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314 county Baillt 1 a, Jü CARLSBAD; CURRENT, PUBLISHED IN THE LAND WHERE THE BUN SHINES .'533 DAYS EVKHY YEAH. VOL. IX. CARLSBAD, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, AHUL20, 1001. NO. 24. Mr. Smoker! Have you ever reflected why suoli an nrmy of men swear by the 5c oIhite One trial will tell the tale. For sale by all dealers. Flesher & Rosenwald, ROSWELL AND ALBUQUERQUE, Wholesale Distributors. He Kept HI Leg. Twelve-years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Jtartford, Conn., soratohed hieles with rustv wire. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suf fered Intensely. Tben the beat doctors urged amputation, "buf he writes, ''I used one bottle of Electric Hitters and 1 12 boxes of Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever." For Erup tion, F-szema, Tetter, Salt Uheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric H itters has no rival on earth. Try them Eddy Drug Co. will guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Only 50 cents. Neuralgic pains, rheumatism, lum- abo and sciactlo pains, yield to the pen etrating Influence of Mallards SnowLin Iment. l'rice 23 and GO cents. For tale by Eddy Drug Co. 4 1 TRI-VEEKLY PuMMitxl MomUv, Witlnm tUjr muí frlitny. U In rltly ft nni. frvth. vtiry otlirr uy Dully, kIvIuk Hi luteal itr o Uva f bmnt, ftnJ enmrlttf niw of the nUnr llim. It tMBnuliM nil liMiMNimit íortljtn rM dpwi IttW la Tlt DtLV Tribu uf Mm Uf, iMwstit mitl Fur lKn CurmiHiit4U)urt, Hliort Kcrlw, rlernit ltlhWn llltrt tmtiuut. Htiutumiui limn, Ir4iurial lufurinmltm, KmiiIiiii Kutoa, AKrlrtilliiml MsUtrra ami raimin4ilv nJ rvlllil fiimm) Market Itfjxirli. lOirulnr milwrtntluM prlc l 6l iwrmr. w nimbii It wilU Ilia t AHLBflAI) CtllHKST lurM.Tfl rwryr. to Yoric Tribune. WEEKLY S 1'iiMtnhMl nn Thiinhlav. ami known for nnaiiy sixty jrm lu awry mrt of Ilia Vnlted 8tlaa Null 1. 1 ml family NWa. ItaiM nf Ilia li i itIikmI . Lhimh aud WlUg?ra; 11 rmitalua II lit umwI liiiNriaul grin ral newt of ltt DAILY Trjiniiia itp lu Hit Inmr of güín lu r , an ARrtrulluml ittimtnl oflli litgliMi nnlVr, luu titter talntng muling fir rviry mruitr if ili family, uM ami you., Market H((Kria whlcli an anvtMl aa authority by former antl country iiirrvhaiitg, ami la rlran, it-Ionium, hi lrratJtift and h alnirlWi. HrgiiUr tiisarrfpllon irtr fl.flO aryiwr. WafuniUli 11 with I Up 1'AHUUAU t L'HUKNT MWi.iA pvr year. it t t vr r W. A. KERR DEALER General Mercnandise FANCY SrHOCERIES A SPECIALTY. 5 SchnapSe $350.-Ncat cottage, 4 rooms, good location. $1000l-4() acre farm, 20 acres in alfalfa, 4 room house, near schcttl. $3000.-160 acre stock ranch, rich soil, liv ing water. $3000.-Suburhan residence, 9 rooms. 7000-Fine alfalfa stock ranch, 200 acres, good buildings, desirable location. McLenathen&Tracy A. R. O'QUINN, I r.- PROPRIETOR American Carlsbad a . . a a a si Bottling works, i ISE ANO WHOLESALE BEEF 3E CITY LIVERY STABLES ' J. M. II ESA, Proprietor. Livery, Feed & Exchange ....Stable.... IÍIÉ& Good Rigs at Reasonable Rates. O.K. Blaoksmlth and Carriage Shop. ALL Work (Guaranteed. Sign antt'Carrlage -Painting. First-class lilacksmlthlng, Car nage Painting and Wood Work of all kinds. Well machinery work a specialty. WASHINGTON LETTER Washington, April 12. UXH IUI Aguinaldo bargain for his own capture for a price, and have the Ameri can people been made the .victims of a collossal ollicial bunco y That Is a start- ling question, but circumstances have caused It to be asked in Washington, since the cable news reported Wni naldo to be tmylng diamunds and Jew elry, and It Is decidedly pertinent, too. Diamondscnst money, ami If Aguinaldo has been buying them, where did he get the money? Any money that was found at his headquarters when he was raptured would, if usual methods were foJiowed, have bt en con Ideated as con ttabaod of wur and turrwl over to the United States military authorities, who would have turned It into the l otted States treasury. None of tho many de tailed statements of Aguinaldo' cap ture have said anything about the cap ture of any money, yet it Is presumably certain that ho had some. All these things, and more, have been talked about in connection with Agulnaldo's purchase of diamonds. It may be all straight, but as one high army ollloi r who was in the Philippines until re cently, put It: "There seems ample ground for the suspicion that there has been 'something doing be tween Aguinaldo and the men who handle the secret bervire fundi of this government In the Philippines." The same olllcer said: "It would lint sur prise me at all to