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liif in no i da 19 CARLSBAD CURRENT. VOL. X. OAKLSIJAH, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, l ( IIBKIi 8, 1000. NO. 5. I Pendleton & Gamble If you like qwnlity insnpct our lino stock of extra 3'loet fresh KVoeenes nt once. i.r'..,'i,,'., THE QROWERS MEET 4 ,,' tii'' I 1 WASHINGTON LETTHR W ASWINllTuX. XliV.20, Tim brewem urn itftur their ihiuimI of RcpteaanlAt vo men l)lcttK the Can taltmpo Proposition. 1'civ tiuetiiixH u innto lmKitanue that tho nil timt cnnvei.t U Iiittic miiirt houi Saturday afternoon haw wen hold in Hie Yuliey. When ihlrly pro duewM Mil In Inducted to attend tmuh a tlllOUJPiail U4 WHt then IlKlll it U it fotcpolje owicliiPion Mint the itiettnii proposed fur OfliiHtilPMli'iii hit seUml upon t fie Indlvldmi' mimta, and Umt It will reUtlt i'i bulit until alhtlndtory luiowlctikri U olitiiim-il Ami III Kite ' to ny Unit In tlil li ".mm tin ueit- outalnn wilt l)o verllled In 11 practical (iMiimmttiitl hi n tin- feosuiilitUy of oatitnlotlfto urnuliiK m tlim onintnnnlly. I htnt nt the exiKTitlrt) of t) tiniiKH eoniartt. a nil it win tie atcrnta If plt'ilK made Stifff-man l.t?ttar. Tirtttfcui u,o, whan thu Mlc )iliit ttlwrnuu wub Mirroltiry of it. iv yotiMK niuii, iliewn ut U of Mter nuMi'i (KjlnmltimtM, wralM to Win Hr iMlUitiet, Hu wild li liuti fitlluu mi lleli nml tlioy on- uoltitf to Imvo li ur . low In life tht tbero was tip jitero tor Lowncys Bonbons Know (tie realon why. Thry mad n paranimt appeal to Mr. MckmUy for tho reduatlmi of tho tax mi uw, but tlmt putlctnan Imil no Idea nt hand IIiik anything onrry Inn so much point- oiil ilvlinniUa, ko iiu 1 nMil tin que Mm but lb nu lter that as Uutiiw lull iM-t-niiio 11 liurilcii, and Umt lie wonted to dir. Today, this f'liue yoilpi: limit U it prixipvmui iiierelmnt. In Ntw York City. !ltdld tincow ft)int liln IMinitifiii wan uiifUiUm Huvtro Ivmi lion itlotiir to Mm irTiiililcii iiiPiitlHir 1 Mil, i.v .lolin Mtiwiinn. In nnmvor to of lli hoiHo wnjf ami niHfiii turn mil inn letter. Siiwwm wuh mIii iruim tcp, unit llicy trtnil'iltlii'ljrHTerfiiiiwn. hIoii In pntiilth I lie lttlr whhdi lli Ttih Ilia btvAPIf Nntiuiinf4l IliWr in i -inir tiinitlmnmi. ciiffl.ili) llmrt nil tuition to mtrry ll niMl n u HiP iutitiiiii. .W 'iirtiun flonrot cfliiKfiKW, nml XlC 8r Polar Hour Xmas Candies, 1 EL PASO PIANO CO., 217 Myrtl)A.ii'p"8lti' Chopin MhJI, Ki. I'awj, Tiwah. .....f! IN II I-11IMJIJI V o P .... M-Jlh'&k It l It -eb. ? 1 c 9 Bust Stock LO'A'Sbl PrlMs Easy Terni 8 Old instru- P ments taken J In exchange, o Pianos lor Hem. t c UfrttMpniideiici1 solicited. E. a WILLIAMS, MANAGER. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. We have a large list of choice ranch farm and town property. McLenathen & Tracy. Carlsbnil, New Hexlco. A. KERR Chinese I'tiiu-rnl. 