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TOE CLAYTON NEWS, NOVEMBER 13, 191S. bjp.ofe:i ram se rais ki;:g cows 1PÜE FLEECY STAPLE MUST PAY RAN SOM INTO THE COPPERS OP WAR. Nation Ring With Crias of Strickon Industry. By Potor Radford Lacra rar National Farmers' Union. King Cotton baa tattered more from the European war than any other ag ricultural product on the American continent. The shells of the belliger ents hare bunted orer bli throne, frightening hla subjects and shatter Ing bla market!, and, panic-stricken, the nation cries out "God save the king!" People from every walk of life have contributed their mite toward rescue work. Society has danced before the king; milady has decreed that the family wardrobe shall contain only cotton goods; the press has plead with the public to "buy. a bale": bankers have been formulating hold ing plans; congress and legislative bodies hare deliberated over relief measures; statesmen and writers have grown eloquent expounding the Inalienable rights or "His Majesty" and presenting schemes for preserv ing the financial Integrity of the stricken staple, but the sword of Eu rope baa proved mightier than the pea of America In fixing value upon thli product of the sunny south. Prices have been bayoneted, values riddled and markets decimated by the battling hosts of the eastern hemisphere until the American farmer has suffered a war loss of 1400,000,000, and a bale of cotton brave enough to enter a European port must pay a ransom of half Its value or go to prison until the war la over. Hope of the Futura Lies In Co-opera tion. The Farmers' Union, through the eolumna of the press, wants to thank the American people for the friend ship, sympathy and assistance given the cotton farmers In the hour of dis tress and to direct attention to co operative methods necessary to per manently assist the marketing of all farm products. The present emergency presents as grave a situation as ever confronted the ' American farmer and from the viewpoint of the producer, would seen . to Justify extraordinary relief meas ures, even to the point of bending the constitution and straining business rules In order to lift a portion of the burden off the backs of the farmer, for unless something is done to check the invasion of the war forces upon the cotton fields, the pathway of the European pestilence on this continent will be strewn with mortgaged homes and famine and poverty will stalk over the southland, filling the highways of Industry with refugees and the bank ruptcy court with prisoners. All calamities teach us lessons and the present crisis serves to Illuminate the frailties of our marketing meth ods and the weakness of our credit system, and out of the financial an gulsh and travail of the cotton farmer will come a volume of discussion and a mass of suggestions and finally a solution of this, the biggest problem In the economic life of America, if. Indeed, we have not already laid the foundation for at least temporary re lief. More Pharaohs Needed In Agriculture - Farm products have no credit and perhaps can never have on a perms nent and satisfactory basis unless v. j build warehouses, cold storage plants, levators, etc.. for without storage and credit facilities, the south la com pelled to dump Its crop on the market at harvest time. The Farmers' Unions In the cotton producing states have for the past ten years persistently ad vocated the construction of storage facilities. We have built during this period 1,000 warehouses with a ca pacity of approximately 4,000,000 bales and looking backward the resulta would seem encouraging, but looking forward, we art able to house less than one-third of the crop and ware bosses without a credit system lose 0 per cent of their usefulness, rhe problem Is a gigantlo one too great for- the farmer to solve unaided. He must have the assistance es the bank ar, the merchant and the government In production we have reached the