Newspaper Page Text
Tfl E EVENINti ( I'KRKM. V. .11' NE , 1917. ISiEveningCurrent f Win. H. Mullanr Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES. t 16.00 .1.00 BO .or year in advance months in advance ic month, in advance mpl copies Entered as id It. matter April 16, 1917, at the pout office at1 Carlabad, New Mexico under the Act of March fl, 187!i " Published daily, j Sundays excepted, by the Ctrl id Printing Company. ? TUXES MAY BE ADJUSTED. OUR FURNITURE MUST l BE SOLD T THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE. COME TO THE BAP TIST PABSOMAOE AMD look AT BOMS real bargains. HOOK CAM, DIMMi TABLE AM) CHAIRS. LIBRARY TABLE, ROCK EM, ETC. ALL IN TEAT DUEAELE FUMED OAE I II I IHIN'I I, ROW III. I' OUR FLAG unity f put ( Having hud a mpl,' opportunity by dally and almost hourly contact urith the ofncers ind mi n composing the company t" judife sinners acting In 'injunction with the assessor tt this time io make every aujusimeni mai is proper IWIBins oi the contended question of total f mpartlally, th Current desires in lief which Is Involved in the DfMtnt add it . tribute of pfnltt to our boys. . sil t in the I ml. d States Court. aying thai the writer witnessed j Your commissioners and your ns Ihl irgunisation of mllltur enmpan -j censor have done their part in this i. s before any member "f Company i respect and It Is up to yi'U to make It was born, and tia yet to tind a ' your complaint on or liefore Jun" military organization where a mat i IB, IMT, er spirit of loyally and devotion wa shown than In the ranks of our boy who honor ua o richly who u.s one j man rose up not by waving of ban I ner, but by crying out with rapture! "Rend me I send mo!" hVeiy nation! lovea it- Hug, but the true test nftei all is deeds and not words, so w; Many compliment, an being he hoW 1 "r ',om MH M regarding; the raining of stock in the MOt n,,lv " "ur " " City MNMtOry The fact , ,eplr:i. 1 " """"" M wn" wi,h M"'M ide. iiui .t in, almost ,, sii.i,. to 1 """''''v "-"ltd around j prevent it. Then tain get in from I K !""' '"' "'"'ly '" r"llv the north through the alfalfa Arid "rouBd " " whm " 1 ml the Cemetery Aaaoeiation hopea I vn to have fund on hand In bulM NOVICE, IHMM Ihut will I um tiHl Mo I baiBa are available al preaent, how. I et. imi any panon donating for imi parpoae will confer a ereal fa H-vos WATER USEES' ASSOCIATION'. By Scott Btter, BeeyTreos, w NILE IN row isit our Rest Room EVER Y OMI'ORT R.E.Dick DEI GOI8T To the Water Users under the 'HON E I 'PHONE 9 Carlsbad Project, U. S. R S. You ore hereby notified that the ror on the aaaocial and tho public undersigned dnl appear before the oik UNCLE GOT His dander ut tone ami have the conacluuai County Board of Commissioners, sit-. I l. blda of contributing to a very nee- ", Board of BtnUllsatlon, on I lauury Improvement. tool Tuesday, June Bth, 1017, nnrl lil-.tiur Uncle's got his dandor up, ed a forma! protest against the a. j They tried him on too i'ar; VU- reglslfntion far Eddy county sessmoirl of taxes for this year in' He's ilonned his fighting uniform totalxd 1,107 men as eligible fol the the CarlabaH project on account of And ready now for war. present call, between the ages of the iroverrrmenl Hen Thin protest I He studied lonir, he studied well, twenty one and thirty-one Thla r has been filed in writing ami should I He did not want to ftirht. ercds ly more than on. hundred appear as a part of the minutes of I names the most reckless eatimate I the proceedings of said Hoard, mud. um. week ugu Haiti i., the. In justice to the present Board of t'4 that t'ompaii) II wa recruited! fount y Commiaaioner I deem it pro.! to it full itrenuth, it was thought per to say thai f bellove they have i hut nt more nan one thuuaund would I (riven every consideration that wnal respond between the lived aire limit I within their power at this time with ol by our Kvernmcnt. Thla re out prejudice to the county In this murkoble nhowinx athleh Eddy eoun matter and in this connection they, y cjin well be pruud of, beaidea it enn 1 ,",v'' ruled that for the next ten tt said that without handlmi' Iheldaya any fanner who hax been M truth earoloaall that ia extremely e I and believes that he has a .lotibtful whether ii inoii' lit men in the United Stales than anawered the call m our homi ui But whan hr has lie alwaya daoi do a right, i fur Unele'l ku ht dnnder u The (rood old patient num. AnW we, the lioray handed set. Must help him all e can' We way not snil his bottleahipa Ot man his fjhmarines, l!ut ac CM) help him out a lot R rniaing prfc and beans. nf in t rlnint for reduction of taxe- mn ()u, , ,.' anoear at the Aaaoaaor1 ..fii.