Newspaper Page Text
h Local Ktewsj i .loo Wood, of llnrr, wailn town tU Ami it Hie wwk. . Jeff IlnfRfR I lu (ram the WrU JLtuiHome raar. TJip Ct iinnvr tnsut int .Urn Dcmtwi uiiowii yiitrtdtt. John II. Moatu hikI Joint 'uwu tin JtUowu ftoui Ihf tinud(ihiH .loo (Meini'titf.of tl4gfr wtw ilofii.T ilitiitot hi CurlMmd )o$tittdi$. lingular ywrvlcea ul tlio dluptlflt hiirch tomorrow. Wrimtiif tto Avth hlp. it L Kemp tfcek solil to Mmt Jftiiittiti:'itthciiil lit MiH'k rattle , At 91? cr bend. Mi W, hai!iiiiiil i.UiPfi Xctwm wrv tuUiiK In tin- mIkIiIh ,nr CaiUUiUt by inooiiliUi thin weak. Wm. It. Mullune h Wcdtiwday hinrulut: riir Wnbaali Ind. in'cninimiiy lim;Jr.Hmltli. whuhaa lwu ttrtulieiy III lu rcat thcSehllU. Mr. .Inek J oliuv hiiiI Mb Pnutte Aaael were married bud bumlny nluUt lit iw methodim immtnuiKt'. I 'ant or L I, llidrrtolncuitliljf. Will Pinion. Tod Itlitmr N awl .llin Sliii'M)ll. f llif Turko;. Track mitllt. .WrtiH In (uwit thl weak. Tlw nutlll In til 1 lor the winter. .loliii J). Walker left Air Sweetwater. Texan, Thureday nvirnhiK'- to hriiifc .home roiio-i-nMlu thfttwriv ruiiKht In tbe iunmiitUv4liciv lit u I Mir. The luck d' witrr at tint hod two tin h In t'uriiduid entires the Prituuvr to Ihlilk Dial the fire depart fiifctit In all BifrM but thai tin- prewuiv t "nit." ..Her. II. l...llnlutUlrri yoatcrduy fin liopo, wlo-rn In- prmrhca to-morrow. there will bo mi twrvirc nt lite Met hod ltd Cluuvli. lni r .meeting im itvunl Wwhii't-diiy evening. JR1I pcrwoiuihnvliisMulicii liooka from tin Norma 1 1 Cnmlty Llbdij will pleas itf luni tlixiii mi next Haliinlny a tlm library will Im pIowhI or two week for K'lWlrH. (' arc nut uuiiotiucliijr the mar rljwof Mb .lennlo U. Stewart ami Thnnint) I.. Vt. t tin rciddciicu of M. fl Stnwart. Wi'ilni'Mlay evnlii. He wnitHT l.'th. at 7shV). 1'- II. Itauney. maniijrcr of tlio Hat ranch, cnnjv'ln Thurntliiy. Jlc wijh the liitn -will fblp two tnilit loud of enllli' lr'iQ licri- to Kaithiis (Jlty, ii' Hmiday ifjh'l out Momlay nc.t. !C"ffc hiicas Inul ?il) Inminuui! on lllji hoimiwiiiil l(X)(m contciilH In tbii Anifrlmni (VulialliiniraniT roni- jmiiy of st I.oiiK npwuiittil (ally by .lohti L. Ivnicrsoii. Ht.wakii (i'iii'rou4. iii'IkIiIhhIv lirarl ;t)int pniniptixl MaimKtir Iliitclilus to .dO'crtho lioHiilallty.o(tli().Sclilltic, with out cwt. to diMURi" ucaM and family .aftut tlii'lr homo Imil U'lii btirnod. lauk Conway wut to l't. Wtxik tCvimduy. Mr. Cuuway mi,vk Ik 4xoi'li tn r'tniu in Pi'liruary anil lmf"f')r jiv tiul wt-ekn. oh rnrbilmil lx the -twwt fiiUHaiit I'Ihiv be Uuouv or to p(nd a vui-Jtlon. tlolui H. Catilri'll bft for lint ijprltipN Ar".. 