1 93
NO. 8,
Ji.'j.u.Jt 1 1
I cioars, S
case ooods.
Additional looali on Inst page.
Mrs. w. .1, Harbor Is Hated among tho
Dick this week.
W. II. Merchant wont to llostsoll,
Henry llcslng gavo bond Monday
and was rolousud from Hotel do Stuw
art. Frank ilarflold returned from a thrco
month's visit to Fort Worth, Tues
day. Choir practice at tho Methodist
church every Suturday night. You
aro invited.
Mrs. S K. Horry's little boy is down
with biow fever, tho llrst auto of the
season, so Buys Dr. Whlohor.
Word was received from Oapt. Shat
tuck, Wednesduy. Ho continues to
grow weaker and alt hope of his re
covery is gono.
Miss Alilo J'rynr, who spent tho
winter In Carlsbad for her health, loft
'Wednesduy morning for her homo in
Kedwood Falls, Minn.
Tho Carlsbad public schooljwlll close
tho 27th of this month after n vory
proUtublo session, Thuro Is, however,
always room for improvement,
F.d Gamble has placed his soda foun
tain In position und Is getting things
shaped up for tho summer trade, ltd
lias been "sottln' up" tho boys this week.
J. 0. Cameron went up on the train
yesterday morning to ncur tho Chaves
county lino where his Dock of sheep
aro being held during tin lambing
Conway and Camp hauo dissolved
partnership Mr. Cump retiring. Mr.
Camp has rented the club roum attach
ment to the saloon and will run It in
the tuture,
To-morrow you will bo welcome to
worship with tho liaptlst church.
"Tho KuBurrootlou Seui" Is tho morn
ing subject; "A Memorable Hunter"
the cvcnlmr theme.
W. T. Nelson has moved from his
ranch on Kocky to his farm at Seven
Illvors, whero ho Is putting in n crop
this season and doing considerable
improvement work.
M. C. Steward and family and tho
Misses Oage of Hope, John Stewart
und Joe Cunningham visited the big
caves. Tuesday and report having had
a big time as tho day was oxccllent.
MIssUuddiB, who has been horosov
oral months visiting Mrs. A.J. Craw
ford, departed Tuesday morning for
Lawrence county, Ohio, having recolv
cd W . ' A tho dangerous Mines of her
Next week, Friday evening, tharu
will bu given n Junius Whitoomli
Itlluy program at the liaptlst social to
bo heid at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
Win L. Moltwan. Hours 8:00 to 10:00,
All are invito;!.
Tho examining trill of Charley Will-
burn last Saturday before Justioe
ItoberU resulted In the aomilitul of
Wlllburu. Willburn was charged by
h neighbor, Mr. Aug. S. ilarrii, with
lurcwuy of u oow the property of Harris.
Mrs. K. M. SktwU left Wednesday
morning for Itngtand to be absent six
months on n visit to hr old home. Mr.
Skeats acoompanled hert Amarillo.
Ileturn ng he ! ft nt o ce for Rl I'aso
With his Inbrstory. lioth Mr' and Mrs
Skeats will return in the full.
W. A, Flnley and 0 A . Itlotiardson
of Koswell wero In town Monday night
in the Interests of the Koswell street
fair to be held Oct. 0, 10, II and 12. It
was proposed by tho gentlemen to
hevo all ltddy and Lluooln counties at
at the fair and oall it a trl-couuty fair.
A flno plan for Koswell.
8.T, Hitting. M.j. Murray, J. W.
llurfleld, Qeo. II. Ilutchlns and Mr.
Glenn, of Dallas, visited Willow Lake,
Saturday, camping over night and re
turning tbe next evening. Ducks
were plentiful and wero slain without
mercy, but fish wero a scarce article,
the wind belHff tee high.
Mrs. W. U. Dannollyof Malaga, hns
a boy suffcrina-froni cczama.
