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GUTS AND DRUI9E8. now to nreaa Wonnfli, GIchuj OltV ' eBII.V IKMI antawfrtle mil" flit? 1 tU''tli I n i ' I ml In- jCl- whotheraee, rich arv rtntlnarr jr deep of UWtJ to 1w jWfielHjfl ffJi HIM nd 'then ivenlJr null mii urlng tlM-tn In that it lir Ntllimhi Tdnater. Cat IIm InxtiT lul'. tlilrt atrip and JMrl In nib WAHMMi . . BH twnriai. wi fn.Ml HI l- fide i.f the entti then, .H'iHtiK I In- tmn nt the wound t u.tii.i. i.t.' to iiIkc fasten the looee n " n .u.irj ml a are eeJelli'ifepaWd in i 1 1 i ii'it ir Ui eat1 lie Jars ind 111 Ijjim ilirth-utt In hold tugfthor. , i ii-BiKtnini' from a ml iiereoti iii i Im iii vxaiv. I . In viik or "Idaee nnil bine nvit" . ' iti ltit n ntcr elotb, ( r. If then- l n.i' . i-n . n mittl. fvnowlnit tin m'iii" eor two bur. i' i ' ! tin- i,w jwtiiuiill.v adhere to tin- in !"-r r .nvr Ihl. A i Utf Inwcr 1 lil In 111 ' Hi' iv i :illy examined It l - :i in mc if tit" rt'rt In ndl:erhii to I' li .landing In iti. B'lif ptiMtlti tbd Volutin) 0. Mimlter i. XV it thin lame the I i urn s r inter en IU ninth yer of lire muI it nuy not Iherefeire h out of plnei to pri vt- n brief retiief Iti txiMe nIuii- it Unit nitrnbi r. The t'l tttti v i a el lulWii l In loifl bjr in. II. ' 'ullinif hi. tt dai y nntl vreokly. In wi tin dully ianm wan (Upended, tin- i i'.i iioimi of tlif railway from Carlbml in llu-wi'll. tln.t i.ti, iinrltiK prncllf nil) ohllteruti 'I liii'f . I two thlnli nf the IiiimIiiwis ul' t tn lows r Valley Iohii. hleh pn-vlotnl " the (H'tflttliiK point nf nil the rnuntry on fit north. Aftur s years llir ton tigftlu i-ntnlnR In tin- front. tu-'iutit 6f Hie wknowii' Hri-l MUliiiity or th IlnRifnM Irrittntiiil h'tlun hihI by no gfrimf iMH-oitiinif tin- hum of many vll Ui tin cattle tutu, aUiuclil b) 'drives nf mIiiuIm) lrwtn, line ranlenii. ijilcnillil liutni Mini Bond Hrluwl. M'h Ot'HHKNT nwclwtilcRl dfpart mnt haa brcu iirrnldd ovit by Mr. S . Ixiom Idt n nml Imi Iwn an hiImwiIo of naKorlmrnt of wood tyM-, bonlfM, i-ti-. ulnlintc tin-tact-. I'Vi ii ihniitfli l' xodfi- Tit portion of Hi liull.llim on th Iiir thfi'iHintr) mlKlii li- ilnmitKi'd for ennwr of ( nnon itnd Fox atrfU In w tin- tint bt'liur; lnllfvInK llml In th cttploa bjr I he Hint Nnllotutl Hank of finl thi- naki'il lint'i wlni Annl rurUlwil. on nf th moid anlmtantlal liunlnK malti iH. ii piopi-r tu -my t!i:it no1i wliii . itlisi'i tin lur (In-t'i it in s r rim lmvi cniiil,'' nrc llial no i liiirtf will ori-r Ik- Hindi' rr oplwi Mftit nfliT Uik paid 1 1 in" 1-xplnn. A pnwljr pay In mUtuM-i- list h tht prldf nt tlif paiH-r. Idrn 'ori' "iniplng tlif paMr" l iiiiiii'i M.iry. lur it kuci Ii mm nut pity in f xiili,'rlbiN. iiiiImk a frw atroii who Imvp uiwnjn paid wit I'Iiih li w wwk. Tin- (irit nKvr I Hie onl) pill it in Ifclil) rnunty Willi a Rnrnl cirriilution. uiH-rlng nine tcntliH oi tht ifii'Jinii liotnoa of Ihi' ti ii ; y. In I sir. i Hip iimtifiRHiii'tit prrtwl Dik lit linn ImildiiiK, a piotiirt' of which Hppoun liiri'witli. and at prM ti( or t'UplM tin- llneMt oftlrK of any paper In th territory. The ottlo fawn to th iinani'lal Innlltntioitt In th wis', beinn