'J,uola!, uiul aw bi tW'ikhiil lo kwp postul, oiili'ivil tbi' Cntltl;M Hunt toblin thfrc, W'e hope that he ui'y ivlurn xoou voioplclt-ly n-Ktaa-il lu btiilili. 1. 1. Wllllniiis.forniwly of tJin tirni ct iVllllauiB A (iMili-y, baa htuhl tlw VtlUul bitvU market and will Iccup on .bund conntaiitly a ttipply of dim hotd nuatti. Tftopboiif l&ninl bu nvlll iU- i liur your order free. A.. I. Alh'ii ban Hablicd ble con itruut for piilutluit lliriMf of tliu court IhoiiHMind jiidKlni; troin I bo lmpiovi- 'jutul In lonltH of the court boiiho and frum rapidity of the work, ho knew r"tb lick It WIIHt-loill', wltb." Dr. .!.'. IU'iiu,of Corolla, Cnllfor nlu, ban arrlvi'iNu onrolty and can In fnuiiditi the oitlci-of V. ('. Iluiff. In .be iifw .luiup buildlutr Tlio d(N tor 1j n 1iouunpth and was ntiVaetnl to tin- valbyby lh Inforniatiwj itlmt ho -found in thi'ouhiimiti of tin .-Akjuk. Tho Iwird of trutil'M fr town of tirlebfld tout In mular -hewloii at Vi.lyJiall. DtHinnbci 3rd UHX). l'rwttut iliyof M. I'. Ktirr ami TmuIpom Wbluh or. Siullb wild WoorniT. W. (I. Wour tiur W upixilntwl rvtfaiiltrrvo letn. i. f)rr IwTlng ivumWmIMo Itiwwoll, th rocunlcr't idlliw uoclaml va ooiit. and U. II. MiiIImih' appolntnl to fill tlio Vai-HIM-V. Tkv 'IIUlIHHu M- eiuti tt'm NlluwKil: Alis V'tUBlmu, .eavuuKir. rtSI; J. 0. AVolkur. IiiirIkm-. J- I Koutrxjrr, tautraivcn. tfW; W. 0. WociDor. rorordur pro tm,H5; HiAkii-K a rttt! of mm. Will MaruJ.l', ul tlm llriu nf CttriiwHy & Muntble, p?prloton of the (IlltM-f I raocb, on thu IVuhmco, wbh In (.ttrintuiil witjk. wlUi l6JL).vMiudk of thH i aonpplcH thai tblM fiuoou ranch jkvj duiv. K)ld thu I'iid to IViiiIMud A Oamt'louud. ii. Vl'ic. t n 044 figtrr. 'Oarawwy tt amllt aivuiitrf Uho (Jnuj'of iwuifrsividranulioiv cnui jfimt lliiil aio icukrlnt' tbsuiK'lvcS, Hud at the- amu iwt uwulopliiK tho t in wiiufrj- In wblf b thoy Hvo. tyhjtt tbo J'octw VAlWy tiPi-di morvittan nfjjp jt ijugolM Mioiore fltDJM or iiidlvfLliWd J . "H --(' If jTCUt uritt A Uutnry,riUbUU!f phtiUJ At the I'lRitusr ottlfo. Alnny thorc. yoUcvlho tiutr tut of d!iidlrtori A tftmflile In tiU wcrk!! Iniiuu. Tliwc HMilli'iiiMii an? tnakluit ti HiMtHllv of xlm funny givctbH, and if you earn foric,urY It will pay yini torMd llitilrnd, inul Mil Hini innpm tliclr I.rl mnrrlul mm tke mKulwnrr or tnuusi'iiiHi iiiiuiir hip m or .ni-w i M l.o It In it pmiltt nllmy offpnto forn iiihii to boat bin uift?. The Inw iu doubt IioIiIk Rood lit riiw of bii4b,Hd IkmUIiiK; no. UiIIm, look tint i)iirji4)--InH''CKa l)ltli. ".Why I inn ti ChrUtton and why j HaptW CbrtHlan" H intor I'uwrltV thi'tin to'inorrownt iihn dliirl aiwkit to a pornonal ipinatlun. A I ,7rmi. pwlno r to nnd picnrliliic on "The llllili' on Caurtihlp mid Mar