J, D, SorSr, tho well known Abllcno
drummer, vas hero Wednesday.
ltngineer W. M. Jteed, of Koswoll,
was In town Tuesday looking up busi
ness mattors,
1). W. (Inrwond was In town Mon.
lay from Itoswnll, shaking hands with
his many friends.
J. (1. Tyson, 0. J. Stewart and W.
F. Woodrot residents of Midland, were
in town Wednesday.
Hunk Harrison, of Muck river.
brought his son In lust week to bo
treated by Dr. Whlohor for chills and
Mrs. Jennings, mother ofT. A. Kzoll
departed Monday for Midland after
visiting her sou and family for several
J. It. Luvorty received a lottor Tues
day night from ltd Robinson who Is
now In Horkiey, Cat., but will shortly
leave for Honolulu.
Jas. Kibbce, of Koswell, was In
town this week looking ovor tho
muny Improvements miulo in Carlsbad
the past two yenrs,
An Inch und u half of ico Tuesduy
night nt Koswell destroyed the fruit
crop this season, yet they say Koswell
has as good acllmutoaB Carlsbad.
Mr und Mrs. (Ico. II. Webster and
daughter, May, of Chicago olid frleml,
Miss Diiughadity of St. Louis, are the
guests of (Jeo. II. Webster J r. of tho
Vineyard Stock Farm.
Tho Methodist Sunday sctinol Ir
prepurlng for u picnic Saturday, May
tfth, when the young people will en
joy a day's outing under tho escort of
tho teachers und odlovrs.
V. 1j. Hamilton raturned Wednes
day from JCI l'uso where ho spout a
couplo of weeks in assisting Tom
Jlhokmoru In gsttlng his stock in
shupo for opening. Tom opened up
The Hat round-up has boon at work
on the river ubove town MiIr week.
Woduosduy thoy worked urouud
tho six mile dam aud Thursday
they ronnded-up Jilst eastof Huger
uiiiu Heights.
H. It. Wilson rccolvcd Tuesday
night a souvenir sketch book of the
1'hllippluo Islands, containing muny
Interesting and ploturesqito scone.
rho book wus sunt by his sou who Is
In the army at Manila,
0, A. Klchardson who spent a
couplo nf days In town In tho In to rest
of tho Koiwcll fair scheme, dopurted
Wednesduy for Albuquerque to repre
sent i hi democracy of Chaves county
in tho territorial convention.
Mr. Chambers, wife and daughter
arrived a ooupia o weeks ago from
Colorado Springs and will spend sever
months In Cartsbad. Mrs. Chambers
Is a distinguished member of the W. C.
T. V,, being press superintendent for
It. D. Ureeu of ltsleillno, Toxas, who
has ben here n few days to purchase
oow oolites, left for home Wednesday
having boiiKht forty lieud at from So
to MO (Mir head. The (himIm were
driven ueerosi the eouutry to u l'ati
HaudU raneb, starlit Th - 'ay.
J. F. Ma'heson says the wool mur
ing pUnt will be ready to begin opera
tions as soon us the foundation far ths
boiler is built, which will be oomp'eted
one day next week. Mr. Malhesun
said the slieopmeu would not begin
shearing before May 1st, consequently
the scouring plant will not begin opera
tions until sueh time as stiflleletit wool
comes in.
Geo. Molllles got In Thursday from
seventy-live miles cast tho plains,
brluglng In 7,000 pounds of wool for A.
J.Crawford. George lost one of his
best mules from oollc two weeks ago
while out on the plains. Mr. Crawford
lest 10 head of sheep during the storm
of last week, Wednesday, they being
frczen to death by the gold rain and
II. M.Sims and (I. W. Medley, of
Valentino, Texas, this wek uurehttsed
the Ilagermnu farm slxtcvrt miles
south of Carlsbad, and will turn It into
a lino stock ranch The price paid was
0IMUXX) the property oonRistlng ot 4,000
acres with private water right. Messrs
Medley A aims are heavy welgls In the
ItMk business and will sloek the farm
with lugh grade outtlo, putting In
abttit tfftO aerts of ultalfa.
