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THE EVENING CURRENT VOI,. I, NO. 47. CARLSBAD, NEW MEXICO. FRIDAY, JI NK 8, 1917. K..OII War. title. Month, jr. ( opy . MAI GEN D ERS NG AND STAFF ARRIVE IN BRITIS Man Who Fought on Mexican Border Welcomed by Entire English Nation 2,600 Veterans of U. S. Army All to Depart for Front and Fight Germans San Salvador Gapital Totally Destroyed JOYOUS WELCOME ACCORDED AMERICAN SOLOIERS ON STREETS OF LONDON EARTHQUAKE SWALLOWS CITY WITH POPULATION OF SIXTY THOUSAND By Associated Press. Sajaun Dtl Sur, Niu' ikiiii, .Inn 3. San Salvador, the capital of the republic of Salvador, with a popula tion of Mfl than sixty thousand soul was totully dratroyi'd SCCOrd ing to a dispatch from San ,n Salvador. No details aa to the man nor in which the ity WM destroyed has been received, but it undoubtedly was i in result of an ciirthipiuko or volcanic eruption The diapetch from Kcgucigalpa, Honduras, says thai in addition to the wiping out of San Salvador, the lOWtll of QttesaltipeqttOi Nejpa, Suchn hot", 1'uianal, Armonion and Msjieonos also mi destroyed. Mejicanos wa a suhurh of San Salvador. EVERYTHING IS IN TOTAL RUINS Hy Associated I'D'. a British Port. June r Majoi General Pershing and stall arrivsd this morning after an uneventful trip. All members of his puity won In good hi'iiith and spirits. 'Ih ir -hip waa eacorted into i to port by an Am irican deitroyi , .X hearty welcome .in. extended to th- Americans by hta official roDreiontotivti of tho ad imiiollv. tin war office and the mimic- I By Associated Presi I tpotl authoitlM, Tho mr office as-1 Washington, June x. Tho dismis San Juan, June H. An opmtol a Brigadier General of the,""' "f engineers was followod by who reached tho edge of the Uoy-I Brltlah Army us aide to General I tnem ww ttemaiit which vlr I Pershing. A formal welcome to tho ,u,," ' nurgcu i.eneral Manager Goethals Charged with Delaying Work BUILDING WOODEN SKIPS IS NOT BEING RUSHED, SAY DISCHARGED ENGINEERS WHEAT CROP IS ad scene reported a ninetwen'y this morning that San Salvador Was in total ruins ord everything within a radius of thirty mill by un earthquake landing itagS waa Hy AatOClatad Press. WaahinKton, Juno dispatch from American Minister Wongat in Sun Salvador Nut at Him o'clock last I night while the vol) ano near San Salvador was erupting, said part of I the city wus destroyed by lire hut the lire was under control and great I damage had !ccn done. $10,000.00 THIS IS THE MOIlNT OF U.S. TREASURY CBBTIFL CATE8 CONVERTIBLE INTO "LIBKKTY BONDS'" FOB WHICH WE ABB suiist hiding. We are taking additional aubecriptions for others without charge and hereby urge you to inquire at this hank for PULL PARTICULARS. Americana on th a stirring acetic. A guard of honor j l,uilllinif program was destroyed I composed of Koyul Welsh I uailiers waa drawn up at Hie landing with j a regimental hand. Whn i.eneral Pershing was introduced to the mili tary officer in command of the port, he inspected the guard of honor while the hand played Star Spangled Ban Mr, The only civilians who were al lowed to meet Qeoeial Pershing won repreeentaUvof of newspapers. Me saiil to the Associated Press that the trip had been delightful, particularly in the latter stage when we were escorted through the dang, r .one hy our own destroyers Speaking for myself anil atalT, We are glad to lie the standard bearers of America in this great war for civilization and we expect in a very short time to go playing our part which I am confi dent will he a very lug part on the western front. The Genoa I and staff proceeded toward London. Goethall with holding up the ship- By Associated Prea. Washington, June i.- Gone-;' Man ager (loethals of the emergent') IWel today dismissed f a Eustla, of Boa ton, assistant general manager, and P, II. Clark. il neers, who orig inally conceived thi eooden fleet Idoa, ESTIMATED TO EX CEED LAST YEAR Hy Associated Press. The Department of Agriculture forecasted the prospective wheat crop at aix hundred und lifty six million bushels as compared with six hundred and forty millions last year "Grandpa" Farrsll, Sidney Brown I and Mr. ami .Mrs. i ortieti iiarkey, ' MUM in from the Iiarkey ranch to- : da v. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARLSBAD, NEW MEXICO "ALWAYS OLAD TO SEBVE YOU" Be Loyal To Yourself our rommunit's inosp. ru is our own prosperity in fart YOU ARB THE COMMUNITY. Help ourelf therefore, hy helping your community ou owe yourself that much at least. " BUY KT HOME " THE NATIONAL BANK OF CARLSBAD Saji Juan. June R 'Hie disaster 's supposed to have '.in caused by I he eruption of volcano San Salvador. By Associated Pros London, June N. There are live American survivor-, from the steam or Southland. The foregoing indi ces disaster to the Southland, form erly named Vaderland. The steam er was of twelve thousand tons. By Associate ! Press Toronto, June X. Laiirier resigned from the leaderahlp party of a I. ill oral caucus, so snys an Ottawa 'lis patch. By Associated Press. Petrograd, June x The eungros I of peasants in session here adopted a resolution calling upon the army to I submit itself ti discipline and to de fend revolutionary Russia By Associated Press. Washington, June H. The president today nominated the following Hi g adier Generals to he Major (ienemlsi John K. Morrison. William L, Stbeit and Charles (' Moorton. Henry Teague after being detained in our city for several days, left for his home at KnoStles yesterday, Icac Ing considerable currency , in our midst before taking hi' departure. WHEN THE nor days COME KEEP COOL BY USING A PURITAN OIL COOK STOVE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION R. M. THORNE By Associated Press. London, June H. General Persh ing and his party arrived early this morning at a port in Ureal Britain, I London especially and all countries fighting Willi the allies are happ this morning to w. Iconic with open arm- the arrival at a British port of the Persing expeditionary force com posod of the veterans of active set vice in Haiti, anto Domingo Cuba and Mexico, in all twenty six hundred men who left America May 19th, Every man of this first division of Americans to arrive in Europe is u hero in the eyes of London und the intrepid Major General Pershing who proceeded his men, is being bono second only to England's king. Tho regiment of marines is commands I by Col. Charles A. Dovuu. The entire army division is armed, equipped and Organised ready to go to the extreei" western battle front of Belgian and the hard pros .ed French, American warships with transports loaded with provisions arrived yesterday Sfhich insures the food supply of the men By Associated Press. Washington. June k. tine hundred American aviators arrived in Frann today. I'M K IIMI I W I K.VIL. E! Pas,, Cap S !., June I. PUT Editor of thi- Current. I will write you ., small article on the hull weevil. Our honorable prcsidem and states men ami other Lading men of the country are advocating for the farm er to cultivate more ground, or their waste land, which - good xdvics in one sense of th, ftrord Hut 'f the farmers would protect what they plant from the weevil it would amount to more than the extra ground or waste land that they Would plant. I would suggest to the farm er to catch the moth miller that lays the weevil egg, If 'he farmer would take a luh and p.: one or two buck eta of water in it and put a float or drive a stake .;, slanting so the top of the stake wo. ild I ver tile center of the tufa o the btntt rn Would hang over the center of the water, lie could stay it with wire to keep it from sw nging to and fro, he will he surprised many millers he will catch in on.- night. Last year my nrother plain i t VO tuhs in Ins i un held and he would catch front I one nuart to a half gallon of moth, I milleis every night. This :. one way I to reduce the cost of living. A lamp and u pun of water will put an end o weevils in dried fruits. 1 would like fur some farmer to try this plan and niuke u report in regurd to his I IUCCOSS, It will take several tubal ' in a neiu. i lie cost would is' very I I little (j you Would consider the bene- 'in :nui one . , nveixe : no uso I of tho tub. Whin We get the mail ca running through to El Paso Gup I wiil try and giva you the news each week. Since I wrote the above the post office department has extended tho mail route to El Paso Gap C B. THOMAS. U. S. WEATHER FORECAST Jl NE . II7 rn - tonight and Baturdaj Cooler South east portion Saturday, Mrs. Boston Witt is in town todm and will continue on her journey l Lovlngton in the morning. Mrs. Albert Knott, who lives at Sitting Hull, brought her little daugh ter, lira Lae. to town this morning, for the scrvicea of a physician. The little one ia eight years old and oeenis U have some sort of fever. ewmssss FISHING T7VQKLE 50 per cent off THE FISHING SEASON IS ON GET YOUR TACKLE AT THE QORNER DRUG STORE THE NY AL (JUALITY STORE 00000-'V0'S