iv a irin.i" eir .' on
i. ' r mill inUroMt of
l'i r.-h .i HnrMM rrlll.
fV.'r.il. ,-tpr v -n. O.". t. The El
P.. .iTv ry 1 1 Keed stable nt Maul-
i m nif .'. tr...' 1 btr gru. It was a
'nip !! t .-y r i. i. , prol'thly tho Iarn-t
!n (V,rn!u It Ullod with lwV,
tti:'""" im . ttrdtng hornee, )l the
t.'itur, i i'1'ilrig eevural thorough
v .. . ti.-:- L. .; -rub the imllding The
ti- ii : us n .id '' . un Colorado Hprings
City Mrs dvpartiueuta
und thj bus!
Tic''. I" M '! Illn KIVI1. Ij aiJUUI
v insur"L
:art h.
n 'Hi ,11
M. A. Co.. Dallas (3) W. J. U. 40. iMI.
BlmprHty Is nynt;iymou.t with aweet
inrtx -ni"',
The Great Catarrh Cure,
-J i
MOwra lu ,111.
fart rill1 . Ill, (t. 4. Thru mnr
ft) 'i- . In: t" tvten uiii'li. Ikim In iuuiuoo'
ti.,i wi'ii Ite ie-.-'Ut rtots. Deputy
l ' i I .i iU Marshal Do -nll urrusted
,' (i; I., ii;, William Moiut.h-nlDmk
i, .. i r i. . iu.atiuK nn injiiuKil 'tt of
,i)MAjlillnr, Now Vurkftt-
IMIti VisUi '.'..f'" IT
. iim i u .'.i.-r.i'i, .
fHI..." 1TIII.
It. A Co. P.iIIbj (1) W. N I'., to,
Heaa .taawcriuB Advert!cmeatt
Mcotioa This faptt
flmt lnrr In HrtUae ('nut.
It Is entltratr t that the rise In the)
prici' of steel mul steel wire will Iti
rrnnin tha rist of New. York's oev
W'. ", Kast rlvur hrld;to 2,000,00. The con
tract tor the nam rpan lias not ye?
.pnn let. And .srclflrailona for tin
fiitilc v.iri bav yi't to be Issued.
V1 j'TLT.
, . j.:rv
Fiof. GkirldiP. Cirtt, A.M..
Wnllrjt'. IMvtrtftt. 31. tli
l)R. KOPFU rs
Crcotttlas F.dent.
Ofci a!)- 2S Ctats. If : .! it E''t, BlK 25 CW!l 13
C. J. MOM -FT f, VL D.f St, Loot, Usn
tlwtr iBr rwnvp-y s feth
IWflth t nut nt ! Id M
TrnttlML twi ib" rifSXI I
v i' ta rants MM tkv
m Satisfaction
is uausual with Five-Cent cicar an
.nolters," but it lias been the every- jj
jSk)ff experience of liundrcds o thou-
ij sands of men who hive smoked
J Old Virginia Gheroof s
S durififl the last thirty years, because
2 they are just as good nowin fact,'
better than when they were first made.
Two bttadW taiUioe Old Virgia'u Cheroots snolcea this year.
Ask your own (letter. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 0 sag
I'i'iriii mu iiihaiv
ji-iintu Die 'i:.' n "Hrg tin famous
1 me'mfre ot tlvi pr '. b -it iiirM-th".? Dew
. cy. tesi lb. 1. -..fill in:;v r.wny tu the far
eat. to u'o forth to ilitroy th.. Mpunl. h
t, aii'i tm oilier i-ettitiK out tho ta
li.,!, uiii. .ttlV illr-'.Uou ut tlte 1a
!,u, 1 .1 (l'i ii ' Va may Arc whan
ready. tirilLiy." which ntrkd au
. t . m as. a
auiory 01 we unwu f , Tu,y wt.r taken to
Btl- Mp"ii.,:f.v-.l to answer to thu oiiargv. Ho
A uuoiber of eitrie orgsnlaaSkma 1 fr u,.iy n tieu mwr In v In-ui ar
paraded b-forebJtn. bsetdsa tsa of 'tstf.l It is olaitue i taa: wurr.t.iU for
tiii ussndt t uun-organlted ottiacn, th.i ivrrent o.' 4-1 snore oitls-mi hare bean
uwd in a rnar of cennou rckU and the Jsaacd.
