OCR Interpretation

The Clayton news. (Clayton, N.M.) 19??-1954, November 13, 1915, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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Local and Personal
J. P. Col vard made a business trip
lo bus Moines Friday.
W. 8. Jacks of Texline, spent
Friday shopping in the city.
Judge J. S. Holland of Holland,
was a county scat visitor this week.
J. 11. Clurk of the ML Dora coun
try, was a business visitor and trad
er in Uie cily 1 riilay.
V. L. Ham 11 of south of town,
was a business visitor in the coun
ty capital Thursday and Friduy.
Henry Kilburn, the ML Dora
ranchman, attended to business in
Uie county seat Friday.
J. W. Thompson and C. C. John
son of Ciuy, were county seat visitors
Itexall Remedies and Prparatlonc
4re guaranteed best on the market
For ale by City Drug Store.
D. C. Larkin, postmaster at Guy,
transacted business in the city Fri
day. G. L. Cook, U. S. Commissioner at
Hay den, attended to business in the
county seat Wednesday.
J. N Cogdill of near Pennington,
attended to business in the city on
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Jim Barton of the Seneca country,
transacted business in the city
Thursday and Friday.
Miss Chewning, sister of George
Chewning, is very ill at her bro
thers home.
Trade with Weber & Sons the
general store where you always gel
your moneys worth. tf.
Merle Johnson and Paul Robert
son of Vance, delivered broom corn
for Pyle brothers today.
G. W. Cole, the popular merchant
of Sedan, left today with a load of
merchandise for his store.
We save you money on everything
in the dry gocds and grocery line.
1 ur service is pleasing. Weber &
Hurl Carpenter of Guy, foreman
of iiis mother's ranch at that place,
.tU nded tu business in the county
seat this week.
H. S. Crowe and family of Thomas,
visited M. Williams and family of
this city this week.
Deputy County Treasurer Fulgen
cio C. de Haca, accompanied by Mrs.
de Haca, left this week for a visit
to the Pacific expositions. They ex
pect to be gone several weeks.
Harry McKellar of ML Dora, was
in the city Thursday and deposited
another dollar on subscription.
Harry had us change his address
to Lazear, Colorado.
We are reliably informed that H.
J. Utterback, the popular bar tender
at Tom Gray's will sever his con
nection with the saloon business at
the end of the fiscal year.
Cows Cows Cows
I have for sale 50 head of the best
stock cows in Union county. All in
good shape, good colors, and 3 to 5
years old. Priced to sell. Also 1
live year old white head Bull. Come
to my ranch 6 i-2 miles northeast of
ML Dora, N. M, and see them.
ítf-tf. E. U. Jacobs.
part merit of the Interior, U. 8. Land
ce at Clayton, N. M.. Oct. 17. IMS.
Notice 1 hereby (riven that Isaac E.
unyan, of Wanette, N. , M., who on
prll 27, 19, made homestead entry,
jrlal No. 014Í53. for NE 1-4 and NW
t, SectlorulT, Township 28n Range'
3c, N. IfiS Meridian, haa filed notice I
Í Intention to make three year proof, '
o establish claim to the land above de- I
crlbed, before Register and Receiver, !
,'. 8. Land Office at Clayton, N. M., on
lie 23rd day of December, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Howard Shannon, J. B. Alexander, J.
V. How ers, J. T. Leverett, all of Win-
ett. N. M.
11-18-12-11 Pai Valverde, Register.
A. G. (Champ) Chewning left this
week for Patterson where he will do
a job of plastering. Champ is an
expert in his line and his services
are much in demand.
' The court yard is still a thing of
beauty and admired by all. The
wtunly commissioners deserve much
redit for this great improvement,
.vhile a great deal is also due the
popular janitor, Don Dan Taylor.
Ocer and Archie Pyle, both of the
.'ance country, delivered broom corn
lere Saturday and were well pleas
d with the price and believe Clay
ton will soon be tne leading broom
:orn market of the wesL ,
H. M. Foster, prominent ranch
man of the Barney community, was
in the city Thursday and Friday
trading and transacting business.
Tom Gray, Morgan Harvey, F. H.
V.i: rk, Dewi y Johnson and R. T.
tljijsker left Friday on a big quail
1:;. ul on the Cimarron.
' srl .taiiffer, manager of the
-lay lumber yard at Mt. Dora,
.i a business visitor la the city
ii Tsitay.
C. Smi'.h before you buy
. niimty. He is agent for thi
i i'ig on Hit- inurkeL
.N'iiiiun C. Halcomb, who has been
employed at the Citizen office for
several weeks, returned to his home
at Cuates Wednesday.
J. A. Sowers of the Wanette coun
try and one of our new subscribers
at that place, was a county scat vis
itor the first of the week.
Ira Crisp of Thomas, delivered
beans here today. Mr. Crisp says
h? has a good crop of broom corn
but is holding for a better price.
Jacob Spcidel, the Socialist ora
