Newspaper Page Text
It M UbUNK, raMfcfc OAnHRAt), N, M. - -' BVRNTS Or RVRRVWMBnBi One of tho boxer I Mid urn, who Io4 the slaughter at Shanghai, aultlded. In the VonecHelan earthquake twen ty Ave lire were lost nt Guaranex. Three Atnerlean syndicate are ea denrortng to secure control of asphalt mlnee bi Venecuela. Mra. Krtrali A. HttrUi, ono of Ute first women auffragltta. died at ROth eater, M. Y.. aged 80 yeaxa. Tho luidon Sportsman r.nnoutieca that the Prlnee of Wales hat cancelled his retainer of Tod Sloan for 1901. J. M. Jlohryror, general passenger agent of Uie Ilaltlmore and Ohio rail road, (llnd at Raltlmora of npoploxy. The VniHWielau government has do- creed tliu rMuintiUoti of payment of Internet on all debt mid loans from Norembor. Amnrlonn troM wilt remain In Cuba at Idiot a year and a half, until thn Rorrnm(uit In established. The time of withdrawal li to be fixed ly eon in". Th Iitkr of Ahruisl has chartered the OothciHltcrc whaler, On pel 1 1, to pro is! In I'mnr. Joseflnnd, In search of three minting Arctic exploration ex inMltloiia. The Arrow, tho fastest torpedo boat in thn world, ban bcon launched nt NyntV. It I guaranteed to make fiirty-two nillr an hour, and may make fifty. TImi Huiwiii'hanna Conl company at William IViiii. Pa., granted thn de mands of the mlneworkera In that col tery and work tins been renewed. Over 700 nnii are rreeUil. A formal mil an of tho Kren and th 1'nllrd Presbyterian churches was con summated al Kdlntmnili. The now or mnUnUnn Im known la the United Free ftinrch of Scotland. Prlneo llolirnlolie. In rim variation with a representative of the Associated lYcee, made Ming Interesting state turn I regarding his resignation of thn Owmnn chancellorship. Rev. t. It. I lu melt, for nearly forty ini f MtMltir of Iho Onvernineat Street Prntiylnrlan rhnrrh. Mobile, Ala., nnd oni of the aouth'a greetaet tmtpif ora torn pnafwl awny In the 0 ill f rlly. The rather Important subject of coast defense In the one considered In the annual report of J. M. Wllaon. chief of engine,. Generally sneaking, he report mnet gratifying progress In 'he execution of th various projects during (lie lut fiscal year TlifMiKh secreted by mtbw of froon vi. Micro, will tie teleuraoh communi cation tint ween Mom and St. Mlcha"! itnrlnx tho approaching lone An1 tie winter. A temporary cable haa !en t'tlil by Hie Alaska Pomraerrlal com pnny and la now In fn't nnerstlnti The Unit (si States eoaat eiinrey fmmer, Me Arthur, after two won'h rrt In Alaakan watem, making ehart corrections end rl'n of tho eo" Mne. arrT d at V'colv Tt O Knrlnr thn trlw the VOHl celled at Vol- ninr.tnr. Rbe antereit ttie bey at nWit Tito Kntctita of pallor dlapnte be tweeo the lHmona and llayea fart'nn wna fiVfn Into the supreme court of the nWrlrt of Columbia, when I'r eone and other filed i liltl ncalnst John Harea and otbera. naklnr a re. rrir hh ncronnllnK and nlHn an In Junction. lite Hnsftlan ninbnmedor. Count DaJMlnl. haa returned tn Washlnrton. after an atisenee of so mo months tn Mnroim. during which time he rnnfer rd wltti Omint tmIflrf. Itneeltn minister of foreign nffalra, eoBeern'ne. the Oilnrno and other International niKvtiona. It lit sold UtHl over 1MI liftfie In tht Motility of llaojtfoti ium) AiU ra, I. T.. hare ri'od within Umi m. four wek. Thn dlweao la aald Hot to be eholera. tmt ao mo atnuiBe aad unknown HtnlAdy. Col. 8. II. Ihtraett la bMk at