Newspaper Page Text
-C A , I i.i: . . I .,'1 .;. ' ' ' ' ' ' " COT ir way Raw Mnlca rarrMmm - I MT4BUIHE 11. t if -r T " pnbll.ktias; tk full Aseevciated Press tele graphic re rf. , i - , ' ? tl-rufcHL. i ka laslag city at the Ter. ritery fNeve Bs'exie). VOtl XIIÍ.-NO. 272. LAS -VEGAS, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1886. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. t)dfe. ', - (ISTABUSBRB IN MM ' i 1.Á.SJ.H.WISE HAVE r ' " I '"f'l uonoy to Xioan ESTATEJ: :!$ Improved i vetas provea property or every ámorlotioa a lif aortl la Vega. t,; lion -f r tne. otty of a 4 GOOD MAXIMS "A Raid n,axlna Is nstarsutkf 1 eav. Mil you one ocean oa hit Davmsutt. "He briaga Ik moat happiness to himself -who doM in most to promote the happiness of othsrs." Tba motto of our agroy. ... good stamp a U ths beat aenuon." Par pour rant promptl teal your day may be lone la the house wherein ye dwell. . - Í. "There ie a tide in the affaire of mea which, whsa tasan at the flood, lead on to fortune.' ' Sow wins urae to boy reel estate. "Goodness ana wisdom thonM always go to atbatvi' Examine our ktt of property and invest your aurplua earnings la a nloe Uttie ansa lor yoar tamily. -v . 'ave order, system, Vgularity. liberality, roaaptaea stove fc vsry thujas- th i ood. and you will be barpy. If your property la for ale and réntale ara under our nuuwKenient, Qood temper la Ilka a auouy rtay. It ahedi tte brlahtntH on ev-rytulog." We nefotlate f i tint Mortgfr Leant on city property aud ' " atnar raai auto l ttlr aie ana, without ala. ' ' i "Be roar own mil ir and tbe mutarof n- ealUnar, knd jou will Boon beooma tnaavaataH or otnera," ana nave money to invent in-mod Kaai nauta ir Murtirag i ana through pur aawncy. noiarai nt taoeerae lite ucea." Six yean il of Donor aoie anu auooeasiai aeatinv la tbe It tbla record bears your acrutlny favorably, plaoe four property . under our tnanaxemeot. "Promptteai bexata oenflilenie. Wever put oC natlt t04norrow weal eaonld ba done to-. day," eapaolally rn t&d niaMer of buaineai tor- reapondtoee. A 11 letter! addremed to an y de pamnanioi our agency are anawerea on tne day of their receipt, whether of muok or HMlti Importance. "Benefit your f rhndi,' that they nay love i fan atlU more dearly boneflt your enomiea, ; that they mv bocome, tour f rienda." and if you want t buy ar entx Ueal Estate, loah or . BOBien money ,.uht or ijahk a aouee, Kin a - it examine the advantaeea wa 'effer In our lilla, and communicate wilt us at yoar con voit nee, eitner in peraon, ny man or tete- COR. 8TH AHD DOUOLAt, - rttppualte the new i rown Btoa Opera Ilonae. NOTARY PDBIIO.- I.A8 "VEGAS, . -NE.V MEXJCO 1 ti ANHEUSER-BUSCH V BROWNE & MAM2ANARES CO. Sol Acanta t' ; Las "Vegas and Socorro. also . , . ', DI3TRIBUTINQ AG-EWTá "" rou " las Vegas. Lager Beer. Tl6 Cil! . Oí Lp,8 Vecas. t' -a . w - akjaraBaaBaaaa GEO. J. DLSKEL, Pregidant. . r , , A. A. KEEN, Cashier. CAPITAL- $50.000 TRANSACTS A GENERAL, BANK. ING BUSINESS, - .. East Las Vegas, New Mexico, Deutsche Gastliaus Bidiia St, Las Vega. Boarding by the veeek, day or meal, Good victuals well cooked. Ojean beds nicely kept. ... ;. r-,- -,- . . , 85 cis. a meal, 85 eta. a steel, ar per week, reemralns; anal lexlf Ing, H. HILOERS. ilje; helly, 7 (Owner of the UK brand of cattle) RANCH AND CATTLE BROKER. OFFICII Bridtra Street, Opposite Pot to (Bee, Burreylnf by Jobb OampbeU.the well-known Surveyor, , Beey i LOGAII, THE TRClEil. Ills Néwffehecíes to Catch Votes In 1888. í.'