mivm.is uii: in ;.mk i.wvs
.No I'ovsilile Loophole Fur Nimrod
Who SIh.ms Ferocious Cottontail
Without i'u.vlnu the State fr the
I'rit ilcor.
We hive money to loan on Farm Lands and Live Stock or other good security-bearing
property, and solicit the business ot farmers who desire to add to their herds or
are In need of money to Improve their lands. Call and see us.
A. W. THOMPSON & CO. Thompson Bldg. Clnton, N. M.
Ili'ii'iift.r it will be absolutely
iiece-icary for those who limit rab
bits, us well as for those who bunt
animals on which homilies are pahl,
to take out. hiinlitm' licenses to save
themselves ffolll prosecution under
the ame anil tish laws of the state.
The necessity is created by House
Kill No. one id the last of the
measures sinned by Governor Mc-
lionald, vshich a mis many of the
s. I'lmns of the old law, iiiiiiiiik them
Section U', which provides that "no
pe'o:i .shall at any time shoot, hunt
or take in any manner any pune
which is by law protected in this
slate, without lir.-l having in his or
her pos-es.-ion a liiinl ini; license."
The n w law makes this section read
as follow-:
"Seel ion 12. No person shall at
:iny lime slm.t. Iiunl or take in any
manner any wild animals or birds
or tame li-.li her. in delined in this
slate wilhoiit tí i t having in his or
her po.i'.-.-ioii a hiiiitinn license as
hereinafter provided for the year
in which such slmoliiiK. lishin; or
hiiiituiK is done. The presence of
any p-rsoii m any open held, prairie
or t'on-.-l, whether enclosed or not,
with trap-, urn or oilier wapon for
hunting, without having in posses
sion a proper luiiihin.' license as
lit i-.-in pro-tided, .shall he prima fa
il. o iih le e of the lo'iilloii of luis
s ell' II."
resident, $1 .r0; non-resident, $20;
non-resident alien, 50.
(luiile license, $1; storage permit,
l; permit to transport deer, 92;
permit to ship llsh, ! ; permit to re
tain wild animals in captivity, 1;
tbe Sold nnil sent fr him-
The Antitypical Lord' Anointed.
Our Coklen Text flpppnl" to nil
Christians. In connection with the
High Calling of the (Jnsnol Ace. Ad
the Ircf measen zer we. too, nre
plicate licenses, certificates or per
mits, !. ;
r'ishiiiK license, resiih'llt. $1; non- I
ri'-id.Mit, $.". New Mexican
transportation permit. 25 cenls: do- asking for these to he anointed 1 with
tillcates or per- TUe 011 01 K'nnness. me '"'
tout they may t e uini:s nun iivi
the Messianic K ini-'.loiii. Like -tins
rrophet Stimiiel. we inilit feel nfriild
to anoint the miiressois (if present lll-
iltutlons. did wp
i, t realize that the
sen I I n K f the
Lord's Lint, now
in progress, Is a
ve ret work, which
ii o n e ciin under-
si.nnl e.i ept those
who have It.
The inline Dnvhl
Unities Beloved
:rnl us It nppllei.
.lecially to our
J.nnl. of whom Je-
I feurnwrl 16 k Ii April II.
A Man After God's Own Heart An.
other Phase of Samuel's Character.
Samuel Sent to Bethlehem Anoint
ing the Successors of Present Institu
tions David a Type of the Church.
Divine Method of Selection of Elect.
Unn look Ih on Ihr uultrmd nfipruraitre, but
i.U'l lookcth on the hiarl.l bam. It. -7.
I NO SAI L'S rejection by the
Lord uieuut liol only his ultí
male íeinoviil from the throne,
hut that his sons should uot
tmivccil him in It, nnd that the Lord
would Kile 0 uiiiilher man lor the of
fice. The l'ivine cholee was David, to
whom the 11 pint Samuel hail luill
reetly releriid. Haying. "The Lord hath
sought Him a man after Ills own
heart." 1 Samuel 1:1:14.