Clar endon from hla Territory raach and is JttattJkbty kaHr. lit Ium Jat 4U pad ef aath-r cMiaMeraM huaek the tmmm "MM" slaera, Ute par tbiMef iMlnc f W. Mdim ef Taylor. The nrlro la set Rive. Mr llowa, 8H IU'hoU eep'Ullet hai ruretuiied lit arrei f rice la-d In Icffenwn county at M aw aere. Mr. How will lma4lftUly Mt It lata m aore farina, btilfd the no'esary t y-M and tAHAHNt boNsio ud h wf p It with aa Irr'satlwi plaat (1 8. White at the OX ranefc was In ('hlktrwHi on hla way to the raiofa. tin had rttumad from Kaami OUy Rare rather adrarte rn-ta af the cattle rondltlon. lie It of the opinion tiiat prt! will us lower than at pres et. It. a ltarna ef lMbbek eamnty hu rtarfMd IrsBi Ooffc erltio. Ma, wkt e In. wet to rteelve hla hrd ef reti tred Hcrferk. bead d by the prtxe wfnner Columbia tba 11th. Mr DarR hM plaeed the brrd aa hta raaek, eight Uea caat U Lubbock RFFIBLICANS SlCCESSflL, As They Appear to Have Carried All of the.1 Doubtful States. Papular Majority of McKinley Will be Much Reduced, Perhaps Overcome. Now York, Nor. 7 Prealdent Mo Klnloy haa been ro-eleoted by a awocp. Ilia majority In the tleetoral coIIsro will not mntcrlally differ from tho fig ure of 1806, but there havo hen decided chanties In Ills plurality. He Is 100,000 under hla former plurality In Now York, aa much In I'enuaylvnnla, 88,000 leea In MaeanahiiHetta, and these per enntnues of reduction hold good In a number of stntos. In the states wlileh ho hoH cnrrlnd hla angrcgatc plgrnllty la potalhly more than a million uudur his ngcrogato plurality In the name etatca In 18D0. The returns from tho certain Domoorntlc atntea nro too mea ger yot to determine whether Itryan has maintained hla former pluralities In thnso atntce. It hn tins, It Is llkoly that MrKlnlay hna lost his popular plurality of four yoara nro of inoro tlion 000,000, or nt least the greater part of It, and It may oron prove when ler rcturnn nro nt hand that Drynn, hapelMMly In the minority aa reHards the electoral college, line actually re relred u popular plurality. In the emit, with the exception of n few Ineal cities, McKlnlry hna received teas votes thnu he obtained In 1S0U. and Ilryan hna In oransed cnrreeponillngly, but In no In atanre hnvo the nhangea been serious for tlin IttipuhlleuuR. Their margins were so groat that they could well af ford to lose many, nnd they oxpected to lose many. Indlontlona are that In few, If any. of the northern r'ntes has the total voto been grwitur tliiin four jronra ago. There Imve been groat Democratic gnlus In cltlos like New York, lloston, Ohlimgo, Clovolnnd, lluf falo. Jersey Olty nnd I'hllndolphln, duo tn Ilryan" popularity nmong tho labor ing men. All these clUea went heavily iigalust Ilryan fonnerly, and now ho has overturned advent majorities and carried moat of I limn. ((lld standard Democrats among the business men hsve apimrmilly again voted solidly for McKinley, and to them be la again In debted for his election n the middle weet. where Ilryan'a subsUntlel liotioe reetwl. the Itepuhllcaiis hare apiwrent ly matle good their claims of gains In the rural preelncU, Alille they Buffered exiectel loaaes In lalnir cewtars. Me ICIny lau carried the followlnp aUtea by pronounced pluralltlea: Now Mainpalilriv 4: Vermont, 4: MaawnrhusetU, IS: Ithode Island. 