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CONGRESSIONAL GRIST WASHINGTON GOSSIP. The Ilouso roiuinlttae nn public miius una mnup a rnvnmuio roiwrt up on Httpreeeniiitlvo MoiuIpH'h Mil rmluo liiff tlio prliv of Innds entered under the deceit land ant in tlio onmo rate , n now paid for homestead pntrliw, nnd allowing kppoIKI entries, under Uio dew oH Innd law In certain (me. Tlio postoltleo npiimprlntlon bill has been llnnily agreed upon by tlio House caiiitulttco i n jiufttoltlcPH nnd poet rondo. 11 anrrioH n totni hi iiimui Fiin.MuiMXK), Tho economic MintHRP bill wnn also fa vorably ncted upon. Tin bill nuthor- Ixeij UiO use or n device liy wbleh (hmIii! ciijiti nr6 tmid fur only In case of use, nun it m designed to rnellltnto eoinmer- owi transactions lloproseiitnilvc Hay of Virginia, one oi pic prominent iiieiniers of tlie nun tiiry eoiiiiiillleo of the House, bus pre pared n bill to create out of the inlllUn or the several stolen n reserve vaUur ictir army ror uso In lime of wnr to sup pltiiilont the regular eervlcp. Tho bill contemplates u general broadening of tin) bfiolH of the imiliiiutl guard. It equipment Willi the Mervtee rllle and Its eoiliplole organisation In time uf wnr Into regiments, brigades, divisions nnd Tho other dny tho wlfo of ft senntor who thinks nlie Ik ii lliiguhd, but whoso friends hnve doubts, started n eonvcr Piitlnn with lleri' Von Ilnltubon, tho (Ionium ambassador, In IiIh nn live tongue, lie listened Hilleillly for I fow nioineiiiM, mid then g.illuiitly re marked: "Madam, you will do ine n gront fnvor ir you will speak HngllHh. I do not tiuduivtiind Herman very M'lill," Mr. Hunntnr looked surprised, nut took tho hint. Tho tmpuhirlty of the runtl free do livery service is elenrly deiiioimtrntPd by the nelloii of the House rnmmltloo mi poHtotlleeH nnd post rondri In fniiu lug the annual npproprlallon bill for the postoilleo (lenirtiiient. In the pstl iimttM MulimliitMl to Congress l,oOOt00 wm asked for tli voiniiiK yenr, nnn tin committee wnteii Iihh h reputation for economy, nfter I'rtrefiil Investigation voluutnrlly IncreiiH.'d the Hem to ft,- 7M,wua mill tlmt iitiiouut will lie hud milled to the limine. Tlio nnviil appropriation bill Iihh boeu reported to tlie House liy Acting fJluilr iniiii Foss of the naval committee. The .itnouiit curried by the bill Ih 01.!ilO. bill, the largest "er reported to tho House from the tmviil eommlttee. Aside from this, the report which iioeoinpnii Ioh the bill In rciutirknhlo for ItH array of facta regarding "en power the world over, forolKU naval progrnum nnd tho comparative strength of tho iiuvIch of tno grout poworn. invointmiilcu liy col ored chart, showing the upbuilding of varioiiH Krent navies. Tho Knitse, nfter four ilny of delmto, on Friday passed the Hiilixt It tito for tho Heiiato bill providing for u leirltor hil form of government for Hawaii. Tho bill now koihi In eonfuronw. Tho Dion! ItileroMtliiK feaiure of tho dny'M tirooomitiiKH wiin tlie atlemnt of Mr. Mill (Conn.) to Mivure the adoption of two nmcndiuciitK, one provlillni; for n rexlilPiit comuilMloiier iiiHteail of n del I'snle In Cointrnsti. nnd the other dcclar liiK Hint iiothlnif In the net should Im l.iterpreletl im n pledge or Mtnteliood. llutli were overwhelmingly dnfoitted. On motion of Henator DiivIm the Hn it nte on Tliurwlay couil( the liny I'niiiieurote treitty for the inodWIentloii of the Cliijioii ltiilwer treaty. AIhiiu three hourx wero Mpotit In tho i1Iciih kIoii uf the uuieuiliueiit to the treaty made by the Heunte eomniltlee on for eign relalloiiH. providing