tlturc" Ynn aro luvititl. The 0. K. bktrksinlth nliPp Inn ntmt I'd the 7V ItjUH of mi fxptrl lnlrr and liro picpuml to Kilnl your carrhiKi, HbiiRKi(4raiiytbiiix that iickIh imliu- 1iK Tlit-y arc hhh pnpaml to do JIhh dun aliilliii: at very low ratcn and aiti 4burt not Ire. When you need nui'tbtinr (In that lino don't full tuc.dlnt lhu,K. limp or tiloiboii( No. AS. Kiliip Wofiiifr tfd work sold ho Win. l.Tk thi bnllillncr fhrnwily im- cupicd by tiieiii ai it mUooii on i'hiioii ulrwl for $1.01;. .Mt. Iy9k will put a force of earjKfiiU'rn lo .wnk nt oncv re looiloltnt; the hulldinu About tk-p In lilRUlni: of the iiHTr bo m III occupy the biilldliiK Willi Ids utoelt or Kroii tlcx. Il In a I'lndfc locntlon. Ilerl Ltek w III reuehf a lluo Invoice pil'Chriftnuu; tnyn. t Vtll and w llo-ni Kniup ,tV Wofiuer tuik iKMH-cmdon .of the Ptirlnr Mriloon tlie Unit of I hi iweok IiuvIpk tHMiRbt Hiimi' from J. W. t'onwfiy. All the weok the) have had mreiitoni nl w.irk on thMlour. When tllia work In completed thin n ill b oov of the most ulexmitly illlnd miIoouh In the Terrltnry and they will be better pivpnrwl tlirtn eve r to tntv tnllH-i'e-ulrt'fc of tin!' who thlnit, ; The First National Bank of Carlsbad, CARLSBAD, NEW MCXJOQ. 7 i ) ' Ut 'riZSl' ' $3n,0O , I I 1- ' ' ' : 1 TOYSADOLLS1 Kwiey Nittel orhtiRi-K nt I'riidlelon ,i Down at the l s. Mint Market rfbey (lainble'n. noil, ph-kled pliji fnit. Helner "Wasii,?. If yon lave n friend vWthiK yim. or bfllocn. rnhet elow. evrnM btf. iniow nf nuv loetil new of IiiIkwI. lei- irtPklwl pork, Mnr kmiu and fwti trtit epbono N.i.'in. or -jihI mini to the U wt lUb ever) I'rbbiy, lo tlio Ct ItKi t. Wc will apprwlalo It. ' n,,l'4 ' ""dry pwdiwe. IlertdieekwIllnTtlvott nn. Involec V" riiiRdlo; MUiwI thry do 4b rt. of rurlHtniM toyi. Cull niMl ftjUjaja. ; rtM'-"ie v. il. 'Hie limmtKeiiitMil nf thi jiciperwile- J IlummnlNT. 1 per rent off on all Mlfoim nf M'Cnrlnx a UriKhl boy nf Rlrl ( llw r plated ware at tbi K&iy DriiR to Iwirn the prtnter'j trrnbi. llHinmflbto , troV. jmielry deNirtrent . nuoiRinviim ,M'lt ' a..., ihi. Allui.,ii.roi.,, Hall. (MIW. tnedlnloly. Ih-cIik i,iv.Hi(t.i.i i.m ,.irfUiinimi ii.m, F..M. .lump, tlio livery mini, imih an sliB, .viMawler. uf Sumni. in n n. ey KirwiH,iiiiiie pony iij nu new wini e(ii0 j,Mtloe of Dim ntni'ino aourt of k . . I t . . z .11. M i ........ . . ..I.D.l . ii.niiv.Kt'ime',ioriim.Tuuiuoir voou ;m mpx,,il ,. wbe MMtiniHl lo in HU. !ll at hlu tnhle or teleplionn UmtlfHi dlrlet. wlieru a vnealiry in. N""- ft,f iPtaT. Judtfe Alexandwhitii llwl many .1. 