Newspaper Page Text
.V Cm EjpTh only paper la Hew Mexico) receiving am publishing the fall Associated Pre., tele graphic report. ESTABLISHED 1171. trraklUaea la the leaalag city of taa Ter rttarr New Mexico. VOL. XIII. NO. 263. LAS VEGAS, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1886. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. mum ríSTABLISHKU IN 1881.1 Á.A.&J.H.WISE HAVE Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE. RAVB Improved and Unimproved Property of every teecriDtlon la every portion of the city nf Lai Vegas. Business Lot! to Lease, Business Iiots tor rial , Business Houm for Sale, , Residence Ijota fur Lease, Residences Hontes for Bale, AND elood Paving Business for Bale, Two Largo lunches forSale Cheap, County Scrip Bought aud Sold, tiold Mines (Paying) for Sale, Pine Paying Silver Mines for Sale. ' A SAVINGS BANK. Laboring men can purchase property of us on monthly Installments instead of paying out that which can never be returned REST. Don't pav rent. Corns and look at our bar gains on the Installment plan. CASH WILL ALSO Bay Ine property at the very lowest market price. We also have many special bargains In rami estate far below their cash value. . COR. 6TH AXD DOUGLAS, Opposite the new Brown Stone Opera House.' NOTARY PUBLIC LAS VEGAS, - NW MEXICO T.B.MILLS, DSAUtR IN i Mines, Real Estate LIVE STOCK, I MIPKOVED RANCHES,' 'Office on Bridge Street, near Pcstoffioe . Vegas, Sew Mexico. Lis All kinds oft rrltorlal and oonuty bonds and warraateboaibtaJMl told, and all kinds ox land scrip Bought and wild which will locate eilelaasea of government land, fttty inv proved and unimproved ranches lor sale In New Mexico and the Republic ol Mesico, em bracing tracts lrom 26,o.fl to 1,000,00o acre each at from twenty cenu to one dollar oer aore. Title perfect. Full Information sent upon appllcatlon.HavIng busloees conneotlnn with attorney at Washington. D. C, we are prepared te give particular attention to prose ting clitlma ol every description agaiuat the United Staff" government. ColeoUons made in anv oartof the J'crritorv. ft Cili Of Las Vegas Ü1SKEL, President. . A. A. KEEN, Cashier. CAPITAL - - $50,000 TRANSACTS A liENÉUAL UANK INti BUSINESS. a.t Las Vcga3, New Mexico, TROPICAL S D. BOFFA. Bridge Street, Las 7v" ÉKas, N. M. Tropical and Domestic Fruits in .íason. .IMPORTED COODS OF ALL KINDS Confectionery, Cigars, AND TOBAOOO. J. S. ELSTOfJ, PAINTER, PAPER-HAftGEB, A. A.& J.H.WISE an AND DECORATOR. THOKOIOU WORKMANSHIP ASD AM m PL FACILITIES. Sixth St., Opposite Post Office. H. W. WYMAÑr The Jeweler. Watches and Clocks Repaired. CENTER STREET MORE BAD INDIANS. 1 he Pets at the Rose Bud Agen cy Threaten Their Agent. TheU,T.SU.K K.tobe Extend ed to the Raton Mountains. Ohio State Senators Take a Trip for the Good oi the Cause. : v Bad Indians. Denver, May 8 An Umaha special to the Republican says; Information received here says that a serious disturb ance arose at Rosebud Indian agoDoy, A bund of Indians are 'living upon land which Major Wright, the agont, consid ers unOt for cultivation and, bo aooord ingly ordered them to locate on tillable soil, otherwise he would not furnish them farming; implements. The Indians disregarded the order and becoming indignant they marched in a body fully armed to the agoncy and demanded the implements, threatening to take them by foroe if they were not forth coming. D. T. A O. R. R. ta ka Emended tanih te Haloa Moanlalns. f Denver, MayU. Kx-GovVrnorErans, prssideut of the Denver, Texas & Gulf railroad, lift tor New York last even. itifl:. It is understood from those in a position to know that he has made final arrangements for placiug sufficient bonds on the market to extend nis roaa from Pueblo as far south as the Raton mountains and that his trip east is for the purpose ot closing the transaction. Work upon the construction will be commenced immediately upon bis re turn, f i t . Flyers Assembling at Denver Denver, May ! 