high water mark of perfection In the world's history, but our marketing methods are most primitive. In the dawn of history we find agriculture plowing with a forked stick but with a system of warehouses under govern' mental supervisión that made the Egyptians the marvel of civilization (or who has not admired the vision of Joseph and applauded the wisdom ot Pharaoh for storing the surplus untl demanded by the consumer, but lu this ago V have too many Josephs who dream and not enough Pharaoh VtM build. Went to the Hospital C E. Dlanchard, postmaster at Blanchard, Calif, writes: I had kid ney trouble so bad I had to go to the hospital. Foley Kidney Pills were recommended to me and they thoroughly cured me. I cannot speak too highly of them." Sufferers in every state have had similar bene fit fro mthis standard remedy for kidney and bladder ailments. It banishes backache, stiff joints, swol len muscles and all the various symptoms of weakened or diseased kidneys. City Drug Store. NOTICE) ron PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. B. Land Office at Clayton. N. M, September 22, 11S Notice la hereby given that Chas. C. Johnston, of Quy, New Mexico, who, on April 1?, 1911. made homeiitead en- rjr. serial no. 011166. for SW 1-4. See. 8E3 1-4 NB 1-4. Lot 1, K 1-1 SB 1-4. See 4. Township 20n., Ran (re ISe., N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before Edw. W. Fox, U. 8. Com missioner at hie office at Clayton, N. M., on the 12th day of November, 1911. Claimant names aa wltneaeea: Don C. Larkln, Wllllem Thompson Alex Maltlen, Dan Qulnlan, all of Quy. New Mexico. 10-1-11-6. PAZ VALVERDE. Register. Stockmen Attention! Farmers Attention. You should be careful about buy ing your oil cake. Old Mexico cake (cracked and screened in 1 Paso) is being offered to the trade as Texas prime cotton seed cake. The fact is that Old Mexico cake has a feed value of about the same as cold pressed cake, which analyzes from 25 to 0 per cent protein. Iy you want the best cake, see us before you buy. tf Otto-Johnson Merc. Co. NOTICE COR PUBLICATION Department e) the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at Clayton, N. M., Sept. 21, 1916. Notice la hereby given that Jacob D. King, of Orandvlew, N. M., who, on Sept. 27, 1912, made homestead entry, Serial No. 015062, for N 1-1, Section It Township 28n., Range I4e., N. M. P. Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Register and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office at Clayton, N. M., on tha 17th day of November, 1(15. Claimant names as witnesses: O. W. Johnson, William Denman, J. A. Gregory, William Moots, all of Grand view, N. M. 10-16-11-11 Pas Valverde, Register. NOTIOB FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Clayton, N. M., Sept. 27, 1(16. Notice la hereby given that Thomas Klerans, of Sedan, N. M., who, on April 21, 1912, made homestead entry, aerial No. 014640, for 8 1-2, Section 11, Town ship 22n., Range 16e N. M. P. Meridian has filed notloe of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Of floe at Clayton, N. M., on ths 17th day of November, 1915. Claimant names aa wltneeeea: Arthur D. Jenkins, Cyrus Cole, Lewis R, Stead, Oliver Perry Stead, all of Sedan, N. M. 10-16-11-12 Pas Valverde, Register. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, Clayton, N. M. October 4, 1915. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Notloe la hereby given that the State of New Mexico has applied to select under the provisions of the Acts of June 20, 1910, and June 21, 1898, and the acta supplementary and amenda tory thereto, the following publlo lands to-wlt: Serial 020971. List 6610. Lots 1-2-1-4, Section 19, W 1-1 NE 1-4, W 1-1 BE 1-4. Sec. 10, T. tin- R. He.. Serial 020972. List 6648. Lot 4, Sec 11, T. 28n., R. 25e. Serial 020974. List 6674. Lot 1. 