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hi THE EVENING CURRENT x VOL. I, NO 411 CARLSBAD. NEW MEXICO. MONDAY. JUNB 11. S.'i.on Yt-itr, i n. Month, It, (opr. BRITISH TRENCH RAIDS ENDANGER GERMAN SUB PORTS Attack Launched North of Ypres Along Twenty Mile Front Which Has Ostend and Zeebrugge as Final Objectives, Threatening Home of UBoats Spy or Traitor Gives Enemy Information SECRETARY DANIELS SAYS IN FORMATION OF BUREAU OF ORDNANCE DIVULGED ENTOMBED MINERS Hy Associated Press. Washington, J HIM 11. Either a spy or a traitor has been divulging information f the bureau of ord nance, mi Sciri'Uiry Uaniel tuld the senate nuvai .((... committee today. When Mm committee loeumod the in vestigation of t hi- Mongolia Shelt ac cident Senator FlSllllgliailJSSII pre duced letters which Secretury Daniels .-.aid contained information available only front the confidential tlXoi of the ordnance depart runt FOUND STILL ALIVE By Associated Press. ButtO, Montana, .lone 11 The hoi met men are in communication with the men entomlied in the mine here the other day on account of lire whirh caused poisonous gase- to spread through the workings. Hy using cement sacks and mine water they htilkheaded themselves in so thoroughly that tools had to lie loot to broak the living tombl, They are all in good condition. Hy Associated Press. The Wiping out of tin Cn rtnan sal I onl at Mossines appears nor ! as a prelude to a projcctod lattlc by far mlghtlor description, The British have resumed trv nth raids over a front ronehing from North of Ypre in al far as Kppepy which is twenty mill's as the eroW Hie.-, hut more than thol distance on account of the lung tOrtUOUl winding! of the hatllc front, it is officially announced today. Ke- portl of raids North of i pres is ol PSDOCisI InterOSl In view of the re cent reported heavy urtillery tire on the Belgium front from Pyre- where the allied front curve.- sharply to sea and an advance here would threaten the (ii'rman hold on their groat anhv marine bases on the Belgian coast At Ostend and .ccbruggoe. Suspects Arrested in Kidnapping Case $10,000.00 THI.H IS THE AMOUNT OK U. S. TREASURY CERTIFI CATES CONVERTIBLE INTO "LIBERTY BONDS" FOR WHICH WE ARE SCBSt HIRING. We are taking additional subscript! ns for others without charce and hereby urge you to inquire at (his bank for PULL PAR TICULARS. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARLSBAD, NEW MEXICO "ALWAYS QLAU TO SERVE YOU" DEMIN6, NEW MEXICO, IS APPROVED AS ARMY CAMP By Associated Press. Washington, June II. Iteming, New MoxicOi has DOM approved as an additional camp for the National Guardsmen mobilisation. GENERAL PERSHING By Associated Press. Dublin, .lone 11. Police Inspector Mills was killed last flight while pre venting the holding of a mooting liy Irish roboUi Several Sinn Fcin tri were arrested. RomOi Juno 11. The Italian- re sumed tho offensive rapturing Men toortigorO) Knot of the Cimo and Un dine Angollo passes. BODY OF LITTLE LLOYD KEET, STOLEN AND MURDERED, LAID IN GRAVE By Associated Press. Springfield. Mo., June 11 While thousands followed the little white casks! of Lloyd h't to the gravoi mors arrests are expected to clour the mystery of Ins kidnapping. Meanwhile CletUS Adams and Clauds' Plsrson, the allsgod abduct ors, were held in Jail in Kan.-a CitJ where they were ru-heil lor safe hooping after being taken from the sheriff and subjected to a third de gree tost by ths leaden of the pot . who threatened the pri-oners with death. Having failed to ohtain a confession the men were returned to the sheriff unharmed. EOOD BILL IS RE F PORTED AVORABLY By Associated Press. Washington. Juiu n nx sseonoj ailn-.lnistration foid control billl granting irod powers to the presi dent was s greed to by the house sg riculture committee today by a vota of 18 to ' Keprosentative l.ever ex- poetl it to pass the house within two! weeks, Tho Aral bill is to stimulate! ths production of food and the second! to control the distribution and pricjJ Ths bill provides a guaranteed minn mum price to the producers on gags I perishable agricultural products un ucr the regulations prescribed hy ths president The committee dropped tho plan of maximum price fixing DINES WITH KING LORD NORTHCLIFFE OF ENGLAND ARRIVES HERE By Associated Press. London, June 11. - tieneral John .1. Parahino and Ambassador Pace to- day look luncheon with King George and Queen Mary at lluckingham pol- Associated Press. Pans, June 11. 