Newspaper Page Text
THE LAS VEGAS GAZETTE THURSDAY MORNING, MAY, ,27, 1886. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL TRADERS. Calvin Fisk's Real Estate, RENTAL AND lOAK AGENCY Office Sixth St., opposite postoffice. EAST LAS VEGAS. MONET TO LOAN ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY. HOUSES TO KENT Bn.lneu property, orlce f 6,800, lessee guar anteed for a year, at I60 per month. Heeldenoe property (or sale, price $1,000; pan 86 per ent on Investment. A few oboloe lot lor sale at reasonable ngures. . Business ehsnoos for sale. Don.t forget to oome and see us before mak In Investments. Calvin JP1&13L. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 27. BUSINESS ITEMS. Visit Evans1 Art and Cariosity Store, Vn tliA n i, i ii I i ii ii nr. i n LA aUb a m ii the most palatable mixed drinks, go to mo Areaue saiooo, nauroaa avenue. THREE FAIRS Of ladies' good cotton hose for 85 cento, worth elsewhere liS cents a pair, STERN'S "FAMOUS, Bridge Street, Wanted A servant eirhcood wages. no washing and ironing. Apply at the residence of Mrs. 1. Stern, on Bridge street. Spalding's League Base Balls, Bats, Hammocks, Croquet, Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Baby Buggies, Willow Chairs, etc., just received at The Bazar, Bridge Street WE HAVE No old or by fire damaged stock to work oft. Our goods are new, fresh and desira ble, yet our prices will 1e found lower than those of any other house. STERN'S "FAMOUS," Bridge Street, Leave orders for ice at Leon & Co.'s west side, ana wens, nargo uo.s oí flee on east side. Montezuma Ice Co. For straw hats in all the latest shnpes and colors for ladies, misses, gents, youths, boys, children and Infants, go to STERNS' "FAMOUS,' Bridge Street. Families can be supplied with porter, ale, beer, wines and fine champagne at McDonald's, in the Givens block, on Rndge street. Also Une brandies and '72 whiskies. ONE DOLLAR AND A QUARTER Is the price we sell the Levi Strauss & Co.'s California copper riveted overalls for, All sires in stock. STERN'S "FAMOUS," Bridge Street. Cherries, gooseberries, currants, ba nanas, oranges, all fresh and fine, aro re' eeived daily at Boffa's, on Bridge street. A full line of fruits kept constantly on band. Patronize this reliable and loDg established house. WE HAVE The most stylish and handsomest line of spring neckwear, gloves and gents' furnish Ing goods ever before shown in Las Vegas, We make attractive prices, and no charge for style or name. STERN'S "FAMOUS,1 Bridge Street. F. L. Strauss, the Plaza dry goods merchant, is just unpacking a new and beautiful stock, oi laions, Dausies, sat eens. percales, emboroided dresses. laces and white goods, which be offers at very low prices. BARGAINS. In gents' French Balbriggan .under wear, gents' fine hosiery, gents' night shirts, gents' white and colored shirts, at exceedingly low prices. Inspection In vlted. STERN'S "FAMOUS," Bridge Street. "EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. The following letter Is self-explanatory Godfrey, 111., May 17, We do hereby give to Messrs. Graff A Hawkins the exclusive right of all sales on our Godfrey creamery butter In Las Vegas, New Mexico. WHITMORE DISBROW, Proprietors, WAR I WAR! WAR I On High Prices. Our new spring stock of men's, youths' and boys' clothing Is In, and in buying of us you will get a garment which fits you, is well made, looks well, is durable, and suits your pocketbook. Please look at our stock, STERN'S "FAMOUS," Bridge Street, Mrs. Juan B. Vanr was buried yes tardav at 9 o'clock from the parish church of Saint Gertrude of Mora. The deceased was 42 years of age, and the wife of a leading citizen ol Mora county. Telephone 39. Beta & Wilson's DA1XY BULLETI. Lawrence STRAWBERRIES Ox Heart CHERRIES Full line of Vegetables. TEMPTING TITBITS. Served in Style to Suit the Intel lectual Appetite. Keep Oft the rasa A Ptsree far Prltcbard Cyprians te Seek Other Catea-Ana Many Morsels ai Inter estlng natter Gathered hy The Gaxclte Uosalp. The Demi-Monde Must Go. A raid was made yesterday upon the houses of