Newspaper Page Text
Ik Cm. UT4M.UHE 1I1I. EVakUBa la tha lamella ( ely the Ter. rllsry Hew Bailee). Raw mxlce reeelvtag mm pabltihlBf the tall Aeewciatesl Freee tele, f raakle report. i? "! VOL XIIL-NO. 269. LAS VEGAS, SUNDAY MORXIXG, MAY 16, 1886. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. . t. - ESTABLISHED IN 1881.1 A.A.&J.H.WISE - HAVE '; Ilonoyto Loan i -A oh ' ' "HEAL ESTATE, t. HATS . Improved sne Unlmprovea1 Properti irioHae ta every porttoa of u tf every i itr of wil .A gooa asalm 1 sever sat of season." ' "Hum m boma, be tt mt so homely." We - e Mil roa oneeneapoa ear payánate. "Ha brinca Iba moat happlneee to himself ha does the oat lo promote lha hapomeae of others." rta aaoMo at our aire 007. . "A toot aaunp MUX out Hraw."' Pay your root promptl that four days war long la tha houee wberala ra dwell . . ... "fuere laa loa la isa affair of ma whleb, -'---When reen at iIwB xkI, leen on to fortune.'' Now b) the ttata fc bur real est-, te. "Oiodnee ana wteSont ahonM always go to gether." Examine our liat of property and Invest yeureurplua earning la a alaa Utt.e heme turyounamlly. "Have ordar, eyetem, regularity, liberality, aremitnee .lora r everything that It cood, and you will b bai py," If your property in for aala and rentals ara andar our aunairemerit. .. Good temper ta Una a auunjr "ay, it aheds i Rsbrifhiueea on everything;." Wa negotiate e first Iturtiraca Loaaa oa cltr property aul etbar raat catate at fair ratal and without Belay. "Bay oar own maser and tba mas'erof roar ailing, and ; ou will toon brooma tba maater I 01 sera," ana nave money to invest 10 ooa Ileal Heuua.i r Mortgage Lesna through' oar axenov. ' 'Noihlng suooeede Hka success." 81 1 year Of honorable aod aucoeeeful dealing la tba (lord of our agency, if tbla record bear yr eernMny favorably, -place your property ander our management. "Prompt eaa begets eoondeo. - Never pet off until eomorrow what aaoald bo dona to day, especially In th matter of butlneaa eor nepond nor. a letters addressed to any da utrttteatof our egonry ara anawered on tha day of 1 ha ir reoeipt, whetbar of muota or little tsipartanea. t r i í t "Banett your frlanda, tbat I hey nay lora J ? T0" inora flarly; bentflt yonr eoemleai 1 1 'that tbaf ra f baooaie yoar frlanda," and If ; I ( yon want to BCT or uu Xaat tatate, Loa it or jll aonaewnoney, aaa-ior tvafa boa.a, klnV 4 j. ly M. mint the aaaotgel wa effer In thli lit tía pampblct aod eommanieata with ua at yonr ounyaaakDoa, tithar la peraoa, by cuati or tala pbona. , , JH. y COR. 6TH JJtD POUOLAf , ppoalte tha naw Urown Stona Opera Houaa. Zj" IsTOTARY PÜBI.IO.-- r " A8 VEGAS, NEW MEXICO T. B. MILLS, .;!;; MALI IN Mines, Real Estate IilVE 8TOCK. mi'iiOVED RANCHES, OOot oa BrW Street, naar Poatoffloa, Lai Vattas, Naw Alex 100. all fclnda nft rrltorlal and ooontT bonda and warrannbounbtand aoid, and all klnda of land aorip boubt and aold which will locate allelaaae of government bind, fifty liu nanvnd and nnimnroved ranahea for taie la New Mexico and in Kepubllo o I Max leo, am braalnK traoia lrom iS,i0 to l.OOO.uuo aerea aob at from twenty eenM to one dollar war aere. Title lerrect. run iniormarion aeni unonannlloatlon. Harina bualneaa eonnentl n wl'b attorneya at Wasbinvton, O. C, we are pn parad ta give particular attention to proee rlba ciaira of erery dritorlptloa Mai"t the United Btatea f ovemmnnt. Colaetlom made In any nartot ua Territory. Tit Of Las Vegas. GEO. i. DINKEL, President. A. A. KEEN, Caahier. CAPITAL $50,000 TBANSACTSA (ENERAt, BANK- East Us Vegas, New Mexico, TROPICAL STORE. D. BOFFA. Bridge Street, Las Vegas, N. M, Tropical and Domestic Fruits IN ISACOK. - IMPORTED GOOD8 OF ALL KINDS r i I Confectionery, Cigars, AND TOBAOOO. J. S. EL8TOTJ, PAINTER, PÁPÉR-HAN6EE, AND I decoeatob; TBOHOVaB WORKMANIU1P AND AM- tí f AoiLITIKi. Sixth Bt, Opposite Post Office. i M STORMJOSSED. . Another Death Dealing Hurricane in Ohio. The ProTislona of the Edmonds PriTito land Clalmn Bilk1 Tbe ConUffloaa Strike Break Out Among- the Cowboy i. Another One of Sparks' Decis ions Berersed by His Chief. Public Meetings i ot Socialists Prohibited in Germany, - . A Death Deal lag Barrieaaa VUlta Oble, CLtviLAND, May 10. A" Leader'f special from Forest, Ohio, says: The storm bare last night was, one ot tbe most