OCR Interpretation

Carlsbad current and New Mexico sun. [volume] (Carlsbad, N.M.) 1907-1908, January 31, 1908, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93061430/1908-01-31/ed-1/seq-3/

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rtllTMlil, VIHI Mlf M lf
WMAt tttMV M.
Your horses tret the best care
at the Star Stables.
E. P. Bacon, of Logan. Utah
was a visitor in town Wednes
day. .
If you have any steam or wa
ter pipe to be laid "Ohnemus
can tlx it."
Miss Dotia Draper has return
ed from a two weeks visit among
friends in Artesia. .
S. T. Bitting returned Tues
day night from Denver, having
tarried four days in Amarillo.
Territorial Auditor Safford was
in town Tuesday and Wednesday
to check up the county officials.
Dave Cole, brother of Bill Cole
of Lakewood, was in town Mon
day enroute to his home in Ida,
J. J. Draper and son John
came in from the plains ranch
Monday and report cattle winter
ing well.
The young ladies and married
women will give a leap year ball
in the Commercial Club Rooms
this evening.
We now have the finest line of
plumbing goods ever shown in
Tracy-Roberts Hdw. Co.
Mr. Laverty states that the
odd fellows lodge is not interest
ed in the new piano purchased
by the Woodmen last wttk.
If you want your Piano tuned
correctly. See Moore at the
Mansion house, he guarantees
his work.
We now have the finest line of
plumbing goods ever shown in
Tracy-Roberta Hdw. Co.
Mr. Frank II. Cole of the Albu
querque Citizen came in last Fri
day to write up a special article
on the town and country for his
George Swift arrived from
Iowa City last Friday night. lie
was accompanied by a friend,
Mr. M. J. Horty, who came to
look over the country.
Assessor J. 0. McKeen' Wed
nesday purchased from George
Swift his resilience on Canal St
formerly the property of Harry
Christian. Consideration $3,000.
Our new shop is completed.
Bring in your saddles and har
ness and have them put in shape
lor the spring work.
Tracy-Roberts Hdw. Co
The hunting party consisting
of Joe Cunningham, W. M. Kerr
and Y. R. Allen, returned Tues
day from some forty miles east
where they killed a dozen pecar
ies or Avilehe hogs besides other
The Finlay-Pratt Hard-are
Company have secured the
service of a first class harness
and saddle maker, and will man
ufacture all classes of saddles
and harness.
Word comes from Mrs. J. P
Cole telling of her mother being
almost helpless, having had
stroke of paralysis on Jan. 13
. which affected the whole right
iHa Mr onii Mrfl I nruiw nnur
. make their home with their
" uaugnier rvira. r. r . ru, in uv
Our new shop is completed.
Bring In your saddles and har
ness and have them put in shape
tor the spring work.
Tracy-Roberts Hdw. Co,
Mr. J. W. Gamel departed for
St. Louis. Chicago and New
York Tuesday to make spring
purchases. Mrs. Gamel will ac
company her husband as far as
Midland where she will visit, un
til his return with Mr. and Mrs,
W. G. Gamel of that place. Mr,
Gamel will be absent abouc
Nothinir ton crrxvd for the farm
or. im our line of Molina Plows
and Implements, at the Big
btore, -
Tracy-Roberts Hdw. Co.
The Sunday school classes of
Misses Myrtle Kelton and Mollie
Draper were entertained at the
residence of N. T. Daugherity,
ast Saturday evening. About
20 guests were present and a
royal good time was had. The
entertainment consisted of music
games, queries and other amuse
ments. Bone meal at the Union Mar
At a dinner toarty in honor of
Mrs. Letcher at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Brice last night thir
teen guests were entertained, all
dressed "tacky" and very much
of a surprise to the host and
hostess. The party was a decid
ed success sociully.
You get the best service at the
Star Stables.
Nothing too good for the farm
er, see our line of Moline Plows
and Implements, at the Big
Tracy-Roberts Hdw. Co.
Mrs. Jacobs who has resided
in Carlsbad for three years de
parted Wednesday for Kansas
City where she will join her
daughter Mrs. D. B. Fant and
Mrs. E. W. Truitt from which
point they will start Feb. 5th on
six months trm to see the
world going to Cuba, Porto Rico,
Mexico and South America thence
to other places.
Who wants the mail line from
Carlsbad to Monument.
Holloway Land Co.
Mrs. Dearer of Los Angeles.
Cal. passed through last night
enroute to visit her parents Mr,
and Mrs. Holcomb in Roswell.