disreputable character on Zion'a bill. This name Is given to a considerable scope of the oity, lying on the western verge of the mesa on which the new town ts largely built. But the part complained of ilea along Main street. At present this street ia the main artery through which commerce flows from one side cf the city to the other. The fact that such rookeries have been permitted on such a street, has long been a disgrace to Las Vegas. Around it in all directions lie many of the most desirable private residences. yet the people living in these residences nave been compelled at all Hours of toe day to have scenes and acts of profli gacy flaunted in their faces. At night .i . , r . , .i . j . . . - iue vyo is suioiuuu firuni wunestiing these things, but the ear more than compensates by what it is made to hear; scarcely a carousal startles tbe people from tbelr slumbers but it may be trac ed to or from this praticular quarter. me reputable people wiu stand it no longor. xesteraay a raid was maae upon the houses, and the fallen women were brouzbt before Justice uiibarri, They were told that they would be pro secuted to the full extent of the law so long as remaining in that neighborhood, ana tney promised to vacate before oiubt. But what will be the good of their going if the houses are tented again to the same class of people in a week or twof Here lies a large part ol the evil. lbose wbo own or have tbe manage ment ol tbis property sboulu refuse to rent it to suoh characters. If they do so ront it, they should be prosecuted for committing a nuisance upon tbe com muoity; and if there is no law under which the owners and managers can be held responsible, than let it be seen tbat our next legislature makes such a law. What to do with the "social evil" is problem tbe most civilized nations have not solved. But whether it is a licensed traflio. as in France.or one msre'v wink ed at, as in tbe United Stales, no where is it permitted to piuut itself upon the most . frequented through fares And brazenly thrust it self into tbe taces of respectable tann ines if nothing else can be done, let that property on Main street be oon demned by the process ot law. and be pulled down; and if the Cyprians are a necessary eyu, let tnem me themselves to some of the out-of-the-way places in our city, where thrr will no longer be a standing menace to the purity of our boys and girls. Among those called before the court. yesterday, one case stands upon grounds different from those in the oases of the unfortunate women already referred to. it Is the mistress of the white house. She owns her own prop erty and cannot be required to vaoate it; yet she is charged with living there within a stone's throw of the residences of many ol our best citizens, in open ana shameless profligacy with a man to whom she makes no pretence of ever having been married, ibis case has eiven trouble several times before, and tbe supposition now is tbat it will be pushed for all there is in it. The peo ple are aroused, and now tbat they have undertaken to clean out this Augean stable, tbe probabilities are tho work will be done thoroughly, and to such an extent as not to require being none again soon. Governor Ross has written a letter to one of our leading citizens, saying that he will be in Las Vegas in about two weeks to spend several days. Some very fine telegraph poles came into tbe city yesterday from tne moun tains. They would haye done no dis credit to tbe forests of Maine. Dr. Murray, former proprietor of tha City drug store, who sold some time since to N. B. Howard, yesterday took posecsion fi tne swe again under an atiacbmem suit. Dr. Gordon will open an office in a lew a ays in tbe room under tbe north west corner of the new onera house. The doctor is an agreeable acquisition sjuur uuiumuuiiy. H. Geist, the popular Bridge street undertaker, was given in charge tbe preparations for shipment of the bodies ol tbe three invalids wbo died on Tuos day. The remains will be sent east as soon as they can be properly prepared Tom Swaringer's cases were yester day tried