Newspaper Page Text
t THE LAS TEGAS GAZETTg-SATPRDAY EVENIXG, JUY 8, 1833. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL TRADERS. Calvin Fisli's. Real Estate, IEITM. ftHD LOAR fcGxNCt Office Sixth St., opposite prtoflSco, -' i MONEY TO LOAN ON UOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY. HOUSES TO RENT FOB f ATiBl Botines property, mice 16,5.70, leste gv r- a teed for e year, et 1 160 per monib . Heeldeoce property for Bale, price (1,000; sari 25 per "it od InreHnient. A fair cholee low for aale at Teaaomable tgarea. , Baalotai eoenoee (or ule. Don.t forget lo come ana tee n before mak ing UiTUitlueDU. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 8. BUSINESS ITEMS. Visit Evans1 Art and Curiosity Store. Finest creamery butter at Fat Young's Go to Fat Young's for flower pois, cheap. Fresh vegetables today at Pat Young's Center street grocery. , Fresh fish are to be had at Pat Young's Center itreet grocery. Chris Sellman has just received 5,000 of the celebrated Nilssoc cigars. Try our Denver hams and breaktoxt bacon. Bklden & YVimos. Eastern strawberries in the morning at Bklden & Wilson's. Free Lnnch and Book Beer (the last of the season) at the Buffalo Hall tonight. Our regular shipment of green stuff in the morning. Belden & Wilson. Fine Kannas beef at the City meat market of Charles E. ueibsohuer on the Plaza. Notice Of change for approving the will of Jose Gregario Trujilio. It is now et for the Dth day of July. Henry Btassart, the Las Vegas gun smith, has genuine, old California wine, Vintage of 1882, which be sells for (1.75 per gallon or fifi? cents per bottle. Leave orders for ice at Leon Bros., west side, and Wells, Fargo ft Co.'a of fice on east side. Montezuma. Ice Co. PERSONAL. Items Concerning- People and Tbrlr Dolngi. Mis. Geo. W. Leonard, Fori Union, was In the cily this morning. Frank Jager, the Watrous merchant, was in the city this morning. Mrs. H. Geist leaves Monday for De troit to make a visit to ber old borne. A. C. Voorbees. the Raton attorney, oameinlast night and returned this morning. Frank Springer, Las Vegas distin guished land lawycr.returned last night from Denver. Byron Scherraerhora and C. W. Thorn left last night for San Macial, to instruct the latter into his duties as Fred Harvey's cashier at that place. J. C. DeLaney came in this morning from Fort Stanton. Mr. Delaney is not only post-trader at the fort, but one of the large cattlemen of New Mexico. Colonel Weed, of White Oaks, came in this morning; Judge Blanchnrd re turned from Socorro, and Eutemio Montoya, wife and sister came up from Bernal on a visit to County Clerk Perez. Col. W. Bosbysbell, A. P. Swingles, and M. M. Fitzgerrell came in on the train last night and will spend a few days in Vegas. They are capitalists of St. Louis, friends of J. J. Fuzeerrell, and probably will invent in New Mexico. Ta Water Conminen. The company are working under re duced head and expect that consumers will stop all unnecessary waste of water until the pipe Is extended further up tbe river, and new dam and filter put in which they are arranging to do as soon as posssble. Consumers will please read rules 1, 10, & 11, which are given below, and govern themselves accordingly. These rules we expect to enforce. Hci.r. 1. No person or family sup plied with water by this Company will be permitted to use the water for any other purpose tliah that stated in tbo application or agreement, or that esti mated for in fixing tbe rates, nor supply water in any way to other person or persons without a written permit from the oflice of said company, nor shall tbey permit others to use tboir bose or attachments, nor leave tbem exposed to use by others. , Consumers suall pre vent uuneoessary wasio of water, and be required to Keep their sprinklers, bydrants, faucets, valves, ho-o, and all pparatui, including stop box, in good condition at their own expense, all wa ter ways closed when not in use. Rule 10. There shall be no conceaU meat of the. true purpose and extent for which the water is to be used. When suob concealment is ascertained, the water will bo cut off until the applica tion is renewed. Violation of any of tbe above rule shall be visited with a loss of water supply and forfeiture of all money paid. Rule 11. Wbonovor in the judge meat of lbs officers of the company it! may be deemed expedient, all sprink ling and irrigating, bethor by hose or in any other manner, will be prohibited under the penalty of shutting off the entire supply. Notice will be sent lo consumers by postal card whenever spiiakling or irrigating is tobe prohib ited. During all alarms of fare the use of fountains, yard