fearful tbat has ever visited tbli section of lbs country. It osma no sud denly, about 10 o'clock, in tbe vicinity of Kenton., A roaring noise accom panied tbe storm. la tbis vicinity it swept a olear track half a mile id' width and ninety-ore miles in length, but not striking tbe town to any extant. - wm. nicciirov. bis wife ana two children, and bis mother-in-law, Mrs. Higgles, were buried in tbe ruins of their large brick bouse, and tbe first nsmea tinea; me rest were lnjarec, the lest named nrobsbiv fatallv. Mrs. Mo- Elroy dug the others oat from under tbe ruiosi- Mrs. Lee was killad in her house. Isaao Lambert, 80 years of age, was buried under bis house, and fatally in jured. A. L. Packers was family in jured by : falling timbers. - Thomas Moore was buried under tbe ruins of a Inrge frame house and badly burt. Charles Packer and J. V. Thompson, wbo were sleeping in the same bed in tbis bouse, were carried a long distanoe and . 1. - LANDIB SAFELY IN BED ' again. Tbomai dart and wife were blown from their bed in the second story of their house, and tbe latter per haps fatally inlured. Tbe ten year-old son of Joseph Butnmel bad bis collar bone broken and was otherwise burt. Two oburches. tbe Union Bethel snd Methodist, were destroyed. Two brick school bouses were des'royed, tbe cell 01 one being carnea. a quarter 01 a mile. Trees were uprooted by tbe acre and hundreds of orchards completely destroyed. Same farms are swept olean of every thing, a large number ot sheep and horses were killed. Trees were stripped ot tbetr bark and devas tation and ruin are on every side. On the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chloago railway a passenger train had every window blown from the oars and tha pilot was blown off tbe engine and tbe steps blown away. Telegraph wires were lifted from tbe poles and carried long distances. The storm went in a northeasterly direction. ibe storm has leu a number 01 oeonle without homes, and the sights along its track are terrible. A number ot farms are made almost worthless. Tbe loss is estimated at about $350. 000 or $400,000. ' ' The Raaaa-aa, la Celfax Caaaty. Special to Tb Giirrr. Sfrinoer, N. M., May IS. During tbepasifew days Colfax county bas been blessed with some fine rains and the graes is coming up nicely. The round ups are very backward and from all indications, oattle deliveries are going to be quite late. Outfits tbat have started down to tbe lower country to begin weir spring worK are about at a bait, on account ot the short grass in tbe lower country and tbe stock being in too poor a condition to work at pres ent. The managers of tbe different round-up outfits are now endeavoring to remap out their bunts, so as to work in harmony and not rush onto rauges and work the stock where tbey are Known to be too poor to handle sue oessfully. A Jaat Jary Acqalta Spear. Dehveb, Colo..My 15- The trial of Postmaster Speer, of this city, upon in dictments for perjury in entering pub- Ho lands in Middle Park, was concluded in the United States district court tbis evening, after a session lasting four days - The jury returned a verdict of not guuty in less than ten minutes after receiving Judge Hallelt's charge. Tbe vordiol was received with tumultuous applause by tbe immense crowd that filled tbe oourt room. Sparaa Again Pal Out. Washington, May 15. The secretary of tbe interior bas rendered a decision in the esse of E. M. Sherman and others, of Dakota, in wbicb he reverses the de cision of Commissioner Sparks and holds that Sherman, who held a second mortgage on a tract of land, the entry ot wnicn naa been canceuea oy me lana office, was tbe party in interest sod had such a standing in tbe esse tbat be might be beard to maintain the validity oi too euujr in ijuueiiuu. Raw Mesice Quarantine Iaepectere, Take aetlce. . Cheyenne, May 16. Glanders bas broken out among the horses at Book Creek, in this territory; and the terri torial veterinarian has been summoned to assist in stamping out tbe disease, The Canal Beaaltel a Dranken New. Dknvib, May 15. A Salida special to the News says: In a row between drunken chsrooal burners at Brown's canon Boon Ninemyer. a rough char acter, fatally stabbed John O'Mally ana ne is expeotea toaie. ftinemeyer is sun si large.' : . , . ' Thry