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Local and Personal John II. Barry of near Mt. Dora, attended to business in the city Thursday. " Nrck Vigil of near Cone, attended to business in the city this week. C Franklin of near Barney, was a buiiness visitor and trader in tbe citv Tburrday. Oscar Aldredge of near Sedan, attended to business here Wednes day and Thursday. Ncw's the time to plant our seed wheat Hersstein Seed Co. home grown non-irrigated. Mrs. George Spark returned the firs of tbe week from an extended vikit with relatives in Texas. J. H. Seaton of Des Moines, was a business visitor to the county seat the 6rt of the week. J. C. Giles, chief of the Giles clan of the Cimarron, spent several days in tbe city this week. Resalí remedies and preparations ni .aran teed best on the market. F- sale by City Drug Store. Toriltio Martinet of near Pasa mente, attended to business in tbe city YVednekday and Thursday. "See Smith before you buy tbrt buggy. He is agent for tbe befct rig on the market. 9 tf, W. B. Plunkett of the Cimarron ctiawtryv Was a business visitor in the city Wednesday and Thursday. Jess Nealey of near Clapham, surnt several davs in the city this week. Our stock of toilet preparations is cumúlete. Drices exactly right. We City Drug Store. Do nut miss seeing the Oriental Minstrels Monday night. It will be the show of tbe season. A. B. Christerson of near Sedan, was a business visitor and trader in the city Thusday and Friday. Ollie B. Cox has bought the Whitehead shoe shop. He is a first t-lase shoemaker a nd gusrantees his work. tf Harry Wilberg did the popular Uiing tbis week sis subscribing for Tbe News. Tbey all like it. George W. Baker, prominent ranchman of tbe Cimarron country near Folsoni, attended to business tu the county seat Thursday. The Citv Drug Store is the place to have prescriptions properly filled. Only pure drugs, and Dr. liaydon does the work. St. Clair Hammond of near Clap ham, attended to business in tbe city Wednesday. He has several fine places in that neighborhood. H. A. Nachtrieb, one of our re Ifulars in the Rosebud country, was in the city the first or the week trading and attending to business. LADIES We invite you to in spect our line of Harmony Toilet Articles. None better. The Krxall Store, City Drug Store. Candelario Vigil returned Tuesday from Santa re, where l.e spent two months emoting a vacation at tbe expense of the people. Mr, Vigil appears fat and healthy and real prosperous. Tbe caucus major ity lite evidently agreed with him, . B. F. McCarley of near Thomas, attended to business in the city Monday He reports everything in fine shape in his community. C. B. Robinson of near Texline, was a business visitor and trader in the city Monday. While here h had bis name added to The News list. Tbey all like it. V L. G. Lujan of Mexhonia, spent several day in the city '.his week attending to business and meeting his many friend. Edw. Coker of near Gladstone, was in the eity Friday and Saturday. Mr. Coker to deputy sheriff in bis LOANS AND INVESTMENT Wa have money to loan on Farm Lands and Live Stock or other rood security-bear ing property, and solicit the business of farmers who deslr to add to their herds or ar In need of money to Improve their lands. Call and sea as. A. W. THOMPSON ft CO. Thompson Bldf. Clayton. M. M. oner charged with larceny. While here be bad bis rime added to Tbe New list. They all like it. Jas. E. Selvy of near Wanette, attended to business in ttie city today. Mr. Selvy called at The News office and bad his name added to our subscription list. They all like it. N. B. Capen of near Texline, was trading in the city Tuesday. Mr. Capen called it The News office and had his subscription advanced ano ther year. Tbey all like it. Elmer Farr of Des Moines, spent several days in tbe county seat this week. He was a witness in the Pruitt murder case tried the pakt week before district court. Now' the time to plant your seed wheat Hensstein Seed Co. home grown non-irrigated. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson are rejoicing over the birlh, Friday afternoon, of a yourg son. Accord ing to Walter tbe youngster is a thorough democrat. J. T. Hunter of west of town, at tended to business in the city Thursday. He has just liought mother farm to add to the one he already owns. While here he called at Tbe News office and advan ced bi subscription- They all like it. A. Paul Seigel, attorney, of Nar Visa, spent several days in the city this week. While here Mr. Seigel had his name enrnllrd as a News subscriber in ordor to keep informed on Union county affairs. They all like it. yC. E. Snyder of Sbattuck, Okla hnma, an old friend of The News editor, was in the city Wednesday enroute to a farm he owns in the Cuates neighliorhnod. Mr. Snyder also owns land near Des Moines, and 1 is figuring on entering business either at Des Moines or Clayton. J.J. Brouhy and Mrs. Rrophy of near Boise City, Oklahoma, spent several days in the city tbis eeK. Mr. Brophy is manger of the Otto Johnson ranch in the Cimarron countrv, and has many friends in TINY HAMMERS IN STEAW. BIMii I Plying Molaoulee Qiva the Gas Ita Power. There ta an old tVoti-b proverb that "Mony mlckle inuks mócale," wblrh means that maoy titila thing put toilet net make much Tbe power of steam la a caae of tbla, tor It cast diiTe irreal boat through tbe water and It can tear up the greatest eocka. Yet all tu power ta due to the coming together of little units ot power. When we apeak l -tot in wa mean water vapor water in the form of gaa Thte gas Is formed mirtw prvrwure and baa power to eiiminl li i thla eipao Iva power thai rl Mie work After ward tbe khx iiiiif run ind ron tfeiiaetl. ao thai we -nn It- and tnat la whnt we call uti'iim The power ot Me ch w due to tbe tin y molecule l wutet ( imb It la mide Phv iy niiin id all M reeriona trying t iei and so striking hit In i Un iite it whatever beiua Uiem in i f"f' e me tt these molerme I er tint tin tb) mount of Mull in me m...i. me so mall If vou luid i multar than you ciund vn mmi int nail with H Km ' iii.-iv ir oil Hons ot thee tttii iriiumeo firing about In Ule khi thei it uie tu do ail Cbtki'a Hook o Kii"' i.-iiue ANTIQUITY OF KILTS. Tay Ware Worn. It Is Said, by oldieea ot Anciem Assyria Tbe kilt ra a atvle of dree that at ln toenael.t old The oldler ot Aaayiias kloK are aakl to hare worn a snr of kill, while, aa we all know tbe moun taineer ,r tbe Haikan regard n aa IB dlapeuaaliie It eein to nave ix-en worn la Scot land from preliMnrir imw utHl. ao conllng to une Jtiittmritiea mm at one tlnie only tin- I ii rt.irn ai-roae the shoulder In font .-niii.. it was twlat1 ed around the wiimt or peruana II wo) Id la more .tirre. I tu say thai part of It wa Kilted rvL-iuienrf nre comparatively llMMleru. is I he nrxi nichland troop Ibe Black Watch were recruited It) 1728 and were called by thetr now bks- ' tortc name owuut to tbe aotuber coMf of tbetr tariaue black, blue and green. When tbey were originally raised eacb company wore tbe tartan of Ita commanding officer, ami when banded together In one regiment a special on wa dealer) ed to prevent Jealousy Tba Beafortba wear the Mackenzie tarta a. tbe Argyll and Sutherland tb Camp bell and tbe l tardona and Cameron tba ama aa tbalr nam. London Saturday Review Puttme th K In Kant, Kant, tb groto-Oermaa. began Ma ame with an alien k" on tne ama tHAlnU thai miiu UnnlM.ll the Clayton. He ordered The Newasentj goatish g, discoverer, to bring to bun tu Boise City, so that he may keep posted on Union county affairs. I hri- all like it. Relinquishments Wanted Anywhere in Union couuty, but especilly close to Clayton. See or write Fred J. Hoelderle, Clayton,; M. M. The greatest economy of Ford cars is not in the low price but In the low after cost of operation less than two cents a mile in city and coun try. They are designed and built to serve and save ; to bring the luxury of pleasure and the sturdipess in business work this is why there ars more than 700.000 now in use this i what has made the Ford the universal car these 'are the merits we present why you should buy a Ford. Buyers ol this ctr will share in profits if we sell at retail 300,000 new Ford cars between Au gjst I9land August 1915. Runabout 10; Touring Car t90; Town Car $090; Coupelet 1750; Sedan $975, fully equip ped, f. o. b. Detroit, Ondisplay and sale at PIONEER GARAGE. J. Allen Wlkoff, Aftent Clayton, New Mexico. READ THE ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD Haws ef th World ay Aaaoetatwf free Leased Wire, Ww ef Naw Mexico aad Eaatara Ají too a by BawciaJ Cerra pandea ta. Daily Btoek Market Quotation, taeludlag CattH, Rosea, Bag, ay aad Orala. PAIR IN POLITICS; DEMOCRATIC IN PRINCIPLE. ALL THE HEWS THE DAY IT HAPPENS ALL THE HEWS THE WAY IT HAPPENS Favorable traía aerVr placea th REGULAR EDITION of taa AJeuquarqu Evening herald la so oat parta of tb tata afcaM ef ver atbr dally papar. THE EVENING HERALD m ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. 