Newspaper Page Text
TUG CURRBHT, VM. n. Jl r L L A N Et OinclirpaperoT Eduj County, i MblUUflrrry Hturdy tCrUb4, N M., anil Kilter? d Jnil ! wall waiter S.lTL'iitiA V, SO aT H. '.i"l'l'Lal-JSS- i 'I'MSSB SUniTIIIKTIOK HATKH, WBKKl.Y-Ilf mail per lUtcn IJ.Op. r ntit pt t nitniia n.oi. Democratic Ticket. Kur IftsKlflll WIM.IAM J. 1IUYAN, nC Nfbfu..'tn, For Vice-President, ADI.A1 P.. MTEVtiNSON, of luliiolr. P"or iiegate to ronirrrMi 0. A I.AIin.70I.A, Tor Onnneil tin Dhif ieif jaum r. iiinku:. ljvjjepreetntatlestth UiltlnllTO Atiem ' T V. 8. UATIJWAN. AMANtAH (lltllWN. For frooate tntk, w. n. owns. ferTreatureranU Oalleetor, J. U. WAI.KKR. for Hherln, M. 0. HTEWAJIT. Tor Hupe rlntewleut el I'ubllc Htboole, w I, k-enn. For Alienor, JOH. T. I ANNINII. For CntMnilleHr. fiutrtet No. 1, J. II. JAMfM F6rOWBmiM'ntr, District No. J, n;onoK wilcox. FarOmutnlMlonrr. Dlitrlct No. 3, n. w. wr.AVEn. For Kurreynr, B. A. NYMSYKR. Republican Charge, Thi' so-called uoh-partUlan but In reality rvpubllcuu crowd that ban io ariteiitly sought to defeat the demo eric; or Kddy county ha mailt many chargo against Dm democratic noml nwi, Theso chntge have been refuted In dutall, hut, thttt it Im o.ulblo some may hart not heard the answers to the ''various rlmrj,fH, n brtc f rusutno of the tinatter may not ! Inopportune. Iht CMAiutl:: The republican paper .myi tl e county board has ratted tin tax rate. This chars was proved falto by pub lication ol tut rate lixtd by the board, which allow the- county rate to bo ex actly the tainn at It hat born for three years iitiU that the causo of our present advance In taxatlou li republican mis- manugument of territorial finances "which Increased the territorial levy from !1.2 last year to 8I.C0JC this year, ''ThlH nxcbMlvii territorial rate U greater ithnn the total taxatlou of many Texas counties. Znii Ciunor.: That the sheriff had rollected more few thau the law allow ext. This charge has brvu proven untrue, ns not a slnplHtr-m that has been al lowed by the board has been shown to have been lllogal. If tint sheriff, collect el uinrtilhau the law allowed, why not specify in what Instance, he did so, The only so called Illegal charge was the conveying of an Insane man out of the territory for 8M0 whilo the law al Iowa 8'ijo for the puru)e. IrmCltAnor.: That tho expense of the, county the past nine mouths was 7,500, , This charge was proven untrue, as 'thVr'xpettte wan $o,4tW.20. 4rn UiiAnut; That bills against the county out of all proportion to the value of services rendered have been Allowed without ijumtlou, This charge, hat been shown false be cause the county board hat letters of advice from a republican district 'at torney on all claims open to dispute and If any were In excess of the law or, if the board could have evaded pay ment, the district attorney, being a food republican, was certainly to blame. Why not be fair and look Into the Jaw ere tasking extravlgant charges y t l. ....I.u...- The matter It cow up to the voters of Eddy county. On Tuesday they will say by their ballots whether they win continue mu pu-.tiiit IJlCuMl'h TKNT aud extravagant system of county government r whether they trill put In control men pledged to economy and retrenchment. The foregoing appear as an editor ial in the Argus of this week, lly the above it will be seen that the Argus has pmted too charge of Ineoopstency from wrtk to week throughout tklt campaign. While It bai not been the purpose of the CI'HIiknt to Inject luto this ctBpaJfB anything which might lead to bold up to ridicule any person Yt bote basse appears on the republican ticket, It la plain now that the time has come to speak out In the Interest of tbe democratic ticket It Is a well kfiovna fact tbat tber Is bo office more Important tkaa that of attestor, aud If tke awmuta art to Ida carreatly and stb upedlUea and tee rolls are pro yYf 4M by &e auteterba uutt b sti aWe to writ a plalo Uf Ible buid, alM SftUtsf cf rtcUjp at wtri A comparinon uf the two letter whloh follow, nne written by Mr. M. J. Murray i caiidldate f or aw.iir on the republican ticket ami the other by Mr. Jin. T. I'Hiiiilntr friiidldale. for aiiestor on the democratic ticket which hapimued to be In the hands uf thu UUIiiijsnt, huw Im-j-oimI iUMtlon that Mr. Fanning l the more coinjx-tf ut of tho two men Inr theotllcti. The bitters are uu lllu in UiW oilicii mid may be sfni by any pttr min wMhlng to wo them nnd are pub llshed exactly as written: 1.R1TI1II nr l. J. MURRAY. CbDV, N. M., fltpt. 