Newspaper Page Text
44 . Costly BxllO IMU CARL SBAD 'CURRENT! VOL. VIII. SCARLSBAD, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 11)00. NO. 22. i CARLSBAD SALOON OARPIULU U CANTRULLi lroprlc6rt JIMll'SI III ! 11 LIQUORS, I CIOARS, S ( CASE GOODS. LOCAL . Batter nosti and eggs atl'ardue's, Choir practice at tho Methodist church to-night. J. C. Wheat has opened up a grocery 8toro In Uauihle's old stand, Miss Lena Close, nf Hopo, Is visit. Mrs. M. ' Stewart tills week. Jno. 1). Lucas returned Wednesday evening from Hot Springs Ark., look ing much Improved In health. Klta White loaded his bin traction engine and well machine on tho catr and left (or lloswcll this morning. Itov. Herman J . Powell, wits quite III last Sunday and was consequently unublo to hold services at the Jlaptlst church, Tom Jones Hold his homo on Itocky to a Mr. Troynor lust week for 8U.O0O. Tom will now devoto his wholo tlmo to handling stock, Mrs. W. W . Qotewood and little ones cnniu In Wodnesuay ovonlng and thoy aio uow snugly ousconcedjln tho Uerhnrt rcsldenco, Walter N. l'nrkhurst tho generul agent of tho Kqultablu Life woh In town this week looking after tho In terests of that reliable institution. 1 rank Jamas sou of J. It. Jumes, Is ablo to bu out utter a prolongod sula.0 ofncouple of months In bed from cOlds contracted at tho sugar factory. Captain Shottuck, ono of tho most respected residents of tho county, is lvlntr at death's door from tho effects of quick consumption ut his homo in the (luadulupes. On nccount nf n wreck nnd wash nut on tho Ft. Worth & Uonver tho Innldo pages or this paper did not arrive but will bo sent out as soon na they cumo as an extra edition. ('. W. Lowls has commenced tho erection nf public dipping vuts just nbovo tho llumo where llouk uwnors will bo ullowed their uso for n quarter of a cent per huud for U sheep dipped Wnrren (losstitt, wife, mother nnd daughter, of lloswell, wero the guests or Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Wilson, Tuesday and Wednesday, going out to tho big cave. The party left for hnmu Thurs duy. Mr. Lucius Anderfion cut down a mulberry treo which has stood In his vard for several years tlmt, upon ux nmlnutiou. proved to bo hulf honey locust, tho top brunches being self crafted. This Is ono ut tho freuks of nature In tho tree line. W. W. Uatowood thli week recei ved hit Iqw'libriiry from Mttrfn, Tex Tho library cotilultis'.ovor 1,500 volu mes and required ten big boxes to hold It. Tho nlllcoof U. S. llatoman has been shelved mid enlarged to aP comodato tho library. Hob Hroeding, Dick Wicker and Mr. Dickens went up to the mouth or Dag ger draw Saturday night on n llshlug exnedltlon. reluriilnir the next morn ing with 145 pounds of llsh, tho small est one weighing twelve pound. They wero chunuel oat und very lino. Fresh bread overy morning ut J. U Wheat's, (Jumble's old stand. A live stock show, cowboy ournlvnl and agricultural fulr to oontlnho for Jour days Is being ujiltuted for the txirly full. With the outlook for all Vlud or frulis btug favorable as wll us fleld products, It is to be hopod tho people of Bddy county will uwuko to the opportunity und beitlr themselves to make a grand suowm of the big fair. Jno. M. Chamberlain of Ileitou Tex. who has been paying premiums on a life insurance policy In the Phenlx Mutual Life of Hartford Oonn. held by E. (). Queen, since 1B73, came In last Saturday and with J. L Kmerson as notary went out to the Guadalupe to muko prcof of the death of Mr