Newspaper Page Text
CMt, BAD CURRENT PUnUSHEI) IX THE LAND WHKRK THE SUN SHINES :$33 DA.YS EVERY YEAH. VOL. IX. CARLSBAD, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY. APRILS. i 'if CARLS SVi r. Smoker! Have you ever reflected wby such an army of men swear ly the 5c I M I White Cigar m KnigM One trial will tell the tale. For sale by all dealers. Flesher & Rosenwald, ROSWELL AND ALBUQUERQUE, Wholesale Distributors. TR1-WEEKLY iiH iUv uf iu ml rmirlnc ii' ul tiir iihr thrvii, li rmiiuiiii nil iuiMirtiil furvltcn caMt lit w liirli npHnni In iriic DAILY Trilmiifitjfwnir'Uli. 1mi IKiMtifitlr nutl Y'ut Hfii CtirrwitHiutlPiH, Hboit Ftitr, vlVjrHiit Imll luiin tlln li-Hiiuua, lliimoniiN ttotii. lnüiwtruil ittfui nuttiuti, Km hi un Not, Atírlrulliirul Mlltin mitl rmiirrlietiittvrf a ltd reliadla financial Markrt Ht'MrU. H'ctiUr nilrrliiilun itrirt gl ft.t i-rer. wa fiirui.h it with (li CAULMlAIr CI 11 UK NT tx W. 73 pr jrenr. 1 WEEKLY r Wev; York Tribune. and filial! ant. f II cnntalna ail tlir unt lium-tJiiit sn'itrral bewi uf i)i DAILY Trilutn un lu tti hour ul iruing to pri, an AitHrulinrwl ! fartmml of III liltclirM vnlrr, lian enter Uitiiiig rnblltiK fitr v-ry im-nilr f ihr family, M ami ytmnv, Markrt Niiia alili-li ara arvi a autlmrit jr ly litruifia a iil coitniry mrrolmiiU, ami U tlfttii, ti Iii-jIaic, ln ltrttliifi ami ( tniriUc. Itraular aMl'rittÍMa ulr fl.lMI wryw, Wr 4 a It It lit o AKI.H1AD t IHKrNT fur $1.24 Hr year. W. A. KERR DEALER k jry.'w.-.r.f an Í 5 Schnaps. $350.-Neat eottage, 4 rooms, pood location. $1000.-40 acre farm, 20 acres in alfalfa, 4 room house, near school. $3000.-100 acre stock ranch, rich hoü, liv ing water. $.'500().-Subui han residence, 9 rooms. $7000.- Fine alfalfa stock ranch, 200 acres, pood buildings, desirable location. Mc Lenathen & Tracy Job Couldn't Have stood It. It be d had Jlchln Piles. They're terribly annoy ln; but Itucklioa Arnica -)v will cure the worst esse ot pii on earth. 4t has eured thauemd. ?or Icijurka, pains or bodily, eruptions tfi the bt salve In th world, l'rice box. Curo guaranteed. Sold by Xiij Vt Co Pit till tied Mondar, WnlniHi- U.r mid KrlíUy. U In nulny ft in , fu-ajli, fvi-ry other tly ltly, Mu ttt Ih't tie liillMhn on Tlmrwlnv. auiiiin n tr hturly vixty ymr lu awiy Mtrl nf tha riilliil hialina a National Family Nrw. Iwiht uf ln lilutit Hum. fur farmer FANCY GROCERIES A SPECIALTY. Nearly every person needs a Ionic medicine at tbia time of year to brace up and Invigorate the nervous system lo elnauM U. luWt!s, Itvttr and kidneys Ilerbioe Is the best and safest remedy to do this, and It will en re constipation regulate the liver and enrich the blood, frtoe W cents. .For sale by Eddy Eddy Company. A A. R. O'QUINN, I PROPRIETOR I6E wo -WJHOLfcSAlE BEEFt T T T Me Kept Mis Leg. Twelve years ago .1. W. Sullivan, of IlartTord, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty w ire, liillummalion and blond poisoning eet lu. .For two years he suf fered InteiiHely. Then the best doctor urged amputation, "but'' he writes, "I uned one bottle of Electric Hitlers and 1 1 2 boxes of Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever." For Krup lion, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Hheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Itltters has no rival on enrth. Try them Eddy Drug Co. will guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Only 50 cents. Neuralgic pains, rheumatism, Itim. abo and sclactic pains, yield to the pen etrating iiilliicnce of 1 billarda Snow Lin iment, l'rice 25 and 50 cents. For sulo by Eddy Drug Co. CM LIVERY STABLES, ' J, M. II ICSS, I'roprlelor. Livery, Feed& Exchange Stable.... Good Rigs at Reasonable Rates. O.K.' I . AIAj Work r 5iirHfileed. ... . I ft Biaokamlth and Carriage Shop. Sign and Carriago .rulntliiK. First oIjihs Hlacksmlthincr, car ruige rainllng ami Wood Work of uil kindH. Well muchfnery work a specially. Crozier & Bobo, R KAL .STA'J!E fíENTS. Not ronnirUl with any corporation. Tnxen nlt ; Iioum-h lor rf'iit and Mlc; fnrni nd ranch prupi i ly r Mlo. I'oltte Collector Only Employed The Maryland legislature has dlMfran chlsed the state's forty-four thousaud illiterate vters. eighteen thousand of them being whites, and mostly demo crats, and, twenty-six thousand blacks, and nearly all republicana. The legls lature's reason fur this sweeping ballot law is the claim of tlili class of voters had to be assisted in casting their bul lots, and, without a secret ballot, there was no other way than by disfranchise ment to prevent bribery. The republi cans, of course, denied, that this reason is val.d, and declares that It is a politi cal yarn to deprive them ail