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f RENTERS 1 SINK. 0 i stock n.imxu a I'noKiTAiiu;, imilstim Foil tic.. AST PAIMI1.H. 'CH0r?easOOO9"ei Any IhK-ttwtou of the question of fer tility of Mill leads at mice to the lines tlou f relation butwi-eu landowner nml tenant, for the trnmni that nearly nue-bnlf of the land Iti the rani bill I la th band f tenant farmer, wrlto THE HOUSEKEEPER. Teaching llonsekolA Raaotalea A N w Irani Hoard T Can t'eaehe. " N i. f'Wsler In The I'mlrli I'm tour. In i dlwtwluii m far 'the object 1 ti t to rHnlii fertility for (do ' m i ngntdlew pf tin fact that iter i entuli U In rewnrtl fot lilt My enntUni lend me to bo iIihi t)i' iihiU' in-'(-it,(iil furtuers N. :. f Mlll-M WlMl llRVO derided at tfllMt h iMiitluii nf lliulr energies to stock mixing It In true n renter tuny Recurs ii hn-- i ii lifw tract of Itttiil or tin ilil fHrm ilmt linn lieeti devoted to b mlHtiiK for ii number of year mid II ihmive Krnln growing tin- H In liiml kIiuwh sign i itft inn iir licfiinen foul n'ltli . imiI u-turn ii ml muMmm weiiR tin fivrmti- rented fnrm In nnt In ' ' I Hf ill III" Wilt" RCIII'ml jn ii the iinnni'4 nml owner ii Hi"- erop nllhi- An exhiiuiled i lnwi deprwlHllon reduce the pour innn'H nlfir.v tin muoti n II ro i'i . tl mniU.wiii'i'M prnfltR. If tlin ' iii .m. lit nlyn keep lit fnrm 'r.i' i In rMiilltlnii to produce Inrxe 'in. or em.ld ntwnyi) Ml hI tin- top f iniirkFl fm t It yr nml miild UIH'w eery prmlut t of tin- fnrm with oul live i' '. ilifii there would lie nn tinrnrtnln fnrinr In hl problem of mic cemt lint nn owner nml renter nrn squally interesti-d In hnvlitic th" noil In It best condition, nn II ton often hap pens tlit renter must hcII hli crop nt the Inwcnt Instrud of tin highest point to ihImi" rnnnry to pay help nml Ntor bill, nnd an then- nn- iimny hyprod net Hint nre wnnted for wntit nf stock to rvtisuiiii" them, It In eRneutlnl that thr ti'nnnt rnlw mime Ntork Then) In no rcnMon why it fnnnt fartnitr mny not rnlnn colU inouKh to rrpluc? thr limit mnl wornont niuoux hi" fnrm trnnin, cnlrcN fiiouith tn ro pan tin milk cown that linvr otttllvcd thHr iiNi'fiilnpmi, a fi'w ntwrii to rvl nhi'it llio farm tciolm nrr to In- n plan-il. ffw iiltr liot only for NenvfiiKi'rx tn the linrii lot, ori'hnnl nml criitnfHi!' hut to lirtnc rcnily money tlnii may .permit tin1 Kruln onip to In hi-hl for nil 'tp"i'lcil nilviuirt", nr n fi'W hliii'p (o niijiply Ihi' iiiui'h nii'iliil frcxli nn-iit rturiiii; Mil' lint mnntliK mm well nn wool for tin niipply of pin ntom-y for I lie yonil nml oviTliiMtdi) wife nml ilnttnli trrn of I In fnrm Aihl it nlckt'l'H worth of khimm ami rnn- tn n IiiimIiH of coru nil fi-iit to n fll hri'il plr. nml the rt lii I C will Ih li'ti pmnicln of pork, worth on thi- pn-Ni'iit markrt -in pur if nt inorr than tin nume nrlliOcn nn worth un mnNUmi'i! hy hln plnjl Corn, ontn nil clover liny HlxTully fed to tin borne that M to he noli) off the firm will brim ilnnlih" the amount the nnir. rtlrh'N will bring In nny uenernl mar ket There In no rewton why u renter may nnt do thene HiIiikk Iii nmnll way nn well nx the muti who owns i section nr more of laud. A man need not