learn that the Filipino wbo was supposed to have betrayed Akulimldo was acting unli-r that wily cliHp's orders all the time, and that the capture was all cireru'ly arranged lu advance by Aguinaldo." If it be possible to get a square deal with the administration, lu rivalry wbh the Morgan steel trust, the Utter may lind itself knocked out ot several m i llón dollars of government money. The Carbon Steel Company, of Pittsburg, das aetit samples of heavy armor pluU to the Naval Ordinance proving ground below Washington, with the request that It be subjected to severest tests. rhls armor pbite was ra tide by an en tirely new process and Is claimed to be in every way as good, If not superior, to to the armor plate which the govern ment la paying the Morgan tittul trust 155 a ton for, and it Is oOered for 9150 ton. If the tests substantiate that claim, and the government buys the new armor It will save smiitUiing like 8790,000 on each of the nine battle ships now under a contract. Hut when the pull of the Morgan trust Is taken into consideration that "it" Is a forroid- KXPKIUKNTKI) . . . TTxiciozr ex Isl o x and ESixitoalmer. CLARSNCe ULLSRY. TIIK PHOPIUKTOU OF TIIF. HOSWKLL Furnituro ROSWELL, NEW MEXIjCO. Will come prepared on receipt of télegTam. Prlees treasonable ' ' . . . 1 , . .! . - - -J Tanslll, the Hustler, t Farmer's Cull.) We had heard much about H. W. Tiuibill before we ever met him. In the Crozier & Bobo, Real Estate Agents. Not connected with an rornoratlon. Tase paid; houtea fur runt add aal farms ana rancu property lor aaie. Volite Collectors 0iy Employed Whites Cream Vermifuge not only effectually destroys worms, it also in creases the appetite, aids assimilation and transforms a frail infant into one of robust health. Trice 23 cents. For sale by Eddy Drug Co. ToTiik I)EAr: A rich lady, cured of her deafness and noises in the head by Dr. TS'lcholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave 23,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Ad dress, No. DUtl, The Nicholson Insti tute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York. 6 Most women with female weakness suffer dreadfully from plies in addition to their other pains. They may be cured by using Tabler's Buckeye Pile Oint men L Price, 50 cents in bottles, tubes, 75 cents. For sale by Eddy Drug Co. Job Cawldn't Have 5tood It. If be'd bad Itching Tiles. They're terribly annoying; but Uuckllns Arnica Nearly every person -aeeds a tonlo medicine at tbls time of year to brace up and Invigorate the nervous system ! wlll.eurolhe worst ease Of piles ftosleanse the bowels, liver and kidneys. Ilerbio is the best and safest remedy ta do this, and It will cure constipation regulate tbe liver and enrich the blood. Price 60 cent. Por sala by Eddy Eddy Company. on earth. Jt haa cured thousands. For, Injuries, paioeer bodily eruptions itt's the best salve la the world. Price -t&e a box. Cura guar an teed, bold by Xddy Vruf Co An ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure, and a. bottle of Hallards llorehound byrup used in time Is worth a staff of physicians with a drug store or two Included. Price 23 and CO cents, For sale by Eddy Drug Co. No throat or lung remedy ever had such saleas lioechee's Herman yrpp in all parts of the civilized world. Twenty yeare ago millions of bottles were slvrn away, and your druggists will tell you Its success was niasvsloua. It is really the only throat and luug remedy .gen erally endorsed by phyalutans. One 75 cent bottle will aura or prove its value. Sold by dealers la all civilised eoun tries. troubles In the Philippines; there will be plenty of revolutionary leaders to keep up a desultory warfare, and the chances are that the lighting will goon for the uext ten years." (Jov. Allen of Porto Illcn, probably under order of Mr. McKiuiey, has is sued a general denial of the recent stor ies alleging suffering among the poorer natives of the Island because they have no work, and charges that the stories have all been instigated by one native editor, who Is disgruntled because he was not given an olllce. It Is a little odd how that one Poito It lean editor should have buen able to influence a score or more of reputable American correi-pondeuts to send misrepresenta tions to their paper. When to Pass the list. Mark Twain has wisdom, on occa sions, as well as wit. He declares that when a man makes an appeal for char ity it Is a great mistake to get every body ready to give money and then not pass the hat. "Some years ago lu Hart ford," he said the other day, ' we all went to the church on a hot, sweltering night to hear the annual report of Mr. Hawley, a city missionary, who went around finding the people who needed help and didn't want to ank for it. He told or lives lu the coders where pov erty resided; he gave Instances of her oism and devotion to tho poor, The poor are always good to each other. When a man with millions gives we make much of a noise. It's noitie in the wrong place, for it's the widow's mite tint counts. Well, Hawley worked me up to a great Hta'o. I couldn't wiiit Tor Mm to get through. I had 4(X) In my pocket. 