chance to carry the etuto hereafter, if congress does not interfere, such states as Ken tucky find west Virginia are likely to enact similar ballot laws. To the on looker, It seems remarkable that, in these enlightened days, eighteen thou sand adult white citizens should be found iu a singlo statu who are unable tu reid and write. Muryiund is plentifully-equipped with schools, and there surely exist sadiciest pride among these disfranchised ones to attend them fur a period long enough lo wipe on' the disqualification, aud make the legit latlon null and void. Let as hope lint this will be the solution. ToTiix Dea". A rich lady, cured of her deafness and tolees In the head !y Dr. MchoUon'a Artificial Kar Drums, gave 23,(xiuio his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Car Drums may have them free. Ad dress, No. Dttli, The Nicholson Insti tute, 700 Eighth Avenue, ew York. 6 Vv'ASHINGTONTCRj Washington, Arril 10. It! Denials hive been in !ered ridicu lous by pies lispslcheo fioin M idi ' giving immcs and details, war deport -ment olllclul now. Tonics that tlieie have been extensive frauds in the cum luissitry branch of the army in the Phil Ippiues, and announce lili it llmirlsli of honesty nnd virtue nn nllU-ial In VeHtigatioll is now being mude with h View of expoütite and punlHlineut of all tiloso who have been guilty of wrong doing. Thisiuinounceini'iit would have carrleil mnv wolght with the dwl nter ested public had It not been necmpau lei! by another saying 1 1 1 it t the conduct or the iiiVCMllgilinu had been placed in the hands oí A ljulunt (em tul Cor bin. (en. Mi es Is cnuii'ixmlcr of Die army, and as such sliouM have directed that iiiVfhllK.ill )ii,.kiii(i If the Irulh und the whole trtilli, reit(ileNS of. whose toes might be Iron on, hail been sought, it would have been alhiwcd to remain in his hands where inmperly belonged he had proven his feat -lessnctis li; uucov- erloa Irani in theembaluied beef cases Hut ir theohji ct of the lnvtvtUliti to whitewash the guilty oillcers who have republican political pull, nnd t make scapegoats of thiw win have nut, the choice of lien. Corhln to direct it Was wise. J If Iiiih u recnnl of political partlHuiiship never eiiialed by any holder of a major general's commission in thn I'nited States aimy, and tlicre have been some radical pai limns In th i army, loo, while (ien. Miles has never been a partisan and Is suspected of be lieving In democratic principles. Ma jor (o-orge It. Davis, one of the olliecr said lo b Implicated iu the frauds, is now in Washington on sick leave. " He hits heeu connected with thn commlsury branch of. tlio army for several years, und was regarded as (en. Kagau's right-hand man when he was commiss ary general. Major Davis was nt the war department this week and was questioned by Commissary (ieneral Webton. lie denied the charge cabled from Muni a that the books of Kvnua & Co. government contractors showed that sums of money had been paid him and oilier oillcers; also that ho had any knowledge of wrong-doing on tho part of either ollicera or contractors and an nounced his willingness to return to Manila at once and essUt In the invest igation. . He might be ublo lo render valuable assistance in the whitewash ing. Mayor Curler Harrison, of Chicago, whose third elect on to that has cuused his name more or less to be talked of in connection with national politics, spent the most of this week in Washington quietly resting. Asked the bHilit question, whether he hail any intention of entering tho national poi itical arena, Mr. Harrison, replied: ' 1 am not fooling with uutloiial politics. It is enough for mo now ,to at tend to my duties in Chicago." When asked what the Illinois legislature was likely to do, Mr. Harrison said: ' Thercpiib HcuAs 4n that body have done almost nothing outside of a discussiou ot ap portionment bills. They have a quar rel among tlieipselves over the subject' and I would not be suprised if the legis lature adjourned without passing any measure for the apportionment." That the Philippines mud necessar ily be a large aud continuous source of expense to the United States has been evident that from the day Spain goli bricked nr. luto the becoming their own ers. A hoard of naval officers, uuder orders from Secretary Long, are now engaged In preparing plans for a 65, UU0.UMV naval station, which Is to have a f l.lXKl.tXK) dry dock, at Oloiigapo, Su big Day, Luzon. Those plans will have to receive the approval of con gress before they can be carried out. ' Senator Cockrcll, who was met com ing out of tho White House, where he had just had a talk with Mr. McKlnley on the subject, and of the