Wen't Set Theaa.' Dehveb, Msy 15 A Cheyenne special to the Republican says: An extensive strike of cowboys is reported from tba bweet Water country, They want higher wsgss. AM AWFUIi EXPEUIENCR A Paaaaager Train aa the Fart Wayne Bead Caught ta a Cycleae. PirrsBUHa, May 15. Tbe Chicago ex prese on the Fort Wayne road bad a rough experience while passing through a tornado which strnck eastern Ohio last night. Tbe lightning flashed con tinually from tbe time the train left Fort Wayne, at 8 p. m., and the rain desoended in almost solid sheets until Lima, Ohio, was passed. Snob a storm none ot the passengers had ever seen before and the ladie, of whom thera were quite a number on board, were greatly frightened, and tbe gentlemen were too much soared themselves to be ot servioe in allaying their fears. Tbe wind steadily increased in fury, and the breaking of trees and the ruibing sibil lation of telegraph wires made an a ful ooncord of wild sounds. The train parsed Forest, 229 miles west of Pitts burg, about 10:85 p. m., and tbe engi neer was then sending tba locomotive along at about thirty miles an hour. Tbe engineer put on more steam and, when about three miles from Kirby, where the storm was at its height, sud denly THESE WAS A PULL BOAB In the distance and tben a cyclone tore across tbe level plain on the south sida of the track and oatobing a big tree tore it up by tbe roots and flung it across the oars. - One limb struck tbe locomo tive and cut tbe oow-catcber in two; another limb tell on tbe piatform and steps of the first car and demolished it; other branches smashed in the windows along three ordinary oais and two Full man sleepers. Telegraph poles eanie crashing down at the same time and rocks and bushes flew through tbe air in riotous scurry. Tbe oar windows were smashed to pieoes, and the cracked and splintered glass flew in every di rection. The train kept on the ral1 and tbe engineer applying the air brakes brought it to s standstill withio two hundred yards. Every passenger was in a paroxvsm of fear, and tbe sleepers were iranrformed into dens of wildly excited men anC women. ' Tbe railway men kept f atrlv cool and as soon as tbey oould assisted in restoring confluence, ihe atorm oontinuea snd tbe air wss still filled with the flyini branobes of trees and stones, while tbe glare of tbe elre rioily, liberated from me oiouas, toteositiea the horror oi the scene. Though every window in both tbe sleepers Baden and Salamis were fraotured and nlinnst every pane of glass in tbe otber oars smashed, it is remarkable that VIRT FEW PASSENGERS WEBB HURT. Mr. C. C. Bow. a merchant of Cnn- ton, Ohio, was in bis berth in tbe sleeper Salamis when a tree shivered the glass aboye him aod drove one piece under bis eye with such toroe that the eye was literally out out. A lady in tbe same car, wuo refused to give her name, was also out, though not se riously, about tbe faoe. A few others ad tbeir hands out. The storm did not) abate muob exoept tbat tbe tornado passed away. An idea of its force msy be conceived from the fact tbat the rocks blown Into the cars on the south side had sufficient impetus left to pierce we northern windows as if tbey were ballets from a Galling gun. None ot tbe roofs of tbe cars were much dam aged, but tbe locomotive boiler was dented in several places and the smoke stack was knocked out of a straight nee. Alter aoout an nour a delay the train started again and in due t!me reached Crestline without further acci dent. Tbers a new locomotive was procured and the battered oars en me on to Pit'sburg, reaching the Union aepot one nour sua a ball late. When the train arrived here it looked as if it had be.n riddled by sham-shooters and a battery of artillery. The Race, at Leula.Uls. Louisville, May 15 The weather to-day was cool and fair, and tbe track stiff on account of last night's rain. First race, for the Alexander stakes. five-eighths ot a mile, tbe Duke of Bour bon won by a length. Poten second. Sluyvesanl third; time, l:01j. Second race, one and three-eighths miles, Lemon won by a short bead, King yeorge second. Bootblack third: time, 2:28. Third raoe, for tbe Dixiana handicap stakes, one and one-fourth miles, Lucky B won. ifiditn second, uign flight third: time, 2:11. fourth race, tbree-tourths