Plain sewing done properly at
corner north of Presbyterian
church. Also furnished room to
rent. Mrs. Albert Love,
Now is the time to plant Onion
Sets and Seeds. We have them
Send for catalog for 15H)8.
Roswell Seed Co..
Uoswell, N. M.
Carr the Singer man of Ros
well tarried lait night en-route
home from Pecos.
Stockmen desiring a reliable
saddle made by a reliable firm
should leave orders with the
Finlay-Pratt Hardware Co.
J. B. Cherbino received his
receiver s receipt, Wednesday
for the first payment to Uncle
Sam. on an eighty acre desert
tract adjoining his homestead in
Hack berry draw west of town.
Who warts Bomo good teams.
harness and wagons.
Holloway Land Co.
District Clerk S. I. Roberts and
family departed W e d n e sday
morning for Long Beach, Cal.
Mrs. Roberts and the children
will take up their residence there
on account of M r 8. Roberts'
health which requires a I Wer al
titude. Mr. Roberts will return
as soon as he has his family set
tled in a home. T h e Roberts
residence here will be occupied
by Mr. Will Abel and family, a
brother of Mrs. Roberts, former
ly of Springfield, III.
We have fifty or more custom
ers that want to trade East Tex
as property for New Mexico and
West 1 exas property.
Holloway Land Co.
Territorial Superintendent J. E.
Clark visited the Carlsbad schools
Tuesday surprising the whole'
faculty. He remained at the
school all day and in the evening
was given an informal reception
at the Commercial Club. On
being interviewed Mr. Clark
stated he found the Carlsbad
schools in especially effective
working order and considered
the corps second to none of towns
much larger in this territory.
He wai compelled to leave Wed
nesday morning being driven to
Lakewood by Mr. Heard where
he visited the schools Wednes
day. He hurried on Thursday
to Tucumcan where there Is
big school fight in progress which
he hopes to regulate.
Feed for Sale.
Alfalfa kaifir corn and other
feed. Enquire of G. W. Swift,
Carlsbad, N. M.
Elliott Hendricks this week
sold an interest in his big dry
goodn store to Mr. T. C. Home.
Mr. Home who has been the
most trusted employee for over
six years now becomes a partner
with a large interest in the busi
ness, and practically settles his
location with the store and town
for some time to come, which
will be gratifying to his many
friends. The firm will le styled
the E. Hendricks Dry Goods Co.
and will continue to carry the
most up to date stock of dry
goods and clothing in Carlsbad.
Mr. Hendricks expects to leave
in a few days for the east where
he will make his spring and sum
mer purchases which he will tell ;
all about shortly in a big page ;
advertisement in the Current.
The Holloway Land Co., can
sell your land as they have a
chain of offices with men work
ing for them in all the principal
cities in the east and northeast.
Give them a trial.
B. M. Mitchell was liberated
yesterday on bond made by W.
Ware, Jim Dublin. R. S. Teague
and R. B. Knowles, of Monu
ment. The sheep which Mit
chell owned are now being run
by Jack Marrin and there is a
deal on foot to settle the amount
of about $7,000.00 which was
paid by W. G. Mc Arthur for the
sheep. Henry Record a partner
of McArthur stated to the Cur
rent Wednesday that the matter
would possibly be settled peac
ably out of court. However, the
prosecuting witnesses on the
sheep stealing case against Mit
chell assert that they expect to
produce all evidence necessary to
convict Mitchell.
For Sale.
Kathleen of Hopedale, a thor
oughbred Jersey fresh, a good
family cow.
W. B. Wilson.
Johnny Kilgore, nine year old
son of Jesse Kilgore fell in a con
vulsion or fit while playing in
the school house yard Monday
badly lacerating his tongue. He
was insensible for some time and
at one timo his life was disput
ed of. He is slowly recovering
at present.
Carrie Nation
certainly smashed a hole in the bar
rooms, of KansAS, but Mallard's Ilore
hound Syrup liaa MmiiBi od all records
an a cure fur coughs, bronchitis, inllu
enxa and all pulmonary diseases. T.
C. 11, Horton, Kanxus, writes: "I
have never found a medicine that
would cure a cnuuh no uuickly as Dul
lard's llorohnumt syrup. 1 htve used
It tf . J. 1-1 I... 11.,.. I.
A. G. Heard, W. P. Ivtudgett.
Morgan Livingston, M. T. Stone,
W. H. Merchant, returned Fri
day last from the big convention
at Denver and report that the
convention was almost a unit for
a lease law or p-ovenment control
of grazing lands in the west.
