Regular Session of The Board
of County Commissioners
Held Mondar, January 4th, 1915
There beinjj present the Hon.
Salome Garcia, chairman and T. S.
Snyder and Matia. I.. Casados,
members, Juan J. Duran, clerk. .
Continued from la,t week
(The following claims were allow
ed and ordered paid?)
Nohcrto Vied. J of E Pet I .
191 2.
Jose Carci y Clmver., J of E Pet
14, 1914. 2.
Samuel Vigil, C of K Pet It,
1914. 2.
Fred B. Moore, C of E IVt 14,
1914, 2.
M. T. Nix. J of Ren Pet 20 1914.
E. F. Snyder, J of Keg 3.
J. O. Stetson, J of R and J of E
Pet 20 1914, 5.
V. J. SteKe J ofE Pet 20 1914,
J. II Savles J of E Pet 20 1914,
. s VVni. Britton C of K IVt 20 1914,
Geo. E. Dysener C of E IVt 20
1914, 2.
F. A. StubhiiiB J of R and J of E
IVt 28 1914, ñ.
V, Kmerlck J of K and J of E Pet
28. 1914, 5.
Le Kov Mctlure J of K and J of E
Pet 28 1914. 5.
Sain Forker J of E Pet 28 1914,
2. Forker C of K- Pet 28 1914,
Ferdinand Woodruff J of E IVt 20
1914. 2.
James Purvis J of R IVt 26 ' 1914,
Juan C. Maitines J of K Pit 20
1914. 3.
Louis Lallier J of E Pctviiti 1914,
R. S. Pittard J of E Pet 20 1914,
John N. Krn C of E Pet 20 1914,
E. S. Mass C of E Pet 20 1914,
2. -
Manuel Archuleta J of R Pet 8
1914, S.
Luis C de Baca J of tt Pet 8 1914.
Isidoro Vigil .1 of R Pet 8 1914,
3. '
Francisco C. de Baca J of E Pi t
8 1914, 2.
Ignacio Saluna J of E Pet 8
1U. 2.
Narciso Sanchez J of E Vet 8
19J4, 2.
Luis C. de Baca C of E Pet 8
1914, 2
Margeurito Garcia C of F. IVt 8
1914, 2.
R. H. Dean J of R Pet 23 1914,
J. II. Kilburn J of E IVt'. 23
1914, 3.
C. E. Wood J of E Pet 24 1 91 4.
C. W. B. Bryan J of It and I of E
Pet 24 1914, 5.
J. A. Pacheco C of E Pet 24
1914, 2.
E. W. W ood C of E Pet 24 1914,
E. F. Gallegos J ol
1914, 3.
Zenon Tenorio J of R
1914, 3.
Pedro Montoya J of R
IVt 12
I94, 3.
R. R. McDonald J of R Pet 25
1914, 3.
A. B. Christenson J of R Pet 25
Carlos Con. ft J of K Pet 3 1914,
L. F. Wilson J of R Pet 3 1914,
M. M. White J of 11 IVt 3 1914,
Doroteo Martinez J of P. Pet 9
1914, s:
Emileo Gonzales J of R Pet 9
1914. 3. .
9 19l4, 3.
A. F, Chavex J of R Pet 10 1914,
Jose E. Arguella J of R IVt 10
1914, 3.
J. B. Fernandes .1 of K Pet 15
Felix Valdrz J of R Pet 13 1914,
F.mileo Trujillo J of R IVt 4 1914,
I'n tern io Hon, ero
J of R Pet 4
1914, 3.
Rafael Salas J of R Pet 4 1014. 3
J. H. Knox J of R Pet 7 1914. 3,
C. B. Gonzales J of R Pet
1914, 3.
L W. Summers J of R Pet 2
1914, 3.
K. W. Wagner J of It IVt 2 19l4,
I. W. Wiggins J of R Pet 2 and
J of E, 5.
R. L. Baker J of R IVt 2 1914, 3
Cale Giles J of E Pet 2 1914. 2
Herb Davis J ol E Pet 2 1914, 2
Levy Howell C of E Pet 2 1914,
Jason Mackey C of E IVt 2 1914
F- H . Franklin J of E Pet 2 Nov
21, Local Option, 2.
A. O. Donsha J of E 2.i 1914. 2.
R. M. Pearson I of E Pet 25
1914, 2.
A. O. Peersall C of E pet 25 1914
Geo. W. Cole C of E pet 25
1914. 2.
G. G. Granville J of E pet 1
1914, 2.
H. H. Errett J of E pet 1 1914, 2
Hugh J Collins judge of election
pet I 1914, 2.
V. L. Glover clerk of election
pet I 1914, 2.
