Newspaper Page Text
AIL Y GaZET D Jo VOL 2. LAS VEGAS. N.M. TUESDAY. AUGUST:!!, !S80. NO 30. dentistry; Operative & Mechanical. Listening to the solicitation of many citizens of Las Vegas, Dr. F. II. DcGrav will open an office fir tho practice of Dent istry. Painless Extraction of Teeth. Teeth Extracted, Plug ged Replanted. TDK DOCTOR'S SPECIALTY IS KINK GOLD WORK. " Muiitht) eauicd nml advice given free o Charge. Artificial Sets of Tee h on Celluloid. OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A. M., to S P.M.' Good icforence Given. All Work Warranted. O nice on North Siilo of Plaza. Open July 21st, liWO. The Old R eliable Drug Store. Established 1870. HERBERT & CO DRUGS, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ' AND PERFUMERY. :o: r II li S V R IP TION 8 rarefully (JottiHjitii.Jed. :o At Dr. Shout's Old Stand, C. A.. RATE BUN CIIICÜGO lioe Store. Finest quality of Custom Work dono in the Territory. A Full Line of M. D. Wells itCo.'s Chictigo Muilc Hoots & Shoes Constantly on Kami. HAST LAS V EGAS, X. M. J, AS VKGAS AND VÍNITA MAIL AND El LINE RUNNING DAILY FROM FORT 1ÍASCOM TO FORT ELLIOTT. Passengers and Express mattpr leaving Las Vc.-as on Tuesday morning will he forwarded on weekly hiieklionnl through to any point in I lie Pan I'Inndle of Texas. Charges réasonalde. C. 15. AUSTIN. Proprietor. OTERO & JEAGER, Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Corn, Hay and Forage. tS-TJADAIiAJ-AKA, Lincoln, County. Tien Mexico. OTERO yTeAGER, " Trail ran tes en Abarrotes, Provisiones, Zacate, etc., por Fleteros. G-TTAX) AHI AJ" A. IBA, couilndo le Lincoln, New Mexico. N. J. PETTIjOHN, M. D , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Hot Springs and Las Vegas. Chronic Diseases and Disoases of Females a Specialty. HOT SPRINGS - - - 8 to li A.M. LAS VEGAS-Central Drug Store, 2 to OP. M. BIBLES 1 BIBLES! BIBLES! Of every kind and style, at Rev. D. W Cal I'ee.'s. English and Spanish, or in any other language, for sale cheap or given away. M. MATTHIESON, District Superintendent R. II. S. lor New Mexico aud Arizona. Henry Wink Has just started a Nice, Clean B.1RBEII SHOT. Clean Towel aud a Good Shave guaranteed. Hair Cutting a specialty! next door toll. Ro mero. Coffins, Caskets and Undertaking Goods of all hinds kept constant ly on hand by FRANK OGB EN, Las Vegas, N. M. Orders promptly filled. FOR KENT. --Rooms to rent. Apply at Mi guel Romero, at the store of iMiirgarito Ro nero, .".i-lju TELEGRAPHIC. Jas. Ileunet, a Fireman on the I). &K. ii., is Shot at San Antonio. The Victim of a Mock. Marriage Commits Suicide, at Atlanta, Cia. Cuban Insurgents to be Pardon cd because or the Com ing "Infamia." The Pope Gives His Assent tor the Foundation of a Jesuit ical Society hi Africa. Alamosa, Col., August 30, James Bonnet, fireman on engine 29, was shot aud iustautly killed at San Antonio station, on the D. & li. G. railroad at fire o'clock this lU'te"rñon. Bennct at the tune he was shot was standing ou the engine, which was laying at the station, when a wagon drove up, containing besides tho dricr, James Catron, Capt. Spoor, Dave Itisslcr and Jas. Nichols, all under the influence of whíákéy, and all commenced shoot ing promiscuously . It is said that at least thirty shots were fired, and one man had a bull through his hat before Bennct was shot. At the time of the shooting, four or five men were on the engine with young Bennct, aud the circumstances of the shooting go to show that it was pret-'litated. Bonnet was from Troy, N. Y. and hud been on the road only about three months, lie was of a quiet and unof fending disposition aud generally be loved by all who knew him. Several tif iho party named as being coucern ed in the shooting, are recognized j as desperate characters. No arrests have yet been made but the officers are in pursuit of the miscreants. LATEIl. Spoor, Catron and "Nichols have been captured aud now are in jail at Conejas, and strongly guarded. It will not be surprising if all three are lynched before morning. The rail road men at San Antonio have organ ized for a protiction, under It. E. Sloan and Ed. Ilillson as captaius. j Boston, Augut 30. The American association for the advancement of cinco met in