50 Cents per Month - $5.00 per Year Statement Of the Ownership, management, etc , required by the Act of August 84, 1912, of Ti-e Cla)ton News, published weekly at Clayton, New Meiico. for April I, I to 15. Editor, C. P. Suthers, Clayton, N. M. Managing editor, C P. Sulbers, Clayton N. M. Business manager, C. P. Suthers, Clayton. N. M Pub lisher, C. P, Suthers, Clayton, N. M. Owners, C. P. Suthers, Clay ton, N M. Jack Duran, Des Moines, N. M. Known bondholders, mortagees. and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securi ties : No mortgage or bond holders whatever. (Signed) C. P. Sothers, editor. Sworn to and subscribed before me this I Bbt day of March, 1915. Ira 1.. Pennington, Notary Public. My commission expires Aug 9rd, 1918. ala tu an eod witb "k " If yon turn lo Murdorb biographer yoo 0o0 tbem eipiainlDH tnat Murdoch anta a "b" la tbe KDgtiab form of Mnrdors) witb aa "b ' Hut tbe great gas maa blmeelf explained tbat p mad tb ebaoge tn spelling to oblige tbe Kng aah. among wbom be lived kt found tbat tbey bad a difficulty ta gi sag "tbe full guttural pronnnciaooa" , tu tbe last syllable, and ao n mad thing easy.- London Chronicle. The Retort Ceurleou. Joattrw I)t waa a 'banatng indga i od wbco on etmilt expedited DOlne -b) ummarj manner un one uera Ion Uie trial of a iwianner n-lulea t dunk, and tbe ludiré ordered candle to be lighted o tbat n could try , etber caae tbat nixbl U't'onnor a noted Irtab narrlatei. 0 , fended and tn proteat agaltial nlgbt work exclaimed, addreaalng tba conrtt I "What, my loro try "ws oy ntgbtl I What will men aayl I'bat luenra M net done by layr He onulned bla end. and at (be Oaat sitting the aitnaed waa acquirteaV London Mirror Eaeaptiaw. "If always either pot op or abet p." "Not when your wife tella yoo ta top grumbling and go to work on tbe tore. Then you hMve to do both." Baltimore American. FOR SALE White Navajo Worm Proof CORN Dwarf and Standard Maize KAFFIR CORN These seeds are home grown. Rais ed i mile northeast of Clayton. PRICK Se POUND ta nava picked ep aometbusg A T . PofplifT MONUMENTS largest Stock in the Southwest. We Pay tbe Freight and Guarantee etery job c t1!. '."rii: f.-r J-r-- " J. rst'mtV.. BOWERS MONUMENT CO. 21s Esto!, albuquebouc. m. h- A Wiaa aUtlen. Grabbe Bow da yon tike any aew ambrolla T Btnbba- Klna. tnat Ton THE CLAYTON MEAT MARKET f V 11 11 iJl laVli J M I VJi Fresh and Salted Mtatf, Fruits and Provisions. Fish and Oysters in Season. TELEPHONK NO. 15. CLAYTON, NEW MEXICO. THE EKLUND HOTEL Steam Heated and Electric Lighted Rooms, 75c to $1.50 Meals, 25c to 50c COAL NIGGER HEAD. NL'T AND LUMP. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT EKLUND HOTEL RANCH UNO IRRIGATION CO Clayton IN. AA. It Werkad. "And have yoo tried tb plaa ef greeting your husband witb kind worti wben be come bom lata, a I sug gested T asked tb lderly friend. "I have." aald tb yonnglab woman, "and it work like a charro Be stay home all tbe time now trying to figure out wbat la tba matter." A Falsa Reputation. It la not known bow tbe bee, which worke three months In tb year and loaf nine, got tbe reputation of being "busy." Topeka Capital Revenge. "W1U yon marry me. Mlea Goes I T" I "No. Mr. Jlnka." "Oh. tbaDk yoot 1 wa so afraid you'd aay yea, for. yon aee, the fallow were betting no fellow bad tbe nerve to ask you, and I took It ap In eplte of tbe risk." Baltimore American. " Demeati Oiaeerd. "My husband need to call ma bla lovely lute." "And nowf "Now be pk-ks oa m." Louiavlll Ooarter-JonmaL fftot-Rtcnxoond DUnatcfe, " koh T neighborhood and brought in ris \n\n tbe work that temí. '!"- t-ruui "The