coming visit to Washington of a commitloo of the Cuban constitution convention: "The Cubans do not apparently fully grasp their status They are not now a gov ernment. They have no power lo treat diplomatically with the I'nited States. The present constitutional conveptlon was called into being through our agency. It only has power to submit to tie I'nited States for approval a plan or constitution for the represent ative government. If we reject it out right the extensive status continues They cau do nothlug. Hut If the mod ilk'atlons and conditions whicii we pro , poif are accepted then I hey can proceed lo organize a representative govern ment. Aud until such a government is organised the troops of the I'ulUd Htates, in my opinion, cannot be com pletely tlthdrawu. 1 am Gruly con vinced that tht convention, after It hears the report of the commission which it has teut here, will accept the KXfKKir.NCKD IJnder tx Il o i? and Kmb ovlrnox. CLARSNCe .L1IXSRY. Tin: l'KtH'Hir.Toit oftmk kosw 1:1.1. Will come prepared on receipt of telegram plat) amet.dmeiit. I believe thn the members of the commission will learn much of value to Cuba on their visit here, and thi'.t soon after their return the const Iki'tlon convention will take favorable adion.' Kvery republican president from (Irani to Mckinley has had dreams of establishing u respectable white repulí liciin party lu the south, but every ef fort to make (he I renin a reality has miserably faiied. I-'or thnt reason Mr McKiuley's t IToit lu thai line. In South Carolina, Is more amusing than alarm iug to tho southern democrats. Sena tor Mcl.uiiriu, who Pus been for all practical purposes an minimis) ntton senator for several ye.'rs, u 1 1 lioiigli In only actually withdrew from the demo cratic caucus just before the adjourn ment of the last sessio' of rotigiem-., Is expected to'itct as Mr. McKiuley's as sistant In Hie present attempt In turn the dream into a reality. 'The llrst open iimyc was the appoint incut of John (. Capers, a gi)M democrat, to sue ceed a rcputilcali us I'liited States dis trlrl attoiney of SchiIIi Carolina. The next isuwaiud Willi moie or Its cur iosity. Two HundreJ ticrefurd.t. The largest cousigiiiiient of high toned buhs that ever came to I '.I Paso is down at the tdnck) nrds. They ore. from the Uivci'shlc Herelord company Ashland, Nebraska, and they ure going to the McCtitcheon lirothers ranch iu the Davis niouutaius near Port Davis. Hiere are 2o:i of them and Uiey are all regiiitered, Hereford y.'urllng m.d twi. yvars old. They have stood the long Journey welt and are in llrst class con dition, W, .1. Cox, the eneijetiu man nger of the Riverside Hereford com pany, is as proud of the new arrivuls as a boy with a new suit. This consignment of cattlo lo tho re sult of the big deal that was made by tin) McCutclieon lirothers and the Riverside Hereford people a short while ao. Under the terms of that transac tion the Riverside company purchased im) heud of cattle from the McCutcli eon lirothers and sold them in return these Hereford bull. The McCutclieon lirothers have some VU),iKK) cuttle on their ranges und it is lh:-lr intention to to turn these registered bulls iu umniig the cattlo Willi thn view uf Improving the breed, The cuttle they now have is of a superb r grade, and with the addition of these bulls they will have lu time the llnesl heard of cuttle in the state of Texas. Part of the agreement between the two parties is that the Kiverelde Hereford people take all of next ycur'e yearlings und the yearlings of the fol lowing yeur from thn McCutclieon brothers. In return the Riverside peo ple ship to thu ranch next yeur V'Xi more bulls next year and tx the following year. The cattlo as they now stand bring about 815 a head but Improved as the breed will be by these registered bulls It Is expected that sjch Improved stock will he worth fully S-o a head. The present consignment are as Hue a lot of cuttle as cull bo found iu any part of the country nnd are worth a visit' tu thu Btockyurds. F.l Paso Heruld. A kaglog, KoarlR flood. Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Kills, of Lisbon, la hud tore pair. "Standing wu'st deep in Icy water," he writes, "gave me a terrible ce!, l nnd coiikIi. H grew rorte dally. Finally the best doctors tn Oklahoma, Neb., Slnux City and Omaha said I had the consumption and could not live. I began to use Di, King's New Discov ery aud was wholly cured by six bit tics." Positively guaranteed for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles by F.ddy Drug Co, Price 60c. Most women witli female weakness suffer dreadfully from piles in addition totheirother pains. They may be cured hy iisitiK 1 abler a lluckeye Pile Olnt ment. Price. Ul cents In bottles, tubes. cents For sale by F.ddy Drug Co. Tie Easy To Feel Uood. Countless thousands have found a blessing to the body iu Dr. Klogs 'ew Life l'lils, which positively our coo sumption, ekk heaUavhw, duuuees, jaundice, malaria, fever and ague and all liver aod stomach troubles. Purely vegetable) never gripe or weaken. Only 53c at Eddy Drug-store. ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. Prices' Reasonable The discovery of oil in apparently inexhaustible quantities in California and Texas, within Ihe hist year, em phatdrc America's first place among the people of tho earth. III treasures. Oil hi to be the fuel of Ihe furnaces ot I Ids twentieth century , und with It to burn in our ships, we can sle.mi the sens with lghU Milkers und without h tving lo stop every few days for fuel. A navy stcumlng on oil, with no coal ing station to protect, shook' bo twice as elTectlve uk one guarding coaling stations, lint n-.t before have we had oil for such u purpose. Charlea Sum ner Young writing to Success abont the California oil Dclds in the Kvru river district, says the ml sands are four hundred feet deep," throughout ID.fXXi acres and from every acnr there will come U1 "0,000 barrels of ol!, it gross out put or '.'.om.iXHHKX) barrels which at llfty cents a barrel, will be worth erinlo gl.oui.uMuxK), This dwarfa in Import aucu the yield of gold and siiver-of tho comstock lodo, Mr. Young does not hojliu'e to Hay that California oil Is worth more than edl the gold and silver she h is produced, or ever will mine. The oil discoveries in tho lieuumout district, ot Texas, do not promise so muflí, but a geyser spouting F.i.lXX) bar rels per day was recently utilized. Tho district is nu extensive one, and thu oil saids are estimated lo be from live to tuteen feet In depth. (Ml lu smaller quantities has been found elsewhere. The problem has been for small opera tors to build pipe lines to gel the oil to markets. The Cnlitornht owners have made it plain I hat tho Standard Oil com pany might do well to Invest with them nnd the Wxas owners may, perhaps, reach the same conc'iisiuti. At nil events, the people of the Paeliic state) and southwest will prullt by the día coverles. Success. Many, indeed, of those who now 'de preciate t he gigantic growth of some Of the chief industrial monopolies, bold lo thn view that there would have' been true ci.i,Hei v,-itinm lii tho .government ownership of II, e railway from the very hcjfiuiiing. Their argument is that the railway rebates and other unfair trans portations udvuntiiges were, In point of fact, thereul foundation for the up building of u number of the most coll spiciuos of the so culled I rusts: and they lliitiu that if I hero hud been pubHo ow nerrhip ol railways, with eqiiaLad vuntuges to all shippers, there could uot-at least in our day have grown up any such aggregation as the Stand ard Oil Company, the great Iron and steel amalgamation, ot the American I sugar Compuii), tho anthracite coal ! combination, and several others that j might be named. 'Ihe advocates of . government ownership - some of Uk-io jut least-believo that jveij thing l moving so rapidly in the direction (f their convictions aud desires that they have only to stand asido as spectator, ami look on. They ure especially well pleased with the seemingly swift growth of something like a scluntUio unity in the ruil way system of the coun try. .Thoy are idad to see harmony and stable equilibrium in tho .toliiiug und transportation of anthiuclte coal, for example. it ti every successive uiep In t hu adjust meiits w hlch are bring nig mder and system out of chaos lu the railway world, these advocates see a plainer and easier put li tothe transfer of the railway business from private ti public control, which they desire. No throat or lung remedy ever had such salea Iloschee's (lertnun Syrup lu all paitsof tfiMclvlllrrd world. Twenty years ago millions of bottles were fives away, and your druggists will tell you lis success was marvelous. It Is really the only throat and lung remedy gen erally endorsed by physicians. One 7i cent bottle will cure or prove Its value. Sold by dealers in all civilised coun tries. . Whites Cream Vermifuge not only effectually destroys worms, it also in creases the appetite, alJs asaimlletUjn and transforms a frail Infant luto oua of robust health. Price M, eeuts. For sale bf Fddy Drug Co. An ounce wf prevention is worth, a round of cure, and a bottle of llallardl llorebound byrup used In time is worth a staff of physicians with a drug store or two Included. Filo S3audWcu. For sale by Eddy Druj