'I'liu fiil'nwlii): ilt'K'jripliuii nf a t'hiiU'Ki' luiifnil In taUoii I nun I lie lu;t iHum- ul thu Cllfluii, Arlznnu, topper Kru: 11 fiiiii'itii or Col. (limn Snii, whiuh ouiMircd Vfcli'iilay ntliriioon, wuh truly 1111 iirli'iilnl nlfulr, and wuh utlfiiiti'd liy nil ul' llicCliliii'M'r'-Kldt'iil.i of llirton itnd vivlnity. Tin Mi-xleuii liuiid of liriii'ii jilt-tert tlm pn(!tliiii. J'hu mmiimIiih iNimo im'XV, uoiivt)fd mi mi fxprfH wiiiton, on I'ltliiT hiiIb of which mt.i u luru1 iniin- I lift Of llllltll'hl' lllMrlllK Ilillllll'IH of vui- kiiih di-sneiiH. All of thu turllily pun- j HfHlilonKllf till IHlJlllUll WITH tlt'lt lip III lu Inintlli uinl 1 lnei'il ut tlm Imud nf tho lenltln, A riKiKtfd hImhiI ami iviral J niico ki'd pluaund uhii-kcim witc pine 1 ml huili'i tlii' i-ollln, lftlit r with a 1 lm.x of jiwti htlrU and tiro criicl;i'rn. Moie ChltiHiiieii sllli iMiiimrK fo.lowed hi fnnt In 'thu rear uf Urn rnnultis which were alVn followed hy 11 niimber , of I'iirriuKt'H. 1 11 1 he reur e.n rluf-e were pymbal players who (llPpla)ed an tin j incline iiinniiiit of eneinj, whluh onr Cliliiese interpreter Muted wuh to l; up the evil npirltH away. Small IiIIh of 1 paper were ticiittered alntift tin road to thu craveynrd, III eituh or which were nine hum through which tho devil must crawl. TliU nt nnirKO diluyed a (imih of Kenurul tejuioiti? t kn-iw ; that trtti plan of uicperlniciital (jrowlufj, pachlilKt shipptuir, and marketlnc thlt most tilrali! hi tide, i mlirmtcp n thnr oiili and jrnteitrntic organhMtlnn, n featu'eiwdl l icHlu in fmnimr iiiulr Ukliigcut Ha inuie mtiiiru with dl(fr out ptodnuti. U l.rttuver tlto nsn t It will ho u ftiuraeioiy Mildtioii. Ah ptjiiiiily uiinoiinneil (!l. t'urher lirln, nt Itotuoll. wuh In itttuiidtiuuc.i Iliii uddrt'Hu. which wan teuulved very iittenlively, Included a leu! lire on tlm tmlttiru df tlm uiiiliilmipf, and n mm cIhc mil lllie of the niHtlioilN liy Which the i)cutmnry t o opt r it Ion hptnpen the pnulter mid tlm pnnuT i perfected ami whereia the utlvunum'n are e(iiill7.(l hot vpt'd tin two. II h ruimirkn wer cnmtirv.itlve mid fori-.ihle, ovhlviit'liiK a knowleiljiti o the nnliJtH't ren ttmr from Iuiik exponenct. In nlMlanue tlm folluwlnu laetu ere tnentlomnU The wnt of I he teeil In ttliotit 10 nrlm ceiilH per acte; thU Uih mcl:liiK itom puny dottlre to ftiniNh In grower, nt It In to the mill mil iitf vanillic ol nil to i produce u imir inn arlt"ly. Twuut) '; dollar! will covui the. cunt r ( plitntlnc and nrowln two acreiii the nveratje crop of two actus U cniUf, one ear mud. Ilui vent'tiK ond to the pucker ri)in.'ren uhmit IUOaJII to thn nut. Theuxttenie delicacy of till I'litilnhiiipe nucetMltnleHPirMlir packlni;. Cnl. lnrle iidvmiitiwi exeelnlor hh Iholiimt pticklng itilil jilHlacd Urn cMimpany to 11 liherul imeofllie