-. at I , have the sum,. ly. A glance at Company H moie hun oonflrma thin state nt Then' were ulsty-tWu aliens nf varum, and .sumiiv iloaeriptlon Included in the to tul registration Kot his dander up Assessor ofnee and lli. a,,,., air m the bree.e corrected . His rmfimcnta are on the land - Without regard to the preaent liti j a fl,.,.ts upon the aeas; lilt Ion, 1 believe Hi:, to be a f.iir , ,f W(, lHI1 nfl jin hut ranks, propositi. .n on the part of the com-, The ilubborn foe to meet, mlaalnnera .ittinir as n Board "' !.,.(' try to help him out a lot Equillantlon and every farmer who ny raiainit corn and wlieot. has any lUggtation to mike in this I According to an iateil l " I ' will he given a fair hrin I Than let the cull ring far and near. ' nlapatch England hlK been lirTlictml f prompt attention is alven to the And let the call rinc true with tluk: days .,, a .ns. us they matter Many have already adjuti l( .ur flhtinir men and faiminK men are called in America, almost since their a- oaamonta and it is the mten : There's lots of work to do; he start of the war, but now the"""1 the Water I sers Assocat ,ci , et-t ,,,, tt)c 0l.iar an,l the ham in. i the Hoaru oi loumy lotnmw fuij a, thej will jam. 1 Ami then, you net, he'll win the ficht Our Rood old Until Satn. Jh. t whole business has leached the pro 'abortion uf mi epidemic. In ItOmloll, j Infer Inatnnei then, were alxteen Han I lla . .In. i.c May During June there twill be twenty three which is : roc I.,., J ust Received n. I In addition we miL'hl a. 1. 1 tin fi a record lo be proud of in any land till mora than wnvlng of banner. Hid boating of drums and the in ipiriiiH notes of the bURle are re quinti to win battle- If ,,nr (fn-al aleru newspaper reports ue true his form of patriotism it much in MfhlOnOO throughout the eastern sis- Jtli of the United Stales and like in I knrluiul this form of loyalt) teemi THEY to lie a trreat favorite and ia veti ' Miiin.nri.l. I., II. ). Dm ..r 1 . ,.. ....... . V, ,1 m I, Ml . ..till a, I Mf all ia aaid, there is onl) one thing 'MKE Jiat will avail in i be end and that ' Ottaiato of individual action, like the I hptrit dmplayi'd III our l'omany B Wo believe It ws the first Company ,n tho 8outhweat to till tho ranks, lnidea it ii composed of men in ev ry walk of life, thus allowing to ha world the commendahlo apirit of I HI SH BTOt K Of I'omi Vucuum (1 rs. ll) llltS ARE GUABANTEM FOR 6,000 MIIES SERVICE AND WK TEE ADJUSTMENTS, IE VKE REtll'lHED. HERE. JKt US SHOW YOU BEtiABIHNfi DELIVERY Ot Kit. I ION W TEH. IR. J. S. Oliver department of the Interior, I nit d stai,.s Boelamation service Carlsbad. New Moxlo, Jutta ( lillT. 1. On account of the exislinr s'.iort hi f water, tin following whaduli ni deliverv will he effective after i I June 10, 1917, and will remuin in ef fect until further notice: For the purpose of more efficient delivery und to reduce waste to a niinimum. the project will be divided ' into two division. The point of di ' vision will be lateral IH. All land under water riirlit noniication above 1 .atrial Ki will lie ill DWlaing No. 1, and all land under Lateral 16 and below, will be in Diviaion No. 2. Beginning Monday, June 11, the en Carlabad. New Mexico, .tune 7, 1917 Honorable L. A. Swigart, Chairman, Board of County Commissioner of Exldy County, N. M., and As sociate Members sitting us a Board of Equlliiatlon, Gentlemen: For the purpose of pfOtOilhlg the! record arul without prejudice to pending litigation, the PWOa Water Uaers' Association on behalf of each and everyone of its shareholders who represent the land owners under the Carlsbad project, U, S. R. S. we no come and (lie the following proteut in writing, the MMM prate. t having heretofore been tiled liefore you in verbal manner by our legal repre- sentative : I, We protest in each and im i case on behalf of the individual re presented by our aaaoeiation which is a corporation duly orgnniaad under the Inws of the State of i-.i Mexico, the assessment of any real property under the Carlabad Project which ia now covered by a lien held by the United states go ei nmi nt ". In the event tabt you ihould deem it proper to overrule the pro- ! test (lied under Sec. 1, hereof, then and in that case. We desire to tile a formal protest aitainst your method of iifsc.ssment wherein are deaignati I certain districts, namely. La Huerta, Carlabad, otis. Loving and Malaga and wherein you havi placed the! value of land In the La lluirta Dis trict at .