-j: A Ureal Strike Impending on t&e v;.i Boi jtoyáuy Received by th I Katonitei. i Tha Raanlt ftf thA Rarflaaad Kaaa f 7 . J A lacellMea CalleeUam f Iiaaef eiUnf Happeialaida Taaterdaiy. Logan's Mew Vota-Catehlng ' Waíhinotoií My l-6eaU)r Ld f a preiented in toe aenkte) t6day m a ubstltuU" for Ue'Ikbof arbltraiioQ bill Which recentíj passed the houM, a bill apbiosia eobstsuioe provides u follows: for a commission of arbitration to be appointed by tbe president, and to ooBiiatoi Uve member. ' One member to be eeleoted from tixo republican oreanizatioa, one member from tbe democ ratio orijaniiaiioe, one member wbo is not recognized as a member of either of the two politics! organiza tions,' ope. member from tbe olasa of citizens experienced 'in tbe menaapr ment and operation of railroads and in the transportation of property and pai- seogecs.. but. not. la. Uta employ or connected with or interested in any railroad corporation or ' com pany, or engage in any business connected with she transportation of persons and property, and one member J no ia t ,-. iDERTirigD KsrrciAU-r. with tbb i .'LABOR rNTIRSSTS, . and having a full; knowledge of the éonditioaa and the employment ot tae laboring people.-' The persons', com prising tbe commission shall be men having superior intelligence as to the industrial and laboring interest! of the oountry. The usual provisions con cerning salary, clerks and traveling ex penses, etc, Uien follows. It Is made the duty of tbe commissioners to meet and organise as soon aa may be after their appointment for tneipurpose of hearing and determining euoh matters and dif ferences between transportation com panies, either by land or by water, and their employes, as shall be submitted to them for arbitration. Such sabmis sion to be In writing and signed by tho parties to the controverjy. In all caass submitted for arbitration the parties t the same are required tosiga au agree ment to jmbaau ,tn tbe award or the commission, fctery hoaring and de cisión shall be in a summary and in formal way, aooordlng to the prioiples of equity and jujtioe applicable to the circumstances in the case, and each party shall be given a fall OPPOBTDSrrr TO BÍ BIAKD in person and by witnesses and shall have the right to be represented by a counsel, - After concluding the bearing of any controversy, he commission shall make its report in writing, with tbe Binding of fact npon which it is based the majority of members oononr fing therein, and immediately transmit the same, with a copy of all the evi dence, to the president ot the United Stales, who shall make the report pub lic as soon as received. A copy of tbe award shall then be transmitted to tbe district oourt of the United States in the district where the controversy arose, and it shaH be spread upon the records of tbe court and have tbe same binding force and effect at, a dooreeof tbe court, and ahall be enforced in the same way. The commission ia empowered to visit any plaoe where controversies may arise and- it may take testimony, hear oounsei and make its decision at any plaoe it may think best. It shall report through tbe president to congress the result of all investigations with all the testimony, In every action In referenoe to each controversy that comes before it it may require United States mar shals to serve process. WTTNESSIS SHALL ALSO DERIVE FEES. The commission shall possess all sucb owers to administer oaths, etc, as be ong to United States commissioners. It msy npon any serious difference or dispute on aocount of wages, oppres sion or wrongs oompiamea or by em. ployea or employers repair to tbe place where suob complaints arise and make a full examination and Investigation of tbe same and report to congress through the president.