Queen. Mr. Ohamborlalu has paid over 81,300 In premiums on u 814,600 polloy. Died. Wednesday April 4th. at liflO p. in. Margurlto, Infant daughter of Mrs. W. H. Anderson aged nlno months nnd sixteen days, Tho funeral ocenred Thursday from the residence of Geo, 1), Lucas at 2 p, in, Tho littlo ono was carried off by whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. W, 11. Smith of Phenlx lost their littlo two year old baby girl Wednesday morning nt ono o'clock from tho effects ot whooping cough. Tom Nelson, ono of tho drown sons or W. T. Nelson, died ot pneumonia at tho family home on tho head of Itocky last Monday evonlng. Mrs, Grammar, residing about threo miles southeast ot W. F. Cochran's in thoGuadalupes, died Saturday night ot heart disease Tho death of Mrs. Chas. Grammar was ono of thu most sudden nnd un fortunate deaths ever recorded in tho county. Mr. Urammur has been em ployed by W. F. Cochran through each week, going to work Monday and re turning Saturday evening, leaving his wifo und three littlo ones at home about a mile and a half from Pat Mld dleton's, the nearest neighbor. His oldest child is only throe years and tho baby live mouths. Mr. Grammar found his wllo dead Sunday morning with tho live month old baby girl sleeping on her arm. llud this hap pened while Mr. Grammar was away the threo Infants would havo either died of starvation or wandered away from tho house und became lost In tho mountains. The three littlo ones will be cared for at present by it slstor of tho deceased, Mrs. PutMlddleton. The 1 Jy or Mrs. Grammar wus buried at tho WulterThuyer cemetery lust Monday, Fresh fruit every day at J. C. Wheat's at Gumma's old stand. volition ns delegates. The alternate elected wero: 1). It. Harkey nlternnto fWStownrtj M. .1. Mmruy alternate fbr Gatewood and Geo. 11. Htitehlns allernate fur Mullane. Tho delegates wero instructed to vote for and wsrk In secure tho nppolutniont of an Kthly county man as a delegate from the territorial convention to tho national democratic convention to bo held In Kansas City July 1, 1100. M) further business appearing tho convention adjourned. The Town tllcctlon. Last Tuesday tho town presented a deserted uppearanoe. All tho saloons closed, front and roar, anil tho saloon men wont llshtng, while tho election board and a fow other patriotic cltl. Mils held an election to save tho town for tho coming your. W. C. Grlllln nnd John Wocrner wcrotlio clerks and J. A. Froman, Geo. Anderson and W. II. Mullane Judges. The voting com menced ut about ten o'clock and clos ed nt six, alter seventy vtos had been polled or about one third tho number registered. As thoro wus no opposi tion to any ot tho ouidldutos tho wholo democratic ticket wus eleoUd, tho following being the vote. M. r. Kerr, ninyor W. O. V'onrnor. trustee. . . C. M. Whlehor. trustee 0. W Cowilm, mem bonrd wtu W. 15. Orr, recorder D. I). Clnrk, marshal Only two voles were polled box fur member of board of education outsldo nf town in tho school district. Quito a number of scattering votes wero polled, though Mr. Kerr's uauio was not scratched on any ballot. Tho republicans cumo In and voted the rooster ticket without a scratch, though n few mutilated tho rooster. Tho now board which gives general satisfaction throughout, to all fuotlons of tho democracy und tho republican oloment, will meet In regular sosjIou tho first Monday In May, though tho board Is legally installed at present, tho certilloatos ot election having been Issued. .10 votes .as m .67 " In tho Kvcn tho most vigorous, and hearty poi plo hnvo nt tlmos n feeling of wcnrlnpia and latitude To dispel this feeling take IlKttltlNK; It will impnrt vlu-nr and vital ity. Price GO r.taj for salo at Eddy Drug Co. Notice. Notice I hereby ulveo, that on nneoant of n nelnr In urn rendition or ilie Jotlg tni-nt of lht loirt In th oio of Th Territory nf New Mexloo vs. Tbo Tax I'nyers ofltddy count, I will euutluuo the tax snle. advertised to tnkn ptno on tli h 10th dy or A !''