4. MoKlnloy haa probably carried all of Oio statoa ho carried In 1898 excopt Kentucky, nnd tho Republicans aro claiming Washington, South Dakota, Kansas and Wyoming, which Ilryan carried In 1800. lowing: Virginia, 12; North Carolina, 11; South Carolina, 0, Tonnrssco, IS; Georgia, 13; Alabama, 11; Mississippi, 0; Louisiana, 8; Texas, IS; Arkansas, 9; MIsrouI, 17; Florida, 4; Colorado, 4; Kentucky, 13; Nobraaka, '8; Mon tana, S; Idaho, 3; Uttth, 3; Nevada, 8. Total of ICC, leaving Wyoming with throe votes to bo definitely hoard from. I Republican losses In pluralities from 1898 havo been npproxlmatoly as fol lows: Maine, 1B.000; Now Hampshlro, 10,000; Vermont, 9000; Massachusetts, 0000; Connecticut, 2(1,000; Ithode Is land, 8000; Now York, 100,000; Penn sylvania, 100,000; New Jersey, 40,000; Illinois, 90,000; Iowa, 10,000; Minne sota, 10,000; Michigan, 16,000; Wis runsln, 30,000. A total of 8(10,000, but MoKlnloy haa large pluhnlltlea In all of these states. . lurk, Nbw V'ork. Nov. 7. At 11 o'clock last night Indlenitloiu wcro that Presi dent MclKnUy has carried New York Ktnto by ii mnjorlty over Hrynn of about 11.0,000, compared with n Republican minority In 1 It t lust prorildentln! elec tion of 308,100. Tho total voto In the rlty of Now York Is approximately fiO.OOO larger than It wan In 1890, and In thn stnto tho liuironso Is nbout 30.000. In tho city Ilrynu wiped out tho plurality of 110,000 which MoKlnloy hud four yonra ago nnd took a plurality for himself of nbout 3C.000. Up tho statu McKinley barely held the vote which he had In 1808, the added voto going to llryun. The vote for II. O. Ode) Jr., Ropub llran nominee for governor, la consid erably larger thnu that for MaKlnley. In Ilrooklyu, iwrtteularly, thn Demo cratic nominee fur governor aptwrs to have lieeu aeratahod. Tho election pnasod off quietly both In the elty and state. There were no morn than the usual number of arrest of men accused of attempting j voting. ' Returna from the congretwlonal dls- trlcta are scattering and Incomplete. Bonn YWtlrmt. I Llnroln, Neb,, Nor. 7. Mr. Drynn re eolved election returns at his residency In this olty. Ills houee wax fairly ovori ran by nowspaper men and tolegrnptt, operators. Tho first bulletin was ona announcing that Po'ighkccpslo, N. Y., had given MoKlnloy n majority of 1337, and this was followed by another bul letin to tho oflcot tlm Hlmlrn had gono for Drynn by 1728 mnjorlty. Whon shown this mcssngo ho simply re marked that It was oneourngtng. Tho other bulletins from Now York camo In thick and fast nftor that,, and while Mr. Dryan mndo no comment there was n feeling among thoso pres ent that ho was disappointed In the re. turns from Now York city nnd Drook lyn. On the ochor hnnd there was con sldcraClo encouragemont from tho In terior of New York state, nnd espe cially gratifying woa n message from National Committeeman Mack Keying that buffalo had given McKinley a mnjorlty of only nbout 3000, against a majority of 12.000 four years ago. Coming closely upon the heels of the nuffalo dlspntrh was one from a friend In Doston announcing that city to havo gono for Drynn by n majority of 7000, as against 17.000 for McKinley four years ago, The early dispatches Indicated the loss of Maryland, and this was also a disappointment, for It had been be lieved that that state was fnlrly ssfo for the Democratic ticket After receiving tho onrllor returna In his library. Mr. Jlryan retired to his private upnrtnienta. which wcro pro vldod with n special wire. Hot), j,0 and Mrs. Drynu wcro In n cheerful mood. At 8:30 o'clock, when the newspaper men nt Mr. Ilryan'a house sought to statement from Mr. IlryHii. they were told that ho hnd Just gone to sleep and could not bo disturbed. Connecticut, ; New York. 36; Penn sylvania, S3; New Jersey, 10; Michigan. 