1, I'M. To til P.MTom Hfplylmiotheijurrylnyour rpr why cant tbe City Frliooers be Wotk on tbe tfrU. will y i hut tliUqotitlnn rrwiII ulh er ulraller questions prrtstnins to tbelotr mi H rip tr dlicuilon nnl set my opinion aught to huve the earful eomld railou ol our Citlneni at an trly date the raon why we can not utlllte tho City PrUontra, who fall to caroply with the de viant of the Cort, on publle Improvfinontt, l breauR tb ulty Urdtance dui.uot slve ui a right to do so. aMheOrdrnenre now utand all Pmona arrated lor vlolaiiani ol th City urdanance arelrytdbclora Jutle ot tho race who tiai the fewer to fine or Imprealen them ai hetheuld feel despond i dn. In ete wbcare he fallet tn eoltct LjourIi from tha frtnenr to pay the Cotot the Cort the City Ullblefertlei Con, and U drawed on for the amount at the rmular rattling of the Oounel In reh meuntU. thn prnrnl Ordrnanro In ray Opiaoiu it not nted for a city the Mm of .Eddy, audi can ee but little hoprt for tpTedtd Public linprovtmottuntllttifOrdUncn It chang ed. thenuettlon tray boaiked why don't the City1 Coubeell Chang the Orrdlance. tttghranghtwehavearlghttouo o, out when woitoptoconilder thtt theUrdlance we now have hat Cot our City rnanoy Run drrd of DolUri wee feel that we thoutd not avail ourtolit with that Power only InCatcii whrtre weareonvlrnerd, beyounda doupt Hint It In nrcef try to do to for the Publlcct good fimnlnclrfln the hallle that the rity ot Kddynerdna Mayort Corl, the City then would have lull Juurjudleilont over the IVtMWirt and In Caiei whenre Prlinsrnr tailed to pay nndet they could be made work out ttlr nnitet on I'ubllc Improve roentt, at a llltlo cxponcn to the City and Oltlttni will nnd me ready In Inforee aney andallthtUrdlancrttolongat 1 am your HurvUat U. J, MvnnAV, Mayor. Windmills! Eollpao and Star. Welt Casino; and Piping. Tin and Galvanized . . . Iron Work. (ialvanlzed Iron Cisterns built to order, (live us a cull and get uiir prices.' Tracy & McEwan. only true reasons which any one could aulgn for voting against too demtcra tic nominees Is because tho voter might have Homo personal gruvlartco against the dninocratle candidate, or prefers to votn the republican tloket on political grounds. I ! The democratic tloket Is one the par ty Ih proud of and every man who J.KTTRR Of JOt. T. KANNINO. IMCMILUM, N. M., June .TO, loon. Mr. w. ii., Carlebad, N. M., I) kan Hti-I am ut In receipt of yourt ot theioth lint , in which you eay that my nmnn it btlng mentioned by many lnfluf n tlaldeniocrataotlhe count) :n connection with the nomination by the next democratic prlmiiry or convention for tho once o( cow tyamraior, and In which you do me thn klndneMloaddtbttln your Judgment my nomination would add itrength to tbo ticket. tn retpooto f dtilre, flrnl, totbtnk you for the kindly Interett you manlfeit In the fav orable manner In which my name It belnn mentioned among my nelgbboraand Irlende of Kddy county ot twenty year and more landing, furthermore, I ahould nay that as all here who happen to have known me from boyhood know, f have been an earneit democrat from childhood, and have never known anything Ue, politically, than to vote th ttralght democrats ticket. My whole bran I wrapped up In th hopet and aiptratlooeanatM tbe aucctna and triumph oi democratic principle, locally, In the territory and In the nation. And If any thing I can do at a voter, eta cltlttn or an a candidate would