1). Walker, colleetor add e-olllelp jroain In New Mexb-o.nud llllwl umml trnawtrvr elcDt, eompletKl nu uiuotni Dtiblle oIII.mih uf blab truet. Me iM.niKHKKrtHKllttff irWKD, UiU wwk. wved a term im ncretxry ftf tlm Terrl- ud! i nl to tho (ilitrlul tory and no twriwlo tlio noiltlon of J idKe fur approval. dlatrlct ntturne; f-K Mwairro and I .In lhi'Hefnfore?inrytbtliK nw eolli funtlii. Tlio lyipolutramtl of liulie Kriwry llnmtw I will nlwny till Mr. b .nnder UeonvlmliiK proof.tlitit you about It, mid will always hnvotlw: PiwWciit MeKlulcy doilrm to irtvela xwds to UiPk uiiat I any In the mjin. i Tertltorj' home rule. I lead, othefK follow. I..WHIITV, TlIK I.KAIUIU. (leortte l. CnldiT'H. tnivelliiK reprtw entatlvc of tlm Hottky Moutitiln New, piibliihed at )etivi',lnfonni the t't'ii K Imvf lnr i9Ciiitl the moat t'oniplt'tp ns woll m dim moHi HCitTt ltflo nf fnjMt and (loll in town, (joint in unci wt Our pitm 1m Tore totiyluir. Wv t'Hn SSff you money. r I'ood chaqnd to I'olson. l'titn f iiia fond In the liilntltica pro duces rT-H-i Ilk.- tbmw of ammtc, bet Dr. Klim. New I.lf I'lIN 0Xwl Itie nix A Mrn "v,l IJ. it Ji.J 1 a) no kt Hint the News will Imve a irjnilar nnlMnim l mm cbifgeil ImweJ sffiitly, eormiptiiulwit In farlnlmd In the m- ciwlly IhiI io.ely, ouHiir t'otintlpntlnu. lure. Tlw NewK ,t .no or the Ur-t nilo'iiwii. J I, llewrtMehe, Fovbm, nil dallluH to reach here, and In a llrtt clawi j,.r, Kldne and Itowel Imiiulpa. UjHy r. " artrut Kddy DmiH'o. . .. . jatKae I Doiis II A Set pJaal i w c ( knivos, ( foii'H, .kt0 pur set, im I Holiday i of ' ) Willimn Hour's tripplo pinto, j fe Goods ft J wc j ' itnSv.O forblJKrpprsnt! M lo- K jOT t. -n ES i Pardue'sNevStore 1 p . x - J IV) look at his now ntock H SS RU 12 nfTovH.lMlli' and Holiday yi SWj rrsi ( (-M I ttteCT?!'!! 11 IOr New Wo Jewelry Store, 1 1 V7, mllroud Intnl. S1V -rr I g.Come.cnrly.and avoid 81 S AniaS i OPPOSITE POST OFFICE the null und i;et your ') 581 8fi ' l?ssa2sasfs2fi - - ,, .. .. it II will lit' '.'ivrii it way witlu'vory pu f purl im nr. '5 ilirlinso nf ."Mb j i roin onr t ' 5 a EDDY D'R'UG CO. Pllir iinillttdriiMlM. Ilullil4. N"l,c! IlitttmiM nr ihm Ui moft ir'.' -'nc Nnllec hi heiby ?ltii Hint with till .f. Mtinwi of UiU n'H fnnbloiiH. cme um w.m. H.Mnaue ,etir, fro,,, the - ;;!:'i;l(t,r::-l:(I!;; iniWWBUliienUir tbla pnKir. All ailver- t t tlmt. H-oilpri-cloiw nod Imltniloii tlstil't and Job work mannnta aoimilnr or prmlnim stone am uxed r.r , i.n. and mak't a illxpiay that iiftm.4 iliu NovatnUrilOtli at tuo and jJttynble to wild Win. ll.'MttMflW. All dolluiUci;t no.'rlptloiiH ai' due and iynblo lo Ills siiecowone, limereon Urn, who w III fulfill all paid In advance mibrfcrlptl'MH. Wm. II. Mi i.t.wi . l'VKinox Mltrw. Catholic Service. Ilev. It. .1. chntto formerly, of 1 1 1 1 -InoU. will olTer the Maerlllce of ium at St. IHwardn next Sunday and otllclali' leinjwmrllv for 'Im accomodation of tjid Cutbolle-i of the valley. Dev. Seliitcllt-m rived Wedaclay evening. 