OCR Interpretation

Carlsbad current. (Carlsbad, N.M.) 1899-1907, October 20, 1900, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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Local News.
A. It. Teeple, of Koswell, nu lu towu
Itcgnlar. serrlcM to-morrow at tho
Daptlst churoii.
H. N. Alleri, tho Seven Rivera sheep
mini, was In fowu yesterday,
Cnpt.Trnluer was among the many
.passengers to Rosn'ell, yesterday.
W. F. Daugherlly, tho Hope sheep
man, was In town Mopdny apd Tues
day. Jno. llyrne, the sheep mnn, pu'ohased
forty rams this week from A. J. Craw-ford.
CarUbad Wool Markets.
J. P, Matbcion made the following
wool purchases rteently, from the fol
lowing named persons:
W. A. Watklus I0J00
J. II, Wood ,,..3,800
M.Jlalrd 3,(100
G. AY. O'Nell 7,100
W.E. Hcllyer , m
Lincoln County Trading Co. . , . .20,000
W. P. Daugherty 0,250
Bitting & Daugherty.., .7,000
P. C, Smith ,... 0,100
Hllrey White 2m
P.P.. Rlggs 0,800
!!. K. Itobb , ... .0.000
C. U. Hurbert 3.400
Julian Smith , 8,050
.1.0. Keith 31,075
tin. it- rtivrn it,..i,.tl
1... l a.I fcffMH.1.M M I vTIIIIU W Alt 1 1 Ot XJWHUlt liUVlUU It)
Iln W00' ' bringing on an average, about
' , , , , , ,, ' 10 cents. Depends on qunllty.
It. M Johusondias boon nursing his -
hand tho past week, from tup effects of rd Nymryur formerly or this plnco
aspllntet. ; has purchased a hotel .In W Paw nud
nas movoti muro irom AinmogQrao,
B. J. lUmwat, rrwIJ.al.
0. W. C.o, Tiff Fnt. A, J, Crr.wfer'4, UaUkn,
The First National Bank of Carlsbad,
,Vf4l , ff
Authorized Cnpltnl, - $50,000
PnldupCapltnl&Surptus 31,250
liiitiiul EiifiiiWil; ( Ual liMlWm JJM.OM
PiMoroaii V. . I'raafenl, r. 0 Trwy. 0.
W Chwilrn, A . J. tWfenl, II. J. Il.mm.i...
Prank UcOlenry, on ,pl I time JJddy
county man, was in town Tuesday and
f Wednesday.
C, A, Primrose of tly flentry snow,
cnino lu yesterday to Interview tho
newspapers. 4
L. O, Pullon has gojle to Clurlnnatl
to v,( hi sister, Mfs. Irvvln, who re
cently "roturned from Porto lllco
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'QuInn rejolco
lp the ndvont of n new daughter ' who
, arrived last week, Friday, the 12th.
Prank liarflold, who located In ilos
' .wtll a couple of months ago, has tigaln
returned 'o Carlsbud, business ;bclng
better here, la his opinion.
GntowOod & Dateman, the attorneys,
'" have rocqntly renovntod aud Improved
their commodious olllco rooms by paint
ing, paporiug nud otherwise brlghtcu
Ingup tho Interior.
Messrs. Cherbluo & Shernd have an
xexcellcnt pasturo for rams, also plenty
' 'of feed and good water west of town.
Sheepmen are requested to correspond
If In need of rams, or a good place to
keep them.
1). L. Kemp, Monday, sold his ranch
at tho mouth of Last Chanjo to Paul
(f Ares of Tozas. Mr. Area will locato
503 head of cattle near tho ranch, Mr.
Kemp still holds his locations at tho
head of Last Chance.
Tho train rrom tin south Thursday
was two or thrco hours late on account
Cf tho trucks of the englnojumplng the
truck Just south of Otis. A light en
gine was sent down and found that the
train crew aud Itoadmaster Stlnson had
gotten the locomotive back on the
I track. Tho train left hero ovor three
hours late.
Mr. And Mrs. Charley Wright sold
their farm of fifty acres to J, M. Hess
and tho transfer has been completed.