and street sprinklers. Is positively prohibited. A violation of this rule will forfeit all right o tbe use ( water, and will be rigidly enforced, S. W. Lie, Saparintendent. I TALK Est Side Cl'tizem to Visit the Co'anty Board. Callferntr, a Har rlaee-A Talk Wilkrralere-A Bl( Trade. - "r"velere In Foreign Lands. Coir, net Grayson and A. J, Menden hall 'returned tbis mornng from San Fran olsco. Tbey had a delightful time and returned full of enthusiasm with ret rence to tbe city of tbe (iolden Gate ar ,d the lacd of tbe Setting Sun, They f ound California crowded to overflow ing with people who bad gone out there during tbe time of cheap rates, expect ing to find bricks of gold to be picked up in streets- of any California town, but who would gladly avail themselves now of of cheap rates to return to their old homes. What many of these people will do is a problem reserved for the unraveling alone of Inflnite Intelli gence. Perhaps the roads will be com pel led to do as tbey did a few years ago in Denver make special rales to tue east to relieve the country of its over plus of population. San Francisco is growing steadily, more by tbe improve ment ot what is there than by additions to the outskirts. Uue who bad been fa miliar with tbe city as late as ten yeari ago, would find himself much. puzzled to recognize the tmsinws portious of tbe place. Los Angeles is unjoying a won derful boom in real estate. Hundreds of people are investing, paying; a siua'.l part down and giving lions on the prop erty, expocting to realize ton remainder out ot the property itself. It will be but a question of time, and with most of them a short time at that, when t(ie re alistic speculators will bavo most of tbe property back, and the purchasers will have a wholesome experience for their money. Our friends were right royally received. Colonel Grayson having gone to California in 1848, and being a mem ber still of the Bohemian Club, tbe Union Club, the Pioneor Society, tho Redmen, and a variety of other organ izitions and secret societies, the recopiions given bun were frequent, and hearty. The ' Pioneer socleiy is composed only of those who went lo California not inllur than 1840. Of these one s.'njglu man, Jackson Jorden, was a negro. Colonel Grayson found bitn in waut, despite the longtb of time he had beeu in the laud flowing with milk aud honey, and so brought bun to New Mexico, lie will at once be ensconced as cook in tho Colouel's family. Besides our party brought back a couple of fresh salmon, nicer being dressed weighing twonty-uine and a half, and tbiriy-two pouud. These will graoe their Sjnday tabie. I he loss of Bancroft & Co., iu the great lire of Friday night last, was 1630,000. Mm. Grayson bad some $4,000 of valuables stored in the estab lishment at tbi time for safe keeping. They too were lost. Fortun ately Herbert Howe Bancroft,, tbe his torian had, but a few months before, removed his imraeuse private library and notes for tbo History of the Native Races of the Pacific, Into an iron fire proof building, and these were saved. So this wondetful monument to Amen nan uriilit arid enterprise will not -he very seriously disturbed by the fire, uur menus on tneir return received so hearty a welcome that at onoe tbey for got California in the enjoyment of Las Vegas. An KtU Thai mella la Hcaren. The neglect of all sanitary regulations on tbe part of many of our citizens, is a matter much to be reprehended. Had wo not tbe most healthful climate in tbe world, such criminal negligence could but breed pestilence and death. Garbage and filtU of all kinds are (brown with impunity into the alleys and narrow streets, and out upon the vacant lots. Dead animals are allowed to lie in close proximity to frequented highways till nature removes them. A Gazette reporter bad occasion today to pa-s through au alley on the east side, lvicg in one of the closest built parts of the city, and the state of affairs was disgusting to behold. Tbe trouble seems to be upon tbe increase. It being nobody's business to attend to the cleaning of the alleys and vacant lots, and the filth accumulating with the growth of the place, the question has at length reached such proportions hs to stare us in the face, and to demand that something at once bs done. . Qnlte a Trade. Robert Oakley has just negotiated a very important trade for a Kansas par ty. By this Leonard Blythe disposes of 188 head of horses, including his cel ebrated trotting stallions. Brown Dick and Billy Smith bis driving horse Bert and bis stallion Arabia. He gets in return sixty four high grade milch cows, an imported Guernsey bull, and a thoroughbred