contribute to tbe belt Interetta ol the party I stand more than ready and willing to perform that tervlct lleuee. It the democracy of thlt county think I am a proper man to nominate tor atteeior I thtll not feel at liberty to decline th nomination, although I am not and hav never ben a candldtto tor office and have no detlre or ambition for official pre lirment. Dut It elected alienor I would at mi all fairly, truly and according to law and the reatonabl and fair value ot their nrobertr. neither favoring democrat! or trlendi or dlecrlmlnatlng agtlntt ropubll cant or tboi who vote agalntt me, In tho dlichareeot ray official duty. 1 very much doubt the advliabllfty of my nomination for atteuortnd If for no other maoa than that I havo never atood tor an offlc and have little or no practical politi cal experience, I ahould much prefer that my nam bo not premad for the nomination but prefer to ee tome otber gooa armecrai nominated along with fltewart and tbe rett on the regular ticket. HUH, If th nomina tion It tendered m I thall not fttl at liberty to decline it Your mend truly, t Jot. T. Fannino. Now the question occurs to tho ordln art votbr especially when considering thu candidacy of Hitch men as Mr. Kerr and Mr. Pratt. Is not Mr. Kerr also more competent V Helta graduate ol two colleges while Mr. l'ratt Is n gradu ate of only one. Mr. Kerr Is certainly better educated has had more experience aud Is therefore more- competent! so the only reason that can consistently be urged for voting agalntt him Is be cause he It a demotrat and Mr l'ratt a republican. With reference to tha treasurer and collector's blllce, while Mr. Mathetonfor the piret two years may havo managed to administer the affairs of that office In a reasonably satisfactory manner, yet It is a well known fact that It was done by an at slttant whom he wat compelled to em ploy at all times. While on the other head Mr. J, D. Walker the democratic candidate performed the duties of assessor ot the county In a mot creditable manner for four years with no aaslitatit whatever, lie alto con ducted tbe office of sheriff and collector loan exemplary manner, for two years without bating to resort to employing astUtaoU, other than an occassional clerk whea the work was, moro than could be performed by auy ont man. Mr. waiters six years rucoru at a re liable competent roan is before tha poopls for Inspection, to which tbo Cvrxsnt points with pride. So eoadutlon tba Current reiterates eriUout fear of contadlclloa, that tie1 Democrats, do you want to give tha republican paper another opportunity to brag about a democratic county turning down democrats' Thu fob lowluff from thn ArgUH of two years ago this fall shows how Hint paper will blow next wcok tho democracy u-lllatAiiil lutfiither! ... . .... . , . . . ... i . , Friday's election passed off nut- rm""" " up n uemoorai snouiu einiiu ly. The republicans took the ! uy the tickut. No better men or more office of collector, school euperlnteu- competent official are found anywhere dent and coroner, cut Kergusson's ih tU.,,i, enmmLiin luttie thnn to years ago, and tho deinocruts did tho j cleot 1110 ttralght tloket. rest. Thu total vote was llulit. not belnir a lurge us thut cast In thu I'lectlon uf W1 by over ouu hundred. rue rpuunciiiis uuu oiny iiirce can didates Mr county ollluee J. I-. Mutli- iiiti for collector. A l'ratt tor Hiiperluleiidenlnrschooli., und Frunx Klieltiuoiiii rornmessor. i neiirei was elected iiy inujority of llfty-four und tno sucmid by twenty-two. lthelu- b ill lotby 110. nib vme mr i no nouu oi me iicxei IVdio I'ereu -wan tlx voteH In uxceit of that ciitt in 'IKJ-lil Ht MKiiliiKl 120. In tho nice for representative, Is A ('iilnoti polled u larger vote limit IVrtu. Mt. the irui'irlty uguiust luai being only IW. i nn reniiniicans in gnmg ueiore me Ernplo offered them honest nnd enpa lo men, competent In every way to (Uncharge the duties of the office to which they aspired. They