1 he tirst cotit in dent of American ohVoil On tieneral Pershing's staff arrived this morn ing in I'aris. The party consists of Colonels McCarthy, Taylor and Irt : nil .Major Drum and iunrtcrmastcr department captains, Moore and Par Hi'. These officers came to prepare for the Americnn forces which will soon he sent to France. Hy Associated Press. An Atlantic Port, J in- ii Lord MorthcliffS on an errand t I America to coordinate tho British activities who is ulso hen; as the representative of the British govr-i-ment, arrived in the United States on an American steamer today. By Associated Press. Pekingi June ii. i"he president an nouneed his willingness to a. cede to the demands of tieneral Changehiun that the parliament he dilOoWod and lie has drawn up a mandate of dls solution Wuting Fang, the acting premier, refused to countersign the decree Mis -ignuture was absolute ly neces-ary. Be Loyal To Yourself our community's preaperit) i Mur own prosperity In 'act VOU ARE THB COMMUNITY Help yeuraoH therefore, b helping wnir community- yon owe yourself that much al u.t, ' HM vi HOME " THE NATIONAL BANK OF CARLSBAD KILTS MAY REPLACE By Associated Press. London, June 11. The American sailing vessel Mangus Mason, which is u seventeen hundred ton ship, was sunk hy a sulimurine today. 'I he crew was siivdl, however. IDAHO SECURES FULL NUMBER OF SOLDIERS TROUSERS. I SAID liv Associated Press. Washington, June ll. Idaho has ompletely idled the regular army. I receiving its quota Saturday. This is the seventh stale to have supplied its allotted number of war volunteer-. Chicago, June 11, The receivership of the Rock Island railroad was ter minated today hy the order of Judge Carpenter of the federal court. WHEN Tin: hot days COME KEEP COOL BY UMNO A PURITAN Oil, COOK STOVE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION R. M. THORN E By Associated Press. Washington, June 11, Colonel Qoothali let contracts today for ths construction of sixteen wooden ships. By Associated Press. London, June ii Kilts may re place trousers fir civilian die.s. Their adoption is under serious coii- sideration In many parts of England as a result of ihe government's ad vice that men should wear mater al of one hue li. economize mi dye Stuffs. alter uiuver, wife i i Mara Adelle, tho two-year-old da jgi.tor.l came in from the, rach southwest nj tow n, getting in about 1 1 o'ckwkj Die) were accompanied by Mil - Kin del, who had been spending fort- night in thai community a truest stl the homes of Mrs. Clover and Mrs. Claude Swift. Yesterday a fs tonsil picni, was given in Miss Kindel'sl honor, the young folk being ehaper-i oned by Mis Claude Swift and Mrs. (lover and mi which occasion thai honores -ays they hud u irrand time. I A mooting of the patriotic women of Carlsbad will he held in the High school building Wednesday ufternunn. June IS, at the close of the canning demonstration, The purpose of tin.-. mooting Js to form a local organisa tion of the Woman's Auxiliary, Slate Council of Defense, This organisa tion "ill he permanent during the war and will work along lines outlin ed by the state Council, Bosoluticoi will in- considered urging f jod regu lation, tempt ranee zones about army posts and camps, and the (OMOrva tiou of food products. U. S. WEATHER FORECAST JUNB ii, 1!it. l air tonight ami Tuesday. Cooler lAist portion tonighl South East portion Tuesday md J 1 1 Rackley disposed ..f his wool crop to Nomhousser and Qoodloe, th Carlsbad Wool men, this week Tho crop totaled 1,600 pounds and Mr. Rackley says the pries was eatlifac tory. J m Wood-, postmaster of our uburb un the north, Lahowwoel, eama j down from there this morning and transacted business In Carlsbad, Inn ley Harhert arrived in the city yesterday evening from his ranch east of Roswell. He and bis auto accumulated quite a lot of dust on tho long journey. eOsooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo FISHING T7VQKLE 50 per cent off I'll E FISHING SEASON IS ON GET YOU It TACKLE AT TUE GORNER DRUG STORE THE NYAL QUALITY BTOBE A