1 At Midland a laid wwk T..I. ' Martin ao!d u I'. II. Hitter. I. 'I'. I'ctn '. iH'rton. a U. 'I'mwimmmI and A. .1. Wal- barrel uf fiwb bmwnwiwral Say Ho Was Torturod. oolt wlial I known alhel e lqimrtera 1 don't have lonpo or copy anybody.-.. ; dleton & Un mbWn. i "I suffered xueli pidti from vnrna I i:llvl4lon "f Ui lo mnoli. commd- ad. I writu my own iiiIn and iuo w , ' mi M.xilo Itrmvo trave a mnsbml 1 wuld bardlv walk." mitw II. Itnliln- ,r 1 . "''e1'"1.. piomi" houi nun pbniM'olo3yitboiii'riidoftitdnngrjm iri.t.I,itti,,,riHldi'iiiiir W. If. Hull on. JIIIUboroiiffh.'IHe-"but llueklan,1i!??ll,h,T,,'r WA" ""U1V'1VI''L7"" nllMltl niint.. II 1mihv ovtn. I ilnti'l i .... ...i.i.j. .1... .l... ul i,..i ,1 n HlilOrcllOII Will VUm linilWIWUW " " - 1 mil r-niiiiiiiis lib 1U)li Mil' IWMIMNIIM 'rtvtv4ifttiin'iei ba tiwi-.t)(l fur miwalliH'- n tiv iliyra n" bud wvh und iww of tteniitlfiil liutlun .M'wcd iiitl old enrincnts. They IoiiimI It Im p.M.tlil"' In prm that I'ldiii'Nlniii' nmi flllllHlll hllttOIIM llllO A llpllt to II lliiO mi sorb yHinii'iilM. ?nd lln nroiiiiii'ittM Ini' iiilril rr cell ciiMiimieH rri-i i-oiinx-ratiil. fiittv "f Hii'we eimtly luiilmiH , nri liiillilriliii' I'lionuli lo Im nxed. i ll' Il ,( wmriili'l.v. nt 1 n miiaiueiit fur ttm nr Imlr. Sunn-1 fUu'iii l uilnt yt a ulniili' Mimic, hi ,.!! oiid. uini'i'iitd, rnti. itariH'l. iiir ri' l1i'Hix..iiKelv or Ik MUni. lint iixt" fcii,uentt they , hftvi-11 richly rnlur'O' atone uf .od !l!o fur the iviiIit -i in a clrrli't ur loiiin- , firm 'iirln ur dluii 'iiid. Cot l" l. bnim. t riHiiw Mini nil Mui-K of nit tut lnitiiU ii'- 1 n inwl- HiylUli, nod ImtidHooii'ty romuilcil Imltuno mi' jaiM-li frtunoil. tin1 iiilerloi: wh;: clio .eet, In iHonuitdrc ur eoiitrant with that uf tlio K'iwii on which. the bottiH uro to haiwcil. NewYufk I'ri'M U10 followiiiir bavo to steal tho tbuiidur of other. 1 1MiH r bur clai performed. Mlst' Aots like oav 1 Ni) unouv in? ruihim m inic 1 1 jjtu. , .N'ultln I.llwUI. iloilllil llllil hateUKfHtuirtohnokiue. : Mima Ileanl and Mawlu ChainlK.rlln. La vitttrv. This I.j;a ihii. ! n,., ntil.i ladlex all imrfijued their narla A Cluulstoii bad n lor. out of.paUcni'i' with the lllw Unit iiivmled bin room, got twohhfi'ls of tilloky ll)tmprr which lio placed 011 rhalrti near n wiudnis-, HuttiiiitiiK late that evening, ho forgot the taniln-fo(U and wit . down in one of the chain. He noon got up Hirrt pro cevdud to pick up I he potr -off ' the (oiilh cud uf bis trounani. Ai. It w.s a bad place to pet at. lie look the wntn viicou4el- omplelely cured (huiii. ; mask .m eiirnlns, l)ruo, 1 ciitNxotiw, fcaldn, iburiiK. tilccrK. 