Newspaper Page Text
UTls) swly paper la Raw Hexlcs. receiving mm pmbllihlBf ka full Associate Prcaa tela graaklc repert. : ' ESTABLISHED 1ITI. Ef-Fwbllskoal la ka laatsUag city at k Tar rltary at Raw Maxloa. VOL. XIIX-NO. 271. LAS VEGAS, WEDNESDAY JttORNING, MAY 19, 1886. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. rST A BUSHED IS 1M1.I A. A. & J. H.WISE HATE Itlonoy to Loan REAL ESTATE. HÁVK Improved and Unimproved Property of evary (eerlntloa la every portion of taa olty of baa Vasas. " GOOD MAXIMS " "A rood maxim 1 never out of season." 'Huma li boma. In It ever to homely." We ok" Mil you one eheap on eaay payments. "He brings tne moat happiness to himself who doM the oou to promota the happinesa of otbon." The motto of our agenoy. "A rood azamp a If to beat sermon." Pay your rent promptly tbat your days nay be long in tbe house wherein ye dwell . "There la a tide In the affaire of men which, when taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.'' How 1 the time to buy real estate. "Goodness and wlidom hoaid always go to--tether." Examine our liat of property and Invest your surplus earnings la a nloe little home fur your l am lly . "Mare order, system, regularity, liberality, promptness love fir everything that Is good, and you will be happy," If your property la for sale and rentals are under our management. 'Good temper Is like a sunny day, it sheds Its brightness on everything." VTi negotiate First Mortgage Loans on elty property aui other real aetata at fair rates and without alar. "Be your own master end tbe mssterof yonr sailing, and j ou will soon become the master of others," and have money to invest In ood Baal Estate tr Mortgage Loada through" our agency. 'Nothing succeeds like suocem." Six years of honorable and successful dealing Is ths rexrd of our agency. If tbis record bears your scrutiny favorably, place your property under our management "Promptness begets confidence. Never put off until to-morrow what should be dona to day,' (specially in the matter of business oor. respondence. A 11 letters addressed to any de partment of our agency are answered on the day of their receipt, whether of much or linio Impórtanos, - "Benefit your friends, that they may love ! you still more dearly; benefit your enemies, tbat they may become lour friends," and if you wsnt to aor or sell Keal Estate, loah or borrow money, bint or liase a home, kind ly examine the advantages we effer in this Ut ile pamphlet and eomiuuoleate with us at yonr oonvealtnoe, either in person, by mall or tele phone. . . . COB. 8TH AMD DOUGLAS, .rppoalte the new i'rown Stone Opera House. NOTARY PUBLIC. LAS VEGAS. NEW MEXICO T. B. MILLS, DSALIR IS) Mines, Real Estate LIVE STOCK, '. "v . IMPKOVED RANCHES, 30Xw oa Brklae street, near Postofl)oet.M f, Kaw JaaatasaT.' -,; . . , All kinds oft rrrttorisl snd eonnty bonds and warrants bong bland sold, and all kind of land scrip bought and sold which will locate all oleases of government land. I ifty Im proved and nntmproved rsnobes for sale In New Mexico and ilia Hepubllo ol Mexico, em bracing tracts lrom 26,0.0 to l,000,O0u sores esoh at from twenty oenta to one dollar ver acre. Title perfect, full Information sent upon application. Having business connection with attorneys at Wsshlnaton.'D. O., we ara nnnarad ta ai ve nartlculsr attention to orose- ting cistma of every description agaiaat the umiea males govvrnnteui. voioouuns udu, iu anv oart of the i'errllorv. Tit Of Las Vegas. GEO. J. DINKEL, Presideot. A. A. KERN, Caabior. CAPITAL - - $50,000 TRANSAD PS A UENERAIV BANK ING BUSINESS, East Las Vegas, New Mexico, TROPICAL STORE. D. DOFFA, Bridge Street, Las Venas, N. M. Tropical and Domestic Fruits IN SEASON. IMPORTED GOODS OF ALL KINDS Confectionery, Cigars, AND TOBACCO, J. S. ELSTON, PAINTER, III M ..: PAPER-HANOEB, " . -.7 ASD ,.,7.t j DECOEATOR. , THOKOUOH WORKMAJfHIF AID AM PLC FACILITIES. Dealer la Wall Paper, Oleas, Window Bash, "appointors supplies of all kinds. ' Sixth St., Opposite POBt OfflM MAXWELL CONFESSES. To llaring -Murdered C. Arthur Preller. Senator Lamar