-. The total expense of tbe performance of such Huties shall not exceed $50,000 per year. Tbe com missioners f arbitration shall hold their officer for three years, unless sooner removed by the president for good and sufficient eause. . . . : 'Vi f-' Hora Murders by the Apaches. Í ; Nogales, Arizona, ', May 19. Two sons of Uaptaln and Bade White, on their way to the Agua Zarca ranch, their home, were murdered yesterday by Indians, one mil sontb of "here. Three- horses, , bearing empty saddles, ran into Pianoho do flato this morning; the same noises bad passed an hour be fore bearing two men named Sullivan and Moores and a courier riding toward Nogales trying to overtake tbem All are believed to have been killed. Oscar Darwin and hi partner, prospectors, are also reported murdered. Uantain Lawton . is in close pursuit.; The In dians have a number of wotmded in tbe Huaeomia mountains, and Lawton, it is expected, will otertake tbem there . . in "j.j How MUas Manases tita Campaign-. , 8an Francisco, May 19. A Chroni cle's Tombstone, Arizona, speoial says: Captain. Keys and Lieutenant Ward have been arrested by order of General Miles for dilitorines in proceeding to the assistance of Captain Lebo during tbe latter' recent engagement with the hostile at Calábase. Tbey have been taken to tort Grant and their com. maud turned oner to Captain Lebo. Another Great Oerike Impeadlnf. PtmiüEO, Pa. , taay 19. The largest and moat Important tabor movement of tbe season ia being worked up by tbe employe of th Pennsylvania railroad. 9o quietly baa the matter been eon ducted that UtOv official were ignorant aoAil today --that aw petition was being oircula ted ..among Iheir employes, and tifraed by nearly all to whom i was pre ai ted, asking tot In adVanc of 10 per ent in wages, and also blading the I sigbera to join tbe Knlgbtaof Labor. It is understood , táat similar petitions are being circulated at different points along tbe Pennsylvania railroad. The petitioner baee -their claim on the ground that there has been n general demand for ahoxter, hours In other lines of business, and that they are Justified in asking for a proportionate advance in wages. . It Is understood that the offi cials will be giyen reasonable time for tbe consideration ot the petitions. In oa ot lwtaaal a peremptory demand will be made, to be followed by a strike if ooerciou should be neoeeaary totue os The movement embraces passen ger and freight men and all employed in the yard. . Te Stock Markets.' " '" , - . ' Chicago, May 1. Cattle Reoeipts,7,500; market slow and ltfo lower, dosing very wea. Ship ping steers, 930 and 1.500 pounds. $1.50; tocErs and teeaera, fs.oufa 4.75; through Texas cattle, $3 ?5(9 i.vs. Sheep Recelóle. 1.400: market strong and n skade higher. Nati vé, $.60($o.7S; Texas, $.10$3.U0; all shorn. ' ' r f . t Kama City, Mayl9 Cattle Receipts, 9,983. Tbe market was slow and QctSlOo lower on abipoing grades, bat on butcher's stuff and oows Sas fairly activa tboueh 6o lower, hoioe to fancy. $5 05u3$S 95; fair to good, $4.75$i.00; common to medium, $3.95(3 $4 60: stockers, $140$4.00; oows $.608 96. Sbeep Receipts, 911: market firm; choice muttons, $.25$4.25; common to medium, $3.00$3.OO. Tbe) Kx-Fmldean la Dan rex of Collapse ti S U Ú ; Any Time. . ., Hew York, May 19, Kx-preiident Arthur ia worse now than he ha been for orne time, He suffers severely from ,, pain in his back, and it is reared that be may have been oxposed to a draagbt, and so caught oold. Tbe manner in which his system succumbs to tbe slightest baneful influences is thought to indicate that the improve ment which ha been noticeable in bis ease for the last ten days ha only been fiotitioos, aud that there ia danger of a sudden collapse at any moment, Ex-President Arthur took a drive yes terday in Central park. This was hi first -outing since his illness hos ss aumad an alarmias character. , " '' The LonlBTllle Baeeá. Louisville, May 19. Tbe .tbr was pleasant and the track fast. rirsi Taoeviannessee stakes, three quarter of a mile; Poten won by i length, Hlnda, 'eeoond; Bnc-a-Brae. third. Time, 1:16. seoona race Mile heats; first heat Adrian and Malv ran a dead heat, the reel, uietauuou. jume, i:pu, Malva WOU the seoond heat in 1:481, and had a walk over for the third beat, Adrian bsing withdrawn.' . Third race One and one-eighth muos, vuince won ny four lengths: Etoise, seoond; Blue Stone, third. Time, Fourth race One and one-fourth miles: Philip S won bv a leno-ta: Mvrtla. seoond; Harefoot, third. ' Time, 2:11. , Murdered for Money. Denver, May 19.