!, A. I), 11)00, to nijfl until the lth dhy nf April, A, I). 1000, nt 10 o clock n. m of said any, enlo to lit tmld In front of tho court limine nt Until bnd, N, M. J. V. Matiimok, Treasurer nnd Uollootor Democratic Convention. Tho democrats mot at tho court house In mass convention Saturday afturuoou'.March 31, for tho purpose or electing delegates to tho territorial convention to bu held ut Albuquerque April 13, 11KX). Meeting wus called to order by Chairman Orozlor. S. T Hitting elected chairman pro tern and W. K. Orr secretary. On motion a committee composed or W. II. Mullane, Dave Kemp and M. J. Murray wus appointed on reso lutions, and J. L, Kniertion, M. Cun ningham and W. It. Owen wero ap pointed to submit names on delegatus to tho territorial convention. Tho committee on resolutions pre SVliU'd. the following report which wus ndopUd: We.tliodoinocmlsot Hddy county In convention tiweuibltd fully endorse tho Chicago platform with tho added declaration that we uro opposed to trusts und Imperialism In all forms, recognizing the turlfr tux as tho breed or i trusts. Weeondemnthtt MoKlnloy admin istration for Its action In Ignoring thu time honored custom ot neutrality by favoring Groat lirltluu and in tying to tho tutl of thu lirliish kite In thv Ilay-l'uuinfote ouuut trouty. Wo rttttogulze with plMsjrt) tho growing popularity of that pserltraa staUwinau Wm. .1. Jlryau and hsroby endorse liliu us thaoundust uxpotieut of de tuoeruey lit the t'nltwd Stated. Wo oondetnu tha mpHblloaiMi or Now Muxloo a tha moat corrupt gang or boodlera ever known in tho terri iory as is proved by tho ooul oil In aiivetiuu law which robs the people UW duy in tli year. Wo are unalterably opposed to the prowut system et nntianal taxation believing that the only true govern ment is uusmI on dret taxation, a ugulnst the the tariff tax. Wm. II. MtlM.AMli. D. L. Kwjtr. M. J. MuititAV. Tho oommiltoa on immw of dole gate to terrltsrlitl oonvenlisu sub mitted uuinea of M. t, Blewort, mii. H. Mttliano uud W. W, RdUtvOfldt wh ware UHUHlsMiMiy otniiki by U asu- A cowboy wns pulled yesterday and lined (5.00 nnd oois. amounting to Jl.Oo, forlfnst riding on tho street. Good work ut the blue photo tent. Pckln duck oggs at M)cts. per setting nf 12. Leave your order with the money at Looks. Ho has It. Who? Wheat of course, You will llntl him nt Gambia's old Bland with grocorlos, candles, etc. Many people siilTer untold torture from plies, beonuso of llio iMiptilnr Impression tlmt Ihpyenii nut bo nired. TAItLKU'S IIUCKKYK PH.KOINTMBNT will cure tliuui. It has met wub ndsolutn humch l'rlee, 50 cti. In bottles, tubas 75a. I Perfumes j Wo cniTythofinostlino ) ? Of perfumes nirule. ? S Have just rocoivod nu ? S ajotfont now lino of tho It tost odors and can plonso ovory tasto. ? b INnmino our 8 took 5 s -syjion you are in noxt i ? tiino. I Eddy I Drug Co. Who ever heard of "assossmont work" to hold a homestead? A homo stead must bo tho only habitation of the claimant or ho is liable to contest. After the