on the Reported Resignation of Sparks. ; lh Atrlcan Methodist's Resolu tions ou tbe Strike. . A Western Senator Standing by Delegate Joseph's Bill. The Basalt at Yesterday's Base Ball James, aatt Otate Iteaseaf New. Senator JBowsn on the Edmunds Land Bill. Denver, May 18. A Republican's Washington special sayi: Senator Bowan states that he does not favor tie Edmunds bill to settle private land claims in New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado (or the reason that, although tne bill confers jurisdiction apon the courts to inquire into all matters, it nevcrinaiess attempt to adjudicate by fixing limitations upon the grants in lien of permitting the coarta to deter mine the entire rights of parties. For this reason he prefer the bill recently passed by the house creating a board of commissioners with recourse to the courts to review the matter of the re action or confirmation of anv claim made by tbeoommissioa and which im post) no restriction upon the area or other property rights, but permits the claim to be adjudicated wholly upon tbe facts and law. , Tbe house bill is now being consid ered by the senate private land claims committee. . Congratulation over Sparks' Beported Re signation. ... Washington, May 18. Secretary Lamar says that since the statement was widely telegraphed that Commis sioner Sparks intended resigning his position,! hha received hundred of letters from the northwest in which the writers congratulated both themselves and tbe government apon Gen. Sparks' speedy retirement. It is -Secretary Lamar's belief thai, in the great major ity ot cases, these letters are written by land shark and others who have grown rich throuirb illezal transactions in Dub- lio lands. He says no honest bona tide settler has anything to fear from Com missioner Sparks or any rulings be may mase ana mat ue not only uas not re quested the oommisiioner'a resigna tion, Pat that be (Lamar) would vigor ously protest if Gen. Sparks shond Ul timate ma intention oí aoing so. , i ACaMWheraOa'DM Not Slake Things Baa Smoothly. Pitts bubo, May 18. Joseph Craig, head of the oil firm whion failed today, since he ha been in business for him self, has been at times one of the most important factor in the oil market, ilia transaction were enormous, bold and well Planned. A near as oan be estimated tbe firm was "long" about 250,000 barrels and tbe differences will amount to from f 100,000 to 1133.000 Member ol tne nrm say tneir oneck will go through the clearing house all niiht tomorrow and in a few days they will be able to resume. The firm has large interests in Kanefleld and Wash ington county, -as wen as otner property and will be able to meet ait claims opon it in lime. Base Ball. Chicago, May, 18. Washington, 0; Chicago, 7. Detroit, may its. uetroit, i; rnua- delpbia. 0. NewYobk.Mbv 1?. Brooklyn, 12; St. Louis, 7. Kansas City. Hay is. New xork, 7: Kansas City, 8. BLATIMObk, may Baltimore, o; Cincinnati, 4. Nkw zobk, May ib. jnetropoiiuani, M: Pittsburg, 4. rBILDKLPHIA, May 18 LiOUISVUM, V; Athletics, 11. St. Louis, May 18. -St. Louis, 14; Boston, 8. ' - Louisville Baees. Louisville. May 18. The weather today was warm, track fast. The at tendance was large. The first race, i mile, Prodigal won, Jacobin second, Laredo third; time .49. The second race, li miles, Eudurer won, Porter Ashe seoond. Katrina third; time 1:67. Tbe third race, for tbe Louisville cup, 2f miles, Lucky ti. won easily by a length, Panka sooond, Irish Pat a bad third; time 4 :08T. , The fourth race, U miles, Teat won, Conkling second, Soverign Pat third; time 2:10. Tbe fifth race, 1 1-16, May Lady won, Jim Nave second, Fabiu third; time, l:50f; - .. The Mexican War Pensions. Washington, May 18. Tbe senate committee on pensions voted today to postpone indefinitely consideration of the house Mexican pension bill and to report as a substitute substantially the Mexican war pension bill passed by the senate last session. The oommittee is opposed to granting pensions simply for service and insist upon making de pendence and . disability necessary