oetore Justice Steele, but be seemed to be as bard of heart as Jus tice Uiibarri; so tbe fellow got four months more in jail, making ten in all, It would be a good idea to keep him there lorever. Geo. M. Day, whose address is Liberty, New Mexico, has been ap pointed deputy inspector under tbe Quarantine law by a. S. Mendenhall, Parties bringing in cattle subject to in spection will hereafter, notify Mr. Day Buuurumg u law. A crossing has been made at tbe foot o i rriuoe street, aoross tbe Gallinas. which will answer till the iron bridge it built. This will be finished as soon as possible. In the meantime, tbe cross ing which bat been made renders the opening of the street eihcient. Grading was progressing yesterday on tne street immediately westoi tbe new opera bouse. Ten days more will see tbis building oompleted except the painting of tbe interior, and ten adai tionaldavs will finish the last touches The scenery will haye been oompleted by tbat time, and then tbe noblest histrionic edifice betweon Kansas City, Denver and San Franoisoo, will be ready for the nse of the public Broom corn is a crop well adapted to New Mexico. It stands drought, re quires but a short season, is easily handled, and can be maoafactured at a slight expense for machinery upon tbe farm where it is raised. Almost any one can make brooms, by giving the subject a little attention, Tbe orop is a heavy one to the acre, and this year readily sells in the states for $200 to 1240 per ton, leaving the seed and fod' der with the farmer as food for his stock. Miss Clara Hyatt, who kept the little notion store on Sixth street, died yes terday a few moments before ten o'clock. She bad been in our city for a few months only, but because of her sad affliction many bad formed a warm attachment for her. Her disease was spine trouble which kept her con fined to her couch most of the time. Her death was a happy release to her, but a sad affliction to her friends. The remains wilt be kept for transportation to the east until friends there are heard from. The men wbo were to be tried yester day for rioting, pleaded guilty and were fined 15 and costs, In addition to tbe floe imposed on Monday. 'They should be thoroughly humiliated and hearti ly ashamed of themselves. No doubt is will teach tnim a lesson it they are not thoroughly bad, ana their conduct was tbe result of folly more toan vioiousness. wniskey and a de sire to outdo the new police, were doubt less at the bottom of the whole tbing. oat such only adds to tbe beinousness of their offence rather than paleates it. The citizens, particularly of the east side, have made up a purse for presen tation to Col. Pntchard. It is Intended not so much as a feo for his legal ser vioes in prosecuting the recent violators of law and order, as for a token of ap proval of tbe people lor (be stand he has taken in tbis matter as a citizen. The people make a place, and all citi zens are interested in th good name and orderly conduct of their town . it is every man's business to aid in en forcing the law, and in bringing evil doars to punishment. The time was when Las vegas was like other wild western villages tbe rough and law less elements predominated. That time has passed. A majority of our people are quiet and law-abiding, and they intend that others shall be alsu. there is no need oi vigilant oommuiees it the people are only united to see the laws executed. Tbe plaza park is-pubho orouertv. but this does not give anv one tbe ritrlu to injure or deface iU It is for tbe pub lic euioyment and not lor any private gratification. Then, too, there is the same redress for trespass on public domain as for trespasses upon private rights, ibis muon is suggested to those who are in tbe habit of passing through this park early in tbe morning or late in the evening, trampling on the grass and - breaking the shrubbery. lbev are being watched, and' some hue day they will bnd themselves severely punished, i he plaza park is a thing of beauty and may be a joy forever. It I can afford an amount of pleasure to our people wbiob, taken