surrender ot Gen. Cronjo and his little army or 3,6000 in on to thu overwhelming rorcc of 40,000 Brit ish many people expected the Doers to glvo up and quit. All who thought thu war was ovet now roallie their Judgement was wro;g. Thoe horrid fit ot iuprwion, inalnii elioly, low sinrriu, ml muMwi Irrltabtiit) , that sometime altltct weu cHM.ieuirwl ItaoplH, m due to the IiUmmI IwIiik priiiert mi with black bile. IlKltlllNB will purify the bliMMl, rwtare healili anil hrfulii PrlaiUeiU. FurSitle nt Itddy Drug tvi. SLIPPHD TliniR HANDCUFFS."" Sheriff lllgglns' Convicts Cnmo Near Making their Oscape. Sheriff Fred Hlgglns, of Itoswoll,ao oompanlod by his deputies, K. Ilaca, Leo itlcharda and Mark Howell, oamo iti from Itoswell last night with tin convict for tho Santa Fo poltontlary. As ho was taking his birds off thu train at tho Texas t Puclllc depot, Sheriff Hlgglns noticed thnt six of tho convicts hud succeeded in getting their hands out of tho handcuffs, or rather three had slipped their bracolets, which loft six free. Thomon no doubt In - mako a broak for liberty as coon as they got oft tho train, and sov oral of them, if not tho wholo six, stood a splendid chance to escape. Dy dodg lag Into the crowd or peoplo at tho do- pot tho convicts would havo boon safe from the guns of the olllcers who would not havo risked shooting Into the crowd. tint Sheriff Hlgglns saw something was wrong so ho stopped tho men then and there and readjusted their coifs boforo going a step further. Tho pris oners were placed in the county Jail for safo keeping until this evening when Sheriff Hlgglns nnd his deputies will take them on to Sautu l'o.1'.l Puso Times. Cuts, wounds, burns, sprnlns nnd bruise quickly heal If you npply ISALLAltD'S 8NOW 1.IN1MKNT. I'rleoM and Wots. For Kale nt Kddy Drug Co. fleo A. Sourborough of hi Paso who killed Martin M'ltosoand Jno, Sellmmi was killed at Doming Thursday morn Ing by atttltwa who shot him from ambush. That Throbbing lleadncho Would quickly lenvoyou It you used lr Kinu's New l.lfo Pills. Thousands ot suf (erers havo proved their matchless merit tor sick and nervous hondnohos. They make pure blood and build up jour health Only 36 cents, money back It not cured .Sold by all druggists. 2T CDntl Tim nnntr r J THE CRICK. l sT i ivmim WWWHI. 1 u v. I'ltHMINAU D. M. Smart or Otis wus doing tho forks Monday. Joo Ourleo or lllg Sprlnus spout Weduosday hero. Mart Fanning und Jask Ilrogdsii wore hero hum Sovmi Ittvcni thta week after Mcxloans to attend tho lambing season. Jnck Conway oatue in ham Ft. Worth and will remain a fow day bo foro louving on an oxteudeU business and plousuro trip, Bhnrltt nnd tm, Sltwnrt wero vtslttng rrlnttvM nt liopo this week. Una Luom onme in from the rnnth Uit Suuday from tho hind of lllnok river. A. Lott onmo down from the rnneh nftor hU fnmily who hnvn beeu visiting era for somo wteks. Jo Woods, of Hope, estne down Inst Hnodny ulght.ns full ot life ns n 10 yenr old boy, John Itucfts nnd deo, Williams from the hend of tlnOrlok, wero down Thursday. (lorotno Kdwnrd took the trnlu Inst Snturdny nt Mc-Millnn for Wyoming. LOOAI.KTES. I'he election board, consisting of Mesr. siullnnr, Andorson nnd Kromnn us udgtn nod Woornir and (irlflln ns olerks, us press thnnks, nwfully, to Mnyor-elect Kerr nnd Aldermao Woerner, tho former for a box of One cigars tho tatter for oranges, etc., daring election dny, The oily election pn sed off serenely without the loss of blood or even cast words. Indications are thnt the