he rlrh nml own hrnnd urren of laud to he iilile to ralw" n calf that wpIkIin 1.00(1 poiindu nt the end of Itn twelfth month There In nn rennon why a tennnt fnrtniir. If he ehooiien. may tint rent 40 ueren for prnsH nlotiK ilde nf the 40 nrren ho rent for corn and atock thin with cattto or ulnt-p that will crow while he nlcepa or while bn renin on tbc iieveuth day and wornhlpn the mnmv God hln landownliiK uolchbor wamhlpii or why he nhnll not mnrkot the corn of tho 40 ho tilled throiiKh thoNf Mine entile or nheep limteud of tuarkrtlnic It throush tbu Rrnlu denier. If a renter ha a liking for live utock and Reluct n farm adapted to tho Iniil nrxK and In dlllcnnt In bunlueH. hli be ing a renter U no bar to bli nuccett an a llvo ntock man. Ilouscbold rconomlc or ta'dOK prominent place la movement of todny. Marietta college. lu Ohio, tina n (.MtnmeiUo'ui bonao built exprmly for tbc faSubold vcvtiomto clusd. limited t(i2A In uuiolmr. tbnt tbn course may bo tliorottebly practical and not overcrnwilcd. It bnn a iHtrmnl fdur of two yi-nm for tho trho wish to bo tttwlicra nnd n tJiortrr course for thonv who wUb tho in struction merely for pentonnl roiuom. Hie xutamcr nchool of thu Uulvcrnlty of MIuiicroUi bna n lnt"t emu In detBMtlc i-ootiomy, and. lodevd, col lesa nnd public schooU all over tbo country have the household economic rourna tn aomr form, lu mnuy lilKh tobooli, na well na In the Kremmar achoobi, cookery la n rtcofrnlzed atudy, and la Hluahnmton. N. Y., houithold unnltntloii In ndded. In Uttoa. N. Y., cooking la obllRntnry for Ktrli In th acvcntli and flrhth triidex and tlectlvo lu tbo HIkIi achool. The lllsh echool nt 'arreti. i'a., Iiaa a graded couraa of tbme yeurR. which covern tnarliottnir, rvluft- and the cbcmlitry of food, lu addition to cooking. In Puohlo. Colo., hygiene aud home miming are tnugbt nUo, and lu (be Ktato Normal school nt Oreeley. Coo.. the domestic iiclenco work Includes tiunltntlon, economic botnny ami bactcrloloKy an It relate to domestic ecotiomy. Denver trachea In tbc Manual Training Ulgb school ventllntUn. antiltatlou and gouerai care of tho bouac, ns well an cookery. The domestic ndence department has been for 17 yenni n conspicuous feature of tbo Cbautaugua Mbeua. r Onnni (lin mtn linimTllinl''lomocnbbag. chop both together. ? (Ml I II II mil Hnlf E M K ii 6n blghly wltl, blnelc nfmr nnd - viiuubiuu liliu IIIUU1IIIMU inn -n DllfcAJi A UUIT FOU T IIIIIIWIlHl'ltliMkvi..U 9SS. 5W 3 m AH lOVCll.lHIt lltiiMtinM ,1 wilt, mlt rltb fin egg. and Ainu Into " 1. .11.. A... II . f . . .11. . . ummj uinir itcii nnu 1171 mice powioea that nro left over, flowr them, and fry tbem nfter tU rajbern for break fast. 'i In naildllng the celt ho nhould l- uniinl round In tho ntall nnd fastemd :o inch plllnr on either Hide, alloV.