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THE IAS VEGAS GAZETTE SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 80,, 1888. HEADQUARTERS FOB ALL TRADERS. Calvin Fisk's Heal Estate, RENTAL USD lOM Office Sixth St., opposite postoftice, EAST LAS VEGAS. MONEY TO LOAN ON OOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY. HOUSES TO RENT rOH. BAIiIll Baal nasa property, nrtoe t,900, lessee guar anteed tore rear, et ifu per monta. Keeldenoe property for sala, prloe $1,000 ere 26 ser eiton Investment. A few óbolo lou lor sale at reasonable ña-aree. Buatness ehanoee for sale. DoD,t forget to come and see oa before making- inrestmente. Calvin UTTLsUl. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 30. BUSINESS ITEMS. Visit Evans' Art and Curiosity Store, Wanted A cook and aure girl. Ap ply to Mrs, 1. H. Lawrence. Wanted A waiter at the Snug res tsurauL Apply immediately. Flower pots can be bad at Pat Young1 Col tor street grocery dirt cneap. For the purest liaaors in the cltv and the most palatable mixed drinks, go to the Arcade saloon, Kaiiroaa avenue. Go at once to Sloan & Weil's and buy some oi inht nice way ivansas Ducter, by tne pail at lCjo or larger lots at 15c per pound. The finest ice cream in the city is to bo had at the parlors of Mesdames Bromagen & Wilson, next door to the Farmers hotel. Leave orders for ice at Leon & Co.'e west side, and Wells, largo & Co.'s of flee on east side. Montezuma Ice Co. Families can be supplied with porter, ale, beer, wines and fine champagne at McDonald s, in the uivens block, on Rridge street. Also line brandies and '72 whiskies. Three little maids from school are we, Filled to the brim with girlish glee; The cause of our Joy is plainly seen. Our mothers own a "White Ma- chine." The ladies relief society will meet at Mrs. Malboeuf's Tuesday, June 1, 1880 A full attendance is urged as arrange. ments tor the lecture by Colonel Scott will be made. Families desiring: pies, cakns and homemade bread can have their orders hlled by leaving tbem the evening be fore at the ice oteam parlors of Mes dames Bromagem. & Wilson. The ladies of the relief sooiety have obtained the consent of Colonel Scott to deliver a lecture for the benefit of the sooiety next Thursday evening, June 3d, at the Baptist church. Cherries, gooseberries, currants, ba nanas, oranges, all fresh and line, are re' ceived daily at Boffa's, on Bridge street, A lull line oi truita kept constantly on hand. Patronize this reliable and long estaoiisnea nouse. P. L. Strauss, the Plaza dry goods merchant, is just unpacking a new and beautiful stock of laions, batistes, sat. eens, peroales, eraboroided dresses laces and white goods, which be offers at yery low prioee. W. H. Wjmsn is agent for the Victor, the W Dealer Wilson, the UMcac Singer, the long arm genuine Singer, and the White, the king of all sewin machines. He also keeps constantly in stock attachments for all the sewing maomnt s made. An entertainment will be given by the cunaren oi toe mnaergarten school mi der the supervisión of Miss Clara tier- langer, on Monday evening, May Slat, at the Las Vegas academy. Admission B6 cents. The fan drill will be a spe cial feature of the entertainment. Notice of Kound-Up. Owing to the poor condition of cattle through lack of water and grata, the round-up of the Bell range is put off until such time as cattle shall be In con dition to be worked, when notice will be given. M. M.attbrv, General Manager. Eqaal ta tbe fine Imported. THE "AILfiSON,'' Is the next size to our "Gerster" and is composed of selected imported wrap, pers and choicest Vuelta Abajo tiller with Spanish workmanship. (On open. ing these cigars smokers will find the nner nioeiy booked and rolled up in binder style.) The only place they can be obtained in Las Vegas is at Chris Sellman's Club saloon. Telephone 30. sons DAILY BULLETIV. Fresh Blue Grass and White Clover Seed STRAWBERRIES ' . . Every Day Belden iiiii V SEEN AND HEARD, Or the Flotsam Gathered From the Sea of Daily Life. Fad-tain far tne mama-Base Ball -Charca Astaaaaeeaeaats - Aaa Other matter at minar Moment Mailable far Snaaay Beating-. As Monday is a legal holiday tiae oaoKS win oe cioseo. The post office will observe Sunday hours on Monday. Mail can be gotten only from v to iu a. m. St. Paul's Chapel Services at It