fruit orop will bo the Inrgtat ever known In southern New Mexico. I lenrn thnt John Onntroll will instltnto ult agnlnstthe Pen Vino It. It. tor 83.00 dnmnges In mnriSering his o'possutn on thu trnok nbore town Inst winter. Joe Hunt accepts tho scoretarv ship of tho Carlsbnd saloon nnd will conduct tho nflnirn of his odloo with beoomlug dignity, A trip to Seven ltlvars and Hope last .wek was highly enjoyed by Mi. Unnm, Tho oonntry and benuttf ul streninS pre sent a scsno indeed pioturtsqne, Your correspondent Is under appoint obllgn- tlons for courteous tri-nttnent, to W. I Kdwnrds, unrt t'nnnlng, John fleckeit, Grozivr. PENDLETON & CO. Livery, Peed (t Exchange ....Stable.... Good Rigs at Reas onable Rates. W. A. KERR . Nt OA Willi uny itmi. rrp ei rn- I'ollle eolleptors only ciuploywf. R E A L E S T A T E A G E N T Taxes Paid Housos for Rent and Sale Farms and Ranch Property for Sale 2s Tout Ilmivnti, Jiessrs. Cox nnd 1'lndlvv and llnli Hroadon nnd tr. Uegrlst and their elegant fnmilles. Tli" Hour nrn nirnln on tho nasresslve and have towered the uumorlcnl streiith of the llrltlsh 3K0 and seren big gnns in ono littlo skirmish. As neunl, llrltlsh losses wore much heavier tlinn reported In tholr first dlspntches, Yes, tho Philippine wnr hns been over for omo months, but fleu, Otis still entiles tho usnnl onsunlty list. Aud still itiewnr goes brnyely on. Mr. and Mrs. Jnko Klrcher lost tholr four mouth old baby glrljlust night ot pneumonia. THE PECOS VALLEY AND Oroot Onttlo Trail Routes. This Hue Is now miulpped lull nocoiniii(MlsletltiKrMt nnu Hie luu enitl imsliiHM ot the 1'eeos V nnu us nujainmi icrntory. It Is the entile shippers ling from all txilnts on the Nerthorn I'lnlns ntld from the aruat rnngox ol Itin vnlloy. Only to hour liv fnst trnlu hotwren me Kreai nmrnoi 111 to as alloy ly nt (ty. Knnsns ( A Keneroti mnnncomont. A friend of the vnlloy. Tho jirenl plnlns hnvn bon peopled througli tho medium ol this railway. fnrlsbnd, Hoswoll. I'nrtnlej. llovl nn, lleri'iont nnd Canyon City, all polntOt(UlpiUinl.jioNv well equip ped with fowl ntifi wTUhf. 1 Address V.. W. MAIlTINI)Kl.t (I. r. it V. Ant. V II. NICIIOtJj, Ooul ManiiKcr. Konnoll, Now Moxleo. vy v vvy"v"W'rT Mr. nntl Mrs. Duck Stobattgh nro the happy paronta of a uow buby, girl who arrived Wednesday. Spreads Llko Wildfire. When things nro "tho best" thoy bocoino "the best selling." Abraham Dare, a lending drouglst, of ltelluvlllo, O., writes; "Klectrlfl Hitters ro tho butt selling bit ters I havo handled m 30 years, You know why? Most dlsoasea begin In disorders ot stomach, liver, kidneys, tmwols, blood nod uurvos. Kleotne Hitters tones up tho stomach, regulate the liver, kidneys and bowels, purillea tho blood, strengthens tho nerve, henco euro multitudes of ma Indie, it builds upHtho cntiro system. Put new life and vigor Into any weak, sickly run-down man or woman, Prlco ISO Mills. Sold by all druggists. ?'"rWTW' JAMB8 W. AI.HXANl'Ult, frp. JAMItrl It The Equitable Life Assurance Society. of lite United Stnles. IIYDB. Vlce-rro. ONtstnnltiAMurneo Uws. II. m i,6rilji, AaMraofo niiidled tnim 3fJM.si8J)u ItxawlHSil aud fjssilllad ,il,7.(0 Kw AHUrntlKi tsMied 3Q,Mj,f.0) Inaooie M,gTi.a.SS asmU I)eoiir )U tm M,li,s.w Surplus BI.11I.IT7.TT Paid Palttyhiart In -4 4 DKALKK IS".. General Mhandije F0t flBOOJBKTIDS A SPECIALTY. Walter N. Parkhuwt, Oeneral Mhitnger, Kw Max tan and Arttatta UapaHHMnt. AlbtinvHKa, .VSvt- MixtSM. John Li Emerson n asi Win. 6, Relff Uooal Agents Cnrlshnd, New Mexico, V