that "nnuo of tho eolldltloiiH nnd MlpulHtlniitt In xee .iloim 1, 2. :i. I and n. of article ! tdwll apiily to iiieiiHiiroM which tho united Hinted may llml It ueeexHiiry to tnko for KeeiirliiK by 11m own foreen. the defeime or tho United Ktnto mid tho mnliito iiniico or public orifer." Ueprwiontutlvi Hell luu Introduretl n bill which provide tlmt kooiIm iiiiiiiu faotiired by convict labor nnd trniiH ported Into any mate for iinv or Halo Hhiill bo Niibject m the lawn of mieb Htnto onneted III exerelne of ItH police , poworM, to the kiiuio extent iin thoiiKh ttieli Koodi wero proditeeil in Hiteh mute. TIiIm imiHiiro, If iidopted, Mr. Hull nay, wit) aid iiiiiterbilly In pieveulliiK the iiiuuufiieture of pkhIh tiy oonvlut labor. ih It will eniihle niiiuy hIiiIuh prohibit Iiik riicIi niaiiiifia'tnre within tholr wu IxiUinliirleH, to iiIho prohibit tho Hide of eouvlft-iunde jjoodn inunufitetureil In OIHW DllltOH. cnrw, with the thnv Imtiiilloii forma tloiiK nn In the regular service, mid In ililunwl to obrlnio tlm nwotwlty of n InrftO hlandliiB nrmy upon the expira tion of the present law. July 1, 1001, 4 JnrrenHliiK the HtnndliiK army to On.OUQ nnd iiuihorlrliiK the pretuMit voluntner nrmy of afl.txm. The bill tunkwi nil clilxeiw between the ae of eluhteon nnd foriy-llve llnble to military nervlre In the volunteer nrmy. It approprlnte l,00U,OOU annually for the iimlntenuiwr and tMpilpuient of lit iihiIoiiaI utmril of the W vera I lte mid reUlrM tho nc rtnry of war to knp Ih enrh utiile Hupply of ordttNUee tore nulileleot for nlly day' tine in the ttrtnl uf witr. No dlniKMltloii Ih iiimilfNitwl In the Heimte to ilUturb tlie wnr reremm ihx oh ilurltiK tlie proMiit Hetmloii of fan urtMt. lttMiliilemi ineinhwn of the fieiwie eomiulllw on lino me iiKm that , tho Hwwlon too fur advnwed to Jim tliy uny effort In tlmt dlrestkm nt prw. ut. Homo or them uny there U no intuiace In the premit nurpluH of rero iiiio, and they KmiHriill) nuroe llml Hi 'clrcunnitniH'eK would tint lienuli tho leinoval of the entire tax. li would bo it TOtunllcuted work to make mi eitiltn bio ailjiintmunt. They nay thin work nitiHt bo uuitorlnkoii nt tho hDKlnuliiK of n fowdoii. when tiudertnkeii nt nil. Mm. Mildred DoWey, wlfo or Ad liilrul Dewey. Iiah left the Crtiliolle c hureli. which nlie Joliiwl n few yeari co mid In which her inturlMxe to tho admiral wan celebrated, llur Intention wm uuiiotiueHl In tho Journal Monday tuorulng- Adnilrnl Dewey, when tb ieWHt wits roforrMl to him. sold: "Am to tho iUOMthin of whether or not Mt. . Dowoy hiH loft tlw ItHUtati ('athollf yhureli nnd will hereafter attend tho Epunwpai oiiuren wish iim, will you kindly my tlmt 1 hnrn no ntntWHtnt wlmtovor to mnko In thin renpeol." 'Jli ndtulrnl ndmlttell, however, Hint Mm. Dowey had Homo wm-Iih nco definitely Blroti up hor pew In 8t. Pnul'ii Cntholle church, 'flint Mm. Dowey ban deter mined to f himitp her fnlth l, neverthe Iei, true, nud tho knowledpe of It whh whlnpnred about from one to tho other nt Ht. John'M eliunii tliU inornliiK'. Hocrptnry (Ihko In rejolclnp; ovtr the mipww of Hip fuudliiK oihthIIoiw. nnd particularly Imvuuhc the tmnwirtlonti or the troiiHiiry dnrliiK the Juki few iluy denioiintrnte Hint the Rflvrrnment of tin I'nltiHl KtntPR linn renched tho hlRhenl rrwllt ever held III the Hiianetal world by any imilnn nt nny lime. Kiytlnnd recently UniimI h loon (lmwliin , iht cent. Intenwt at lis eeiitM on tin dollar, while the two w cent. IkiiiiIk millior Iji1 by the recent purren"y art itro now Mdlltiic nt a premium or I. Od, which i (univalent to Intereni of about .01".. por cent. DutitiK the Hevonteen dny hIiipp Hip iwrnwiire of the nut live and four nr rent. Imtitbi to Hip vftlue or $210.