C. O. Dunn cleik of election pet
1 1914, 2
C. A. Macey judge of
pet 19 1914, 3.
Earl Godlove judge of
pet 19 1914, 3.
11. J. MeGruder judge of reg
pet 19 1914. 3.
James Hyder judge of reg pet
I I 1912, 3.
R. M. Saavedra judge of election
pet 22 Local Op: ion Nov. 21 1914
Jake Troesch Cleaning cess pool
O. U. Smith Viewing road,
Earl StaufTer Viewing road,
S. W. Haldeman Viewing road, 3
J. E. Adams. To apply on con
tract on C H ard, 33.
J. E.' Adams, I'o apply on con
tract on C H yard, 202
L. VV. Kingdom, Ice judge ef
the peace, pet 1 1912-13-14, 150.65
Howell Earnest Agy .Co. , Premiums
on Bonds of Co. officials, 290.
Jim Dean, jury fees J. P. C
pet I, I.
Jose E. Olieyta, clerk of election
pet 7 1914. 2. ,
Ricardo Gonzales, justice of
election pet 7 1914, 2.
Seferino Gonzales, clerk of election
pet 3 1914, 3,
The following W. A. B. claims
were allowed and ordered paid :
Louis Garms. 30. C. E. Long
Joseph A. York, 2. Joe Jueschke
8. Archie I. Day, 8. Julian
Maestas, 2. W. T. Farris. 6. Jesse
Sharp, 8. Jose B. Maestas, 18
Leo F. Tearney, 4. Harry Read, 54
Joe Koger, 4. Will Sutton. 10.
Harmon Fox, 26. J. F. Pieler, 28.
G. W. Peters, 22. H. H. Wood
ford, 12. J. M. Creswell. 2. Car
men Sandoval, 2. 1. N. Tillman,
4. J. S. Márquez, 8. J. M. I-ee,
2. Chas. J. II . Bushnell, 4.
Telesforu C. de Baca, 2 . Manuel
Mares, 2. James Walker, 23. (..
L. Johnson, 2. Archie I. Day, 20.
J. F. Pieler, 4. Will Sutton, 38.
The Clayton News of Clayton, is,
and hereby is. appointed the English
O tficu I paper for Union County for
1915. under the saine contract and
bond as for the previous year.'
The La Union Del Pueblo of Clay
ton, New Mexico is, and is hereby,
appointed as the Spanish Offirinl
paper for Union county for 1915,
under the same contract and bond
as the Clayton News.
Dan Tavlor is, and heieby is, ap
pointed janitor of the Court House.
F.liwo Martinez, is and hereby l.
ppointed Interpreter for the Com
missioners court for the year 1915,
he now appears and is duly swr.rn
as such.
The allowance of C. Martinez, an
indigent person, is and here is
changed from 151 to 20. per quarter
It is ordered that the Court do
now adjourn subject to call.
Salome Jiareia, chaiinian.
Juan J-, clerk.
Special Session
of 'he Board of County Commission
ers, Held January 18, 1915.
The Board' met at 9 o'clock a. ni.
there being present the Hon. Salo
me Garcia, chairman, T. S. Snvder
and Mallas l. vasauns, nieinucrs,
I . . .. T . , I.
Juan J. Duran, '-lerk.
They now proceeded to I he can
vassing of the returns of the election
held on the 11th day of January,
1915, for the-purpose of electing a
Justice of th"i Peace and Constable
the arious precincts in Union
county, and after carefully exaniin
ing the returns filed in the clerk's
office, we find the following parties
were duly elected as shown by the
returns in each of the precincts as
IVt. 1, L. W. Kingdom, justice
and Lon Cash, constable.
Pet. 10, Pat Ledoux, justice; Ed
Deschamp, constable.
Pet. 12, Elfido Ga'lecos, justice;
N. U.' Meeks, constable.
IVt. 13, Flligio Martinez, justice;
I. J. Hyder, constable.
Pet. 21, J. C. Wise, justice; H.
H. Shepaid, constable.
IVt. 23, Grant Denny, justice; 1.
II. Strait, constable.
Pet. 25, V. H. Lobb, justice; J.
M. Haug, constable.
IVt. 24, C W. Wood, justie-; C.
W. B. Bryan, constable
Pet. 19, E. S Summer, justice;
James Walker, constable. '
Pet. 7, Juan D. Casados, justice;
J. C. Naly, constable.
IVt. 20, John Sayles, justice;
Oilie Lane, constable.
Pet 27, Lawrence Urton, justice ;
J. V. Cogdlll, constable.
Pet. Id. Jose G. Crane, justice;
J. J. Cordova, constable.
Pet. 22, A. S. Ellsberry, justice;
E. K. Farr, constable.
Pet. 15, Jose A. Martinez, jus
tice; Nick Maitinez. constable.