Holsteln. Mr. Blyche intends converting the Tecolote ranch into a dairy farra, which no doubt will be found more profitable than the rear ing ot fine borses. Another part of the trade consisted in the exchange ot 135 bead ot horses for forty-three high grade and thoroughbred Galloways and shorthorns, valued at $75 each. Thus Kansas increases her horse stock to the number of 823, and New Mexico gets in exchange 109 cattle of improved blood. A fair exchange is no robbery. A more la the Illghl Direction. A committee of east side business men will next Monday wait on the county commissioners to urge upon them the necessity of At onco building tbe Prince street bridge. Let this committee at the same time. lay before tbe commis sioners the importance and justice of making an appropriation for the east side parks. Before doing so, however, let tbem also wait on the management of the water works company. The im pression is very prevalent that the price asked by the company for water for these grounds is a good deal too large a sum, considering the publio nature of the enterprise. Delegate Jnaeph on the Wool Qaee tion. A lettor was received today . from Hon, Athony Joseph, Washington City, dated May 8. in which our delegate savs: ."1 am also strongly opposed to a fur ther reduction ot tbe tariff on wool as per the Morrison tariff bill; and would like to see tho tariff on wool restored to what it was in 1807 when the ereat in dustry m tbe territory of New Mexioo was in a most prosperous condition. 1 cheerfully ooncur id your expressed Views iu the above mentioned matter and will do what I can in their futher- aneé in tbe bouse of representatives." Lattors of administration, nonis bonis, were issued today to Mr. Deluvma VigUdeDesmarais forth final settle ment of the estate of Juan da Jesus Vigi). . , , . Lecalettea:'. - The sale of The Gazette on the street yesterday amounted to 180 copies over and above the regular circulation. Tbe Band of Hope will meet tomor row, Sunday, at 4:15 p. m. An excel lent programme has been prepaired, and a full attendance is desired. S. SMendenhall.T. VV. Hay ward and H. F. Hob art are tbe next on the list to purchase each a fine milch ców from the Gsrtb lot. The supply will soon be exhausted. Akegot Rotbgeb'a beer bad been tapped tbe night of Wyman'i fire. At the adjustment, nearly a month after ward, it was found aa fresb aud good as when it left the brewery. Mr. Etheridge, tbe insurance adjust er from Albuquerque, has expressed hi agreeable surprise at tbe uase and pleasantness of his settlement with W. H. Wyman. He bad been lead by re ports to anticipate a far different state of tbe case. A lot of kids with combs were out ser enading on Quality bill the other night. They seem to have interfered in some way with the arrangements of certain society young gentlemen, as the latter were expressing regret at tbe scarcity of tainted eggs, , . F. E. Knickerbocker, our well known exprtsi agent, was caned the other day by Judge Sulzbacher. The instrument employed in the occurrence was a cane of rare construction and great value. Mr. Koickerbocher Is proud of the gift and takes great pleasure iu showing it to his friends. Don't forget the laying ot the corner stone of tbe new Episcopal church to morrow at 4 o'clock p. m. The erection of the building is another of the sweial enterprises which just at this lime are beautifying our city, as well as attesting to our substantial growth. Judge Blaoohard reports the country excessively dry about Socoiro and Mag dalena, so that the grazing interests are suffering. But miuing matters are on a boom. All the mines are being winked aud all tbe minors are employed. He thinks all the miuing districts of New Mexico will see nch times ot prosper ity this summer as tbey have never known before. Railroad Mattere. The train lust night was a very light one. A change of schedule is one of the things imminent in tbe near future. A special car with tbe United Slates fish commissioners, en route to Cali fornia, will pass through tonight. . J, II. Scott, assistant general mana ger ot the Sonora road pasted through on the regular train last night. Trainmaster Rain was this morning assorting the stationery in his office. Tbe quantity would have sufficed to start a little bookstore. A Phillips' excursion for California will come in from the east tonieht. They will lie oyer at the Springs tomor row and re-uoie their jotirney tomorrow night. The train this morning was again a large one. Ten coaches packed with people shows that the tide bas. turned and tbe crowds of emigants are surging back to the east. , ., ..' , .? There are f jwer accidents