At the time of today's Study, Davtd
was nhout twenty joins old. III
t rent fji andiiiolher was the (ientle
flutli. who had peaiied crniii In pioli-
, .. :. nhlv the very Held whh wlildi Imvld
new i ! was ritiiü.r. :íi re it mandfaiher
lio po-sihle
through which a.iv person ()f wIll)St. history Is
of the
The provision
sw ;. in'. an.l
wlni Iniiils any class ol annuals can
s, ;,p . All must h reafter pay a
III'. Iise fee to tile state.
Hie hew law makes important
c!i m-es in the seasons for liiinlitu
protected j-Miue, as foilovvs:
)eer with In rns. North of the
::.h parall'-l id' to Ii latitud', from
tictoher hi In .November 5: south of
the :;."ith parall I, from IV tub r 2"
to NoMiiilur 25. Heretofore the
season has been from October 1 to
November 15. A. heretofore, only
one deer can be killed by any one
p M'sou iluriiiK any one season.
recorded m un'
Book of Until.
Like I'.oaz, Iavid'.i
I father Jesse was
i dolihl less one of
J the LldeiM of It.th
I I e ll e 111. re peeteil
j and honored us a
' Uuble man. Of 1.1 .
j moi her we know
! Uuvld twice men- vlujice
j tioued her us a handmaid of God.
! The l'lophct Samuel mourned for
I Uh;S Saul, apparently uisappoiiued
that he should he rejected, guile prob
ably forebodings of u civil war per-
( TP )
i uu t luiv imtin
The :i5lh parallel passes thrntik'll turbe.l the Prophet's mind. He knew
the counties of McKinley, Valencia, i that Sm.l wuul 1 not quietly lay down
Davtd AnoinUd King.
hovull said. "This is Mv beloved Son.'
so r.lso It npplieN to i II the members of
Hli Body, eneb of wlnuii must be be
loved, else ho eiuinnt l.e aei eptahle lis
i member. Of Midi the Head says,
'The Father Himself I veth you": suet
apahi. "Love one another, as I have
lovid you." All who receive thi
nnolDtlnt; of tho Lord must ultímate,
be of this beloved clcnirter.
Our "J1TM:YM Oiler
Ii'IN'T MISS Tills
slip, enclose w ilh
llhirao, III., writing
address clearly. .
in return a trial pac
Foley's Honey and
This and 50c.
Cut out this
to Foley iV Co.,
y Mir name and
u will receive
.ae containing
lar Compound,
for coughs, colds and croup: Foley
Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and
back, rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder ailments: anil Fo
ley Cathartic Tabids, a wholesome
and thorough rlcai.-mg cathartic,
especially comforting to stout per
sons. Sold by City I M ug Store.
described when, on rein
found Ins rent linil ir
K'liee Hr week Miel s
iiinü home, lie
en raced su
i It iiliilliueu
Iteriialillo, Torrance, tuiadalupe,
and Uuay.
Wild lurkey. North of the 35th
parallel, from November I to le
ci hilicr .11: south of Ihe .'5111 paral
lel, from Octoher 25 to November
25. The season heretofore has been
fi'oiu Novehiliir 1 to January 15.
Tie' numle r in the possession of a
hunter is reduced from four to
tirouse. From September lti to
November 25, instead of from Sep
tember I to November 15. Only
live instead of six can be legally in
possession of the hunter.
Ouail. From October 25 to Sep
tember HI, instead of from Novem
ber I to January Ü1. The number
that a hunter can have in his or her
possession is reduced from thirty to
I oves.-From August 10 to Sep
tember .'Hi. instead of from July 1
to September I. The number of
doves is also reduced from thirty
to twenty.
No change is made in tbe duck sea
son, tin' period extending, as here
tofore from September 1 to March
;il. However, the number in posses
sion of the hunter at any one time
will hereafter be limited to twenty
instead of thirty.
The tasseed-ear gray sipiirrel is
placed in the list of protected game
by the new law, and June 1 to No
vember 'Mi is designated as the open
Although tish licenses for resi
dents are established by the new
law, trout fishing is excepted from
its provisions, ami conseipiently few
of the residents of the state will
tiltil it necessary to take out the new'
license. The lishing season is made
from June 1 to November 25, instead
of from May 15 to October 15, and
the amount of trout to be taken by
a fisherman in any one day is lim
ited to ten pounds per day.