general session to-day. A number of new members were elected and Cincinnati was chosen as the next place of meeting. A com mit leu lo mcmoralizo Congress aud the elate legislatures regarding the cultivation of timber recommended' low protecting trees to be planted along the highways. A committee-1 appointed at. the last meeting to memoralize Congress to bring about co-operation between the general Governments for a common and effic ient system of tho registration of deaths, births aud marriages report ed the interviews they had with mem bers of Congress and especially with members of tho committee of the Senate having charge of the matter pertaining to vital statistics ana there is reason to believe il the matter is brought up early at the next session of Congress some action will be taken. Chicago, August 30 An Inter Ocean'e special says : The gold that is being sent to the mint f rom New York will probably not, bo coined for some time to any extent owing to the fact that there is so little demand for it. It is assayed and United States coin paid for it, but for the present most of it will be simply stored. Eventually all this foreign coin now arriving will be melted and recoincd into eagles and half ca les. Now the amount that is being coined is great er than silver but the number of pieces is ery much Icis. I he Iuler Occau has slight hopes that Ouray is not dead after all as it read no con firmation to-day. The supervising bill said that the unexpended balance, six or seven thousand dollars of the $20,000 ippropriatcd last session lor the con-miction of additional silver vault ranaiuiug after the erection of a vault in Philadelphia and p. vault in San Francisco would be applied to the construction of a third at some other point perhaps New York. Silver Cliff, Col., August 30. John Mullin, a son in-law of Win. Perkins, more familiarly known as Mocassin Bill, was murdered last night by an unknown person. Mullin was mar ried a week ago to the daughter of Mocassin Bill, a beautiful aud ac complished lady, and it is believed the murderer was a former rival. Largo quantities of wire gold are still being found in tho Pirigo mine. Tests made of ore in which no gold was visible, to-day, gave 4.390 ounces of silver and 410 ouueos of gold, mak ing acoiu value of $13,201.60 per ton. Tho city council awarded the con tract for putting in water works to llussell Alexander & Co., of Chicago. London, August 30. General Rob erts iu his message to Lord Hortiug ton, says he arrived at Khlcot Khilsia ou the 23d iust., and thathe had an abundance of supplies and could make the forage last to September 1st, Ile'would rest on the 24th and start on tho 25th and hoped to telegraph from Candaharby the 29th. General Roberts left Gliuzelee on the 16th, and had marched 146 miles in eight days. His march had been unoppos ed and he had obtained plenty of sup plies and lorage, consequently the cavalry and artillery horses were in good order during the march. One British soldier and two camp follow ers died; three soldiers and five fol lowers were missing; it is feared that they were murdered. London, August 20. In the House of Lords this afternoon, Earl Gran ville, foreign secretary, said that the Powers are considering a rejoinder to the Portes note about Montenegrins. In tho meantime the y hare ordered a number of men of war to rendezvous at Rogusa. The Powers, he said, have informed tho Porte of tho decision of the Berlin conference on the Greek question, and also presented a note urging terms. Chicago, August 30. Tin construc tion force engaged on tho extension of the Northern Pacific west of the Missouri river will complete grading to Yellow Stone early in October. The president of the road has directed tho civil engineer to transfer the work ing lorco directly across to tho located line of the Yellow Stone division, with the intention to reach and pass Miles City next July. Denver, August 30. Carrie Smith and Kelly Campbell waived examina tion and were held in bail this after noon for complicity in the murder of Sol Newbcrger at a house of ill fame recent!'