in tbe aggregate, is beyond the possibility of computa tion. Why, then, any should be van dal enough to injure it in any manner, shape or form, can be aocounted tor in no other way but on the Darwinian theory of man's close kinship to the an imals. Decoration Day Notice. Having accepted tbe position of mar shal for the parade on Decoration day, and having appointed Captains Blake, Buckley, Dr. Skipwitb, M. Salazar and K. A. Knickerbocker as my assistants, I hereby most cordially invite all the so cieties, organizations, brotherhoods and associations of Las Vegas, regard les of religious or politioal creeds, and includ ing confederates as well as unionists, to be preient and take part in the same, and in all cases in which it is possible, it is desirable that the different organizations shall appear in uniform. Place of ren dosvous, order of parade, list of speak ers, and other particulars, will i be an nounced hereafter. J. 1. uhatson, Marshal of the parade. Quick Delivery Of 1,800 Head of l's, ', S's and 4V-Steers, Now at Springer, N. M. The above herd of steers, 1-2 to 8-4 breeds and line in every particular, will clan with northern New Mexico cattle. $15 SO to $27.00 per head. Can ship at once. Come and see tbem before you put up a dollar, and if they suit buy them. Terms, spot cash and spot delivery. Now is the time to bay your early herd and get tbem on the range in good season. Telegrams will reach principals if addressed to Spbinokb Mercantile & Banking Co. Springer, New Mexico. The Latest Styles of Lawns, Buntings, Dress Goods And a Full Line of WHITE GOODS Just received Also a fine line of Laces, Embroideries and Allover Laces and Embroideries. Call and eaamine ear new stock at vxj uooas. N. L. Rosenthal & Sons HMD'S is the Carpetings, Matting, Hogs, Upholstery -Goods, ALSO Lace, Scrim. Raw Silk and Plush . Would also call attention to a will be sold CHEAP TO CLOSE. When in want of anything in Dry Furniture and Bedding, Don't PEKSONAL. liens Concerning People ana Their Doings., Lucille, tbe little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Stoneroad,ts dangerously ill with gastritis. Mr. Fred A. Reynolds, a successful business man from Colorado, came down last evening to visit his mother and brothers. E. if Wilcox, manager of the Calkins Cattle company at i'urt Sumner, ia in town on business. He reports the country tearfully dry. John Dold and Charley Rathbun re turned from tbe Juan de Diosranoh today, where they have been on a tour of inspection of the property, - Robert C. Temple, cattleman ot Fort Sumner, who has been taking the baths at tbe Springs for some weeks, baa been very much relieved of bis rheumatism. C. C. Hall, the agreeable young drum mer of St. Louis, has always been known for his sobriety, but recently more than ever he has taken vows against tackling the bottle. J. E. McAllister has resigned his posi tion as foreman of the Lee-Scott Cattle Co., in the Panhandle, and Sheriff James East, of Tascóse, has been ap pointed to tbe position. Mr. MoAllis- ter will give his entire time to the man agement ot his private interests. Mr. Frank Wallace, who was for some time a resident ot Las Vegas, but went to Kansas City last year, is acting as agent for Hunter, Evans & Co., live stuck commission merchants, and oper ates through Texas and southern new Mexico uud Arizona. Harry K. Cbamberlin has been heard from. He is comfortably located and doing wtll at San Diego, (Jalifoinia, where be has recently erected a nice residence, which It is reported will soon be traced by a Mrs. Chamberlain, and it is reported that the young lady who Is to luke tbe name will oome tiom Las Vegas. R 11. Knapp, Cedar Blufls, Nebraska leaves today for his home. He is so wel pleated with our country tbat be will send Mrs Knapp down here and if she is equally pleased, tbey will return ana make Las Vegas their future home, Mr. Knapp is uotooly a man of moans, but be is a practical farmer, and be sees greit (possibilities for our territory in that direction. John Fenderai. of Kooiads. was in theciiv vf terday; J. C. McNeil, editor