14; Minnesota. 9; Wisconsin, 12; Iowa, IS; Illinois, II; Ohio, tt. Tueee states bare a total of 312 elec toral votea, or J net twelve short of the nH tuber Heeesaary to elect, leering Maryland, Indiana. Weet Virginia. Delaware, Kaaaaa, the Dakota and the Pacific states of OalUofala, Oregon aatt WeaitiaRttm. with a tfltal of aUty-atx YBles, all elalmNd by RopNbllwHM, to draw frow. I If .as anneara HOWleKIklsy haa ear tied all of tltaee, Ma rot la Uie eiae teeal eoUse will be tn. aa agatMt HI In 1160. 1 Dryan haa certainly earr! tke fal- mlUlM. Indianapolis. Intl., Nor. 7. Two hun dred and forty preelnata out of 3402 In Indiana give MeKlnley 17,019 Ilrywi 31, M0. The eaiHc I rilSeCI gave MaKln ley 30.211, Ilryan tt&tl. Net lUtuiblle aa gala 1113. Indianapolis. Ind., Nov. 7. A e luc rative esUwate at 12:30 n. ih. itaae McKinley plwrallty Ih ladlawa at 30, M. ISatlra state Itepubllonu ticket hi eieeted. ItoUms are not ihtflulte regrdlits euiiRfeaaiHeii. frniii MhiiIh. Canton. O.. Nov. 7.-Th0 president first congrntulatloiia from headquarlcro camo from J. II. Msnley at Now Yoik as follows: "Praise Cod from whom nil blessings How. Your triumphant re-election Is conceded by Demoeratlo mnnngers. I lender my earnest congratulations. We uro vory happy m headquarters." Canton, O., Nov. 7.- President Mc Klnlcy cast his ballot at 9:20 Tuesday morning, people imd gni bored In front or tho booth nnd the president ohook hands with many nnd greets them pleasantly. Down Market street ho nnd Judge Day wnlokd nt thn hand of tho party and the prealdent wns kept busy rnlsng his hat lo U-e ninny greeting nlong the way. The windows of otio of the factories wire crowded with work men who gave him a ebear ei ho ihuh ol.. At the voting place n crowd hnri willectoil m see tho prealdent enter. Ho shook hands with some of the om clala and then stood while the ques tions required by Jaw wore asked. Ills registration number was 801 and his was the 197th haltut rant In n total voting sttvngth of m. The queatlons answered, the prealdent started Inlf tho booth nnd remained fully n mlniile acrnnnlng the tlekot before easting U Into the Imllot 1mx. .Indge Day then voted and tho' party started hnok to thn house. HIuiik' siulxiimii. Now York, Nov. 7,-Bx.nor. Stone nt midnight last night mndo tho fol lowing nnnouncomoiit: "I giro up. Tho roturna tHlcgrapb td boro from New York, New Jorsey nnd Connecticut show that these atntea havo gone Itepubllam. Returns nro Incomplete from Maryland nnd W-st Vlrglnlu. My Informntlon from tho mlddii nnd western states Is so Indefinite that I cannot form nn ojita lon ns to tho results. As I do not know the fuels I will wait beforo I will any what I think of the flnnl result." Dwiearaei aaem to majority In Virginia. Iinre a reduced UriUml. DalUtHore, Md.. Nor. 7. MeKlaley has earned Marylaaa battd tba shadow ef a daubt Ilia Maierity will be a boat 10,M. OWalrwaH Vaadlver of the Detaaeratle state central eaw mlttae adialU DayaK'a defeat In the state. It la also eertatn that the He publleaM hare eieeted four oat of the FoagreesmeN. while the remaUlaeg two will probably