conttectPd with the Hytent of Imnkn headt'd by the NhUoii iI linnk of t'om mere of Kiintaa City. Mr. II. .1. Hani niond I president und A. !. Crawford luahlcr. The Ci Ktti r ban iilwayf beon an advueate of dftmn'ratle principle from coiiii'tiin of tit JiiNtli-e of the caiine nf di morrary, lieiievinir Hint the toveriiment It the bent government und that nothing good rait ever reault In the headlong runh the republican party In making. Involving the country In war and debt, juat to bring on a norudlr and unnatural condition falw ly lermtHl ' roH'iUy." (lood old faahloiied prosperity that will take the t'ouutry out of debt ami give to poalerl ty.uu liotioriKl naina, la gotxl enough tor iia. in tne ruiitre aa in th imii. 'I hla 1 fr ui f Hi" fi II- : t upon the flMh w tlW chofk Initio n ul tfrawlng diWn tie ikia. Thn If the OIK In In tW Btffkb it rah l re moved ity the nalfd cfctwr ttt a IiAnd k reh' f. If tltlW la tiol oi the Inwer ll.l. pbir a liMafc d a WWtlOK i wedl "ver til ttppef ItOHM b tirf. Ing ilnwmvnnl, b:hI at tn Mine tliao rnlxitiu the HpfJ lid. It wilt be turned liiHldf out. TtiW'wIII expMo to view the niremllng tftftletc, which may be hmtovcil a liefnic The eye ahotthl tlien be Imtbed In enld water and tlio light excluded. If tin Inflammation In Hevcrv. put on eold lea leave or acrnM'd ikiIbIo, or batbe In aalt nml water. l'nlnilim In raucd by n lack of blood to the brnln. which liaa lieeo cauaeil by the utoppnge of tlm lirnrt or the blood KoImk tn dome other mrt at tlio body. Mine the Hrnu who haa fnltttoil on Hie back, with Iwail lowi I none u lira clnililn uljoni the neek and cheat; Rprlnkl" cuhl witter In tbe face ami ap ply Hmclllttff nalta to (be noatrlla. Do not rnlp the hrad higher than tho body utilemi the face I red or dark colored, which Ii an Indication that It la not an ordinary fainting tit and ehould be treated differently. In caaea of thH kind ralno the ieraou on tt iwat and put cold water on the IhhuI Immedl ulely. $ Thf Elecon Returns of I ' liy Qeunty, 15 flf1': . I' mtMt('.HiaAalM -"'-I-ILILI -1 U J&3 "-.:::::::::::-::tr:i!W8 iaJifllTr: fc.::::: "2 f Si 1ttm I wiaay.re0 14"; j H w 5 ue , witroi, o , w . i0 Hi it' a. et) rS .. tEtev0.:-.::.:.-: :.::::::.: a! If lfi m i tlliii:::;.;.:;..;;:. fifa i li 8i;i aeuiiinnu chhI etui the nreM room. it ivinivm win im fui..i in n... fmni R. I irr far eight year and the paper U ittxS", ima n line cement Hoor. allowing rank of lhi regular organlwttioii of i tb only one In the wholn valley still heavy maehlnery to lie placed convwi- democratic imrly, uellcvhiK that In; .... -ii ...i...- i.. iHv -riu. m.. iu i .-ui. county nffnlri the primary ayatcm In' pwr raic iiiiumpi rorHii ip ..- . .-i-l.