qualifications of the pensioner. , ' . Confirmations. . Washington, My 18. The senate today confirmed among others the fol lowing: General W, S, Roseorans to ha raffistar of the treasury : Edgar S, Wilson, to be register of the land office at Cheyenne, Wyoming. Postmaters California: J. E. Ward. Modesto; R. D. Stephens, Sacramento; J. Li. oproui, unioo; J. a major, Bea ding; W. Leeis, Santa Barbara; W. N. Woodson, nea oiua, - R 11 iloas Coons on the Strikes. Mattoon, 111., May 18. The Spring-! field district conference of the African Methodist church has adjourned, but! not before going on record on the strike question. When the oommittee on the state of the oountry reported, there were utterances that were neither patriotioio sentiment nor plou inspirit. In re ferring to the reoent ttrikes and dyna- luiavio uBTetopmenis may aeoiarea tney bad no interest in tbe affair. They said: "It Is not our fight. It is the white man's fight, and when Ureek meets Greek then comes the tug of war. Let the fur fly. For 200 years we were an oppressed peopie unuer cue iron neei of mo people. We are now free, though still negleoted. The little beroio bands of hiaratiion and Thermopylae displayed an unconquer able spirit, and we may be called to re peat it, only on a larger and more terri ble scale, to our foe." Speaking of the recent troubles in Chicago and the op pression of the colored man, a reverend brother said: -'The white people have been sowing the wind and are now-reaping the whirlwind. Let them reap iu" , Eviction In Ireland. Dublin, May 18. The correspondent of the New York Herald cables to tbat paper as follows: Heartrending detail have Just reaobed hereof the evictions on the estate of Lord Reniñare at Head ford, near Killarney, in tbe oounly Kerry. While he, as lord chamberlain, is attending the queen at the Liverpool festivities, and eniovinir the srood thinsrs of life, the sheriff and bailiffs, baoked by ninety-seven policemen, nave been turn ing out a large number of his tenant of the poorer Kind, who are undeniably unable to pay anything, the asnal con oomltants of sympathizing neighbors and the exasperated people fighting the police. The most aggravating oase is that of Jeremiah Callahan, who had eight children, all nnder 12 years of age,. who, turned out on tne roadside, cried and sorrowed o piteousiy as to move even the police. The bouse wss a poor, old plaoe, but they knew it as their nome. , At another bouse, - that of a woman named O' Conor, the occupant was very 111. and a consultation was had. but as it was concluded she would not die, (be was seC on the roadside, being removed in her bed. Owing to the re sistance, they only averaged nine evic tions per day. ixrd Henmare will soon be evioted himself from the ministry, owing to what he calls "conscientious soruples" against the Gladstone meas ures. - 1 - . Live Stock Market. Kansas Citt, May 13 Cattle Receipt, 1,505-, shipments, none. Tbe market under ligbtjreoeipts was strong and aotiye. Cboioeto fan cy, 5.0C$5.80; fair to good, ftl 6U 95.05; common to medium, $44 60; stockers and feeder, f3.4Uil.30; cows, 92.80$3.75. . Sbeep ReoeiDts, 835; shipments, none.-Market firm and active. Com. mon to medium, 2.003.00; good to ohoiceA3JS5tjl 25 . s -r,-.,i, - Chioaoo, May 18. Cattle Receipts, 5,400; market brisk and firm.' Shipping steers, 950 and 1,600 poonds.93.00O94.75; through Tex as cattle, 93 5095.25. Sheep Ueoeipu 1,100; market anohanged. Natives, 93.50$5.65. . Wine Makers In Session. Washington, May 18. Tbe National VitioaUursl association assembled here today and the commissioner of agricul ture delivered the opening address, Which uninteresting matter the As sociated Press agent at Denver had tbe gall to send Tbe Gazette. Ed. Blow Them Up With a Bomb. Cleveland, May 18. For ten days past a croup of German anarohista have been holding meetings on the west side and calling on all persons of their stripe tu arm with gunsland bombs. Todav Mayor G. W. Gardner issued a procla mation lorbidding suon meetings. An Kzhlbltoa by Brutes. Dxntxs, May 18. Today article