8. Colonel . H. R. Baker, with bis stable of one running horses, arrived from Helena, Montana, today. Charles W. Johnson, with bis stable of .seven horses, arrived yesler day. ' Among Mr; Johnson's horses is the famous Jim Douglas, understood to be the fastest running horse in the west, if not in the United States. The horses were all taken to Jewell park, where they will remain until the open ing of the Kooky-mountain circuit in Denver the 32d instant. ,,.,, '. i The Yoang Seoul. "' Washington, May 7. A bill which gave rise to a most interesting aisous ion was one tor paying aiuu to vy. i. Haidgman. . Ibe report sutes thatdur lug the war HaJdoma then a boy of 13 years of age, desired to join an Ohio regiment, but was refused muster on account of his age and size. He, how aver, nurchased a uniform and served in the regiment a year, acting aa ougier and Deitjrmine scout duty, ue is saiu to have performed gallant servios, Bras-ar. of VVisconsm, in a sarcastic speech, opposed, the bilL He ridiculed the Idea of a Dov too joung to oe mus tered in fullilling a scout's duty and do ing gallant service. Une ot the most glorious . memories of the war was of noble women who became nurses in or der to alleviate the sufferings of soldiers, but now these women are found coming to the war claims commit tee, begging tnat tceir gratuitous ser viré be odined Into dollars and cents. That knnmred all the Sentiment out of tlm thinir. 'Ha wanted some ot these rich memories preserved. He did not want them all brought down to dollars and cents. After a lengthy cross fire between Bragg and Johnston, a vote was taken on the amendment to tho bill, but a number of its opponents refrained ironi voting anu tue commit' tee bding left without a quorum rose. Butinett Situation Lett Favorable. . Kew toitk, May 7. Spocial tole grams to Bradstreet's indicate that the general trade situation is less favorable than one week ago.' This is due mainiy to the partial paralysis of business at Uhiuago as well as to the disturbed con dition of the industrial situation at Mil' Kunl-.aei. Cincinnati, St. Louis, Bulti more and elsewhere. la Chicago no business of a wholesale character worth mentioning has been done and nú-rebatas are generally awaiting the set tiementof labor troubles. Another In la the determination of the Chi cago metal furniture works and lumbor yards' employers to shut down rather than to accede to what they regard as unjust demands. A similar spirit is diaplayed at Louisville. The movemant of merchandise at the leading cities east and west has been checked by the Industrial troubles. Eradstroet's tele otadIiío reDorls indicate that 325,000 men have taken part in the short hour ninvpinent: that l'iB.uW nave struct .ml that 15.000 have received conues .inn. without having to strike. Some ir. (wi hovn uained their ends bv strik ing. The outlook for an early olearing of iha industrial aisturuanoes is not bright. " Oladstsae aad Paraell Congratulated, NiwYORK.May7.-The Irish home rule meeting, held at the Academy of Muslo tonight was a great success, Among those on the platform were;X' Postmaster General James, General Hill. Mavor Grace and Governor Ab- hott. of New Jersey. Later, Senator Khermnn. Congressman utosven m' aud Congressman Butterworth, of Ohio, and Gonersl Stewart L. Wood fnni ornvrtil and were f ssortetl to seat nn iha ninifnrm.MaTor Grace was made teniDorrv ohairman and spoke briefly i iha nhlnnt nf the meeting. Kosolu . 