The place couslstcd of fifty ncres on
tho Hogers section southeast of the
Vineyard Stock Farm, with houso of
five rooms, stable, orchard, farming
, tools, etc., all well Improved. Tho
price paid was 81,250,
The Woodmen of tho World; are ad
ding new membdrn under tho special
dispensation allowing n rate of one
half tho regular Inlatlou fee, which is
810.00. Tho 83.00 rntu will only con
llnno for a limited time. The lusur
ttucolsthe least expensive aud most
secure of any, besides providing for a
8100 monument. Tho Woodmen have
a reserve fund nufllclent to meet nil ex-
ceptlonal drulns on the treasury inak
lug It perfectly secure.
CI. A.. White, the big sheepman of
Hagennan, was here Monday and
Tuesday he bought and shipped to Ills
ranch forty fino bucks from Mr. Cher
A lino. Uuclo Ueorgo don't say much on
" politics, bub says it looks a little bit
strange to sell wool for ten cents when
the tariff le even higher than that
amount. I'ls more of that grand thing
republican prosperity-Uncle George,
and you won't have to bear with It
much longer. Undo George says he is
for the straight demouratlo ticket now
though he has voted tho republican
ticket for eight years.
Tho proceedings for the extradition
of Nat Camp from New Mexico to
Texas have been dismissed, his attor
' . . . , , , 1 1,-4
having resisted the application for
requisition from (iov. Bayers of Texas
to (Iov. Otero of New Mexteo on the
grounds that the case against htm in
this oounty should be tried llrst. Camp
was charged with larceny lu Texas lu
two oouuts, also four counts In New
Mexleo. lie Is under bond here aud
hi extradition would relieve his bonds
men. The governor therefore thought
btst to try him here llrst.
J. W. Ilsrfleld and Sol Sehoonover
figured In a serious runaway while quail
hunting Monday, near Tucker's place
' south of town. The horse they were
drlvlug In some manner sot his bridle
off And at once started to run, Scbootv
overjumped out but Ilsrfleld stayed
with the buggy while tho home took &
' ruu of a couple of miles over the pral
tie bringing up at the ditch crossing at
Tucker's house. The horse plunged
Into the water wblnb was about four
Affect deep and while crowing liarfleld
jumped Into tho water. Tbe horse ran
up the bank and about 100 yards to a
feuce where be atruck the barb wire
and tbrewtilmself, fren which position
bo was extricated by bouoouover auu
Railroad Time Table.
Leave I'ceej ..... ttUp. m
Arrive ntCnrtttmil at ittop. m
travel CjirTfcd at Mlip. m
ArriTM ni iiimwwii ni oiu p.
Arrive at Amnrlllo nt SiOO .
miutii miuxi).
lMvr Amarlllo nl SiaO a
Arrlyvn at itMWtfl nt 2m p.
(ArrlVM nt CnrUtwa tt P
LcuvFuCarliltnil ,1tVn.
where he lived for tho past three yettrs.
W. L. JJobo Is home from Dallas aud
other Toxus joints. Whllo absent he
wait appointed commander 7or New
MexJ.co of tho flons or coufcdenito vo(o.
raus wllli rank of major general, and
power to establish comjpsUn N.ew
Washouts on the T. A, P. west of. V
cos caused the abaudouflcut of aUeaM
bound trains Wednesday and '.Tuiwhtf.
and tho Itlnglng llros,. ioy, blllcdi t0
show lu Pecos Prlday, qiwjctjljcd tho.Qn
gngement at that polnA and, wenft dli
reci 10 itoswen.
The marrlngc of Manager PolsgroM'
of tho wool scouring mill while absent)
In Muscogee, I. T., on Sept. 3rd, Is quite
a surprlso to his friends. His bride
was Miss Adnlllchardson of Novaua,
Mo., (the old homo of Mr. P.,) and nn
Instructor In ouo of the schools in Mus
cogee whoso resignation was not ac
cepted. Consequently Mrs. Polsgrove
could not como hero to live.
Father Albert Wagner came In
Thursday evening to perform tho mar
ringo ceremony, at tho home of tho
bride's brother, Mr. Harry Christian,
which united 'a. T. Heed and Miss
Leila Christian as husband aud wife,
Miss Christian being n Catholic. Mr.
Ilcod Is tho business manager of tho
Argus. Tho many friends of this pop
ular couplo wish them a long aud picas
ant Joumey through life.