Catholic Services
are held regularly every Sunday
at both of the Catholic churches
of Carlsbad. High mass and
sermon in English at 10 a. m.
every Sunday. Instruction in
Christian doctrine at 3 p. m.
Benediction after instruction.
Mass at 7:30 a. m. every morn
ing during week days.
Mass at 9 a. m. at the church
of San Jose, for the Spanish
speaking natives or others, on
All are cordially invited to
these services.
' Methodist Chuich.
Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.
Preaching, 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m
Epworth League, 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday, at
7:15, p. m
- Choir practice Friday 7:15 p.m.
The pastor will be glad to meet
and know all strangers coming
to town, and will be delighted to
look up all Methodists coming
into town.
Joel Frank Hedcpeth.
' Pastor.
Gome in and See our Bargains in
and Japanese
China Ware
Don't Stop at the window but come inside
Hardware Co.
Trophy to Irrigation Farmer.
Vernon L. Sullivan, territorial
irrigation engineer, has offered
a trophy cup to the New Mexico
farmer who writes the best fif
teen hundred word article on his
own experience in raising crops
by irrigation in the territory.
The offer is a timely one and in
dicates that Mr. suiiivan is co-
operating heartily in the work of
stimulating interest in irrigation,
and New Mexico farming, in
view of the approaching irriga
tion congress in this city. Mr.
Sullivan asks the support of the
territorial press in this proposi
tion, which will of course bo
heartily given. The conditions
of the offer are set forth in the
following letter received by the
Morning Journal from Mr. Suli
van: Santa Fe, Jan. 24, '08.
"Gentlemen: Realizing that
there has been but little done in
the territory to assist the irriga
tion farmer in obtaining better
methods in the use of water for
irrigation purposes, tho territor
ial engineer has decided to offer
a trophy cup to the farmer who
will write the Dest article of not
over fifteen hundred words from
his own experience intending to
show economical methods in the
use of water to obtain the best
results, provided that the news
papers of the territory will as
sist him in the way of publish
ing two or more of the best of
these articles.
The object is to assist in bring
ing about better methods in ir
rigation and a general education
to the irrigating public, and be
lieving that the best results can
be obtained through the medium
of local newspapers, I am writ
ing you to know if you will as
sist this department in the way
of publishing notice to the farm
ers of your locality of the chance
to try for this trophy, and later,
several of the articles written by
. "In case you will co-operate
with this department in this mat
ter, the engineer will forward
to you description of the trophy
and the instructions regarding
the writing of the article, so the
farmers In your locality can be
informed through your columns
of the desire of this department
to receive articles from them.
Veknon L. Sullivan, Territorial
Engineer. In Albupuerque Jour
nal. E. McQueen Gray, missionary
of the Episcopal church in New
Mexico, who makes headquarters
at Carlsbad, was a visitor in
Silver City Saturday afternoon
and, as always, received a warm
welcome from his munv friends
I here. Silver City Independent.
That Lease Law.
The following in regard to tho
lense law will be read with inter
est by all who are interested in
; range stock:
Mr. Charles T. Adams.
1 CarlsbJd, N. M.
Dear Sir:
I have your favor of the 2oth.
inst. inquiring what action was
: taken in regard to the "lease
j law" at the National Wool Grow
lers Convention held in Helena.
That convention passed a reso
lution as strongly against any
government control of the range
for grazing purK)ses as it possi
bly could, and intends making
every effort to defeat any pro
Iiosed legislation for that pur
pose. The convention was a large
and enthusiastic one, in numbers
several times as large as the con
vention held in Denver. Ten
thousand dollars was raised in
the convention to be used in ed
ucating the public to the evils
and dangers to the sheep indus
try of a lease law and for the
purpose of sending a committee
to Washington to work against
the passage of any such legisla
tion should it be necessary to
Bend such a committee this win
ter. You can rest assured there
will be a most determined fight
made to prevent the passage of a
"lease law."
Cured Lumbago.
A. Ii. Canman, Chicago, writes:
"Having been troubled with Lumbago,
at different times and tried one physi
cian after anothir, then different oint
ments aad liniments, gave it up alto
gether. Bo I tried once more, and got
a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment,
which gave me almoas Instant relief. 1
can cheerfully recommeud It, and will
add nvy name to your lint of sufferers."
Who wants a nice residence In
north part of town? Price f 1.840.
Holloway Land Co.

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