- him niifllclent head to move backwanl nid fonvnrd freely, nayn J. P. I". Hull 111 the Loudon Live Rtuek Journal. I'hi" hn-aker nbotitd tJike tbo Mddlo Hid hold It forward to hU head to tbn " nm nee nnd nnielt It, nootbo him 11-uily by kind word and rareaa hint by imttlnK him noftly behind tho corn. Ili Nhould movi" ipiloily up to hln nenr lilc. puMh thi" atlrriiM well up tbreugli tin- lenthnrx unit fold the girths uerom thu top of tho naddle. After making t A Xnr IrnnlnK Itonri. The object of thin luvcntlon It tbr production of an Ironing board which can bo dctacbably socured to the edgo of a kitchen table, a window ntll, cleat ooxvtcttcrT ron skirts axo auirrr. os the wall or other convenient sup port. The board Is of very almpte con struction, aa a glanco nt the picture eiuni.10 much of the colt for n few minute b 1 thould slip tbo naddlo gently aver hlui, phav It miuurely upon his buck, slip Hie glrtliH ijutetly from the top of tho tnddle, nnd In girthing hint bo mtul Iw careful not to drnw too tightly nt tlrat. Nothing frighten a colt more than I Ntralulng hlui round the middle audden ly The bnnker must never hurry uor lo anything elumally, but move nbout the coll with iuxe 11 ml rontldenen. ami he wilt anon grow fnmlllar with tho uppearaiK-e aud fecllug of the middle. It should Ik freuenlly put on nnd inUi-n off til h bnck, llrnt from one side nnd then from the other, and when he bei-oiiie thoroughly nrcuntomed to tbl the Haps of the Middle nhould be beaten ) eiy gently nt first to famlllaruu him wllh uolM" like tho swinging of strap nnd rattling of Irons After training the colt wllh the feci" lug of tho nnddle for three or four com Kccutlrc dnyn he shnuld reeelvo lessons lu turning to the lilt. This In best no-i-nmpllslied by walking clone to bl nlde- tho uenr Hldi'-nnd reaching Ihe right hnnd well over the withers to una thi off rvln. while the left la work id by the other hand, making hlui tnorw backward aud forward and turn lu nil directions. The colt should tx led tn the open a few dayn by n long rein attached to tbe front cnreNMou ring, lie nhould be tnk en along public hlghwnyH. no that be tuny become fnmlllar with object on the rond. Mnny colt are frightened to pan swiftly driven vehicle and "ncorch tug" cyclist, from the number of bi cycle now being ridden over the pub lic rond. together with the phenome nal appearanco of nn occasional motor t'oUe Produced bf Pee ill nr. It Is Interesting, to any tbo leoat ot tt, tn lenrn. through tho medium of tbr BboUleld Dnlly Telegraph, tbnt "Dr. Kuucriuntin. nn Austrlnn, (im obtained curious result In coloration by feeding bird on food dyd with aniline." II gcotu, for lustauct", become a beautiful red color 011 methyltrobrumt fluore clne. or blue on methyl violet a aub atuueo which. we hiire much pjenauro .In Informing our rcodcra consUU of a almple inUturo of the hydrochloride of pentn metliyl pararosanlllnc and bexamctbyl pararoaanllloe and o 00 through tho varlou atagea ef tbe col on of tbe rainbow. Indeed the whole thing Is to simple that tbe axponenta of tbe color reeding colt who only avail thomMlve of aucb rare and coat ly cotnraodltie aa marigold, nastur tium or cnyeuoe to effect their object must henceforth be regarded a ijulte crude pxponettta of a noble science. Henceforth the poultry or pigeon breeder will only have to raise white I bird, which, with the nantstnnce of a penny's worth of the hydrochloride of peutntnethyl parnrosaulllnc nnd bexn mnthyl pnraroanlllnc mixture or aamo such plensnnt drug, he enn alter to any color which hi fancy dlctats.