urtlrle. Kefrliterntli It, the uxpi hse mid leMpKiiNihillty uf which Ik liorne hy the packer, foriiiHiinotlierull Imporlaul featnre-of in irUetlnj: cantii lunpeH. The i' real dlHuncc Ut the con tninier runderi a IttvlPb tumor leelinper alive, nit well hh ii ptupRr vcnlllullou. To lOHiirn tl.e arrival of the melon In thu ens', In the net roinlltlon. none of thee lealnreM cun he trm.tHt to luex perh need peuonn: hence the depend ence of tho urower upon the packer Another object In Dim proposed or Humzntl'iii U to pmperl IciiRthen the HeiiMin. thereby pill IIiik the iiielmm tin thu mm kef nt theimwt opportune tune, an well iih illHtrllintlnir the chlppliiK iib lo uioe th chip wlihin twenty four hotim utter the liuriniliiu Thin U one mlvuntttue nlleii'd by Hit pucker whluh It lit utterly liiipoMuhlo for thu nido pendent itrower to have. The net leveinie pet ear uvenij,en betueen mid )S0H, wllh the usiiul toaion, niter dediititliiK funn tlm nium freliiht clmrj:eiind the tiominlitHlnii nf 10 per cent : nil net prnllt to be divided Piiutlly hel ween iheurower uinl pin ker nml nil lokteH to iHtlioriifhy tliepucKer. lie nf l liem leeampHlnii IhHu I iih t in thH ln-rr !T Mill tlmt illnun Hi'iin thPTt should Ik it lediut tlx lira not reilrennil. I u Hiillloletit nuiiilier of run torn and repietK'htotlviWr"RVe their iter pjtiul pWltft to Un-fiTti for i litr raiii puUu iiMlnUtm to lom4lm limeitloii of ii eliime reduplbir thu lier tnx in tin- lull tlmt will tit teKrtnl from the wit)' mid iiienn poiumitlee, II ihe) (Mil U Hindu to tund up nnd th-m mil It of the uirty M;ieliilc uinl thin the lirowrrK wty they can ami v. ill do Theie may In temie lively tlinH in cminreip before thin hill t itiopi d ol Tom Meed math hU ilHmi an a l ib j hylnt iIiIh wee):, blithe ilul It opetilj not Htieuklituly. u e imni.v i.e tn her fl. lie e.tld Dial le eutne I" V'ttklilualOli ll hehulf or e li til. t tlnil mil ulmt iwlnrUmm Ihe oinuiii teeott way ami inein.n inlemleil lu.ik Inif. mul It l priiiimed 4ie I n tut ooi, ailhoiiiih the public Iihh not yet ilone to with any degree of wmiunicy. AtrtliH ounilM-r of MtiutitrH .m.l rep rtwenliillve In WiinSHtiU'tmi Iw-ii im- It lieroiiien mote uppuit'iil (hut Htt ru i teriiiiip lepulilleiin oip'ltlon the lluuna-l'aine alilp htilnlily hill A Utl" Vim pay that yottr life Imd tiftu n f:ii!ore. anil tlmt J mi Kin tl.iity ? Id, nml rOaily to tile. A on m ihtU you r.iniint tlml work, umt (hit ut i-M no hupp in life. Ynnit4' that yur frlemtn ilo . tint bore to pcuk Ih put now . j ei mie tell you that you lm ivm iieii tl.ui fHiltit in llftt wl.i o a tn in lliii4 ee the vory bent jFToilWl'til I or hl. lolitte.i uteir. thirty, stand Hi lie- hrulrfi- llmf ilithltM s ioth uml nanhood I lie oh g itytn Kittihap". hut the nl her vrlll noon, yontiR ami hopeinl,. rem Ihe mhw, end you will mm in youthen