Newspaper Page Text
CfThe emir t"9" Naw JSeiles) receiving atad t ablUnlng tke tall Aaeaciateel Presa tele graphic revert. EITtBtllOED lilt. Etlatllehaa la the leadlas; city at the Ter rlterr at New IHealca. VOL. XIII. NO. 270. LAS VEGAS, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 18, 1880. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. mm ESTABLISHED IN 1881.1 A A A.THWTRR lililí VLUiJLli 11 XUMJ HAV Money to .Loan OH REAL ESTATE. HAV Unproved and Unimproved Property of every sescriotion In every portion of lbs olty of Um Vegas. GOOD MAXIMS "A food aiU lira Itnsver out of tensón." 'Home U home, be It ever so homely." We es.1 tell you one eheap on muy payments. "He bring! the moat happiness to himself who docs the noel to promote the happiness of others." The motto of our agency. "A good exemp e Is the best lerraon " Pay Tour rent pro tupilf that your days may be long 10 the bouse wherein ye dwell. "There Is a tide in the affairs of mea which, when taken at ihe flood, leads on to fortune." Mow Is the Ume to buy real estate. f4widnMf and wisdom should always ro to gether." Examine our list of property and Invest your surplus earnings in a nioe unte home fur your tam lly . "Have order, system, legularlty, liberality, b remoldes, love for everything that Is good. and you will be happy," If your property Is for . sale and rentals are under our management. ''Good temper Is like a sunny rfay. It sheds Its brightness on everything." We negotiate Vlrat uortean Loans on cltv oronertv auil other real estate at fair rates and without delay. "Ba Tour own meaner and themaaterof your calling, and J on will soon become the master of others," and have money to Invent In "ood Ueal fcttate ir Mortgage Loans through our agency. 'Noising raoeeeda like success." Six rears of honorable and successful dealing is the reaoru. of our agenoy. If this rcord bears your scrutiny favorably, place your property under our manaa-ement. "Promptness begets confidence. Never put off until to-morrow what shonld be dons to dav." esneclailv in the natter of business cor respondence. Jt 11 letters stldressed to any de partment of our agency are answered on the day of Ihelr receipt, whether of much or littlu ImnnrtannA. 'Benefit your friends, that they may love rou still more dearly; benefit your enemies, that they my become your friends," and if you wsnt to but or hell steal Estate, loam or borrow money, jihnt or liasb r notice, amu ly examine the advantages we offer In this lit tle pamphlet and communicate with us at your convenimos, either In person, by mall or tele phone. y COB. 6TH AND DOUGLAf , Opposite the now I rown Stone Opera House. NOTARY PUBXXO. LAS VRJAS. NEW MEXICO B. MILLS, DIALER IN Real Estate CK, PliOVEI 1C.sVNJ1íISS, Bridge Street, near Postotlioe, Las venas, sew aiexicu. All kinds ofl rrltorlal and county bonds and warrants biiustatand -sold, end alt kinds or land scrip buaght and sold vhieli will locale all classes of government lund. silty ini immuI Bfi unimurawiMl ranches for sale in New Mexteo and the Kipublio ul Mexico, em bracing traéis trotn 15,0.0 to 1.000,00o acres esch at from twenty eeuta to one dollar ner acre. Title perfect, gull information sent unon aimlioation.naving busioi'ss conneMlm with attorneys at Washlneion. D. C, we are nn. iwrl ta irive íiarticular attention to prose- tinir aialiui of every description against the United Btutes government. Colections made In anv oartol ine lerniorv. ft CI Of Las Vegas. GEO. J. DINKEL, President. A. A. KEEN, Cashier. CAPITAL - $50,000 TRANSACTS A' GENERAL BANK INU BUSINESS, East Las Vegas, New Mexico, TROPICAL STORE. D. BOFFA.? Bridge Street. Laa Veas, N. M, Tropical and Domestic Fruits lit SEASON. IMPORTED GOODS OF ALL KIND8 Confectionery, CIars, AND TOBAOOO. J. S. ELSTON, PAINTER, PAPER-HANGEB, AND ; ' , .V. DECORATOR, T THOHOUGU WOBKMANSHIP AKD AM PL VACfLITIES. , Dealer In Wall Paper, Glass, Window Sash anp araiufcero muyymm v. mjuwa. Sixth St., Opposite Post Office, 7t- ii till T H HOME RULE Causing Much Disturb' ance in England. Another American Fishing Yes- sol Seized in Canadian Waters Gerónimo Adds Six More Victims to ills List. A New Jersey Coachman Catches An Heiress. la Coagress. 