be DemeenUe. al though later returns may ebanis tbls outlook. MHwaukae, Wis., Nor. 7. Returns ftow Wleooiwlu up to 10 o'alook last Night are eowparatirely few, but show oa their fane, when eompared with the rote of fear years ago. that MeKlnley baa earrled the state by a large plo mllty, equal If not exceeding the fiff urea of im, which were 102,612. U. Ufollette, llepubllean eandldato for Rorsraor, and all the llepubllean con gressional candidates aro eieeted. Itnlli I'IuImi KkmIhcLj. I)ulsvllle. Ky.. Nov. 7. Doth the Demoeratlo and Republlean oommlt teea elalm the stale, tliough thoy fn utah no flmirea In wiMport of their elulma. LoHlevllle news papers claim that Dryan an lletkham or MeKlnley and Yorkea liave aalaetl the vfetory In thla eUte. jnat aeeonllac to whether theae twpara supported the Democratic or Republlean tickets In the eamaaign Just eloeed. .MeKlnley's majority In 18 out of JW) pnHncta In Iularllle and the sounty la 40M. la the same pre olnats the majority of Yerkea. Repub llaau onndldate for awreraar. over itetkham. Demimratle, Ih 44b8. 'Die Democrats are darning gains out In thn state. TThat tarni Snju. Ghlefigo. Nor. 7rVtee Ohalriftsn Payne of the Repabllean national eow mlttee lamted the following statement: "MoKlnloy 1ms surely carried nit tho .itre claimed by me, excepting poeel bly Kentucky, and returns Indicate that we havo hten Ilryan In Nebraska." There was high good humor nt Re publican headquarters nil through the early part of tho night, and aa the Re publicans kcut on In way to add to the good feeling, tho crowd that thronged the headquarters rent tho nlr wllh op plnuso nnd cheers. A message from the president wna received by Mr. Payne, rending as follows: "All New Fiiiglanri Maryland nnd West Virginia nro In tho Republican column." The hilarity rose highly whon n mes sage was received saying that Bloux Kails, S. T)., the homo of Senator Pet tlgrew. had given McK'nley n p'fnrn'lty of 405. There ws loud laughter, min gled with cries of "flood boy Petti grow," nod Mr. Pnyno wired Chalrmnn Hunnn "Ifa time tn nil up." A dispatch following close upon that from Sioux Falls declaring thnt Con groftsmnn John J. Lenta hnd been heat en In Ohio received' even n more bois terous welcome. Dispatches from ltloomlngton ntat Ing thnt Stevcnson'a precinct had been earrled for MeKlnley by 300 to 112 won rcclved wllh great cheering, which wna redoubled later on by tho an nouncement that Rrynn's precinct had been carried by McKinley by SftS to 10B. Word wns received thnt Vlco Chalr mnn Slono of tho Demorrntle commit tee refused to neknowleihre the election of McKinley. saying that the early re )tMibalita. Doeton. Nov. 7.- Htty oltlea and towns In the state give Ilryan 6767. McKinley 124M. flume In 1896 gave Ilryan 4m. MeJKnloy 14.841. Tills shows a Republican loss of 17' per rent and a DMnoeratle gain of 36 per eent. Ono hundred allies and towns In Mas sachusetts out of 33 give Dryan 15, flOt. MoKlnley 27,697. On ibis basis MeKlnley's pluarallty Is estimated at 78.0M. OrtticnlM Ktitlilna. Uhloago, HI., Nor. 7--Tie belief pre vailed last bight nt the Democratic na tional headquarters that tho battle la lost nnd that MoKlnley haa beonolcct od by n larger pluarallty than ho re-f. eelved four years ago. Senator Jones, near whom was setcd cx-Oor. AltgoUlt nil ex-Oov. Hogg of Texas, was busy resiling bulletins from various slates and commenting