-Es-Usb Htock Keeper. -SANTA FE ROUTED THE SHORT MNE TO Chicago, St. Louis arn.d Kansas Oity w Triinsfcre.froin El I'aso hi Worth. " 1 4k for Tim (JunU andInps of Yoor Nfrt Agent, or write II. HOUUIt I ON J ' I) F. nril If. A.. ' ; Hi I'nnn. 'Texno sfla0-0-e)'o-ie)-0 .!. W. DLAf 'K Uftt'l, l'n. Affect, Topekn, Knnjias THE PECOS Eli S l Reft 'J?u8KonKer Service in roxiis. -AND important 6ateways4 dlfc jltfci fWi iTii .ith rft. Ai Tho Great Oattle Trnll Route. -ypSnVfY' ailver Orftr Dorklna Cook. Tbo Dorklnx a good mnny years ago eojoynd very gTcut popularity tn tbl country. la recent years, however, This Una Is now equipped fully to accommodate, the great mul locrens lug cattle bunliiMi nt the IVcos Valloy nun in hujuiiiiiis inrriior. U I thd cattld. hlnpcrnllne from Dointt on uui Mirtncrn nin a trom the great rnnxesot tbe valloy Only to hour by fast tmln between 1 no urcai mnrKei 01 r t 1 !fflLiy x 1 f Pecos rity am 'ixiiMsuity A Irlend A upnereiis management. 01 1110 vsuejr. Thsnrent plains have been peopled 'lirouRii the nifedlum nl thd railway. I'arUbail, Itoswoll. Tortales, Itnvl n. Iliretortt nnd Cnnyon City, nil points ntthlpment, now welt tqiitp pi-d with toed nnd water. Addreii - ouble to answer questions. Trough Meepor Dally - rt WrtS Dallas St. Xieuts , will show, thero being one log to rest In a slanting position on tbo door, with car, the paNsIng of those object quiet pivoi pin ni one emi or mo warn, in y uy ,ori I nu Importnut nnd esen which the uppor cud of tho leg Is fastened. The leg project above the hoard nnd la formed Into a Jaw, wbleb grips tbe table or window Mill, tb bonrd extending horlxontally from thi tint (wltit In their early trnlnlnr. In nddltlon tn tbe ordinary breaking tinmen, It I a rn pit ill plan to tlx a chnln tn the crupper Just nbovn tbe coifs ftiartcr. Tho chain nhould bo utvsn fluxy bonuiKo cock. tbn treed lis suffered a sort of decline In public favor. For tbo nat couple of acajou a uutnber of breeder have bestirred themselves to bring about la thU country n full appreciation of th inouy merit of tbl fowl which Is so highly esteemed In Kugland. Their of fort seem to be menllug with the ne cms they deserve. Tho Bllrer dray Dorking have ilo glo combs nnd tho White Dorking bavo rao comb. The distinguishing char ncterlatlc of the breed are tbe long low body nnd the five toe on each foot Tbo flenh of the Dorking la said to bo of tlncr grain and flavor than that of any otbor variety except tb Indian Gnine. perhaps Their greatest drawback la their extreme tenderness aa chlckN, tbe mortnllty between the . tlmo or hatching nml 3 weeks of age bolug abnormally heavy except wben the most assiduous attention la tfvrn tho llttlo fellow. n. w. M.vnTiNni'Li,, O. V. it V. Act. . ii. Ntaiiota, Clenl Matinaer. Itoiwell, New Mexico. T. OAZLUY, H. D, tnrs til prnlesslonnl si-rvl8is lo thn cltl ini ot UsrUiwd nnd vicinity. I'mil WUutt snd (lbillrlc ... 