1 Washington, May 17. The house passed the urgency deficiency bill and then passed the senate bill to provide fur the study of the nature of alooholic drinks and narcotics and of their a fled s upon the human system. It is suggest ed that the committee commence its investigations in the balls ot the house and senate, and attempt to quiet the suspioion of the bucoho citizen that a large number of congressmen and senators get druuk on their lirst arrival in Washington, and spend the balance of their term trying to sober up. Frve, of Maine, introduced an amend ment to the shipping bill authorizing tne president to Issue a proclamation whenever he may deem it advisable, to deny to foreign vessels in the ports of the United Stales sucb privileges as are denied iu such foreign countries to vessels of the United States. This is a provision authorizing retaliation for the recent action of the Dominion ot can ada in excluding United States vessels from certain privileges, but the provis ions of Mr. Frye's bill is not confined to Canada but is made general, so as to apply to all foreign countries. i l ue senate pasxnu tne Din authoriz ing juries of the United States civil aud district courts to be used lnterchanga blv and the bill to authorize the state of California to take lands in lieu of the sixteenth and thirty-sixth section where tne same was louna to be mineral lands. Logan attempted to torce through one ot his raids on the treasury in the shape of a bill increasing everybody's pension at the expense of the taxpayer, but before the same was voted on the senate adjourned, and left Lognn no nearer tne presidency man lie was mis morning. senator Dolpb, from the committee on publio lands, reported favorably to day bis bill to authorize the attorney general within six months to bring suits in the United States circuit court for the district of Oregon against all per sons, nrms and corporations claiming to own or have interests in lauds grant ed to the state of Oregon by vnrious acts of congress, to aid in the construo tion of military wagon roads and to ue. termine the proper completion of said roads in ooooroance with tne terms 01 the granting acts and authorizing the court to render judgments declaring forfeited to the United States all sucb lands where the roads had not been constructed in accordance with the re quirements of the granting act. Volunteers to Fight Against Hems Rule. London, May-, 17. Three thousand men, belonging to tbo London voiun teers, and one hundred officers of the samo force, have offered to join any army out in the hold in Ulster in rebel lion against home rule. The volunteers, it is stated, oner to equip themselves and tight in the Ulster cause without pay or reward, so long as their service may be needed. British orangomen are called upon to hold a mass meeting in London tonight, under the auspioes ot the Premier's club, for the purpose of inaugurating a league for the protec tion of the ''unity ot the empire. ' The meetiDg is to be devoted to the eueet- lng ot a preliminary organization, adopting title and agreeing upon the objeots to which the organization is to be devoted, jamones as wen as proi- estantt are to be in the league, it is deoided only to enroll men acoustomed to service. The Standard contains au advertisement for an adjutant for the league. . Lsaltvllls Races. Louisville. May 17. fBe weather today was' pleasant, the track fast and the attendance large. - First race Five furlongs; Braoabar won by a half a length, Jacobin second, Donnybrook third; time 1:13. Second race Odd mile; Revoke won by a half a head, Ascender second, Chance a close third; time, 1.44. Third race For the Kentucky oakes, one and one-half miles; 1'ure Rye won in a gallop by a length, Red Girl second, Ada U. third; time, 8:4.1. Fourth race Une and one-fourth miles: Jim Gray beat Wanderer but was disqualified for sweeping and the race was giveu to anoerer, uiarK second, Barefoot third; time, B.llt, Fifth race Une and one-sixth miles; Volanto won by a length, Spald ing seoond, Editor tniru; time, 1:0U Preparing (or the Vale. London, May 17. It is reported that Mr. Gladstone has replied to the aueen that she must dissolve parlia ment unless the majority against home rule be so great as to justify the