upon the figures. Ho said: "I do not know yet Tho roturna aro too meager to mnko a prediction," "Wo nro going to win yot," nld ox- Clov. Hogg. "These figures are docto-cd' and nro tho work of Wall street gam blers. They do not represent tho wilt of tho people" Whllo conversing with tho two -governors, Scnntor Jones was shown r telegram from New York ntntlng that W. J. Btono had conceded tho state to MeKlnley by over 100,000. TIs only comment was: "Well, that mny be rUht, but I anv not going to conetdn nnythlng now." Otiln, KrnnkfoTt, Ky Nor. 7-Clty of Frankfort gives MoKlnloy 989, Drynn SCI. Yorkrs, for governor, 97C, Dsck ham 867. Congroes. seventh district Trimble (Dent.) elected. Louisville Hlghly-eeven out of 17C precincts In Iiulnvlllo glvo McKlnloy n plunrnllty of 3100. lJiilsvllle Ono hundred nnd twenty precincts In city and county glvo Mc Kinley 18,088, Drynn 12,3G5. Same pre clnrls glvo Ycrkoa, for governor, 15, 492. Ibckhnm 13,098. IMilsvllle One hundred nnd ono prerlncta out of 1187 In thn state give' turns were always In favor of the Re-1 Dryan 11.637, McKinley 11,82; Deik publlcnns, and thoro wns much Ironlenl bnm (Dom.) for governor 11.402, Yor- applause for Chairman Stone. National Committeeman New In Indlaunpolls wired aa follow: "I am not going off half-forked, but wo have certainly earrled Indiana by nn Increased majority over 1HW." "Dosldes tho Btntea wo have already kes (Rep.) 12.046. loulirvllle One hundred nnd s'xly out of 200 preclncta In city nnd county give MoKlnloy 20.495. Dryan 16.647: Yerkoa (Rep,) for governor 20.002 Dcckham 16.272. Louisville One hundred nnd ninety- claimed," snld Mr. Payne "Wo now lioltl ( nlno prcelncta out of 1187 In tho state tho following: Knnsns 10, Cullfornln. glvo Ilryan 21.000. MoKlnley with tho one vote Drynn got In 1S0G( i Dcckham (Dern.) for governor 21.507 Nobrnplm 8, Nevada 3. Bouth Dakota 4. 1 and Ycrkea (Rap.) 23,0fi4. 601 ro ll tub 2. WashlngtoiH, nnd Wyoming 3 ducts nut ng 1877 In the stnto give votoe, mnklnp u total of l!)8 electoral . Drynn 01.021. MnKln'ev 57.352, Dcclt votea for MoKlnley. To those will prob- limn 61.934. Yorkea 50 0115. nbly bn added Kentucky, with the one vote lost four yours ngn, nml Idaho with three, making a total of 209 votes." At 11 p. m. Chairman Rowo of the Republican state central concilttrn gavo out the following statemetitr. ;' "I pee no reaaot, at thla hour to change Uie llgurea of the state contrnl rnmmlttee leaned before the election. MelClnlsy has cerrted the atato ty 80. IHK) nulalde of Hook county. In Cook county the Indications ate that both McKlnlcv and Yeles til have a major ity lth McKinley In the lead by about 15,000. 1 ntlmate his pluarallty In Cook county at 25.000. niialrmau Wsinon of the Democratic state central eommlttei refused to rotieed (be state to MeKln ley, anil claimed that Alachuler. Demo cratic candidate for governor, had car ried the atate by a small plurality. lexlnEton .MeKlnley's majority this city In 1000. In I'rcKlilcnt OrHtml, Cnntnn, O., Nov. 7. At midnight last night Canton wns in n fronzy of euihiiHlssin which know o bounds. The crowds which hnd bean burning rod fire down town mnrohod on mnssa to the MoKlnloy raeldenca with hnndn plnylng, rockets aendlng lurid strenKa Hemes the midnight sky nnd tumul tuous cheers mlni'led with tho din of horns and steam whlstloH. The crowd clamored for tho presi dent and ho appeared, waving hla ac knowledgment of the deafening abeem The prealdent said: "Follow Cltsana: ' I thank you for the very great compliment of thla onll on this Inclement night nnd nt thla late hour. (Cheers of 'You're wel come.') Of the many gratifying re- A laatsso latta . Montgomery. Ala.. Nov. 7.