tda.' of tvi t an 1 the thunderous -
.i,....i... ,.f th. .. mnA tb, sranst UW in.'erl...t.
vf.iilinu rf that hrsd at the t.atioti..! Hsu Tran le" . Oat 4 The Cul
Dni.? tt.nto 0 wuUweue tuch a has ! oeiocy iu . ti city are wi.ti . t rebly
not been hvri'MtlK-rfr.. ctador-rm
lan!k -1t JJTfe!
LaX. 7 sriiV JC -sas vc.'f
h Ttflit af mmm
Preaari for Rato
',M3t t'nt tar.
placar !,
All alorw lbs nt frchn New Vork njrrttni:.j revolutionary pre. i.uuatioii,
t Waf'nlaut.iu D w. y was given au arVj c-.ted n Uhina-T- vn. 'tl..) '
.,v.ttl'in, i-i- is kli.it 1 n lone would eovy. ' i.wnt .up al U h hnlt ..f th-.! pi w
When I.j reaih'-i Washtngtou tbe oh-. Kmwr .r 1 .n lUu. ind fill i f r
T.' T-S
tul u
J.r. 1
MaJar aenural Joseph Viila',.epi.i
taffdlax the iiajaJry . 2
of $aatlaao,.aad the author bt "The
KinMtaa Pamnslva." in BbaaklB- t;f
Ike treat catarrh remc
nays: "I iUh with Sen
Rtteb sod MeRary
oolnlon of Pcm-BS.
nieidcd te me by those n bav gfsl
It ss cm exoellsuf toata aad perueu
larly egeetivb aa a ears for catarrh."
United Statet r;nfor Seaery.
Hob. 8. D. MrRuefy. United tatei
gtnrtor from Duutst ..u. stys the fo
loving In rr-"'d to "e-ru-iji-
"I'e-ru-ua li au eve!l"Ut toal-. I
have utd It i.ur'.lently to my tbnt 1 1 k.
belli e ll to i.c ill thut yu:: elal'-.i for I
it. ' l I. . -on, Ncv urltaui, '
i.'.a iis." t C
Ur-ted lute Scimtor BulUrMI.
I .4vc'e itt ass 'iiat I ii.,-f t.f.ca tag
lag Pe ru na for svaie tli-e for
' When I.j reacli' -i WashiiiKtuu iae oh-. wowr .r J
1 uifix v.-a- tistli.d. , l" ''
I ( grc t"'l bi n n has n"v.n . It ,ss. -u I b
it... t :t li-uwn h'itu in tht- tinlioli.il :! t "
t n,!t .1, ij.'ij I'jt.ug stiy inauKuratljii
1 cf nu ir-j!tl"ut
Dev. ey w. drlrt n to th White II')UM
1 'tl.e"u he W4i roiv 1 b) t'ri-aidui.t on I
fj..i Mi Kiiiley, the eaUuet aud otbr
!' tl:t'."iiibed guaate, and aftvr tbl b
. vi' i- k n tj th-. mieWing staitd ta see
!. '.iil hon. r. 1 "V" ,
A1-, u-ttl Dwoy g,e friqnent ae- , - l0
1 .nwl '. ;ntntU toti- oberrs for bttn I tliit, . - c
and null -d UiviM parly, as wlta I
tVi.rv-si' -, foU-jwdlf the b-ii riirii.igsw
nf Iks aaii aot. l..ft Uxo btgai It was . J.vud or
BJ0 iulocx Winn tin faligaod reolpleut . Tb b ,
8(0 pirfte
tbi !v-1 -r o.ni.r.v .
i: .Lr: it W..I, 1. 1 . i-f
i it) ;ii!j.it...l u I v.-or ,
'ti i.