Treasurer Muthoson will sell all tho
property on which tuxes amounting
to fWutiit nvei, liavo not been paid
sines Ul nt public unction next week
Wmlnoeday, April 18th. This will
give tne popl a olmnuo to get some
Oliotco property ul a bargain, nnd will
nlse demonstrate to prnporty owners
that taxes must be puld or tholr pro
perty will b sold.
Mayuurd Shae sent in several
brandies from poach und cherry trees
veRtorday. un !examlnatlon of which
showed that some of tho fruit had been
Injured by the recent oohl weather but
the duuiiigo und Iom is vary light so
fur. Thu fruit Is just forming and If
good weather purvnils a lino crop will
bo harvested this siusou.
Mrs. Mury A (lilsnn nnd daughter,
of muffs, Ills., arrived Thursduy and
huvo rented one ot tho Tracy oottuges
on Canal street. Their oar or house
hold goods will arrive next week
Mrs. Oilsou's two daughters who have
been here several weeks found tho oil
mate very bnllolul am) the family
will make this their future home.
Win, II. Muliftne departed Wednes
day morning for Albuquerque as a
doleguto from ltddy county to attend
the democratic territorial convention,
which wu held at that place yesterday,
The other delegutos, Messrs Uutewood
aud Stewart, wero prevented from
Owing to oold winds, Monday and
Tuesduy nights, there wus n slight
freeze but nut enough to do much
damage to trult.
Tho ol'uhknt can do your printing
much butler and us cheup iia you cutt
get It done In Chiuugo.
W. L. Hughes, who Is ut present Inj
Itoswcll, coutraiplutcs making that
place his home. '
Thu high priest of tho Motllkltes
Itdwurd Cadweil, spent Sunday in
Spcclul Kuster services utthuMetho
dlst church to-morrow.
Consldoruolu sicklies, mora than is
common, Is reported.
The IntMt thing out In
8m the line I nm (lUplnylng this
wk el ItrlHtit, nsw lUwJt You mn
Hot what you wntit nun" fit the latum
tylM. all fllom allU lliniles. Privet
5, io, up to 50c.
fS.'Meti4!6 tiLVt. ioc
Duck Skirts:
Whit ami ealBTBd. All alien and a
only JO lilt. Y01
Bead Spreads
n 1
1 Fertume5
l Vo CMirry tho fiiiont lino
? orfiorfumos nintlo. ?
S Tlfive just rocuivod an ?
S ologint now lino of tho
s lnfc; odors and onn )
SploiTBo ovory tasto. )
b Bhcainino our stock )
K whan you aro in noxt c
7 tim.
I rug Co.
Ooiuo and seo tlioso
II. A, Nymoyer left Monday for
plains to do somo more surveying.
Mr, and Mrs. A. S. GnoU tiro ex.
pected homo tonight from an eastern
Mrs, Handle, living in tho old Den
nett hotue, has a child sick with pnuu
Mrs. L. M. Collier returned, Tuesday
from a peek's visit with her husbuud
und daughter in Koswell.
Mrsltlen.c. Sturkweathor and two
children, of Amarillo, are hero visiting
Mrs, Wplchor for a week.
I'lJOjIHrown, of Kminott Spring, Iowa
loft for homo Monday, having spent
the .winter hero for health.
Frank McDanlels nnd Miss Kthcl
Myers were married last week In Kos
well. Congratulations, Frank.
Ileulah, oldest daughter nf Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hipp, of Illack river, was brought
In Thursd 1 for medical treatment
Dr. Wright reports Herman Hlnner
a health seeker who arrived some
time ago from Massachusetts, as III
with tho rheumatism. Ho Is In thu
Arthur O'Qtilnn had his usual bad
luck with Ills delivery horse, Monday,
which iMtiltod In ono wheel ot the
wagon being smashed up and
utrewn aloug the street for omo
tanco. S
Kov. Sawill'rB. Miss Viola Todd and
MIms Maud Hughes visited the six
mile nam Thursday for tho purpose
of catching a supply of llsh. The re
sult wusacutch of twenty; ono largo
one -about size of a fumpklu seed.