oppon ents undertaking the government with a chance of succeeding in passing a lief for Irish legislation. Ministerial ists say that in the event of the bill be itur carried bv a small majority, parlia ment will be dissolved and if the majority against the bill reaches forty tbe ministry win resign. In the house of commons today Mr. J. McDonald, member for Edinburg and St. Andrews universities, presented a petition against granting home rule in Ireland. Tbe petition is signed by 106.849 Scotchmen; it was ono and one' half miles long and weighed 274 pounds. i A Royal Birth. ' Madrid, May 17. Queen Christiana today gave birth to a son. All the royal and foreign representatives were assembled at me paiace. Charchmea In Cenlsraace . Richmond, Va..May 17. At the gen eral eonferenoe of the Southern Metho dist church today it was decided that a certiBcateof church membership should be handed to some other organized hod v within one vear. also that preach ers shall execute an rules fully as re quired by the rules of discipline. The committee having in charge matters pertaining to tbe Uuarterly tieview re commend that it be continued and that the place of publication be changed from Macon, Georga, to Nashville. Tenn. Dr. Hinton. Us editor tor the last tour yeai s, declined to oontinue in charge ot its publioaton au y longer but urgej its maintamanoe by tne book sgency. A resolution was adopted giv ing the board of missions power to ac cept bequests and invest and apply all interest to pay current expenses ot the board ot missions In accordance witn tbe report ot the committee on church extension. Ihe conference created a woman s parsonage department. A spe cial committee was appointed to take charge of the centenary Sunday school lund, now amounting to about SiO.OOO, which sum is to be used tor Sunday schools most in noed. The conference refused to abridge the appointments of presiding elders from twenty to four teen churchs. The committee report to have the board of missions oom posed of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and nine members with Ihe bishops as ex-olucio members was adopted. Preparing te Pnaiah the Anarchists. Chicago, May 17, Judge Roberts today empanelled the May grand jury, hlch is to consider the cases ot the Uaymirket anarchists and alleged bomb throwers. In tbe course of bis instructions to the jury he said: "It Is not only your province to deal with crime which has been committed, but to uphold the principles of Jaw and iu culcate tbe doctrine in tbe men who teach riot, and who incite unlawful gatherings to incendiary acta that they are responsible forme ellects of those rantings. The red flag is a public menace, it is an emblem signifying that no quarter is to be given, and the police have tbe right to suppress these people to prevent tbe commission of crime; they have the right to quell all sunb disturbances, and tbe police, said the chief magistrate, of this city, did their duty when the time came and acted like men. Men haye a right to strike; tbey have a right to quit worn: but when tboy go one step further and say that others have not the right to work, they Violate tbe law and should be punished." A Luckr Coachman. New York, May 17. Society iu Tar rytown was thrown into a flutter ot ex citement this evening by the publio an nouncement that Miss tiracie Morse, t lip eldest daughter of Rey. J. B. Morse, and a niece of tbe late Commo dore Vandarbilt, had eloped with the family coachman, George Minter. Rev. Morse is a missionary preacher, at tached to lilackwell's IslaBd peniten tiary. The family has oue of the most elegant residences in Tarrytown. Miss Morse, now Mrs. Minter, is 22 years old, highly educated and attractive and has been much courted. Minter is 23 yeari old. During the absence of the family today they drove to north Tarrvtown and were married, and returned to tbe house, intending to keep the matter se cret. It became noised about and they lied and are now supposed to be biding in town. The family are yery much angered and humiliated over the matter. f raftrCatttemeu. Denver, May 17. A special to tbe News from Dodgo City, Kansas, says : Many of the cattlemen who removed their herds from the Indian Territory in compliance witn