. Fred Borthold, suspected to be the murderer of Jas. Askew is now in the county jail. He denies all knowl edge of the fatal wound In Askcws face and declares he struck him .a back handed blow with hit sore hand which was covered with a flax need poultice aud loosely wrapped in a handkerchief. C. C. Tamphcis ex-United States marshal arrived frmi the cast with deputy marshal Cautrell and .set about clearing his aflalrs. Potlsville, Pa. August 30. Thos. Scott and Mrs. lleother walking on the Railroad track near Mont Carlon were killed by a fast express train to-day. Madrid. August 30. Floods have greatly damaged and lands in Guadalajara, Albania, Catalujud, Almorza, Grenada. Torce, Quircia and Alcint. No loss of lives is re ported. Philadelphia, August 30. The Republicans of the thirteenth district endorsed all the greenback nominees including Chas. N. Brumen for Con gress. Atlanta, Ga., August 30.--Mary Lan Campbell, ',n victim of mook marriage which caused her ruin' suicided hero to-day by taking 20 grains of morphine. Reme, August 30. -Tho Pope has assented to the proposal that a portion of the French Jesuits should form a society for the propagation of the faith in Africa. Phillippolis, August 30. It is de clared in well informed circles that the announcement of the conclusion of an offensive and defensive alliance between Servia and Bulgaria is un founded. Madrid, August 30 On the oc casion of the expected birth of an heir to tho throne the government will grant amnesty to Cuban insurgent leaders now in prison in Spain. Constantinople, August 30. The European powers will not evade Turkey o participate in the proposed demonstration. Long Branch, N. J. August 30. Washington McLeans condition is improving. Milton Terell outraged his 14 year old daughter Saturday night. He is in the hand of the law aud a preliminary trial will beheld to morrow. Columbus, O. August 30. An in cendiary tire at Readervillc destroyed the new hotel owned by the Ohio Coal Company. Insured. From tho L.wer Pecos. Roswkll, N. M. August 27, 1880- Editor Gazette. I herewith enclose you for publi cation a copy of a petition from the citizens of the Pec. s valley to the Postmaster General, of the U. S. mail route No. 39,114, from Ft. Davis, Tex as to Ft. Stanton, N. M. Knowing the zeal your paper has displayed iu promoting the best in terests of New Mexico, and that you always extend a helpiug. hand to the people in their efforts to devclope the rcsour :es of the territory, lam con fident you will do what you cau t bring this matter before the people, and to the attention of the govern ment. We arc blessed with a country for which nature has done much. The hand ot art is beginning to be felt, and iu a lew years, if we meet with no serious drawback?, the Valley of the lower Pecos will compare lavurably with any other part of the west. Within the past year our popula tion has been doubled. Every class ot iiiin. igrauis are flocking htio ihr country, and they will continue to come providing proper encourage-' incut be given to them. Just when we are making such rapid strides in the march of progress, indi iii Hume scums asi-ured, ihecu ling oil' of our mail facilities, a matter ot serious im port to us. Should this rutile be 'lot again established, the people along the Pecos for a distance of 3U0 miles, will enjoy no mail advantages what ever. The cut ting off of our maiis is indeed a serious blow to our growth. People wi'l not care to settle in a country where all communication with the outside world is denied them. Again the discontinuance of this route is peculiarly unfortunate at this lime. It is known that Victorio with his murderous Apaches lias benn endeavoring for the past three weeks to niuko his way into thej G uadalupc mountains. It is now re liably reported that he has succeeded. With this strong hold as a basis of operations, it 3 an easy matter for him at any moment to attack our settlement. During the whole of the bloody war ho has waged the troops have proved themselves worse than useless. Our people realize this f.tet, and look to their own strong arms for protection. This mail route run ning, they can keep posted as to Victorio.s whereabouts, and be pre pared to meet any attack he may nifike. 