8E 1-4 NE 1-4, E 1-1 BE 1-4, Sec 4, T. 28n., R. 23e. Serial 020976. List 1690. Lot 4. Bee 1 T. 29n.. R. lie. Serial 020971. List 6697. Lots 1-2-2-4 Sec 1, T. tin., R. He. Serial 020971. List 6704. NE 1-4 BW 1-4, NW 1-4 SB 1-4, Bee. I, NE 1-4 SW 1-4. NW 1-4 SW 1-4. 8E 1-4 BW 1-4. Sec 11, E 1-1 NW 1-4. NE 1-4 SW 1-4, NW 1-4 SW 1-4, BW 1-4 SW 1-4. Sec 17, N 1-1 NW 1-4. Sec 10. T 18n.. R. 26. Serial 020979. List 6706. BE 1-4 NB 1-4, NE 1-4 SB 1-4. Bee II. S 1-2 NE 1-4. B 1-2 NW 1-4. N 1-2 BW 1-4. N 1-1 SB 1-4, Bee. 14. BW 1-4 NB 1-4. B 1-1 NW 1-4, N 1-3 BW 1-4, NW 1-4 SB 1-4. Bee 11, T. Iln., R. lis. Serial 020980. List 1712. B 1-1 BW 1-4, BW 1-4 BE 1-4, Sec 27. NE 1-4 NW 1-4, NW 1-4 NW 1-4, SB 1-4 NW 1-4. Sec 21. BE 1-4 SW 1-4, Sec 29. NB 1-4 NE 1-4. 8B 1-4 NE 1-4. NW 1-4 BE 1-4. Bee 11, N 1-1 N 1-1. BW 1-4 NW 1-4. BE 1-4 NW 1-4, Sec 14. T. Iln.. R. 26e.. Serial 020911. List 6714. NB 1-4 BE 1-4, Bee 11. T. tin., R. 27s. . All of above in N. M. P. M. Ths purpose of this notlos is te al low all persona claiming the land ad mineral In character aa opportunity to file objection to such selection with tha local officers for tha land district In which tha land Is situated, to-wlt: at th land offioe aforesaid, and to estab lish their Interest therein or tha min eral character thereof. 10-21-11-20 Pas Valverde, Register. "It's a long way to Tipperary" but The News o nice is close by. Maybe you owe the poor editor a dollar or two, if so, pleaae ceugh up. The tifa U JUL C-5822 NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico, November 5, 1915. To Joseph B. Garland, of Des Moines, N. M, Conteste: You are hereby notified that Oli ver C. Gilliland, who gives Dcdmas, New Mexico, as his post-office ad dress, did on October 6th, 1915, file in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead entry, Serial No. 010243, made Jan uary 18, 1910, for NW 1-4 of NE 1-4, NE 1-4 of NW 1-4, Section 8, Township 28n., Range 27e., N. M.- P Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said entryman has failed to establish his residence upon the land above described, that he has never placed any inprove monts on the said land or cultivat ed any part thereof. You are, the.tfore, farther notified that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your aald entry will be canceled without further right to be heard, either before this office or n appeal, if you fall to file In this office within twenty days after the 'OL'RTll publication of this notice, as ihown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these alie nations of contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy of our answer on the said contestant ilther in person or by registered mall. You should state In your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. PAZ VALVERDE, Register. Date of 1st publication Nov. 6, 1915. Date of 2nd publication Nov. 13, 1915. Date of 3rd publication Nov. 20, 1915 Date of 4th publication Nov. 27, 1915. To Let Thi three offices in my two-story building, (over the telegraph office). l'hese otllces will be ready for occu- rancy about November 5th. Have been recently painted, papered, and renovated throughout,, are provided wiln new shades, and will be for lo cation and general condition, unex celled in town. Will rent all three together or one or two offices, as ap plicant may desire. For terms see the subscribed or L. W. Kingdom. 4i-Ht A. W. Thompson All drugs and drug sundries at City Drug Store The Rexall Store, POPULAR MECHANICS MAO A. J1 800. ICLES 300 ILLU5TRAÍ IIUN.3 Popular Mechanics Magazine wurmN so vou can unochstamd it" A GREAT Coatinaed Starr of ike World's Protreae which you may begin reading St any time, and which will bold your interest forever. You are living in the best year, of the most wonderful age, of what is doubtless the greatest world La the universe. A reaident ot Mars would gladly pay M AAA FOR ONE YEAR'S pleUUU SUBSCRIPTION to this nuRatlne,ln order to keep informed of our progresa in Enginerring and Mechanics. Are you reading it ? Two millions of your w0iihnr Br. and It la the favorite mava. sine in thousands of the beet American I hornea. It appeals to all classes old and i young men and women. I The "Shot Votes" Baeartaaeet (SO patrm) -rives eor wars to do Uiiit. how to ruake úaef ul aruelee for home aua shop, re paira, eio. Anatra at.ohm.loe "( 10 pétrea ) ella how ta m.k. 1.1 lulrni fiirIUiTta. .