it new i lti)j u num. Ho not let )onr itlle"o lent kill tin new life, beloft tl h horn I meM you fte phyplral'Tdeforttiftl a-1 in work. 11 hit i. Wotk at any h itiext notk. tnt KiftyUirhiK yon '' tlnliitt u dtv 'i'lieii btirn to live w'lliln I hut. I'ty no mote Hun ln eenlti for it itieal. Mijd twenty eeitl Im it lMd. Hud I'ave ui modi or Ihe Imlanre an jon can. li(l nllh Ih" tionrt htteifi i) iih )ou would Kiuc jour tmithiif. Ill f. Make Ihe liiot uf '"ir apM'ar Ulire. Ho lint tire gumtil) hut elenti Iv. Ahuhilnn lluimr im oit wuiilll B BRA I. till tN . Itla Hutunlo iiiulchly until after the ...inn,, hody witi burled, when r cmire It j Uwimt to the dllllciilly oxperleneed tvmdd be too lain for him to tnterlerc ! n4ir ket tnt; pnnHicI hntclnfnre. thin with the bimlnit'. Thu riuicrul tfre ; pmpnnltlnn hp outliiieil by Cm. Kurle itiunii ut the Kruvu were very Imprei wm appeal troiiniy lo every frowtr In I ve. Tlm colonel' betldliiK wn8 put ; j.j,jv founiy. Tvn year trial Iiop nt Intotheruve.and ItUwtld tlmt all of ururtortlr provt it the udnptnbl.ity or hUmoimy iindnpnirof Hl.oeg w'roiiit iu,HW) ror truck unnlt'ti'lng. It bo Into the.coillu. After the irte wqi lanuiilnce Ikou the iiroltlfto tonrt mnr- ;niiedup with tllrt, ym ntlol: were kotoblw produce. Tlm exprw rfrl jllKhteil and placed around the Knive,:,.rinr H.r?ee oaliihlUhed tmr fruit luud ttieu thu rnPl purk and chicken j imnlnnw; and It I h rentonuble upm iltlon tlmt It will do the airu for the niolonH. If ccndnctPrt in a prttcttcnl mannrr. 1-rom thP dqvelopineittP of IhU meet Inp Cat. Ktwle ultimate onr oxperiinen tnl crop at ubont 300 acrw. The result It of very-titeat moment, ami will be Wtitolied with Intaraat. .tk. im. FjVKOT CjltOCEUilllSS A SPKCIAIiHT. WORMS WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE! ' ti'iirii ill inuil itiuin thu irriivn .1 itilflriL tun i ivh m iMMpiii from thu funeral, whlnli wits quite an expuutive nffuir, the eoluiibl miiot hare bee.ii it iiiiiii nt inucli inijrtaiice HIUOtlK lilt pNiplli. Cmzhv & Bobo, RI&AJi BsiTATK tartn hiIo rouirprei)rtT IhI. i'nic Oilttrtor Only ltmplvyeil ,UU W'OM nUAKAMTHHU. AT THIS Mtltl A O.K. Blacksmith Caiuua(2k shop. llrt-Plu Wuksitiillitj few repuhlletiiiH npputo I he bill on'i alMttillmi iipegtllenne, fur lhiiur Ih the Uiuieral piliiclplen. hut the iimtil of the tinponlliiiii uppeart to he to Itm prrtunt phnpe of the bill li iiMrhed lavorlt am lowunl a il .m or Mhlp-owner. Whether ti l opposition I lrotit cimiiuli to cmlauuer I lie Ntugu of the bill, IriiiM et ilmltiiftil. It. tniy he, hut II in nmre likely that Home nt the republicans who ute tulkinu doubt I in ly about Ihe bill euti b em-lly "pineal ed" by the preplduut, who wUIicm thu hill plowed, uinl that iilher can be whipped Into linn by the a purly otiiiou in luvor nf the bill, still, there