1 ....i i r-1 ,1 tinns were uaeaeu ouiuui.mik, w.ouoiuuc and l'arnell and congratulating Ireland mi her coming emancipation, and con grntulating Kngland on the progress m PUDIIO SUnillUHUl WU1UI. uu I"""""" ho intrmtnntion of the home rule meas ure In parliment. After the resolutions nra nassed Ü' Donovan Kossa arose nH .lemanded an amendment and pro tested against praising Gladstone. His voice was drowned in hisses and groans and on the advice of Governor Hill he subsided, ine resolutions win oe pre' mtoH tn Messrs. Gladstone and Par nell by Mr. J. J. O'Donoghue, who will sail with them for Liverpool tomorrow A Deglerable Acsidsnt. DcBCvjukfla., May 7. Barry Ma Fadden and Miss Avie Taylor, both of Savannah, III., while taking a pleasure ride last evening from Savannah to Bellevue, got the buggy entangled in the brush close to tho river bank aud borse, buggy, and both occupants were thrown into the river and all were drowned. , Boti bodius were found this evening. . ; . Attempt to Destrsr Life, Denver, May 7. ALeadvtlle special to this evening's .Times says Four sticks of giant powder with two feot of luse and cap attached were found this morning in tlia doorwnv of the iierald- Democrat building. The fuse had been lit, but had gone out. No one has the least idea who would thus destroy life and properly. An old ollioer today said the town had not been so full of bard characters since 1879 as it is at present. Tke Wrandstte Wreckers. Kansas Cm, Mo., May 7. Robert Montgomery aad W. C. Bailey, former ly employed by the Missouri Facifio railroad at Ureenleaf, Kansas, were ar rested there this morning charged with wrecking the Missouri racitic freight train at Wyandotte, which cost two lives. The prisoners were brought to Wyandotte this afternoon and will be examined tomorrow morning. They claim tke ability to prove their inno cence, but tnu ouicers appear certain that they have two of the supposed trio of wreckers. A Noble Parpéis. Washington, May 7. Mrs, Newman ex-president of the Industrial Home, an incorporated institution in Utah, ad dressed the senate committee on edu cation and labor today, advocating an appropriation tor Ine support of that nstitutlnn. one is endorsed bv the Utah Commission, by Chief Justice Zane and bis astootates: bv ExGovern or Murray and the Gentile clergy of the territory The obiaot of the institution is to fit for self support suoh of those women and girls of Utah as wish or can be induced to escape the evils of paly' gamy. - . Stackaiea la Sesslssu St. Paul, Minn., May 7. As the oui come of the stock growers' meetings hold at St Paul, articles of incorpora tion of the Montana Live Stock company were filed with the secretary of slate today. Tho principal plaoe of business is St. Paul. The capital stock is $211,000, and the incorporators are 1. a. ijogan. Miles Citv, W. A. Towers. Kansas Citv. U.,i. Brian, Alilas City,, Granville. Stuart, iort Maginnis, Adoipn tieuer, aiilwaukee, KoUert a. umiln, A. a. Slicknev. W. B- Merriam, Ansel Opoen beim. William Liindake, tteo. 11. tinco and J. B. Hower, all of St. Paul. Exeiting the People. Pittsburg, May 7. Considerable ex citement was occasioned in the lower wards ot Allegheny City and sema parts of this city today by the circulation of anarchistic circulars in large numbers, The circulars were printed in German and English and urged workingmen to revenge the killing of McCormick's men. and to burn, pillage and destroy. and to eat. drink and be merry. The circulars were distributed so early that no susoiciou of their character was en tertained until thousands of copies had been given out. In this city there are seven groups of anarchists, with a total membership of not more than lou. Served The a Right. Dm Moines, Ia.,Miy 7. Political in tolerance has assumed a peculiar phase at Pocahontas Center. A short time ago democrat named Harlan was ap nointed postmaster at that town. Cer tain republicans did not relish the pres' enoe in tho community ot a real liye democratic oUicial, and they instituted a systematic enort to boycot the omoe This did not work satisfactorily, and one evening the office was stoned. On the succeeding evening this operation was aoDlied to liarían s residence, mint ing this bad gone far enough, be seized a shotgun, raised the window and fired, and wounded three of his assailants. He has not been molested since. To Preserve the Csaotitatloa Chattanooga, Tenn., May 7 Twenty democratic mombers of