mile. 1'earl Jenninga won by a length, Conkliog second, Malvi third; time, 1:13. ruth raoe. one ana one-emhtb miles. Endurar won by two lengths, .Expert second, Fabius third; time, 8:50, tharka. Washington, May 15. Tbe secreta ry of the lutenor today rendered a de dision In the esse appealed to bim from the commissioner of pensions by a Washington law firm which bus íesued a circular offering to Collect for a con tingent fee ot twenty-five pet cent, cer tain bounties which tbey claimed were due to tbe widows of soldiers killed in bsttle, under provisions ot section 1650 of the revised statutes, passed March 19, 1836. The secretary sustains the com missioner and decides that tbe bait pay for five years provided for under tbis seotion was nota bounty but a pension. Tbe effect of tbis decision it is thought will be the abandonment oi tbis class of claims. The Strikers Boomerang. Stonihah, Mass., May 15. Several large shoe manufacturers hero shut down tonight for an Indefinite period owing to tue strike of 200 cutters sever al weeks ago for an 8 per lent advance. It is slated, that fifteen of the nineteen fictoriea here will probably cease work altogether within tbe next forty-eight pours. ' la Cengreaa. , s - . Washington, Msy 15, A bill was psssed today establishing a sub-treas ury at LoulsyiUe. Tbe house proceed ed to the consideration of a bill 'or tbe appointment of a commission to Inspect and report ou Indian affairs, to which tbe afternoon was devoted, wiinouii ac tion being taken. rrarlalau at f drnnnda' Land Clalnaa' BUI ' Denver, May 15. A Washington special to the Republican says: The Edmunds bill, to provide for ascertain log and settling private land claims within tbe limits of the territory derived from Mexico, embracing New Mexico, Wyoming, AriSuna, Utah, Nevada and Colorado, snd wb "h bas been favor ably reported from the senate private land claims committee,' permits the claimant to WooMtd bv oetition in the United Status, district courts, un der tbe rules in equity with tbe priv ilege or an an appeal nnai'y to me su preme oourt of tbe United States. A limitation ot THREE YEARS IS PROVIDED fa which to bring cases. Should it be found tbat tbe government has sold any of these lands, scrip for an equal amount is to ba issued in lieu therbof. No claims snail be allowed tbat inter fere with Indian titles, nor shall any confirmation confer tbe right to any gold, aiiver or quicksilver mines, or minerals, unless too land claimed em braces tba donation or sale of suob mine or mineral to tbe grantje, or tbe grantee bas beeome otherwise entitled thereto in law or tqnlty. Suob mines or mineral! shall remain the property if the United States, with the right to work tbe same. All public lauds oi the United Slates in tbe BIO GRANDS VALLEY and elsewhere in New Mexico and Col orado, ocoupied acd possessed by per sons who or whose anoestors or grantors became oiiiaens of tbo United States by reason of the . treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and occuoied by any person br persons who have been in bona tide oocupanoy or possession ot said land by themselves, their ancestors or grantors for fifty years next preceding the date of the passage of this sot, sball be with drawn (rom entry and sala under tbe taws of the Uuited States. . An effort will be made to pass this hill in sc -ie shape at the present ses sion, so as to relieve tbe geuerel land office and congress from the considera tion of private land olauui and settle them in tue courts. Lira Stack Merkeia. Kansas City, May 15. Cattle Receipts, 1,018; shipments, 103. Market strong, active aod 5c higher for light. Choice to fan cy, (5 0X$5 85; fair to good. $1 75 f 5 60; oom mo o to medium, S4f4 60; alockor and feeders, f3.4uIS4.35; oows. i 60$3.75. Sheep lieceiots, 814; shipments Done. Market quiet and steady. Com mon to medium. $2 003.00; g d to cboice, f 125(4 14 20. Chicago, May 15. ' Cattle Receipts, l,8uX. Market steady and stronger. Shipping steers, 930 1,600 Ib., 4S5t6.0Ci; utooker sod feeder, $3$4.80; cows, bulls and mixed, á.25$1.15. Sheep Receipts, 800. Markot firm. Two cars of 180 pound Nebraska shorn sold at 5.50, and oue car of scalawags, , w doled, at 4,05. t The Cerrect Way te Treat Reciallata. ' Berlin, May 15. General surprise bas been caused by tbe publication in the Reiscb Ansiger of an order forbid ding tbe holding ot publio meetings in Berlin and Potsdam and tbeir environs, without polios authority, and slating that permission must be asked forty eight hours in advance ot the lime when it is proposed holding tbe meeting. The decree is issued under provision of articlo 28 of tbe snti-sooialist law. Base Ball Detroit, May 15. Detroit, 9; Bos ton. 2 Topers, May 15. T'opiki, 8; Lead- ville, 13. Lincoln, Neb., May 15.