were not mltlaken in the wlthenof the people, and nnturully the result of the election nf two republicans to office In a county that has nlwayH prided llseif upon ita unswerving democracy is not very p'eiislng to the bred lu-the-bonu faith' fill. The republican territorial commttte used $12,000 of confederate money In Bah Juan county two years ago to buy Mexican votes. Wonder If they are using the same kind In this county? Vote tho straight democratic ticket and you rill mako no mistake. They aro nil i:ooJ men who are not afraid to say they bellevo In the principles of democracy, and they are not trying to catch votes by circulating malicious lion. "When iDiiorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise." Tho above quotation might bo aald to apply with lacunar force to the Argus When In reference, to returning an escaped criminal who was uuuer bond to the county. The Argus had thu folUltig. Tho Aruus resnectfully culm to thn attention of tho hoard ul county com missioners that no expense should at tach Ui Kddy county for the trip nf Uherllt Stewart to California to Hccure thu nr soner. l)n Johnson, recently captured there. The men who Hlgued joiiusoue iiiiua K'larauiccu nis up pearunco when wanted, unci uh u fn illlinent nf thut pledge, they must produce him. Such expense- us Is in. vnived In securing his return properly belonift tn them, and not to Kddy cnuu. The cnmmlisiniiera snouiu nppiy a viunroiis ciiecK in iikr instance to ttielr well known p'op'-nilty. Tho Argus does not seem to be aware of the fact that the clerk of thedlt- trlct court Issued an alias warrant to the sheriff and sent him after Johnson and tho court must collect from the bonds men of Johnson. The Currknt can Inform the Argus nnd all others Hint the commissioners have nothing to do with the return of fscaiwd parties who aro under bond, Instead, tho sheriff Is sent by the court, which allows thn bill of the sheriff, according to law and col lects on tho bond as the law directs, Standby Lurraxolo. He Is moro of an American than his Canadian Irish opponent llodey, Lnrrazolo was edit catoi lit New Mexico where he lived except tho tlino hn was In Kl 1'aso, which dUtrlct honored hi in with tho office, of district attorney two terms. In Hildy county republicans claim to be uon-partlslaiiR. yet It Is an esinb lUlied fact that they always vote tho republican tloket regardless of whether the nominees are good or bad men. Democrats who are being deceived by this iiou-pnrtlslau ploa uhould rcmem ber this. Oliver Dltson (who by the way It a member of the republican county committee) Hod when ho said Mr, l'ratt built up tho schools of Eddy county. Mr. l'ratt does not employ nor does he select tho teachers fur tho schools; he ouly performs the duties of his office and those duties havo such small con nection with the actual work of the school room that It would not make any difference with the schools, either one way or the other. The only way good schools in Kddy county aro built up Is by tho school boards employing good teachers and thus gaining the support of patrons of the school. Poss ibly Oliver Dltson thinks Mr. l'ratt Is responsible for Carlsbad having good schools this year. What did ha do to make the Carlsbad sohools what Uu y are this yeary Nothing, the board of education deserve the credit, for they, nrjt Mr. l'ratt. employ teachers, conduct tho schools and are responsible for the school, whether It be good or bad. The republicans of Dona Ana coun ty hutu spMt on the oounty ticket und one soclloii has Joned the detnooaroy In a boilv.'ffdna Ana will nrobnb v be found In thu democratic column after election. , ' ' If the republican party In Kddy county Is so strictly uon-partlslau, why Is It that the republican central cum mltteeman writing under the name of Oliver Dltson Is so strongly In favor of thu republicans on that ticket aud has so little to say about tire balance uf the ticket? It ijon't look so