were signed for a glove match to a fin ish between John P. Clow, ohampion ot Colorado, and Peter McCoy, of New xork. me matón, to tana piace in tbe Battery D armory. Chicago, on June 21, for 91,000 a side. The War Against the Apaches. To the Editor of Thb uasbtt. It is refreshing to learn from Bowie, Arizona, of the enterprise of General Miles, In looking after the . hostile Apaches. . He is said to have troops at every water hole, on a line from Dem- íog to Benson. Arrangements are made with the railroad oompany so tbat he can have a train at bis oommand in two hour. The very night alter the last depredation near Nogalei, he had troopsi transferred to Dragoon Summit, twenty miles, and so atationed as to cut off the hostile from the north, and tbe next morning the ' troop were at Nogalei, a hundred mile. The only thing tne nostue could ao was to re treat into Mexico. Arrangement are now made with the - authorities in So nora to furnish supplies, and fighting Captain Lawton, with eighty picked men and twenty scouts, - with oarte blanche as to expense, is in pursuit, and may go to the Gulf of California. Three oompanies ot Apache soouta have been disarmed and sent to the reservation. Orders have been given for tbe enlisting a company of Papago scouts, tbe natural enemies of the Apaches. The discipline enforced may be inferred from the faot that General Miles has requirsd the in fantry to make marohes of tbirty-five mile a day over the mountain, to. pre pare them lor paining tne b ostites. A cavalry captain, who with hii com mand was commanded to make fifty miles one night, and tailed to do it. was deprived of bis oommand tbe next morning. On one occasion General Miles, who is a telegraph operator, re mained by the machine lor twenty-tour hours, to receive intelligence and give orders. Tbe Heliograph signal servioe works well. The people in Anions nave tue fullest oonnoenoe in mi mm tary department, and take leu interest than the) did in Col. Bean's resolution in oongnss to offer 945,000 reward tor uerommoj j. ., .' MAXWELL'S STATEMENT. H Aekaaw leasjee nta Want assa Makes ata Iaarealaas Statement. Bt. Locis.May 18. The Post-Dispatc-h today prints a statement by H. M. Brooks alia Maxwell, now on trial for tbe murder ofC. Arthur Preller, whiob will constitute hi only defence and Which will be urged by his attorneys in the trial. In a word be will confess to killing Preller by accident, while acting as his . physician and says that being frightened he oonoealed Instead of making- known tbe fact of bis death. He declares he alwaVs wanted to tell the f atas and only refrained from doing so by the advice of but attorneys. The following is the gist'ot . . f 1 BROOKS' STATEMENT: Mr. Preller was suffering from a private disease, for whiob 1 bad pre- lously prescribed, mixing the med- Vioiaes myself Irom tbe bottles In tbe meiicioe chest I carried with me; bat his ailment had reaobed a stage when it waa necessary for me to make certain investigations. 1 was obliged to use a oatetur and in using the uaiheter.wheu ma parts were inuanieu, 1 nau pre viously , ' APPLIED CULO BOFORM in Arder to oroduoe a coidition of 11 a r- ooiis. I explained the process to frailer and told hint what I should have todo.- He was not only willing, but was very anxious for me to treat him in this manner, Brooks then tells of the purchase of the chloroform which was spilled ou Sunday morning while he was washing his instruments prepar atory to his operations; and of bis go ing to ernow's drug (lore and buying more. He denies inchleutally the state ments that he there showed eyidences of hurry and exoitemant and continues: About 5 p. in., 1 began the operation. I administered tbe chloroform in tbe usual way, holding a saturated sponge to bis nose. Mr. Preller passed through the first st age all right. It took sev eral moment, 1 do not Know exactly how long; then he entered the second stage and here the terrible result came. I discovered too late that he was dying. Imagine my horror when this fact dawned upon me. I was .' WILD WITH FRIGHT bat had presence