m , and 7:45 p.m. with ten minute sermons by Dr. Crocs. The Blue Lodge of A. F. & A. M. will meet on Monday night; work in tbe E A. degree; tnree candidates. The thanks of The Gazette compo sing room are returned to Grayson a Co., for kind remembrances. Our banks are not receiving Canada silver coin at its face value, but are charging a discount of 20 per cent. The alarm of nre last night was caused by a alight blaze In tbe roof of Postmaster Lañadle s house in north' west Las Vegas, Tbe two boys who were up before Jus tice Ullbarri for breaking in tbe door of rhilapita Ledger s house were clear ed of all criminal intent The suit! for tbe railroad men have arrived from the east. Some of them weie on tbe street! last night in all their glory of new blue and braes. This afternoou there will be a match game of ball between The Gazette nine and a picked nine of city lads Tbe gams will be played at the usual place on the east side. A. M. E. Church Services will be held today at the ckating rink at 8 n. m., and 7: 80 p. m. Rev. Jas a. Hub bard, presiding elder, will ofiloiate. All ara cordially invited. The busiest scene witnessed by a Ga zette reporter for many a day, could have bneu seen last evening at the Golden Rule. The Lewis boys will wel' come the day oi rest. Rjbert. Hobson. of Carrolltun. Ills a nephew of Wm. Sowerby, who died this week at the Spring, is In the city making arrangements for the transpor tation of the body to bis former horn. Mr. Slattery, manager of the Bell ranch, gives notice that owing to the poor condition of cattle on that range, be does not wish any outfits to work over that range until further notice, is given. On Monday night a Kindergarten ex hibition will be given at tbe academy by Mías Gerlanger's infantile school. Ibis is something new in Las Vegas, and a hearty enconrngement is asked ot the public. J. J. Fitzgerrell has gone out to the ranch of tbe Pecos Park Cattle Co., in which he is interested. This company last week received an addition to their cattle of 800 head, and as rapidly as op portunity offers will make further ad ditions. FibstM. E. Church There will be services at M. E. church today as fol lows: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Memorial sermon at 11 a. m., and lec ture entitled: "The Locusts," in the symbols of Revelations, at 7:30 p. m. G. W. Hartman, Sao Miguel, was on Friday night presented by his wife with a fine ten-pound boy. The yoong gentleman begins his career as a citizen of Las Vegas and the Gazette wishes him a long, prosperous and useful life. U. W. Wyman has just re ceived a large invoice of the White sewing machines. . It is the most handsome piece of furniture in tbe way of a machine this reporter ever saw, and will nil the ladies with covet uousness. Let all see tbem before pur chasing elsewhere. Tbe Spanish Dramatio company will give another entertainment on Friday nigbt at Felix Papa's ball. The leading play, a drama, three acts, is called, The uamDiers family, xne scene is laid in Guadalajara, aud tbe author is a native of Mexico. This will be fol lowed by three oomio pieces. Tho nw water pipes have been laid in the southern part of the citv. and Monday tbe work of laying tbe mains win os begun in tne northern part, This will be good news to many fami lies, wno nerecoiore nave oeen com pelled to obtain their supplies of water by the barrel-lull from the water cart, First Congregational Church Services of tbe Congregational church in tbe ball. Wvman's block, at 11 a. in and 7:30 p. m. Subject in tbe morning, appropriate to Decoration Day, "Tbe Guodrigbt." In the evening, "John B. Gough." Sunday scbool at 9:45 a. m, ah are very cordially invited. Rev, C. B. Sumner will p rearm. We wonder if it was Senator 8. W, uorsey oeiore lie leit ior Europe, or Colonel J. W. Dwyer, atter a recent is sue oi ine aiocicman," who gave the new suit of clothes to Colonel, Justice ot tbe reace and üditor of "Tbe Stock man" Sturges, that he wore last evening as no passed mrougn our city. We merely wonder, that is all. Tbe Plaza botol has been turned over into tne possession ot tbe board of di. rectors. Mr. Kihlberg has been nlacnri in charge. The laundry room and the rear entranoes to tbe hotel itself, have all been olosed. For tbe present rooms will be let, but tbe main purpose will be to