Jno. O. McKeeu brought in a bunch
of a mixture of sorghum cnuo and
Johnson grass. Tho plant 1ms a soed
hooding very similar to Johnson grass
but contain many small cano seed; Tho
stalk also Is n very clear mixture of
cane and Johnson grass being about
eight feet tall. Mr, McKeen says that
when ground covered with Johnson
grass is sown to cano that two plants
will mix and within n few years by
plowing and sowing to cane all vestage
of Johnson grass will disappear,
Oemry Is Coming.
Tho educated ponies, dogs, monkeys
and small elephants, that will glvo ex
hlbltlom under their mammoth tent In
Carlsbad Wednesday, Oct. 31, afternoon
and evening. Too much can hardly be
said in praise of these highly trained
animals, the exhibition that they give
Is so utilise o other entertainments given
by educated horses nud dogs. Thero Is
not one dull moment on the program,
nothing that Is monotonous. It Is
comedy from start to finish it is high
class amunement and strictly moral.
Prof. U entry has spent yearn of tlmo
and labor In designing the most nttrao
tl ve way of exhibiting their Intelligence
No one In tho city should miss this
grand opportunity. Prices- tiro within
reach of all.
Laverfr Has Just opened a barrel of
No. 1 fat mackorcl.
ArrlVM nt Treat nt iltMn.
tTtie inulh bound train lavs over nlstit
Tho following from the Capltau
Miner refers to an erstwhllo Carlsbad
Adolph Norbom has opened up n flno
lino of confectioneries lu hlsnew build
lug on Fourth street. Mr. Norbom is a
progressive young mnn who camo here
some tlmo ngo from Michigan for his
health and ho is so well nleitscd with
our climate that ho has decided to lo
cato among us.
Tho finest lino of Crockery over
brought to tho Is city now i-u-routo
for Williams & dazley lu Tanslll
W-fl. Drown has about completed
his blacksmith, wagon nud paint shop
on Pox street wost of tho Ilronson
block. Tho building Is 20x40, two
stories, nud constructed of corrugated
Iron. Mr. Drown will bo prepared to
do all work conueotcd with tho black
smith, wagon and carriage lines as well
as all kinds of palutlug. Machinery
and tools of all kinds repaired on short
"The Llfo of a young Adventurer,"
tho beginning of a series of sermons to '
young men, Is Pastor Powell's uvenlng
themo nt tho liaptlst church, You
! are Invited.
Catholic Services.
Ilov. A. Wagner will olllolate at 8t.
Rdwanls at 0:30 n. m. Sunday. Oct. 88,
arriving Saturday and leaving Tuesday
morning. Trenching at morning ser
vices 8undny,in Hnglish nud Spanish,
Dinmond sotting, mount
ing mid Pino jowolry repair
ing nt Newton's Jowolry
btoro opposite post olhuo.
Messrs. Cherblno & Sharnd report tho
following fluti rams sold to dato:
W. H. Duokley 4f,
Cnmorou & Davis 17
Pete Marly 28
J. A. JJeokott 5
M.Ualrd 15
W.ll.Hllion 10
W. A. WntkinB 15
Mnlley 2
!. A. White, 40
0.0. Harbor! 5
Notlco tho advertisement of Mosirs.
Cherblno & Shorad In this Issue.
W. II. Slnughter, postmruitor nt this
place for four yearn nud nn old timer
hereabouts, hits been nominated cu the
democratic tloket for tho legislature,
for the couulloa of Dona Ana, Otero
nud 0 rant.
W. M. Dnuchnnuon, the popular dry
goods clerk, loft yesterday for lloswull
to spend a fow days seeing tho sights
and tnko a rest.
Hon!:-Monday, to Mr. nud Mrs
Geo. Lucns.n lino boy. Ocorgo Is re
covering, while motner nud son nru do
lug well.
All Kinds of
Outing "Waists, $1.00, $1.75
Flannel, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75.
Call aud Inspect tay new
Pall and Winter stook of
Hoods, A complete lino
to select from.
E. Hendricks
New Jewelry Store
..Opposite Postoffice..
The public- cordially invited.
Geo. L.Newton,
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Gleaning Watclies New Main Springes
$1.50 $I.SO
L. W. Holt was hero yesterday seeing
thu sights.
The P. V. brldgo crew went north
Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. (loetz went north
to Ilostvoll yesterday.