the Ohio state senate arrived here today in a special oar and are ocoupying the oar which stands in tae Cincinnati soutnern railroad yard. Tbev It ft Columbus. Ubio, secretly Tuesday night and met at Covington, Ky.t where they took a car for Cbatanooga. They left the state of Ohio in order to get bevond tbeluriS' diction process that might be issued to the sergeantatarmt ol the senate. They state that luey are merely stand ing bv their constitutional rights and have no intention or disposition to ob struot legislation; that the appropria tion bill has been passed and an im portant measures disposed ot, and they now leave the senate to preserve the constitution ot their state ant defeat the olans of scheming politicians . They are firm in their determination not to yield an inch and will remain until compromise is effected. J h New Reformist, Pittsburg, Pa., May 7 The Kev. F. R. Scullv. an ex-priest, now pastor of the Baptist church in Uraduock.ann the Rev. Mr. U ex-priestoiMew York, are maturing a Dlan for a conven tion of all the Protestantised Roman Catholics in the United States to be held In this oity during the eoming summer, to establish what they term "Reformed Catholic Churobes" in all the principal Cities oi ine oouuLry wuere uuuo exiat, Tbe Rev. Mr, ooully say they have re ceived manv letters on tbe subject, all speaking highly of the project, which lead them to believe tbat tne conven tion will be largely attended. - Tbe Rev, Mr. Scully says tbe cities most In need of suoh churches as it is proposed to establish are Pittsburg, Baltimore, Chicago and St. Louis. Mr. Scully re gards it as his special mission to cripple or kill popery in America. Ail the Protestant ministers here endorse his projeot, and offer to back him to the full extent of their ability. ' SPORTING. 'Ths Race. BBia&rcx Eeach. May 7. Pool sail ing was stopped here today by order of the district attorney of Kings county. Books were made aud bats paid on tbe quiet, however. v In the first race for maidens, three year old and upwards, three fourths of a mile, Fleetwood won by four lengths; St. Klmo, second. Gaoler, third; lime, 17. Second race Selling allowances. Gen eral Prioe won by a bead; Compensa- 'on, second, Joe ttueioy, third: lime, 1 4S,. - 1 bird-race Handicap, one and one eighth miles. Lord BeaconHetd won by a head; W to hold, second, Delilah, third; time, 1:&t. fourth raoe Seven furlongs, Ueorge Singerlev won bv a length; Bazar, second, Judge GriSorth, third; time, 1:81. LsxtNOTON. Kv., May 7. Weather fair; track heavy. zirst raoe Une mile, lticn won by ten lengths; Brevet, second, Felix, -third; timo 1:511 second race Mush stakes, nve fur longs, Poteen won;- Duhme, second, Milligan third; time 1:08. Third race Uue mile. Malva K. won; Nivolis, second; time, 1:52,; only two horses ran. Fourth race. Ooe and one eighth miles, Wauku.iha won by n length; May Lady, second; time, s:ut; only two horses raa. Mkhpsh. May 7. Track was heavy. First race Selling, three-quarters of a mile; Mus Daley won by three lengi ba Jim Nave, second; Vllletto, third, Time. 1:80 Second race lb reo-quartere ol a mile: McBowling won; Redtuok. see ond; Priuees, third. Time, 1 :2C. Third race Montgomery stakes, one and one -fourth miles; Afodesty won; Hoik a, second; Alitor, third, lime, 212. ronrtn raoa une and one-sixieenta miles; Ultimatum won by a half length; Lingan, second; Toppy, third. Time, 1:45. 