non-partlsiau after all. Thn levied made mnd by the school board of thin school district amount when added to tho regular levy for school purposes to 81.15. The territor ial, outside of school levy Is HOW aud thu county levy outsldo of school levies onlym The rgus first, stated that taxes wero Increasing and gave it out cold that the county board had raised tho rate. Now when It Is proven that the county board allowed tho levy for MOO to remain tho same us for lB'J aud that our Increased taxes are due to ter ritorial steals of republicans nnd a high rato for support of schools the Argus drops the contention that the county board has raised the tax rate. If the Argus table of rates of taxatlou Is ex amined It will bo seett that the sup port of territorial schools Is counted ns an item of county oxpeitHe; also that the county rate hns not bieit Increased In tbe least. "A. N. fratt aa suBWtateadent at schools hns ttrred ta people wall. W hy should he ow put ntide for anoth er man? it routes to as AtLotrr,o to coimi'PT tub aoaooL stimcm or IiDDY COUNTY afid IfOBfllr tl)0 III 11 benefit nf the education now belmr sought by the boys and girl nod which is so uerrssary ror tneir mcces in life." Tho abort from this wetk'4 Argus Is n slur agalntt Mr. Kerr which should Imi resented by every friend of our worthy mayor and family. In what way will Mr. Kerr corrupt the schools of Kddy county V Is ha such a monster that ha will actually corrupt our hcIiooIh if elected' Is he dissipated and degraded? Is ho a convict or horse thief? U lie a drunkard or gambler y will frlendt nf Mr. Kerr bear such slurs with tbe meekness that all the lies and slandtrt uttered by the repub licans during the present campaign have been borne y Or, will they, by their votes next Tuesday, show their disapproval uf such slander by burying the republican ticket out of eighty the republicans are whispering around Kddy couttty that Lnrrlrolo s n Mexican and should be defeated on that score. Hut up In Hauta Fo and lbuquerque they tell a different tnlo. Hoar this from tho AlbuuuATuua Journal: "In fact tho only creditable paper mitmort Mr. Larrlxola haazecelv- ed thus far has coma from the WMi of Kl raso. The pcoplo nf New Mexico know nothing about Svlm, but ho seems to bo very popular In Texas and H the "TclanaV; could vote jf or him he would probably be elected,'' Tho republicans of this territory aro evidently determined to. prove to the pcoplo of the northern portion that Larrlftolo it a Texan nod to tba people uf the southern portion that he Is a Mexican. Thn facts am that what troublestbe republicans Is that Karri zolo Is rut honest man, a good speaker and well posted lawyer, who, during, hlsitwo terms as district attorney of the western counties of Texas was found to be- competent and honest. An extract from the speech of Judge Long on Hon. 0. A. Larrazolo descri bes our candidate as a trv'y self made man as follows. Ho was a brave champion of dome cracy in tho City of El 1'aso, and there whero he Is known best are people who love him most, llotptnt there bit days as n boy, worked on the farm and rauge n common ton of toll, to get tht money to procure an education. The people who have watched hit outgoing and Incoming and who know htm face to face and heart to heart, they have trusted him with public offices which he splendidly Oiled so that lu coming to New Mexico he brought the Indorse ment of people who knew him best. Who can more successfully carry the democratic flag. I aro glad my friend from HIQ Arriba asked the nuestlon. These delegates must answer It. Hero in new Mexico we should march for ward together, not as adversaries, nut as cue ni Irs. but as friends even though -to ma) iioi gpeax mo same language, may not be of tht same lineage. We. tnu er- eonviiii- tloa heart to heart aadbaad to huad-i iQrtat Applause.) A prominent republican tn county politic wW recently! "Among the voters we want to plead non-pattltlan, but vtheji