on tbe Ls Vegas division. of tbe Santa Fe road, so say railroad men, than upon almost anv other road of the same length In tbe United States. Tbis is the more re markable when it is considered that tbis is a mountain division. ; Conductor Posey, ot tbe Hot Springs road, bas given up the idea of dying. The fact is that Cupid Bad Hymen are more largely filling bis thoughts just at f resent. He leaves tonight for Santa e on a short trip, but there is talk,of such a thing as Indiana becoming his future borne. The large engines have been.numb3r ed 838 and 830, and have been given in charge respectively to H. Murphey and J.Brown. This shows the estimation in which those engineers are beld by tne powers that be, and that an nnbrok en record of promptness and faithful ness will tell iu the end. "WIE3- Ev-arybody fiada mm m y) i ai ,i At tla great Of Gliase Ilfeloi, la eimply because ha keeps tin largest and the Finest Stock in the Territory. PLAZA, LAS VEGAS. J. C. LEARY & CO., Commission Merchants For tbe OFFICE IN STOCK LAS VEGAS, - Te-Dar'a tfeatner. ' . Clear and bright. Temperature: 7.00 a. m., M"; 18 m,, 80-8 p. m.,829. CHURCH SERVICES. F1BST M. E.CaURCH. There will be service at tbe M. B. otturoh to morrow alfolio: Sunder eetioal at : a m. PKMhlog at II a. m.; lecture at 7:80 d. m. Subjaot In the monitor, "Our old ene mies are after ut." Lecture In theerenlnr, 'Tbe great earthquake," being the third on the aynibola of the ttook-of Kevelation. 8T. PAUL'S CHAPEL. Divine nervines to-morrow In St. Paul's ehapel at lia. ra. Toe biahoo will Breach. The cereiuuny of layiuc tbe oorner ston of uenew 01. raui a oaurcu will take plaoe at i p. m. to morrow. FItiST C.HQHEUTÍOYAL. " The Congregational chnich at tt hall la Wyman'e block . Keular aervloea at 11 a m. and 7:10 p m. Sunday acbool at 9:ii. AU axe ejraiauy invitea. i. L. fcuuot, pastor, HOT8PBIHG3. Preaching service at I p m. Sunday achaol atipm. Ail are mow welcome 1. L. Go- iioa. tutor. FIRST FRBSBTrERLAN. There will be service at he Frist Presbyter ian church temorrow at 11 a m. berrioea con ducted by one of the elders o the ohurou and a sermon read from tbe (treat rpurgeon. Bun- utty acuooi o evening aeryioe, Eanal the fine Imparted. TflE "MiLSSOll," Is the next size to our "Gt-rster" and is composed of s dented imported rD- perj aud choictst. Vuelta Abj) tiller wun span ho wortmir snip. (Un open ing this cigars smoker? will find the tiiur nicely b Kikud and rolled up In binder a via.) The mi i v place tbey can be obtained in Las Vc gas is at Chris Seilman's Club saloon. ANHEUSER-BUSCH Lager Beer BROWNE & MANZANARES CO. Sole Agent for Las Vegas and Socorro. ALSO - DISTRIBUTING- AG-ENT3 FOH Las Vegas Lager Beer. Graaf&Hawkins BAKERS; DEALERS IH STAPLE An FANCY GROCERIES. Everything in Stock. Prices to sul the times. Stive us a call. SIXTH ST.. - LAS VEGA8. M. it. it bo pleasant to establishment Sale of GROWER BUILDING, NEW MEXICO. Pin bu THE CITY qnoB CT0ni3 ! . "DCTO. 17 Oontor atroot. .0. H. SPORLEDER, 120 Pairs Ladies' Kid Button Jttadt on C, D u4 E widths, which wil he t.U at Tlx luoW Prioo of 02.00, AIiSO, 1BO FAXXUS ' Ladies1 Genuine Tampico Pebbled Goat Button, Un C, D ana E WUtb, a ft wearing aba, at Tlx JLeOw Price or ÜQ.BO. PLEASE CALL AND EXAHIfJE. The CLOTHING HOUSE n-estllrottca. Ave., T-mueí 7"s FINEST DISPLAY OP Wilson Bros' Furnishing: Goods, Dunlap's Celebrated Stiff Hats. Neckwear, Shirts, Stetson's Boft Hats Burt & Packard and Burt, & Mears' Fine Shoes. Simon Lewis' Sons, Props w. r. ooors. COORS BROTHERS, Wholesale and .Retail Dealers In ' - House Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Et, Hardware, Slot! Sporting Goods, Ranges, Cook and Heating- Stores, Orales, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors and Blinds. ALSO CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. LAS VEGAS PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Las Vegas Roller Mills Flour -AT ' ' Ij. JÜEON c& cos, MASUFACTCREH OF SODA AND MINERAL WATERS. TUB TnASB 0UXXXaXX3:d. LasVetras, v - New Mexico. THOMAS SIIRIE, Dealer in Fruits of all Kinds Tbe taeit itock of Freth Frnltt and Nat in the ett?. dad Water, lee Cream and Purf . Apple Cidor. Sugar and Fruit Candy. First Glass Short Order Parlor-Open Day and .light. Oyes teres stud G-stneie Served lu THiroirv 0tyle OENTRB 8TBKET. OKB DOOB BA8T Oí BFOKLEDBB'B BHOS 8TOBB. TONY'S BARBER SHOP. - , , ; . ' , DREiaiTO PARLOR, , Hot and Cold Baths, Ladies Hair Cut Shampoo and Hair Dressing a Specialty. 1 . PRIVATE ROOMS rOB'LAOICS.' Bridge Street, near Gazette Office, La a Vegas, New Mexioo. . PoDDlar Prices ! olÉn M HENRY Q; OOOX8.. NEW MEXICU. É 'V a t! t .