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LOCAL Al PEUSONAL Joe Hunch of Moines, was a county seat visitor Thursday. Ion Telosfor Casados was a busi ness visitor and trader in the city this week. lest Field Seeds at O. fi. Gran ville's. ' 15 Iteyes Martinez of near Reyes, at tended to business in the city the lirst of tile week. V. II. Wingard of near Mt. Dora, was a business visitor in the city Thursday and F riday. Our stork of toilet preparations is complete, prices exactly ri '.lit. We have it. City Drug Store. Wm. Harris of Gladstone, was a business visitor in the city the lirst of the week. Johnson Mesa Seed Oats at G. ". Granville's. l"i A. S. Kl Isle-cry, les M nines real estate man, att -nded to business in the county seat Wednesday. C. W. It. I'.ryan, one of the real democrats of the ('.nates communi ty, attended to business in the city Thursday and 1- riday. Moline Implement. Full line of best made, at G. G. Granville's. Ilalnh K. I'arnsworth, one of 15 I the progressive citizens of the county and a News recular, attended to bus iness in the county seat Thursday and Friday. Ladies We invite you to inspect !i- line of Harmony Toilet articles. None better. The Ilexall Store, City Drug Store. i '.ha. S. Itndg-Ts of west of town, was trading in the city Moml-.y, and culled at The News ofiire and had bis name added to our list. More and more, they all like it. See (i. C. Smith before you buy that buggy. He is agent for the best rig on th-' market Tf it. T. And' ron of near Cuat s, at t 'lided to busine.-s in the county seat Wednesday and Thursday. Plant .-prion wheat before May 10. Git seed from G. G. Granville. 15 K. L. r-'elvy. one of our regulars at Wain tte, transacted business in the city Thursday. Mr. Selvy has ee (if tin; best ranches in the coun ty, and is proud of it. Col. F. I . Jacobs of n--ar Greu- ville, the popular auctioneer, was in the city Monday attending the First Monday sab s. Col. Jacobs has ' recently returned from an extended . vi. it in Colorado. Ilexall Remedies and Preparations ; are guaranteed best on the market. For sab' by City Drug Store. v ; Hon. Juan l. Casados of near ! C.lapham, ex-representative of our county in the state legislature, was in the county seat several days 'his week. i C. 1). I'z.ell. one Of the good citi zens of the Thomas country, and a News regular, attended to business in the city yesterday and today. .irs. Grace Duran and little dao.'dit r, :.vl Miss Kate Lewis, of lies Moines, are in Hie city visit i,ig frii'iids and relatives. Just received. Macaroni Spring Seed W heat, L75 a bushel. G. G. Granville. , 15 Prof. C. A. Hutledgo of near Sen eca, was a trader and business visit or in the city Thursday. Prof. Itutledge has one of the best 1111- proved places in the county. 4 James Kyan, lownsite man at l olsoni and one of the original Fn ioii county boosters, spent s A-eral days in the county seat this week, looking after business and meeting his many friends. Mrs. ollie D. Williams of Hai ti art, was v.i the city Monday visit ing friends and acquaintances. The same day Mrs. Williams tiled on ti) acres of land near Solano, Mora county. It. A. Clark of near Mt. Dora, spent several days in the city this week. While here he squared his subscrip- nsnally thin and easily worried. nero doea not re- f4?sh and the ayatera geta weaker nd weaker. Seott't Emuhion corrects nervous ness by force of nourishment-it feeds the nerve centres by distributing en ergy end power all over the body. Hou't resort to alcoholic mixtures or drug concoctions. ft . C.I SCOTT'S EMULSION for X A yaur nmrvma notitinm eouuU or T : comparta wit i'. rut tnit on thm gonulit. SCOJT'S. ' ,,,, EEHY DRUOGIST HAS IT. - i: II -L. II irS.-: .re tjon to The News. They all liko it. John Weiland of near Moses, was a business visitor ami trader in the city Monday. He took advantage of the visit to get his name on our sub scription list. They all like it. V H. J. Gibbs of near Sampson, one of the most progressive farmers of the country, attended to business in the city Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Gibbs ordered The News sent to bis address, and also to his brother, A. M. Gibbs, of Adolphus, Kentucky. T. L. Honnelt of near Corrompa, was a business visitor and trader in the city Friday. While here Mr. lionnett called at The News o Hire and hail his name added to our sub scription list. More and more, they all like it. .T F. Hair of near Sampson, at tended to business in the city Mon day and Tuesday. Mr. Lair, mak ing a slight mistake in regard to the Willard-.lobnson prize fight, cheer fully doubled the price for a year's subscription to The News. Tin y all like it. f Floyd C. Field, ex-editor of the Citizen, attended to business in the city Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Held called at 1 lie News ollice and became deeply interested in the op eration of our linotype, and compli ment -d us mil the town highly on having such a machine. Tie- ex-editor worried with inadequate equip ment lone; ei'oiigb to know the value of lirst class machinery and mater ial. In spite of his faults, etc. .sa It. I'.llis. one of the progres sive farmers of the Pasamonte sec !ion, was in town Wednesday. H- took out a big load of lumber, and a lo,.d of ranch supplies. While here he calbd at The News ollice and planked down the needful for one vear s subscription. They all like it .jl'oii Francisco Miera of near li-eidiaiu, spent several days i:i the ci.'y this week. Don Francisco is one of the good and popular un n of I be county, ami has ma;;y friends in Clayton who are alwcys ;;lid t see him when he comes to town. His home is a mi;diy good place to visit; we know, becao we have tried it. G. T. Scott, who recently located in the Grenville neighborhood, was a business visitor in the county s at I-riday. Mr. Scott is w ell pleased with F nioii county, and especially pleased with bis home section. 11. vv s surprised to see such a huvn as Clayton in what he denominated a "new cotinti v . "This old new coun try is proving to be about the best thing out of doors, and people all over the union are liuiiiug it out. Wanted. A housekeeper. Mrs. L. A. Wikoff. 15 Hard to Kill. A distinguish! d lnlomologs, writes "When I was still new to collecting b the south of Fr.iiee I discovcicd on (lay. to my great joy. a large female Saturnia pyr! hidden away in bushes The si, (. icen as lile ' had ever can: lit. and I 1! s id. d, count i.f Its large bodv. to si" pille until ee-'sarv (eiovai ion . kept dozens since unstulTe ii was tils) a 1 ,1:1 rea: I v KiMcd li, foreed into a o anide hnttV w was left iiliout an hom The al was then emrtieil and the em it With (ailleli wool snaked in a sal solution of men 111 ie 1 liioride. 'I Bis't. plnni'd and set. was disce next day attempting to lly away the Retting hoard." I Har Alimony Explained. Miss Curley kept a private school iim' one uiornlug was Interviewing a new pupil. "What does your father do to enrn his living"'" the teacher asked the little girl. "Please, ma'iiin." whs the prompt re ply, "he doesn't live with us. My mother siipMii ts me " "Well, then," asked the teacher "how does vour mother earn her llv lug?" "Whj." replied the little girl In nn artles manlier, "she geta paid for stay tng uway from father"- I-onchm SI and ard. Sounds Like It. Teacher- Where Is Chile? Itertle (venturing 11 guessi I I I 1 think It la In the tin-lie elnde.-TIt Hits. An Old Tim Rocips. Some advice to secure health and longevity is found In uu old and unl deiilllled print: l lrsl. lake advice from uone; consult only yourself; aiH-und. take your digestión Into your cout) deuce and place yourself at Ita (Us (swill llsteiilng to no suggestion from your palate, which la greedy and self Ish; third, avoid all book ou diet and sleep lu a riMim with the wludow opeu. and. fourth, take a cheerful view of your surroundings aud allow aa lit tle as possible tu disturb your serenity Piano for Rent With privilege of buying Inter and having rent paid apply on the price i of same. Will sell now to responsi- ble party, on easy monthly, quarter ) ly or semi-annual terms. Write at lonre to TH K KNIGHT-CAM I'HF.I.I. Ml'SIC COMPANY, Denver, Colora 1 do. 15 8t An Episode of the Crescent City By W1LLARD BLAKEMAN It as iiImiiiI I.Vsj Am. 'Id Did ui nitre, il cotton factor of New or leans, went to New urU nil iHisiaess In the ollice of ii collón lir.kci ii New nrk whs n ln ii it i lit I Aire I'1:. cy. whose lieiillh was 'veri dede-o-llideed. the doctors nad giwn iiiiu a short time to li'c li:u.. lio w e '."t fifteen veins old. was :., gn d 1 i:illn:ilre lo peril I III 11 llalli i lell. -a dalles Ulid enlT iuc-sa::es tlu'ing I't all. r's slay III .cW link. I I ( 1 1 : .1 1 ' '.v.i.: one of those metí generics -.en live to their honor, ,iv lip.. , of the south nt 111 'I time lie Im 1. i:. mi the boy 11 lot suggesting 1i1.1t . soulllcru ! 1 1 1 1 0 I .lie I .1 change i'l -1 . I. tnighl restore him lo ll.-o 1 1 11 . olli ii'il (' take lion lo New I Ii leans .mil g Ve Inn H pliSil loll III Ills Oilier I lli'l i' I hlllllaltre WHS II liacllelil' nUilll fill, years old muí sonn mier In ivtnu froui New Voi k ni.trr.ed h wotnmi nali his age. celt lira led tor hci m Gay society Is usually 1 lieluel'ei ed with nu ll w ho consider women a icgn limite prey, though Hie standard 01 hinior in this respect is doubt loss nigti er thiiii it wits A s. mu of a Ik, tile French house. Allien luu ier. whose father liml left frame during Hie revo 111 I inn to esr:iie Hie gill I ml ; tie. whs nt that time prominent hilly in New- Orleans and boiau.c devoted to Mine Daliiiaitre It was not long liefore run attentions were the sulije t ot remark I 1 1 1 1 1 : i t r w as net iniiiseif socially Inclined, and tus wtV nelit aliout a eoo. ileal without linn l-or this rea- i jté" "" " iaiTn"!T 1 i. ,..u,.i "' ey n T.'"4 .