The following are the license fees
to be paid under the provisions of
the new law:
Combination big game, bird and
lisli license, resident,!, ifj; haint! li
cense for non-residents, ami for res
ident aliens, 13; for non-resident
aliens, $55.
liig gainc, resident, $1; bird, resi
dent, l ; general big game and bird,
the Bcepter which he had taken up so
modestly. In obedience to the Divine
nrrangeineiit. .Samuel should have had
greater trust In Ood's Wisdom and
Tower, but his trouble was more or
less like that which assails the Lord's
people, even today.
When sent to iinolnt Kavld. the
I'rophet did not hesitate to perform
the Lord's bidding, hut he Intimated
that he clearly understood that Kill
Saul would kill him ns n traitor If he
should anoint a successor to the king
dom. The Lord assured him that the
matter would not be mudo known at
once, and directed him to go to Belli
Ichem nnd make a sacrifice there, and
to h ipiove the opportunity of llndlir,'
nnd anointing the one who In due time
would become king.
God's Choice of King.
Our Study begins at ttie point when
the l'ri phet arrived at Bethlehem.
Thinking that his presence signified
some sin on their part or on that of
their fellovv-chl.ens, the Klders Inquir
ed whether he came peaceably or not
whether his presence meant u blessing
or the Infliction of a penalty. Their
fears were allaye 1 when they heard
that his mission wus to offer a sacrifice
to the Lord.
Some time before this, the Ark of the
Covenant had been captured by the
Philistines. The Tabernacle services,
thus discontinued, liad not yet Wen re
established; consequently this sacri
ficing was performed by the Lord's
especially appointed servant. The
command for the people of Bethlehem
to sanctify themselves If they would
participate in the blessings of the sacri
fice dignified that they should bathe,
put on clean clothed and draw nigh to
the Lord with all their hearts. Thus
typl 'iiíly they represented that Justi
fication nnd sanctifleallon which the
Church of the Gospel Age has enjoyed.
The Prophet seems to have taken
supervision of Jesse's family to the In
tent that ho might without public dis
play find and anoint the man whom
the Lord had chosen. Jesse Introduced
his sons to the Prophet In the order of
their birth-his eldest first. Kllab was
of fine appearance, ami the I'rophet
nssunii d that he was the Lord's choice..
Rut the liord was lo.iklng on the heart,
and hud already selected lavld. al
though being under age. his father had
not thought It worth while to call him
to the feast. As one after another of
Jesse's sons appeared, the Prophet
found not him whom the Lord's Spirit
Imliccb-d as the one to be anointed.
Then bo Inquired. "Are all thy chil
dren here?" Jesse suddenly remem
bered Jbat bU youngest boy wm In
for twenty hum week lien tin- iinnj
lord coolly Informed nun thin tie Had
paid the tine mid romd nave m nouse
at the former rent lnnlou Answers
r,',king Dtbtinction
"What ts ttie dlfteietiee. linked ttif
te&clier "lietweeii eiintloi, hiiiI cow
ardiet- V
Jonnnv. wno unserved tiiioirs care
fully for so voiitlifui n person, nn
"Caution is lien von re ni ra id uno
cowiodice ih hen tile other fellow s
fruid ' - Ijnlies Home Journal
"loe the halo
much tnuitileY'
"AlWH.V fVept
Dave rompan) or
lietrolt Kree press
tfo i Mleep
on the
n-imt to
niiMils we
go out "-
What hii iiiaecessitiie stroinrhoid thai
man jmssessen u in. is always in ear
uest tth himself and the things
round him. Ooethe
'I-.I I - I
Popular Mechanics
1 Magazine
"wnn'Tt.i -or vcu caw undertmho rrw
CT. T Cont'nued Glory of tie V.VfV'Vi
'X ' 7 '"..o, ami vl:uh v.;i I y
' : 'i t r.i-evcr. Von ic l.vir.í; i i 1
y-:ir, oí t !-e mist v.-víUcIlm tul n--.,c. v ' t;
i .I'u.' t'r -ithe i:rc?tt't v. 'jr!ci i-i t f v.::'. .