of mind enough to cut bla shirt and undershirt from bis body and get a wet towel and beat bitu around the neck snd shoulders for a half an hour or more. I did not give in tintil I was ready to drop from ex bRustion, and my efforts were not re laxed until be had been dead for some time. All tbe clothes he bad on at the time were bis shirt and undershirt, lie had stripped (or the operation. What did I do when I saw my friend was dead What could 1 do I did not know what to do, exoept to drink, and I drank freely; I drank everything 1 oonld get wine, whisky and evertbiog! What were my thoughtsP I bad not any. All 1 remember is that I drew on a pair o.'. drawer J, the ral, thai fail into ruy bands, and put the body into my trunk trom which I had removed everything. What was done beside tbis I bave no recollection of, LIO.UOB AND CONSTERNATION had possession of me. I knew only that my feelings were those of the ut most horror. I remained in my room that night, tbe same room in which the remains were, and it would be a lie for me to say I slept, for I did not: and I was glad when morning oame. What 1 did after leaving my room you know, for it has all been printed. He says be supposed the post mortem examination when the body was found would disclose the nature ol the opera tion and cause of Preller' death. Ac cording to bis own story the cutting off ot rreller s moustache, and the inscrip tion about "traitor," found in the trunk, and all tbe other queer incidents oonnected with tbe tragedy, are to be attributed to his liquor and fear-crazed condition after the latality. A Heavy Judgment) New York, May 18. The trial of tbe suit of Jas. H. Goodsell, to recover 9250,000 damaces from the Western Union Telegraph oompany which has occupied a jury in Judge O'Gorman'a court during the past two weeks was thi morning closed by a verdict for Goodsell for the full amount, to which was added 91,750 for counsel fees. Tbe damage were claimed by Goodsell for a breaoh of contract, tbe Western Union having tailed to make good a oontraot Goodsell held with the Atlantio & Paoifio Telegraph oompany, which the Western Union leiegrapa oompany absorbed. - '.The Fighting Irlah. New York, May 18. Relative to the oable dispatch received today to the effect that the Ninth regiment, and Clan Nagael had offered to send lou men to impose nome rule on uisterii tney re belled against the same, an oflloer of the regiment now serving said there was -110 truth whatever in it. Similar denials are made for tbe Clan Nagael. . Opposed to Home Bule. London, May 18. The South London Liberal Union has forwarded oopiea of a series of resolutions to Mr. Gladstone, Lord Hartington, Mr. John Morloy and Mr. Chamberlain, in whioh tbey say that the principles of tbe liberal party are opposed to the nome rule am and tbat the establishment of home rale weuld result in the dismemberment of the empire. The Maeaaehueetta Idea. , Washington, May 18. Senator Hoar presented a petition today from the New England Methodist Episcopal con ference, urging the United States to en force the terms ot the Chinese treaty so as to protect the lives and property of Chinese unjeots in roe uniteq otates. A $10,000 Maro. Louisville, May 18. J. B. Haggin. .the California turfman, this morning purchased for 910,000. the brood mare Maud Hamoton. ot Major B. G. Thomas, near Lexington, She Is tbe dam of Ban Fox, Haggins- oracK ooit. Tha Load Market, New York, May 18. Lead is quoted -1 A. I.V ft f U . .nln . From the Shorldaa Mine. St Louis Republican. Mr. Hua received a letter from Joe Sheridan yesterday in which be said that mora horn silver had been struck, lsrge quantities in sight, and loosing fine. Joba A. Miller, of the Peaoock mine, aaitl that tbe contractor on the 200-foot tunnel of the Sheridan brought down some beautiful pieces, showing born silver throughout the rook. Su perintendent George writes tbat the supposed wall rock at some distanoe irom the train level has proved to be a rich streak, and not a hanging wall, but a good showing for chlorides, or horn sliver, in fine streaks all through the rook. Samples brought down by the contractor, (nd tbe talk of tbe men engaged on ths shift, euourage ouo, ana era very oocvinaing that the whole blow out will be run through the mill at an excellent profit. Eeaal the Fine Imported. THI! ,HILSSO!,n Is the next size to our "Gerster" and is composed of selected imported wrap pers and choictst Vuelta Abajo tiller with Spanish workmanship, (On open ing these cigars smokers will find the filler nioelv Duoked unrl r,llpri 11 n In binder style.) iheoniv place they can be obtained in Lbs Vegas is at Cbrls Sellman'i Club saloon. 