-V Ti-S Mrrrr. . . '. -l--"-. -to - AV-''.-'-''i'!:i'y ,a,.c "S:y-j!-é.)-? -'"'" ' J - - Should have season advertisirg printed at The News office. We have the cuts, the type and the stock. Prices are exactly right. Absolute care taken to prevent "accidents" and thor oughly responsible should any occur THE CLAYTON NEWS ron ho did no observe Durter Iwlng so much with tits wife, and there wna no one to caution htm except Tracy. The yotinit northerner was conscious of the fact thnt he owed tils life to his bene factor 11 nd Idolized h;m. When, there fore, he noticed t lint Unlinaltre needed a friend to warn lilm ot the danger tu which Ids wife was tieltm plneed he considered how he could do so with the least d unaee to all concerned. Hut the more lie thought ahout It the more clearly he aw the dillletlltle In the way. Nm a word could lie spo ken ndthmit hrlnging mi n rupture 01' Dalnialtre's domestic n-latlons 'I riit-y j believed that the wife was Innocent, bat Imprudent: that she needed to tie j cautioned. posstMy to he withdrawn 1 from the Influence of tier admirer, j This plan. too. tie cast tiside Finally be determined to settle the mutter wltD Ourler. lint In such a wav that it would not appear to pertain In imy wnv to the lady Meeting I Mirier at a Ittill. Tracy. VThlle both were d nning Garter with Mine. );ilmaitre. purposely shoved him Hurler cast nn Irritated tin lice nt htm but paid 110 further attention 10 the matter Tracy guided his partnei again near tnirler i nil drought nhmil another collision This lime he scowl ed at Dnrier. as if to accuse him ot being at f in'f In fie mutter. As mum as the iniiMc stopped '.lie two men went to 11 not her room, when each accus"d the ot'ier n pnrposeiv rutin ng against him In the d inee I ra ev was ciiiiiiv aini-i'e. 11 nta iizing in . . . 1 etietuv Into a passion Finally the hit ter at a contemptuous remark of I ra cy's turned on his heels with thi wind i "Von shall h -ar tmm me" and seeking a f tenil. sent a 1 hillenge ny him The episode was witnessed hv sev.if.ii pci-vonx. who gav(. the canst! as it op. ai cd nil the silt face. Pool. tig at that time was the lie kinevli d'.'ed method aiming gentlemen, especially in the south, of settling rti pifes mil there. was a grove not fat from th Crescent City where theduell toe!; place It was arranged that HI sunrise the next morning the pnrtlee should meet at this grove and settle at the pistol's mouth which ef the two men had Joggled the other In the dance Wheth: r Paricr susccted the rea cause did not appear. Hut there was one person who saw through Tracy's in t and had learned y'V-i-V 'f T.Jífí- j the cotiseniiencpfl shortly after tat words that passed between the twfc men. Trnry was living In bachelor rooms nt the time, and ho bad scarcely irot home from the hall when who should upprar but Mme: Dnlmnltre. "This affair tietween you and Mr. Hurler must uot lake place. Why did you not make your demands on me In stead of pleklug this quarrel with hi in?" "I d.i not understand you, nindame." She Ionios at tihn keenly for a time, then said. "What do you wish me to dor "Notliinit " "My eyes have liceo opened. I assure you I nm iHTfectly Innocent. 1 will agree never to welve your enemy again. Apologize to him and end the matter between you und him." "Are you aware that such a course would cause me to be cut by every friend I linveV" "dh. heavens!" "You fear that the real cause of the quarrel will lie learned by the world." I do " "Very well. I will send an apology to Hurler nt once. ' She seled his hand mid kissed It. then, turning, left him. The next day Tracy told his liene fm tor that he had determined to re turn to New York. I hiliunitre endenv nroil to dissuade him but without ef fect He departed soon after the cpl- 1 sode to escap to escape the cniileuipt of the entire social set of New Orlenos. Mme. Pnlmaitre cave up many of her social ties and devoted herself to her hua Mind INFLUENCE. Just us soon as you begin to think or ie something you hegln to have liilhicnce Influence la something yon enu't keep at lininc A I'd when it gets away from you yon cau uever recall It Vour Influence makes you something of sotncliod.v else. Influence hi no houndatiea. Once started, though it may seem ever so trilling, yet It may have as Its destination the far thermost comers of the earth. If yon would get a conception of power, realize the Influence of n strung man - lieorge Mat thew Adams rrr