-An Omaha special to the Republican says: .Early this morning tbe "body of a dead man was found lying near the Union Pad fio track, in the southwestern outskirts of tne cuy. i or several feet around the body the ground was soaked with blood. An examination of tha nrtrnaa showed that the man evidently had been tuuruereu. mo one anew tne aeoeased positively, but it is supposed he was a German and that his name was Ruple, as an Omaha Sayings bank book, with that name on it was found in bis pocket. He was 96 year old and had lived in Omaha for about two years. Bavae Detroit. May 19. Ball. -Detroit, 7; Phila- delphia. 3. St. Louis. Mav 19. Boston. Rt Louia, 9. Chicago, May 19. Washington, 6; Cbioago, 9. Philadelphia, May 19. Louisville, 8; Athletics, 6. New York, May 19.-St. Louis, 7; Brooklyn, 4. ' New York. May 19. Metropolitans, 4; Pittsburg, 6. Baltimore, May 19. Cincinnati, 6: Baltimore, 11. J,'! . : I t . . Consrees. , Washington, May 19. In the bouse today the time was spent principally in "blasting" th Papifio Mail Steamship subsidy scheme, and tbe usual rot in tbe shape of speeoh making was indul ged in by various members who daily pose before the oountry aa tbe watch dog of th treasury, upholders of the American workingman, etc., in order to catch votes, and never consider tbe necessities of the business interest of oountry. Of course adjournment oame before' any businesa was trans acted. . j s t ' Land Slide oa the Santa Fe. ' Baton, May 10. A he avy landslide at tbe east end of tbe Baton tunnel de layed train 101 seven hour iaat night, passengers and beegago being trans ferred to tbe south bound train. A large force of men are at work repairing tbe damage. r : , - A Lockout Ended. - New York, May 18. Twenty-one firms, composing th Newark Furniture Manufacturer association, who looked out their workmen on the 1st Inst.," de cided to end tbe lookout today and not. I ifitd their men to return to work. ROSS INTERVIEWED. The Confirmation of all Federal ." f Appoint! Insured. '" . . i. ' Tata Be.Appertlenaaeat BUI Almost areThlmg, 'Having been rayar ble Befarte I pea. I, i i ' i: . : . tpeclal Ta Gasittb. , , Baton. New Mexioo. May 19, 1886. A reporter of The Gazette met Gov? ernor Rosa at Raton tonight, on hia ar rival in this oily, and interviewed .him oa ths various subjects in which tbe people of the territory . are interested and of wbioh the governor has full knowledge, tie is looking well and of oonrse in a most happy frame of mind resulting from the complete victory he ha gained over tbe crowd whloh ha to presUtentlv and bitterly fought his con firmation as governor. Governor Ross said to The Gazette reporter: "I now propose to go to work forthetenetit of the territory. I have triends to reward, bul no enemies to punish." The governor ia positive that all tbe nominees to tne territorial offices will be con fir met). He said the right on General Julian is weakening and bis and1 all otber confirmation are aoou to fottow. While in kVasbiogton the governor want before tbe committee on terntoi ie and bad a free and frank conversa tion. . He aaid be bad came to face whatever chargt might have oonie in, and ask that a prompt aettlemenl ot bis case be made. He aked no man to voto for bis confirmation, but simply Wanted his case settled. Within fifteen minutes after leaving the room the com mittee voted a favorable report for bis confirmation. Jbe governor's reason for remaining in Washington was to secure tbe oon firmntiou of tbe entire list of federal ap pointees for the territory, and he was glad to say that every man will be