In iiiouuh iincertnliily abllllt II lO CHUM' lllllttlNltlUKK' II 11)11113 thouc who ate pciMittnlly InlereiU-d In I ho iiieitHiiiH. Heiireteiiiitlve llurloti. nf Ohio, chairman of the lunwe (out intttue on rivvni nml lutiboti, wlm ha been threateiiiMl with politic,! deutli by itkiM Haiiiui bmniuio he an noiiiiuetl hi oppiMllinu to thu ts 1 1 1 sub ldy .bill, Mild mi tlm uubjeut: "I (tin dwid UKttli)t tlm prluolplu Involved In tlm hill. II bus never betui emiurtedi III party caiiculi, Mid thu party In not conimltlud to IU imnfutue fur the roHton (hut thu niitlouul plat form duci unt emlorHH thu bill. I contend that the object of I bin tiiCUHiirt) Is lint to upbuild Ihe merchant murine of the United stuten, uml I do nut favor tin bill. I hnvc nothliiK to any iir to Mr. IliinnitV uppnuliii,' the river and bur bur bill. 1 ilu tint believo hu will do Huythlnc of the kind." Ulilo duiuo- cnit ure tlelluhtedait tlm pr"ptTt ol a hitler Mb lit bulwien Huiiiiit uinl Ittitrmi, ami ny Unit It will mailt) tlm fclaii demoetnlie IT loimht It) it dnttoti. at now thtcutOMfd. l:iprpntallve t'aiiinfti, ol lilinoli, will beiMitm nu active tHtmlidutu ualiixl euutnr Ctiltuiu If Iih can el the uiurani'e nf thu lidiuiiiiitiHtlou will keep IU dunlin off. Iir. CtdlUBi'M friend are cIhIuiIhk that fir , MclLluloy l ulrcH'ly lumiiulttiid to it aiat him In hi fight rnr re-ulootlnq. TlPi death or "trnator lavm,.of Mill hctotft, in alnrerwy ino uneil by In eolloagneti renardleM of iwrty. A Maiiator Martin, ol VlrfinlH. truly wild nthltfl 'in the eiml ihl opinion wtta at ItlRbly ri(nletl by the minor Ity h by hi on p.mj ' An qhair man of I lie oomuiitiii on foidun te latlotw, SatMttOf Davt ptrrtonully draw oil thu ilimiiirit'liin nf war mraUiil i 1 mpaln .which vonitKa adopted ami lutvr u oim of tin! piac cooimi i alonwa b liltil tn nigutlatu Uie UwtLy rf iii-Hm w Hh -pain. Tlm hw nilllf instil of , l kilt . or toeV lilt tlltlifc Iptftal time of Miour- iit IHh. Hlitt VNtmiiVy U In the Imiitlx ol i"Vt-MJ- I. it-, w it to tl 4ali - BllQwittj $ !,t mum .i.-wyv-NN i se tn bottle, lube li Kddy Drug Co. tu. Onrrttuia iwlut lor Uud. but It u m i 1 I aim weti wurK in nit Kiiiur. Iliuiiill Wliwilicr be will uppoun .i itrni fiMluif uiiiaidnM mid IPKURloenu in rl'iiublie.iu. ulthmiiih mum' IKSSTDal fcltid o7ilDlr thlak tlmt Ui Imiior muy k- Ki in curau that wreolia mort .Hvei ithau tlat Itnrnn-s nf the wotlil i-ouibiiiutt. II yon are n man of Itntlmi, aH .yonc lettur leotlt me to believe oii arc, wait until m are In u unmlliinu tn peek your luvi'.l, mid then seik it with t out uue ami teiiuulty. It tuny taku timu to leituh II; It um lukit year, but .you will urely much wHl -tutu from the worltluwiiuiu iuti) tlm buM. ttwB iiuin, or tlm prorossloi. t t i, wllli4Mfiniit'li to that you id uiarTnl at It. Hut. Imvu oim Iduul, and