A iLUunt oí Mura wouid Ría-:.:-" ;: 4
fff FOR OVE Yr AT 3
ijlslU J SUbbCKIr ii-.1
totiimntía-;iae.inorc1crioi"i - fnnc1 o'
nir pn at n Li "int ri.ij a 1 l'sr:.-.i -i
,V,e "'u rcutluiK tit Two r..i . ns oí y
..'rri n e, a;d it ia t'if f vo: i ivv--e
ia ' '" 'uAs tA tic b ?
s. ll ap.x i'-í to &;i classes au
j .nt . men rol v.1 ornea,
ta 'r,i3 lJfrirtc:it ('-.") p-p"?'
' M y I l l" : V t I;i.lJ:
i t'.l -! .; i.-é í'r li .t.i-l t 'i' v. H'imirh, vk;
"Ar.u' ' r " xh-f.ir- ' 1 t.:- i. i I'-'i fe wt
. . .. i.c : ; :.. " . . v It t J ' . '
. " : . , iui'. -ni r i i ..ii" u otf 1 iv .
vw 1 s t n.-v tr r " r t .
The urentest eeonomv of Forr) ears i not In the '
low price hut in the low after cn,t of operation
lew than two r-enN a mile in city and coun
try. They are ditfned n 'ui,t to erve and
ave; to hrin? 'he luxury of pleasure and' the
sturdine" in h.isinevs work this is why there
r? nire thin 700.000 now in me thU is whit
h is mide the F r 1 the universal our these are
the merits ye present why you should buy a
ILivers ol this cir will shire in profits if we sell
at relsil :h)0,0i0 new Ford eirs between Ao
(j.ist 19 I and Aunust 1015.
Uuiml.out ÍUII 1'ourin.j Car I W0 ; Town Car
ftiHO; Coupclet S750; Sedan $075, fully eqUip
I d. f. o l. I) iioii.
O.idisplav and sale at PIOSF.KR OARAGE.
.1. Allon Wikoíf, A4ent
Claylun. .New Mexico.
New of the World ty AssocUted Presi Leaiei Wfr.
News of New Mexico ud Eastern Artion by Special Corr
Pally Stork Market Quotation!. Including Cattle, Sheep, Hora,
Hay and Grain
riTorable train wv'c place ttie RFOl'LAR EDITION of the
Albuquerque Kvenlhc nerald in most pans of the klate ahead of
ever other daily paper.
5Ü Cents per IVionth - 05.00 per Year
Largest Stock in the Southwest We I'ay the Freicrht and Guarantee
every job we sell. V rite for ile-iuiis and estimates.
BOWERS MONUMENT CO. 215 E.itCent!, Albuquerque, m. n.
Clear Enougrt
"I cun t oinli rviiiiid Unit guiwny tare
abe Hre loe
"Why Hii.vliiMti oiiL'til to tie a tile to
nee throiiL'h a L'liwwy HtHre"- Hitlinore
.loiix srHiN(;, lVop.
Fresh and Salted Mtat, Fruits and Provisions.
Fish and Oysters in Season.
Steam Heated and Electric Lighted
Rooms, 75c to $1.50 Menls, 25c to 50c
N KI (5 Ell HEAD. XlTAXDl. U A I P.
Clayton, IN. AA.
Mn. Fie said I reminder! him of a
Oreek Rodders. Mr.-nuh! Mrs. Whnl
do I remlud you of? Mr. Of every
darned thine I overlook that you aV
me to do. Cleveland Lender.
Stella I take my husband nlonp to
help choose a hat. Bella I take a hat
along to help choose a biwlmnil. New
Tork Run.
Many go for wool and come home
horn themaelvea. Cerrante.
"Will you marry me, Mlaa Quisle T
"No. Mr JlnW
"Oh. thank youl I waa ao afraid
you'd say yea, for. you Bee. the fellows
were hettlng no fellow bad the nerve
to link you, and I took It up In spite of
the rtsk."-BalUraore American.
Domaitio Discord.
"My husband used to call ma hi
lovely lute."
"And nowT
"Now he plcka on me." Lonlsrlll