con firmed within a reasonable time. The governor says the president and cabi net take great interest in New Mexico, and all exprés themselves well satis-fled- with tbe course things are taking here. The confirmation strengthens the governor and he says be will now be able to aooomplish much good woork that he was unwilling to undertake be fore -The governor's idea of reapportion ment is not for the purpose of changing majorities, but to base tbe representa tion strictly upon the population of tbe territory. No changes are to be made . exoept wbere demanded in justice to looali'lea now not having the renre seutation to which tbey are entitled. He j not confident of securing the tUo ptJaowotetor to t aape ot the bili are favorable. The terri torial committee ot the bouse, largely through tbe influence of Delogate Joaei u, have recommended tbe pas- -mi the measure. ,',. - Rosa at Katon. - 4jlTTE. ': .. social to Taav yemor Ross ar-Ran.M.,19.- Q d rived here at 13 o'olock . i;offl (j,a mat with a royal reoeption . - ud large numbers of strong adherents admirer he haa in this motion. On tha arrival of tbeguebernational party there was a magoioent aisplay of oreworks. and the Gate City band added to the loyousnesa of the occasion by their ex cellent music The governor waa pre sented to number of people, ana sev- nr . I . H H war. m.H. II r,t .t.l.k were complimentary on his confirma tion ana commendatory oi bis actions sinoe his appointment a governor. Tbe governor in a short addrena thank ed his friends for their demonstration ot friendship and support, and assured tbem that at no time for any action of nia snouia they nave oause te regret the confidence tbey had manifested in him. v ' ' - . Irish Methodists and Home Hole. Dublin, May 19. Mr. McKee, vice- president of the Irish Methodist confer enae, baa withdrawn the charge brought against Rey. Hughes of inciting to rup ture tbe Methodists by advocating nom rule, ixumerous letters are re ceived from Irish Methodists complain ing that the committee on privileges are persecuting tbe ministers who favor noma rule, debarring tnem irom apeak. ing in public ami that thia course seriously impairs tbe effectiveness of weir pulpit ministry. ' ' Aa American Abroad. Cokstantinople, May 19. United State Minister Cot today bad a three hours' interview with tbe sultan and presented to bis majesty tbe gifts sent by President Cleveland, embracing a thousand views of scenery in different parts of the United States, portraits of Gerónimo and other cele bra ted Indians, together with a lot of publlo docu ments in tbe shape of ceatua reports. His maiestv laid be had reoentlv or dered, tbe taking of the Turkish census and asked Mr. Jox to co-operate in the work by giving the benefit of his Amer ican experienoe. The sultan will give a grand banquet to Jjir. vox on tne win instant. ' Murder ia Denver. ; Denver, May 19.-Jam- Whitney, a street oar driver, while turning his oar at the end of th Broadway lin at 10:30 tonight,' wa abot through lb heart and instantly killed by an on known oerson. .The murderer escaped. The causo of the deed 1 supposed to have been for the purpose oi roonery. A New Grain Shipping Point, , Montreal. May 19. Over on mil lion bushels of grain are reported to be -..- fmm f'hin.irn tn Montreal, and OU lUUlrV -- ' tbe prospects for large grain shipments from tniS point is ragnrueu ne guvu.. The Maxwell TrlaL St. Louis. May 10. Tbe trial of Max well waa continued today, nod ft large ..nk nf wltnnaana warn examined. but no Important testimony waa pro liiimul farther than baa already been pnntea. - - - Tha Beasts. 