'Pet feet healer of dkiu dlsctiw and pjlw. CiiruRiiaruiilMal by 14-tily DruKOo. 20. cattle A Wnmnu'ii t'rlHul lo Wnr. The 'full Wuinau. , 'Cortolnly Hut tall uuiiuili Ikih ii perliid of uueiulliii: loiiipwi'l boforo bur. 'I'le. ture bat, umpire cihu. lhn,lnrlt, olT Willi whllit i liilllltiff them otiil, wit down In'llie olhi r chair, und i cake aod cboctdate tbuii be ttooil and meditated. Kx i 1 nnoy mivvi oranftcui nt rountoum , i nauiblo'B. ! 'I'lut IndliM of tho J'nslvyUrliin church will bold a enlo vWdnmlaj. Deo. lath, from' I i) to V iftkwk p. in.. In ()nb(inio block, Hint door north of 1. s. meat market. Auu. IhiIU.i and KeulleDuti. Klrla and boy. wUhim; bi ptmiliHM .BlfM t'hrhtmiM ritite. ertll do woll t rail, iu many diiitablc artlrlc wlll'lie otlHred for win. Them will be taindy for the children, ami alejt iVcoa Vnlluyipcatinlj. Toe. and oaku will erv'd for ten nenta, and fur a iiuull amount additional oim-tnjT car ry home a nlco oup mid eauer. IJvi r.t IftMly oorae. Tito lalvst Im Mai.ti;i llKK.HlAaT J'oon. ThU i kky f)u, try II. Intro duced liy KAViiu-fi-, TiOf Ukaukii. Alvart.iU-iiian Tccclvi'd the sad news tbla WMktiliat bin mother to tick In1 lliHMll witlf4hoMinull-pn. 1 1 Ik math' or, oiwl6iir.ui)duo broth it are iiinler oimrnntlop. Latar nowa Ifi that Mr. liownau l JinusqvliiK. Th fatally b!4 uibi frlkMi Ju lably eui.nty wh Ihihi 101- nor cany rwenvrry. e Uurks fur ( hrUtiua nl Hut ..nil .wMtuliin.ul llmlr iiiiil Ia.iii.ii llinl they wero ruceivU'g mrvf ul and auau- nonce. mto tmlnluif from the twhr. Thu NoUvcU hereby kIvihi that tho nn tolhiwliii? ladli'K wet Invlled to hp """ mcwiHoime rainy roiiuiy inw-1 presnnt :uj Hptutatow and enjoyed Ptul Awooiatlou will Im held at Ube ; thooulertaliimuiK wn much. Mw "nfl nwm In lrluliad. .. M.. dainea iibambBW, Powell, Mnlbino, ion UmlOlh day of Decoiulmr, IIW, ai Alton llmnl und W. .1. Jbirber. Mlwea . ": t0 nVI,k V ' Prpoof McMimten. WIM'ttiiiaaiMt i'aiiule Jtulcr. ! ending dlrcetom Tor the onmilUK year ami. After Him recital dainty rufrwli- !""U- tranaael any otlittr limrfiitaM that mentM wen- . rved uMialatlng of oauily , "' cm ll0,,' mwHi All IwrwiiH iiiidrwi'ii in i nu mieoMH oi iHild Inatltutlun are remtcd to be . . ... IMIt lfr-, illll'iii .