8ctslly omee at McU'tnile n & iMcy's. Itesldrnuei MhrI cummliiR'H plnie. "; Willi lrr, ' . I'. Win. n Ilmt, . WlllfllKIl ltl:KU I'ltYHUIASH AND SUII0KHN3. : lluUI Hclilllr. I'arUbfld, New Mexico. n. inii 1 I'Htalnlt (UN, i.rr l.J llr. rni cwiun t ab.t Sj I.Mtnl UHI 4lt. .m.n.rr.t 1 rlllill) 1. .r llll ll.Ml I.. .Hi W. A, lltl.tcl V.'in-u IXlt'ti ,f.1 . .t rt , li ,! iw Mlcu, the underalde of tho upport to form nlxtut eight feet long, an that It will ' Wllltflker & Gflfe the other side of the grip. It can be mnK nbout a foot lioucath tbe flunk, of l "-"t sjLJ CMUMCH UtKBCTOKV. readily seen thnt the Jaw will ruljuit themselve to n board nf nny thickness and tbo grip of tbu Jnwa will retain the board perfectly rigid. The main advautngo of tbo bonrd, howover, Is the readiness with which skirt and other circular garment can be placed tn position for lroulug, th free outer end of tho board allowing tbo skirt to be slipped Into position snd re volved to smooth nil aides without tho necessity of lifting the board. Dralers In Line Hreeatoat and labretdtor, The Improvement of our commercial hog ha come, to a great extont. from line breeding, which to a limited ex tent I Inbreeding, aayn Kilns Oallup In The American Agriculturist. I am a strong advoeutn of lino breeding for various reasons. Those who have prac ticed Hue breeding are tbe ones that have produced tbe nhow animals, and It require contltutlon nnd rigor to be a good show hog. The veteran breeder of Rhorthorn cattle In Bng-land-Charles and Itobert Colllngs, Thomaa Hate and Thorn 0- Booth by tbclr process of Inbreeding proved to be tbo most successful breeder of the most famou breed of cattle tbe world baa ever known. It would make some men feel faint to go to my of&co and examine tbe pedigree of the great Toland-Uhlnas, tbe noted boga of tbe day Eat Pltnlr of Vaettabtsa. Tho housekeeper who la looking attar tbe health of btr family a well a tbclr nleasuro abonld give considerable of ber attention In these days to tbe vegetable. Every one I better for eat ing plenty of vegetables, and they or tbe colt nu cither aide of hlin. It wilt dangle and piny nbout bl leg and flunk by the motion nf hi body aud I jv a will have a tendency to remove any V31 11 G 13 I tlCRllRiinons tbnt may ln almut him. A 1 pntr of common fnrm mouth bug ' should bo tied together, fixed In tho center of tbc saddle and suspended a fur a tho feet of tbo rider will reach. They should bo filled with sonio heavy material com or turnlpi will do and their weight, pressing ngalust the aides 1 of the colt, has an excellent effect In preparing blni for the pressure of tL j rider leg. The colt should frequently be driven ..... . I I . .1 . A I . 1 11 . niuuu in n circle, ursi to me ngni aim 1 then to tho left, snd never too long at a time. In thi way It 1 easy to give faltu plenty of exercise before be can 1 In) ridden. Ho should be sent round ,mlnr rrnrleet. unv Merchandise iioi u. ni:w mm ico Honey! Honey! M IL ntvern, i.uiii .itllMta) Ml a. 11' r, 1 . ., ill 1 isMiiMwa u.. Utiwortu fnr ti i) la m ut4k J. R. 1 vtji.ii, fns'or. U'l-m . r . .lu rot SlttW HlUl -ail . Mr Mh-,-', "5- S'l ' '""'" '"'il4 II l. wltM -Ilil Mrrun. All WtilUMSir 7KNi. m j. r.iwtn, ruior. Incomparable Hervlco to 27at Orlesona Ask for schedules. E. P. TOItNJJIt, O. f.iiT. A, Dallas, Texas, na nlentlful nnd look so lntttlnr that It does not require any effort to follow at a trot and n canter, sweating him a this rule. little, but not tiring hlui. lu ruunlng ' If you do not care bow much your blm to tbo tuft tho rlgbt bond rclu cuu ' market bill amount to, there are all be used na n whip If necessary, and . . . .1 1 - L.i-1. .. i .