Tuesday, (Ion. DoWet inflicted tho
third defeat upon th(i llrltish within a
week ut MuerkatHfoptein, killing and
wounding (KXJund (HipturiiTtsOO llrltish
wltli twelve wagons Tho noer loss
whs five killed and nlno wounded
Lord Roberta' unity Is completely stir
rounded by the lloors.the water sup
ply cut olf, leaving tho llrltish army
in a tlx.
Dastcr Services.
There will be special services ul the
Methodist church Sunday morning.
Songs approprtuie for thu occasion
have been prepared. All are oordiully
LostrA Marlln 31 oal rllle between
.lump's feed yard and tho O. K. shop.
Finder please return to II. A. Wiggins.
Cuts, wmiwli, burns, iprelns ami brulm
qotPSly bMl If you apply IIAM.AItll'H
SNOW MN1MRNT. I'rleeM aud Mots.
Ker ihtle at Ntldy Drug Oe.
Mrs. Hud ltattoe itnd children rc-
turiiud last night Tor a week's visit en
Illituk 1 Ivor.
J. D Lwi, of Clifton, Ariz., was In
town yesterday en roum to Koswell for
n short visit.
Mrs. Farewell and daughter left ys
terday for Denver, where thoy will
maku their home,
J. J. Hagermau'a biMliieN blook In
Colorado Springs, ono of thu best lit
the otty, wus destroyed by lire Sunday
morning ut one o'clock.
.lus.Klley.or Cincinnati, (),, spoilt
several days here this week. In tho
interest ot some twenty families who
contemplate moving to thu vmlley.
it la reported that tho ontlro fruit
crop north of Seven Klvurs and extend
lug Ui Las Vegas was destroyed by thu
sevore oold weather Monduy, Tuesday
and Wednesday, while Carisbad will
huvo a full crop if there Is 110 more
bud wuatlior
A Mexloan futnlly from 1'ooos camp
ed south of i'henlx, Thursday, when
It wus discovered that several
of the futility hail nttlv recovered from
amull pox very recently und wore still
possessed 01 moir intccteu clothing
of bedding, tho authorities ut l'eoos
Having reruseil to furnish thu futnlly
wiui money hiiuiciuui to uuv now
clothing and dlieufeot themaelvos.
nr. wricitt investigated the uaiu. furn
ished them with new clothing etc.
burning the Infected urttcle nt rloth-
lliir HO that no tears aro cutertitltietl nf
mo spreuu or this nreaded disease.
Tho l. V. & N. it. bus Issued
another time curd which goes Into
ulfcct to morrow, and chunges tho
time north of Carisbud, only, tho train
running ueiweuu hub place una rcoos
will run on the old time. Tho north
bound train loaves at 1Q p. in., nr
rlveaut Amurlllo at 5:30 a. in.-, tho
southbound leaving leaving Amarillo
ntO:fiOp.m., arriving at Carlsbad at
1 1 :ro p. m local time. 1 lie trains con
nect at Amarillo with n lust train to
Kansas City Southbound pnssengcrn
will lay over in Carlsbad nuurlv elnh-
teen hours according to this train, and
north bound passeugors will lay over
itinicen uniiru.
3. S. Croztei
ji'8t aortrjMieil
Ulmiiy carpom-
t'ollto collectors
only cmplofW.
The special committee appointed
by the National Llvo Stock Associa
tion mol in Donvur, April 10, many
states nnd territories being represent
ed, tho object of tho meeting being
to draft n national lease law for pro-
suntutlon to 1 congress. Many bills
woro presented but none adopted, thu
commltteo rocogulzing It wus a dilll
cult tmk to drufl u law which would
bo acceptable to all sections. After
much discussion the committee ad
journed to meet in Salt Lake City,
Utah, in AtigtiHt, when tho nutter will
probably bu dropped, the masses nt
tho peoplo being against tho national
loaso law.