aim lor It, Nobip ever reuchad IU pint Itf v illltiK for uiloaen ntbor pmU at tti.o unit1 time. lie ci'tiliiiileil. Itir without t'onteitl uteiit there t no luv -or rrianii dup, and without thoeu IiImukiukh, lie it, ludeed, a hopuletut Citu lUearuto tovu your bmilis, Tor thMti it pleaure, in Ntriiottim. imil Iriendthip in buokt (io to chinch, for thtfOhuieh livlpn to em-o the MitiiM of llfn. Hut nm-r bu a hypo tilt If eon iMiiuol bi'lli'VO III Hud, be lievu in your Imunr. l.lMeii to iiiiihIc, wheuevDr you can, for iiiiihIc ohariiut the tnlml. and 1111k It with hilly iilou-i. "Chtitir upl Never ivmit to die. Why, t uuitwliu your nuo, uad nvor, uud I du nut want to die, (iut nut iuto thu world. Wurk, cut. uletUMroiitl, and tulk uhuut tlm Kteiil.ovi3Ul..)l thu nay, even Ifyuu utv forcvtl .to ko aimmir litjoier. Take the' l)rt dmiiOfel wuilt ou get, and then b itleody, putieiit liidiwlrioui, tvint:. kind, pnlllu, Ht dim), tiiiuperi.lo. iitnbllli'U. t;etitle. loving, piruim, bom hi, r..umf'u't4. -anil riitenlttl miMllhti.e, and. w l.o ll.itly ?! loi.rehaic itll away. Jit noUt how joliiM "lid bnatitiitit Hi coftl sr, uml how ymug uml happ) you are 'VMBiiwH Jf: Uhtin-' I ha TwiceiMvItiak Hapublic. Hvery oiidjty uud Pnndiy B viiir a irowl H a.MiadJf ine-auU Ut tr lor it i ouUliu. Ilia lutett Ifchttf" h h well ti luttiiuB aunki.- -Uaentto (lie BuluHbirol'Ui 1 wice J e k lleptibllu.iwhieh laouly 41 )' Tlm iinaii who ilt Hi- I vk a Week" Ut'iuibilc ktio ll about l r-iltM politieal, dumtMim and ioieiru event . U iMtt'd uhout thu in nkitUt it,. I . , iotiterrll nttat ttiit rffilitt . I lu w imtti who itdtUtUtt "l-eilee it W ei k ItajillWIe KUiher a till ol Val ium Inloinialloli almut loMiMilmlU .ilfalt and late tarhioin imt liudtt rn ereattoii in the bilpht eiriitlAtioot mulur IhiUi tlta lioadiun of faata tinil UclioM, 'I'M I BoiJiubouiHl bonlm and u ilon ti Htber tuple of ttwwiu& ttu tin .itu Ui wHlvuwl.uiiitti and vvn- inaii Tllr.K lUxitutniiLai The Mm rehuwieau ' it f mlatiire ThoiitwniU of lot'ti nnd woiaeli stif rr rrum illin, wnwrlal y w ium with j vMy, 7t, M fi'malo wutikuc UT this kutfctlntf ! to utiutetid with In addition to their "tlir pain. Tabler' lluckeye I'lic a cure. ttU, lit bottle. ItilM IJ ft. I or "illt J.a uieo, JBiwiry 1 1. 1" !. ion-h nut jll ' h-i't t. ple nt i'.dlly Hrutf Co. i S O' 1 t 'ti ,tm i J re citarie a. IIV B III, fWH'J jHinury i ihj ' no' II olo eieet n HfTir ! illiliil t Ml . . ... U ...... I Vhl. r. The next imNtUliy of the .Nali-unii , " 'VZ T.V . . , SUH-k A"talloM will dp la id at "TTTr " ' . ""' I'kt Imrn. nulf . btuliWl'tW"' eut. ',"; i ..r luiUHfv r )' dtfortidlon. Wttljutda ihjh laiimii'in "niv..n -- It never tnltaloiiowid.utid iy prom i Ht Hint 114 wonderful utlttf pr- ..'lt!l .i iti.t.1 il!1 - el. ' I ' Ui I It ' i'.,! . i i t enl I'.r tirpttH'-