(HHI.(MMI out of a powilble ?ftl(),00n. (HM) outxtmidlUK have been otrerril for rcfuiidliiK Into the new two k mm. At liimt ?'Jo,ux,(KH have Iippii ofTerod by private IndlvliliinU, which hown how hard It Id to llnd well-jmyliiK lu veHlmeuiH. A fow weekd iiko a WaMiliiKton wtel ely (toper publlNheil n cartoon which excited a ureal deal of comine.r lie cntiNo ho many people roeoKiihied It m nn accurate representation of a imlnful fact. Adniliiil Dewey wiin rcpreiteuted tin nIHIiik uM)ti a htKii moot. A wouutii who bore a mrlkliiit roKPiiibliiiiiv to Jim. Dewey had already i-puiovtnt u laurel wreath from bin brow mid hud milMiltutctl a fool'H cap. She had ill voHtoil him of IiIk HWord mid hmnIi, which lay on n chair near by, and had Klrdeil him with a mwiirIpi1 belt of mock iIIhiiioihIm mid JIiiiIIiik 1mIU, and wiih removing IiIh eiinuleto nnd other Imdgulu of rank mid the meilaN mid dei-orHtloiiH that covered Id brmat and eoiKfiilliiK hi uniform with fnutuitlp decora Holm mid furlielowH like ihun worn by clowiin lu a clreun. The pic ture wa inidmmI urouiid every where, mid now everylMidy wijh thai II eon Hiliied more t rill It than humor. The rural fn-e delivery nyMeni of the Poxtollleo Depurtmeiit lain grown to Much proportion Hint It Iiiih been round tieceHKiiry to create two now iIIvIhIoiik to jiroperly liamlle It. An order lmicd by the piNimiiHler Keiieral itiiblliheH four (IIvImIoiih, the Kkixtoru dlvlMlnu with lieoihiunrlem nt New York, In cluding In Hm territory Now lCiiglaiid, Now York nud IVnuxylvaiilu. nine Ktnti, with HMflnl Agent 1. 11. llntb nway In etinrge; the middle dlvlNlou, headitimlprK ut I iiilliimt MtlH. ludhiiia, compi'lKliig Ohio nud nil HtntcH went of MlHMotirl mill Hutithorii Ntiiten down to nnd Including LoiiIhIiiuii, with K, M. Wlxe In charge; the witeru iIIvIkIoii. comprlKliig rtv m went of the MlHwmrl mid Iowa to tl i-onKt. Iienibiuartei-H at Denver. Colorado, with William It. An nln In charge; the Koiithern dlvUlon, In cluding eleven Koiithern males, head riuiirtorH ut Wimhlngton, with II. (ni ipient Clarke In chnrge. 'IliU onler will go Into elTiN't May In). The pa neigc by the IIoiihp of the Keii nte bill rntirylug an agreoment with the l:ilhiiiH of the Fort Hall Indian reservation, and making iippruirlMtlouti to carry the bill lulo cireot, wttlert a long Mlnndlng eontrovprMy IhIwhu Hipho IimIIiiiih and the HlateM of Wyo ming ami Idaho. The agmmetit, which the bill rat I II en. provided for Hip allot mont of part r the 1'ort Hall rimer va Hon In Heveralty to the ludlaim mul the opening to Hettlemeiit f Hip rumalii dor. Kor rcllniiulMiliig tiieportlouuf the roHorvntloii (Iiiih opened to Kotllement the IndlaiiH will receive JIHKMKMI. Of thin muoiini. X"r.(HM I to bo expended for the orectloii of u modern nohool plant nt fort Hall; $KX.(XX) U to bo paid, pro ruin, to each man. woman mid child of the IiidlmiH roHldlng on tno retH'i'vmiiiu wltlilu three inontlm after the iHiHage of the net; JBO.OOO thereafter annually for eluhl venrx. nud S'-Ti.ikki nine year thetvafter. The iigreemeut with the IiiiIIiiiih grow out of tho coiiHiant trouble which oxlutcd uotwiH-ii lliem and tho while mitt urn of Wyoming mid Idaho on account of tno persistent practice of the IimIIiiiih lu bunting big game outside tho reser vation in violation or Htate laws. 1'eople have attributed Admiral Downy' action to tho liilluoiice of Mrs. Dewey, who Iiiih never conoealwl her mnbltlon, but, on the