1 Washington, May 19. The time of the senate waa taken up today In oon aldenng pension bills. Itaeemstobe the only objeot of many of tbe republi can senators to make political capital for themselves, and tbey are ountinu ally introducing and advocating suoh bills a tbe pension grab, knowing that if passed they will be defeated in the house or else vetoed by the president. Speaking ot the bills which are now under consideration the New York Times, (republican) says: ' Reckless, proM Igata d-magoxiam appears to be runntnr. wild In oona-resa. Senator Loaran, wbo lntrortuoed last week a pension bill wboae enactment would require tne expenditure of more than SOU millions, uaiiaed tbe senate to adopt a resolution yesterday asking the pen sion committee to report Senator lngalla' bill repealing- tbe arrears limit, which waa referred to that oommltteo laal December. Senator Blair la tbe moat prominent member of tbe committee, a ü It ia probable that he waa un willing; that tbe Ingulfs bill should stand In the way o I hla own meaeurea, formerly known as tbe Gulloin bill, which was favorably reported some weeks ago. The Logan resolution will probably canso the lngtlls bill te be favorably reported this week or next. The senate will then be well snpphed with pmjaeie (o pension i legislation. It nía received irom the house tbe Mexican pension bill (estimated expendi ture 744 millions), and Senator Logan's ocw , bill (estimated CKoendltute not less than euo millions) will be ottered aa an amendment. The Cullomblll lestinuued expenditure 60 mil lions a year) will pr jbafly beoSered as another amendment, and the repeal ot tbe arrears limit (estimated expenditure tS3ii millions) will be brought forward tn the same way . Tbe defoat of tbe lngalla arreara bill last year was due to ' the earnest opposition ot Senator Sherman, but he has slnoe ohaua-ed hia mind (since the prvaidonilal worm got in It) and in al! proba bility will vote lor the bill thia year. The fant that ihe nati in'a surplus was lets than $.18,000 001 last year acema to have been forgotten by certain senators waa ought to 'ear sucb things In nrcd , Attain la France. Paris. May 19. The goverbmant hat decided to introduce in the chamber of deputies a bill to dispose finally of th pretensions ot tbe Orleana prince. . THL RELATIONS BETWEEN GERMAN! AND PRANCE. , ' Baron De Courcel, the French em. basaador at Berlin, has arrived here to oonfer with the government on the relatione between Franoe and Ger many. It ia reported that these rela tions are at present strained. TBE PANAMA CANAL. : M. Rousseau, tbe delegate appointed by the government to inopeot the work on tbe Panama canal, haa submi-ted a report in wbioh be denies the correct ness of ibe canal oompany'a statement respecting its facilities for construction, the time when the oanal will be com pleted and the amount of money tftill required to aooomplish the work. M. Raibaut, tbe minister of public works, will Inform M. Da Lesseps and bis fel low directors that thay mutt reply to M. Rousseau's report, aa the govern ment cannot authorize tbe proposed la sue of lottery bonds until tbe position of the company is mad clear, BaltimdR. May" track nvy.!" VImiI va.., Eir t.hrAA-mar-nlri.4 and 1 : upward, tbr fourths mile; Strathspey woo hr triree tfgih, Reiste seoond, fare we tfd: t-u I 2f'. Seoond race Vernal sweepstakes for thiee-year-olds, . non-winning and maiden allowances, one mile; Rook and Rye won by a bead, Pasha seoond, Dry Monopole third ; time, 1 :47. I'hirJ race Claibourgh ;- memorial stakea for two-year-olds, one-halt mile; Youog Luke won by a bead, Paymaster -O0 1 Maggie HitoDcit mira; time, eeo. ' ... 0:5i.!;,r.h ceSeTlin- rwe, one mile; ruurth i. h alenirth, Went- Little Minnie t-eneid third; time, more second, r - i . , 1l5?t t d one-fourth miles, tifth race-One at. mmSmt winner's weight ten pounds bek s, ,wo lengths, penalties; Beraan won i . o.jg. Compensation second; tin. ' A Buncombe Besoluti, . . Uniiao Washington, May 19.