1 ' Fifth race Hurdle, about one and one-eixteentb miles; Judge Jaokson won by ten lengths, Slocum 'second; Asooli, third. Time, a6i 1; Baso Ball DiNVERTMsy 7 Denvers, 14; Lead villes, 8. , , Washington. May. 7. Boston-Phil adelphia )rm was postponed on ac count ul satn. Louisville. May 7. St. Louis, B; Louisville, 1. PfTTSBCBO, May 7. l tie game oe tweeu Cincinnati and Pituburgs wse postpone! on acoountof rain. ST. L.OU14. May ' - Kansas tiiy, a, St. Louis, 7. . Ths Brakeasoa go te Work, Cheiennk. Wyo.. May 7--Ths brake men's s'rike is ended all along tbe line of the Union Pacific. The last obstacles at Laramie and Rawhnt have been re moved. All the mee offered to return to work, and most ot tbem were accept ed by General Superintendent Dickin son, who is at Rawlins. It is now ad mitted by tbe brakemeu mat tne strike was 111 advised, owing to the inisrepre- sentations of the delegates sent to confer with the division superintendent., All the people express great satisfaction that the freight blockade is ended. Trains are now moving regularly over all divisions of the main line of tbe Union Pacific, and delayed freight is now being pushed forward as fast as possible. - The Queea Mast (erne Dowa. Boston. Mav 7. Captain Cyrus B Averill of Rockland. Maine, has made a demand on tbe queen of Madagascar for $8,000 damagos for robbery and abuse of himself and daughter and toot ing aud burning his vessel, the bark Surpriso on the Madagascar coast last November. Documents have been for warded by the state department to tbe consul at 1 amative with directions to request that instant reparation be made. The Rockland Courier which printed Captain A ver ill's account of tbe affair says tbat it is stated that a United states war vessel was reoenuy aispaicneu to Madugascar in connection with the out rage. Brbneidor'a Beer on Tap. PiTTsminoH. Mav 7. An agistment was arrived at between the brewers of this city and their employes to take no tion on the motion of the brewer's union and for this reason a committee of six from the union was appointed and call ed upon vanous brewers to secure their signatures to the papers recogniz- Ins- their organization. All rofused to sign tbe paper, except tbe proprietor of tbe Joseph Schneider Brewing com pany. The union this afternoon insti tuted a mild form of boycott against other companies by recommending that all members patronize Schneider's beer In preference to all others. Violating tho Fl thing La wo. Halifax. N. S., Mav 7. Two or three American fishing schooners have appeared in the basin at Digby within the past day or two, for tho purpose of buying bait. In response to a telegram the government steamer, Landsdown, went there this morning, and giving chase to tbe steamer, David G. Adams, of Gloucester, overhauled her and took her back to Digby, She will betaken to St. John tonight under seizure for violating the fishing laws. f harlet Won't De ae Anymore. Toronto, Unt., May 7. Tonight Charles Held, a bookbinder, called on hia wife from wbom be bad been di vorced on aooountof jealousy, and shot her in the arm and shoulder and then shot himself in the bead, dying almost instantly. .The woman is not fatally wounded, - Cholera Spreading. Rome, May 7. During the past twenty-four hours twelve new oases of cholera and four deaths have been re ported at Venice; six oases and two deaths at Vicenza and sixteen cases and sixteen deaths at uarL The Uaaal Recall, ; London. May 7. The British steam ar Martello. from New York for Hull collided with and sunk the cutter Ida off Long Point tight, une person wss drowned, . IfeeBtttlaw Canton, Miss., May 7.-Last night a negro nsmed Chambers entered tbe house of W . N . B ludios and attempted criminal assult on his fourteen year old daughter. Chambers was tsken from jail by a number of the citizens today and hanged. Hotel Arrivals. Depot Hotsi,: W C Bishop, Santa Fe; AC Voorheos. Kat-n: J W Hoover and wife, Kan- sat City; Win. D sbytkell, St. Louis; A P swingios, Amsterdam, uoiiaua; si n rtuger rell At. Louia: li M Haskoll. can rncico: Okas. A B.