contrary, for hc vera I iiioiiIIih ha Mnokeii with grout frwilom or her coiilldciice lu IiIh hu(whh. If he ileclilml to accept a iinnilim Hon. At Hint tlio admiral con demned tbtH UIph lu the iiHMt eiHplmt le manner, mid iimhI mieh InngiiHwt an HHllor are ofien addicted to wheu be aatd that lie would never be en trapped Into iiutkliiK a fool of hi meet f by getilug a iirraldeutlal ltee In hU iMiimet; but hU nroleaiHtloHH liar gradually grown weaker ami lean fro queiit, ami rtiially, before he atartoil anon nla reeeut tour ibruitfa Um South, be Informeil frtemia tbkt lie Intended to teat piddle HWit 1hwi t hh to Ids own eaHdldaey, ami would then decide whether he would allow IiIh mi iim' to W- need. When Mm. Dewer wan asked what ticket the admiral would run oil, she replied that It did net make much dirfereiiee: tlmt, ho be ing a lleHibllcHii. nud Hhe n Detuoomi. it WHh a NiHiidntT si far as imiIUIch was colieeniiHl. She bellevnl tlmt any pony wHiiin in- kihii io auopi iiiiii, ami tie would be the peonle'a candidate, re- ganlless of the ticket ukiii whleli bU name upeparni. noiu Ailiulrni mul Mm. iiewey nave rmntly expresseil roeeutmetit towards President MoKlu ley, Mr. llnutiH nnd other llepubllemi lumleni, whom they hold rpNpomdblo In Mme manner for tlie wnudnl about tlie liuiue and other iiewier iiiiiuneniH llmt have npM'iirtMl of late, and only lH(t week Mrs. Dewcv deehiipil that uho would like to have the admiral run for President simply to "knock out" MCKiiiiey. NettilHK but regret it ex iineseil to-day, imtb by Doiuoeruta and lU'publU-ans, mid "what a nltrM Ii the mont freijeut eoiiiiueu HOfihRTa AT A fcTANDSTIUU Improtintita Tlmt tin Will tin Alite In Miifs fof Two Msnlhi. . rxindnii, April la llrlloiw nro now lieglimlng, thotigli reliietHiitly, to ronl Ixo Hint Urd llnliert Ih In for n win ter pmnpfllgn, hisiliiK cevenil months. Thl h the end. In it Tew wool, of the high hopes bflrnil uhmi Uinl ItoborU' brllllnnt dnsli to Klmberley nud Itlootu fonteln. ProHirntlon are being made to hold Illoemronteln a gn I list siirprlMp. ljnl Kltchuiier uiu been given mi lniKirt niit duty, being reaHinlble for tho pttM loetlnti of the mllwny, while ltul Hob ortH In waiting for remounts ami win ter clothing for the troop whoso thin cotton khnkl uniform mul boots are worn out. notiM-til Ilmlwnt and (leueral dm ncro are IkjUi at a siamlsilll. Innl ItHbertH will prnliahly for some time oounite hi ieratloii to clearing the Pre Rlatp behind him of raiders and lo the rellet lug of MnfeRlim. for whk-li purio flinwreiilly flu ICIghth division now arriving at 'ne Town, ban been onlorefl to KlmlH-rlpy. What the i liHfM-ee are for an advance to Pretoria may In Judged from tie fact that from i,im u, lii.iino horses an on their way to the Ciim- and from the further fuel tlmt the military lull ortlig departmeiil only within Hie Iiini thni wiek iM-gnn making wisden klmkl unlfornis. It Is said It will take at leiiMt two moiiili to provide Uini.ihni tiulfftrnw. Allwal Norli. April 10. Mmnll ImmIIc of the enemy hnve Ihimi sent across Hie river, near the town of odenihml trom. The pout iferryi ha lieeti de. troywl. 'lliere In n lloer emnmaiido of (imi at Hnttxvlllo, A Inrgi-roiie has left Smlili Hold for Weiieiter. Then- oie inn cniiimiindoes anuiiid WetM'iier. lint this far there ha lieeii only outsmt tiring. A lieutenant of Hrahaiit's horsi- ha Ihhmi caiilurcd at Itnuxvllle tiy lloeix who had prevkuisly snrivudenil. The lauilrost In also wild to have liroken his nntb. A detachment of Cape artillery with three guns and a mum)mn of ijueen town inoiiiiied voltinteer arrived to-dtty. THOOPS HAVtt WORK IN ALASKA (limril Armleil Inilhiui I'mm ltrfiic nnil I.J-HflllHK. Vniii"otivir. 