(Mlwa nuulu kuita f eutftnee, mag te. and ail the things a bo luvea' lija na rua inwa wr-n ii an I waura row maa aaatsnj cot tooav POPULAR MECHANICS CO. e SIS W. Waatiiss-lne SU CHICAGO f Our Jitney Offer This and 5c DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co, Chicago, 111, writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial pack age containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ail ments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly clean sing cathartic, for constipation, bil iousness, headache and sluggish bowels. City Drug Store. Owens Dean Tbre&hers at Bob THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO INVITES CORRESPONDENCE with young men and yoking women and especially with the fathers and mothers of Clayton and Union County who wish to give their sons aad daughV ra the advantages of broad and thorough college education. THE STATE UNIVERSITY is YOUR university; iiui;:l inod by the slate for your benefit and that of your children. Get acquainted with the university of New Mexico. I can help you. You will be interested in the efficiency of its faculty; in the completeness of its equipment; in the breadth o." its work and in the rapidity of its growth. The small money outlay involved in residence at the university will astonish you. The state has placed a college education within the reach of every citizen. The second semester of this college year, when students may enter all departments, opens January 1, 191. If ready to begin college work do not delay another year. Begin with the new year. It costs nothing to obtain full information. Write DAVID II. IIO YD. Present UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Albuquerque, N. M. THE CLAYTON MEAT MARKET JOHN SPRING, Prop. Fresh and Salted Meats, Fruits and Provisions. Fish and Oysters in Season. TELEPHONE NO. 85. - . CLAYTON, NEW MEXICO. TOM GRAY LUM Lumber It tt tv us ngure Shingles A ways ready o i well as large ones, Lath The grade you Roofing Phone 158 T 4 MixmSKY CREAM? I 111 .73- .A'W-i onrt' ; 1. . vu tr T z ''Mi tliaf - . KENTUCKY DISTILLERS r.WCWrl,TEXS' -VSM Hw f FIRST CLASS DEALERS EVERYWHERE :! T ' ' I ' ', i TTTTT TYPEWRITERS H JL SEWING MACHINE. ORGANS All asakes Oleaaed and repaired. J ÍFIret Class Work Cuaraateeel 4. IS YEARS EXPERIENCIA J. 4. II. i. Nelson, Box 401 CLAYTON, latiiw ma., m. M-I-H-l I I I I I I ! ! -I-I-I' H1LGERS k BARNHART " GENERAL MERCHANTS Groceries and Feed, Boots and Shoes Fresh Meats op all Kinds ON THE CORNER Phonb No 67 Fronte O. Blue LOCAL AGENT New York Life Insurance Company The new store, Weber & Sons, is the place to buy groceries and dry goods. A trial will convince the most skeptical, and a trial is all we auk. ttV ER COMPANY itt.i -rr I Sash wnn 1 ou i s n ill bills as our time is yours. Doors Mouldings bay you get BOB BROWN, Mgr. Fence Post CW. rr. Lb Y AND U Js.Js.Js.Js.Js.J. DR. J. C SLACK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Specialist la DUeases ( Woaaesj JL .L Hours:. .9 to 11 a. m. 1 te 4 p. m. J. PHONE NO. 4. CLAYTON JL .tttt-t. . i 1 1 "M-M-M X DR. E. C. KELLER t Dentist T J. OVER DEAN'S BAKERY. JU 4. J. One Pboae I01B. Ciártela, JL JL H. B. WeoSwara. p. O. Bias , WOODWARD A BLUB 4. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELL ORS AT LAW. Telephone Exchange Building JL CLAYTON, . . NEW MEX. It 4 R. M. RUB0TT01I 4 Auctioneer 4 Will Cry Sales Anywbeie at 4 Any Time. 4. 4. Crenville, - New Hex. 4 I-M-M"!1 M"M"I"M' I'M"!"!'!- Take your drug wants to the Clij Drug Store, the Rexall Eiortu I Xix I Ik LA J'UXn .JUiSefcU 1 I"!""-- versely er 4Wstrtasj te skew it Is k