the president s oele brated forty-day demand, have been financially ruined and others have lost severely In being compelled to drive tbeir cattle to distant ranges at tbe very time tbey should be taking oq flesh for marret. Prominent state officials who have been carfully watohing the move' moots ot tbe Uklahoma boomers and other affairj in tbe Indian Territory say: ioday the territory contains more cat' tie than ever before known in tbe his tory of the reservation and the herds are now managed by half breeds in the interest of thosewbo found it necessaiy to change me position oi tne steers in order to secure for them the rich irraz ng lands. A Sunday Murder, Uoboken, N. J., May 17 The dead body of Mrs. Mary Collins was found in her bed this morning. Il was partially dressed and the woman's head was bound with cloths which were soaked with blood. Her skull was fractured and two deep gashes were in 11 io tod on the forehead. It is not known who committed the murder or for what pur- pose tne deed was done. A Heroic Girl. Detroit, May 17. A special to the Evening Journal from St, Louis, Mich., says: Last night Adel Vleit, a drunken rowdy, broke into the house of Samuel Fetters, a crippled ex-soldier. Fetters attempted to defend himself from the attacks made on him by the ruffian but was getting the worst of it when his daughter Nora, aged 17, shot Vleit in tbe side of the head and killed him. . Ahslishln( a Disgraes. ALBANY, May 17. It 100 It S DOW as though the terrors and wrongs tor which Ludlow street jail has Ions: been synonymous in the minds of New York ers will presently join the innumerable caravan of dead and gone abuses. The bill to abolish long-term imprisonments for debt has passed the senate. It is almost certain to again pass the as sembly, Puck Will Miss Him. Denver, May 17. A Springer special to the Republican says; Ex-Senator Dorse v left this morning for Europe. where be has been ordered for a year by bis pbysioians, Mr. uorsov s health for tbe past vear baa been very bad and it is hoped the trip abroad will benefit him. m Another ásaerlcaa Vessel Seizes. Portland, Me., May 17. The re port that the Ashing schooner Ella M. Dougherty, of Portland, Cap tain Warren Dougherty, had been seized by the Canadian government was confirmed this morning by tbe fol lowing telegram to the outfitters ) KnoLishtown, May 16. To C. II. Sergeant, Lord & Skillen, Portland: Uur vessel is seized by this government for buying bait. Our petmit is no good here. See our oolleotor about it with out delay. Warren A. Dougherty. Tbe vessel has a regular permit, signed by Collector Anderson, to touch and trade at all Canadian ports. The following telegram has been sent In regard to the affair: To Thohas F. Bayakd, secretary of state, Washington: Schooner Ella M. Dougherty, of Portland, was seized at Englishtowu, St. Annes, C. ii., for buy ing bait. Had permit from Portland custom oflloeis to touch and trade. Seroeant, Lobo & Skillen. A telegram has been Beat to Senator Frye, calling his attention to the mat ter. There is considerable excitement over the seizure. Live ateck Markets. Chicago, May 17. Cattle Receipts 6,500; market slow and steady. Sbippiug steers, 950 and 1,500 pounds (4. 35(á5 90; stockers aud feeders, 8 00(ó5$4.6u; through Texas cattle, $i.005.05. Sheep Receipts 1,200; maiket stronger. Natives, $5.50(415. GO. A oablegram says: Reports from the British markets this week are much 'more encouraging, with lighter supplies and steady demand at both places. London reports an advance of Ho per pound for ordinary, but for best Ameri can boeves 13T9 per pound, estimated dressed weight; and at Liverpool an ad ance of lo is noted, making for choicest American steers, 13o per pound. Kansas City, May 17. Cattle Receipts, 2,138; shipmeuts, 1,470. Market steady. Choice to fan cy, $5.10t5.80; fair to good, $4.80 $5.05: common to medium, $4(964.70; stockers and feeders, 3.40$4.30; cows, fj (0f3.7o. Sheep Receipts, 711; shipments, none. Market quiet and steady. Com mon to medium, ' $3 00$3.00; good to choice, :j.25gt4 25. Another Canadian Subject. - PrrrSBURG.May 17. Wm. Hamilton, an cmloye of George M. Johnson, real estate broker, has disappeared, having embezzled 650.000 from his employer