-.1 j 1 1 lu Im mihhIhh m II... rr-l. purin ui vuuiliurniJTVij iiiftu ijiivu urn- mm- in iiiuuiui u w iikiiu iuu Money! Money! ALL K1N1W OK r;- IlilJlf lllnffllQl m. alai All rrnll Imllnl. UanLIu, fiaaf d"je"No. St. It o(V Meets every Tlmriday oven n at 1i o'clock. All visitors aro weicomi II llAHVr.Y, C. C. JOIIK UnLTOH, K. It. A H. 3jS lAH.v MASONIC ifclj regular com SgkJuP. m.. Jfl caclea. and thsn, on the other band, If you want to be economical you will not And It dllUcult to do so and still hav plenty of good vegetables. Crsamed Ors Cora. A very appetising tray of serrlng green corn Is to cream It. Cut the corn from half a down ear, or, rather, brosker should always itop tbe colt 1 when tho direction of hi course la re vomnl end Induce bloi to walk clone up, wbou be should bo encouraged by fondling Rod kind, assuring words. He will Icaru this almost sooner than any thing eso If ho I kUdly treated. Tho reason for stopping htm when bio course I reversed I to prevont hlro Tbl. talk about tb. Poland-China scrape It, u.tnK the back of the kulfe mIob Motlwr nd and Berkshire lelng their constitution because Inbred la all humbug. There never was a beg with a better consti tution tban the I'oland-Chlna of today. They have mere life aud actlen than they had SO years ago and are still Im proving. Now. I am well aware that tutre I a strong prejudice against Ilo breeding, but every one doea not know why be I so prejudiced. for that purpose. Mix with tbe corn a balf cupful of bread crumb. Ileal ip one egg and mix It with one table spoonful of butter, reduced to a crrnm, and a teaapoouful of sugar. Add s balf cupful of milk and salt and pep per for aeatoutng. Add tbls mixture to the corn and crumbs, mix well to gether and put Into little baking dishes 1 add a biyer of seasoned crumbs to each and bako 30 minutes. law Prised Cattle. Those who read tbo representative sale of cattle In market will note that Ta Can reaeaea. An easy and wholly satisfactory way g, good many sell at comparatively low to tan peacbea, according to the wo- priev. The reason I that there I no place for which tbey are especially wanted. Tbey are not fat enough to make desirable killers nor good enough to make first clsss feeder. Tbey am etas) by salctmrn a "In between." and that very aptly describes them. Stuff of tbl kind must alwny eII at comparatively low price. There I no anarta tlt naml fur the "misfits" la any jklmJ of live muck National Btocktuaa man wbo describe It. Is 0 follow; Tbe fruit Is peeled, halved and pitted. Then, If the ptMcbea are ratbor sour, glas. cans nr tilled, wltb n little sugar laid In the bottom aud agslo balf way op the can. Afterward tb can are set. uncovered, In a pan of water In th open oven and allowed to beat alowly. When the contents bave sunk perhaps 0 locb. tbe cans are takeii out, filled with bot simp and at oar stU4. coiiftwlng his pace. Walking, trot