1 wanted to give thatand bor row more to give. You could see green backs In every eye, Uut he dtdu't pass the plute and it grew hotter and we grew sleepier. My enthusiasm went down, down, down -SIC.) at a time till finally, when the plate came around 1 stole 10 cents out of it. So you see a neglect Use this may lead to crime. Tis Easy To Feci (lood. Countless thousands have round a able one, as it is certain that the big i trust will not let more than $7,000.(XX) get away from It If there is any way to prevent It. So it will not be surprising if the test of the new armor plate should be followed by ao unfavorable report, although it Is said to have stood every test required before samples were sub mitted to the government. Although tho legislature that chooses his successor will not be elected until next year, Senator "Hilly" Mason is al ready actively at work to become his own successor. He thinks he put lu some good licks this week, when a num ber of Illinois men were In Washington to attend the unveiling of the eques trian statue of (len. John A. Logan. Last year It was generally understood that Mr Charles U. Dawes was to be the McKlnley candidate forseuator.but that was when Senator Mason and Mr. McKlnley were on the outs. Now Sen ator Mason sings Air. Aicivinieys praises everywhere, and when asked whether the McKlnley Influence will be used against his re-election, smiles In a knowing and satisfactory way and says he guesses not Illinois democrats who have recently been In Washington have not beeu disposed to do any blowing but moBt of them believe that there is an excellent fighting chance to elect a legislature that will send a democrat to succeed Ma inn, and say that they are going to try hard to do It. A Washington man who haa Jut re turned from the Philippines, where he had spent a year, doesn't enthuse over the islands as a place for the Americans to go. He said: "I have had all the Philippines that I want. After a twelve month's sojourn over there, I am frank to say that 1 do nut believe It any country for a while nun. it Is a rare thing to Dnd an American that does not wish to get back to the Stales as quickly as powiibie. The spirit of aiaconteul and desire to get away iinds expression la the army that oeen sent to sub- Jugate the Islands, and the I'nlted bUUs soldier that Is satisfied with his lot Is an exception. The climate Is bad in that whenever a man gets sick there Is no bracing or recuperative quality in the lraod recovery to health u exceed lugly slow. My belief is that the capture of Aguinaldo ill Dot put an end to our blessing to the body in Dr. Kings New Life Pills, which positively cure con sumption, sick headache. dUziness, jiundioe, malaria, fever and ague and all liver and stomach troubles. Purely vegetable; never gripe or weaken. Only 20o at Eddy Drug store. I once knew two girls who had been warm friends from childhood, and who came to what they thought waa the parting of their ways over this very mutter of talking each other over with other friends. Each had been guilty of it, b'lt each was hurt when she found out the other had done the same thing, After the first tears and recriminations had passed they talked the matter aver carefully, each trying to be as fair to the other as possible, and (Inally came to the rather unique conclusion that they would rather be friends any wsy than to go through the strain aud loneliness of separation, and that If either of them wanted to talk about the other at her back, the might have all the liberty In the world to do it, since each knew the other well eno jgh to be sure that there would be nothing maliclou or untrue In what waa said. Aud the outcome of it all was that the honest little talk made them better, more loyal friends than ever, and neither of tlmui wauled to criticise the other again, and for twenty-years they have bieu like sis ters. Walter Moody. A Raging, Koarlng I lood. Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis, of I.Ubon, Ia had tore- pair. "Standing waist deep In Icy water," be writes, "gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse dally. Finally the best doctors In Oklahoma, Neb., Sioux City aud Omaha said 1 had the consumption and could not live. I began to use Dr. King's New Discov ery aud was wholly cured by six battles." Positively guaranteed for coughs, colds aud all throat and lung trouble by Eddy Drug Co. Price COc. 13 Patrons of the City Water Work. Vu are hereby notified that the wa ter 1 for domestic uses only. Those who supply their neighbors with tie city water, or use lu for irrigation, 'Will be cut off from the mains. t'AKLAHAD WATCH WORK. JJy A. II, O'Ui'i, Collector. days when we smoked we felt fortunate when we could get a "Taiisill's Punch" cigar. Then, v hen Mr. Tausill's health fulled and he went to New Mexico, w heard of him often as oiw of the boom ers of the Pecos Valley. Once, on vnir way from the City Of "Mexico, at El Paso we fell lit with some people from Eddy (as Carlsbad was then called) w ho told us about a certain hustler from Illinois, named Tausill. So we bad formed our opinion of It. W. Tausill that he was compressed, concentrated, pent tip bustle; and when we -met him at the meeting of the Farmers' Na tional Congress at Ft. Worth, we found in sixteen seconds that our opinion was correct. In ten minuten It. ,W. Tausill enn advertise the Pecos valley moro than all of Ouiucy has advertised .this town In the past ten yetint. The next time we met Mr. Tanslll was at Colorado Springs. We got thure at night. We had understood Unit a meeting of the Farmers' National Con gress was to be held at that place, be ginning the next morning. We had understood that the headquarters were to be nt the Hotel Alamo. When we reached the hotel we almoht tlioufftit we must bo mistaken, especially aa up to that timo we hadn't been able to get much Information about the Colorado Springs part lu that nn-etliig. ' No uhv at the Alamo had heard particularly Of the meeting. No one knew where It was to be held. All that indicated that there was to be a meeting of ttWe congress and that the Alamo was to be headquarters, was that rooms had been reserved for Col, Clayton and ("apt. Oundage and their parties, who wore to arrive the next day. We Mulshed breakfast by 7:!ft) the next morning, and again began our ef fort to find out if there really was to be a meeting of the congress aud where. In the old dnys the city fit which con gress met was well decorated lu Its honor; but we could find no decorations In Colorado Springs, not eveit In tbo Alamo. In our perplexity we met Just the right man - II. W. Tunsill! He had heard that the congress was to meet In the High school bulldlHg lie was go ing up there- would get a cab would take us along. When we arrived at the High school building we found that It was linked d ue that the congress .jvjui to meet there. Hut no preparation luul been made. We went to hunt the Jan itor. We at last found him, and had the assembly room opened, lint there was nut even a desk on the platform. Then wo did some rapid telephoning, and we talked United States. After an hour's fruitless effort we got so mad wo said bad words. After some more talk ing and walking, we got sume tablea for the platform aud had found out about forty things we should have known and had done about forty things that some one in Colorado Springs should have done some time before, and then we went down to the superin tendent of school's olllce In the Higit school building and got some pajx r, pens und Ink for the secretaries to use, for which the superintendent charged us fifteen cents, and at the same tlum haudod us a bill for for the use of the assembly ball! We had brought our Sunday clothes along, but we bad no time to put tiu-m on; aud until I lie governor and mavor arrived we bad thitigs in tolerable shape for the open ing of the meeting and were hot ami tired enough. And It. W. Tausill? As we cllmbud the stairs the lost time to the assembly room before the meeting opened, wo noticed llro. Tanslll, who had taken iMissesslou of the corridor opposite tho entrance to the High school building. seated cross legged ou a high box be hind a long, luscious, fetching display of Pecos valley peaches, surrounded by a big, attentive crowd, while be loked aud "Joshed" and advertised the Poco valley at' the rate of 3l words a tullí ate: "Cept..""!., "Ceii." Tanslll doesn't need any committee on arrangements. He doeaiVt nel any one but hliuswit t adrcrMut the I'ucoa valley. The Pivoa valUv doesn't need any one but him proof of that lu this week's Issue of t!m Oai.i Aud he I one of the biggest hearted, ' brantest, best ineu wo have ever met. And shrewd? You bet he Is! Ha came to Adams county, 111., for lie wife.