-.t mm (H. 0,y fr aysleflj tiiid th ticket till I tiailC "I IIWIHTB mnilj mw l ihisk, nil 1-1 wur (1t'liltr.KT haw alwayx depreciated (he uet. no rackH being iimmI, also a Ane iioiuinuted iii lb primary In the will of the iwrty. THS CURRHT WM. !!. M Ul. I.A N K " oinelal 'Pap6r"ofBdtiy Cwnty. KMInWMl natur4ay nt CrlJjjul. N irtflomrTIOJi HATttK. wm!tT-"T ier Itf illlirl miMiihs 11.0 TtjBntloitnl llleotloit. , Vtam tdl re porta rw-elvwl lo date (he Ar! h ople have rnglati-rcd n ver (Hat In favor ot expntwlou. Th" people gtfinlred Win. .1. Itryun, but their lovei fr grnln" ''iw far uvershmlowiHl Uielr wti d bom iwlrlntlsm. The jieoide t-eeiii to tUiiire ttuM the I'tiltid gtatea ahull Hpread all over the earth if poaalbie. They want tfi feel that no matter whtre they go they may have th Mine goveinment ai at boma and that th tarry banner nMiy wave every where. Then th ciuoatlon of bimetal lUm wu. made a bugaboo, tbotmb it wua the law of tlie land for over eighty yeara and no ono quMlloued that the uoln of tit otmeUtuUon -ant ailver and gold. The country baa ih on a roW standard for Ufottlr-aoveu yeara nnd Hie woiiit teenu to unit, no the Tcfnlo ant no eHaogii on Uial taora at jireeeliU Jlrjran l beaten, bat neither tie or hh) TuMwI. tried und true fallow Imi will ever lay down Ihelr arme. They will cunt eat the election four and eight year betteo with tltc mm vigor tttey did the otfctloii of IW4 ariH IWO awl win they luuat, for the eauae la ao Juat that II a nllimat trltimvlt l alajolittely aaaurtst. Though the retnma are not all In there la atill hope that the final oouiit way give tk eountry to llryan. but tro tlie trend of Ut dlnpatchea it la reaaoiiaUr lo believe lt Kryau la ilefealed by, a Itaat wpMlar plHralltr than In J9. than tho county levy la vory It la a well known facl that than one eighth nf tlm valuation of pro rty In given given iu all over the territory, and II la high time that a united eflort wa made on the part of the uewapupera to remedy Hila evil. The honest aheep owner who respecta Ida oath us well aa the Ntnall farmeraml town ntvuci oi proimrty nn- all made to Niy from eight to twenty times the tux that caltlR and horae owner my. Though proiwrty valuationa In the territory hae uclually trebled since IHH7 the reeordN aliow that aaeeeaed vtil- tuitloii- have fallen off over five mil lion dollare. The detnocr vuUIlt' llOt uiily hna lite fanioua Iree State of Ioiui I ree. Cottonwood, Iiat Chance and Screw Ilean vol era to thank but aleo the oounty toinmittee, .1. 1.. Ktneraou oltalrtuan, aaalaleil by the lltiauoa com inlttee. M. C. Hlewart, W. It. Owen, ,1. D. Walker and all other good demo- crate, who madfi I liu work election day u ieraoual affair. The forka ot the creek and the polnta rf the mountains to aay nothing of the draws on the plaina, are all dumoorfllta and the work of getting tho voter out la every thing. Though Win. J. It ryau la beaten the Cvrhkmt la for him iu IVnl, whou he will again be Ho ml tutted Iu dle ot all that can be done, for no man ever held lite place Iu the Itearta of a great demo rratlr pt' ipbj that doaa Wn. J. llryan. apparent, imp and voted Urn deinooratln tlckoi not morel atriiight from prtiilht lo oonaUttile lttmit Itnuoin. tomiag Into lilooui at tho snmc tlmu wllli I Iii. rhmliwlKiiilrnn. Ilui Unan .JI" ' nigoan puta In a claim for the prlae of bentity. It wottlil nc Imrd In dacltlu, for a liHh tl or 8 feet lilgh Is tin lm protalre alabt. The rlrodoiletulron mny plead Ita evorarueti leavoa na udillug to Ita (lowering ilalina-oii the othor limit the brlaht nxl haw, which In the full the llugomt roto dlapltiya, may