Mrs. P. S. Mutter nud sou were pas
scugera north to Itoswell on yesterday's
Tho city council nud lire department
will move Into their new quarters next
Lohts A prayer book. Plnder will
be rewarded by leaving samo nt this
Conductor Uossett's wife and mother
went up to Hoswoll yesterday to visit
and see the droits.
Mr. Puller, tho upper country horse
man, spent several days lu tuwn, re
turning home yesterday.
I. S. Osborne and wife wero passen
gers north to Itoswell yesterday. 1. 8.
said he had to see the elephants.
Thu city hall has tumimed a flulshed
appearance, the front having been put
In shape with doom for the admission
of the horse carts and ohemloal engines.
The lire bell has been placed In a tower
tin top nud u imrtltloii leaving ample
room for the lire apparatus put lu. It.
M. Johnson did the remodeling act
ttsblited by Stanley White.
Malaga Items.
Mr.Slisell and family have moved
luto the lloukro house.
Mr. Morgan Livingston aud family
have moved to the Young ranch.
Mr. P. 0. Itusb and family are resi
dents of Malugu.
Kd. Caldwell keeps one hand busy
chipping tomatoes aud apples.
Mr. P. U. Tracy Is a visitor at Mai
Quite a uumuer or our people are
golog to the show at itoswell,
N. W. Weaver Is our Hon. (Jo. Com
Who l Oliver DlUonV
"Man's Pond Hope: or the song of
the Siren" tho morning themo at the
Iluptlst church.
I). A. Starkweather, tho popular trnv
ellng pnssenger ag4it of the Pecos
Systom, went north yesterday,
Queen Olives aro tho llnest on earth
l oit enn got tnem nl Lawty s lu any
quantity you want. Ho has them by
thu barrel,
Mary Mooro left yesterday for a visit
with friends In Itoiwoll.
Mr. aud Mrs. W.T. Heed aud Mr. and
Mrs. Hurry Christian went up to Itos
well yesterday to spend a few days aud
see the circus.
Fresh oysters at Laverty'a every
Tuesday and Prlday.
Nature cau only feed the llame ot
life with the food eaten which Is di
gested. Herblne will relnvlgoroto u
weak stomach, and so Improve diges
tion as to Insure the natural bloom of
health. Prise Meeau. Per sale at
Pddy Drug Co.
Otis Observation.
Mr. Heard of Carlsbad was n visitor
In the Otis neighborhood Tuesday
morning, transacting business at the
Orange County Stock farm.
Mr. Mlhlfrc'l was quit busy Inst week
getting up his annual crap report for
, I. Co.
Mr. llreuels Is making preparation to
move to Texas this winter. Mr. llreuels
is n good ultlr.cn, Is making a good liv
ing hero nud wo will be sorry to lose
Mrs, Chus. Wright bus sold her farm
to J M.llewund expects to move
to Florida,
Prof. J, II. Goodrich was cycling
around among tho patrons of the
school Suuduy.
The Otis pupils seem to bo leading
strenuous lives.
"As the twig Is bent so doth the
tree Incline." Would it not be we well
for discipline to begin tho home,
Tho foundation for good manners
and good moral Is laid lu the homo
Scnscloss Twaddle.
J, A. Eddy, the chief of white, leg;
Rings und goif slicks of New Mexico,
Is out with u statement that should
Dryan bo elocted the extension of the
Northeastern nnd Itock Island wilt be
abandoned, No doubt Mr. Jdd)
knows more about knee brcochos and
Kuglish whiskers than ho does about
politics, and thut hu'luis iiiudo an ass
of himself this tlmo Is plain even t
an Kl Paso school-boy, Mr. Pddy's
proper sphere Is golf, aud Cottonwood
culture, and ho should not betray his
density by trying to connect railroad
construction with presidential elec
Two years ago the Now Moxlco
legislature passed thu Infamous coul
oil law and Governor Otero signed the
bill. In convention at Santa Pu inst
week tho republicans denounced the
tow as unjust. Hero Is a cnuo of tho
father denying thu offspring, Capltan
Residence for Sato.
llofore you build call at this ofltco
nud neo how cheap you can purchnsu n
lino livo room residence with 100 barrel
cistern full of good rain wntcr.
Presh shipment of pickles Just opened
nt Laverty'a.