thoroughly overhaul, cleanse and repair tbe premises, and put it in order to db conducted as a nrst class hotel. Interesting reading will be found on the fiirst page of this issue. A letter has been intercepted from a Laa Vegas young lady to a confidential friend. In which some society matters are present! - .J . J m . . to iiuui iuib su uuiwiut ior wnion Burns sighed when be sang, "U wad some power the gif te gee us, to see our selves as others sea os." The Ga zette will endeavor to .intercept yet other productions of the same gifted pen. There is a project on foot to purchase a fountain for the Plaza park That it would be an attraction to this already most attractive place in our city, all mast admit. The sound of water flow ing over a pebbly bed, is one of the most soothing and refreshing which na ture knows, A fountain and grotto in the park would make it a place of poet lo dreaming, to which tbe tired trades man, the weary woman, the loitering lover eyery one, tin a word would ?;ladly resort for rest and mental re reshment. Let ns have it by all means; and, as it must be purchased by private contribution, it is to be hoped that those mast deeply Interested will be liberal in their donations. PERSONAL Item Concerning People anal Their saalaeje. i Miss Mary Dold leaves torEuropo this morning. Charles B. Gross came down from Fort Union last nigbt. A little' ohild of A. J. Mendenball's was taken suddenly ill last evening. W. J. McCaldin and wife, of Brook lyn, N . I., aca stopping at the Springs. A. H. Whetstone and Pat Boone leave tomorrow for Roewelt, baying disposed of their wool at satisfactory figures. Mrs. M. N. Wood, who for the past six months baa been visiting at Barre, Vermont, was welcomed home last evening by berf ami ly. Mr. Robert Swett and bis eon R. left this morning for their Chicago home. Tbey have been at tbe Springs ior tne past monto... , . A. G. Stitt, representing Wilson Broa, Chicago, was paying his respects yes terday to tne Lewis boys, the' sole agent of bis bouse in Las Vegas. Judge W. I). Lee, went south last nigbt to asiist in the patohiug up of the differences between tne republican fac tions in this territory. As a patober up of differences the judge's recent experi ence should make him a success. C. E. Tórrey, brother-in-law of J. S. Pisboo, is in the city. Mr. Torrey has large oattle interests in the Cherokee strip, Indian Territory, and is here for tbe purpose of visiting bis relatives, and will probably prospect for a ranch. Raymond Jenkins, manager ot the Waddingham Cattle association, re turned from the company's ranch today. He found tbe range in poor con dition from tbe long continuad absence of moisture, and cattle also in bad con dition. J. P. Gage and Matl Devine lelt to day for a trip to the ranch ot the latter. Mr. Gage is a wealthy oiticen of Clin ton, Iowa, and it is hoped may be in duced to invest here, after an investi gation of the numerous advantages this s. otion cf New Mexfco oilers ta in vestors. , - ; "?.. J. E. Saint, manager of tbeAcoma Land and Cattle company, Valencia county, is in the city. Tbe objeot of bis Visit is to purchase bones for use on bis range. Mr. Saint reports that bis sec tion furnishes no exoeption to the ex cessively dry condition which at present prevails throughout New Mexico, . ' J. G. Wilton. D. D., a celebrated divine, of Brooklyn, New York, came in last night with a party of friends and went out to tbe Springs to enjiy a Sunday's rest. It is evident that the doctor's oft repealed prayers to the Supreme Being t prosper tbe righteous bave been answered, as be now travels in a speoUl oar luxuriantly fur nished. Justice of the Peace and editor of tbe btjckmao Sturges, of Springer, passed through our city last evening, enroute for Saut Fe, where Warden Thos. P. Gable, of tbe "Fen," has in vited him. Col. Sturges was looking quite well and we are pleased to sec that he has laid by tbe white bat which he purchased of Jack Howell, who bid it in at the recent auction sale of the Frank R. Sberwln estate, to satis fy attachments -suits in fnyu-of tbe First National bank of Santa Fe and tbe Bpringer Mercantile & Banking Co., of Springer. In justice ti Mr. Sturges we would add, that we under stand that he has a perfect privilege to leave the "Pen" as soon as he desires, as there is nothing compulsory about bis visit. Tbe Latest Styles of Lawns, : Dress Goods And a Full Line of WHITE GOODS -' . .'".