tinr, cantering and galloping are all dlstloct paces nnd should be done sepa rately. Tbo baiter ahould always tie left on the bead of the colt below the bridle. Tbe baiter (bank ahoald paaa between the for legs aud be securely flxed to thn saddlo girths, and when the colt throws up his head the pressure comes upon bis nose, which does not check him to severely a when the strap I attached to the ring of tbe bit. Tbn driving rein abould be ten yard long, and they aboutd ia from the coif mouth along through thr stirrups. The ' stirrups should always be fixed to tb girths to prevent tbem bring displaced when tbe relus are drawn upon. In tbls manner tb driver ran lever tbe reins round tbe bind quarters of the colt and wheel blm about In all direc tions with tbe greatest cast. Wten tb colt baa been driven about th lelda and road for a few day, he ahoald be mounted. While w rrcom HONEY! T ! 1 KIM' K PRSOIS ' 0 milbui. liXlr.iti.t ...1. (Mil : linn Nil h 11, p ii I'M Current Office. ;T ; Yi,i? fiVoi J v. uy . In 1 r. Uvi rVtJ (V &tfikU17a ....SUblr..:. MdrUHlf.No. :i. a s n Miaccio 111 eommunlestlon at 1:30 3rd Matunlav nl mnh SSmontb. Visiting brotUren in rrir vitod lORtlend. . v .. J "' fOUStUAK, W. M. A. N. Pratt, fleey. 1.0 U.K.BAV. No. tl meets every Krldsy evening In Visiting brothers In good Mtnnln hsll. standing eordlally wsleom Jso. H. McBwam. flC e. C. II. WmoilT, N. 0 ' y-fta.'. W.KKlmen ot WerW, uroyc, ws. nnd ih TiUH'rtar mints 01 sn month tt. Uutusrlnrid, 0. W, User Wall Paper Store A-j-?fm?,,oN9' Wo v ,11 llJlVG QomJ lUtfS tit Ujr! OIL Gin - it . ... Mpuliliiu Piftdrf MiJiiiUiiiK IMetUru FmiiM Wiutlow Shrjdus Uiu'tnln PoluB Paint BrushuB Artletfl mtrUkto MjWuPK 0UnANr 15 K t). At nit: A O. K. Blacksmith Cln.iAlI SlIOl 1 ii 1 . 1 n-k nil hii.e, ivrrnmc .,im. . tn 4 mi.i mimhI Mri. 11 m kiniN. 1 k '. . IiIukkiiU lliUl. Ik . I ,pnir A In. nil N. M 1 nu k 1 iiiiraii. 21 t-a tt iuriii8siero Railway. I.- iv ..1 111 1 . :i:Ui .. ui . 11 - 1'n . :id i, in. I.e Ki I'.ihii iijjhil n in. Arilve A 1 iittuKiirtlii 2(45 p, m M "king cmi'ii-i' 1 ti tt t Itl I'asn for the Mix!. vi-i f-l ui 1 ol l. In Mexico. f'lMiMix i i 1 r' "ii a 'ln with t lie K' 'III- Ml I II' Wliito Utlk Country White Oak, llotillii. Nngul. Orny, unit SiiIr'Id cor 1 ili(ln. i-h .-.M. iwi'iii; with I'lrarnsn .t.iy. liin n''i l-.vs Alrtiiinijiirilii tiiti-t Hrriv.i -f ir In Hieli ilin I."t.ves nth.MMi tu lll-MUii in. I, i Lux ui 12 ' it: ik'llg illltlHOllllll Villi the K'lltt' . "UMil tralfi A S Okmki, den Sunt kt fi I'd Adt II Al.nxANImt. A (I. V A. Crozier & Bobo, Est at k AiISNTR. Not conneetsd with anv corporation. . Taxej uRiijt bous tar. rtflt Rnd larms and ranch property lor site. 1 'olit CoH'cton Only Employed Lumber Yard. A N. IMt IT frupi liiiuibar, l;, iJqgia, Moulding Pickots, Sash, Etc. 60 YEABt' EXPERIENOK B vfflm K.. ja . . . 1 rm w m r ARTOti Meats. 1 JcaiaNB 1 1 Iktlrh taiittirivwmttmt riUtlr Hnl"i our owniaa lr liHbf. ihIIh h mtitlfMlUi. CoaoaisaiM. sum muxit KiwwiUi ntawwi an ruai sstffUiwllu, wtibosl SMf. ta tU4 SckMliftc HHttrkati AMadteaslrtthL-itUsa wMtte. LsrcatS smm ei sir omm (wit 7mm.I r" nevrpt".! ltv 1 r Buw-jsiwi $,1 1