1 aSTABUSaaD isso, J. J. FITZGERRELL. TUB IjXVüI Real Estáte -AND- Financial kd for. Capitalists, Cos. Grand Ave, and Center St. Laa Vegas, New Mexico. aSPBOIAüTVHAUM IN INVESTING AKli LOANING MONEY FOB JCASTKItN CAPI- Í A LISTS, or WHOM I HAVB A LaKUK INK OF COitHKBPoNDKNTü I bare UNUSUAL FAUIMX1KS tor tbs rVRSTIQATION olTlrl.Krt and aTHOROUttii KNOWiiltuuH or the rEUfU5, enabling me tornase LN VESTMKNiS of all ktoile, such as tht purchase ot RANCH, GRANT and CITY PIIOHKHTY, and making LOANS lor CAPI TALISTS to bettor ADVANTAGE than ther oan for THRMSKLVKB. I here Is a grand future before NEW MEX ICO. Bualuess Is beginning to loos op rap idly. Now Is the time to snake lrivestmeabi be fore prloesadvanos too higb There bas been s marked Improvement lv REAL it STATU during tbe past 0 daye, and thnrd lanodoubtlheooraioH spring will wit aasessbarsi advance In RKAt. kBTATal,WBu those who made investments la proporty will reap s rioh reward. Tee Incoming title of bnslness Improveveat ta beginning to be feltend will oause a genu ine boom tha oomlng year. Now is tbe time to Invest. "A hint to tbe Wise Is auffloient." I HAVE fOK BALK one of the' best paying well established manufacturing enterprises la the Territory. ( an be bought to an advantage, I HAVki FOB 8 ALU one of the best business coiners in tbe oity, renting for SO per oent on tbe Investment 1 HAVB F iR SALE an eleirant pieos of resi dence proporty in an exoellent neighborhood, hat la paylosr SO per oent on tbe Investment. I have a bualnosa opening fot 5,000 to $10, 000 that is absolutely safe, and will pay fross 40 to X oer oont rn the Investment. TO RANCH AND CATTLE INVESTORS, I have s tine stocked ranoh for sale that will py a lartre Interest on the Investment. Come and saemyllatof grant, ranoh and oattle In rest menu before purchasing elsewhere. 1 HAVE the iargeat lino of renta, Improved and unimproved property for sale to be found Id the city. FOn BARGAINS of all klnda In REAL ES TATE call on FITZOERRELL, vou will ttnd hlra alive to buaineaa lntereate and oourteous to all. liefore Investing, call and aea him. rttaiferreLl'e Guide lo New Mexico, fra to all Park Drug Store Second door trom Post Office. S.J. NORTH & BR0. PUHH Drugs, Chemicals. Prescriptions a Specialty . OPEN ALL NICHT, Cholos Wines and Liquors for Medical furposes. A FINE UNE OF CIGARS. DEALER IN Ol1 HVBHY DXaOnXFTXON. .' , WATat . "a1&, J' ; " Bridge St, West Las Vegas. Na. - tfV I I IBSaVI ffi W. m?f " Tra v fA Kill ' 5 Bro., Who will Advertís NoVwltles and Bargains as soon , as Their nevr " Is Complete , ) . : OWN THIS 8PA.CE. iWatoMt! : antIEüser-Büsch; Lager Beer BROWNE & MANZANARES CO. Sole Agestts for - t Las Vegas and . Sooorro. "7 ' ALSO ' DISTRIBUTINGr AGENTS Las Vegas Lager Beer. II. E. BELLY, (Owner of tbe MK brand of oattle) RANCH AND CATTLE BROKER. ' ... i . OF FIGS: Bridge Street, Opposite roete ffloe. Surveying by John CampbeU.tbe well-known Surveyor. THE BREWERY SALOON Sixth street, Esta Laa Vetas. ' rflILIP WELSON. Proprietor. Freak Keg Bear Caastaatly ea band at Five Casts per Alaae. Always oa band, the choicest brands 'bf wines, liquors and olgara. ; . Also, a first-class lunob counter run 1 eon neooon by Emanuel Manca. ' Gold "Watches, Diamonds, Silver. "Watches, Gold .Chama, Bracelete, . -..-( . . . Pins and Sleeve Buttons. on. - 1N1li T.n.l SUVO. w a,At7, cuiim ivhvu;i Repairing of .Fine "Watches a Specialty. 324 R. it. Ave. East Las Vegas. Wig T Stl0UISlM0. ,, J - V ' 1 ISP 1" 1 ' '1