Although Hrituln has spoliated tho
Hour republic and removed the Trans
vaal from tho map oflndlvldunl nations
tho Doer is yet troublesome. Hands
of the uncompromising patriots still
rofuso to pass under tho yoke, and may
yet harrass tho haughty Pugllshman
for an ludellnlto period.
Dizziness, loss of annetite. flatulency
and nausea are all connected with dys
nenslaor Indlcestlon. Herblne will
Klvo prompt relief. 1'ricotOcts. For
sale t Kddy Drug Co.
Oentry'a Dog and Pony Show.
Prof. Gentry's Dog and Pony Show
which win oxhlbit In Carlsbad Wednes
day, Oct. 31, utteruoon aud evening, Is
porhnps ono ot tho most wonderful or
Its kind In tho United States. Tho in
tolllgence of these ponies und dogs Is
truly wonderful, and It Is all dono by
klndnes. Kvory animal answers
promptly to his name, and does overy
thing he Is told to do except talk
Professor Gentry has 131 dogs, 57 po
nios, SS monkeys, and 2 small perform
in it elephants 42 Inches aud 45 Inches
high. The ponies aro all Shetland ex
cept "Kurekii" nnd "Dotty Dimple,
which aro Hast India "horses," tho only
two of tho kind In tho country. Tho
dogs comprise every ipecles from the
Ituslun poodle to thu Indian cur, but
they are smart. The backward sum
ersault, tho lamo dogs, tho clown dogs
the leaping of tho troupe of grey
hounds, and abovo all, tho trick of
"Omaha" and "Major" aud the re
markohlo acting of "Colonel" aro very
line. The pony drill Is superb, as Is all
the mischief making of "The Tougli."
VTli.t Caitltntr th. Pin. Paint $
Tbn Popular Anient,
The iinestlon In oftou asked, "What
aru tiio fine potnta of a Ilelglsn hare?
and In reply to Hint question I rrm
Sir. tho standard as approved and
adopted by tho Kntltali aud American
DbqiiillCrttleM (11 tttM ft fill'n fir f
irt, nt Whllt rretrt frit ur hll Mr or
tm tn Mmt. (I) Pflildl' wtr (rout lert.
() Wry (til. A iptrlm.n kal4 Utt th
ton.M of w doubt.
tVlor. -nitli rufu. rt4 (tit duk, unnirf Ml
M), rwnil 'II d.vti ud.l tei MM quit
Itn tnd tl IIIU. ttMU Mtr tw u pl
U S9
Tlfklrif. Hithtr itr trtfanr or) plratl
Wup. flod) lonr, 1Mb, U luckM p flank
tflil wrll rlUxd upi Mr Utklir ttMl.rt)
loin will rrundrd, net ikerpri Utd itUvr
Imjrtkt mixtuhr fJ.Mt, tall itrtUM:, b4
tafKl it! tlUicrlli.r l i tiiMtrtnr. M
Cir. Atot Art iartxt, tIJn, .U luii en
Oh M (l ir ion enUISi dfi u wm.
I1( I rood relet Imldi tml ruuld tad nil
ml un 16
K-rt.-' II.mI rotcr, Itrr. ruuaJ, Mkl u4
Xt i and rt. Vtn ImI tad W (
airilflil, alrndu, rU ralMM irwl tic rrMn
UU tu Mud (. u vU oolor4 t( po
a: U
AUml rlfht ptmnda ., I
tbndlilMb Not lal, tul rh tm, uu t rat
km, and lo-l lualllr et 'ur - 0
without dup a
Tel - MS
The lUlgian hare Is a meat producer
It la alau n fur producrr, nnd thorn la
no waste lu tho llttlo crraturr, and tha
frcdlng of It casta practically noth
ing. It can be kept lu small spaces
a single animal tn n huirti 2 by 3 and
breeding doe in a hulcb "V, by 4. W
have no domostleattd animal that will
thrlvo In a small n paci as tiio rial
glan hare. It U a clean nnlmnh Uirlv
Ine on vegotahlo food, Riirdrn track,
bay, clover, etc. tn fact, tt la a coed
bit like a thp. It will ent tnont any
thing, hut gretn food ehuuld bo fed
They am also very proline. A do
will produco from six tu eight young
strrs about every 70 days.