end proprietor of tbe Watrous Times came down yesterday and returns to day; C. B. Zeek, representing Quintan, Montgomery & Co., live stock brokers. Kansas City, returned yesterday from Lincoln county; rank" nam nas gone south to be absent several days: Robert McConoel after an illness of several days, got out last night for the first time; James T. Newhall, Santa Fe; H. C. Campbell, Raton, and S. Sanders, Trinidad, were in the city yesterday. The ice cream festival at the Grand Army hall latt night, for the benefit of the Woman's Reliif corps, was in every way a success, the viands were am ple in Quantity and excellent in quality, and were enjoyed to the full by tbe large and appreciative crowd. The generous patronage extended to this enterprise was as it should be. The cause is deserving and the funds raised wil I be judiciously disposed oi. LADIES Will find the most complete new stock of dry;goods ever shown' In Las Vegas, at our store. We advertise no Impossibilities, but will give you the benefit in low prices. Bargains lu new French sateens, new style dress ginghams, batistes, crinkled seersuok- I, linen lawns, all-over enbrolderles, lawns, etc., etc. The most complete stock of parasols and gloves. STEKN'S "FAMOUS," Bridge Street, Equal to the Fine Imported. THtiJ "fllLSSON," Is the next size to our "Gerster" and is composed of selected imported wrap pers and choicest Vuelta Abajo tiller with Soanish workmanship. (Un open. iner these aicars smokers will find the filler nicely booked and rolled up in binder stvle.l The only place they can be obtained in Las Vegas is at Cbris Bellman's LiluD saioon. T. B. MILLS, ' DIALÍB IK Mines, Real Estate LIVE STOCK, - IMPJttOYKP RANCHES, 3Uioeon Bridge Street, near Pcato'iBoe, Las Vegas, New Mexico. : All kinds oft erritorlal and county bonds and wsrrsnls bought and sold, and a) I kinds of land sorlp bought and sold which will locate sll classes ot government land, fifty im proved and unimproved ranches for sal In New Mexico and the Republic ol Mexico, em bracing traois from 25,UuO to "1,000,000 acres each at from twenty cents to na dollar oer acre. Title perfect. Full luf ormatlon sent upon application. Having- kvusltiess oonnestlnn with attorneys at Waehtnarton. D. C, we are prepared te give particular attention to prose ting claims of every description against tbe United States government. Co.leoUona made In anv oart of the XerrUorv. Place to See a New Stock of lot of cpeao Wall Papers which Goods, Forget THE CITY SHOE STORE! TSTO. 17 Center tiro ox. mm Bilis i Pop Prices C. H. SPORLEDER, NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY, JTJSO? ENCHIVE Ladles' Doñeóla Kid Button. Ladle' French Kid Button. Ladies' Fine American Kid Button Misses Fine American Button. In B, O, D, and B wldtbs. Also, a Good Assortment of Boys' Shoes. Tbe above goods made to order .exprasdy far my trade, warranted In every respect. Ladles who desire a First-class Shoe Dressing will find the same in getting the Almond polista. Contains Oil, and will prove superior to all others for Lalles' Fins SHom. CHAS. H. SP0RLEDEU, Sole Agent. FIRE ! $50 Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, GAPS, BOOTS ANI3 BHOXI0, REGARDLESS OF COST! Call Early and Secure Bargains. The CLOTHING HOUSE. Ward Block, Cppoolto Depot, East Lao Vegas. W. F. GOORS. GOORS BROTHERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In . House Furnishing Goods, Carpeta. Oil Cloths, Mattings, Etc Hardware, Sboiums Rifles Pistols Sporting Goods, Ranges, Cook and Heating Stoves, Grates, Lumber Lath, Shingles, Doors and Blinds. ALSO CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. LAS VEGAS : . i : : i ' : NEW MEXICO. Tony's Bath Rooms. WW PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Las Vegas Roller Mills Flour i. XiE10r o CO.'S, MAjrcyACTUREH Of SODA AND MINERAL WATERS. Lai Vetras, , . New Mexico. THOMAS SIKE, Dealer in Fruits of all Kinds OBNTBB BTBEET. 0N8 DOOB EAST OF SPOBLEDBB'S BHOl STOBB. FIRE! iolden lule HENRY O. COORS. r "Street' S-fttW!" near ?- m m Gazette Office. il Í