11. (.. April lu. Mtlrrlng m'piip followed the arrest of eleven Indians for the murder or Itert llorimi mul hi wife near Ktilllvau hdmiil, Alas ka. An nttempt to tv-uc Hie Imilnn prisoners ut Heine's .Mission was made by 100 young bucks, all armed, lo re pel whom the troops sinl lotted ut Ska gway were called oiii and the Indians driven oil without loss or life, At Hie preliminary examination It wiih shown Hun the Clilleals had tlrt lull the IiiisImiuI to death, subjecting iilin to many nuwltlcs, and during the following week had kept Mr. I lot ion a prisoner, rcpciiiedly utilising her bo fore Dually killing her. The gnutiHt Indignation prevailed nt Hknguay and mi organised nttempt wiih uiiide to lynch the prlsonei-s. This, Jiowever. was pre'eutiil by the tniojw. who suefiMsfully BuardiHl the Jail. Aii otber feaiure of the case was Hie vol untary surrender to Deputy Culled Stales Marshal Tanner of another In dian, who Is sold to have lieell eoll ivmcd lu l be murder. There are now twelro liidhius lu Jail awnlllug trial charged with the murder or the Hoi tou family, or eomplleliy therein. It seems thai Hie Chllkisii and Chlleai In illans lielleved they could coinmll mur der with Impunity, u-ciiuse an Imlliiu reiently reluitiHl from Mp.NpIIV Ulmid who had been pardoned while serving ii ten-year sentence for killing a white man. This Indian told the oilier ilia he had been well en rod for, ami a he was well dressed iihiii his release, hU term of detention appeared pleasant. The killing or the llorioiiH wa caus ed by a desire of the Indians to gnlu IHtrtsoealoii of Hie white woninn. ttao elatiil with their siijH-mtltloti llml a life for ii life I it necesalty. DBWKY'B CHICAQO THIP. Aiioilnil'ii Villi Ulll He Itirln.l.ily of Horlul t liursrler, Washington. D. c April I). -Mr. W. 11. Coukey and Mr. .1. M. Hleim uf Chi cago, nrrtven here lo dny ami iniiile arniugeiiieiils for an Interview wllb Admiral Dewey to morrow, ai which plmiH will Ih submitted for approval with refiH-i uce io hi entertainment by the city or Chicago on the second an ulvcrsitry or the Untie or Manila. Admiral and Mm. Hewej will leave hero on the !Bltti In a simm IhI train over tlio llallliuoro mid Ohio railroad, on Hie evening of Hie .toih n splendid ball wilt be given m the Auditorium In IiIh Imnnr. and on Hie followlug da there will be a narade. lu which the governors of all lite states In iln- 1'nlon have been Invited to isirileliMiic. No polltlra are to figure lu Hie celebration The Halllltiore A. Ohio rwllrosd, when II plareil ItH shh1ii irulii nt the iidioir al'a i1shmihI several days jr. lur.irinil him ilia I It could arrange . lie coiiM travel tlirough Ohio and Imllaua in Hie daytime If be desired io make ao siieeehe. but Admiral Dcwcj replied that isilllli-s hud leiililiig in do with the trip ami that he was not going uu a eaniMlgii tour. fifty livis t.orr. ICosult uf Ilia llrral 1'IciimI Ih Tisi- DflUaa. Tex.. April 10. Imports re ce4v.l at iHilla from the Hood per ttoiui auow conclusively that more (ban llfly Uvea have lieeii lost, Iih-IuiIIur lliose at AuallH. Many of the loealltlee where live wore probably kwt at Isolated from rullnMil ami teluMraph lines. Most of them are In the Colorado valley south of Aiwtln ami Ihtstrop. At noon It was report ml from Im (Iriiugetliat the river hi still rising mul menacing more country districts. The stream Ih now four feet higher than during the great Hood of last yt-ar. HiiKtmp 