lie a fair act ntr tu tin plea of tho beautiful evergreen. Median' DulUa, Taxaa, Nor. 11 tlnr qrevalla hate for The vntera are eaallng early, but there la little flood won election day their linUntH excitement. Dalian went for McKinley iu bet the IniUcitllona are that Jiryitu mil carry It today. If yon have eore throat, aorem-i" urroM tlie back or aide or your lungo feel aore or lender or you are tlni-nli-ii-ed with dlphthrrm or pueumonlK, up .ply Ilallnril'a Snow Llnaiiti'iii extermi ly, und uae llulliirri a llorehouuit Syrup. For Hale at Kddy Drug t o. The abard Iia that the aaemly miaalonert. nav maMal In iftx rate and are reiiuoalbi fur high tasaa haa been rebuked br the vaiawatth- :oll. Kaw let all, botit rtHiWlaNiii Haal oktmaeraU vrork for terrhaflal reform and attack tlie real aauae of Mah tax raio. Id ail loe uwtairni In Ut iurrltoty com Malice war on the lax drtgar. lt the ooHRty ttaank aud eounty aneaaora In ovary ftnitiiy see Utat all nreperty la llated and thereby double th amount nf property on the tax rolla tn the ter rltory. It the laglalalnre be leae ex travigant In ajHrourtationa and em dyea arawMi the legMative ball. Unleat valnaUana lu other Mrtlona of the terrltary ean be raiad to aom thing Ilka aetva! value of iroperty a aeeaotl such a thlug aa a low tax rate In Ijtldy county ia out of tn oaaaitao. 'i'k abeordity of the peofd of tbft eounty iayliig a terrltiiiial t.ix greater New flexlco. iaaata 1', New ilex.. Nov. fl-The weather la lightly cloudy and warm er today. I'autrary to xHctatlona the vote eame out iuwW, but Indleatlona of au overwhe miiig republican vletory Hinlttly. Uou. T. ii Ualroa will probably win out la l hla county the demo erata and the regular republicana, but the two moat objectionable men on hta ticket. Uua O'llrteu and Marcdiuo A. Ortlf, will prebabty b- defeated. llodey aa dale ate for cmigrcm will probably aatry tbb eounty by ICQ mu jority agttlnet tarriaolo, the democrat ia oaailblate, and Ul majority In the territory way reach mu although uia alleged advocacy Urn year ago In fat or ol dolog away with latwjtretera and bavlng till court pruaeedlaf in UnglUh la toalug him many il ex lean rotaa. Toxaa, Huh Antonio, 'Uxaa. N.v 4-The waaUior la One all over tbe stats. Yat eraareturHiag out luturce. The re (HtWleaH vote will the heavleet la Mte hlotory of the atate, aeeardlHe u ladlaatloHB. Mayera went to hu old home In Ilea. flnmnirr ltcniliiitir. Do net throw aoft feed on the crounil nsr the grnlu fowl either iinlotw the hroflin baa flrat bceti tuwd to remove dropplnpi aud lootw dirt Hhort urawi Ih lHat for tho chick to run on. Thu turf farmed by it pitHttiro liiml of niitlvo Krawiea mnkea ttu Ideal cmwi run for nil klmlu of poultry, old nml youiiK- Don't be afraid to make freo uho of air Hluked llniu. It awevteua, purllleu anil lielva keep nwny dlaenaua. Cotitnuiliutted ground und all poul try ruiiK that have boon In uae acroral year tire contaminated ahould be aiwiled up uew and kIvcii n good coat of Hlr slaked lime. Tho iwultry will do tb leveling, will retch ami pulverlxe tho iHlW. Don't fofKCt there are tiiuuy lilKht prowlera on the farm that have a ape ctal