tirluut l M'.i.h,'. J
'Vv'. In., O :. I. Tb uto't
rmV' ii ' ii'i hi .'1 ri ot W'-ixt. r
1 aa 1 'Uti . ' tb ctl milt. I
:H.lll I" 'Vii'r'. -I 1 1 c'o-i' 1 i'.dWIi 1
.-i Idl . (in. 1 r'.,ii 1 r
1 r ir i-'i'e .1 thu mil
t f.-' 1 tipe I. The K.ulI
i d -ui i idl faetiinvA are
! f i-1 and nrny have to
I..1 .i Ibu
, () .:. ' 5Ior than
r . . . 1
let Pc-ru na for svaie Ui-e ror ea- ;.'. Til - .ti31Ilr- 1 Mw ; piutea .ijiMw-igisf iw
fnn b, aud have Jptn4 M excellent ; taater inv , ,,f Aalsloi . . i o . A .1. I - the etnu
rcsldneif Mr. siihiwgtwn McUam !
ncdy, Pe-ru-nr, , , iritis, !! vpt rho?e relief tlar. go? f m of Wo, oa K rwk Ma aras uMf ,ftt
Sitoys r-lliv p. 1 Svo U-r takt.-W. V. aaeomanisl by Cr airmail Mobta Bg ,.,,. r,u u the iarg-
is tbelr rc.-.4;-u. ...jivl, ,..... tws aides. L'ratenant Brawny und ,ui?J, , t"o
"Jl.rLa TT-uJ iu i:t K ' ter loaeh. hi. soa Oh, D,wey. arrlti. t f l b-
i mix
if rmmm
Our (Faoill
voo aro
such that
we aro
tt.-A'- led to
o;s .'.a
pt u that
nto r In-tcri-
ocir ortt"
Ico! i t wo.
Our ki
ro t't
that f veye
ml; ngt-
Ui r v 4U09
tr 1 un
0LI0 ind
nrr.,; n
ruicii rt
No. 110. LsdUs' PTl 9ltp
ut, 11 imnun. laita
1 m .1 Olf 1UI In OSCBt
,1 . ikin wim I 'M ee
1. ', duubu liniair
ru',Kli.'M I& MY tV
I , ., ... ImT lhrolowt wlw
I. no 1.1 or. ntn twr'P a
.'-.l..l ,1 uriitl tff
IS B9 ll.
lllria ..K 111 I) bum m !' an , S
4.-U.N twingi? -. 9
11, ...r. iir u u iMiivi tar
ruilo tin 'JCIIon m .1. I IibSm
1 1 . .n na nu-Mit lit' . "rid
Jewe jirlviwe
in 1, i. ,1 1 (ul .J i. . n ss
h ihwli.. A nofd M.cWta-
ti'l. 1. 1 mttm linrntniiMt,
l.iia ptfut mm U lunacy
ihion !? Out 'ak
I .!' I'lMllril 'llirwlriH
4 'idI.ii J baying In Itffjt
. 1 we lawBii can
Hi. ua ftU(c
.1 . 4 anuM"fk
Alafwko eltl
w 1 Ki-t rn pmdnm
. H 10 Ilium nrrvim '
t- I
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till.. I
fr..ia tela uaA
ar. Mm
"I'm-', .d .y a ft lend I hare imtl
j.iu-j.. ... i. ,uu, nd nm lad to
Uhttfy lir.i , T'Stly helped e
In atrcr., .li. Ujirir . 1 upuctite. I ha.
Ikci ti ! . by fu ti'1 that It Is i
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f r.
- 11' tat
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auuie tttnu, ra viiwiue
the ctltiiiral u tueaea ov - t.s bouwi
to Uhu for ni'- iu'Uwi during bi t.y in
IVt-wntlv ibo im-m! i eunr4 in on all
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i.d CtOtT
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A r'vreseattttlre ;
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!r. r.Iik!i te Ibited nt loweit whoJesaJe pricei itWiii to
cat, w&r at.d sc, is fwnteh-d oh receipt ( Mily 10c. t5
pivtl pay pcstr.gfl or expreusijee Jicd as evWeooa ?f gtod
f ;!!h--rlii3 iOc. Is olbwcd m first prcbe miittnititif to

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