-nnlator, Oakland; T Corning, kan- as, j c iML.ancy, rt. atanton. St. Nichla.: Peter Murphey, White Ooka; t W Raising, Topeka; Mrs Leonard aod Mrs. Lambtrt, Fort La. ion. Pi asa hots!.: S f Campbell, Chicago; F Sandoval, Santa Fe; W 11 Flanigan, Navajo Springs; ATT Corning, Kansas. B 8 Long, ranch. Occupation wss furnished today to quite a number of people in watoning, tbe saw-logs shoot under tbe Bridge street bridge. But little sorrow would have been felt to see tbe old thing turn -ble in and follow the logs. Some eight or ten men in the water to their waist, working with long olus, man aged to keep the logs off the banki and away from the bridge, and to oonHne tbem to the narrow channel. . MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Live Stock Markets. " Rastsai City, May. 7 CiTTta Receipts, 1,3G8; shipments, 717; market opened strong and closed weak at taO loe lower i choice to tanoy, Si UXJIS.Wi; fair to stood, S4.10.5.3; common to medium, ft 00(34.1); slocters and feeders, 3.40(gf4 3o; Cow-, $'4 iiJS'I.M). . New Terk .Money sterling exchange nnctangod; bar Silver, Belden & Wilson, XXXBJ . Bridge Street, Las Venas All goods ere delivered free in the oity nnnnn tt n m m n - - ..... . Bridge St., near Caiette Office, Just received a line line ot CANDIES, Fruits, Nuts, Confectionery. A FINE SUPPLY OF APPLES Herefords. Of West Las Animas. If AS JCST IN LOADED US FliGriK Fine Hereford Sattle 1 Pure Blood and Registered and from tbe Beat Herd in the Wests . AN OPPORTUNITY FOR BUYERS. O. JLm'ElAJEirsr &f At Stock Grower Office- T- -W. BARTLETT, DEALER I IT FIETE JEWELRY OP BVBnY watch. 'rt'" Eiiie St. West Las Vegas. .i iiisj r1"""!'""' anAsuaiiBD load. J, J, FITZOERRELL, THH XAXXTX1 Real Estate -AND- financial Apt for Capitalists, Cor. Grand Ave. anu Center St. ' Las Vegas, . New Meiici. ASPBOIALTV MAKE IN INVESTING AND LOANING At ON BY FOR EASTERN OAP4 TA LIS IS, or WHOM I HAVE A LAKUk LINE OF CORRESPONDENTS. ' . ' - : t I have. UNUSUAL FACILITIES tor tke IVRST1GATIO! ofTITLBS andaTHORoOGH KNOWLEDGE of the PEOPLE, enabling ate to make INVESTMENTS of all kinds, suchas the parchase ef RANCH, 6RANT and CUT PKOPEttTV, and making LOANS for CAPI TALISTS to bettor ÜVANTAuB Usa tbey ' ean for THEMSELVES. . There la a grand future before NEW MIX IOO. ; Buolueea is beginalug to too a ap rap-l-llv. Now is the time to make inveetnieata be fore prleeaadvanoe too hlirh i . . ., i There has tweu-a marked Improvement in RV.AL ESTATE during the past 0 days, end there la no doubt the oomliw soring will wit-, u-u a sharp advance in UK AL ESTATE, When ta-ae who made Inveeuaeala In property.) vUl : reap a rich reward. Tne luoomlng tide of business Improreaaett ta beginning to be felt and will uause a geaa lue boom the) eoming year. Now lathe rime to invest. "A hint to the wuw it auSoieiit." . 1 HAVE FOll SALE one of the best paying well established inaautaoturlnoT -nterprtaes la tbe Territory, t an be bought to auadvanlage. 1 HAVE FOR SALBoaeoftb best boeineea coi aera In the oity, renting fur Super cent ta the Investment E 1 H A VB FOR 8ALE an elegaat piece of real-. dence property In an excellent neighborhood, that II pay Ing 90 per cent eu the i.veatBMni, i 1 have a aminos opening fot So.ouw to $10 -000 that Is absolutely aafe, and will pay from ' SO to i!o per oent on the Investment. ' . v TO RANCH AND CATTLE INVESTORS, I have a line stocked ranch for tale that will p.y a larve interest on the Invetuneut. Come and oee my list of grant, ra oh - and cattle la rest mentt before purohsslng elsewhere. f I HAVE the largest Une of rents. Improved and untmproyeel preperty tur tale V tie found In the city. FOnBARCtAIN9 of all kinds ta BEALE-' TATE call on FITZGEHKELL. vou will Sod nlm alive to buoioeon Interests and courteous to ail. Before Investing, soil and aea him. . Fltzgerroll's Guide lo New Mexico, free to' all . ', j a i nt ' . 'ti . u . . v , -, , r i Park Drug Store T - lTftTrflTT . ODfl. ' 1. ü. XI UTA, lü Ob HAUs t. ' ' -ETTXUa Drugs, Chemicals. Prescrlptlone a Specialty. t- OPEN ALL NIOHT, ' " Choice Wiuea and Liquors fcr Medical f urpoees. ". A riHE LINE Of CIGARS. . , Herefords. Colorado LAS VgOAS A CAR LOAD OF For Particulars inauire of J , 1 i DBHOnilTIONr. Gold Watches, Diamonds, - Silver Watches, Go!d ChainB, Bracelets, J- Pin9 Sleev Buttons, " Silverware, Filigree Jewell 7. No. 324 R. R. Ave. East Las Vegas.