Don't be n ready modo man when
you oau get a tuco tailor made suit of
clothes for the same monoy by getting
Joe Hounds to take your tuoaiure, at
Hurllold k Cuntrells.
Wednesday, tho hotiso ot -cured in
ail tho senuto amendments to tho I'orto
Klco tariff bill by a vote of 101 for, to
IKIugalnst. Thus tho provisions of
ine consiiiiiiious prohibiting ono
stato from levying a tax on Imports
from another, is set usldu, and accor
ding tn this law New Moxloo has n
right tn levy tin Import duty ou goods
shipped In from Toxas and other states.
Kotteu.yos rotten)
Fresh vegetables and frrmh bread
every morning at Wheat's.
Thu old Mann place In Ln Hurta was
sold to J. MuAuslin this week for 82,
000. Mrs. J no, Vest, of Otis, Is sicU thin
week aud under tho care ot Dr.
Tho shade trees are coming out in
good stylo and within another wcok
Carlsbad will prosont a decidedly dif
ferent appsaranoe,
Tracy & Moltwnu put up n wind
mill for Mr. Segrlst of Soven Itlyors,
lust week. Mr, Segrlst, who was iu
town Thursday, said tho mill f urnlehea
more water than ho could imo,
K. M. Gilbort nnd wlfo wero In
town a couple of days this week laying
lu supplies. Undo Hob Is an nld timer
and Is well known to ovory old cltison,
having settled on the I'cnusco, his
present homo noarly forty years ago,
Notice tho lino now ud of Hlllott '
Hendricks iu UiIb Issue, Mr. Hen
dricks always gives good goods at
very clone prices, und tn this way is
building up a largo trade. Tho stock
contains everything lu tho clothing,
dress furnishing nnd stockmen's cup
ply lino of dry gondii.
Mr. Hnlloway, who purchased Hid
Welch placo, was expected to to arrive
Wednesday with his family, but owing
to sickness, was dotalued. His son
'vho has chargo ot the placo, says they
have about 400 plum trees loaded with
fruit aud expect a flno crop this sea
son. Aliased tho Train.
Hut caught 011 to the tact that ho
could get a nice suit of tailor mado
clothes for loss money than a stilt nt
haud-mo-tlowns cost, by getting Joo
Hounds to take his meaNuru.
Those horrid fit nf r.uproMlon, molim
choly, low spcrlt, nnd sudden Irritability,
that sometimes nilllst even gnod.tcmpcrod
people, tx duo tn the blood holm,' permeat
ed with black bile. IlKIUIINK will purify
tho blood, rritoro health and cheerfulness,
l'rlco 60 tents. For Sate at Kddy Drug
JAMBS II IIYDlJ. Vlte-rra. 3
General Wlepehandie,
The Equitable Life 1
Assurance Society.
of the Unllcd Sbtcs.
AswmnM applied in UK wi,SM,s.tn
ItxamlKsti iU ItatflHiMl 3l,MI,7?8.Cu
Naw AftHNiiM tasmtl M 'J9l,3i,atoo
iNooma ja.W,50.M
AtMU liiesmliit M, MM fi. tSI.Mo
AMgp Wim.m a. . all ottar UsMtUta M,- mmmm
Bvmm M!!'.V.'."..!!.'.!'.!,".'.!,.'.'.'.""r.l"'.i..!.!!!!M'. m.ih.itjtt
rui rWlwWWsta Ih i&i. aa.l,lll.U
Wulter Nt Marhliurit, fleiierril Manager,
.Vr Msaond AtMfta BtpartHWNt. AlhtMpwitth New Mttxlw.
Johii L. jainerson " and Whi. 6 Relfi s
Uooal Agents
Carisbadi - New Mexico;