Hamilton was a prominent membsr oi tne Keystone Literary Circle club and well known here. His lather is super intendent Hamilton, of tbe Allegheny park, wbo will make good tbe u mure penoy in his account, lheyoung man it is thought has gone tiCauada. lha DsTlish Apaahss. Deminq, May 17. A courier hae ar rived at General Miles1 headquarters, bring information that six men were killed in ambuicade by Indians, Names unknown. Reports are being brought into Uemimz that waicb tires have been seen iu tiifit vicinity and are supposed to be fur the purpose of oalling out tbe Mescalero Apaches. It is feivred that more raiding through New Mexico is contemplated by Geronimo's band and oouriers ra being sent out to warn Bettlers. Bass BM St. Louis, May 17. St. Louis, 7 Philadelphia, 4. CHICAGO, May 17. Chicago, 8, Bo' ton, 7. AVATEKI5ÍG PLACE NOTES. tenia Concerning the Hot Sprlugs Las Vegas If. C. Short traveling auditor of the Santa i e, is a guest at tbe btoita, W. H. Patterson, a prominent citizen of Santa re, is among the visitors. Late arrivals are: S. J. Heathooale and wife. New York City, and T. H Scbmidr, Detroit. Judge W. A. Vincent, who is at pres eut stoouine at tbe springs, was on sat urday last suddenly seized witb asevero attack of dysentary. While still quite Hi, be is slowly improving. O H. Baker, a prominent iaweleu of Topeka, Keg., is enjoying tue attract ions of tbe popniar resort anu taking baths for tbe restoration ot bis Health He will remain some time. A I arce number of Las Vega people took advantage ot the pleasant weather which prevailed Sunday to visit tbe Sorincs. and partake ot tbe royal re' past which the company iurnisnes to tbe guests. The accomodations now fnrnished by tbe Hot Springs company are taxed to the utmost to supply the demands ot the numerous s-uesU wbo are dailv ar riving at the resort, but Mr. Meserve's excellent management results in ar ranging everything to tbe entire satig' taction oi tne guests. The slating is now being placed on the roof ot tbe new Montezuma hotel and it calculated to have tbo building completed and r-ady for , the reception of guests by tbe fifteenth ot July. Tbe changes mado in rebuilding assure it beinar absolutely tire-proof, and if possi ble, a much handsomer building than it was before tbe lire. J. H. Galnsly, Albuquerque, loft last nicut for borne. He naa been lor a lew weeks taking baths at the Springs fo relief from rheumatism. When he came he was seriously afilio ted, but whan ha left lest niffht he seemed thoroughly recovered, and walked with ease without a cane. - Col. G. W. Crummey & Sons, are rap idly converting their olnb house at tbe Springs, Into an elegant hotel, whiob they will run on the European plan. With the Colonel's long and successful experience in tbe hotel business, visitors to the resort oan feel assured of splendid accomodations at reasonable rate stopping at tbe Crummey House. E. A Linn, vice-president of the Val- lev Ranchirg company, Glorieta was at thn nnonlar resort yesterday. He awaiting the arrival of his brother W R. .: and John Young, G. A. Sob wartz and A. Q. Qusckenbmh.Chloago gentlemen who are interested in the Valley company, and oame nereier tne purpose of looking over the property and arranging for the stocking of ihe same. Letter Aoat No. 20 EThe following list of letters remain un called for la the post offloe at Las Voras, N. Msy IS, 1880. Pel sons calling- for Ibese letters wilt please say "Advertised and aire the number or the list: 11 iker. Euarene L. Baits, Saoorlllas Buck. J. K Bohiu Anselma Conn, Burk , Follcr, Geo. Hllty Bros. Howard. O. H. l.tnd'ay, Hattle Montoya, Kranol'co McCoy, Mrs, H. M. McOlnneas, Jas. MnKeehan, Hatlie McServey, Mra. Pianert, Henry H. Peck, t outs Roas, Mrs. ii. K. Kouth, Jas. Smith, Miss I.J. Stranley, kittle Trotter, Ale. Carter, Leslie Dioken'on, Ed. tsroves, Scott Harnsot', L I. Howell, Mabel Montoya, Miss Juana Munson, Mrs. Paran McDonald, u. W. McKenna, Frank MoLiiteniln Mrs. Jas. Parker, H. W. Palinfr, Nettie Rodrcques, Jose Ma. Homero, Jose Ma. H si pse, Albert Slivers, Mrs. Trimble, sirs. 31. i. Wilson, Mrs. A. tí. TbANQUIMNO I.iBlDII. I M HiHKY Kuri'NEH. Assistant. if the board of directors are anxious I to haye a tlrst-olass