It comes to voting any re publican It better than tho best demo crat." What tlo you thing of such talk? This good republican should havo said that he would tote for n yellow tlog In preference to a democrat. Thn qutttlon In, will yon, by your voto In dorse such a sentiment. The Argus says Mr. Karratolo Imi resided In the territory less than twenty mouths. He. resided In the territory from IftTO to 1WW. Then from 1WI to HdO. lie received his education at Cruces nnd Santa Fe. He Is more of nu American than Itodey who, is tha most pernicious kind of an Irishman n Queen Victoria Irishman. Tv WINE OP CARDUI JY hat breastt trmtatat rttlef te a tall 1 1190 evnenRg worn wm warMprtnenr wer a tkelr Mr.MIUbtl , n win SerfalcttfV' cut, eanerea wua me t- ta or renin of ihiinh.iMiu!uu mu yruiu.. inBetrHBiieq. Titweesiy Brenenr grave. Mr AdMalagnb.tltb,i 1st performed "won 4 wae lu of Cards rbereaae, Sk ni ippMran o tt he men ult two ruoa las ipp4 her vlUllty until thtwu a payf ! leaf wjeek. It(r nmoue eyelet, gav i r. Then ram the trial of Jthtl tt ! apparaiioefii r;.7 war. Tkeo rami Cardul ud the mitt. Mrs. Mfwdietl' eiperlese eufbt to eomnead Wle of Crdul to enDerttg moum In nordl Of DorBlsiloauBu. WINEorCMDUl i wUhmth t eh ot til Vfouti wfc 7t ill e of Vf jeepf CaraC aa?do not take a eubetltuU If ladrd ye, Uri Willie WUrhell. fettb Owvhi, k. o . "Wlae f C.f4.r eM Tkettert e auek. Or if bt kve Mrfenaet a .lrwloei eate la . I kU ka a ri IU ruling of Ul veak aa4 leeeerrta. tnrDMii imi eterr wets fe two nealbl ' wei ver alelel. Mr bee- tea wee ae w in vria er oaraet tut HI ek-lirewkl, eel new tte ler imp Worms I yer WHITE'S CREAM MIFUGE StMtUt RiUQuUtr. Ftr 20Yhts Nit Li SlObS fmRiriiiilii.i JSwCeZa XX4.T7C.CXBI'X'I There are many reasons why tha neo pie of Texas should desire the, election nf Mr. Larrazolo, but his Texas organ has failed to show us any reason why the people of New Mexico should voto for film, against a mnn who is kuown tn be true, bo nll Uie Interests of Uie ter ritory, The above Is another of tho New Mexican, lies used to Influence the na tive element in tho northern, counties,, ?ht question now Is: How far can tho republicans nf Eddy conuty Influence votes by the assertion that Larrazolo It a Mexican, If you havo toro throat, soreness across the baok orsldo or your lungs feel tore you are threaten ed with dlplrthwln or pnoumqnls, ap. ply Mallard's Snow-Llnamtntioatrna-lly, nnd uto Unlinrd'a iVInrohound Hyrup, For Sato at Eddy 'Drug Co, Thousands of mien and women suf fer from piles, especially 'women with female woikness have this suffering to contend with In addition to their other pains. Tabler's Iluckeye I'lle Ointment will quickly C.Tct a euro Wets, In bottles, tubes 75 cts. For sale at Kddy Drug Co. Announcements. Per Sheriff. t hereby announce my name tor tbtrlff of KUdy county in tbe coming November f ict ion, Tuoa. A. Oiut. Kddy Drug Co. a - .ill Interested In building up t ame retources of this mngniilcenl T( iHory.anunnoutdjoin in this Per Ctnatlultser. I hereby aunounee to th public that t ant a candidate tor county eomraleiloner tub Ject to lb declilea ot th voter at th poll Prrsa CoaM, . 1 at-rt Arthur R. O'Quinn, Dealer In- Ice and Wholesale Beer. Agent lor Hotillu and' Ankeuier-BUKh uiti ewlngcomptnttt New Furniture 2C 2 2C 2C Wicker Chairs, The llnett lot of New Furniture over brought to Carlsbad at tbe Tontlll Dloek, Six New Suites Jnt received, at prices that defy competition, Don't Forget That our Undertakers Goods are the Dnett, richest and best ever brought to Csrltbtd. Prices same as any old goods, Williams & Gazley, W And General Forwarding Hay, Grain, Seed, Feed, Blacksmith Q&a tAiULltiUL tsViAl, UlL litHJa tAilyL Uil II. S. Meat 1 Market John Loweabruck, Tfoprletor. LilltffL ir Frvsh Meats, Katisage, Game, Always on Hand. F-reo Dellsl t'rt G. F. A. Robertson, Blacksmith and Wagon Maker. . GENERAL REPAIR WORK. Feud and Livery Odrral in ooBkcii9. So. Crioii St.