1 entirely surrounded by water and t-ut off. The property diiui age l iiurmouH. The wlrea In tho southern section are In it worso eon dli Ion than ever before. All wlria along the Missouri, Kansas tt 'IVxns Hall road aouth or Temple wore lost to-day. Kullroud trulllc of the soiiilieru half of the stale la alimidoiieil and alt out let to California are gone lMHause of the WBHhouts of the west em dlvlnlon of the 'iVxua St Pacltlc. THE PURPETUAI. PnOMISB. All through the Illy per fumed air Tho hull of ICntter chime With pardon for our nln ulclc eotili, Tho ovon nnd seventieth tlmo. Ilniton while bell of promlio peal, Whllo Hurpllced elioiuba Bins, I.ny on tho nltnrn of our Lord Uontrlllon'u ottering. Tlio rnro pnle flower of love, of faith, O Olirtet. the oriiolllod, Will how 'twnn nnl In wltt for us A loving Bavltir died. If nny earthly friend for tin lu Jeopardy hnil stood, Ah, would wo Imvo to plead nnd hex 1'or our jtoor gnitltuUe? Anil must tlio King of Uoevan ana Or aufferod ho In vain, Upon and Cnlvnry'a cruel eriMM, With all n mortal's pain? Oh, Iny aln' heavy burden down; Ho died that we might live, llt'll bear tho crow nnd semi n poaeo Tho world otin novor glvol VOLUV IUY. MAItGAIUCT'S AN RA8THU 8TOIIY. Tho old gray houo waa nilod wltii iquihIb of hurrying to nud fro, uf con tuilon nnd ob and nionnlns orln, but Margaret knew nothing of it all. Tho Ctrl had allppwl away from every onre ind was out In Hie tlehli delighting In (tic llmt faint HiibIi of dawn nnd tho Burn nlr en her ehoek. It had been n long while since Margaret had boeu gut of door. Thcro wn eurh Joy lu every etop that she. could not stop with the fields, but kept on dawn tho road until sho OUIl CHILD IR C1IVUN UACIC. rame to the village whore the bell were ringing with gladnees far Raster morning, and the children were carry ing flower to rhuroh. Margaret en tered softly and took her old place In the dim corner, foiling the window pic tured with tho story of Mary in tho garden. How good It seemed to bo there! The altar cloth was gllstenlog white, the dim aisles were sweet with the ' perfume of Illlea that Oiled the ohansel, a lew silent worshipers knelt at their j prayers, and Margaret bowed her own head with thoughts as pure and sweet with gratitude as the breath ot the 1 Oowert Now as she knelt In the quiet ot that holy place, Margaret wondered to hear with the dilating bell, soft silvery strain of tnuslr, such a were n-ver heard In (he little church before, nnd In feol the touch of n gentle hand laid nn hsr hair. Hhe looked up to co the beams of the mornlug sunshine atream lug down upon her and the stained window palpitating with glorious light nnd color, but wonder! as she looked ngnln tho stained window waa no long ar there at all; Instead opening be fnro her on every side was a lovely Barton sweet with (lowers. "This Is too good to be true." alio crlod, rising In u Itlnd of rapture as ahe felt the soft balm of the garden nlr In her fore. . "Mothlng Is too good to be true," said n voire at her able, hut Margaret onuld not discover any one. "Mny I enter Hit -'eh garden?" Margaret aahed of hereelf. thinking of liar poor, shabby drea. ao faded and patched, which sho was alwaya glad to hide In the dim corner of the aisle. Hut a Margaret, doubting, asked this question, the sun shining upon her dross, showed It to he glistening white a h the altnr cloih and the lilies In the chancel. In her confusion the girl put her linndH to hor eye to sen If ahe ware awake or dreaming, but ovary moment the vision grew more radiant. Tho broad si ream of Ugh, now tip