- a' .'. . Just received A lso a flue line of Laces, Embroideries and Allover Laces and Embroideries. - Call and examine aar new stock of atry woaae. N. L. Rosenthal & Sons PARLOR BARBER SHOP. O. L. GREGORY, Proprietor. Center Street, East Las Vegas. IMP'S Is Buntings, Cafpetings ALSO CURTAINS Lace, Scrim. Raw Silk and Plush Would also call attention to a will CHEAP TO CLOSE. 5 v When in want of anything in Dry Furniture and Bedding, Don't Bat and Ball. The following base ball nines have been organized at tbe commission bouses, and will soon give our citizens some first-class amusement. They are a'ready in training, and about a week from today will make their debut be fore the admiring public: G. B. & Co.'s Nine. C. Murphy, o.; E. Uros, p.; A. Douglass, 2b. W. Bishop, lb.; E. S Gannet, 8b.; W. Erickson, as.; P. McFarland, If.; C. Robbins. cf. : G. Eriokton. rf. - B. & M. Co.'s Nine. B. Wooeter, o ; M. Walsh, p.: K. Browne. 2b.; A Robertson, lb.; C. Gise. ss.;JS. Betry, 8b., J. C. Flournoy, cf.; W. Ray, If.; M.Walker, rf. R. H, COLLINS, Contractor and Builder All work done with neatnasa and dlspatoh, satiaraction i-uatanteeu in every reipooi PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A SPÍCIALTT. SHOP ON JUINUOLN AVENUE First door woat of G. A. B. Hall. The Snug. ' Bridge St., ftt Dor t Depat. Í FIRST-CLASS JIEMBUT MFALS OR L11.1CH AT ALL HOURS. OYSTERS AND ALL DELICACIES of tbe season served on short notice. J. BI N OLE, Proprietor . If you wint an elejrnnt moat or lunch, patronize THE SISTXJCSr-. THE BREWERY SALOON Sixth (Street, East I.aa Vegas. PHILIP NELSON, Proprietor. Kreth Kef Beer rsastaatlr fcana at Fire líenla prr Qlaas. Always oa hand, the choicest brands of wines, liquors and elg-ars. Also, a llrst-ela'a Itinck counter run la can section by avmauiMi Manca. H. W. WYMAN, The Jeweler. Watches and Clocks Repaired. CENTER STREET NEW PHOTO OAILERY ART and CURIOSITY STORE Views of las Vegas and vicinity. Frames made to order. Indian Pottery and Blanket and other Naure curiosities. 8 Railroad Ave.. Opera Bouse Block. LAS VEUAS, . ' . NEW MEXICO McQUAID & LAMARR, Contractors and Builders ESTIMATB1 GIVBN ON PLANS. FORMiTcaa Unioi.rriBBD; axd Bixaibkd, AT SO GENERAL JOBIIKti. All wort aoatly done and satisfaction gnu anteea. - .ail unci sue us. Saopsl&X Orand Avenue. East Laa Vests FRANK LE DUC, Piactical Tailor- and Cutter, A Choice Selection of Suitings, Coat ings and Pantaloonings. Always Guarantee Satisfaction. West Brldgo Street. Las Veeat, New Mexico. the Place to See a New Stock of Mattings Rugs, Upholstery Goods, lot of cpeap be sold Wall Papers 'which Goods, Forget LFELD S THE CITY SHOE STORE! NO. '"177 Center Street. lisa C. H. SPORLEDER, NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. vTCTST Ladlea' Dormolá Kid Button. Ladlea' French Kid Button. - LadlaV Fin Amerioan Kid Button, Mlssee Fine American Button. In B,"C, D, and B widths. ' Also, a Good Assortment of Boys' Shoes.; The above goods made to order eipreaily respect. Ladlea wno oesire a nrat-ciasi snoe Dressing will nan tne same in getting the Almond Polish. Contains Oil, aud will prove superior to ail othars for L lies' finé Shoes. CHAS. H. SPORLEDER, Sole Agent. FIRE! $50000 Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, O.A.X0, BOOTS ANB SBOB0, .... ., REGARDLESS OF COST I Call Early and The ÉIÉ1 CLOTHING HOUSE. ' ' Ward Block, Cppoalta Depot, East Las Vegas. W. T. OOORS. COORS BROTHERS, ' ' Wholesale and Retail Sealers In House Fomiabin (roods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Jtattinirs, Etc. Sporting Goods, Ranges, Cook and Heating Stoves, Orates, Lumber Lath, Shingles, Doors - and Blinds, ALSO CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. LAS VEGAS Tony's Bath Rooms. ,1.. Li Bridge PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY A.TSTX3 Las Vegas Roller Mills Flour CHRIS. yKTXIIl3rJlJSrD, MAMUfAOTtlBKH 01 SODA AND MINERAL Las Veeas, THOMAS Sites, Dealer in Friiiis of all Kinds CENTBB STBEKT, ONI DOOB EAST OV SPOELKDKE'B BH01 8T0BB. . PoDnlar Prices OSIVE v X : - 1 '.for my trade, warraatas In everr J - EIRE ! Secure Bargains. Bl HENRY G. COOKS. NEW MEXICO. , V uar Street near Gazette Office. 3T7V WATERS. New Mexico.