llklug for iMtdtry. All the coopn ahouid be made en they can le faaten- tal up rat proof at night. Tula cloaltig tip abdWd be attendetl to aa eoon aa IHMtalht after the bene Imvo "avtUwl" for Umi ulgVt Healthy Mothers Pew molhti art litdthy, beduu tnlr cliillii re so jctin. The anxiety of nrejiuaty. the ihotk of childbirth, and the uric of young children, are ftvere (rlali on any feoman. But with U'lne of Cardul within her igraip, every raotlier every woman In llie lend can ny the diet of permul haallh the ewes her loved ones. Do you want rnhutt health with all Its privileges and pk-aiurtt? Klne of Cardul will .qive It to you. strengthen! the female orpins and Invlij. orates weakened funrllont. For every female 111 or weakness It Is the but medicine made. Ask your druialit for $1.00 buttle Wine of Urdu), anil Uke no substitute under any circumstances, Kin. P4wk Ojw. Cornwf. Mich. "Ttua I wunmmi wlat wIm U CXul I mtn hw-JI tUt to rrvM Uii Urn. Tw wnki ahr I miikti a uJlt aui piM inktnM. ltnt my Mtur cfalU wa turn I uHcrxl iii Usr ptlni H torn, tui Ul le taw twa ul tvckM I lud M milk. Ahw w4m Utf Vsw imt pngatnty MiliM Ii4.l bwwoMit lea UW r 'L tnt twin lUr aoly m heun. il U InU (via Hkl I Wf J ii k Pur 0iUtPM4 Huffn WW In tar ImJi I iutJi Cul tut wUm U UrJui. ' Far altii In mm n irsu ffUl diwirot. i 4Sttt4. uwa irwCwu, os IMitt' AC.Ikwy I lHtmv Il.tUjj. lttu((t MaC um C. uunuo4' "m. Worms! WHIT CREAI VERMIFUGE t'i Fcr 20 Ywr Kis In til Wtrm RMwalM. ( V, IOXiX BT .irCVCJrXM( JAMK8 F. BALI Eddy Drug Co. Windmills! Eclipse and Star. WqSI Casing and Piping. in and Galvanized J ... Iron Work. UalTttttiawd Iron QeaUrilSllIll (s order. Ulve tit a tll am! jtatttflf guinea. Tracy & McEwan Railroad Tune Table. minth eocso-camaAHina love Paco I Arthur R. O'Quinn, vrflVMHtunrlalMdat Leave carlaoail at .Trrtvea at il.welll at Arrive at Amarlilo at. aot'Tit HOUND. tava Awarilloat Arriyeaatfioaweilat .. t Arrive at rarlabau at iMtn uanarvifl Arrive at (eooaat HUB. m cat i. m .jil i. tn . Miia . m ;,! ni Hauler In- I m: in 1:0. p to 'Wu ra iml. at tt'ata. m !ce and Wholesale Beer. iThniuth bound iniln limn,r nlhl Ih . . ...... I EL PASO PIANO CO,"f o 217 Myrtle Ave . ippm lie Chopin Hull, Ki. Paso, Titx.a. 2 mm 9 Best Stock h Lowest P Prices j Easy Term. 9 UorroapoiuliMcw bolivited. J 9 Old Instru- f monts taken J Inoxobango. I Pianos for 9 k- Horn. S ' V to E.. WILLIAMS, MANAGER. o9eo-&i'Ck.uveoov3'ook'i6'0ete'0e New Fufmtue X X '! t 2C Wicker Chairs, 4 1 - BV B . m . 1 1 oix .Mew suites Thti IllU'Rt Int nf Now Furniture over bronchi to Carhtbad nt tlm Tutitdl r4 1 1 nat Am" iilUVIi . Juat rccutvi'tl, ut priooa that dufy ootnpetlllnn. Don't Forget Tlmtour UndertitkerH (Itmil r the (lnoal, rlolieit und beat ever brought tn Curfttuaii, l'ricotaumouguuyuid (t'Hida. Williams & GazleyJ Aiul Qenorti) Forwnrding 0e, Hay, Grain, Soetl, Fcd, BlnokBinith Cdasl I U. S. Meat J Market j I'reelt Meat, Sauaage, (lame, . . . A I way on Hand. Free Delivery In Any Part of City. John Lowenbmok, Proprietor - LJJ SJLI . G. F. A. Robertson Blacksmith and Wagon .Maker. (aSjsigRAL REPAIR WORK. Food and Livoiy OoiTal in onnnontion. Ro. (Hanon St.