It is now ordered that certificates
of election be issued to the justices
and constables, duly elected, ' as
shown by the returns.
It is further ordered ' that each
justice and constable file a (500.00
bond with the county clerk
A. J. Fisher, Grant Denny, W
C. Rose are hereby appointed road
teviewers to review road as describ
ed in petition on file in this office,
and to file their reix.rt on or before
the next term of this board.
It is ordered by the board that the
valuations fixed by them at their
last meeting, on lands, be stricken
from the minutes-
The telephone franchise of How
ard W. Laughlin was presented and
It is hereby ordered and directed
by the board of county commission
ers of Union county, New Mexico,
at their regular meeting, held at the
court house in the town of Clayton,
beginning on the 4th day of Janu
ary, 1915. that Howard W. Laugh
lin, his heirs and assigns, be and he
is hereby granted the right and au
thority to construct, establish and
maintain telephone system in the
limits of the town of Dedman, Un
ion county, New Mexico, the same
being an nniiú
to erect on the sin s
and public ways of theS
poles, tixtur-s and wires nee
for the purpose of supp'ying the
idents of the Raid town of Dedman
and the public, with communication
by telephone, this franchise and
privilege to apply and extend to any
additions to the said town.
It is also ordered and granted
the said system of poles, wires and
fixtures used in telephone construe
tion may extend into the country
adjacent to the said town ; and also
from the town of Dedman to the
town of Folsoin; and from the towi,
of Dedman to Des .Moines, all in
Union county, state of New Mexico,
the said privilege and right herein
granted to be and remain in full
force and effect for a period of forty
nine (49) years from the date of the
granting of this franchise, upon the
terms and conditions hereinafter
specified :
1. For the purnnses aforesaid tin
said Howard W. Laughlin, his heiis
and assigns, shall have the rijiht and
authority to construct and establish
upon such lots and blocks as they
may ecure in said tAwn of Deilm-tr
such huildinirs and such other, necea
arv attachments as they may deem
necessary for carrying on said busi
ness ; shall have the riylt and au
thority to construct and maintain
telephone post or posts or pole'.
wires and all necessary attachment!
to same along or across any of the
streets, avenues, alleys, public
parks and public squares within the
limits of said town, or within nn
and a'i of its additions and othn
places lie lore named herein for tin
purpose of construct ing said tele
ph'.;e business : v
Provided, however, that said poles,
wire and attachments shall l.e so
constructed and maintained as not t
interlcie wilh the public travel upon
said Inch ways and public squares
And provided furl her that nothing
herein irtaitted or ordered by the
Board of couutv Commissioners si
be construed as effort to give any
rights or privileges to said Howard
W. Lauuhlin to erect telephone
poles, wires or fixtures in a way
a place or manner that will interine
with the rights of citizens or wilh
the public. .
(2) The telephone instruments
furnished to the various telephone
subscribers ol said exchange are to
remain the property of the said
Howard W. laughlin, and the said
Howard W. Laughlin, his agents
shall have the right to enter tin
premises of said subscriber at reas
onable hours to inspect, repair, in
stall or remove said instrument, and
the said Howard W. Laughlin, his
heirs, assigns or ageh's shall have
the right to discontinue service for
the non-payment of charges or rental
charges; an-i to remove the instru
ments upon said discontinuance
Aed upon the re-installing of said
instruments, Howard W. Laughlin
shall have the right to charge for
the installation of such instruments
and service, and same not to exceed
one dollar, and shall be required to
make such installation when the re
quest is made, together with an offer
of pay for one month's service in
(S) Contracts or leases shall be
transferred by parties desi'ing to
vacate premises to other parties,
about to occupy same if they so
(4) The following are hereby
established as maximum rates for
telephone services to customers.
'Business wall telephone, per month
2 50.
Business desk telephone, per month
Residence telephone, er month
2 00.
Country residence telephone, per
month 2 00
(5) This franchise shall be and
an exclusive franchise for the
above menu
Mi.nitfinpii an
goinjt regulations
a I'm v i fit rl tint lault
ange is under const!
months from date, h,
or actual talking service
within eight months from
.... 1
the granting of this trann
said talking service shall be kept
continuously (hereafter, but said ex
change shall not be liable for any
damages for the discontinuance of
said (hiking service resulting from
fires, strikes, storms, etc., over
which i has no control.
If said telephone exchange, which
is to be hereafter known as the
Howard W-. Laughlin addition to the
Des Moines Telephone Exchange.- is
not under construction and in oper
ation as hereinbefore stated, this
franchise is to he null and void.