-I mi tin. the I a rlsiind Dlatrict ut 76.00 the otis District at $:t.Y00; the Loving District ut jn.YOU and the I Mnlnga District nt 180.00. We con tend that by fixing a district at a : haeiM price that you have not tuketi into conaidanttlon the true value of the individual farms within each dis trict for the purpose ot taxation. That in many cases the man with a farm of small value is discriminated 1 against by an assessment that is too high. That in many Caaoi the man with a farm well improved is not paying his tax In proportion to the ether. We pritest that in the fixing! i of districts that the amounts fixed j for each district is an urbitraryl j amount und not based upon actual f : vulue or full value. That in the fix ing of assessed values In each district as compared with the other district! is not properly fixed and that there is discrimination as between the dia trleta, 4. That in fixing the amount of ; uncultivated watered lar.d priced at a uniform price of $20.00 per acre is not in conformity with the above schedule fixed for watered and cul tivated land in the various districts. 6. That in view of the fact that ' these tax's are now in litigation, that penalties should not OS added in any event until this litigation is deter mined by the courts and that your Itouid is in error in not directing the pmpei officers to suspend such penal ties until final decision is made. i. Thai your Board sitting as a llpaid of Bqullisatlon fuils to com ply with the law as intended by ita tute unless you make an individuul BSSese Blfnt upon each term, thereby equalising this furm with every other 1 farm within the projivt. 7. Without prejudice to pending litigation, we ask that your BoWdl make slum ruling upon each of the foregoing complaints as will correct the conditions now mnitnninod and mentioned thereunder. Respectfully submitted. PKCOS WATER USERS' ASSOCIATION. By Scott Eltei, Scey-Treus. Summer Excursions Low Round Trip Tourist Faros tei.f.igal yy Lo. ngeles. California . $.",H.N0 San Diego. California ... .ih.ho Sun Francisco. .... .IH.HO Portland, Oregon 7H.oo Hostile, TVaahlngtna 78.oti PaCO ma i Washington , ,,, 7H.0U I orrrsiMiiMlingly NM round trip fares to other Mints in the West, North and East liberal Slopmer on Lone, and Kelurning 1'rips TICKETS POE P At I EIC COAST POINTS ON SALE DAILY I ROM June 15. 1917. to September 30th. with final return limit October 3 ( st. Let Us Help You Plan Your Trip J. V BALES, AQENT, arlsbad Telephone So. 4 JERSEY BI LL. A tine Jersey bull will be found at the Club Sluble by people with cowl who require the perries of a good animal. FOB SALE: Tl , hen is for sailboat- invi-stigat'e. English Kit- .-leap. WuV it-June 't tire water supply diverted into the canal will lie rotated to farms in Di vision So. I. Beginning Thursday, .tune 15, water will be rotated to farm I in Division So. and will be delivered in periods of four days to each division in turn thereafter until further notice. Water will be delivered io all crops on a lusis of 4H hours to eaoh 401 acres of water right lands, in heads not exceeding 7 second feet. Ml OI I IWABU ORDERS Headquarters Home Quard Com pany, Carlsbad, Sew Mexico, June Js, l!H 7 (ienernl Orders Number I I Drills and mooting! "f the Home Cuacd Company will be held only when ipeclally called hereafter. '1. Men enrolled in the (liuird will hold hemsclves ready to repor a any time, but will huveno duty to perform unless notified. Rear in mind that tho Guard Is not disbanded and that you are still subject to orders therein if your name is on the roll. K A, Roberts. Captain. HI' IS I I A 150, INNI RANI'K KIRK. ATTOMOMILK, AND Sl'IIKTV