-In tL touay a joins resolution was rei tina from tbe committee on iaws regula mi uieuuous proposing a uuuniituuui. amendment for providing for oreatinfc, I and denning the ornoe of aecona vice president ot tbe United States. It pro vides that m case ot the removal from office or thd death, resignation or con stitutional disability, both of tbe presi dent and vice president, tbe offtoe of president shall devovlo on tbe seoond vloe president of tbe United States, wbo ahall be voted for at tbe same time and in like manner and for tbe same term aa tbe president and vice president by tbe electors appointed by tha aeveral states. In case ot the removal ot the vice president from office, or hia death, resignation or constitutional disability or when tbe vice presiden texeroises the offioe of president ot the United States, the seoond vioe president shall be presi dent of the senate and be ahall also act as such in the absence of the vioe presi dent from the senate, but shall have no vote unless tbe senate be rqnally : di vided. ' DEALER IN ill, .j ; J ' J1 r.,v lifiif i - a m ' watch. Bridge St. Wesl Las Vegas. - Hoi oír arvanY onsoRXPTXosar. BaTrABLtSaBO 1880, J. J. FITZGERRELL, '' l xaivn Real Estate ' ' - -AND- Financial W for Capitalists, Con. Grand Ate. and Center Sr. Las Vegas, v . ; New Mexico. A SPROIACTV M AUK IN INVESTING AND LOANING. MONEY FOR EASTERN CAPI TALISTS, up whom i rave a Large LINE or OORHbSPoHDENTS. t hark UNUSUAL rAUILITiKS tor the IVKSl'KlA riON ofTU LKS andaTHOHOOUH KNOWLEDGE of Ihe PEOPLE, enabling me tosaake lNVKSTMBNlSof all kinds, suchas the purcbaae of RANCH, GRANT and CITY PROPKUTY, and making LOANS for CAPI TALISTS to bettor ADVANTAGE than they can for THEMSELVES. There Is a grand future before NEW MEX ICO.. Business la beginning to look up rap idly. Now Is the time to make lnveelmeata be fore prloea advanee too high - There has been a marked Improvement la REAL ESTATE during tbe past 60 daya, and there la no doubt tbe com Inn spring will wit ness a sharp advance tn REAL ESTATE, when those Who made Investments In property will reap a rich reward. Tne incoming tide of business lmproveveat a genu ine boom tbe oomlng year. Now la the time to Invest. "A hint to the wise Is sufficient." I HAVE FOR SALE one of tbe best paying well established manufacturing enterprises la tbe Territory, t an bo bought to an advantage. 1 HAVE FOR SALE one of the beat business corners In tbe eity , renting for 10 per eent oa tbe Investment 1 HAVE FOR SALE an elegant piece of resi dence property in an excellent neighborhood, that la paying 30 per cent on tbe Investment 1 have a bualnesa opening fot eiMMO to $10, 000 that ia absolutely safe, and will pay from to to K per oent on the Investment. TO RANCH AND CATTLE INVESTORS, I have a fine stocked ranoh for sale that will py a Ierre Interact on the investment. Come and see my list of grant, ranoh and cattle In rest menu before purchasing elsewhere. I HAVE the largest line of rents. Improved and unimproved property tor sals to be found In the city. KOtt BARGAINS of all kinds la REAL ES TATE oall on riTZGERRBLL, vou wiU And him alive to business Interests and courteous to all. Before Investing, eall and see him. FlUgerreU'a Guide lo New Mexioo. free to all Who will Advertise Novelties and Baxg-aine a eoon " . .. . ' ai Their, ne w ', Is' Complete OWN THIS SPACE. vyatoh It! THE BRERY SALOON Sixth sjtreet, Ea Proprietor. PHILIP NELSON. . head at- Five Fresh Ksg Bssr Csastaatly ea . Csnts psr Glass. Always on ;hand, (the oholoeat b "Tf1f 0l wines, liquors and elgara. ' , 'ion. Also, a drst-clasa lunch oountsr run la neouon by Emanuel Manca. I.' t.1 l.-t.'i Gold Watches, Diamonds, Silver Watches, Gold Chains, - . : - Bracelets, Pina and Sleeve Buttonss Pill ami sa j u ver wares r uigres jowoiry. ,":'' i --'C - .'ej: Repaying oí Fine Watches a I ," Speoialtv. ' " ' 7". ' '. ' -, 324 R. B, Are. East Las Vegas. . i -i . f: : ' i.- i