1 hope Mr. Editor you will give this matter some attention, for you cannot fail to see of what impor tance it is to the people of smth eastern New Mexico. Pecos. To the Honorable Post-master Gen eral, Washington, I). C : We, your undersigned petitioners, citizens of Roswell and the Pecos Val ley, would respectfully represent to your honor, thnt we suffer serious in conveniences and injury through the discontinuance of U. S. mail route No. 39,114, from Fort Davis, Texas, to Fort Stfintou, New Mexico. That we tho said citizens, of said valley, com posing a large extent of territory, are afforded mail facilities by said route, No. 39,114 above, that owning to tho discontinuance of said route, we en joy no mail advantages whatever, to our serious hurt and detrcment. That our country is now being rapidly set tled and developed, and should we enjoy mail facilities, a serious chek will be given our progress, and it may require years for us to recover, what we lose by the discon inuance of said route for a short time. That, the mail for distribution alone said route now lies in the offices at Fort Davis and Ft. Stanton. and il is impossible that it retch its destination unless said route be re-established. That the Apache Indians of southwestern New Mexico and Arizona, under the leadership ol Victoria, are now 011 the war path, and are liable to attack us at any time; that in the absence of telegraph ic communication, we are forced to rely on our mail facilities alone for information in regard to Indian iu cursions, thereby receiving informa tion which would enable us to or ganize against a sudden attack. Now, therefore, we your petitioners, would most respectfully and earnestly urge your honor tore-establish snid route at as early a season as practica ble. Aud your petitioners will ever pray &c, &c. Watrous, N. M., ) August 29th 1880. $ Ed. Gazkttk : Dear Sir : Court is over in Mora and a portion of that Hon. body ar rived here last night expecting to take the train to-day for Springer, but the interposition of Providence and the washouts caused them to change their plans, and go by the old reliable way, Buggy aud Horses, we also had In our neighborhood Col. J. F. Chaves aud the (Tranquil Moon) Tranquilino Luna. They left this inorniugforCimarron, Colfax County, and I am afraid to waste their sweet ness on the desert air. rather like the appearance of tho Republican Delegate to tho 47th Congress, and no doubt he is a smart man. I expected he would give the citizens of this place a chance to judge of his power aud eloquence but no such a favor was granted us. I suppose he will leave us and take us in ou the home stretch, or he may think he has this place dead, but some times dead things crawl. This is the fourth day and no mails yet, we are cut oil" from the world on boih hides; ihe city of Las Vegas might take lire aud bo reduced to Kshes .-Hid wo would know nothing of it, camioi some arrangement be made so we cu:d get our mads, washouts orno wufhoiits. Il is too had to he deprived of mi'' mails in this way. In the g mil old d i s of the staye Inn-, if she missed a mail on account of hud roads, or high water, such a howl and wail went up. that t ho contrac tors were compelled to deliver it iu 24 hours or stand a fine, and are the Railroad company any belter than the stage line. I think not. On the morning of the 20th I wrote you a long letter in regard to Ihe last washout, which done a good deal of of damage, but we have had no mails since aud I did not send it tor I sup pose you have heard all about it by telegraph before this. Send up some papers by private con vevaiice and oblige. Yours Truly, S. II. VV'KLLS. The last flood in the L'ecos, has been the mo', severe of all. Il ran through the streets of Fort Sumner and almost denuded the valley of crops, sweeping the fields bare. The river was higher at Anton Chico than ever before known. Don Lorenzo Labadie, lo.-t his entire crop of wheat which was just ready for ihe harvest. Between the drouth in the early part of the .summer and the floods in the latter part, the crops in 'he Pecos val ley will be slim. Wanted.