-.", mv ,, ,'' T, ,,HrrV wrm and tunic are ell fur her. of Hold (Vaal. In be I nt Mug; nml lio can revel In tl.clr charm lrllb r Huh woiiiaii vvtiii I'Vcr entei'tHl UiiiiimkiI mid .who wuii tlirtiush Ibe lerrlhht oiev there whli caliiunws mid forti tude Hlr I'rnlerlc Hodsoii found Ida wife nu ImmctiM) help to him. lu keeH tii up the uplrlu of the men aud wom en durliiK (he nIcfv and (tuote tlm word thai H!r Owon Ijiojoii nl lured lit tbe cluae or the tiw of. 1'rutuiia im ImiIok lH-iitturU opiilluBlilc to IJidy llixlwtiu. "ThttMe uiv ouicli wliuwi roudu'i In a time uf proat dllllculty and ilHiip-r one eatuiut buitur tuu tuueli." culm HH-u!ly nt Jicr pluiup unlttbbor'H Irrltiittnu. 'l'M dlroutolm modun nnd IiIiIm NVI coal nu her very own. Tlm thnrt ulrl iounI coulliiu hurvelf to HIohm, ,uud no matter lnr bor vory poul ,j 'tariiM fur flopiiiK .V.nm mid drooidm: lilnmet Uer hat ruuM lie mnnlt or II. kh! from lo r fiicu. Hut the rbyrt woim o la a deligltiful tiletuiv hi ail tlriuga em pin-. i''iclallj et cubic dn. Tall Wiiuuii i. uiv i c tiitml.dre'im 4Mlhcm liv (HH'le mi (lrs.ii.i-i'- Ii i .len't Icltuw, lint i-'.i i,s , . i ii 1. 1 1 -n 1 1 v n rufced b hrr llll'l- iH . I il"' Christinas Goods, prMent. X. CfNNivdii )t, Sacy. Dolls, Toyj fiNlotions "tlsoful pri'sents for tliu ....little onus.... -AT- Saw DiMtb Nar. "It uflim uiadu my ml arbe," writ (w I. 0, Uvewirtot, of KliOji.Teniu "to ' hear my lf cotitit until It neeoiad tur awtk awl aorr luiwa jwuld eolUee. tlootl doiitor Mid atttraa m far Ku with Ciwuiaptioti.tBt4K) me llclue or eartidy help eoidj MVejM. lull a frloo re mmeti Iwl f)r. Kln:f' N v.- .. ry ami pmitti-at uv' ui ihu i !i-!ii liimllpltifc ive I her life." It' iiMvlut iy imr.i.uej i i.r Oo.m i i i: ii u ii , ibUlR, Aat.una w i All L'jivu a i . UitiK dtoaawa. t)cH'i.jlJ.U V.d Ditiy Ou, t rial boitlea If u. i Hendricks' (ICfHDVliic but thit rJlte almrltiy i4r lorteUu "UK. alegDnt pltlio lu ibe Hithwil. And ihe Imrl. .ir up lo dale; we know, u lmc batn tmre. oppt4u n ylnWt. or 11 MIS. Hie, f PHv -16- .1 .i' l-H niibv It a mil of the MtCUBipl"'tC taffci nliut in tbe Unllcd' Swtes. The trenwuloua l-onni-w that inotlcltnoctf lrytm.-.-'tKeh (n4b)bbmeni l the rctolt o? lerr.Ukoi appbd to tag coffee buti mm, C. lr. I'Unbc vat tb ticst n .3 In tYt WaltodVtjKato b'.end rotlwi ooltly with rerard to HwH- dtmkin iplity I" tl c duu. rtlhrtkin folWiho old lennulni I 90 mueh Moebt " ami w inach "Java." HVreiire irtxxl.midlum.aB'i ioor Moclwiand latofc the tame &tlhen: are anad. niadluin and poor Catlfarovi fruHn Tbit Ii tho rMun olhtr oofTc aro not uaiform. 1'lanVe aalafilifieally blind every lot of colfce to jh(1u .idiakinj; iuiaIIiv Mutlv lite "It lutt alwart lami " " Famt Dlen-1 f 14 bte J H Laverty, the uptovdatc Grocer 1 ii cm hti iwi r 1 f. H wn km 1 in KJrilllZil mmmm m m m m w m m mwm MaM H7I Vt I 'I a- I 9 I I J liV! 1 LJ I inWiBi THKTHim I I I I i I Lai IBUI TH1 H1XI J EB BUL1 MIVI IbWl m M w m P mm m i-t m m m m imhkibIU vu"nraaiHdBTB