-Denver, 8; Lincoln, 7. Bracing Up Their Credit. Helena, Mont., May 15. There is no foundation whatever for tbe reported failure of Lee W. Foster & Co., one ol tbe largest mercantile houses in the territory. Tbe firm simply dissolved psrtnerahlp Fire la Denver. Denver, May 15. The buildings connected with tbe soda refinery works on Laramie street, in this city, were de stroyed by fire today. Loss, about 0.UUU. History Kepentlng lleelf. New York, May .5 At 1:10 o'clock this morning the Jury in tbe Jaebne trial rendered a verdict oi "guilty." A CELEBRATED CASE. Nelerleua Anna Carr'e ETeatfal Lite A Weald-be Helreaa and Her Treublea. All readers who were in Las Vegas in May, 1883, can readily recall to mind tbe particulars of the murder of Frank Carr who was shot and killed by his wife. Recent proceedings in tbe probata court ot the county have renewed public interest in tbe affair as, Mrs. Carr last week bad Judge Wm. Steele (adminis trator ot Frank Carr's estate) oalled uu to make a settlement. Tbe judge showed up the scoounts to tbe satisfac tion ot tbe oourt but the woman's law yer asked for lime to produoe certain witnesses and the case wes extended. Mrs. Anna Carr' a Lss Vegas reoord is ratber tough and ber vicious propen sities are perfectly developed. She is much under the ordinary standard ol intelligence; ber life and aotions show a degraded cnaracier un ner nrsi coming to Ibis city she lived at wbat is now oalled tbe Delaware honse.on Rail road avenue, as tbe mistress of one Fisher, and for a long time both she and the murdered liarr claimed to be brother and sister. Fisher became dis abled with tbo intimacy of the sud- nosed. brother snd sister and left the town. At tbe following Marcb term of the district court the woman obtained, on tbe around of desertion, a divorce from one R. M. Johnson whose place i f residence was unknown. On March 9.b, 1882, Judge Steele, who being in disposed was at nome, was called upon to unite in marriage Frank Carr and tbe former Mrs, Johnson Tbe ceremony was performed and the happy pair started on a tour tnrougn the eastern states. Tbey were gone two montos ana, as uarr told several intimates on his return, spent some $600. Carr had conducted the Delaware bouse previous to bis mar riage and after getting back looked round for an opening, and as he bad rented out his old place, leased a build ing ou Grand avenue and opened the Delmonico saloon . Here bo' b Carr and bis wile drank to excess, and lived in tbis condition for about three week, when the quarrel ensued in which the woman shot Carr, be dying in about six boars. Several of Carr'a oomrades who were watobing the body drank the liquors from the bar, and while in that condition secured the dead man's nioat valuable effects. As shown by the records the woman was arrested, tried and sentsnoed to two years In tbe penitentiary. There was much frothy sympathy for the mur deress at tbe time of ber trial, but The Gazette put in some sturdy blows lor tbe cause of Justice and oublio opinion eodorxed its action. William Steele! was made Carr's admintra'.or. bot be fore tbe esttle was properly turned over to bim, Mrs. Carr made a deed frr tbe Delaware home property to Lee. Fort and Wbitelaw, who bad conducted her détenos before tbe justice court. Now this transaction will probably csll forth muob litigation, for the statute ot tbe territory say tbat tbe death of tbe testator at the bands of tbe beir, nullities ids rights oi toe latter, ibe question may also be raised, tbat as Carr acquired all of bis property before marriage tbe woman could only have interest by oequest in tnat secured alter their union, it seems that some sharp practice was resorted to by the attor neys. As was published in The Ga zette at the time. Judge Axtell held one ot his "midnight sessions" and at the instance of Messrs. Lee, Fort and Wbitelaw declared ollioially Mrs. Anns Carr to be tbe legal heir ot tbe man sbe naa murdered. Judge Steele, the adrr.jistrator, as shown by the proceedings rf the probate oourt is out of pocket sou: $300 by bis position, as be paid out to tbat am'.uil mom tban the receipts from tue sale of 't-e property realized. Tbis be did wi . tue expectntion of be ing reimbursed by the sale of thu real estate. But Lira. Carr had already con veyed the last n'eoe, a set of Hot springs lots, to A.i'.rney Karnes ot ibis adTABLUBBU I860, J. J. FITZGERRELL, Real Estate -AND- Financial it for Capitalists, Cob. Gband Ave. and Center St. Las Vegas, . New Mexico. A 8PBOI Al.TV M AUK IN INVESTING ANU LOANING MONEY FOB EASTERN CAPI TA 1.18 1 8, or whom i Ravi . a Larue LINE OF COHBKbrONDKNTtt. 1 have UNUSUAL PAUILIHES tor tba IVESl'IUATHIN ofTIfLKS and a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the PEOPLE, enablloa ma to make IN VEST MEN 1 8 of all kinds, such as ine purcoaae or HAMtjii, ukant ana uiTi PltOfhKl Y, andmaiin LOANS lor C API TALINA to bettor Iv ANTAGB tban tbey oan for THKM.Sr LVm. 'there Is a grand ruture before NEW ht SI ICO Buil e9 la beginning to look up rap idly. Now la the time lo make lnveetmeuts be fore prima advance too hlirh There baa Keen a marked improvement In REAL Kol'ATK during tbe paat 60 daye, and therd la no doubt the oom Inn apring will wit neea a aharp advance in REAL ESTATE, when those who mate Inveatmenta in pioperty will renp a rich reward. Tue Incoming tide of bnalneaa Improvement labexlDnlDg to be felt an J will oauae a genu ine boom tbe coming year. Now la the time to Invent. "A bint to the wtae is euffleient." I HAVE FOR SALK one of the beat paying well established manufacturing enterprlaea In tbe Territory, i an be bought to an advantage. 1 H AVa FOB SALE one of tbe beet bualneaa comenta the oity, renting for 20 per oenl oa tbe investment 1 HAVE FoR SALE an elegant piece of real denoe property In aa exoellent neighborhood, that la paying 90 per oent on the Inveatment. 1 have a busineaa opening fot S5.U00 to $10, 000 that la abaolutely safe, and will pay from SO to 89 per oent on the Inveatment. TO BANCH AND CATTLE INVESTORS, I have a fine atooked ranoh for sale that will py a lare-e lotereat on the Investment. Come and eemyllatof grant, ranch and oattle in rest menu before purchasing elsewhere. I HAVE tbe largest line of renta. Improved and unimproved property tor aala to be found in tbe city. FOn BARGAINS of all kinds in HEAL ES TATE oali on FirZGEBBELL, you will find hint alive to bualneaa Interes ta and oourteoua to alb Before Inveating, call and aee him. FlUgerreU's Guide lo New Mexloo. free to til SEALER I FIETE JE WEIaRT op H"7"un.-v i3jaaoijsVA'xou-. watch. Bridge St, Wesi Las Vegas. No. oity, in payment of further legal ser vices. Tbe woman now claims that Judge Steele has beld out large turns from the estate and through her attor ney asks for time to bring from Doming as witnesses two ol the men who plun dered ber husband's effects to prove that there was a large book of aooounts tot which tbe administrator bas never Booouotd. As tt is claimed that these accounts were all against people living in tbis city it might be easier to find someone who bas paid Judge Steele for account of tbe Carr estate. But tbe whole thing it a subterfuge; there wss no snob book at described. Tbe estate without the real estate would not have half paid tbe debts. Tbe wo man is foolish or misguided and should be satisfied at having got off so easily. Sbe should let (well enough alone. A man named Cook is one oi the witnesses cited by the woman, and as thai gootte msn is, under indiotment in this county he will not likely appear. Mrs, Anna Carr is at present an inmate ot a house of no repute m this oity. HIIRO & Bro., Who will Advertise Novelties and Bargains as soon as Tneir new ! Is Complete OWN THIS SPACE. Watch It! ANHEUSER-BUSCH Lager Beer BROWÑE & MANZANARES CO. - Baila Agesta far . Las Vegas and Sooorro. DISTRIBUTING AGENT3 roic Las Vegas Lager Beer. Gold Watches, Diamonds, Silver Watohes, Gold Chains, .Bracelets, Pint and Sleeve Buttons. Silverware. Filigree Jewelry. Repairing of Fine Watches a k SpedaltT. 324 O. k, East Las Vegas.