-Vnte In iw "am P" 01 in" uMrj. Mtiutgomery for prealdent: Dryan llfia.i ''ono ,,nve R,von mo moro Kn,1,no A MoKlnley 216. IktVker 18. Woolley 16. I ",ncor ntltudo than thoso from iuy Mohlle-Thc vote In Mobile nud "wn clt ,u"1 own county of 8tnrk county wns very light, many oltlaens ml 1 ,r now on to nB 1 hnv0' not voting .-xcopt for eongrewmnn. "(me so n,"y for",cr BlonB, to The Republicans carried the seventh ,haK, "nw moro for tho wnrm wnrd bv COO matorltv. laroalv nuero w,u" ''rty Indorsement Whloh you votes. This will probabl ybe offset by,,lttTC lr "Ivon tny public acts." the county returns. Dlrmlnghnm Very light voto was cast tn this (Jefferson) county, which Little Arkmi-iit. Rook, Ark., Nor. 7. The goca for Dryan two to one. Revornl Mntla ahow gains for Drynn, prcclnclM were carried for MoKlnley. inaitmtlnn ho will carry tho atato by Montgomery-Returns from the atate' 76'000- Ko"r0(,B m not vol lho,r ful1 are too meager to give nny figures on ' "trswiirtli. Roturnfl from romolo coun itm vntn fnr rtr .rrii Ilea not received. Indications nro that the state by u large majority on n light vote. six Democratic congressmen nro elect ed by Increased mnJarltleH. At 11:0 o'clock Tuesday night the returns show n slight falling oft In the vote In large counties, whloh may reduce Rrynn's majority to 60.060. In the oltlea Dryan runs n trifle behind the Democratic nominees for eongrees. Intter Ha4HM4 lndlaMaalla, lad., Nov. 7.-At mid night last night ths following Htate ment waa iatuetl by the Indlanapolla atitlnal (Delti.): "The retHraa up lo thhi lieur are A VW7 ,HH" vot0 wa rW by tho very tHoatw and the reaalt la Iadlana 1'onu" ,lMt"r' un'' 1,10 Prohlb tlon la dmtbUal. bat If the pereeatag of i Vflle ln 1,16 " wl" ut nt6 1W0. HeftNkttea gala Iwtlealea by the1 The vote of Utile Roek. Port Smith latest reporta la malHtalNed the atato, 8IM' ,,8t VTn nually light i iio UHMKie eeumaiea u majors or tO.teO far Hryan in Arkansas. Six Demaeratla enugrteeiNen elected be yoml daubL Utile Mack -City rata complete. Ilryan 17ft, MoKlnley 922. will give MeKlaley aMUfMiMMtely tba. same plurality aa In TSffL" The 1 Fid tana polls Journal (Rep.) at midnight laat night slalrord the atate for MeKlnley by nn lntfel plurality over 1866. RepMbllenHe claim to Imve gains Michigan. In Dloomlngton, III., Nlr. JI- Adlal It. SterMsan voted al (fijj iilla of pre olnSl Nt). 1, 57 NnNriii Main street. He walked from his home, Heoumimnled by his son, Iwls (1. There were very few on the street and his presence was almost unnuUcetl. Ilavtag voted, bo roturned home. New York, Nor. 7-flor. Rooserelt toted at his horns In Oyster Bay at 10:80. IxHilatuaa gives usual Demotratle majority. Ilia OUImi. New York, Nor. 7. At 13 30 thla morning National Committeemen Maaly, Qlblw and Dllss held n ooa fereuee, at the conclusion of whloh the following statement was given out: "Ouj tbo returns received at Repub lleaitihfaanu&rtera vp to this hour the Republican national committee olaltn to hare eieeted McKinley and Roose velt by sn electoral rote of 284, with tho possibility of twsnty-ouo votea la addition.