ponrcd a pathway along w'.loh angel children wore ilng to and fro, nnd they smiled on Margaret and em hnmed her and drew hor tenderly with them, saying: "Mnrgnrot. dear little sister! Wo nro u glad you nro here! Have you come to stny with usT" and they made music far hor delight nnd showed her bounties of the garden past words lo express, then went their way to ap pointed tasks. As Margaret walked on In the gar den, borne about by n kind of winged ecstasy rather thnn by any touch of her feet, she camo upon tho (Jardoner taking cart of Ilia gardsti, and He turned and looked at the girl. "Sir," ontrentod Margaret, falling upon hor kueea. "may I atay with youT May 1 help you take care of this gar den?" "Margaret," said the (Innlenor. tak ing her by the hsndaud then Mar (taret knew It had been Ills hand on hsr hair and Ilia voice at her side. "You may help me. Margaret. In an other garden. You may work for m In the garden of human hearts nnd cultivate sweet and beautiful thoughts and make them grow." "Ilut I am ao tired of tlie old life- of the pain, the poverty, the hardship of It all I" and Margaret began to weep bitterly. "1 caNKot g baek to the old life!" "My ehlld, It la a new life I give unto you." . 'Ilut 1 must leave you I" "I shall be with you always," "Ilut we tatiM leave this heavenly garden!" "Margaret, my child, the garden shall be where we ore." It was In the old gray house nt sun rile, on Master morning, that the father was saying with bumblo Brntl tude: "Thank Oml. our child Is given baak to ias.M "The Iord Is merciful," sobbed the mother, "mowed be His loving kind ueiB. Bo Margaret was ante mnrii glyen health and strength., and as she want about hi daily tasks the radiant vis Ion of Batter waa always present with her and these words were always sing ing themselves In her heart: "A new life give unto you I am with you nlwjys-the Burden shall bo where we are." BADTIIH DAY. Clung! Clang! Clang! The penitential daya are done, Jehovah's Joy bells ring; And 'noath the glorious Uastor sun Wt ball the Lord, our lClngl Clang! (Nng! Clnngl On wlnga ur aplrlta wi.trr- In earnest words. In hymnal rhyme, In orgnu ihniI and belfry ehlme We hoar tho story o'orl Clang! Clang! Clnngl Christ rlre once again IVrfeitlon of creation's sum, (Irnnd miracle of martyrdom, To free ua from our pain! To llm I'lillilrnii. on Ussier morning the church doors are thrown wide open, and within tho air I sweet with the perfume uf n thousand llowrr. Violets, roues nnd lllt twlue about pillar and railing, and the altar look Ilka n groat, white blossom. With what Joyoim tnnea tho ' organ rlnua out. md what n glad thrill there la lu the voire that alng, "Christ Has lllsen!" Let us be very glad, too, for thcro Is never nny happiness that pomes Into our llvoa Hint Is not thoro become of ltaMer morning. Hand low and listen Intently, and you will bo sure to hear memwigea, In tho language of beauty and perfume, spoken bv (tin sweet-fiiced roues of loro nud Illlea ot peace. II WaiiUit In Oli I ma In. Ho sot on that tauter Sunday t was after prayer nnd prnlno And ho held up n dainty JuwqI To tho maiden's wondering gazo; While ho aatd In tho blushing fair one, Whllo hor bosom roso and foil. "Oh, give me, 1 pray, permission To ring an ltaster belle." At l!tr llrkft. It was at the Uaster breakfast table, and little Mabel asked: -Where's JobnpyT" "lie's dyelug eggs." somebody re sponded. Mabel opened her eyes In wpnder. Do dying eggs come from dead cblekens. mstnmaT" "Hero. June, take away this ome lette," gaiaed Mabel'a father, "ana broil me a bit of steak."