-- A first class waiter at the Dclmonico Restaurant. Good wages will be paid. 18-tf WANTED. WANTED. A man t!iat can cook for two or three liten and do other kinds of work about the house Oood íelerenccx wanted. Waves Horn -.'o lo Sur, per month. Ahout ir ni! les ti-om this place. Impure ut this olliee. UANTKD: A jcood reliable womioTtTi cook and do ge u era I house work In a private family In tho country. Good wti','(n will be pitld;biit nono need apply unless well recom mended, and no engagement will ho mudo for less than six months, after one week's trial. This will hea good permanent home for a per son giving satisfaction. Address Rlclmri Dunn, Rincón, N . M. WANTED---A situation by a llri-t class gar dener) one who thoroughly understand.' Ihe iiiivser business, also pruning, and raising ot nil knds ol Irulls ami vegetables for :nui kets, under glass and out doors, and understands thoroughly irrigation; can give the highest tes tiinonialsas tohonesty amiability. Address, ('HAS. 1". IÍ1J.K.Y, Rayado, Colfax Co. , New Mexico. FOR SALE. ÍjIOU SALK.--2.Ki head stock cuttle. i;in)ulre " ol llowAim Koiis, Las Vega-, N. XI. d Jsii I m. I M h Kolt SALK. lly Moffvjf .t Huir, lit tin ' ; Hot Springs Leavfi orders aUIorbert & Co's drug store, on thepla.a. 171011 SALK.KNi head of entile. 1'orfurthei " inloi niMllor. apply t Jalla Uros. Las V e .cas .mil A . Nelson it Co' , Anton Chico, N. M. I V US. SALK. .Kilo 100 Ions of cleiir niouniaii M ream ice. For pailiculais apply to Join rendarles, Rinctii, N. NI or Chas. Úlancliard. Las Vgas. ."lll-lm 1710R SALK--A good sixteen horse pewe steam engine, all iu ru ,ning order ate large enough to run a llour mill. Any V'a'son de mug 10 sec it running can do so nuy day ' mv planing mill nt Las Vegas. Ap'plv'foi terms ! JOHN li. rtoOTKN. W.l-tf IM)ll RKN'l' A line largo store room on tin plnz.i. excellently situ ted for ImMucs: ind at low ligares, for particulars ajply at this olliee. tf OR RLNT Desk room In Ceo. II. inters as say (diice. IF. G. Ward. Contractor and Builder. LAS VEGAS, N. M. I ALFItKD 13- SAO Hit, ATTORNEY AT LAW Dold's Buildino'. V"; LAS V EGAS, - - N. M. BK WnY SAIjOON ALBERT &. HER3ER, Proprietors. Opposite Jaffa Bros., East Side. Fresh Beer always on Draught. Al so Fine Cigars and Whiskey. Lunch Counter in Cau uection, F. C. OTai'tsolf, 02TTRACT0R BUIDER Las Veoas, New Mux ico. HOWISON & FABIAN, General Comm'n. Merchants AND SALKSMKX FOR EASTEEU IIOUS3 8, Olllce Kast side l. R. Ave., opposite Browne A Manzanares. W. Steele JUSTICE OF Til 10 l'KACK for l'reciuct No. 2:i, K;wt Las Vegas. Real Estate, Collecting Agent nuil Convey ancer. Deeds, Mortgages and Jiibtices' T.lauks for sale. Ollicc on the hill between the old and new 1 owns. HOPPBB BEOS,, Dealers In -t$ Staple and Fancy Groceries, CLOTHING, ROOTS & SHOKS, Produce a Sn ciall y . Orders tilled on short no tice, rroprieiors of the Delmonico Restaurant. Lust Las V'esas, N. M. Mauulaclurcr ot MEXICAN JEWEIKY LAS V KG AS, N M. In liiioiMi-.. l!oldii:r. I-hfI the I'ih.u w H VVHITELAW. Attorney at Law, Will attend to all legal business promptly, Center Street, Kast Las Vepas, Ter Mexico. 179-d. JNO. F. BOS'TWICK. " pTo LY DON BOSTWICK & LYDON. Attoi-ixoy-Hjrtt-Xrt,x7'. Office at Exchange Hotel Building. Las Vegas, N. M. ' BICHAED TDTJTSTlsr, NOT Alt Y PUBLIC, lolin C. Csutís, Till: J'.OSM Boot Sl Shoemaker Opposite Jalla Uros., guarantees satisfaction and a perfect lit or no pay. PHOTOGRAPHER. Gallery iu the Rear of Ihe Exchange Hotel, West Las Vegas. T. J. FLEEKV9ARI, MERCHANT TAILOR, ALL KINDS OF Cutting & Repairing IDOZCsTlE TO OEDEE. Shop in Dolds' 'Block, Northwest Corner of the Plaza. DOCTOR S. H. SKIPWITH, OFKICK HOURS at LAS VEGAS, 10 o'clock A. M. till 10 o'clock P. M., und AT HOT SPRINGS, Krom7 o'clock, A. M. till 9 o'.lock, All orders left at Herbert's Drug Store w c.iilv.'i ronipt attention. JFltANCO. Oil A VIS, Attori&ey nt Law W.UUUUKROL'K. - - - - NEW MKXICO BEEEDEN & WALDO, .1 TTOUXEYS.A T-LA If, Santa Kit, ... New Mbxico. Will practice in all the Courts of theTer.ltorve t'rompl atltention given to all business In th. line of their profession In nit parts of New Mexico. tV.M. ItUHKllKX. HlENiV L. WALDO. . SALAZA1?. a to n yi; r-. i r- l a ir, iAS Vkgas - Nkw Mkxico ovntAcroH sn hdildek. LAS VKGAS AND HOT SPRINGS, NEW MKXICO The. Patronage of the Public respect fully solicited. J. g3, FURLONG,