tor of Thomas, was in the city to
day and still asking $150.00 for his
broom corn.
Will Withers, postmaster and
merchant at Wanette, was a busi
ness visitor in the city the first of
the week.
W. B. Johnson returned this week
after a stay of several weeks in Am
arillo and is now employed on Uie
Henstein building.
Cale Giles, prominent ranchman
and head of the Giles tribe on the
Cimarron, was in Clayton several
days this week.
It has been said that every third
person has catarrh in some form.
Science has shown that nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness
of the body; and local treatments b
the form of sr " and vapors do little,
if any good.
To correct catarrh you should treat its
cause by enriching your blood with the
oü-food In Scott's omisión which is a
medicinal food end a buiMinjj-touic, free
Irotn !cUol or any harmful drug's. Try it.
ruM Shm, MuMBBcld. N. J
Ray Myers of the Otto neighbor
hood, accompanied by Mrs. Myers,
ittended to business in the city on
Thursday. While here he donated
t dollar on subscription to the pop
llar paper.
Eufracio Gallegos of Gallegos,
prominent No. 1 of Union county
epublicanism, spent several days
in the county seat this week hob
lobbing with the sub-chiefs of the
lique and clan.
The Ottawa Star Nursery delivery
'or fall is here and the merits of
heir stock is evidenced by the
mount of business enjoyed by this
ompany for thirty-five years. R.
W. Isaacs received and is distrib
.ting this delivery.
S. W. Hamm the' invincible, was
n from his ranch today, and re-
orts his cattle wintering fine and
oncurs in the opinion of mot
ranchmen that there is no place like
New Mexico.
Geo.o F. Hersh of Arnett, Okla
hoina, owner of Hit Mt. Dora town
ite, and an old friend of The News
man, spent Friday in Clayton look
ing after business. Mr. Hersh has
thout decided to make his home at
Mt Dora.
Q. M. Hixler of Mt. Dora, attended
to business in the city Friday. Mr.
Hixler is putting in a large mercan
'-ile business at Mt. Dora and is
interested in the townsite. While
in the city Mr. Bixler called at The
News oillce and subscribed for the
popular paper.
F. M. Husky, postmaster at Pen
nington, was here Wednesday mak
ing final proof on his homestead.
Mr. Husky has one of the finest
places in the county and is making
i success of farming. . He is the
kind of citizen that is good for the
W. T. Sharp, another of our good
friends in the Otto neighborhood,
was a business visitor and trader
in the city Thursday. Part of his
business was transacted with The
News and consisted of a substantial
donation on subscription.
For Sale
t team mules,
t team horses.
1 team pony mares.
Will sell on time.
See G. C. Smith.
46-1 L
It may get cold enough this winter
for hell to freeze over but the pres
ent indications are that Europe will
continue to boil merrily on.
Zidrjay Trouble
The same strong, srrWrenble Ford ear but at a
lower priefr. The Ford car, which Is giving sat
isfaction to more than 900,000 owners, has a rec
ord for utility and economy thai Is' worthy of
your attention. Two and two make four there
wouldn't be so many Ford ears If they didn't
give such spjrndld service. Prices lower than
ever. Runabout $390; Touring Car $140; Town
Car $U40 F. O. B. Detroit. On sale at
. Allen Wikoff, Agent Clayton, N. M.
.lack Maltos, Copperopolis, Calif.,
.t: "1 Inn; sue I) n severe case of
i.li.ry ir. ,.b,c i i:...ub-lil 1 oull have
yi!l out n.y iH.fc.dcs. 1 look three
:.u.i8 of l-city i . noy rtuH v. i.ic.i
in. ! v nllevnl luu ntM 1 l.ave l,uri
j i oui'itiiui of k. ancy troublu sh.ce
. i n."
Some days It revhiS as if you can
no loi.fter bear t he pnin end misery
- i.u sutler from kidr.cy ai.d liall i
1 1 cubit. The acbv arrees your Lai i.
Ti't n'b woi'Ho every tiif vo yoi
.nuke ami every sti p you take, li
just ft. mu to rob y.iu of aU strength
;kI itii'if. V.iir 'ici; 1 i.i I i, ycu
arc nervous and worn out, Bleep poorly
ami have no BHeMr, s.-niui--u '
Hit ami tviweld lrrK,uler.
Kolty Kirlnov Tills l.rsin tl
until II I:, limillv r i :iti . c!v. 'I
Blvp 'irtntrth anil t , ti tl.o M I.i
-- them stvnne, native, tl ir
ti .niis rt s ul i '
si:: .id your lea'ti, e rv .t
ear: v you tako thlb mxci i.
Steam Heated and Hectric Lighted
Rooms, 75c to $1.50 Menls, 25c to 50c
Clayton, IN. V.
Just an opportunity to prove the ucrth of cur
goods and service; a chance to demonstrate the
correctness of our prices and prove to one and
all that good goods can be sold in Clayton as
cheap as farther east.. Given the slightest of
an opportunity to prove these essentials of mer
chandising, we secure a permanent customer, as
we have secured hundreds of them since open
ing a store in Clayton.

Cr. cernían

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