manager take the i Plaza hotel, there are a number of im provements to be made before tbe build ing can be. opened up to Inspection in ! ujn a manner as to impress ursc-oiass men that it can be made a profitable institution run as fa striotly No. 1 hotel. Wo are informed that the board is now discussing tho advisibility ot making a number of needed improve ments, and that if made a good man can be secured to reopen tbe hotel, it is hoped that tbe outlay necessary will not be allowed to stand in tbe way of the possibility of getting the building in the hands of parties whose management will eventually assure a reasonable re turn on tbe large amount of money which the property represents. Equal te tne Fine Imported. tik: ".iirssoix," Is tbe next size to our "Gerster11 and is composed of selected Imported wrap pers and choicest Vuelta Abaja tiller with Spanish workmanship. (On open ing these cigars smokers will ind the filler nicely booked and rolled up in binder s'yfe.) Tbeoniv place they can be obibined in Les Vegas is at Chris bellman's Club saloon. ESTABLISH ED 1850, J. J. FITZGERRELL, TUX XiXVJ: - Real Estate AND Financial Apt for Capitalists. Cos. Grand Avk. and Ckntkr St. Las Vegas, New Mexico. 4 SPECIALTY MAUtC IN INVERTING ANU LOANING MONET r'OU EASTERN OAP1-TAM8-1S, or WHOM I RAVB A LA1WK linkus uouKcsruHimNxa. 1 have UNUSUAL FACILITIES tor the IVEXTIUVHON olTIILES aiidaTHOROOOU KNOWLEDGE of the PEOPLE, enabl ns- me tosaalce IN VESTMEN 1 8 of all kinds, suchas the purchase of RANCH, GRANT and CITY ritumui l. ana tuaiiac uiako ior IAn TALIS! .1 to twit jr ADVANTAGE than they oan for THKMShLVhS. I here la a irraiid future before NEW M KX- ICO. Bilí) .-.efts Is bsKinnlua; to loo up rap idly. Now is the time to snake Investments be foro prioea advanoe too high roeré nas Deeu a warjcea improvement in RKAI, ESTATE during tbe past 0 days, and there Is no doubt tbe oomlnv spring- will wit ness a snarp advance in kkal a.i ATK,wnea those who made Investments In property will rean a rich reward. Tne tnoomlus; tide of business Improvement is oealnnlog to be felt and will oause a genu ine Doom tue oomins; year, now is ine time to Invest. "A hint to the wise Is suffloient." HAVE FOR SALS one or the best navlnc well established manufacturing enterprises in Ihe Territory, ran be bougbttoanadvaiitage. 1 HAVE FOR BALE one o (the best business comers In the oity, renting (or SO per eent oa ine investment 1 HAVE POR SALE an elegant piece oi resi dence property In an excellent neighborhood. tnat IS paying vu per eent uu me luvusiinenw I have a business opening fot S5.00O to (10. 000 that is absolutely safe, and will pay from SO to 26 per cent on the Investment. TO RANCH ANU UATILB, IH VKaTUKES, I have a fine atoeked ranch for sale that will pay a larre Interest on tbe Investment. Come and see my list of grant, ranoh and cattle lureat ments before purchasing elsewhere. I HAVE the largest line of rents, Improved and unimproved property lor sale to be found in the city. Ko KAUíiAi.NS oran sinas id healbb- TATRoallon FITZOBBRBLL, Tou will find Dim alive to business Interest and courteous to all. lief ore Investing, call and see blm. FltzgerreU's uuiüe le New Hezioo. raw to all JT- -w. BARTL.BTT, OP BVBHT Milt St, West Las Vegas. & Bro., Who will Advertise Novelties and Bug-ins as soon as Their new 1 v It Is Complete OWN THIS SPACE. Watch It! UOUIJJ ANHEUSER-BUSCH Lager Beer BROWNE & MANZANARES CO. Role A venta lor ' Las Vegas and Socorro. ALSO " ' ' DISTRIBUTING AGENT3 Las Vegas Lager Beer. H. E. KELLY, (Owner of the UK brand of oattle) RANCH AND CATTLE BROKER. OFFICE: Bridge Street, Opposite PostoBJos. Burreylngby Johh OampbeU.tbe well-known Surveyor. i t THE BREWERY SALOON Sixth! Ma-set, East Las Vegas. : . PfllLIP NELSON, Proprietor. Fresh Ksg User Ceastaatly ea hand at le Csata er Olass. Always on 'hsnd, (the choicest branda of winea, Uauors and olgars. ' Also, a llrst-class lunch oountsr rua la oan neoUon by Emanuel Manca. DHBOIlIPTIOKr, Gold 'Watches, Diamond.,' Silver "Watches.y Gold , Chaina, i Bracelets,' ' ? r ' Pins and Sleeve Buttons, Silverwares Filigree Jewelry. Repairing of Fine Watches , . ' Bpecialtv. ; , SlIIIII to ii . - DEALER IN . . t..;if Ho, 324 R. R, Ave. East las Végás.