Witness the hand and seal of the
Commissioners court of Union county , ;
New Mexico, by and through the
Honorable Board county Commis
Salome Garcia, chairman.
Juan J Duran, clerk.
It is ordered that Court adjourn,
subject to call.
Sa'onie Garcia, chairman.
Attest: ,
Juan J Duran, clerK.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at
Clayton. N. M.
January 18. 1915.
Notice U hereby given that Willi W. Corley. of
Grenvilie. N. M., who, on June 28. 110. made
homeatead entry, erial No. 0U651. for 4 nev.
nwV ne4. ae1 nw't, e',. Section 28. Township
27n.. Range S'e.. N. M. P. Meridian, hat riled
notice of intention to make three year proof, to
etablih claim to the land above described, be
fore Edw. W. Fox. U S. Cnmniiioner. at hi
office, at Clayton, N. M.. on the 8th day of March.
Claimant name a witnene: ( '
Eden Civanauxh. N. C I.inht. Ixwrcscc Ur
ton. J. V. Cogdlll. all of Grenvilie. N. M.
1-30-2 27 Pax Valverde. Register
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Office at Clavton. N. M.
January 16, 1915.
Notice i hereby ven that Cluy E Wilson, of
Kenton. Oklahoma, w ho. on November 21t. I91Í'.
made homeatead entry, erial N 017009. for
nwW w',. Sec. 11. n't eV,. w e'.i. Section 1.
Tiiwnahip tin. Range S5e. N, M. P. Meridian, lia
filed no-ice of Intention to make commutatio 1
proof, t establish claim to the land above dea
eribed. before Edw. W. lox, U. S Commiaaioner
at hi, office at Clayton N. M.. on the 6th day of
March. 1916.
Claimant namaa fta witneawee:
Caleb f.llee. Herbert Pavía, Alex. McKenxic,
Tom Gllea. all of Kenton. Okla.
1-30-2-27 Pax Valverde. Reg-iater.
Notice f r Publication
Department of the Interior, U. . S.
liana Office at Clayton, N. M.
January 20. 1S15.
Notice ia hereby given that Juan A. River,
heir, for the heirs of Kafela Gallen, deceased,
of Mom, N. M., who, on Jan. 16, 1j08. made
homeiteid entry, Serial No. 061B9, for nwW seVi.
nS wS, swtt iw, Section 8. Tnwnnhip 28n.,
Rana-e SRe , N. M. P. Meridian, ha filed notice ut
intention to make Five Year Proof, to atablUn
claim to the land above described, before Reirlater
and Keceiver. U. S. Lard office at Clayton. N. N .
on the 10th day of March. 191.
Claimant names a witneHea:
Etitevan Galleiro. Jone Crane. Juin J. Olivas.
Re'uirio V. M'tno. all of Moae. N. M.
1-30-2-27 Paz Valverde, Reglmer ...
Notice for Publication
Department of tflie Interior, U. S.
I ad Office at OlayU.n, N. M.
January 20. I'Jti.
Notice i hereby priven that Jame R. Go, of
Moaea, N. M.. who on July U, 1910, made norm -tead
entry. Serial No 011712, for Si ne1 a". I
H l. Section 19. and tli nw. and ni-4 awL.
Sec. 20. Town.hip 2Un Range 37c, N. M. I .
Meridian, ha ñled notice of intention to mal
three year proof, to establish claim to the tai t
above described, before E3w. W. Fox, U. 3. Con -miaaioner.
at hi office at Clayton. N, M., on tl
8th day of March. 1916.
Claimant name a witneeeea:
W. B. Plunkett, E. B. Smith, Frank Wood, 1..
L Lawaon. all of Moe. N. M.
1-30-2-21 Pax Valverde. Reg-iter. '
Notice for Publication.
Department of The Interior. V. S. Land Oftire.
at Clayton, New Mexico.
January II. 1915
Notice i hereby given that Hugh U. Stcpher
fton, of Clayton, N, M.. who, on December,'!.
1909, and November 16. 1911, made homestead 1" -trica.
Serial Noe. 010033. and 014'Sl. for w'i Sec 1.
Townxhip 27n.. Range 3( e. N. M. P. Meridian, h.
filed notice of intentiou to make three year prv i .
to etablitth claim to the land abov du.siribed, 1
fore Reciater and Keceiver. U. S. Land timce. i.r.
Clay ton. N M.. on toe 9th day of March, i J15.
, Claimant name a wit.ieaaea: :
Jake rttepheiison. lan Fuller, Charluy CUtf.
getC Uenni M. Carroll, all of Clayton. U. M-
1-10-2-27 Pax Valverde, Register
Leandro M. Gallegos J of R Pet