The qtumUon haa been asked mo a
number of times, at what ngo la tli
best tlmo to purchano young etoclcT
YounB stock la Ronorally sold nt tiio
ago of it tnotitb. nut at tins ngo
It Is Indeed very hard to toll what you
aro purchaslne, for It Is at this arte that
they aro lonlnc thoir baby color ana
comrucnclns to act thoir real rotor and
ticKtng, nuu a naro uoes nor, rnuy ma-
turo until from 8 to tl months of.
ngo, ami It la mivlaaum not tu uruou
tlicin until that age.
Mr odvlco would bo to a buglnner
to purchano an flno a doo rut his or her
purso will ullow. Havo her brrxl to a
buck equally Une, niul tr you raiaa
extra good youncttera from that mat
lug, keep brcedins tho doo to toe same
buck for at least n fow times. A cood
Individual epcliiicn. backnd by nuces
tore of known quality, novur proves a
disappointment, and If properly matrd
will produco young hotter than herself.
American Poultry Journal.
Th I.nt Chleka.
What are tcmud late chicks are fhole
Ibatchctl out nfter Juno 1. It Is admit
ttil that the majority of persous bar
greater success with early chicks, but
that Is duo to ttmlr being frcn of lice,
tho later chtcka Huccumhtnrr Imcauso of
bf lac amallor and weaker than tho ear
ly onoM. Hut lice must not be constd
errd lu tho coinparlaon, as It la thu du
ty of every ouo who rataea chtcka to
keep llco down. It may require labor,
but tho labor mutt bo bestowed or the
hntcbliig of chicks ahnndonod. At
though prices aro low during tho sum
mnr months, yut rhlcks will nearly al
ways bring in cents n pound when 2',6
pounds welRht rnch. More can bo ol
talned when sioclal uiarkvta or cub
tomers aro aousht, nnd thcru Is at least
ono good market for nil the chleka that
can bo rained, nnd Hint li tho family,
table.-roultry Keeper.
Stock Pasture.
I will accent stock fornnsturo on my
place west of thu omial ut live cents per
day or 1 00 per month. Plenty of
good water und
abundance of native
W. C. Itelff,
Tho niMtstuubnrn oases of Hrnnehl
tlssuseumb to Dallard's Hnrohound
Syrup. I'rleo S and 60 cts. For sale
at rtddy Drug 'o.
Whan you want
i Anything in the Jewelry Line
Nothing But the Best
Eddy Drug Co. 1
l)rcid 1'onlfry nt ahorrtl.
Are show uianngcrs mattlnc arrnnKf
inenta for good dlapiaya of dressed
poultry nnd egird during tho coming
season? Tho market business Is the
foundation of tho poultry Industry ot
thu country. nd It Is Increasing In Im
portant every year. This feature baa
been neglected too long, and It uliould
be made prominent nnd breeders, not
dealers, bo cueournged to compete.
Poultry Monthly.
Tlralr Caeltlrs.
KnergyT Yes, It Is a most dealrftbtp
factor In poultry culture, nut enorcr
Mtisnn tmllNl tiv ronrtuon senso Is a
wasto of forces which are given us a
be utilised, not dissipated, says xmb
tlonaJ Punolera' JournaL
Tha ItalfJmore Hun says thero Is no
reason why a largo flock of fowls nnd
number of hives of beca couia not do
uutnsKMl by a woman, and It Is pos-
ihln that with the extra care mat
would probably le bestowed the prlU
would be ns lare?. not larger, man
when managed by the malo sex.
Orange Judd Parmer says the utility
strains of White Wyandottea havo
more rood point for tho fanner than
any other breed. They are very good
myers of brown eggs ami win lay
through the winter months and keep
tt up tn summer. The Wyandotte is
very quiet lu disposition.
If you are looking for a bustnesa to
which you can jrivo tho very best of
your ability and care. It Isn't ueceMftr
for you to ndopt a profession, eaya Sa
tlonal Panclern Journal. Just a lni
pie. plalu chicken business will furnish
al thu opportunity for scientific cs
pcrlraeut. atudy and researeh any otla
If thero Is ono thing mero newsier
than any other Id suemsfolty con
dueling affair., It Is system, say Kf
tlonal PatMlera' Journal. Ual onvri
ndeavont aw nyitwulied they an
prtxit to bo unprefltabls, aad it U
hooves every poultrymau to m tfaat
bis busluaas Is so mauaged tt.it tiu
waste of effort will bo redattd 10

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